8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, September 16, 1948 MOOOOOM“OQOMOOOOOWMO“Mâ€O 0â€â€000006oé ANNIVERSARY COLD MEAT SUPPER Tuesday, September let, 6-8 p.m. Under the auspices of the W' A. Adults 50c, Children 25c CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Anniversary Services Sunday, September 19th GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. J. A. C. KELL of Thistletown, Former student minister (1924-6) 01’ Carrville Church. Special music by Mixed Quartet of Richmond Hill, Miss Rosalind Masters, Contralto, and the Kell Sisters The High Quality Light Lunches You have Enjoyed Before and Now in addition Full Course Meals Now Open For Business SUN-RAY £3 QAFETERIA Bettle’s Coffee Shop â€" and from where we will continue to serve your district with We are pleased to announce the new business location and Sussex Ave. at No. 7 Highway Langstaff Service ANNOUNCEMENT telephone number of LANGST AFF FEED SERVICE as: Segvices at 2.30 and 7.30 pm. â€" All welcome. In our new location, 102 Yonge St. feeds for farms, poultry, riding stables and kennels. It is our sincere desire to be of genuine service to you on the products we carry, and we hope time will give us the opportunity of ser- ving you to your satisfaction. SUSSEX AVENUE No. 7 HIGHWAY “We deliver riaht to your door.†(Rear Hobday’s Grocery) the famous AT RICHMOND HILL 471'11 'l‘lwrnhill United ('hurch News The W.M.S. of Thornhill United Church hold a ï¬ne meeting at the Parsonage Tuesday afternoon of this week. Speaker was Dr. Mortimer, a returned missionary from China. Mrs Helen Burke, soloist, sang a hymn cumposed by Dr. Mortimer. er apparently in good health, she had been caretaker of the Presbyterian Church here for 25 years and was employed by the day as well. She had reportd for work as usual on the morningr of the day she died. but be- came ill suddenly. Mrs. Hicks, at whose home she was, drove Miss Chapman to her livintz quarters in the Presbyterian Church where she lapsed into unconsciousness. Dr. R. W. Wesley was summoned, but Miss Chapman never regained conscious- ness ard died earlv in the evening. Born in Langstaï¬â€˜ the. eldest child of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Chapâ€" man. she lived in this district all her life. A life-lone member of Thornhill Presbyterian Churrh. she was also a member of the WA. and W.M.S. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. S. W. Hirtle at the Presbvterian (‘burch and interment took place in Thornhill Cemetery. Surviving are one sister. Mrs. Taylor (Katie) and one brother, Norman. Miss Ruth Hicks who is entering the United Church Deaconess Train- ing School was honored by the con- gregation at Thornhill last Sunday. Miss Hicks has been active in church life having served as organist, Sun- day School teacher, President of the Y.P.U. etc. Her work was highly commended by the Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent and a presentation made on behalf of the organizations by Miss Lois Davidson of a book “Christ and the Fine Arts†and a desk lamp. ration which wesnfhought to ha§le been quite succesful and from which she seemed to be recuperating nicely. Late Miss Irene C'haprnnn The death of Miss Irene Chapman Wednesday. Septembr 8, cam as a shock to this community.