.‘aonomomomomooQOflcm ll:=:o::xox=:==o|=1 Continues to maintain their usual prices on their Full Course Meals, without reduc- ing the portions. Steaks and chicken their specialty, also Salads and others to choose from. Do You Need a Bathroom or a Hot Water Heating System? We can install complete units with guaranteed work under a time payment plan. The down payment is only 10% and the terms are easy, spread over a period up to two years. Richmond Hiil Plumbing 81 Heating Phone 12 Cities Service Garage 2 Arnold St. Also Expert Repairing Done on All General Motors Cars and Trucks. See us for Tires, Mufflers, Tail Pipes, Exhaust Pipes and Accessories CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS ' Essotane Gas Service, Imperial Oil Limited 56 hurch Street, Toronto 2, Ontario Yes, I would like to know more about Esmtana Please send me, without charge or obligation, your FREE, 8-page illustrated booklet which tells all about this new gas service. MY lyAME (Please prinI) ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER Richmond Hill Taxi mw‘you T00 can cook wiTh TORONTO CARLETON PLACE VGAS WA. 3761 GED-M 82 Yonge Street M3913 Villa GENERAL MOTORS PARTS TRY OUR PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE. R. E. B. Haughton TELEPHONE 300 Open every day till 7230 p.m. MEL. MALTBY Phone Richmond Hill 296W MAPLE, ONT. DESlGNED FOR USE WITH ouomono==i U - f 52mm: 9‘ HM? Ex-Servicemen P.0. Box 119 Richmond Hill MAPLE Maple 97 Miss Margaret Ridrdell has been honored with shower parties this week prior to her marriage to Mr. W. W. (Jack) Wood, Aurora, on September 18. The staï¬' of Bar- ringtcn &; Son, Toronto, where she has been employed for some time made a suitable presentation on Monday evening. On Tuesday even- ing a miscellaneous shower was held at the home of her brother, Bob Ridâ€" dell, and many lovely gifts were pre- sented. Congratulations to Ian E. Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Scott, who has been awarded the King- Town- ship scholarship of $200 given an- nually to the resident student of King township attending Aurora high school, and attaining the high- est standing. Ian has also won the Domn\iion Provincial scholarship of $400. He will attend Victoria Col- lege for Commerce and Finance course. A King township bursary of 3100 has been awardedi Archie Mc- vCallum, Strange, a chum of Ian’s, also an Aurora high school student. He will enter University college for Commerce and Finance. He will enter University college for Commerce and Finance. Mrs. William Silk of Toronto spent Monday with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Scott, of King. Mr. and Mrs. James Tankard of Cleveland, Ohio, their daughter, Mrs. Robert Calkins and husband, and their son, Michael, aged 3, were vis- itors of Mrs. Tankiard’s brothers, Archie and Earl Campbell and of Mrs. B. Jackson a niece during last week. The party are staying at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Others of the Campbell families have also seen them during: their stay. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell, her sister, Mrs. Tom Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hollinshead were present at the grandstand performance of the C.N. E. last week. Like many others the party found the show very enjoyable. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Folliott and three grandchildren, Bruce, Ronald and Carolyn Parker, motored Mrs. Folliott’s sister, Mrs. Millicent Gil- hooly of Baltimore. Md., to visit old scenes at Balsover, on Sunday, Where the sisters were raised. They arrived in time for service at Balsover Presbyterian church where they had attended for several years. They were warmly welcom- ed by the minister, Rev. Mr. McLean, and found several old acquaintances who were glad to meet them again. They saw the graves of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Folliott buriedI in the churchyard cemetery. They held a picnic lunch at Kirkï¬eld visiting their cousin. Mrs. Margaret McPhail and a niece, Mrs. Gladys Dunn and daughter, Iris. A visit to the Folliott homestead farm which Mrs. Gilhooly has not seen for 43 years proved very reminiscent. They found delight in roaming through the farm house long sinCe changed hands. A recent owner is making extensive alterations to the house built 50 years ago Mrs. Ethel Edge of East Orange, New Jersey, is a guest at the home of her nephew, Mr. Bruce Hall and Mrs. Hall, and! is enjoying- her an- nual visit with her brother, Mr. V. A. Hall. Mrs. Edge motored here with Mr. Russel Templin, of East Orange, who is connected with the American Bell Telephone there, and his sister, Miss Alice Templin of Loveland, Ohio, who 'is principal of the high school there, teaching French and Latin. Also guests of the Halls, the Templins spent about a week in King. