H w R E s T u G 3=o====lo=lo O - “NWOOOOO 00.000000000099900609.960WOW .=°==0=O THREE BOUTS Main Event â€" 2 out of 3 falls, 90 min. Carlo Trounce vs. Red Gamer Semi-Final â€"â€" 2 out of 3 falls 45 minutes Bob Kirkland vs. Harry Stanfield _ Preliminary 2 Local Boys vs. Ed M angotich and Tommy Haire TUESDAY, SEPT. 28 ==o=w= Frame Home Possible to Remodel 5 T0 6 ROOMS WITH 3 BED ROOMS, WILL PAY UP TO $8,000.â€"â€" $3500 CASH 5 ACRES AND HOUSE FOR RAISING CHINCHILLAS, SHADE TREES A MUST. UI T0 $10,000. 20 ACRESâ€"HOUSE NOT NECESSARY. TO ESTABLISH CHICKEN RANCH GOOD HOUSE, MUST BE ON YONGE STREET. SIZE OF HOUSE OR LOT NOT IMPORTANT. MUST BE IN FAIR CONDITION. iâ€"RYS ACRES A.ND HOUSE,.CO NVENIENCES NOT NECESS- UP TO 50 ACRES WITH STONE OR MASONRY HOUSE. Admission 50c â€"â€" Reserved Seats 75c Sponsored by the East Vaughan Ratepayers' Association Real Estate Thornhi11168J Insurance URGENT FOR WAITING CLIENTS _ 97 YONGE ST. Richmond Hill, Ont. It‘s buys Ilke this that have made CANADIAN TIRE the world's largest automotvie store. Ruggedly built for dependnble all-weather service â€" ï¬ts 75% of all cars. Identical quality to batteries in your own discrlct selling At $17.40. ACT NOW! $10.25 and your old battery "SUPER SERVICE" IS-Plateâ€"Lisl‘ Price $17.40 23 Additional Types for Every Car, Truck, Tractor, Farm Lighting, Etc. The first really big shipment in months of the most popular jack on the market. Fits under the lowest axlesâ€"- 4" raising to 16". Long rigid handle exerts strong pressure. No need to "crawl under" when placing 1am. Extra large non-skid forged base and Eggdle. Capacity 4,000 A precision-bunt mechanic‘s tool that will efficiently handle wood. metal and plastic. With ball thrust. hearing. Jacobs chuck. built-1n cooling fan ï¬fï¬ï¬ï¬ 31.31691 17.45 See our Bumper V4†ILORTABLEJ ELECTRIC DRILL-â€" \vxth ey type aco 5 Chuck. 2.200 r.p.m Your Biggest Baï¬ery Value! MOB-POWER See FENN Real Estate 8.30 p.m. RICHMOND HILL ARENA You Save $7.15 Feature Value SCISSORS JACKS 1,3" PORTABLE ELECTRIC DRILL complete line-up of Axle and Jacks â€" they’re priced right. For your old batteryâ€" regardless of condition. buomo=o==o=o==o=ï¬ PROFESSIONAL Vise Grip Wrench tort. t h e s e wedge-shaved cushions a r 0 real I: u y s. Give: your hand a ton grip. pombinipg good looks 231151 solid com- The original and genuine mulilâ€"purpuu wrench. Jaws lock to Work. Holds any- thing round or square. also holds work let drilling. etc. 291%??? 2.39 A7" “32‘ 1.98 .-A hm 10" heavy duty tyne DRIVERS’ CUSHIONS‘ Leatherette Fibreweava 1.19 2-YEAR GUARANTEE - - or more Every MORvPOWER BATTERY 15 unconditionally guaranteed tor 2 yearsâ€"or more! There’s a Mar-Power Battery for Every Car and Truckâ€"at Similar Savings. 1.59 A complete line of pedal pads, accel- erator pedals. etc.. for all cars. F‘it over clutch and brake pedals of all P o r d models, C h e v r o 1 e t s. O1dsmobile and many otbem Pair '23 PEDAL PADS dard tyne P. C. Hill Weekly News Budget From The Riehvale Community With the aid of the weather, the entertainment committee of the East Vaughan Ratepayers Association held a very successful dance last Friday eve'ning The scene was the floor of the un- ï¬nished community hall on Spruce Avenue and it was the occasion for the largest turnout to date in aid of the building fund. The entertainment committee com- prising Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Fenner, Mrs. Sparks and Messrs. Garner and Hudson deserve a vote of thanks for the work that has kept a stream of money flowing into the building fund all summer long. It is this type of enterprise that shall eventually make Richvale the proud possessor of a centre that will make the rigors of rural living easier to bear with entertainment at your doorstep. Mrs. J. H. M. Carson of Kenora is visiting with her niece, Mrs. E. Jones this week. Mrs. Carson has recently returned from visiting her daughter in England. Mrs. Carson was the former Gertie Eyer and was born on the Dixon farm on the Elgin sideroad seventy-ï¬ve years ago and is the last member left of the Eyer family of fourteen. Her last reâ€" membrance of this community was attending Love Feast in Heise Hill Church in 1881. The children’s idol, Red “Pied Piper" Garner, is at it again. In co-operation with the Ratepayers group he is presenting his third exâ€" hibition by the boys of the grunts and groans. "ji‘rhengovernment