‘While neV- The death of Miss Georgina Coop- er occurred at Toronto Western Hos- pital last Thursday. September 9th where she succumbed to a recent: op- A member of Thornhill Presbvterian Church, she was also a member of Thornhill Women’s Institute. The funeral was from her home in Will- owdale with interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. Survi- ving‘ are one sister, Ida, and four bro- thers. John, Douglas, Nelson and Stanley. Thornhill District News IIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIII Telephone Manle 102 Residence 6213:! Bill-IIIIIIIIIIIHII HARR Y E. PALMER F. E. Kent attended the convntion of the American Evangelical Christian Churches held in Ft. Erie last week. and also the sneciql convocation of their Theolotg-ical School, the Amer- loan Bible ollege. Chicago. held at that time for the beneï¬t of Canadian student graduates and alumni. ReV, Dr. Henry R. Swanton of Woodstock and Rev. Dr. Harold Pointon of Ad- masan were the featured speakers. At the Convocation. President of the College, Dr. G. W‘. Hyatt. Chicago, awarded two diplomas confei'rino- the ('QQ‘I'GP Rachel“): of Theoloo'y (B.Th.) nnon two candidates. and that of Doc My of Theology (D.Th.) upon two United Chm‘chwministers.’ Re'v. E. E. Kent of Thm-nhill and Run H. E Wright of St. Johns United Church London. Gurney Gas. Ranges for Essotane Furnaces â€"â€" Air Conditioning Pressure Systems The Choir of Thornhill United Church held their ï¬rst practice last Fridav evening. Please note that choir nractice has been changed to Thurs- day evenin-g from now on. and all old. and new members are urged to come out. Earl Haig (‘nlle'viafe Onening Earl Ham Collegiate will be open for third, fourth and ï¬fth forms on Thursdav morning, September 16th. while ï¬rst and second forms will commence classes on Monday morn- ing, September 27th. work. Plans were alsormnde for the Linus Club supper next Monday ev- ening‘. Thornh‘ll Woman’s Institute held an expcut‘ve meeting at the home of Mrs. E. McKean, Tuesday afternoon. Armnzemenfs fnr the bazaar to be held earlv in December were com- pIeted and Mrs. Beesth was apnoint- ed convenor of sewing and fancy 'T‘lm Yonnp' Larlies’ Guild of Thom- hill United Clmrr‘h worn enterfwine‘d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dean when the Misses Dean and Mrs. T. th'rill were hostesses at a mis- ("311211160179 shower in hrmonr of the former Miss Margaret McKean. A fascinating pink and white wishinz well was ï¬lled wifh gifts. while the nail contained written good wishes for the bride-to-be. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. G. McKMn enter- tained at an At Home andTrousseau Tea in honour of their daughter. \Ial'Wal'ef (whose marriage tn Mr. Rfanlev Suter took pIPr'e recnntlv) at Heir home on Jan St. lastWednes- day. The tea table and room wore r‘harmine'lv devorated with delnhinâ€" “1m and Pirmrdv Madioli. an-inrz' ""4 \""ve f‘ï¬e bride's: grandmother, MAPLE TINSMITH & PLUMBING SUPPLY The W. A. and W. M. S.0f Thornâ€" hill Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday School room of the church on Tuesday afternoon. Plans for the baâ€" zaar t6 be held the last Saturday in October were completed and conven- ors appointed. On Monday evening a meetinq was held in th¢1 vestry of Thornhill Un- ited Church in connection with the Junior Congregation of the church and plans are being made for a more cnnctrucï¬ve program. details of which will be published later. "m1 Mr< P. Rone assisted 1w Mrs. Hookp. Mm. .TamiF-srv1 and Mrs. Gor- don Campbell and others. ‘nnlval Horticultural Meetimr All horticulhn-e enthusiasts are in- ï¬de fn af‘ehd the annual meeting of l‘ish'icf Numkor 5. m1 Wednesdm'. Sentembel' 29th, at 8:15 pm. in the (‘r‘lleg‘iate nne mile east of the stop light on Kingston Road. Scarbom Bluï¬â€™s. Th program will feature Gl- N'tir‘n of a disï¬'ict director. greet- ings from Mr. P. Bone. a dismssion 0" societv problen’lt. dr‘mnnstratir‘n nf l‘1'0i€('t01‘ and colored slides with nnuipment nrmvided by Hip, Ass’miï¬- ‘inn "ml available in societies by John 1“. Clarke. musical numbers and light refreshments. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Harrison, Mary and Allan, and Mrs. J. Wells. returned on Sunday after spending a week in Palmyra, New YOrk. The Evening Auxiliary held a meeting and corn roast at the home of Mrs. Herron, Steeles AVe., on Tuesday evening. ‘ ' Open session is still being held in the United Church here each Sunday morning, but plans are lbeing made for Rally Dav, Which will be the last Sunday in the month. Tlm Women's Auxiliary of Trinity Anglican Church will hold its ï¬rst meetinv of the season on Thursday, September 23, at, 3 p.111. in Lawrence Memorial Hall. All members are ur- 2jed to attend. “N. N. J. Bm-onc. Mrs. \V. Aï¬pan The Following extract was taken from the London Free Press: “Rev. REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Commercial and Domestic All Makes King P.0. Phone 2616 King GORDON CHALK Phone Thornhill 250 V e 1 e r i1 I'd ry S u I. g e 0 n L. HOUSE THORNHILL The monthly euchre under the aus- nices of the Ladies’ Veterans Aux- ?liary will be held at the home 0f Mrs. Dewsbury, 1‘5 Wright St., Tues. Sept. 21, at 2:15 pm. Everyone welcome. Isaac-Banting On Saturday, September 4th, a quiet but pretty wedding was solem- nized at hte United Church parson- age here when Helen Lowery Ban- ting, became the brid of Mr. Gorâ€" don Lindsay Isaac of Camp Borden, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dudley Isaac of Toronto. Attending the bride was her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Bradley of Stayner, and best man was the groom‘s brother, R. D. Isaac. GIRL GUIDES The regular weekly meeting of the Girl Guides will commence Monday evening, Sept. 20, in the Presbyterian Church at 7:15 pm. Bruce, eldest son of Mr Wm. Vanderbent, left on attnnd the Ontario Bible Fort Erie. There will be a special Vestry Meeting of the members of All Saints Church, King, in the basement of the church on Monday, September 20th, at 8 pm. It is hoped there will be a good attendance of all our church members. The Rev. G. I. B. Johnson will preside. The Anniversary Service of the Hope United Church will be held on Sunday, September 26th, at 11:00 a. m. (Standard Time). The guest speaker will he Rev. M. R. Brown of Keswick. Special music ‘by the No- bleton United Church choir. I. D. RAMER & SON, Phone 10 The Eievator KING CITY HOPE and Mrs. Mondayto School at with your bank manager, you know they When you discuss private ï¬nancial matters will stay private. personal, private way. is closed to anyone but you and your with your bank and to use its lnany services on a basis of complete bank. When you arrange a loan, that is strictly between you and your bank. Canadian banking. IL pcrnlils )‘uu to deal conï¬dence and trust. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK our bank is there to serve you in a When you lllake a deposit your passbook Such privacy is the very essence of ipAms AUTO SUPPLY no. Q WOMWWMOO“OOOOWO“O’WW 00002 [MWE Klll YOUR FllES: WOM00â€0â€MOMNMWQâ€OMS VS a REGISTERED JERSEY HERD. NEW IHC TRACTOR. FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS. POULTRY EQUIPMENT, HAY, GRAIN, HIGH CLASS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, ETC. The property of In addition to the ï¬ne herd of cattle, there will be sold a team of horses, a number of brood sows, 125 capons, about 300 bus. mixed grain, some hay, IHC Tractor and a ï¬ne line of implements and equipment, as well as a long list of modern household furnishings, almost new G- E. Refrig- erator, etc- , WINDSHIELD AND DOOR GLASS INSTALLED King Pins and Piston Pins ï¬tted Valves refaced and reseated Master Cylinders and Wheel Cylinders Rehoned LOT 4, CON. 9, MARKHAM TWP. Mile and a half south of N0. 7 Highway at Box Grov TERMS CASH â€" NO RESERVE â€" SALE AT 1 RM. PREN’I‘ICE & PRENTICE, Auctioneers. 1 Our power spraying rig sprays Purina D.D.T. on all bum interiors. Kills flies all summer. Ask us about this new low-cost service. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1 p.m. POWER SPRAYING AUCTION SALE OF CAMERON D. GRAHAM Richmond Hill Phone 86 maï¬a?