|.'=o=o g§°=0m0fl00fl0=0=0=0m Continues to maintain their usual prices on their Full Course Meals, Without reduc- ing the portions, Steaks and chicken their specialty, also Salads and others to choose from. Do Yuu Need .a Bathroom or a HotWater Heating System ? {Rte dowh payment is only 10% and the terms are easy, spread over a period up to two years. We can. install complete units with guaranteed work under a time payment plan. Richmond Hill Plumbing & Heating Phone 12 Cities Service Garage 2 Arnold St. Also Expert Repairing Done on All General Motors Cars and Trucks. See us for Tires, Mufflers, Tail Pipes, Exhaust Pipes and Accessories CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Richmond Hill Taxi 82 Yonge Street GENERAL MOTORS PARTS You? be the envy of your neighbours when you get one of the new, modern gas ranges designed for use with Essotane. Gas cooking is qulck, clean, less trouble. There‘s no smoke, no soot to blacken the bottoms of pans. Gas is economical. Lights automaticallyfgives full heat at once. You’ll be thrilled at the convenience. Magic Villa TRY OUR PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE. R. E. B. Haughton TELEPHONE 300 GAS RANGES Open every day till 7:30 p.m. MEL. MALTBY Phone Richmond Hill 296W Essotane DES!GNED FOR USE WITH MAPLE, ONT. Ranges and water heaters sold direct by Imperial Oil Limited. Ranges sold by most appliance dealers. Slave pricesâ€"for Illa 3-bumer model $98.00 up lo $l86.50 for lable-lop models. Pay only 10 % down and lhe balance in small mnnlhly cmounll. EX-Servicemen P.0. Box 1 19 Richmond Hill NW The reception was held at Ridge Inn. Oak Ridges, the bride‘s mother wearing claret crepe gown, navy ac- cessories and corsage of white glad- ioli petal-s. Assisting her, the groom’s sister,'Mrs. Arthur Trent of Lindsay, seleéted a gown of periwinkle blue, black accessories and corsage of deep red rases. Given away by her father, the bride wore a graceful grown of oyâ€" ster white satin, designed with ï¬tted bodice with tailleur button front, lace yoke, draped shoulder fold, and houfâ€" fant skirt flowing to a slight train. From an original matching satin and lace headdress fell her ï¬ngertip veil, and she carried a shower bouquet of cream roses, white gladioli petals and swansonia. Helen Walker and Lou- ise Matheson- were bridesmaids in gowns of copper red satin, styled like the bride’s with short sleeves, satin mitts and matching halo headdress. They carried cream roses. . . u For" “a motor honeymoon trip through the 'Chnadian West. the bride chose a navy blue wool suit. cherry- w‘ood coat, navy accessories and white orchid corsage. Upon their return they will rESide at Crescent William Walter (Jack) Wood, 5611 of Walter P. Wood and the late Mrs. Wood, Aurora. The marriage was solemnized by Rev. Dr. Archer Wall- ace of Maple, at the home of the bride's parénts, in a setting of all- white gladioli. Robert Case, Aurora, acted as g-roomsman. W. J; BURNS TUESDAY. OCT. 5. 1948 HORSES 1 Black Mare. 8 years old 1 Black Horse, 6 years old 1 Grey Mare, 11 years old 1 Bay Horse, 13 years old COWS 1 Black Cow, fresh. calf by side, 6 years old 1 Holstein Heifer. 3 years old, due to freshen Nov. 20 I 1 Holstein Heifer, 3 years old’, due to freshen November 25 1 Red Durham Cow, 6 years old, milk- ing good, not bred 1 Strawberry Cow, 7 years old, not bred 1 Jersey Cow, 6 years old, bred Aug. 25, milking good 1 Red Durham Cow, fat, 8 years. old 1 Holstein Heifer, 2 years 1 Holstein Heifer, 10 months 1 Jersey Heifer, 6 months 2 Fat Calves 1 Brood Sow, due to farm 11 Ducks 50 Rock Hens, yearling's 2 Guinea 'Fowl 2 Geese and 1 Gander IMPLEMENTS 20‘ Chunks 1 Oak dining room suite, 7 piece 1 Bedroom Suite, complete Spring and Mattress 4 Odd Chairs Auctioneers Markham P.O.. Phone Mark. 206 Milliken P.O., Phone Aqincourt 52w3 Ed Kyle, Clerk Wheelbarrow, new Wood’s