â€"- Plus Quizzes and Surprises as heard on the YOUNG CANADA BIBLE HOUR each Saturday morning, 9.30-10 a.m. over station CHUM (1050 kilocycles). ‘ COME EARLY! 102 Yonge St. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, October 14, 1948 Dining Room open daily 12 noon to 2 pm. and 5 pm. to 8 pm. Coffee Shop open 745 a.m. to 12 midnight Bettie’s Coffee Shop SEE AND HEAR A REAL RADIO PROGRAM â€" With 9 year old Miss Rena Glover -â€"Ruth and Lois Tatham â€" Uncle Ernie and Elwood will train you to become an expert technician Young Canada Bible Hour NOW SEE THEM! At the Sunday School Held in the Masonic Hal Richmond Hill 3.00 P.M. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 EARN WHILE YOU LEA'RN Rates of pay in the R.C.A.F. have been increased and you can add to your monthly income by improving your trade proï¬ciency and by promotion to higher rank. £55 - Technical trades training. Full opportunity for advancement. Progressive pay increases. Provision for religious welfare. Medical and dental care. The R.C.A.F. offers you just the training and opportunity you are looking for. In the post-war R.C.A.F. there are many trades which provide ample scope for the ambitious young Canadian to prepare himself for a progressive future in the technical, radio, or clerical ï¬elds. ‘ This is the day when the men with special skill and training have the advantage over the other fellow. You no alipiblo to apply If: Sundays 12 noon to 12 midnight YOU’VE HEARD THEME THE RADIO SINGERS AND STAFF OF THE vâ€"~---â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"-â€"--fl You are a Can-dint: citizen or other British subject You are single. - You have a minimum of one yaar less than Junior Matriculation for radio trades, and two years for all other: . . . or equivalent: in both cases. You are between 1'] and 30 years. 9’5",†The BRING OR SEND THE FAMELY Sports and recreational facilities. 30 days vacation a year with full pay. Clothing provided. Retirement income assured. Richmond Hill On Sunday, October 17th. at 3 p. Thomhill will be host for the York Central District Scout Parade. It is expected there will be 400 Scouts Cubs. Guides and Brownies in the march which will start from Thorn- h'ill Public School and ï¬nish at the Park. Music will be provided by the hands of 26th Toronto Scouts and the Tnonto Sea Cadets. Provincial police will escort the parade. , Scoutmas’ter Campbell Smith, (‘ub- Mr. Good, president of the Stout?- ville Horticultural Society, was asked to explain the astounding increase in membership. This, he said, was due to a highly organized ganvass. _ For the Parade on Sunday all Cubs are asked to meet at the school at 2.15 in full uniform, with shorts. Drumhead Service â€" Scouts Parade Colored slides projected by a new machine purchased by the Associa- tion were shown by Mr. John Clarke who explained1 that both machine and slides Would be available to societies throughout the province, together with an accompanying manuscript. vOn Octnber 16th the Tlmrnhill Cubs will celebrme Apple Dav by endeav- 1“ng +0 sell an Apple LU eel-'vone in “m. villaâ€. Due to bad weather the Paper Collection bv the Thornhill 9:01st on Oc-‘nber 9th had to be post- poned, but willibe held later. v Miss M. Dove of the North Toronâ€" ,to Society gave a brief hi‘stony of the 'ï¬rst horticultural societies, and weth on to describe in detail the method of handling North Toronto’s highly successful shows and meetings. ‘ Mr. John Hall spoke for a few moments, as did the editor of “Your Garden and Home.†Guest speaker was Rev. Spencer of New Toronto and 'his topic “The Divine Gird‘enei'l". He mentioned various instances in the Bible where gardens are menxtioned. His talk was a condensation of an address given at the Convention by Dr. Charlotte Whitten. TiZ‘fin of Scarboro was elected to ï¬ll the position, with Rev. Spencer of New Toronto, assisting. In thanking Mr. Little for out- standing service during his directorâ€" Shltp, Mr. John Clarke coupled Mr. Little’s name with those of Mr. Bone and Mr. Kohler. “These men,†he said “had gone far beyond the orâ€" dinary line of duty 'in promoting the interests of horticulture. ‘ 2 “990990 M09000°WOWOOVMO¢0WOO¢OOW’ After three years’ service, Mr. R. D. Dittle announced his decision to retire as District Director, and Mr. Mr. E. Kohler, Mr. and Mrs. P Bone, Mrs. Geo. Reynolds, Mrs. Rutl Banks, Mrs. B. HeSIOp and Mr. and Mrs. K. Mackintosh attended the an- ual Horticultural meeting of District No. 5 held at Scarboro Collegiate re- cently. Mr. Bone, as President of