The Village as a whole is experienâ€" cing the largest boom in its history, and the Assessment Department has a busy job, keeping up and especially to make assessments under Section 57a of the Act, which is a “Must†for all Municipalities to do and if not I do however, wish to thank the Council for their support in the task you have set me to do, and apprec- iate your willingness to grant good assessing tools to enable me to im- prove the effectiveness of the Asâ€" sessment Department thereby adding prestige to that position. We hear much about the words “Public relations†and they apply to the Assessment Department as well as any other office dealing with the people of our community, and it should be your attemp as well as mine to acquaint and inform the tax- payers as to what the assessor means to local government and how he car. ries out the responsibilities of his of- ï¬ce. Each one of us should feel a personal responsibilityjo take ad- vantage of every opportunity that preents itself publicize its organizâ€" ationv so that we can truly be assess- ment conscious. There is hardly a discussion these days, that either directly or indirectly the high cost of living 'is not referred to, yet when anything- is said about assessment being low and should be increased to be on a parity with pres- ent day values, or at least values of even 1940, then what a wail goes up against the poor assessor â€"- human beings are funny things. As a point of intent there have been 70 transfers by way of sales to date in the Village and up to date 45 new buildings have been subject to assessment for taxation. There are still a few properties in process Of construction. which, if completed by the end of the year will be duly asâ€" sessed and will add' considerable t0 the net increase. These will be added to the R011 as an amendment as pro- vided by the Assessment Act. Total assessable prop. ....$1,284,769 These ï¬gures represent an increase of assessment on assessable property of $126,617. The gross increase was $208,882 over 1947. The total population as of today is 1751 an increase of 74 over that of 1947 and this increafl'xg weekly. “Once again it is my yearly duty as your Assessor to present the As- sessment Roll together with the reâ€" quired affidavit comprising the re- capitulation of the Assessment Roll for the year 1948 all of which have been duly completed in accordance with the Assessment Act_ Total Assessment for Land $ 320,979 Total Assessment Bldgs. . 1,286,840 Assessment Business Tax . 22,225 Making. a total of . Less otal exemptions The assessor’s report showed a to- tal assessment of $1,630,044" an in- crease of $208,882. over 1947, and a population of 1751, an increase of 71. The village, the report states, is en- joying a record building boom with 45 new buildings being assessed to date this year. Mr. Pocknell’s report to council was as follows: The efficient service of W. S. Pock- nell, village assessor was highly commended by Reeve P. C. Hill and members of council when he present- ed his annual report at Monday night’s meeting. “The asseswr oc- cupies one of the most responsible positions in our municipal adminis- tration" said Reeve Hill, “and' we are fortunate to have the services of Mr. Pocknell who is domg a splendid job.†Assessment Highest Ever As Richmond Hill Shows Healthy“ Growth During The Past Year VOL LXX I’OPULA’I’ION AND ASSESSMENT FIGURES AT NEW HIGH AS VILALGE ENJOYS RECORD BUILDING BOOM Outstanding Quality - Delicious Flavour THE HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 31,630,044 345,275 He leaves to mourn his passing- his widow who was formerly Miss Ambrosine Level" of Victoria Square, two sons. three daughters and one sister. Helen B. (Mrs. J. F, Atkin- son) Richmond Hill. The late Mr. Ness throughout his lifetime was a sincere Christian and was a mem- ber of the Congregational Church in Newton Highlands. G. H. Mitchell, Reeve ofN'orth York Twp. and Mrs. Mitchell, Boyn’con Wel- drick, Reeve of Vaughan and Mrs. Weldrick, Vernon Griffin, Reeve of Markham and Mrs. Griffin, Lorne B. Goodfellow, Reeve of King and Mrs. Goodfellow. Lorne Evans, Reeve of Whitchurch and Mrs. Evans. These guests will occupy special pews with the Reeve, members of council. forâ€" mer reeves and their wives. It will be an historic occasion in the life of the village and community and a cap- acity attendance is anticipated. Ar- rangements have been made to trans- mit by loud speakers the service to an overflow gathering in the Sunday School room. The death occurred on October lst of Thomas W. Ness at Newton High- lands, Mass., U.S.A. The late Mr. Ness was born in King Twp. near Eversley on May 2nd, 1860. and spent his early life in this district. At an early age he moved to Patter- son with his parents and he attend- ed High School at Richmond Hill. As a young man he taught school for some years and then went into the electrical business in Montreal and later in Boston, Mass.. where he was manager of the Holtzerâ€" Cadot Co. wrong.