Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Oct 1948, p. 7

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O OWOW omvm MWWW64MOWWWMW Do You Need a Bathroom or a Hot Water Heating System? Ins trumental Numbers The down payment is only 10% and the terms are easy, spread over a period up to two years. We can install complete units with guaranteed work under a time payment plan. Richmond Hill Plumbing & Heating Phone 12 EASY-CLEAN BURNERS NORTH YONGE YOUTH FOR CHREST ACCURATE OVEN CONTROL 2 Arnold St. Cities Service Garage GENERAL MOTORS PARTS Also Expert Repairing Done on All General Motors Cars and Trucks. See us for Tires, Mufflers, Tail Pipes, Exhaust Pipes and Accessories CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Richmond Hill Taxi 7%WW/ @A$ RANGES Ja‘V] SATU RDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 1 6. 7:45 pm. 82 Yonge Street FREE ADMISSION â€"- ALL WELCOME TRY OUR PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE. R. E. B. Haughton TELEPHONE 300 vrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill “N DESIGNED FOR USE WITH MEL. MALTBY NO GREATER POWER” SPECIAL MUSICAL TALENT SOUND MOTION PICTURE Phone Richmond Hill 296W If you’ve always longed to cook with gasâ€"on a gleaming, modern rangeâ€"here’s your chance. Now available in streamlined models are well-known makes of gas ranges specially built for use with Essotane. They light auto- matically. No smoke, no soot. Gas cooking is clean, quick, less trouble . . . economical too. Essolane ranges and wafer healers are gold direcl by Imperial Oil limilad. Ranges also sold by me“ appliance dealers. Range pvlcesâ€"lorlhs 3-burner model $98.00: up N) $186.50 for lable‘lop models. Pay only 10% down and [he balunze In small monlhly amounls. Ex-Servicemen P.O. Box 119 Richmond Hill Sing Song Pilgrim’s Inn, Goudg‘e; Peony, Pearl Buck; Two Solitud‘es, MacLel- Ian; Lardners and the Laurel Woods, Kaye-Smith; Came A Cavalier, Key- es; The Bishop‘s Mantle, Turnbull. ‘Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grew have don- ated a book-case and Mr. Jim Snel- grove has constructed another for the children’s books, Mr. Bob Ferris, wife and daughâ€" ter, Patsy, and Mrs. Robert Maginn, Toronto, were visitors of Mr. Ferris’s sister, Mrs. Britten Riddell. Mrs, Mag‘inn is an aunt of Bob and Mary Riddell. Miss Freda Dent observed her 13th birthday on Saturday, October 2, en- tertaining several young friends at her home, during the evening. Mrs. H. Kirkness, Mrs. Charlton, M-iss V. Workmany Toronto, were vis- itors of Mrs. Tena Wilson on Sunday. ‘Mr. Charlie Ker has been forced to rest for a month owing to heart requirements. He is progressing f-a- vorably. Some of the popular new books found in King Memorial Library are as follows: M1. and Mrs. Albert Duncan, of Langstafl’, and friends, Mr. and Mrs. VVfll Biorgan; Toronto. were vifitors of Mrs. Herman MCBl‘ide and family on Sunday. ers_ T. L. Williams spent several days with Mrs. Bert Boyd, 'her cou- s'in at Hamilton. Mr. Stanley Kerr of Strange has bought the Kyle Bros. farm on the King and Vaughan town-line, to take possession next April. This farm has had very few changes, as the former owner, the late Mr. W. Mul- loy, who reached an advanced- age had been born there. The Kyles pur- chased the property 21 years ago, and upon removal next Spring will seek a new home for retirement from farm life. Miss Isobel Walkington, whose marriage takes place on October 9th, was given a iniseellaneous shower by friends in the d'itsirct near Bradford where she teaches school. Gifts were varied and in fine quality. A neigh- borhood shower for Miss Walkington was ‘held‘ last Monday evening at the home of M1‘s_ Ross Walker. ZMiss Ruth Folliott of Temperanceâ€" ville is taking a business course at Shaw’s coLleg'e, Toronto, and is find-‘ in-g the work very much to her lik- ing. She 'is looking; forward upon completion of the course to seine in- teresting position. The Late Joseph Ballard The village of Nobleton lost an es- teemed citizen in the person of Jo- eph V, Ballard, 83, who was buried in Queen-sville cemetery on Friday, October 1st. A blacksmith for more than 60 years, Mr. Ballard had been at work a week prior to his death. and after a few days’ illness, passed away at his home, Wednesday, Sep- tember 29th. His passing cfeates a ’loss in the trade which he had fol- lowed with fine success through the years. Presbyterian circles have lost a friend and follower, as both the late Mr. and