Milking Machine, 2 units with electric motor 1 Separator, good, melotte 1 Buffalo Robe 1 Kangaroo Plow 1 1 1 Potato Digger, good 1 Potato Plant-er, good 1 Set bob sleighs, 2 bench 1 Wagon Box 1 Wagon 1 Hay Rack 1 Road Drag; 1 Stone Boat 2 Logging Chains 1 New Draw Rope, 160 ft. 1 Hay Fork 3 Manure Forks 3 Sets Double-trees 1 Turnpike 1 1 Buggy 1 Cutter Set Double Harness Forks, Shovels, Chains, Hoes, Whif- fletrees and numerous other arâ€" , ticles 1 Set Double Discs 1 3-‘Furrow Tractor Plow 1 M-H Cultivator, 17 tooth, tractor hitch 13 Tooth Cultivator 1 Single Furrow Riding Plow 1 Set Scales, 250 lbs. 1 Good Pulley for Case Tractor 1500 Bus‘hels Good Oats 15 Ton Hay 10 Bags Early Potatoes, Cobblers 20 Rows Turnips, to be sold by the row 100 bags eating potatoes 1 Table 1 Chest of Drawers 1 Small Table 1 Mantle Clock, good 1 Crown Huron Cook Stove 1 Master Cook Stove, good 1 Baby Pram, good 1 Play Pen 1 Rocking Horse 1 Baby Swing Other articles too numerous to mention. sold Ford Ferguson Tractor and , Equipment, Dairy Cattle. Farm Stock. Implements, Hay. Grain. Potatoes. Turnips. Furniture, etc. LOT 32. CON. 3. VAUGHAN Weak? “ï¬red, ï¬mws Ford Ferguson Tractor. on rubber, near new, with all equipment Ford Ferguson cultivator Ford Ferguson 2-furr0w tractor plow M-H binder 1 Deering mewer Hay Rack 1 Cockshutt disc" drill M-H potato sprayer Turnip Drill Mc-Cormick scuï¬ler 21 Fleury walking plow Set 4-section harrows, good Set 3-section diamond barrows King City District News Peaï¬ags Ewan? wï¬meg KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE Sale at 1 pm. sharp Terms: Cash. No reserve, farm AUCTION SALE Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality Property of FURNITURE PIGS to farl'ow, Nov. 20 the Brook Farm, the home of the groom. Th son of Mr. and .Mrs. Jesse Rich- ards, Roy is roundlng out a brief vacation on his father’s farm here before returning to Guelph. Mrs. D. Bell of Halifax is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Wells, for an extended period Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLeOd are setting up a bakery business in King, in a section of the McLeod home. Mrs. McLeod has a wide experience in the culinary art. Miss Lucille Barber, a graduate of Winnipeg Univer51ty has been ap- pointed Home Economist for Halton, Peel and York counties Junior In- stitute and Homemaking clubs. She replaces Miss Lula Rowe, who held the post in York county for the past six years. Mi'ss Rowe will be posted in the head office, Women’s Institute Branch of the Department of Agriâ€" culture. Assisted b‘y Miss Rowe in becoming: establis‘hedl, Miss Barber has officially taken over duties and was informally intrOduced to a group of York County girls at the annual Garden Club, Achievement Day, held at‘ Newmarket last__ Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglas and 50h, George. visiting here from Cop- per Mountain B.C.. returned to Tim- mins with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Walk- er who made a short visit here last week. Mrs. T. L. Williams accom- nanied her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas to Ayi', Ont" to see Mrs. Ethel Bannister, who is Mrs. Doug- las’ sister. . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fraser and their son, Grant, of Ottawa, paid 0 visit to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hollin- ahead recently and‘ were accompan- ied Tia-ck to Ottawa by Mrs. Hollin- shead and her daughter, Doris. On Saturday last Mr. Hollinshead and daughter. Miss Zelta Hollinsead m0- tored to Ottawa accompanied by Mrs. Alex Gray 0f Kinghorn who is now visiting her son, James D. Gray. The Holi‘énsheads returned to King on Sunday. Mr. Fraser is a nephew of Mr. Hoiiinshead. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan 'Thomnsori, Mrs. William Egan. Mrs. Roy Holl- inshead, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ross, Mr. Andrew McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gillha‘m. were guests at the wed-dng of John Andrew McClure. son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- (‘lure of Toronto, and formerly of KingT to Miss Helen Joan Pratt, held in Toronto on September 17. Mrs. M. Gilhooly. a guest sister, Mrs. G. H. Folliott is ing a few days at the home James Kellham at Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Patton of Montreal, spent S'avturday under the parental roof, of Mr. and Mrs Jas. Patton. They were in Toronto for the week end for the marriage of Mrs. Elwood Patton’s brother, An- drew McClure.. Unique Program for W. I. The program carried out at King W. I. branch this month could be des- cribed “delightfully different.†in- formal, instructive and entertaining. Winning C. N. .E. costumes were displayed before a gathering of 60. who marvelled at: the beauty and wonder of exquisiife" material, elabor- ate desig‘ns, delicate laces, period styls, corelated‘jewellery, and equal- lv ï¬ne head gear. Th 1884.grand- mother’s outï¬t modelled bv Mrs. IVâ€" an Specht, came from the Jarvis family, worn by the late Mrs. Jarvis. part of her trousseau at that time and made by her grandmother. The conventional bride’s dress of 1894. modelled by Mrs. Emily Arch- ibald, with bride’s veil and flowers, and secret pocket. told the revealing" sLtcry of secure ï¬tness of boning and linings. Of heavy beige material. beautiully beaded and braided, it had been the wide, of a -willow-waisted younrc bride. Mrs. Irene Kelley, in black mous- seline de soie. a rare thing of 1896. its borffant skirt, and lace completed lav heirloom ievmllerv and ostrich ï¬eathered hat. Mrs. Rhoda Jarvis was regal in full length black net, 1930 style. with lovel‘v ostrich fan and tan shade period jewellery. Miss M. Jarvis wore a 1903 strinel light shade grenadine, a dress for “nice Occasionsâ€, and a hat too intricate to describe. She carried a matching beaded purse. KThe dress was a per- fect size for the wearer. Mrs. Dorothy Lash Colquhoun, Homem-aker’s Adviser of the Robert Simpson Company lectured on .phas- és of interior home decorating. prin- cipally for windows. ' The program arranged by Mrs. G. Hately possessed a touch of anniverâ€" sary. as a song was sung in honor pf the Hately’s 20th wedding anniv- You can restore new-car pep in just one day by having us install a Chrysler Method Remanufnctured Engine in your Chrysler-built car or truck. Chrysler Method Remanu- factured engines are not ordinary “overhauled†or "re-built†engines. Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engines are dtflerent. They are precision-built to rigid speciï¬cations laid down by Chrysler Engineers. Every Rex-manufactured OAK RIDGES, Phone King 4311 REPLACE THAT “WORN-OUT†ENGIHE WITH A GHRYSLER METHGB BEMAHUFACTURED ENGINE of her spend- of My Restore Lost Pep! erary, and baskets < presented to Mrs. A. M. Gilhooly of Balt birthday occasions. The branch decided to carry out whatever its swing planning com- mittee considers most adaptable and suitable in the matter of park swings for the community children. King will meet with Aurora during October at Aurora. Euchre, bridge and cribbage events will be planned for the coming season. What bears most heavily on the W. I. mind, just now is its travelling shirt. Two pieces of shirt tail have gone astray, and worse luck their patches hold money, donations from the various patch-makers. Mrs. Phillips has col- lected three sections of the shirt, to- talling about $8. and as promoter of the money making article, she and the branch would greatly appreciate return of the remaining two money- laden pieces. Mrs. Muriel Case aptly explained the motto, suggesting contentm-em, forbearance and love-giving as prin- ciples of a happy life. MRS' B. KINGMA WAYSIDE INN. OAK RIDGES RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT including Commercial .Electric .Refrigerator. Meat Slicer, Elpctric Moï¬at Grill, Cooking Utensils, Glassware. Silverware. Tablecloths, Furniture. etc. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 25 Just North of King Highway on Yonge .St. 1 Refrigerator, Elder, 23 cubic feet, in ï¬rst class condition, used one year, new 1 Electric Berkel Meat Slicer, uSed four months, new 1 Mofl‘att Grill 1 Electric Stove, MoClary’s 16 Restaurant Tables, ï¬reâ€"proof tops, trimmed with chrome, new 36 Chrome Chairs, just like new 1 Steam Table, complete 1 Kitchen Table, large 1 Kitchen Table, solid oak top, new 1 Buffet 1 Side Stand Quantity of Rogers Silverware, new Water Jugs Number of Tumblers, large and small 4 Dozen Table Cloths, green check Salt and Pepper Shakers Butter Patties Steak Knives 1 Large Round Mirror Sundae Disvhes Tea Pots Sundae Dishes Tea Pots Creamers Cream Pitchers Meat Pie Dishes Meat Grinder French Frier Baker’s Bread Pan Potato Masher White Enamel Tray 1 Large Dish Pan Sour) Scoop, sfcainless steel 2 Silex Percolator Coffeemakers 1 Windsor Chrome Fire Place Grate C‘ustaTd Cups 1 Large Oval Tra-y Ash Trays Relish Dishes Vegetable Dishes - Oil and Vinegar Jugs Glass Water Jugs Gravy Spoon Vegetable Spoons Serviettes 1 Studio Couch. new 2 Kitchen Tables, with drawer in side ' 1 Sewing- Machine. Raymond 1 Single Bed and Springs 1 Double Bed and Springs 1 Ironer 1 Ice Box I Double Bed. complete Quantity of Canned Goods including Ketchup. Pea Soup Many other articles too numerous to mention. Don’t miss this sale as everything is like new. No reserve as proprietor has given up the Restaurant Business. Sale at 2 o’clock pm. Terms: Cash A. S. FAQRME‘R. Auctioneer- Phone Stouï¬'ville 67312 Leslie Mounrt, Clerk The average person doesn’t ’have to go to much trouble to locate trouble. Well Rotted Manure Delivered Landscaping, Grading, Sodding Phone Richmond Hill 4512;") Guaranteed Nursery Stock AUCTION SALE C. L. KNAPPETT Dcn’i Repair . . . REPLACE! The property of BOND LAKE GARAGE ’1'.“ flowers were Wade and Mrs. more for their THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, September 23, 1948 QOWOWWWWMWWN (‘ARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED 2 Richmond Hill Telephone 5-J 3 MM...“ NOOOOQWOâ€OOO“OOW“M\W: Engine gets a NEW crankshaft. All arts which do not meet engineering speciï¬cations are replace with Genuine Chrysler- engineered parts. Every Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine is tested on a dynamometer and is guaranteed to develop the same torque and horsepower as a new engine. Come in to-day and let us show you what is different about the CHRYSLER METHOD of Remanufacturing engines. Installations, Alterations, Wiring And Repairs We service Radios, Washing Machines, Motors, Refrigerators and All Electrical Appliances. ON ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 6 Elizabeth St, Richmond Hill, phone 148 Maple, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS IRONS LAMPS OIL BURNERS RADIOS Floral Designs Service and Repairs ELECTRICAL WIRING FLOWERS Phone 242 Your GENERAL ELECTRIC Store SUPPLIED and GUARANTEED EAVESTROUGHING; ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES REQUIRED EMMEDIATELY TINSMITH Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces PART TIME AND FULL TIME FEMALE FACTORY HELP For Small Electrical Assemblies Punch Press Operators Machine Operators Bench Hands one Wholesale and Retail Florist B. W. MILLER GEO. P. DOWE CO- LTD. S'I‘OP 22A YONGE ST., RICHVALE PHONE RICHMOND HILL 423 by FERGUSON esigns Cut Flowers Bedding Plants Delivery Anywhere in North York PAUL DUBOiS 0:20 YEREX ELECTRIC- WE GROW OUR OWN INCLUDING OED APPLY â€" 01:10 RANGETTES RECORD PLAYERS TOAS’I‘ERS VACUUM CLEANERS WASHING MACHINES 0:0 Telephone 2 0=01==10= fl=0=°