RASPBERRY CANES, order now for fall planting. J. Manley, 23 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. ctf “219 CHRYSLER SEDAN, in good running- order. Apply Bill VViIliam- son, Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill. *1w15 JERSEY cow, sécond calf, fresh can by side. R. I-Ial'binson, Oak Ridges . BICYCLE, man’s, in good condition. J. Rae, Concord, phone Maple 1111‘2. c1w15 Wood, white enamel front Maple 371%. F. Oliver. Y6iï¬â€˜H's OVERCOAT, size 36 ’36 DODGE SEDAN, motor and tires Phone 90.1, Richmond Hill. c1w15 perfect. Colonial Service Station, Stop 22 Yonge St. Phone Thornhil] 2'03. c1w15 ELECTRIC RANCETTE with oven; man's bicycle in good condition, ’Ap- ply Bowdry, Oxford St. *1w15 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill 168. v tfc46 SPACE HEATER, oil, used only once. Apply at new store, Stop 22, Rich- vale. ‘ *1w15 1940 DODGE Deluxe. excellent con- dition, radio, heater and new slip c0- vers, private owner. Phone Maple 2412. *1w15 LOAM, rich dark sandy loam. L Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. t 1943 GMC 2 base. 'Fred Phone King CHICKS, 6 weeks, mixed Hamp- shires, Barred Rocks. Apply C. Higgs, Steele’s Ave., Stop 13, Yonge St. Zone 8-627. *1w15 YORKSHIRE BOARS, 2, 4 months old, from C. Higgs, Yonge St‘ SAND, grave], stone, ï¬ll, loam;“pin- ders, manure. Prompt delivery. 'Ap- ply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill, or phone 315W. 9th BUILDINGS on farm to be removed from property before'the lst of Ap- ril. Best offer accepted; Apply E. Wiggins, Don' Mills Rd., telephone Agincourt 34_Slw4. . *4w15 motor, tires and paint all. excellent. Aubrey Stephenson, Buttonville, phone 35(3w4 Agincourt, 01' 61602 Stouf’fville. c1w15 4 THE LIBERAL, R‘ichmOnd Hill, Thursday. October 7, 1948 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. stair hand rails. fire doze, fire screens. fire sets and acetylene Weldâ€" ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 FORD COACH, Model A, late 1928, FRONTENAC SEDAN, 1933, 4 cyl- inder, motor, clutch, transmission, brakes and tires all new last year. Top and body A1. Apply 61% Rich- mond St., phone 333w. clw15 COCKER SPANIEL, black, 3 months old, male, registered; also Irish Set- tel‘, 14 months male registered. Phone STOVE, Findlay, small size, coal or Thol‘nhill 1-231‘3‘2. c1w15 100 ACRE FARM, lot 34, concesison 2, Township of Vaughan, Bathurst St., good buildings, good stable for dairying, 41 miles from Richmond Hill. Apply Phone Richmond Hill 247. tfc8 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Form. Thornhill 168. ffc46 NEW LOW PRICES for ï¬rewood, soft slabs $11.00; hardwood slabs $16.00; hardwood limbs $17.00; hard- wood blocks and ï¬replace logs $20.00 cord. Free delivery, all wood is bone dry and cut to 12 inch lengths. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Rich‘ mvnd Hill, or phone 315W. 9th Classified Sale 85 Want Ads RATESâ€"Five lines orilï¬ess, 35 cents for first in§er tion and 25 cents .‘ive lines 5 cents per line extra each ms ertion. If charg Telephone Richmond Hill 9. FORTH ELECTRIC ‘29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Willowdale, Zone 8-288 (Toronto Subscribers Dial “Operator"â€"-â€"Message Charge) SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PHONE SCHOM BERG 69 SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS Farm & House Wiring FOR SALE registered stock. Apply Steeles Ave,, Stop 13, Zone 8-627. *1w15 ton truck, 160 inch wheel Hare, Tremzperanceville. *1w15 chmond Hi1] Phon clwl‘ c1w15 stove tfc42 SETTEE, and eas cooker. Oï¬'ers w: Lodge, Elgin Mills Hill 178J. size 6):; also boy’s brown 3-piece winter outï¬t, size 4. Phone Maple 631‘23. c1w15 ELECTRIC S’i‘bVE, Beach, 4-bur- ner, side oven. Apply