STOP 20A YONGE ST. Phone Thornhill 212r12 : O N ’Wâ€MOMMWOOâ€Oâ€OQOOONNOO“M Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Oct. 6th F .L. LOWRIE, R.O. and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON OPTICAL REPAiRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACIU Prescnptizms for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Rlchmond Bil) 33 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST CARS PAINTED â€" $20 AND UP EXPERT BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED RICHVALE AUTO BODY GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP are h ing Satun month wit zaar later evening Don't miss the énnual per and Bazaar under Mary’s Catholic Church Hill arena, Wednesday, Supper served from 5.31 The October meeting: of the After- noon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held in the S. S. room on Thursday, October 7th, at 3 p.m. The meeting, in charge of the Temperance and Good Citizenship convenor, promises to be a specially interesting one. The guest speaker will be Mrs. I. H. Perigoe, Temper- ance and Good Citizepehip Convenor for Toronto Centre Presbyterial. 1a ,g group W. A. of Richmond H111 nited Church will be held Monday zening‘, October 4th, at 8 pm. St. Mary’s annual Christmas ba ar will take place in the Parisl all. December 4th. Further n0tic1 The reg 01'1' an ular meeting of the even- A. of Richmond Hill SOCIAL AND PERSON AL Oct D011 .21 wee} Lual Turkey Sup- der auspices St. rch'at Richmond ay, October 6th. 5.30 to 8.30 pm. ell are lea McDon 1 Otta‘ ther in Oct The regular monï¬hly meeting of the Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary will be held at the home ‘of Misses Mackie, on Thursday evening, Oc- tober 7. A good attendance is re- quested as a bale will be packed at this meeting. Dr. W. C. Stewart, of the staï¬â€˜ of the University of Alberta, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, formerly of Richmond Hill, has been promoted to the position of Associate Professor of Physiology in the Medical College, Edmonton, Alta. The fall Thank-Offering meeting of the W.M.S. of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church will be held at the home of Mrs. Russell Boying‘ton. Buttonville, Thursday, October 7th, at 3 p.m. Cars will leave Post Of- ï¬ce at 2.45 p.111. Instead of the usual morning hour the promotion services of the Primâ€" ary and the Nursery department of the United Church Sunday School will be held in the ’main Sunday School room on Sunday, October 3rd, at 2:30 pm. Parents and friends welcome. ‘ The W.'C.T.U. will meet at 3 pm. in the School Room of the United Church, Tuesday, October 5, 1948. Miss Béatrice Wilson of St. Christ- opher House will be the guest speak- er. Mothers and all interested in this work are invited to attend. The program of the Fall Dance held at the Thornhill Golf Club on Saturday last. featured Mr. Stan Singer (former professional of Ar- thur Murray Dance Studios) and Miss Gladys McLabchy in an exhibiâ€" tion of ballroom dancing, where their expression of Continuity Waltz and Spanish Tango brought rounds of applause for several encores. Summit View Lunch, North Yonge St., which will close for holidays Monday, October 4, will re-open Fri- day, October 8th, not. October 9th as stated in our last issue. Mn. and Mrs. James Butler’ Mill Street, Richmond Hill, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Kathleen, to John George Gilpin, of Long Branch, Ont., the marriage to take place at Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church, Saturday, October 16th at 4 o'clock. iversary ( ichmond ] arvice will DOUBLE BLOSSOM PETUN_IA ‘ SEED TO BE AVAILABLE Double petunia seed, which pro,- duces rare plants 'bearing double blossoms, will be available from Japâ€" an this fall for the ï¬rst time since before the war. It is estimated that the Japanese will harvest, and have available for export in October, ab- out ten pounds of double petunia seed. ‘None will be sold in Japan. A harvest of 20 pounds is planned for 1948 which will about equal the am- ount exported “annually before the war to the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries at pri- ces ranging from $250 to $300 an ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.'l‘h., R.D. Rector Sunday, October 3rd, Trinity 19 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m.'