Mrs. Ballard were foremost workers in church life. They were members of Besa Pres- byterian Church, tenth line, where Mr. Ballard was honorary elder. The funeral service held from the Ballard home was conducted by Rev, J. F. Dona-1d of Bolton, and attended by a large circle of friends and bus- iness associates, and Nobleton O. L. of which Mr. Ballard was a member. Well Rotted Manure Delivered Landscaping, Grading, Sodding Phone Richmond Hill 45r25 King City District News Guaranteed Nursery Stock Andrew E. Snider Prompt Personal Attention Box 100 MAPLE Phone 100 C. L. KNAPPETT Life, Fire, Automobile & Casualty General Insurance Deceased was predeceased by “his wife three years ago, and is survived by a daughter, Nellie,!at home. Another daughter, Mrs. Earl Buckle of Aurâ€" ora and a son, MaXWell Ray Ballard, a teacher in MOOSE! Jaw Collegiate Institute, Saskatchewan also survive. There are four grandchildren and one great grandchild. Also congratulations to Mr. and Mrs_ J. T. Johnson who celebrated their fortieth Wedding anniversary last Wednesday. About one hundred and twenty-five friends and relatives met to extend their congratulations. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sider on the birth of a son last Thursday in Toronto. A dainty lunch was Served to all and a very pleasant evening was spent as those who were present at their wedding recalled their memories of it. Dr. and Mrs. Ross Doane of Rich- mond Hill had tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Moor-by last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Doner had Sun- day dinner wi~th Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vyn Harper of Stoufl‘ville. Mrs. John Bond spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Doner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watt and Lynda will be moving: this week end‘ to their home south of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Graden Meyer and family and Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Wig‘h of Vineland Station were guests in the Farmer home on Sunday. end Mrs. Ida Robinson of Toronto vis- ited Mrs. Allan Hoover over the week The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held on Wednsday aftrnOon, October 13, at the home of Mrs. M. Beynon. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Davis, he Citizenship convenei‘, and the-Roll Call will be answered by the name of a Canadian place you would like to visit. The lunch committee will be Mrs. Bracken, Mrs, Cains, Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. C. Beynon. lease keep in mind Friday October 29, which is the date of the W. I. Tea and which is being held so that we may continue to support the Save the Children Fund. On Friday evening, October 9, the church will be apprOpriately decor- ated for Thanksgiving. Contribu- tions of fruit, vegetables, canned food will be much appreciated. _ Anniversary Sunday was obserV- ed in Temperanceville Church on Oc- tober 3, with two special services. Guest speakel‘s were Dr. A. E_ Armstrong and Rev. J. M. Addison, both of Toronto. Temperanceville choir supplied the music aSSisted by TEMPERANCEV lLLE Miss Mildred Folliott. Misses S'hirléy Hare and Margaret McClure and Mr. R.. Moddle. A number of friends, members of Temperanceville Church gathered Io hfoy a delicious surmer and a very interesting;P and entertaining: program presented lw Mr. R. Marshall of KeHlehy. We extend to Mr, Mar- shall our sincere thanks and apprec- iation. Highlight of the evening was the honouringr of Mrs. Walter Bovair on her eightieth birthday. All joined in singing Happy Birthday wishes, after which Mrs. Bovair cut and gra- ciously shared her lovely birthday cake. It is indeed fitting that her birthday should coincide with the an- niversary celebraion, as both Mr. and Mrs. Bovair have been life long members of the church. We sincere- ly wish that she will enjoy many more Happy Birthdays. A newly created papa received the glad tidings in a telegram: “Hazel gave birth to a little girl this morn- ing; both doing well.” 0n the message was a sticker read- ing: “When you want a boy, cal] Canadian National Telegraphs.” GO RMLEY You can restore new-car pep in just one day by having us install a Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine in your Chrysler-built car or truck. Chrysler Method Remanu- factm‘ed engines are not ordinary “overhauled” or “re-built” engines. Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engines are different. They are precision-built 10 rigid specifications laid‘down by Chrysler Engineers. Every Remanufactured OAK RIDGES, Phone King 4311 REPLACE TNAT “WORN-OUT” ENGINE WITH A CHRYSLER METHOD REMANIIFAGTIIRED ENGINE ed by MR. EVERTON KITCHENER To sell by Public Auction at Lot 39, Concession 3, Etobicoke Twp Corner No. 27 Highway and Claire- vilrle Road, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 18TH Holstein Cow, due Feb. 20 Holstein Cow, due March 8 Holstein Cow, due March 11 Black Cow, due Jan. 1 Holstein Cow, due March 23 Holstein Cow, dlue Feb. 23' 2 Holstein Heifers, 15 months 2 Holstein Heifers, 10 months OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, THRESHING MACHINE, TRACTOR AND FURNITURE Black Horse. Bay Horse, 8 New Farmall A Tractor on rubber Mc-D Cutting Box, 16 in. Papec Cutting Box, 15 in. Mc-D Binder, 10 ft,, one man control, Mc-D. Machine Straw Bruiser 28x46, Re-cleaner Clover Attachments. Chafi" Blower and Grain Thrower, rubber tires Mc-D. Diesel Tractor, WD40, on rub- tor hitch, new Grand A11 H‘ammermill, new 16 ft. Hay Rack Rubber Tired Wagon new Mc-D Mower, 7 ft., No. 21, new Mc-D Side Bake, new Mc-D Dump Rake Mc-D Hay Loader, new Drag Cultivator, 4 section, new Set Harrows, 5 sectiOn, new Mc-D Drill, 15 row, power lift, trac- Gear Driven Pump Jack, new Overhead Pressure Pump Mic-D Four Can Cooler, new Mc-D Milking Machine. 2 units and pipe line, new Cockshutt No. 4 Manure Spreader Hay Fork Light Wagon, 2 seats Tractor Plow, 2 furrows, ace bottom Set Heavy Scales Set Sling Ropes Set Team Harness Drive Belt, 120 ft. x 7 in., 5 ply Water Tank And numerous other articles GRAIN AND POULTRY 500 Bus. Ajax Oats Brooder House 12x14 500 Bus. Mixed‘ Grain 125 Rock Hens Oak Sideboard Oak Extension Table Dining Rocm Table 6 Oak Chairs 2 Chesterfield Chairs lectric Radio Double Bed and Springs Day Couch and Mattress Dressers ' Flobr Lamp 2 Small Table Lamps Large Trunk Quebec Heater Quebec Cook Stove Z-Burner Hbt Plate Kitchen Table Number Framed Pictures 8 Day Clock Number Pots and Pans Quantity Dishes No reserve as Proprietor is giving up farming. for The undersigned has bee ber “0|dat40,50,60?” Forget your age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try “De mug up" with Ostrex. Conmlns toulc tor weak. run own reeling due solely to body‘s lack of mm which many men And women call “014.” Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets tor pep. younger feellng. this very day. New “got acquainted" 3120 only 500. For sale at all drug stores eVerywbere. SALE AT 1 O’CLOCK Nothing- to be removed until settled Resi‘ore Last Pep! AUCTION SALE â€" Man, You’re Cryzy TERMS: CASH A .M,McE‘WEN, Auctioneer Don’t Repair . . ‘. REPLACE ! Th BOND LAKE GARAGE IMPLEMENTS followin FURNITURE years HORSES 7 years CATTLE property nstruct THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursday. October 7, 1948 CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Engine gets a NEW crankshaft. All arts which do not meet engineering specifications are replace with Genuine Chrysler- engineered parts. Every Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine is tested on a. dynamometer and is guaranteed to develop the same torque and horsepower as a new engine. Come in to-day and let us show you what is different about the CHRYSLER METHOD of Remanufacturing engines. Installations, Alterations, Wiring And Repairs We service Radios, Washing Machines, Motors, Refrigerators and All Electrical Appliances. ELECTRIC WIRING & REPAIRS RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP =o==ouo 6 Elizabeth St, Richmond Hill, phone 148 GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS ELECTRIC MOTORS IRONS LAMPS _ OIL BURNERS RADIQS Maple, Ont. Floral Designs N ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Service and Repairs ELECTRICAL WIRING FLOWERS Phone 242 Your GENERAL ELECTRIC Store SUPPLIED and GUARANTEED REQUIRED EMMEDIATELY PART TIME AND FULL TIME FEMALE FACTORY HELP For Small Electrical Assemblies Punch Press Operators Machine Operators Bench Hands 0=0 Wholesale and Retail Florist B. W. MILLER STOP 22A YONGE ST.. RICHVALE PHONE RICHMOND HILL 423 esigns Cut Flowers Bedding Plants Delivery Anywhere in North York by FERGUSON GEO. P. DOWE CO LTD. YEREX ELECTRIC 2 YONGE â€" PHONE 296W WE GROW OUR OWN INCLUDING orzo APPLY â€"â€" RANGETTES RECORD PLAYERS TOAST‘ERS VACUUM CLEANERS WASHING MACHINES OI=IOi Telephone 2 ‘nuomq

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