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hall motored through Meaford and Lions Head district for a few holidays recently while other visits took them to Kes- wiok and Oakview Beach, near Stay- ner. The 84th birthdlay for Mrs. Eliza- beth Gellatly fell on August 26, and on the following Saturday some 20 members of her family and family connections, at King, Toronto and Will'owdale joined her in a reunion Willowdale joined her in a reunion to celebrate the occasion at her home at King. 'Mrs. Gellatly received gifts, cards and congratulations from many friends, and King district offers congratulations and best wish- es for continued good] health. Mr, W. F. McDonald of King; at- tended the annual convention of postmasters held at North Bay last week. King W. I. Win C.N.E. Money King Women’s Institute. Branch gained second prize money of $45 at the C.N.E. entering a competition for Old Fashioned Clothes. This group was commended by judges for auth- enticity of cestumes. Twenty-one groups competed, all in the discom- fort of extreme heat and cramped dressing quarters. Mrs. Ivan Specht as an old lady wore a dress belong- ing to part of the wedding trousseau of the late Mrs. (Canon) Jarvis; Miss Doris Hollinsead, a bride of the ear- ly 1880’s; Mrs. A. E. Kelley repre- sented a id'ow of the early 1890’s. Miss Marjorie Jarvis, in a grey af- ternoon gown and Mrs. A. E. Jarvis King City District News in a black dinner dress. 'Original costumes depicting early C'an'ad‘ian life up to about 1'900 had been col- lected by Miss Jarvis and were suitâ€" ably modelled by her selection of W. I. members. Married Fifty Years Fifty years of happily married life was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. E1- ias Paton at their home in Pottage- ville, on September 5th. They were at home to more than 60 guests dur- ing the afternoon and evening. The couple, still young at 70 and 74 years of age respectively, received con- gratulations from a long list of friends over a wide district, and en- joyod acknowledgement from their many friends“ A wedding cake gra- ced the table and was cut by the bride. The Patons Were married at Aur‘ ora, the bride as Minnie Could}, the daughter of Alexander Gbuld and the groom the son of Thomas Paton‘ They settled at Pottageville where they were born and raised, and have since resided in the same house where 12 children were born, ten of whom are living. For about 13 years Mr. Paton was employed with the Schomberg radial line later by other employment fol- lowed by retirement about 6 years .Mr. Paton has been a member of Northview Oi‘ange lodge for more than 40 years, and both are assoc- iated with the Pottageville United church. As for Mrs. Paton her time has been fully occupied in the care of the family, who are now repaying her in devotion and admiration, and her 24 grandchildren and 11 great grand- children have the pleasure of know- ing her a very active and charming person. Their family are: Mrs. Ronald Armstrong, Toronto; MrsfHoward Wood, Schomberg; D. E. Paton (Del) of King; Mrs. Richard Williams, of King; Mrs. Charles Bunn, Newmark- et; Everton and Bill at home; Aub- rey of Bramptonf Howard Paton, Toronto; and Boyd of Pottageville. The couple enjoy family gather- ings and the theatre, for diversion. Mr. and Mrs. Paton have the best wishes of the township for many more years together. Auspicious Opening For Schomberé Church Large congregations more than ï¬lled Schombprg United church for its re-opening 03â€"September 12. At a cost of about $12,000 the ediï¬ce has been rpractically rebuilt on ac- commodating and modern lines, starting July of last year. Thevcor- ner stone was laid in May, 19-18. Funds have been raised by the con- gregation, and generous contribution of voluntary labor and building ex-‘ ecutive had substantially lowered the building cost, to a point where less than $2000 is still owing, though not for long, as a clean sweep to wipe out the debt is being; launched at once. The remodelled building is said to be presently worth around 815000. 