= PHONES:â€"THORNHILL 118W JUNCTION 2980 I flillllllllllllflIll-IIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIII 2 THE LIBE General Repairs Texaco Products Body and Fender Work our Speciality TELEPHONE 74-M OMOOOâ€. “OMMOOOOOOMOOOOMMW‘ ’WOâ€OO°¢OOOOO OOOOOOâ€.OOOGOOâ€OGOWCOOQW nï¬llllfllllI!EEllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO YOUR ROOFING PROBLEMS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FREE ESTIN‘IA'E‘ES. UNIONVILLE W000 PRODUCTS RE-ROOFING Farm Implements FOR SALE and tractor driven ‘Gem’ Milk Coolers Water Pressure Systemsâ€" Direct Drive and Belt Driven (immediate in- stallation) Pulverizer ‘Judson’ Fertilizer Sowers Rubber-Tired Wagon Power Take-Off Manure Spreader Eze-Ride Tractor Seats Grain Grinders electric TEMPORARY STUDIO, HIGH SCHOOL GYM Babies, Beginners, Intermediates, Seniors 144 YONGE STREET Harold Mortson STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Classes held every Saturday morning commencing 9:30 C Pupils may register during that time. Just phone and we will nick up your car and make delivery after service. PUBLIC SCHOOL NEW AUDITORIUM ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HER New Implements Funeral Designs â€"â€" Wedding Bouquets Our Specialty Mixed Bouquets City and Suburban Delivery Order early to avoid disappointment Flowers wired anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. Phone Richmond Hill 344r2 C. RIDDELL Ballet, Toe, Tap, Acrobatic, National Classes Will Be Held In RICH VALE FLORIST McMullen Motors SCHOOL OF DANCING ROOFING INSUL BRICK SIDI'NG. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, MARY GREEN RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 93W We specialize in re-roofing, Pupil of Irene Bauckham, Toronto PHONE UNIONVILLE 128W {ichmo When Completed tor Hay Loader (nerly new) Hay Tedder I.H.C. Mower Tractor Double Disc ‘Beatty‘ Sump Pumps ‘Empire’ Garden Tractors ‘Riteâ€"Way’ Milking Mach- ines Tractor Double Disc 3-furrow Tractor Plow 3-fu1‘r0w Disc Plow 10-20 International Trac- l‘hul Used Implements RICHMOND HILL sdav September 30, 1948 Bulldozer Service WILLOWDALE, Ph. 2512 Illllllllllpllï¬luuiu Excavating, Grading Prompt and Courteous Service RICHMOND HILL Phone 252.1 B1 DATED at the ’City of Toronto. this 15th day of September 1948 by Federal Building, Toronto 1, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrators. ALL PERSONS having any claim against the late MENNO SMITH who died on or about the 30th day of July, 1948, or against his Estate, are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or be- fore the 15th day of October. 1948. after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed, having reâ€" gard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. WILLIAM COOK 8; GIBSON, 912 IN THE MATTER of the Estate of MENNO SMITH, late of the Town- ship of Vaughan, in the County of York, Retiretjl Farmer, deceased. Bungalow, 'I'hornhill district, 5 to 6 rooms, oil heating, must have bedroom and bathroom downstairs, up to $15,000. Farms with good buildings, 50 to 200 acres- Farm with old house possible to remodel for a wind- shield farmer who wants to commute. Frame or Brick Home, Thornhill or Richmond Hill, 4 bedroms .and conveniences up to $12000; Frame House possible to remodel, preferably 3 bed- rooms, location not too important; FOR SALE -â€"â€" Nearly new Ea- ton’s Marlgoro Coal and Wood Stove, with warming oven and coï¬per reservoir. Warming oven never been used. Price $95.00. STORAGE FREE with every'new coat or repair. ' Do you know that some of the lovely fur coats and scarfs in downtown show win- dows were styled and produced by us in our modern fur shop right in your own neigh- bourhood? THORNHILL Ceï¬lre St. th E. J. HINSON Notice to Creditors SAND â€" GRAVEL CRU SHED STONE Loam »- Fill Houses Wanted SAVE $50.00 ON THIS Immediately For Waiting Clients Interior & Exterior DAVID McLEAN L. W. REID Phone Thornhill 218r4 Real Estate and Business Broker Thornhill â€" Phone 12 Thornhill Furriers GREEN LANE, THORNHILL Decorator Tel. 37R2 â€" Adam C. Reiter Phone 77M Box 268 c3w13 11- young farm bl 0f at Vellore for County Grain h.) meeting got u‘ of President Bob We and Secretary HY . h. . DATED at Toronto this 22nd day of September, )948. thereof to the "undersigned Adminis- trator, on or liefore the 25th day of October 1948,’-after which date the Administrator will proceed to dis' tribute the assets among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims o'f which he shall then have notice. The boys had a change in receiving instruction and judgingr on classes of corn and potatoes. Following reas- ons taken by Ray Ingl‘eton of Agin- court, club leader, it was found that Jim Sheardown, Schomberg', Trevor Watson. Agincourt and George Hooâ€" per of Gormley all had perfect plac- ings on all 0123ses. The meeting ad. journed on soft drinks and ice cream, courtesy of the York County Junior Farmers’ Association. TAKE