Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Oct 1948, p. 3

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Somooouuu 00.600606000NOOOOOOOOQOOOM“WM. WWOOOOOOO 0000 o¢ooo¢o¢ooooeowwmoo€ 90600009990990009ooo9009990..ooooooqooooowooooooooeg pmwmown MOOOMNMOMOWWVOO 00000 00.00 C Frame Home Pogsible to Remadeli 5 TO 6 ROOMS WITH 3 BED ROOMS, WILL PAY UP TO $8,000.â€" $3500 CASH : 7 5 ACRES AND HOUSE FOR RAISING CHINCHILLAS, SHADE TREES A MUST. UI TO $10,000. 20 ACRESâ€"HOUSE NOT NECESSARY. TO ESTABLISH CHICKEN RANCH GOOD HOUSE, MUST BE ONYONGE STREET. SIZE OF HOUSE OR LOT NOT IMPORTANT. MUST BE IN FAIR CONDITION. ACRES AND HOUSE, CO NVENIENCES NOT NECESS- UP TO 50 ACRES WITH STONE OR MASONRY HOUSE. THORNHHLL WM C0. Studding 2x4, joist 2x6, 8x10 $86 thousand Used Spruce Matched Flooring, 3 and 6 in. Eastern Dressed Hemlock Sheeting, 1 by 4 Real Estate Thornhil] 168J Insurance URGENT FOR WAITING CLIENTS You’ve Waiting For This! Here's a. popular general pur- pose set of sockets and neces- sary handlesâ€"ideal for the garage mechanic or handy- man. Heat treated. selected steel that will give long satis- factory service. Universal joint. valve grinder. Speeder handle. etc.. included. ln fibre box. CTC Feature Value. complete Q an Formerly 64.95 . 0 RICHER TONE 0 GREATER SELECTIVITY 0 COMPACT UNDER DASH MOUNT Now you can enjoy radio while you ride . . . at Canadian Tire's amazing new low price, $49.95. The Supertone Auto Radio is equal in tonal value, per- formance and engineering features to car radios that have been selling: around town all season for as high as $99.50. This sensational new low price means an actual cash savings of many dollars . . . Our price on the Supertone has been $64.95 until recently . . . and it has been exceptional value at that figure; when you compare the Supertone savings against sets selling at $99.50 You SAVE ALMOST HALF! 33-”: 1/2" Square Drive See PENN Real Estate and wider width SOCKET SET Builders Opportunity NEW REDUCED PRiCE Fall driving means a lot. of usage for vour wind- shleld wiper. Why not have vours exchanged for a mw fully emcient Trice? EXCHANGE PRICE Trico WIPERS 3.50 ‘° 8.50 Telephone Thornhill 27 Immediate Delivery 8.59 Rainy Day Needs {iii-PIECE SOCKET SETâ€"in useful metal tool box . . . . ‘ . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . ‘ 9 a95 Not a. fad but a tested proven prod- uct used by more than a. half-million motorists. "Mote-Master“ MOTOR CONDITIONER RESTORES ; D Power I Smoothness I Economy 9 Perform- ance or your money back oroa conomoNER ‘ .59 $50 per thousa $84 per thousand FITS ALL CARS sand Furthermore ,it must be realized by users of the North Yonge Radial line who do not reside in the Town- ship of North York that any inter- ruptions fo the sub-station in Will- owdale throughout the day would have tied up their means of trans- portation at the time of such inter- ruptions. Finally, in so far as the residents of North York Township are concern- ed and, as stated by myself on many occasions, at ratepayers’ meetings and elsewhere, there are thousands of sump-pumps placed in the ,base- ments of homes in our municipality which are very necessary, particul- arly during the winter months and in the spring, and if we fail to live within our quota and‘ it should be-» For your information, our quota was exceeded last week by approx- imately 24.000 kilowatt hours daily, and it was therefore necessary to take immediate action to curtail the use of power and‘work out a pregram that will enable the North York Hydro- Electric Commission to carry on dur- ing the Fall and Winter months with- out the necessity of pulling switches. It must be realized by all concernâ€" ed that if power service were inter- rupted in manner suggested by the Provincial Power Commission all usâ€" ers of the North Yonge Radial Line would have been greatly embarrassed by these interruptions and 'it was felt by the Reeves of the four Municipal- ities affected that it was their duty to see that reasonably good transpOr- tation facilities should be made av- ailable during the period that this power shortage exists. The average power consumed, ac- cording to the season of the year, by the operation of the North Yonge Ra- dial Line varies between 7,000 and 10,000 kilowatt hours daily, so that it will be readily seen that by the subâ€" stitution of buses this saving of pow- Arrangements have already been made by our local municipality with a number of industrialists, including de Havilland, Fruehauf Trailer Co. of Canada Ltd., and many others for their working hours to be staggered lJ such a manner as to assist us. (21' will very materially help the North York Township Hydro Com- mission to gain control of the sit- uation_ It is also vital that all possible power be conserved by domestic conâ€" sumers in order that the wheels of industry may continue to turn unin- terrupted‘ly and thus maintain max- imum employment conditions. How- ever, the