David‘ Mc- Lean Antiques, Thornhill, phone 12. . : c1w15 SEWING MACINE, Singer Power Industrial, also large diaplery table. A-pply David McLean Antiques, Thornhill, phone 12. c1w15 ELECTRIC STOVE, Acme, 3-burner with high oven, in good condition. Phone 165 01' call at 37 Church St? '48 MERCURY 1A2 ton panel truck (new). McMullen Motors, phone Richmond Hill 74m. clw15 RichmOnd Hill ‘38 CHRYSLER Royal Sedan, thor- oughly reconditioned. McMullen Mo- tors, phone 74m Richmond Hill. GIBSON Model D Tractor, with plow and cultivator, used very little. For- rest Jones, R. R. 2, Maple, phone 54111. c1w15 GIRL’S wine 3-piece winter outï¬t, BABY CHICKS, all breeds, Bray Chick Hatchery, Fred Wise, Mark- ham Rd., Phone Richmond Hill 3591' 21. *4w12 TWO BICY’CLES, nearly new, one roll-fast and 1 racer, both with ac- cessories. Phone Richmond Hill 44 1‘32. *1w14 '937 FOIRD Sedan, good condition; Fordson tractor and p10ugh. Phone {ichmond Hill 451‘31. c1w15 COWS, 3 Guernsey due soon‘ Ave. E., 913. ’42 CHEV. Static; Wagon, all metal, Rotor rebuilt, good tires,,exceptionâ€" a1» condition throughout. David Mc- Lean Antiques, Thornhill, phone 12. c1w15 JU‘EBEC type heater, medium size. ’hone 334J Richmond Hill. “1w15 ALMOST NEW building, Manitoba sidings and shingle roof, suitable for garage; also'hen house 21’x12'; M-H Seed drill in good working condition, cheap to clear. David Askew, Map- le 39.]. =*1w15 1 ROW INTERNATIONAL corn picker, does good work, practically new. have purchased larger machine. Apply M. Farquharson, Victoria Square, phone Stouï¬'ville 66103, FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhil‘. 168. tfc46 FORD TRUCK, 1936 3 ton cap., stake body, hydraulic hoist, rebuilt motor; 1936 half ton sedan body panel Chev- rolet truck. Good condition. Rebuilt motor. B. Kays, South Rd., Oak Ridges. *2w14 '4r23 quantity, g for 81 and and yellow, ply N. J.‘ DAPWIN 42J GURNEY STOVE cream enamel with ten inch gravity feed oil burner, resâ€" ervoir, automatic damper control, in excellent condition, good bakery $50; 100 gal, steel drum $25; six 45 gal. drums $15 each. Apply F. Gard, R. R. 2, Woodbridge, lot 34, con. 6, Va ghan. *1w15 KLEE‘REX â€"â€" over 20 years a de- penda-ble family remedy for skin ail- ments, Psoriasis, Eczema, Pim-ples, Itch, Boils, Poison Ivy, Ringworm, Impetigo. ' Hives, Burns, Barber’s Itdh. Two strengths â€"-â€" medium, strong. Two sizes â€" 59c, $1.09, at Scotchmer’s Drug\Store. BRICK HOU-SE in‘Maple, 12 rooms, newly painted, continuous hot water, full sized basement with laundry tub, ï¬nished 3rd floor, could be used as 4 apartments or private house, large veranda and balcony, immed- iate possession. Phone Maple 9’3. c1w15 50 ACRE FARM; choice land situ- ated in Oxford Township, Con. 8, the rear half of the west half of lot 26 paved road. Good barn, stable, shed; also 29% acres of bush in the 7th concession, 6 miles from Kemtville, Ill/2 miles from Oxford Station, third of mile from Prescott Highway, cheese factory and school and store. Price very reasonable. For informa- tion write to Frank S. Johnston, Oak Ridges, Ontario General Delivery. *2w15 WI‘LLYS sedan. Phone Maple 3, 3 Holstein springers, 1 grade .sey and Holstein, all big cows, oon. G. Stone, 1086 Sheppard E., Lansing, phone Willowdale *1w15 and easy chair, also 1 oil fl'ers wanted. Pony Crest 'in Mills. Phone Richmond clw15 TULIP BULBS, limited good mixed coloi’s, 3 doz. :1 up; also early tulips, red I, will deliver $2 order. Apâ€" .-Smellie, phone Thornhill tfc ___._..-..__.