8. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, October 7, 1948 Euchre - Grand Braw - Dance Si‘. Luke’s " atholic Church Lawrence Memorial Hall Stop 17 Yonge St. Euchre 8:30 pm. â€"â€" Uncle Ernie and Elwoin -â€"L Plus Qu§zzes and Surprises as heard on the YOUNG CANADA BIBLE HOUR each Saturday morning, 9.30-10 am. over station CHUM (1050 kilocycles). COME EARLY! BRING OR SEND THE FAMILY 102 Yonge St. Dining Room open daily 12 noon to 2 p.m. ‘ and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Coffee Shop open 7.45 am. to 12 midnight Friday October 15th Battle’s Coffee Shop NOW SEE THEM ! Young Canada Bible Hour SEE AND HEAR A_REAL RADIO PROGRAM â€"â€" With 9 year old Miss Rena Glover â€"Ruth and Lois Tatham At t'he Sunday School Held in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill 3.00 RM. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 H29 MOWDMS 0F bar/ADA (Wt/MITED" Sundays 12 noon to 12 midnight Axe/mafe/xvé 1200, eaï¬ee'sE/Vr 01/54 IMZF ME 64/8/4044†707m OFZ, 000 Modern and 01d I‘yme Music Draw for five _va1uable prizes YOU’VE HEARD THEM! UNDER AUSPICES OF THE RADIO SINGERS AND STAFF OF THE THORNHILL, ONT. Admission 50c Refreshments Dancing 9 o’clock Richmond Hill NORRNDA WAS THE FIRST CANADIAN MINING TOWN T0 FLY IN HER SEWLERS AND SUPPLIES. SHOWING THE WORLD A NEW USE FOR AIR TRANSPORTATION Belated congratulations are in or- der for Mrs. Ruth Banks, Mr. E. Kohler, Murray Fox and Mr. Healey, all of whom were C.N.E. winners in the flower and vegetable section. Mr. Kohler gave a talk recently at Thornlea school on horticulture. Thornhill Horticultural Society will hold a meeting at Lawrence Memorâ€" ial Hall Wednesday afternoonVOc- tober 13, at 8.15 p.111. Highlights will be a demonstration on flower ar- rangements by Mrs. Ruth Banks and a talk on bulb planting and forcing bulbs for house bloom, by the presi- dent, Mr. E. Kohler. In addition, there will be some surprise features. Doncaster Ladies Club Saturday, October 9th, will see the ï¬rst of the Fall Bazaars and Sales when Doncaster Ladies Club hold their white elephant sale and bazaar in Thornhill United‘ Church Sunday school room. The W. A. and W.M.S. of Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church, will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Harper, Bay- view Ave., next Thursday afternoon, October 14th, at 2.30 p.m. This will be the thankoï¬â€˜ering meeting for the W.M.S. Thornhill District Lions Club The community activities of the Thornhill District Lions Club began to take shape at the regular meeting Monday night. A preliminary bud- get of $815 for the various commitâ€" tees was recommended by Jim Doyle, Chairman of the Finance Committee, and passed by the Club. The chairman of the Boys’ and Girls’ Committee, Ed. Kent, announ- ced a Hallowe’en party will be held at Lawrence Memorial Hall on Sat- urday. October 30th. This event is becoming an annual affair for the boys and girls of the community. Looking ahead to the winter sea- son, an interschool hockey league is planned among the schools of Thorn- hill. Thornlea, Langstaff, German Mills, Concord, Carrville and Rich- valc. The Thornhill rink, which is operated by the Thornhill District Lions Club, will be set aside three afternoons a week for these games. The rink this year will be under the management of George Nuttall, Lex Jamieson and Lou Reid. Mr. .P Bone was guest speaker in Hamilton, -Osliawa at horticultural meetings. Mr. Kohler accompanied Mr. Bone to Oshawa. Another event on the Club calen- dar is a‘dance to be held in Lawrence Memorial Hall late in November. The proceeds will be turned over to the luli’s Health and Welfare Commitâ€" tee, which looks after needy famil- ies in'the district and is under the chairmanshio of Bart Edwards. Deputy District Governor Bud Lo- gan of North York attended the meeâ€" ting and the guest speaker was Art Carveth of the Canadian Broadcast- ing Corporation who gave a history of the RCAF. An exceptionally large congrega- tion was present at Thornhill Un- ited Church last Sunday morning when 19 new members were received â€"â€"17 by letter and two on profession of faith. The Sacrament of the» Lord’s Supper was observed at this service which was in keeping with Werld Communion Sunday. Lorraine May, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George White; and Dennis Edward, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Latgheed, were baptized. Mr. 690. Russell has accepted a position with the Civil Service as buyer for the RAF étores. Thornhill District News Personal Notes In the north the Canadianâ€"pilot is carving new trails to a wealth- packed wonderland. In the south he gives wings to the plans of men. For his ever-increasing services to Ontarioâ€"and to Canadaâ€" the pilot is a moulder of "Canada Unlimited". BREWING COMPANY LIMITED 'I‘he,regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held on Tuesday, October 12th, at the home of Mrs? C. P. Johns, Yonge So, at 2.30 p.‘m. The topic for dis- CUSSiCn is “A View Of our missionary work, via the MissionaryMonthly.