100 Years’ History Second King Baptist church at Pottageville wrote off 100 years Of progress on Sunday, September 12, when Mr. Ward Cook related the his- tory of the founding and Rev. A. Ward, Toronto, former minister at Second King, 41 years ago, was an able preacher. The occasion marked re-opening of the church after exten- sive renovation and large congrega- tions were there both afternoon and evening. Very special music was provided. Rev Mr. Simalley is the present minister of the ï¬eld. RV. Mr. Smalley and wife attend- You can restore new-car pep in just one day by having us insrall a Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine in your Chrysler-built car or truck. Chrysler Method Remanu- factured engines are not ordinary “overhauled†or “rebuilt†engines. Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engines are diflerent. They are precision-built to rigid speciï¬cations laid down by Chrysler Engineers. Every Remanufactured OAK RIDGES, Phone King 4311 REPLACE THAT “WORN-OUT†ENGINE WITH A CHRYSLER METHO REMANIIFAGTIJHEIJ ENGINE evemn W. A. Visit Hospital Teston United W. A. paid a visit to Christie Street Hospital on Sept. 15, forty or more chartering Langâ€" don bus for the outing. Patients on one floor of the hospital were visited by the group and treated to cake, cookies and iceâ€"cream]. Afterward the association held picnic' lunch in the park, and arranged for business mat- ters connected with Teston anniver- sary being;r held 'in November. Mrs. E. Cooper is W. A. president. Baptismal Service Teston United church was ï¬lled to capacity on Sunda-y morning, Sep- tember 12, when the following- seven children were baptized by Rev. M. R. Jenkinson. Gayle Lorraine Round- ing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rounding“, Toronto; Janis Sue Rob- son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robson, Teston; Dorothy Anne Dice- man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Or- vill Diceman, Teston; Rena Bernice Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Hall, Teston; John Clifford Wayne Smylie, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Emylie, Toronto; Barbara El- sie Coutts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cowtts, TestOn and Diane Lorraine Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jackson, Teston. UNIONVILLE SEED EXHIBIT WINS PRIZE An exhibit of seeds entered by the Ulionville Junior Farmers under the sponsorship of Markham and East York Agricultural Society, was plac- ed third at the ONE. show last week. The seeds were championship win- ners at Markham Fair last year. ordination ceremonies at Century )tist church, Toronto, on Tuesday (Ontario County) And The C.C.F. CANDIDATE For York North Who will be elected in convention earlier in the same day. 9 pm. Sat., Sept. 18th Regtore Lost Pep! WILLIAMS, M.P. MASONIQ HALL Richmond Hill You are welcome. Don’f Regair . . . REPLACE! PUBLIC MEETING BOND LAKE GARAGE To Hear Arthur THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, September 16, 1948 {(WWWQ owwm O Installations, Alterations, Wiring 3 And Repairs 1‘ We service Radios, Washing Machines, 2 Motors, Refrigerators and All Electrical 3 Appliances. :90«moowwoowoouowwoowouowoomoomoooo 6‘ Engine gets a NEW’ crankshaft. All arts which do not meet engineering speciï¬cations are replace with Genuine Chrysler- engineered parts. Every Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine is tested on a dynamometer and is guaranteed to develop the same torque and horsepower as a new engine. Come in to-day and let us show you what is different about the CHRYSLER METHOD of Remanuiacturing engines. CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED OOOONOO¢OON N 0066000OOOOOOOOOOOWQONOOOOO00m“ WWWONNMWWWNM ON ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES INCLUDING 6 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill, phone 148 ELECTRIC MOTORS IRONS LAMPS OIL BURNERS RADIOS Ellesmere Rd. FLOWERS Maple, Ont. Floral Designs Service and Repairs Richmond Hill ELECTRICAL WIRING Phone 242 Your GENERAL ELECTRIC Store CUCUMBERS WANTED SUPPLIED and GUARANTEED EAVESTROUGHING; ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES TIN SMITH Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces FOR PICKLING FACTORY CALL Silva-dale Products Wholesale and Retail Florist B. W. MILLER by FERGUSON esigns Cut Flowers Bedding Plants Delivery Anywhere in North York PAUL DU BOIS YEREX ELECTRIC WE GROW OUR OWN Phone Zone 2-323 LIMITED RANGETTES RECORD PLAYERS .TOAS'I‘ERS VACUUM CLEANERS WASHING MACHINES Telephone 2 Telephone 5-] Agincourt