failure to co-operate by many ofâ€" the domestic consumers is to be regretted and I certainly hope that they will endeavour to pull switches on water heaters as much as possible and to reduce consUmp- tion of power in any other way they can. I wish to to repeat this is a tem- porary measure only and no fran- chise rights are being interfered with and no attempt is being made to force upon the citizens a transporta- tion system which they may not yvish to have. I am quite satisfied that ample opportunity will be given to the residents of the four municipal- ities affected to record their vote in a democratic way when it seems (le- sirable to obtain such an opinion from them as to the future means of transportation for the residents in those areas. Commission of Ontario has issued letters to the various Municipal Hy- dro Commissions which, in effect, state that the consumption of kilo- watt hours has been considerably in excess of the quota allotted to the municipalities and that unleSS our week-day consumption of kilowatt hours is reduced to the quota which had been allotted, the Provincial E1- ectric Power 1Commission would be obliged to request us to open swit- ches for regular intervals throughout the day until the required reduction is assured. Failure to comply with this request will make it necessary for the Provincial Commission to interrupt our power supply every hour on the hour throughout the day, from dawn until dark, for periods of time rang- ing up to 15 minutes in duration. A copy of this letter was sent to me on September 27th, with the requst that I give all assistance possible and en- deavour to make the necessary ar- rangements to avoid these power in- t'erruptions. It appears to me that, because of the decision made by the Reeves of the four lnunicipalitlés having an interest in the North Yonge Radial to replace street cars with buses as a temporary measure, the citizens should be told why such a decision was necessary, and we must con- sider ourselves fortunate that buses are available at this critical time. Much publicity has been given to the fact that there is a very serious power shortage at present exisiting in the Province of Ontario and in an attempt to keep the wheels of in- dustry turning and to give the dom- estic consumer a reasonable supply of power, the Hydro-Electric Power The Li LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE ea 1‘ ichmond Hi1] Mr. Editor w era] ale, October Ont 1948 Many of the parents are taking a dim view of these _speedsters as a good number of thef'n came from the city primarily to get away from traffic hazards of city streets. Could be some action may be taken if a change is not apparent. Many community residents are be.- ginning' to wonder when the township engineer is going to advise them as to whether their culverts are at the proper depth for the best drainage. Word came from the council cham- ber last spring when the condition of the roads was a major problem. We sincerely hope this has not been for- gotten for if memory serves us cor- rectly every year has a spring with its share of water and next spring will be no exception. Sport Last Tuesday “Red” Garner, the wrestling mivlkman, who is out to top Maple Leaf Gardens in sports promo- tion held another successful exhibit- ion of grappling at the Richmond Hill arena amid‘ the thud of falling bodies while the crowd was in the grip of a mild attack of hysteria_ come necessary to pull switches, much damage' will be causedvto pro- perty. It is something that we should all endeavour to avoid to the best of our ability and I ask you to support myself and‘Council in this regard. Yours very sincerely, Geo. A. Mitchell, Reeve The many friends of Mrs. G. Wells of Oak avenue will be relieved and thankful to know that she is resting much easier and in a more cheerful frame of mind. Mrs, Wells is in the Toronto General Hospital where she has been confined due to a condition of general ill-health. The exuberant feeling of an auto- mobile and an open road expressed with an itchy foot on an accelerator is once again being noticed on the Yonge St. sideroad. It could be that open road may suddenly have a child on it. You can’t stop very fast on gravel, no matter how good your brakes are. The bones and flesh of children is a possession more prec- ious than the wealth of the world â€" so far the district has been very lucky. Don’t let there be a first time. ' Red trounced Carlo Trounce in the main bout by takingthe first and third falls in a display of mat may- hem. In the preliminaries Ernie An answer to this could be a lack of recreational facilities in the even- ings for the younger citizens â€" it could‘ be the community hall may solve this so very important problem â€" what do you think? The teaching staff and pupils alike welcomed Mrs. D. Tansley back to the Richvale- school last Monday. Mrs. Tansley has sucCeSSfully recovered from a seriOus operation â€" the