Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Oct 1948, p. 5

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Q WOMWMQOWOOO””OWMMOOQOQO00 O % Women '3‘ é CGNSU E s ! w R E s T U G CARLO TROUNCE HARVEY STANFIELD One Fall â€"- 80 Min. Limit “JR.” COONEY Vs. JOE HALEM One Fall â€"â€" 30 Min. Limit Admission 500 â€" Reserved Seats 75c Sponsored by the East Vaughan Ratepayers’ Association CLEVE BURTON EYESILHT SPECIALIST WILI BE AT AUSTIN'S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Oct. 27th Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted F.L. LOWRIE, R.O. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON OP'I‘IL‘AL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REP Prescnptizms for Glasses Fined For Appointment Phone Iixchmond Hill 32 RICHMOND HILL ARENA TUESDAY, OCT. 12 ‘l’llfl ANNUAL UEAVDnAL Lunu [Lu The York County (North) g HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM RICHMOND HILL All those interested are cordialy invited to attend. Richmond Hill Electric Light Commission Humane Society OCTOBER 12th, at 8 p.m. FURTHER AND MORE DRASTIC CUTS MUST BE MADE. Such interruptions may be for fifteen minutes every hour on the hour, or at any other time the Commission may order. Richmond Hill consumers are still far above the quota. Unless present half hour shut-offs twice dai- ly, 11.30 a. m. to 12 o’clock, and 4.30 to 5 p.m. plus voluntary savings brings us under the quota, Voluntary reduction in use of power will help prevent further interruptions. IF EVERYONE SAVES a little, we can bring consumption down within our quota. To meet the emergency power shortage every consumer is urged to save Hydro wherever and whenever possible. Such further interruptions as may be necess- ary, after Friday October 8th, will be made without notice. PRELIMINARIES CE “RED” GARNER { FIELD Vs. ERNIE HOUGSON E of 3 Falls â€" 90 Min. Limit L PROFESSIONAL Team Wrestling 8.30 p.m. MAIN BOUT Will be held on â€"-In Theâ€"â€" LENSES REPLACI D Ed MANGOVITCH treal Congratulations to MI‘. and Mrs. Lorne Sheardown, Roseview Ave. who celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at their cottage Stur- geon Lake, on Wednesday, October 6th. Mr. and Mrs. William Neal enjoyed a motor trip this week and visited friends in New Liskeard and other northern centres. The monthly afternoon euchre un- der the auspices of the Ladies Veter- ans Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. G, Patterson, 9 Rich- inond St., on Tuesday, October 12, at 2:30 pm. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Geo. Chadwick, Church St. accompanied by her friend, Mrs John McKenzie, Willowdale, is spen- ding several days at the Chateau Mrs. R. E. Carter, who has been a resident of the village for the past ten. years, left last week to take up residence in Toronto. The best wish- es of the community go with Mrs. Carter to her new home. spent a few brother, Mr Reynolds. Ottawa Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Diemer of Madison. Wisconsin, visited with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harrington last week. Last year they toured the Gaspe together. Mr. and Mrs. James Craigie 1‘9- »r‘ently arrived from C-arnoustie, Scotland. are visiting with Mr. Crai- g'ie’s brother, Robert Craigie. Rich- mond Hill. A ,veteran of the war with eleven» year’s service in the Mr, Créie‘ie plans to make his home in Canada. Mrs. Roy Smithhurst has return- ed to her home at Powell River, B. C., after a pleasant visit with her mo‘rher, Mrs. A. L. Phibps and her hrother, Mr. Rand Phipps. Mrs. Smithhurst enioyed renewing 01d friendships in her home village and noted many changes in the commun- ity since her last visit_ Master Paul Crosby has returned home after spending the past three weeks with his great aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Herrington, Church St. Paul’s parents, Rev. Ross and Mrs. Crosby, Dunnville, at- tended the General Assemth of the United Church in Canada in Van- couver. 2th Mr. and Mrs. W. Sayers ying in the Parry Sound The Mrs he regular meeting of the W. A. {ichmond Hill United Church will held Tuesday afternoon, October 1' E and Fred A. J. McLatchy and Miss spent the week end in Mon- M 1‘ Reynolds of Midland days last week with his E. Reynolds and Mrs. r J. A. Greene visitec in Montreal recently SOCIAL AND PERSON AL are hol district The Mission Band of the Uni Church will meet on Friday, 0c her 8, in the Sunday School room 3 .30 p.111. parents stayed parents to their year Don‘t forget to save the date, Wednesday, October 27th, for the Bridge and Euchre being sponsored by the Women’s Institute. The draw for the Silver Tea Service on view in the window of Davies’ Dry Goods Store will be made at this event. All proceeds in aid of the “Hall for Ail.” The October meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will be held Thurs- day, October 14th, in the Orange Hall at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Violet Mc- Latchy of Mayfair Mfg. Co., will demonstrate cutting, fitting, and choosing suitable styles for different types of figures, She will also give ideas on make-overs. Roll Call â€" Hints on Good Grooming. Scarboro and Victoria Square Institutes will be guests. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to every Woman in Richmond Hill and vicinity to attend this meet- At the regular meeting; of the Wo- men’s Auxiliary of Veterans on Tues- day, Mrs. P. Megdonal was presented with a gift by Mrs. J, Butler, Presi- dent, for her kindness in allowing the Auxiliary to use hel‘ home for meet- ings and other activities over the past _u Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Battye. new proâ€" prietors of Pony Crest Lodge, Elgin Mills, took possession this week and are busy renovating and improving the premises. Mr. and Mrs. Battye. recently arrived from England with their two daughters. Dacia and Jac- queline are delighted with Canada and look forward eagerly to develop- ing and improving the Pony Crest. There will be dancing nightly and the policy of the new owners is to pro- vide the best in food and refreshment in a friendly atmosphere. They in- vite' you to drop in anv time for a friendly call and a snack, or a full course meal at noon or evening. :ional meeting of St. I ran W.A. will take plac Detober 12. at 2:30 p.111 31' Mrs. G. H. Bye, Va Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Jordan wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Elsie, to Mr. John A. Corner of Pefi‘erlaw, the marriage to take place on October 16, at Lang‘- staff Baptist Church at 2:30 p.111. Rev_ David‘ and Mrs. Marshall, Whitby, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean Taylor, to Lloyd Finlay Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hector A. Campbell. Osh- awa. The marriage to take place on Saturday, October 3-0th, in Whit- by. The regular ional meeting Mr. and Mrs ‘eturned after ‘I'iends in Akrc llev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister Sunday, October 10, 1948 Special Thanksgiving Sunday Services 10 3.111. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Thanksgiving; Service â€" Rev. Harold Stainton, B.A., B.D.. Wesley United Church, Mimico, :Ontario. 7 p.m. â€" Thanksgiving; Service â€" The Minister. Special Music by the Choir at both services. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.'l‘h., R.D. Rector Sunday, October 10th, Trinity 20 NATIONAL THANKSGIVING 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 1] am. â€" Morning Prayer. Subject, “Thanksgiving for Lambeth." A message from Lambeth Conference will be read in all Anglican Chur- ches throughout the world. 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer. Subject, “More Reasons for being Thank- ful.” All are invited to Give Thanks to God in the services of the day. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURC‘H Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A.. Minister Sunday, Octobr 10, 1948 Thanksgiving and Harvest Home 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 a,m. â€" Thanksgiving Service Everybody welcome. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH ENGAGEMENTS Held in the Masonic Hall Sunday School Classes 3.00 p.m. p.m. Evangelistic Services ,- t Lnd Mrs. Norman Todd, have 1 after a pleasant visit with in Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Todd's , Mr. and Mrs. Buchwald, who with the children while their were on vacation, returned ' home in Buffalo last Friday‘ GOSPEL SERVICES RICHMOND HILL All are welcome business siness and devo- St. Mary’s Angli- a place on Tuesday, 0 p.111. at the home *e, Vaughan Rd. Octo FRENCH â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. C. Frenil‘ (nee Marion Barker) wish to an- nounce the birth of their daughter Janet Marie. September 20, 1948 at York County Hospital, New- GREEN KELLAM H. Blowes, who paSSed away Sep- tember 30, 1947; also Shirley Ann on September 22, 1940. Gone from us, but leaving memories Death can never take away Memories that will always linger While upon the earth we stay. â€"Ever remembered by wife and anil\'. *1W15 DIED JUHL, Verna Ruth â€" At Lockw00d Clinic, Toronto, on Thursday, Sep- tember 30, 1948, Verna Ruth Brown‘ in her 33rd year, beloved wife of Harold James Juhl, Stop IN MEMORIAM BOWES â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Norman IN MEMORIAM VALLIERE â€" In loving memory of our mother, Elizabeth Valliere who entered into rest October 8th, 1930. Her thoughts were all so full of us She never could forget, And so we think that where she is She must be watching yet. As angels keep their watch up there, Please God, just let her know That we down here do not forget, We love and miss her so_ We .lose our friends from day to day, First one and then the other, But the day we never shall forget Was when you left us, Mother. family When canning fruit which is not overâ€"ripe, try adding a dozen raisins to each quart. The sugars of the raisins add a delicioué taste to the fruit. Be sure not to add more than a dozen, since then the flavor of the raisins would dominate that of the fruit. REEN â€" Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green, Toronto, wish to announce the arrival of their son on October 4th, 8 lbs. 12 07... first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyes, Garden Ave_, Langstaff. ELLAM â€" Mr. and Mrs. Everard Kellam (nee Margaret Oliver) are happy to announce the arrival of their son, John Oliver, at Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, on September 29th, 1948. 17, Yonge St.. Thornhm, and dear mother of Gail Marie, Terrance James and George Wayne. Ser- vice was held Monday, in Trinity Anglicax} Church, Thornhill, In- terment in the Churchyard Ceme- tcry. â€"Ever remembered by her family rket FOR WHITER WASH Rinse . CLOVER LEAF Red Salmon TOILET SOAP Woodbury’s 3 Strawberries Pineapple Juice AUSTRALIAN Pastry Flour Cauliflower Concord Grapes MONARC‘H AUSTRALIAN SNOW WHITE AYLMER NO. 1 BLUE MARSH SEEDLESS DEVON BIRTHS FLORIDA PEAS 2 25¢ r 52c l Jelly PowdersZ 21c Seedless Raisins 2mg. 29c Tin Extra Large Grapefruit 5 for 25¢ Large 20 oz. Tin Cakes Tin WOWWOOWOOOOMOW “WWMNO”“ 20 oz. § Richmond Hill Telephone 5-1 '00... 00.00.“ N OOONOOOOOOOOOOOO 0....”MOOOOOM THE URI '«nmooooa 0600000owwoooo9.690000009090000090990”; 6 Qt- Bskt. 290 37c 39c 390 19c 29c 59c EAVESTROUGHING. ROOFING www.mooomwwm q. TINSMITH Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces 3W FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES PAUL DU BOIS Weiners . Mincemeat MAPLE LEAF (‘LARK‘S Jello LEMON PIE FILLING Fruit Bread Pork 81 Beans LIBBY DEEP BROWNED LUSHUS CROSSE & BLACKWELL Brussel Sprouts FRESH GREEN Spinach N0. l'FRESH GR chmon Size H Tin Jar 19 02. lbs )C 20 oz. Tin Box 27c 450 19c 19c 21c 35c 19c

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