†A former salesman became tired of his job and joined the police force: Later, when asked how he liked his new job, he replied: “Swell: the pay is good, the hours 0.K. and the customer is always Many Richmond Hill old‘ bOys and girls are expected to return for the special service and among the invited guests for the occasion are His H nor the Lieutenant-Governor of Out rio and Mrs. Lawson, J. E. Smith M. P. and Mrs. Smith, Major A. A. McKen- zie, M.P.P., K. L. Thompson, Warden of York County and Mrs. Thompson. Special Service To Mark Village 75th Anniversary Son of 1873 Council Member To Be Guest Speaker Richmond Hill municipal counci' has arranged to observe the seventyâ€" ï¬fth anniversary of the incorporation of the village with a special commun- ity church service Sunday evening, October 24th, at 7.30 p.m. The service will be held in the Un- ited Church with members of the 10â€" cal clergy taking part and with Rev. H. S. Warren, B A. of Aurora. as the special speaker. Rev. Warren was born in Richmond Hill and is a son of William Warren, a member of the ï¬rst Richmond Hill council 'in 1873, the year of incorporation, It is my sincere effort to carry out the terms of the Assessment Act to the bet of my knowledge and ex- perience." done, then the community would have no equity and uniformity in as- ses-sment and taxation. LATE THOMAS W. NESS OBITUARY SWELL JOB On Sunday morning next, a Mess- age from the Bishops assembled at Lambeth Conference, will be read in all Anglican churches throughout the world; This me5sage, which is signed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, will be read in many languages in many parts of the world. It is a message of inspiration and hope, and should be heard and heeded by all who profess and call themselves An- glicans. Locally the message will be read in St_ Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, by the Rector of that Church, and all local members and others interested are invited to be present. Were there more of this our way- ward element might, at the right age, be drawn into the “Scout†fold, where their undoubted energy could be directed to a more healthy, useful channel. Scouts Parade At Thornhill Two or more Scout Bands will be present and lead the parade to Thorn- hill Park along highway No. 11. The Service will be conducted by District Scout Master, John Snow. The ex- ecutives of the York Central District Boy Scouts Association, Mr. Clarke E. Locke, District Commissioner, Mr. Richard Edmunds, Assistant District Commissioner will be present along with other dignitaries of the Scout movement. The North Yonge Radials showed an operating proï¬t of $2,933.52 for the month of August according to the latest report from the T.T.C. Passenger revenue for the month was $19,114.19 an increase more than three and a half per cent over the same month in 1947. Passenger rev- enue for the ï¬rst eight months of the year increased almost $7,000 or nearly ï¬ve per cent more than in the same period last year. If the proposed suspension of ra- dial service is carried out and a bus service substituted it is expected the service will operate at a loss rather than a proï¬t. On Sunday, October 17th, 1948, the public will have the opportunity to witness a Boy Scout spectacle that will be very gratifying to Scout par- ents and other serious minded citi- zens; to let them know that all is not mundane with our boys and young men. Troops expected to be present are: lst, 2nd, 3rd Willowdale; Agincnurt; King; Lansing; Maple; .York Mills, lst and 2nd; Milliken; Newmarket; Newtonbrook; Oak Ridges; Richmond Hill; 'Stouffville; Thornhill, Radial Revenue Increases Over The Year 1947 May Have Vote On Sewers This Year structed to proceed with the issuing of debentures just as soon as he had the approval of the engineer, W. B. Redfern. Th question of some action on the proposed construction of sewers was introduced by councillor Tom Talel‘. “This is October†said councillor Taylor and if we‘re going to do any- thing it’s time we were at it. We were to have an engineer’s report by now.†Councillor get on with the facts to vote orr'it.†Cubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Brownies and other Scout personell will attend the Drum Head Service of the York Central District Boy Scouts. The International Wgter Supply Co. has started development of the new well at the eastern limits of the village and the village will issue de- bentures of $23,000 to cover the cost of the well» and certain necessary main extensions. The clerk was in- Reeve Hill: “Do you think should go ahead with .the vote year?†’ The clerk was instructed to 00m- municate with the engineer and ask for a report for the next meeting. These services are called “Scouts Own.