Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Sep 1948, p. 4

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GIRL Bookkeeper & Stenographer Must be able to take Shorthand Apply .‘OOOOOOOOOO‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ .OO““O“OO‘ Q“... Hardwood siabs $17 per cord. Willowdale, Zone 8-288 (Toronto Subscribers Dial "0perator"â€"â€"Message Charge) 1935 FORD, good condition, new tif‘es, brakes, reasonable. Apply Teston General Store,‘ Mapl‘e 6512. ~ c1w14 1 ACRE on Pemberton Rd., Stop 24, Yonge St, $250 cash, balance easy terms. Phone 19516, Richmond Hill. c1w14 1 OIL BURNING SPACE HEATER nearly new; also 1 40 gal. oil drum with taps. Phone 259J, Richmond Hill NEW LOW PRICES for firewood, soft slabs $11.00; hardwood slabs $16.001hard-wood limbs $17.00; hardâ€" wood bloc'ks and fireplace logs $20.00 cord. Free delivery, all wood is bone dry and cut to 12 inch lengths. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Rich- mcmd Hill, or phone 315W. 9th SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE 100 ACRE FARM, lot 34, concesison 2, Township of Vaughan,‘ Bathurst SL, good building's, good stable for dairying, 4} miles from Richmond ‘lill. Apply Phone Richmond Hill 247. tfc8 139R B‘EArLiESTATE, phone Fe Thornhi]! 168‘ FORTH ELECTRIC SAND, gravel, storle, fill, loam, cin- ders, manure. Prompt delivery. Ap- ply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill, 01‘ phone 315W. 9th stair hand rails, fire doge, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue. Richvale. tfc35 ORNA MENTA L PORCH RAILS .MAN’S ENGLISH BICYCLE, good repair. Phone 137123, Richmond Hill. *1w14 ICIRC‘ULATING HEATER, coal or wood. with pipes. Phone Richmond Hill 411. *1w14 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing SMALL QUEBEC STOVE, coal or wood Apply 141 Yonge St., Rich- mond Hill. *1w14 The very best, $12 per cord. SEWING MACHINE, drop head, $20. David McLean Antiques, Thornhill, Phone 12. c1w14 RASPBERRY CANES, order now for fall planting. J. Manley, 23 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. ctf MODERN 2-BURNER COAL OIL stove. Phone 409W, Richmond Hill. *1w14 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. ' tfc46 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Richmond Hill LOAM, rich dark sandy loam. Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. ply Flaska Farms, Unionville.‘c1w14 BEA GLE PUPPY‘ HEATER] Station type. Apply tele- phone 15 Richmond Hill. 'c1w14 ELBCTRIC FEED GRINDER. Ap- POTATO DIGGER, excenént condiâ€" tion. Phone Maple 541-4. c1w14 HONEY, $1.00 per 4 1b. can. B. Kays, South Rd., Oak Ridges. *2w14 28 FIGS 1e 28‘1‘12. Richvale 4HTHE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, September 30, 1948 R. W. PARIS Braithwaite Hardware Richmond Hill Phone Richmond Hill 288M SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS PHONE SCHOM BERG 69 Classified Sale & Want Ads RATESâ€"Five lines or less USED Farm 8; House “‘Sring WANTED R. WILSON SLABS TRUCKS. Cooney’s Garage, c1w14 FOR SALE five lines 5 cents' per line extra eaEH in; I? gfigféeautéfigécaunt nine cents DE? line Telephone Richmond Hill 9. weeks old. Phone Map- c1w14 Phone 1371‘23, *le c1w14 b’enn. tfc46 tfc42 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, modern self-contained apartment to business couple. AnSWer by letter to Box 300, The Liberal Office. c1w14 McCLARY White Enamel Annex; gentleman’s solid‘ walnut wardrobe; 6 diners, Circassion walnut, real leather with brass studs; black walâ€" nut dining table and six chairs, red leather seats; kitchen cabinet; -an- tique sideboard, Spanish mahOg-any; small Victorian sofa; custom-made pair semi-wing chairs; chery dr0p leaf table; ‘pine cupboard; china; glass; sterling silver. Reasonable. Willowdale 2798. Mrs. H, R. Halla- day, 115 Ellerslie Ave. 7 & 8 FT. TEE-RAIL steel posts; 8 line farm fence; 3 ft. green painted lawn fence; heavy weight hog wire; heavy weight poultry wire; 12, 14 ft. farm gates; snow fence; 4 and 5 ft. chain link; 1” x 1” electric