â€" Holy Communion 7 pm. -â€" Evening Prayer All are? cordially invited to worship with ‘us. ounce. An ounce contains about 280,000 seeds. at RICHMOND HILL PRESBY'I‘ERIAN CHURC'H Rev. S. W. Hirtl-e- B.A.. Minister 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Divine Worship RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen. B.A., Minister Sndgv, October 3rd, 1948 World Communion Sunday 10 a.m.â€"Sunday Scho’bl.‘ Intermedi- ate Department and Bible Class. 11 a.m.Â¥Communion Service and Re- ception of New Members. 2.30 p.m.â€"Primary and Nursery Sun- day School Promotion Service in the main Sunday School room. 7 p..â€"Evening Worship. All are welcome. eeve Hi GOSPEL SERVICES RICHMOND HILL Held in the Masonic Hall Sunday School Classes 3.00 p.m. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Services m ENGAGMENT 4th servance Hill CORRECTION at uxilia he incorporation of a community church held Sunday evening, t 7.30 pm. Hill 11 11 the an 1m] ran 1t BUSINESS OUTLOOK Met CIRCUS James Ernest Circus, beloved son of the Mrs. A. Circus and the late Ernest Circus, who died September 28. 1939. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, His weary trials and troubles are past, In silence he suffered, in patience he bore Till God called him home to suffer no more. â€"â€"Eve1‘ remembered by his loving mother and sisters, Ivy and Marj; and nephews Georgie, David and Stanley. *1w14 LEATHERDALE â€"â€" In loving‘me-mâ€" ory of a dear mother and granny, who passed away at Maple, on September 26, 1946. Two years have passed and gone Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth, With Jesus Christ to dwell. The flowers we place upon her grave May wither and decay ‘ But the love of her who sleeps be. >ene1~a neath Shall never fade â€"Irene, Stan WALTON â€" In loving memory'of Douglas Walton, killed October 3, 1943. Five years have passed, but-still we miss him. Never shall his memory fade, Loving thoughts will always linger, Round the grave where he is laid. Doris and Murray ideas Ely ublic buyim d, although 1y affect qu es. Dollar 1 to exceed REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE â€"Ever rémembered by Mom, Dad SAID FAVORABLE arring unfavorable international Jmstances, Canadian business in 31-51, anticipates a continuation of 11 conditions for the balance of year, according to Hardware and Deb: A young Jady with bride ware Iic t GORDON CHALK IN MEMORIAM ‘ommercial and Domestic All Makes ' King P.O. Phone 2616 King duction of most commodities crease and prices will continue 1 their current strength,†the ire business paper predicts. : buying will remain unsatis- lthough continued high prices ï¬â€˜ect quantify of sales in ’some Dollar sales volume is expec- exceed that of 1947.†White Honey MAPLE LEAF Soap Flakes 320 $1.19 Tomato Juice 2 133190 FANCY QUALITY Vinegar Com . . CHOICE QUALITY Sliced Pineapple 430 DOLE’S Oranges NEW HEINZ CALIFORNIA Carrots . 2 PACK NEW BUNCH â€" In loving memory Ernest Circus, beloved Mrs. A. Circus and the ccording to Ha lectrical Dealer ' fade away. Stan and children. *1w14 ONTARIO CONCORD Blended Juice 2 25c AYLM ER c1w14 Tin 20 oz. llc ‘ Apples . Blue Grapes 1 lb. Pkt. 16 oz. Btl. THE LIBERAI Jar 16 oz. OOOWâ€.MWMOONNM000K WWOâ€0â€â€œ 2 Richmond Hill Telephone 5-J I ooouooOOOow n00¢«oooouooooooouooomouomow 30mm». WOOOOOOOOW“WOOW“OO; Tomatoes Doz. 4 lb. Pkg. 29c 19c 39c EAVESTROUGHING; ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces TINSMILTH PAUL DU BOIS Cello Biscuits Ketchup . mond H China Oats STREAMLINE QUICK QUAKER NEW PACK HEINZ Tomato Soup 2 $122216 (‘AMPBELL’S FAB FABULOUS SUDS S. 0. S. SCOURING PADS Pepper Squash 150 NO. 1 LARGE McINTOSH {1111‘ 6 Qt. Bskt. Tin 28 oz. Septem 48 oz. Pkg: GQt Bskt. Telephone 5-J 13 oz. Btl. Lge. 750 14c 210 25¢: 43c 37c