â€" , 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over If charwed to account nine cents per line. b c1w15 clw15 c1w15 c2w15 ’ FRENCH DOORS Shoe Repair. Phone 181‘4 Maple after SMALL HEN HOU HOUSEMAN seeks part time work. Ap‘ply Liberal Office. *1w15 ï¬RT TIME office work home. Apply Box 35, CONCRETE work Eree estimate); I mond Hill. OPERATORS on blouses; also girls to learn. Apply Mayfair Mfg. Co" Richmond Hill. 13th AVLTERAll‘IOwNS and building repairs done, also carpentry, reasonable rates. free estimates. Phone 309w :‘n tes, free es Richmond Hill HOUSE or rooms urgently needed b2 references. App- mond Hill. PAS-SENGFEzS wanted in car leavâ€" ing Maple for Toronto 6 a.m. return- ing- 5 p.1n.. Box 84 Maple, phone 85M . TRANSPORTATION from Stop 17. Thornhill. arriving vicinity King: and Yonge 8.30 a. m. ,loaving at 5 pm. Phone 28M Thornhiil. c1w14 00015 STRONG YOUTH for -pe anent pin boy. Aurora Recrea Parlors, phone Aurora 40:5 or 154 NEAT APPEARING young man willing to learn meat business, with personality to meet public. Apply Tuesdav after 5 n.m. at 50 Yonw St., Richmond Hill, *1w15 FLAT or unfurnished rooms by care- ful adults in quiet homey Thornhill vicinity, close to Yonge St. Refer to Mrs. oward, phone 208m, Rich- mond Hill. c1w15 YOUNG, reliable business couple de- sire 2 or 3 room unfurnished apartâ€" ment or flat in or near Maple before November 1. Box 84 Maple. Phone 85M, AGENT for M0 Gas Ranges, J Phone 34J. GUNâ€"A’ND DEER LICENSES available. Apply Walter J. E RichQ’ale, Ont ‘ GARDENS plowed an Tvm-ked. Man- ure delivered. C. L. Knappett phone Richmond Hill 451'25. ctfw13 where 'E.HCB;fity, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 3721‘5. tfc25 LAWN MOWERS CLEANED, sharp- ened and repaired by an experienced workman. Joseph Winger, phone Maple 62r21. tfc42 PTI_ANO TUNING SERVICE, Kelly & Kelly, profesisonal piano technic- ians, quick service. Phone Lakeside 6960, reverse charges. c4w13 SAND ANDV GRAVELAQeIinerer‘i' ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering‘, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. , tfc WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work done. rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply RCHicks, phone Mable 8712 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 971'23 tf chg. 52 TREE FELLING, unsafe limbs re- moved. Wood cutting. Hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed. Small buildings moved and raised. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. 9th NOTICE: I am open for business at the old Shoe Repair stand at Maple, and am prepared‘ to handle your work at reasonable rates; also har- ness repairing. Arthur Pearson, Ma- ple. l *2wl4 ITO-0M, accommodatiOn with board or without, for two gentlemen, in new home. Phone Thornhill 1241-24. c1w15 STRING OF PEARLS between Craig-ie’s and the Mill. Phone 201, Richmond Hill. c1w15 PART HOU’NDâ€"DOG, one year old, jet black, with white spot on ~chest. Vaughan Township tag on collar, vic- inity King 5th con. Notify 0. R, Irwin, King. c1w15 “Is this the day your daughter has her singing lesson?†“Yes, why?†“Oh, nothing. I just wondered if you would lend me your lawn mow- n MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT >oms in Richmond Hill ed by family with best Apply Phone 9, Richâ€" *1w13 Moï¬'at and Essotane J." A. Rose, Maple. tfc15 LOST i done of any kind. Phone 309w Rich- c1w15 JSE about 10‘x1‘2’. after 6 p.m. *1W15 (OUTH for permâ€" Aurm‘a Recreation wk 01' typing at 5, The Liberal. *1w15 Apply Norm’s ‘ * 1w15 J. Baker. clw15 c1w15 clw15 n O\V mommmwoooomw WANTED GIRL Bookkeeper & Stenographer Must be able to take Shorthand Apply OOWOOOOOQWWWMW To Citizens of Markham Twp. peed The Dump at Headford will be open for the use of residents of the Township October 14th to October 23rd. WOOOOOOOâ€OOOOOOOâ€OOOO( Kindly note that materials which will burn or decay are not to be deposited at the dump. Cut in Stove Lengths Softwood $12 cord Hardwood $17 cord WOOO“OOOOOO 9 ‘9.