†A MESSAGE FROM LAMBETH TO ALL ANGLIC‘ANS ar v . “In Essentials, Unity; In Eon-Essentlals, Liberty: In All fhings. Charity" Line Proï¬t For August Operation $2,933.52 Taylor: “Certainly, let’s it. Get the report, give the people and let them RICHMOND HILL, ONT.,‘THURSDAY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1948 we this Markham Assessment Appeals Will Be Heard By The Council Richmond Hill Council ls Opposed To Suspension Of The Yonge Street Radial Service was sharply criticized by all mem- bers of Richmond Hill ccuncil at the regular meeting Monday night. At a meeting last Week the commission agreed to a sus'peiision of the radial service and the substitution of a has service to save power the change-over to bcome effective-next Sunday “It looks to me we’re being asked to give up our car service to help save power for North York Twp. I think the car line. is among the last things we should shut off†said coun- cillor Middleon. L At the regular meeting of Mark- ham Twp. Council held this week by a majority of one the council rever- sed last year’s decision to have a Court of Revision composed of rate- payers other than members of coun- cil and the motion to adopt this prac- tice brought forth the ï¬rst recorded vote of the year. Reeve Griffin and councillor Barber and Wicks sup- ported the motion and deputy-reeve ‘Rumney and counéillor Timbers Vo- ted‘ for last year’s method. Reeve Griffin explained that rate- payers who are complaining about increases in their tax bills should' bear in mind that the only increase this year over which the councilflhas control is an in‘crease of two mills in the township rate. This he con- tended was a reasonable increase in view of increased costs and the exâ€" The action of‘the North Yong-e Radial Commissmn in suspending radi-al service as a “hydro saving move At the commiss on meeting it was stated that due «l7 'the serious hydro shortage all municipalities likely would be subjected to ï¬fteen minute cut-offs every hour, and that when this switch pulling took place in North York Township, power for opâ€" eration of the radials would have to be cut off. Authoritative information received‘after the meeting would in- dicate that there would be no diffiâ€" culty in having uninterrupted power for the car line when cut-off had to be made to North York Township consumers. This information has changed the picture as it is under- stood the reeves agreed to the sus- pension of service largely on the strength of the argument that hourly power breaks of ï¬fteen minutes for the radial line were inevitable. The saving in hydro power amoun- ting to between 7000 and 10,000 Kil- owatt houlr daily will save power for North York Township, but not any other of the municipalities concern- “The radials are; making a proï¬t and we are askedfto take them off and put on busseé which will lose money" said councillor Cecil Mabley. “1 think it’s a shame." “I think we’ve been paying the pi- per for North York all along and now we’re being forced to give up the line to please the whims of North York again†said 'councillor Tomlin. off of the radial service†protested councillor Tom Taylor. If teh radial service suspension or- der is to be retained there still are many contentious matters to discuss at he Thursday night meeting; of the councils. One is the matter of ï¬nancial loss to the municipalities. Radials now operate with a substanâ€" tial proï¬t while it "is anticipated busses will operate at a substantial loss. Who is going to re-imburse the taxpayers? Hydro officials have said they will not pay the loss. Reeve Hill said that a meeting: of the members of all the municipal councils concernCd was called for Thursday night when the whole mat- ter could be reviewed. “I agreed with the other reeves to the tempor- ary suspension of the service on the strength of representations made by responsible officials" said the Reeve. “I have information since which does not agree with the information giv- en at that meeting and we are going responsible officials" said the Reeve. “I have information since which does not agree with the information giv- en at that meeting and we are going to ï¬nd out éxactly what is the true situation and we will act according- 1y.†“I suggest we go on record deï¬n- iter as being agéinst any cutting SYSTEM OF OUTSIDE MEMBERS FOR REVISION COURT ADOPTED LAST YEAR NOW CHANGED ed. Many are asking if North York Township is to be saved a daily black- out by the saving made in power sup- plied the car line, while 'other mun- icipalities suffer black-outs plus the loss of their transportation system. Members of the Richmond Hill council instructed\the clerk to consult with the solicitor regarding details of all radial agreements and the pos- sible eï¬â€™ect on the radial franchise of even a tempci'ary emergency suspen- sion of the service Richmond Hill experienced the most'serious power cuts Tuesday of any centre in the district. Power was off for an hour morning and af- ternoon. This was ordered by Rich- mond Hil‘l council on motion of coun- cillor Ken Tomlin, chairman of the Electric Light Committee, who said he was not satisï¬ed with the volun- ary savings made so far. “At least 75 per cent. of the people do not rea- lize there is a power shortage" he said “and to learn this all you have to do is drive around the village and see lights going’full blast.