theOn- tario Horticultural Assoc., brought greetings. \WW Auto Wreckers Richmond Hill Phone 86 oooocoomocuooewouooowoowwoo OO§OOOOWOOO¢ 6 Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Thornhill District News WILL BE AT AUSTIN'S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Oct. 27th WINDSHIELDS AND DOOR GLASS INSTALLED FARR?» AUTO SEPPLY ETD. F.L. LOWRIE, R.0. Richmond Hill 47R11 “We Deliver Right To Your Door†Quality Feeds â€" Hay â€" Straw â€" Semi-Solid Buttermilk Insulation â€"â€" Sh7ng'les â€" FM Pumps â€"â€" Rosco Products and the Second and rourth Wednesday cf each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON ()P’I‘R‘AL REPAiRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACI I) Prescriptiuna for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Bil} :22 EYESILHT We Are The Exclusive Distributors For‘the Famous For Poultry â€" Farms â€" Riding Stables â€" Kennels PAINTER â€"â€" DECORATOR Nate New Phone No. - - 438w RICHMOND HILL CAFETEREA and SUN-RAY FEEDS NEED FEED? §AFETY GLA§S LANGSTAFF FEED SERVICE P. M. TQNNER CLEAN AND FINE WORK SPECIALIST 4933 October 27th. in the Church. when +he deï¬nite constitution will be adopted, and younor married couples are asked to keep this date open. Butt.':nvil,‘e W. I. To Present Play Sponsored by,'I‘hornhill Women’s 'nstitnte, e nlay will b presented in Lawrence Memorial Hal by a group 7f members from‘Buttonville W'om- en’s Insitute. Wednesday evening, October 27th, has been reservd for the showing of this play, half the proâ€" The Young Married Counles Group, a newly formed organization in the Un‘tpd Church here, held their ï¬rst wet-togethnr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Heron, Steele‘s Ave., on Tuesday evening. Although the even- ing turned out dam?) and chillv, thirty <ix attvnded the weiner mast, which had to be held indoors. Tho program in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Heron and Mr. and Mrs. A. Durant, included games and a lively singsone'. Thr.‘ next mnn‘ring‘ will he held on Wednes- On behalf of Mrs. Jackson, many thanks to those friends in the com- munity who went to the trouble of saving this waste fat, - The Cubs had a picnic in the Par later in the day. featured by a marsh- mallow roast with the necessary bon- ï¬re. A treasure hunt by compass directions only, was won by Carl Benston who found the treasure. Fat Collection Friends of the local Cub Pack will be interested to learn that $11.20 was realized as a result of the latest fat collection. As promised by Cubmasâ€" ter, Mrs. T. Jackson, another collec- tion will be made shoi'ivliy', but please save and strain all "used fats in clean tin cans - not jars, since ,these are so easily broken. Thornhill Women‘s Institute will hold its regular monthly meeting next Thursday. October let, in the Un- ited Church Sundav school room, at 2.30 mm. 'Every lady in the commun- ’tv is invited to see the ï¬lm which is h-eing presented by a representative 44' the Blue Cress Hospitalization len. and to take part in the Apron °"r9"e which will be a second feature of the meeting. Prizes are being offered for aprons which will be grouped into twq classes_ one utility and the other fancy, all such aprons to become the property of the W.I., and to be sold at their Annual Bazaar earlv in December. Anyone may participate. Local clergy ‘including‘ Rev.'E. E. Kent. Rev. Mr. Hirtle, Rev. S.A.R. Wood and Father McMahon, as well as a number of prominent citizens. have been invited to this service and it is exnected that the newly acquired Scout Hut will be open for inspection. This outdoor service promises to be an inspiring event and‘ well worth at- tending. You can show your support and appreciation by vour presence. _ ‘1'ocps and packs. These leaders have given unSparingly of their time to make a success of their undertak- ings, and they are to be congratulated and thanked by a grateful commun- ity for'the ï¬ne work they are doing for our: ypung people: Mréf H. Mizen " is soeinding this Thankssriinv week at the home of a son in Northern Ontario. :er Mrs. T. W. Jackson, Mrs. J. Sanderson, Brown O‘w-l of the s'nies and Captain Mrs. Duncan of the newiy formed Guide Troop march with their respective as and backs. These leaders sooooocwooooooooococOcooo é English Bricklayer n WWWM i Grates and Chimneys 0 o A Specialty Baking Sale by Brownie Mothers will be held in the United Church on Saturday, October 16, at 3 p.m. Incidentally, the Stewards have set the ï¬nancial objective at $1000, pro- ceeds to be applied to the retiring of the mortgage. An