“99099†' gnuamIn-uuInaInn-acuiillninllulnlulll iii-B'IIIIIIII-liniflfluflnwlï¬alï¬: IW, Eflfllafllï¬ï¬‚llflnflllflll I Q ‘IlmlIIIIIla-IIIIIIIHIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllfllllï¬llifllll REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE PHONE RICHMOND HILL 288M CHAS. HOOVER. Clerk, nt Commercial and Domestic All Makes King P.0. Pho'ne 26r5 King GORDON CHALK NOTICE R. W. PARIS Brathwaite Hardware Richmond Hill VeI ï¬n R. WILSON 'riend and I were driving SLABS for your dd luse of the attac last one. Unionville. Ont. leal anx The next *iend $25 ne m a day 31 the (By Mike Miller) Woodbridge lead North F Intermediate A series in g There has not been much in the teams. Two of the games at Woodbridge ave gone twenty minâ€" utes overtime before the home team won out. The next game will be played in Orangeville on Thursday night and if North Peel team wins. the deciding game will be played in Brampton on Saturday night. The games I have seen, have been very well played and clean, Anthony, Roy Castator, Binsell, Rowntree and Burrows in goal have played well for the maroon and gold. Brunstall, Berney T-inoch, Patterson and the Wilsons have been outstanding for North Peel. Comments I have no further information re- garding- the Maple team. They may continue, but the weather and time are getting: short. Gord 011' is around again after a Gord Orr is around ag painful knee injury, but sore for a few weeks yet Gord Orr is around again after a‘ painful knee injury, but it will bel sore for a few weeks yet. Bill Parks is nursing two fractured ribs. Both these players will be lost to the team for the rest of the year. Notice to M.R.A. Supporters The Maple R. A. are holding an auction sale on or about the 15th of November. Anybody who has old furniture, paintings, etc., or any at- ticle that may bring in a few dollars or cents and would like to donate it to the MBA. please call 031 Miller at Maple 92. We believe this will be a new ven- ture in raising money for a geod cause. We will be very grateful for all donations, and I think the public will have a lot of fun at the sale. FA R M INVESTMENT TOTALS BILLIONS Capital investment in Canadian farms in 1947 amounted to $6,253,- 726,000 according to the Quarterl} Bulletin of Agricultural Statistic: for April-June, 1948. The items normally included in this ï¬gure are lands and buildings, im- plements and machinery including motor trucks and automobiles, and livestock including poultry and ani- mals on fur farms. Because there is no information available yet on the value of fur-bearing animals on farms in 1947 this item is omitted. Despite this omiSSicn, the total val» ue of farm capital for 1947 is eight per cent above the 1946 Value of farm ca'pital including fur farming. With the exception of horses, gains were shown in the total value of all classes of livestock and poultry. The estimated value of lands and build- ings was aImOst 10 per cent above that of 1946, and the 1947 value of farm implements and machinery was well over 6 per cent higher than in the previous year. Maple Sport Notes Peel in the games 3-2. h difference Bugs Bunny Margaret O’Brien MARKHAM FRIDAY “Born to Speed†AFTER SUNDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW SUNDAY, OCTOBER llth at 12.05 p.11 Also Mon., Tues., Wed. â€" October 11, 12 EXTRA! SATURDAY MATINEE EXTRA! GIANT CARTOON SHOW Terry Austin Tommy Sands STARTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14TH M.G.M.’s Big Hearted Drama With Songs! “BIG CITY In addition to 1' In TWO George Murphy Daffy D1 â€" With â€" I) tinee N EW 11' October 11_, 12. 13 open EREGBNHUUCJIII-III l‘C mplete ast Fronteir Uprising ram! 11 ALL POLICY 6:45 p.m. nightly ARTS 7:00 RM. ()5 pm. “Butchâ€. Jenkins 0101 Porky nightly