†. Wednesday the power cut was re- duced to a half hour morning; and afternoon and this will continue all week, with further cuts then being made if necessary. Richmond Hill’s quota is 6275 kwh, daily. Sunday it was down to 64800, a reduction of £00 froin the preva icus Sunday and this was encourag- Local Prize Winners At Simcce Fair ing. Monday it wasup to 8000, and Tuesday even with power cuts it was down only a little more than 400kwh. In the rural areas cuts will start October 7th, ï¬fteen minutes morning and afternoon at time announced on notices 'wh-iah~-‘will»~bez- Wedkwiï¬ the district. The rural area is over quota in consumption and substan- tial reductions must be made. Miss Margaret Jordan was honor- ed at a Miscellaneous and kitchcn shower held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. LeRiche, Garden Ave., last Saturday evening. Presentations 0f enamelware was made by Mr. Car- ter on behalf of members and friends of the Baptist church. Don Head Farms of Richmond Hill took both the grand champion female award and the trophy given by Har- ry Collins, president of the Ontario Jersey Club, with Don Head Basil’s Helen. ' tent of work done, Increased tax bills in many cases he said lresulted from assessment increases made last year, as last year’s assessment is used for this year’s tax levy. In some cases the increase is accounted for by increased school levy. Reeve Griï¬'in invited members of council to attend a meeting of North Yonge municipalities Thursday even- ing re the. North Yonge Radials. The Reeve pointed out that he was re- luctant to agree to the suspension of radial service as a hydro saving move, and from information since received he was insisting the whole matter be considered and further facts on the necessity of such a move brought out. “If we did not have all the right facts before us when the suspension order was agreed to I certainly will ï¬ght to see it is res- cinded†he said. Blackout Notes LANGSTAFF Reeve Casts Deciding Vote As Council Asks Provincial Police For Richmond Hill FULL TIME OFFICER WILL BE STATIONED HERE AGREEMENT WITH PROVINCIAL I’OLIC‘E Richmond Hill village will have the services of a full time provincial police officer after January lst, 1949. This was decided at Monday night’s ccuncil after a deadlock which was broken by the Reeve's vote. Councill- ors Taylor and Tomlin sponsored the motion to enter into an agreement with the provincial police and Coun- cillors Middleton and Mabley present- ed an amendment that the village ad- vertise for the services of a full time police officer. The matter of policing the munici- pality has been under consideration by council for many months. At present the council engages a part time constable and while there was general agreement that the village now needed more police service there was a marked division on council as to the best solution to the problem. At a recent meeting a representa- tive of the provincial police sat in with council and explained the details of the system now adopted by sever- al Ontario municipalities whereby the policing if placed in the hands of the provincial organization. A proâ€" vincial officer will be assigned .to du- ty here and the municipality has ag- reed to pay $1800 per annum plus a mileage of six cents per mile for use of his car and provide him with ofâ€" ï¬ce space, telephone and typewriter, Advocating the engaging of pro- vincial police councillor Taylor point- ed out that the village WOuld‘ have the services of a trained officer at a reasonable expenditure and he thought the time had arrived to take action. He strongly opposed a sug- gestion that the matter be again laid over for a month. “We’ve [been now and it’s time to take action†he said. “I've thought it over since last meeting and I am of the same opin- ion now as I was then†said Council- lor Middleton. “I still think we should engage our own constable so that he would carry out his duties under the jurisdiction of the council. We should have the say over our own police. I'm afraid if we get one pro- vincial they’ll soon say we need two. And then there is the cost, office, car mileage and whatnot. I said on the start it would cost us $2700 and I United Church Men’s Club To Meet Oct. 18 The United Chuich Men’s Club is resuming activities for the coming fall and winter months by having an outstanding speaker fur the ï¬rst meeting on Monday, October 18th, at 630 pm. Col., the Rev. W. Frank- lin Bannister, O.B.E., B.D., B. Th., ministei‘ of Simpson Ave. United Church and padre to the lst Corps Signals (Reserve) served overseas as Senior Protestant Chaplain to the 'an Canadian Corps from 1941 to 1945‘ He will use as his subject “Now Is The Hour", a most interest- ing discourse on the contributions made by the British people down through the centuries to this world of ours. Col. Bannister is well qualiï¬ed to discuss this contribution because be- sides being educated at Victoria Col- lege, Toronto, Southern College, Lou- isiana, and at Oxford, England, he has held several pastoral charges in Ontario, lived his early life in Wes- tern Canada, has had extensive overâ€"' seas experience and since then has had active command of his charge at Simpson Ave. United Church_ The ladies of the church have kindâ€" 1_v consented through. their president Mrs. Jas. Pollard to continue to sup- ply the grand meals we have-Ven- joyed so much inI/the past. V The Executive are already plan- ning varied anvdente‘lftainingv .sub‘pei; meetings for}, the future 'enjOyment of the men of the church, so it is expected that a large turnout of new- comers to this district and members will indicate your conï¬dence and support. Remember the club aim is friendship and service. Mr. Wm. Ferguson, an esteemed member of the church and club, will also assist in the programme with vocal numbers. There will be a hearty sing-song as well. ADVERTISING IN GETS RESULTS THE LIBERAI don't think I said. Councillor Tomlin strongly favor- ed the pfovincial police. He pointed out that he took this stand because he felt under the pro-posed new sys- tem there would be impaitial enforce- ment of laws and by-laws. “There is a saying that laws are made to be broken but that‘s not correct†he said, “Laws are mad: to be kept and‘it’s our duty to see that there is impar- tial enforcement." He said not only would we have a trained police offic- er but he would have the co-operation of all provincial officers. Councillor Cecil Mabley contended that the matter of coâ€"operation was something we should have all the time no matter who was our police officer. “The provincial police should coâ€"operate with local police any time. What do we pay them for, he asked. Surely he said we don’t have to hire a provincial man to get the co-opera- tion of the provincial police. “I know we have complaints, but after all they are for petty things, not major crimes" said‘ councillor Middleton, “we have dog's running when they shouldn t, some sidewalks not shovelled, childlien riding bicy- cles on the sidewalk, but after all these things aren’t so very serious. “I think the people of Richmond Hill are pretty good†said councillor Mabley, “I certainly don‘t think we themâ€. against the amendment and in favor «Mommahmï¬o'nampmmanagem- forcement of our by-l‘aws has given me concern foi- a long- time,†he said, “and if we are to have a full time police officer I gon’t know where we could get a better man at any less money than we will pay the provin- cial officer.†“We’re beaten again,†said coun- cillor Middleton as he asked for a recorded vote on the motion. “That’s alright with me, by all means,†said councillor Tomlin, I’m certainly al- ways ready to have my vote on any question recorded.†“.That goes for me too,†said councillor Taylor. “It's no use leekinr; Lhe.stable af- ter the horse is stolen,†said coun- cillor Taylor. . After a lengthy dï¬crssion Reeve P. C_ Hill cast the deciding- vote against the amendment and in favor msnwmmmmï¬dn†maelluekwieem Last Wednesday the annual Field Day was held at the high school, It was a perfect day, not too warm and lots of bright sunshine. We boys’ champions and runnerâ€" ups were as follows: Senior Champ, John Atkinson, Runner-up, Murray Stevenson; Junior Champ, George Hooper, Runner-up, Scott Latimer; Juvenile Champ, Ted' Dittle, Runner- up, Ball'y Dowdall. ' The girls’ champions were: Senior Champ, Lois Bourne, Runner~up, J‘ean Cooper; Junior Champ, Isabel Mashinter, Runnerfup Joyce Wilde; Juvenile Champ, Joan Stevenson; Runner-up Sylvia Easton. Many new records were set up and here are those responsible. Juvenile: Ted Little, Standing Broad and 75 yds.; Tom Ewart, Pole Vault. Junior: George Hoope Broad, 100 yds., 220 yds.‘ imer, High Jump, H01 Jump. Senior: John Wynny High Jump, Running Broad, 220'yds.; John At- kinson, Shot Put, 100 yds.; Murra’y Stevenson, Mile, Pole Vault; Pete Tobias, Discus. All these athletes and many more will compete at the North York Richmond Hill High School placed second in the North York High Schools Field Day at Aurora on Wednosday. ,Aurora 'qu. ï¬lï¬t.;;place and: ,:N‘e\v11131$et thide :;l‘vR{¢Hiiiond Hill had two'sohamp‘ionsl‘iilfi: winners, Scott Latimer and Johm; Atkinson. ‘_ Morley "Hall, Art Eden and Ga Yerex won the Davis Trophy and nice chickens each, the premier hon 01‘s in the trebles tournament at New market Wednesday. R.H.H.S. Sport Slants BOWLING NOTES 100 yds., 220 yds.; Scott Lat- High Jump, Hop, Step and By K eith Teetzel was very UNDER Standin