weld fab- ric. Apply Norman Bone, 2 Eliza- beth St., Richmond Hill, phone 259J. We deliver. c1w14 cgnts for first inset fion and 725 cents for eaéh subsequent insertion, Over BRICK HOUSE in Maple, 12 rooms, newly painted, continuous hot water, full-sized basement with laundry tub, completely finished 3rd floor, could be used as 4 apartments or private house, large veranda and balcony; posseséion of 3rd floor at once and rest soon Phone Maple 98. clw14 1 oil‘pump for use on 40 gal drum. Apply Charles Phillips, 114 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, phone 197M af- ter 6 o’clock. *1w14 1 Iver Johnson 12 gauge full choke single barrel shotgun and shells, 1947 model RCA. Victor car radio and aerial, 1 sealed beam driving light, 1 HOT WATER BOILER, Gurney No. 12; 1 Double Window Frame, al- so 1 sash and 1 storm sash to fit same; approximately 90 feet eaves- trough including down pipes, also a number 0f elbows and connections. Stan Ransom’s Barber Shop, Rich- mond H11. ‘ *1w14 BEDROOM SUITE, 3 piece, walnut; walnut dining room furniture, 3- buiner McClary Electric stove; walâ€" nut french doors glazed; walnut smoker set; Italian Ivory heavy silk bedspread. Principals only Phone Thornhill 471‘2. c1w14 8»10 WEEK PULLETS ready for fairly prompt shipment. Write for list and order your chicks for Nov- ember delivery now. Bray Hatchery, Phone 35'9R21, or Fred Wise, Rich- mond Hill. c1w14 FORD TRUCK, 1936 3 ton cap., stake body, hydraulic hoist, rebuilt motor; 1936 half ton sedan body panel Chev- rolet truck. Good condition. Rebuilt motor. B. Kays, South Rd., Oak Ridges". . ' ' ' *2w14 SPRAY PAINTING OUTFIT, large portable Webster, complete‘with' gun, can. etc., used only a few times, new condition, excellent for commercial painter. David McLean Antiques, Thornhill phone 12. c1wI4 GREY CLOTH COAT, interlined. with silver fox collar, size 14, hand tailored by A. & S. Goldsmith, Tor- onto (Vvorn only once). Phone Rich- mond Hill 193W. cle FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhil} 168. tfc46 MOTOR 1% h.p. Briggs Shatton, never used, will sacrifice for $15. less than Qriginal cost. Gordon Smith, 188 Spruce Ave., Richvale. c1w14 ‘34 CHEV ROADSTER, excellent condition, new tires, battery, heater, etc. May be seen any evning after 8.30. R. Me’ikle, Jefierson. c1w14 TWO OIL HEATING UNITS, new, gravity ,fed, fits any stove 01' Que- bec heater without alterations. 220 Oak Ave., Richt’fale. *1W14 HOUSE, 3 rooms, bath, finished in‘- side, é acre, also good basement, $2000 down, balance $1000. Phone Thornhill 192r31. I c1w14 needs timing set, 31.50. Apply corner store,Stop 24 Yonge St., or phone Richmond Hill 3571'5. c1w14 TWO BICYCLES, nearly new, one roll-fast and 1 racer, both with ac- cessories. Phone Richmond Hill 44 1‘32. *1w14 BABY CHICKS, all breeds, Bray Chick Hatchery, Fred Wise, Mark- ham Rd., Phone Richmond Hill 3591' 21. *4w1‘2 1937 SINGER STATION WAGON, NEW PRINCESS PAT ‘kitchen range large size, porcelain enamel front. copper reservoir, used one season. Phone 320W Richmond Hill. RGAN in piano case, just tuned, 2' od condition,kuit home or church. Phone Maple 63r24. *1w14 ROCK PULLETS, 80 Hybrid, price £2.35 each. Gerald Winger, Phone Maple 2‘81‘3. c2w13 TO RENT “KLEEREZC’ â€" over 20 years a de- pendable family remedy for skin ailments, Psoriasis, Eczema, Pimples, Itch, Boils, Poison- Ivy, Ringworm, Impetigo, Hives, Burns, Barber’s Itch. Two strengths â€" medium, strong. Two sizes â€"â€" 59c, $1.09. At SCOTCHMER’S DRUG STORE. MALE COLLIE. Owner may have same by proving ownership. Cold- well, end cottage, Centre St. W., or phone Richmond Hill 217J. c1w14 NOTICE: I am open for business at the old Shoe Repair stand at Maple, and am prepared to handle your work at reasonable rates; also harâ€" ness repairing. Arthur Pearson, Ma- ple. *2w14 TREE FELLING, unsaf! limbs re- moved. Wood cutting. Hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed. Small buildings moved and raised. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. ' Qtfc STUBBO‘RN Skin Ailments respond to “Kleerex” auick healing salve â€" Eczema, Psoriasis. Itch, Impetigo, Rinoworm, etc. Two strengths â€"â€" _medium, strong. Two sizes â€"â€" 5'9c, $1.09. Scotch'mer’s Drug Store. c1w13 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving._ Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work done, rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 971'23 ened and repaired by an expériencéd workman. Joseph Winger, phone Maple 621'21. tfc42 & Kelly, profesisonal piano fechniéâ€" ians, quick service. Phone Lakeside 6960, reverse 'charges. c4w13 Hill SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 372r5. tfc25 LAWN MOWERS CLEANED, Sharp: PIANO TUNING SERVICE, Kelly HAND MILLINERY an‘d remodelling. Mrs. C. H. Bourne, Elgin Mills at Bathurst St *1w14 GARDENS ‘pIOWed and worked. Man- ure‘ delivered. C. L. Knappett phone Richmond Hill 451‘25. ctfw13 HANDY MAN, experienced gardener married wants employmenk where living quarters are available. Best of references. John Hambleton, phone Thornhill 411‘12. *1w14 SALESMAN for furniture, electrical appliances and house furnishings, outside work, part or full time, ex- perience not necessary. Home Equip- ment (30., 3368 Yonge St. *1w14 YOUNG, reliable business couple de- sire 2 or 3 room unfurnished apart- ment or flat in or near Maple before November 1;.” Box 84 Maple. Phone 85M, ’ Thornhili. arriving ‘vicinity King and Yonge 8.30 a. m. ,ieaving at 5 p_m. Phone 28M Thornhill. c1w14 PAS‘SENVGERS wanted in car leav- ing Maple for Toronto 6 a.m. return- ing 5 p.m.. Box 84 Maple, phone 85M. TRANSPORTATION from Stop 17 01' vicinity. Apply Box office. PARTY to do small family washingF at own home, must be called for and delivered; no men’s clothes. Tele- phone 1<02r13 Richmond Hill. c1w14 FOR SINGLE, middle-aged lady, board and lodging in Richmond Hill WOMAN wants some light work in Richmond Hill or north between Richmond Hill and Aurora. Apply Box 63 The Liberal. ’i‘lw14 CAR going to Toronto daily. Leave Oak Ridges 1'0 p.m-. returning 8:30 a.rn.. Phone Richmond Hill 1491'3]. c1w14 HOUSE or rooms in Richmond Hill urgently needed by family with best references. Apply Phone 9,‘ Rich- mond Hill. *1W13 ROOM, accommodation with board or without for two gentlemen, in new home. Phone Thornhill 1241'24. c1w14 OPERATORS on blouses; also girls to learn. Apply Mayfair Mfg. Co., Richmond Hill. 13th PIANO, desired "to buy, in good conâ€" dition. Phone Richmond Hill 265w. *1w14 CEMENT M IX-‘E R 28112. SMALL BARN to rent 59, The Liberal. MISCELLANEOUS FOUND WANTED Phone Map! 15 Liberal Apply c1w14 clw14 llwfllllIlIIIIIIIIllIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill-III.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll.IIIII-III...-III-IIIIiIIIIIIIIlIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Joyce Anderson last Friday ‘Mr, and Mrs. Jack Frisby and family of Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family of Vicâ€" toria Square had dinner on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stan}; and Mrs. Mortson. During the evening ~Mrs. Harold Mortson of Richmond Hill called. " Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Broadbelt and family had dinner on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Alf Topper and attend- ed the anhiversary services at Humâ€" ber Summit church. Mrs. James Dalziel is spending a few weeks at the home of her daughâ€" ter. Mrs. Norman Hastings. Mr_ and Mrs. Clelland Thompson attended the McCague-Joyce wed- ding on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lund enter- tained a number of their friends on Saturday evening. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price and little sons are moving on Friday, October hat to Macville Where they have pur- chased a farm, Our best wishes go tn them for a :uccessful and happy life in the community that is new to them. , icur of children" which contained some useful hints for the mothers present. The business was then disposed of and one interesting item was the decision of the ladies to hold their next meeting, which will be on the afternoon of October 7. down at the home of “The Society of Crippled Civilians." After the meeting the la- dies win be escorted through the building by one of the staff. This‘ will be a very interesting meeting and any ladies interested are cor- dially invited to accompany the in- stitute. Also the members of the Woman‘s Asociation are invited to join the ladies. Those planning to go are asked to be at the Edgeley corner at 12.45 o’clock, where cars will be waiting to take them to Thornhill where they will board the trolley for the remainder of the trip. Remember thekd‘ate, October 7th, and at Edgeley corner at 12.45. Ladies, avail yourself of this unusual opporâ€" tunity. Congratulations are extended to M_. and Mrs_ Norman Hastings (Shirley Dal’ziel) on being the proud parents of a baby daughter. followed 3V6 33' the Andel very interestin 19y Wamen’s I a paper 51’ EDGELEY vomen’s msntute was new ne of Mrs. Gordon Ander- Thursday afternoon, The as in charge of Mrs. Nel- A short interesting pa- SOT] M115 ng meeting Institute w of the pa Miss Annie Yeo, returned mission- ary from Nigeria, is holding meet- ings in this vicinity this week. A group of young people from Stayner under the leadership of Miss Jean Swalm provided the program-me in the Heise Hill church last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon GQoding and Carol of Utterson and Miss Ruth Gooding‘ visited last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Winger and boys of Stevensville. Misses Mildred Brillinger and Erâ€" ma Heise of Fort Erie Bible School spent last week-end in their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker of Ford- wich are visiting this wek among friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olimenhage of Fort Erie spent last week-end around Gormley. We extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Wideman who celebrated their twentyâ€"fifth wedding anniversary last Saturday: Approx- imately seventy friends and relatives were present. A lovely programme was presented including numbers from the Henderson sisters. Many useful gifts were received by Mr. and Mrs. Wide-man. I Mrs. G. Leary is visiting relatives in Regina. evening in honour of her approach- ing marriage to Mr. Edward Whit- taker. The gifts were many, hand- some and useful. Mr. Whittaker was given a presentation of a beautiful lamp and table on the same evening. After a dainty lunch served by the ladies the friends departed. leaving for the bride and groom to be, their best wishes for a happy wedded life. Last Tuesday the pictures were shown at Concord school. There will be others shown in about five weeks. The Weekly euchre will be held in Edgeley Hall on Wednesday, Octob- er 6, at 8:30 pm]. Applications stating exper- ience, qualifications etc., may be filed with the undersigned on or before 12 o’clock noon, October 4th, 1948. Building Inspector For Twp. of Markham Charles Hoover, Clerk, Unionville, Ont GO RMLEY WANTED with Celeste Holm - Anne Revere 0 June Havoc - Albert Dekker - Jane Wyatt - Dean Stockwell - Sam Jafle ........... Academy Award Winner! K . COLUMéIA PICTURES presents n and CHAMPION MON.. TUES. â€" OCT 4-5 fm; Smfiififigmfkwfiw Saunpr by Mam cummins and Dwolhy was: ~ Direéted by JOHN ENGLISH - Produced by ARMAND SWEFB? MARKHAM )l STARTS SUNDAY MIDNITE, OCTOBER 11th Irving Berlin’s Musical Parade in Technicolor um: GLORIA HENRY - JACK HOLT - 0le JONES - PAT BUTTRAM -â€" ADDED FUN â€" STAN LAUREL â€" OLIVER HARDY "‘EASTER PARADE” Another Fine Mess HIT OF THE FAIR! A 6905 Anny Production FALL POLICY Doors open 6:45 pm. nightly SHO‘V STARTS 7:00 RM. TWO cumplete shows nightly â€" ;\17:00 & 9:00 â€" WED, THUR. â€"- OCT 6-7 She didn’t get that gleam in ~ , é her eye from dreaming... itinee Saturday mm mm mm ' WIS Ifllilfll - m Nflfll Sump!!! I1 Inn hula ll l-fu 1an - Ilmlll I] "I lflllll ul IllIll'l Inf - I m mum mum 30. OCT. 1-2 00 pm

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