IIJIIIIIIIIIEIIIBHIINHIIEIIIIIIIIII:I - il'lllfllIIlflflIflfllllflflllllflllllflllllll f THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, October-'21, 1948 SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO ‘ § PHONE NOW! ' g THORNHILL 168 ‘ i PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO YOUR STORM SASH REQUIREMENTS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FREE ESTIMATES. Do you know that some of the lovely fur coats and scarfs in downtown Show win- dows were styled and produced by us in our modern fur shop right in your own neigh- bourhood? repair. Reconditioned M. H. “101 Junior†Tractor on rubber New Rubber' Tired Wagon ‘ Grain Grinders â€" Electric and Tractor Driven Eze-Ride Tractor Seats ' Water‘ Pressurg Systems â€"â€" Shallow Well and Deep Feed Trucks Sump Pumps “Empire†Garden Tractors Massey-Harris “Rite-Way†Milking Machines Used International Manure Spreader in good condition Tractors and Farm Implements of all kinds repaired in our workshop. Book your order now. MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Richmond Hill. Telephone 93w THE‘FOLLOWING ARE A FEW â€" small 4-1‘com house with basement, 4 to 5 rooms with 0? without conveniences, 1 acre or up. , 6 to 7 Room older home, conveniences $9,000. 6 Room house in Thornhill or Richmond Hill $7500 cash. room house 810,000 Funeral Designs -- Wedding Bouquets Our Specialty Mixed Bouquets City and Suburban Delivery Order early to avoid disappointment Flowers wired anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. Phone Richmond Hill 3441‘2 Harold Mor‘tson STORAGE FREE with every new coat or RICHVALE FLORIST Frame house to remodel $8,000 cash. 2 Family dwelling, up to $16,000. 5-6 Room bungalow on 3 acre, $8,000 cash. Modern 6â€"1’oom bungalow with land $14,000. STORES Genéral Hardwaro, etc., up to $15,000. FARMS 50 acres anywhere within 30 miles of Toronto, 6 to FENN REAL ESTATE 50-100 aercs, good buildings $8,000. 5-50 Acres, must be good, $15,000 t‘ Thomhili Furriers GREEN LANE, THORNHlLL IS THIS YOUR HOUSE? Needed Now For Anxious Clients Wishing To Buy In The District LOOK 2 EOOK 30 Acres, must be good, $15,000 to $20,000. These Peopie Are Ready To Buy RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 93W UNIflNVILLE W00!) PRODUCTS Tel. 37R2 â€" Adam C. Reiter ’HONE UNIONVILLE‘ 128W s§§fé§ns _ Shallow Well and Deep Well (Immediate installation) A high ranking Lions Club official in speaking to the mem- bers of the Richmond Hill Club gave a timelyâ€" warning against in- difference to the communist activities in Canada. He made some startling references in the course of his remarks telling of the extent ofr the communist organization and referring to an avow- ed communist who fpr some considerable time enjoyed member- ship in a Lions Club. Too many Canadians are prone to View lightly the dangers of communism here. To take such an attitude in the face of present day facts is a mistake in good citizenship. There is un- mistakable evidence that all across Canada the campaign of the communists, under the guise of the labor prOgressive party, and under other names and in other ways seeks to confuse the people of Canada on every vital issue. With almost unbelievable hypocâ€" racy they inï¬ltrate into organizations with many Wellâ€"meaning people and under the guise of paciï¬cism or some other ism 0p- pose reasonable preparations for national defence. They try in every way to discredit the United Nations. and the EurOpean Re- cover plan because a disorganized and starving Europe would assist the spread of communism there. They seek to create sus- picion between Canadians and between Canadians and our good i neighbours. . .- n,_i_ Anw“-..«:n+ nrnnan-ahfln Perhaps rightly many b( will have little eï¬'ect on Canad prosperity. This may be tru French descent, but what we ‘ one-quarter of Canadians are Many of- them read what we pers which carry much of the While there is increas ng awareness 01 to undermine the morale of Canadians, then ment on how to combat them. One method ty,’ but many feel this would help rather tha â€"- it thrives when underground. Whatever method adopted the time LI,‘__, â€"- 1E Lnl'lves wucu uuuu.