NOTICE theft all persons having claims against the estate of William Henry Reid, late of the Village of Edrreley, who _diedyon or about the 20th day of September, 1946, are required to send details of the same together with Adue proof Glass Replacedâ€"Estimates Free Phone‘Aurora 186M v Competition and examination to take place in the Newmax'ket Agricultural Offices on Wednesday evening~ Sep- tember 29. Points were delivered by Assistant†Representative Archie Mc- Kenzie on cleaning up their grain for their Achievement Day Show at the Markham Fair and considerable men- tion made of cultural practices re- lating to the growing of good grain crops,-this being a follow up to talks on smut's and rusts of grains at pre- vior-s meetings. IN THE MATTER of the Estate of William Henry Reid, late of the Village of Edgeley, degeasgd. President He and Secretar of Schomber matters of In GRA IN Queer County meetim J. WARLOW PAINTER & DECORATOR SPRAY & BRUSH ' Notice to Creditors AM} OTHERS Administrator. Bv his Solicitors. NEWMAN & NEWMAN 18 Toronto Street, Toronto Grain Club Meeting. The got underway promptly with I: Bob Hamilton in the chair ‘etal‘y Glenn Atkinson, both nberg- recording. Several )f business were covered with ompleted for the Judging CLUB MET AT VELLORE FRED N. REID, the Markham and neteen : week v York gmg‘ take Guest speakers on Anniversary Sunday, October 3, will \be, in the morning Dr. Armstrong, Toronto, and in the evening, Rev. J. M. Adam- son of the Pioneer Mission, Toronto. Temperanceville choir will supply the nusic at both services. ’ The anniversary supper will take place on Monday, October 4, in Tem- pelranceville c’hurch followed by a program by Mr. Marshall of Kettle- by. On Wednesday evening, Septem- ber 22, a number of friends gathered at the Mitchell home, Oak Ridges, to honour Miss Doreen Stevenson and Mr. W. Mitchell with a miscellaneous sliOWer prior to their marriage on September 25. The happy couple received many lovely and useful gifts and expressed their sincere thanks and appreciation. We wish them ev- every success and happiness for the future. 11 am. and 7.35' pm. It is hoped that many former members and old friends will be able to attend. The Anniversary Supper will be held on Monday evening, October 4. under the auspices of the Women’s Association. Supper will be serVEd f1 om 6.30 and will be followed by a variety program presented by Mr. R. Marshall of Kettleby. This program is highly recommended by those who have enjoyed it. Admission for adults 60 cents and for children 35 cents. Everybody welcome. Sunday School has been with- drawn next week, October 3, but will meet the following Sunday at the usâ€" ual time of 10.30 am. It was deci- ded to continue in the morning for the month of October. Robertson Masonic Lodge, togeth- er with many of their families, join- ed with Temperancevillle congrega- tion for evening worship on Septem- ber 26. The pastor stressed the grave necessity for men to have the courage and the faith to always stand for what they know is right according to Christian teaching. Music was provided by the choir with Mrs. McClure as soloist. We do ap- preciate the beautiful flowers which decorated ï¬he church for the occasâ€" ion Anniversary Sunday will be obser- ved ‘at Temperanceville church on October 3, witk‘special services at 11 am. and 7.30 pm. It is hoped that many former memb‘ers and old TEMPERANCEV lLLE Your hunker works SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK bank and his whole staï¬ are working for you. your community. ears of your competitor, your neighbor, protects that privacy; Your banking transactions are not open to the eyes and privacy in money matters. Your banker In other words, the manager of your branch banking, proposed by Socialists here, would open lands where freedom is deniedâ€"where every bank is a political Iool, every banker a public official working for the State! State monopoly of your banking transactions to political intrusion. Contrast this Canadian way with conditions in a de sitor or borrower 011 value 9 YONGE ST. THORNHILL PHON' oowwoouwow: OWW i Distributors of Bottled Gas OMOOOOONQOOMOOOONW ONOOMONWWOMOO i Petrolane Bottled Gas 5 OOOOWWQOOOOOOOOOMNâ€Oâ€â€œMWMO O WOW OOOWONOâ€OWMWQPP PERKINS FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT 9 TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD a 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R :3, INSURANCE International Harvester Tractors. Farm Machines and Twine. Goodyear and Firestone Tires. C.I.L. Paints and Chemicals. Bolens & Cunningham Garden Tractors Beatty & Fairbanks-Morse Pumps & Home Appliances Phone 21-W DISTRICT 12 Wellington St. E... Toronto “If it’s for the Farm 1» We sell it†Phone AGINCOURT 2-481. or write to Norolda Poultry R. R. 2 â€"â€" SCARBORO JUNCTION smvncg HERBERT R: BUTT QERENDABHE, Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 RichmOnd Hill, Ont. Good Prices REPRESENTATI VE