con- valescence from which compelled her to miss the school opening. ‘ Mrs. Tanser must take things easy for a while; however she expressd a feeling of enthusiasm for the new surroundings in which she'will con- tinue her teaching duties. Weekly News Budget From The Richvale Community Youthful prank: have taken a ser- ious turn of late in the Richvale dis- trict. The nature of these childish depradations have been of such mag- nitude that they have come under the notice of the local constabulary. Since the opening of the current school term the 'Ric-hvale public school on Spruce Avenue has been broken into no less than twice, A small sum of money was taken as well as sundry articles used in school work. The money and articles stolen how- ever, is of secondary importance to the obscene remarks written on the blackboards and the filth which was deliberately left in prominent parts of the rooms. There must be an answer to this conduct â€" is it lack of parental supâ€" ervision or is it just'another sign of the times? 00-,OOOOOOGQOOOOQOWOOON00099“0009960“¢069”9000“ WMOOOOONOONOONWWOM”OWW“W Richmond Hill 47R11 “We Deliver Right To Your Door” Quality Feeds â€"â€" Hay â€"â€" Straw â€" Semi-Solid Buttermilk Insulation â€" Shingles â€"- FM Pumps â€" Rosco Products We Are The Exclusive Distributors For the Famous For Poultry â€"â€" Farms â€"â€" Riding Stables â€" Kennels CAFETERIA and SUN-RAY FEEDS NEED FEED? CARS PAINTED â€"â€" $20 AND UP EXPERT BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED LANG-STAFF FEED SERVICE RICHVALE AUTO BODY G UARA NTEED WORKMANSHIP STOP 20A YONGE ST. Phone Thornhill 212r12 RADIO YOUTH GROUP TO‘ HOLD SERVICE IN RICHMOND HILL The radio singers and stafl“ of the “Young Canada Bible Hour”, who have been conducting- radio programs over station CHUM and other local radio stations in Ontario, will appear in person as guests of the Sunday afternoon Bible School held in the Masonic Hall each Sunday. This group which originated in Peterboro in 1942, has been enthusiastically re- ceived by radio listeners in Ontario and Quebec and this is your oppor- tunity to see this radio Sunday School in person. (This radio Sun- day School is now on the air each Saturday morning 9.30-10 am. over station C‘HUM (1050 kilocycles). An added feature will be a grudge match between two local boys, Frank Young and Joe Petcofi‘, in a bout to the finish and may the best man win â€"wow!!! Houghson took two straight falls of Harvey Stanfield with a very fine dis- play of ring lo(re which pleased the spectators no end. Two local lads, Cleve Burton and Tom “Junior” Cooney, entered the lists in a very impressive manner. They wrestled one fall each with Ed Mangotich and both exhibited them- selves as no m_ean opponents. The preliminaries will find Cleve Burton versus Ed Mangotich for one fall, 30 minute limit and “Junior” Cooney in opposition to Joe Halem for a similar period. “Red” will again promote an ex- hibition under the sponsorship of the Ratepayers Association next Tuesday evening, Octobr 12th, at the arena in Richmond Hill. He will introduce team wrestling for the first time in this district. Ernie Houghson will team with Red' in opposition to Car- lo Tl‘ounce and Harvey Stanfield in the feature. Slashed Prices On Woolworth Fire Stock Approximately 50,000 items, including Patent Medicines, Cosmetics, Hardware, Glass- ware, Toys, Plastics, and many others suitable for var- iety stores, at nearly 75% Discount on regular whole- sale prices- VARIETY STORES 5c-$1 STORES GENERAL STORES Will sell all 01‘ part. Phone or write immediately SPEEDY JOBBING C0. Bricklaying & Block Work Expert Workmanship OAK AVE. â€" RICHVALE Phone Richmond Hill 36 St. Andrews St. Adelaide 6782 TORONTO For Appointment lflfllfllllll General Repairs TcxaCo Products Body and Fender Work our Speciality TELEPHONE 74-M I 'fllllflllllllllfl'lllllfllEllliflu ‘ Week Â¥ OCTOBER 3rd - mu THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, October 7, 1948 Clean up fire-trapsâ€"examine your heating and wiring equipmentâ€"above all practice safety RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk Canada’s Fire Loss in 1947 was $57,000,000. FREE MUNICIPALITY OF RICHMOND HILL Artificiai Sione Fire Prevention 144 YONGE STREET Co-operate to stamp out this economic waste which is a burden on all Canada. STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Just phone and we will pick up your car and make delivery after service. Immediate Delivery Any Quantity CONCRETE BLOCKS Superhuman Rulers FOR SALE NOW Willow Theatre, Stop 8, Y0nge‘St., WILLOWDALE, ONT. McMullen Motors SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 3 RM. Representative of Watch Tower Society Phone Thornhill 2121'12 All Kingdom-Seekers Welcome Thisâ€"OWN” ‘ NO COLLECTION TAKEN ETT, Clerk PERCY C. HILL, Reeve BERT COOK, Fire Chief Near Their End! Public Address By J. DANLEY RICHMOND [llLL FREE

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