†W.M.S. members are asked to bring along their September issue of the Missionary Monthly. A Young Married Couples group has been formed in Thornhill United Chum-h, and the ï¬rst meeting will take the form of a corn and weinel‘ roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heron on Steele’s Ave., on Tuesday evening, October 12th, at 8 pm. Th aim of this new group is to foster fellowship among members and adherents of the church and to increase interest in the work and af- fairs of the church. Cookie Day ._ October 23 The Brownies Will be balling on you shortly for orders for the Girl Guide cookies. Encourage them by making your order as large as pos- sible. ‘ Brownie Notes The ï¬rst Thornhill Brownie Pack “Flying: Ceremony†will take place on Thursday, October 14th, at 7.30 1p.m. in Thornhill Public School. All Brownie parents are invited to at- tend. Brownies please note â€" this will take the place of the regular Brownie meeting. - A paper chase took place here on Saturday last under the direction of Brown Owl, Mrs. Sanderson, and the Brownies had a grand time. Later, the Brownies composed a letter to Catherine Wood who was unable to be there. A combined afternoon tea and meeting for all Brownie mothers will be held on Wednesday, October 13th, at. 3 o’clock at Mrs. John McNeiI’s' home on Yonge St. A good attend- ance is expected. A baking sale put, on by Brownie mothers will be held in the United Church Sunday school room on Sat- urday, October 16th, at 3 11.111. The proceeds of this sale will be used to help furnish the new meeting house for Scouts, Cubs, Brownies and Girl Guides. A most interesting program will also include the appointment of dele- gates to the Annual Area Convention and there will be an apron parade. The support of the community is desired. “XI. Meeting Place Changed Owing to the interest shown and the expected increas in attendance, Thornhill Women’s Institute will hold Under the auspices of Thornhill Women’s Institute, it is expected that Buttonville Women's Institute will be putting on their play here the latter part of the month. their October meeting in the United Church Sunday school room. The Blue Cross organization are bring- ing a ï¬lm, which has been highly recommended, on the sense of secur- ity enjoyed by Blue Cross members. All newcomers to the community are especially invited, as well as any interested ladies. The meeting starts at 2.30 p.111. sharp, on Thursday, Oc- tober 21. THE BABY TEETH The 20 foundation 01' ‘baby" teeth are among a child’s most precious possessions. If they are not properly cared for, the child‘s mouth may not develop properly, resulting in poor adult eating habits, speech difficul- ties, and a great deal of pain and» discomfort in later life. Cleanliness Aids Against Disease An important step in protecting the new flock from disease is that of cleaning the laying house before bringing in the pallets from range. At the Dominion Experimental Sta- tion, Lacombe, Alta., the following system is used, says J. H, West. All movable equipment. such as dropping boards, roosts, nests and hoppers are scrubbed and washed with hot water and creoline and left out in the sun for a few days. The walls and ceiling are sprayed with disin. fectant to remove dust. The. floor is scraped and washed with a strong solution of lye water (3 lb. to 2 galâ€" lons of water) using a stiff barn broom for the purp0se. Lye water should not be used on lumber floors as it will tend to warp the‘ boards For such floors, soap and water is better. The walls and ceiling are sprayed with whitewash which makes the house lighter and is a good sanitary precaution. The (1001‘ and windows are left open for three or four days at least, or until the house is thoroughly aired and dry. Public notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll for the Township of Mark- ham will be held in the; Council Chambers. UNIONVILLE, on Mon- day, October 18, 1948, at 10 a.m. to hear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment R0]? of the Municipality of the Township of MarkhamY for the year 1948. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Dated at Unionville, October 4, 1948. Telephone Maple 102 Residence 62r32»qu COURT OF REVISION “060 OOOWOOQâ€WQ IEHIEBII PIHIIIIIII F HARRY E. PALMER Gurney Gas Ranges for Essotane Furnaces â€"â€" Air Conditioning Pressure Svstems MAPLE TINSMITH & PLUMBING SUPPLY TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM (‘OI'NTY 0F YORK Clerk, Township of Markham Municipality of the Phone Thornhill 250 Veterinary Surgeon L. HOUSE THORNHILL CHAS. HOOVER, RAMER' & SON, Phone 10 The Eievator Hours: 11 a.m. to 11 p.111. Except Sunday NO ONE UNDER 16 ALLOWED MWOWOWWM moo†p.03... QMWWOOO “WOOOOâ€OOOOâ€OOOOOQO 00660600000: Mwmommowoou oooowouwoouee ‘W WOOâ€WOâ€MWOWWOWM 0.1! PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. 1847 For Information Write to S_ R. R. MCNEIL» Woodbridge Now is the time to replace your battery for winter months. Complete oil change (FREE) for your old battery on the purchase of one of our WILLARD or FIRESTONE batteries. Frame or Brick Home, Thornhill or Richmond Hill bedrooms and conveniences up to $12,000; Bung'alow, Thornhill district, 5 to 6 rooms, oil heating, must have bedroom & bathroom downstairs, up to $15,000. Frame House possible to remodel, preferably 3 bed- rooms, location not too‘important; Farms with old house possible to remodel for a wind- shield farmer who wants to commute. POWER SPRM’Eï¬ WINDSHIELD AND DDDR GLASS INSTALLED King Pins and Piston Pins ï¬tted Valves refaced and reseated Master Cylinders and Wheel Cylinders Rehoned Wooï¬bridge Fair October 9th and 11th Battery Display NOW OPEN ‘ THORNHILL BILLIARDS Houses ,VVanted Yonge Street Farms with good buildings, 50 to 200 acres. Immediately F( 1' Waiting ( lients AND RECREATION CENTRE REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER THORNHILL â€" TELEPHONE 12 DAVID McLEAN â€"We spray with Purina Insect Oil for germs and mites. . .. WW â€"We spray Purina Weed Killer on pastures. fence rows. grain ï¬elds. " f ?&'¢4 â€"We kill flies in bums or on ' ‘\ livestock with Purina DILT Spray. Thanksgiving Day ZMCZWULLEZV MOTORS YOUR TEXACO DEALER Richmond Hill Phone 86 Last Day R3chm0nd Hill 1948