of our interesting province'is quite happy this year as Aéailjleliivne Felling: holidayed in Algonquin Park and Ottawa over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bond and family of Richvale visited in the Bond home Saturday night. Our communitv is shocked by the sudden death of Mr. George Kelly on Monday. Last Thursday George was injured at the Gormley Cement Block Company when working at one of the machines. He was' severely injured in his head and neck. Our deep sympathy goes to his wife and three sons: Alvin, age 7, Walter 3, and Mervyn 1. Mrs. E. Jones entertained Mrs. Peter Bl’illinger and Mrs. J05. Stet-kâ€" ley in her home last Thursday. "'Misses Blanche and Doris. Hoover had Sundav evening- supper in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Donor. Rev. and Mrs. Robinson of Dun- barton visited in the Felling home over last weekâ€"end. We are sorrv to hear of the illness of Mrs. H. Moorby, also Miss Joan Barrett. Our best wishes for a speeâ€" dy return to health. “'Mri. 7J7. Stevens is spending several davs in Stoufl’ville. *mMr. and Mrs. R. Baker and family of Elgin Mills visited on Sunday in the'home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt. Conference of the United Mission- ary Church is in progress here in Gm'mley this week. r Missés Myrtle and Ruth Ster’kley are spending several days holidays in their home here. Eï¬ective Sunday, Sept. 26, 1948 LEAVE RICHMOND HILL TO NORTH BAY llllllll'lllflllflfllfl 9.11 a.m. 6.11 pm. x1136 am. 28.26 p.m. y 2.36 pm 12.24 am. X â€" To Gravenhurst \y â€" To Bracebridge z â€"â€" To Orillia (Standard Time) Tickets and Information at E. J. ROBERTS, RADIAL STA. Phone 177 GRAY COACH LINES VARIETY STORES 5c-$1 STORES GENERAL STORES Slashed Prices On Woolworth Fire Stock Approximately 50,000 items, including Patent Medicines, Cosmetics, Hardware, Glass- ware, Toys, Plastics, and many others suitable for varâ€" iety stores, at nearly 75% Discount on regular whole- sale prices. Will sell all 01' part. Phone or write immediately SPEEDY JOBBING CO. CHANGE OF TIME TABLE 36 St. Andrews St. Adelaide 6782 TORONTO GORMLEY iarson of Kenora a result of the tourist trade which exceeded all expectatlons and contri- buted handsomely t0 the earning power of the citizens. However to the people inhabiting the hamlets and communities on the major highways, it is with a feeling of relief that they observe the trafï¬c revering t0 the comparative quiet of the fall and winter seasons. The “rat race†ap- pears to be over for another year, and on occasions last Sunday the traffic had thinned to such an ex- tent that several local residents ac- tually saw the other Side of Yonge St. â€"â€" hardly credible, eh What? Ev- en the kitten of the woods has been observd on his nightly wandrings, observed on his nightly wanderings, yielding to the curiOSIty of his kind as well as a bit of Eau'du Skunk, braving the hazards .0f the traffic â€"â€" ‘a sure sign that thmgs are getting iback to normal. _ l Community Hall Financial Campaign Mr. John Hertz nfnv has his staff of canvassers orgamzed in his cam- paign to bolster the ï¬nances of the community hall building committee. These canvassers are all volunteers and expect no remuneration for the necessary time and effert they must expend to_accom§)ll‘shlth§ir task. 1‘ »‘_rv..“ W It is anticipated that after the hall has been completed a draw shall be held using the numbers which ap- pear on the tokens that the canvas- sers are exchanging for donations from which to draw the prize win- ners. The money involved in these prizes shall not be taken from don- ations,. for every cent of that is go- ing into the building program, in- stead it shall be taken from proceeds of entertainment put on in the hall after the hall is completed. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mortson, Wayne and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins Visited with Mrs. L. Perkins and Miss Audrey Perkins of Toronto Sunday evening. Young People’s meeting will be held on‘Sunda‘y evening, September 26th at 7:30" p.m. The meeting will be in charge of Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Currey. Come and enjoy this meet- ing with us. WTVIesérs. Ray Bennett, Gordon Brumwell, Freddie Walker and Coral Perkins Had dinner Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. BroyntOn and family. Miss Lillian Nichols: had Sunday evening with Miss Currey. All who attended the C( weiner roast, at the home of Mrs. C. Johnson and Merrill, ed a splendid time. Miss. Vera Nichols of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gee have return- ed after their motor tl‘ip to points north. Mr. and Mrs. A. Caseley, Lynda and John visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Lyons and familï¬i‘of Toronto on Sunday evening: The sympathy of the community is extended to the family and rela- tives of the late Mr. George Kelly of Gormley. Mrs. Thompson of Zephyr is spend~ ing‘ a few davs with Mrs. R. Perkins. Congratulations to Mr. John Mc- (‘ague and Miss Shirley Joyce of Richmond Hill, who are to be marv lied on Saturday, September 25th. _ Coral Perkins“ ha-d dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. Caseley, Lynda and John on Monday evening. VICTORIA SQUARE Glass Replacedâ€"Estimates Free Phone Aurora 186M J. WARLOW Time Table Changes PAINTER & DECORATOR SPRAY & BRUSH SUNDAY, SEPT- 26, 1948 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Full information from Agents “28 Mamas a; 2mm (/MIMIZED" Effective MMMR 4.20000 am? /’3 a; (Alf/4M3“ 185,000 mm corn anc E Mr. am 1, report dinner .anetta and and A very interesting Woman’s Asâ€" sociation meeting was held at the Maple parsonage last Thursday af- ternoon. The program was under the direction of Mrs. Elmer Stong and the following ladies took part: Mrs. Atkinson read the 23rd Psalm followed by several ladies contribut- ing a short paper on “Building Can- and more detailed notice later. ' was given by Mrs. Chas. Summer- feldt. Mrs. Elmer Stong read a story entitled “The Artist Who For- got Four Colours.†This part of the program was brought to a conclus- innvby prayer offeféd by Mrs. Fock- er. The social period consisted of three games “Hidden Words†won by Miss Audrey Mayo; “Poet Contest†won by Mrs. Edgar Phillips; and a table contest by Mrs. Jas. Ba‘gg. This very interesting meeting was brought to a close by the ladies partaking of a a close by the lac very dainty lunch Mr. Tyner E‘mwberson of Huntsville is spending a few days with his sis- fnr and her husband and family, Mrs. Frank Newton. Miss Audrey Mayo, niece of Mrs. Espey, returned to her home in the West on Tuesday after spending a couple of months with her aunt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clelland Thompson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price and family motored to Mac- villn on Sunday. We -1'ep:ret to hear that Mrs. Jorâ€" dan of Tottenham. mdther of Mrs. Chernish, has suffered a somewhat serious car accident last week. We wish her a speqdv recovery. An Advance Notice â€" Edgeley Un- ited Church are anticipating holding their Anniversary Services on the third Sunday in October. F‘urther ada.†Another paper entitled ‘Words’ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson and Misses Joy and Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and Wayne and Bruce of Victoria Square and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson of Rich- mond Hi1] visited with their mother, Mrs. Annie Mortson on Sunday. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Newton who celebrated their thirty-ï¬fth wedding: anniver- sary on Tuesday, September 213‘s. All Brownies of the First Pack of Richmond Hill are expected to at- tend the next meeting to be held in the Presbyterian Sunday School on September 25 at 1:30 p.-m. Please wear uniform. 'I‘U-WH IT TOO-WHOO EDGELEY CANAOA’S 1947 tam or am mm oneomo unmo ms 217, 565,324 TONS. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, September 23, 1948 :,§66,3g4 tons. Highest Offer Received By Sept. 27 Takes Yonge St. Any Quantity HURRY - - - HURRY TRUCKS for SALE 34 Ford half ton panel 40 International half ton panel 41 GMC half ton panel 49 Mercury half ton panel (new) McMullen Motors POULTRY WANTED Phone AGINCOURT 2-481, or write to Norolda Poultry R. R. 2 â€"â€" SCARBORO JUNCTION St. Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 74M life blood for a nation flows through Canada's steel arteriesâ€"her railroads. The railway men of Ontarioâ€"and Canadaâ€"help supply the East with the produce of the West . . . and help the West produce their crops with machinery from the East. Because they are the link between the East and West, Canada‘s railwaymen are moulders of "Canada Unlimited". BREWING COMPANY LIMITED Good Prices