announcement was made that anniversary services would be held on October 24th at 11 a.m., with Rev. W. E. Wilson, M.A., of Lansing United Church, preaching. and at 7 p.m., with Rev. P. Jones, Willowdale United Church, as guest speaker. Further announcements next week. ' Thornhill United Church was taste- fu1.y decorated, in keeping with the harvest season, for the Thanksgiving service last Sunday. “The Sin of Inâ€" gratitude†was the tiile of the sermon by Rev. E. E. Kent, and the choir rendered the anthem “Praise the Lord, 0 Jerusalem†byy Maunder. ceeds of which are to swell the cof- fers of Thornhill W. I. C.G.I.T- Group Soon To Be Formed A C.G.I.T. group is being formed in the United Church here under the able leadership of Mrs. A. Martindale. Meetings will be held on Mondays at 1' p.m.. commencing October 18th. In 'he meantime, a hike is being planned for this Saturday, October 16th, and zirls interested are asked to contact Mrs. Martindale at Thornhill 109W. The W.M.S. of Thornhill United Church met on Tuesday“ afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. Johns, Yonge St. the theme, as announced, was “A View of the Mission Fields, via the Missionary Monthly,†and under sep- arate headings, was taken by Mrs. R. Simpson, Mrs. G. Russell, Mrs. C. Johns and’Mrs. H. Burke sang two solos. Arrangements have been made for the annual Thankoï¬'ering services to be held on Tuesday, November 9th, in the Church. * Sunday, October 17, will be anniv- ersary" Sunday at Headford United Church, with services at 11 a.m. and ‘ 30 pm.. The guest speaker will be Rev. J. Atton. Music will be sup- plied hv the Willowdale Male Quar- tette. The services ‘at Brown’s Cor- ner‘s and ,Victoria Square United Churches will be withdrawn for the day to enable everyone to join in the worship services at Headford. LESLIE SARGEANT THORNHILL Centre St. Pho: RICHMOND HILL' PUBLIC SCHOOL “‘Apply in writing, stating salary expected to . Jas. Grainger. Sec. Public School Board SAND â€"â€" GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE I. D. RAMER & SON, Phone 10 Tim Eievator l’hone Thornhill 109M 35.0%? Elgin SL, Thornhill M A R K H A M Starts Thur.. Oct 14 L. W. REID HEADFORD Loam - Fill WANTED Assistant Caretaker For Phone 77M KM Yï¬m'é HRH†:MOOOOWOOâ€OO¢WWM 0mm QMWOWOOOOOOOMOOO000000000006900690 0.6066 \. OOMO Telephone 208-} Scott‘s Emulsion . . . . . . . . Abbott’s ' Penta-Kaps $1.20 Waterbury’s Compound Vitavax Oral Vaccine . . . . Fr‘qzs‘t’s‘NCF. ........ S Ayerst 10D Cod Liver Oil Vimaltol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idamalt I.D.A. Brand . . . . Euchre - Grand ï¬raw - Dance Soap Boxes Mercolized W. Toni Permanent Pencils HB Blondex - At I.D.A. pharmacies, the quantity of every ingredient, large or small" Iis weighed, mea$ured :m'l {nixed with accurac', as it mushbe, to obtain p91'- faction in keeping with your Doetor‘s instruc- tions. . Noxzema, reg. 93c Beacon Mouse Killer St. Luke’s Cathelic Church Almond Lotion I.D.A., Lawrence Memorial Hall Stop 17 Yonge St, Euchre 8:30 Pharmacy Week October 12 to 18 A PRESCRIPTXON HAS TO BE PERFECT Hours: 11 a.m. to 11 p.121. Except Sunday Friday Octogaer 15th NGW GFEN THGRNHHLL BELLEARDS Our power spraying rig sprays Purina D.D.‘I'. on all barn interiors. Kills flies all summer. Ask us about this new low-cost service. Hariey’s Sï¬me POWER $PRAYIN£§ SPECIALS & REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AND REC VITAMIN NEEDS Draw for ï¬ve valuabie prizes Modern and 01d I‘yme Music KEN ROSE’S ORCHESTRA NO ONE UNDE Bronchida I.D.A. Brand Cough Syrup†50c Vick’s Vapo-Rub 0r Va-Tl‘o-Nol . . . . . . 450 Cherry Cough Syrup I.D.A., reg. 25c .. 18c Thermogene Wool . . . . . . . . 49c, 96c Syrup Tar and C.L.O. I.D.A., reg. 39c . 2:0 Mentholatum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c, 55c Pinex Cough Compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c Peztussin Cough Remedy . . . . . . . . 59c, 9.90 Smith B1 05. COugh Drops . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 UNDER AUSPICES OF 130, 2 for THORNHILL, ONT Admission 509 Refreshments Pabisal ’I'ab Cream of Tartar, :2. 'JZ. reg 200 . Ess. Peppermint, 1 02., reg 25c 1 Fuller’s Earth, 4 oz., reg. 15c .. Kleen-Or Sodium Perborate, reg: I.D.A. BRANDWSPECIALS Vitamin I‘QQ‘ for SC COLD NEEDS )ER 82.50 81c 37 c 4.50 69c 50c 25 c . . . . 'le . $1.19 59c, 98C 1003, re Attachment Sets “Davoi†Quality 690 $1 HEATING PADS COMBINATION OWED $6.95 Electric Thornhill 3.0 _, (J up " lV IV C Cu O o n H bâ€"I ME b-v to c’ o a a reg. 25c 125C !c .. 69c 37c. 79c, 23c, 45c