&,.v....e.. Whatever method is adopted the tlme has come for stem, decisive and deï¬nite action against those who would wreck our way of life and destroy our cherished landmarks-and institutions. Communists give ï¬rst allegiance to a foreign country and where- ver found should forfeit every right to Canadian citizenship. If it is not advisable to pass a lawsoutlawing communism, it certainâ€" 1y is desirable we outlaw communists by revoking their rights of citizenship. WEDNESDAY,A_OC}Q§§81° 2‘7th 1948 These cattle 10 Head ranging in age from 3 to ‘8 years, sired by Lonelm Texal Rag Apple D, XX (123341), his sire Lonelm Texal Fayne, dam Lonelm Rag apple Cleopatra with 25,284 lbs. of milk, 982 lbs of fat. Honor List produc- er. These cows are fresh or with calf to the service of Lonelm Rag Apple Barron W. or lonelm Rag Apple Rcmulus. 15 Head ranging in age from 1 yr. to 3 yrs, sired by Lonelm Rag Ap- ple Skylark (157268), sired by Lonelm Rag Apple Barron l\I., dam Lonelm Texal Irene with 20,480 lbs. of milk 4.56('}, 924 lbs. of fat. 9 Head of Senior and Junior calves sired by Lonelm Texal Remus (193437), sire Lonelm Texal Fayne, dam Lonelm Rag Apple Jennifer (VG) with 22,138 lbs. of milk 4.07% 902 lbs. of fat. . All cattle under 3 years old are vaccinated. ‘. TERMS: CASH Write for catalogues to: COMMUNISTIC ACTIVITY THREATENS DEMOCRACIES 1 Artiï¬ciai 5mm Selling at the farm, Lot 7, Woodbridge, 1/2 mile An Independent “eel Subscription Rate, 82.00 per 3' Member Canadian Week HOLSTEEN CATTLE FOR SALE NOW WATSUNIA FARM DISPERSAL AT 1:30 RM. ,r. are fully accredited, Federally Listed with R.0.P. Records Extensive Auction Sale of 35 HEAD PURE BRED alogues to: .1. Stanley Watson, Woodbridge, Ont LORNE E. FRANKLIN, Auctioneer GEO. C. JACKSON, on Pedigrees. These cattle sell Without reserve “TI-IE LIBERAL Phone Thornhill 3631‘4 many believe that communist propaganda on Canadians living in an era of comfort and 1y be true of Canadians of Anglo-Saxon or what we are apt to forget is that more than dians are of continental ‘ European origin. what we know as foreign language newspa- lCh of the propaganda of c'ommunism. ncreasing awareness of communist'attempts male of Canadians. there is no general agree- bat them. One method is to outlaw the par- a would help rather than hinder communism THE PROPERTY OF SMITH, M.P )t 7, Con. 6, Vaughan, 1 Mile east of mile north of N0. 7 Highway RI ablisbed 1873 1e United States .g to the mem- 1ng agalnst in- He made some M 1' chapter one, or China Mission She described crops, the 1if< utensils and country and t in their lives Chinese of t} are mostly Bu pioneer missi< threw a _few pioneer missionaries had when tney threw a few puny Canadian liver; against these multitudes. Lunch was served and a social half hour followed the meeting. The thankoï¬'ering meeting is on November 3rd in the church, when members of neighbouring groups are invited. Miss Mary Rodick, who spent the Thanksgiving holiday in New York City, reports an enjoyable time. On an invitation from Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bruce, who now attend Whitevale United Church, Brown’s Corners choir and a number of friends journeyed to Wliitevale to provide music for their anniversary s:rvices lest Sunday evening. Rev. T. W. F. G. Andrews will he in charge of the morning service at Brown’s Corners anniversarv this coming Sunday and Rev. Norman Rowan will be in charge of the even- ing service. Services are at 11'a.m.‘ and 7.30 pm. Special ’music will be provided by the Brown’s Corners choir. ‘ Mr. W. Clarkehpast president of the Interntional Plowing Match, held at Lindsay this year had the pleas- ant duty of escorting the members of the Irish Plowman’s team to points al Come to the play “Mis Smarty" put on by the Weston Young People in Buttonville Hall on Thursday ev- ening; October 28th. This play is under the auspices of Brown's Cor- ners choir, who use the proceeds for music. etc., for their choir. County The Maple W. I. met at the home of Mr. Wills Maclachlan on October 13th, with a good attendance. A farm- ily party will be held in November on the regular meeting date, in place of the annual “At Home.†Fifty dollars was donated to M.R.A. for concession at the lacrosse games. the topic Historical Research was giv- en by Mrs. Arnold Rumble. ‘This was an excellent paper on the His- tory of Maple Village, giv’ing; dates and humorous remarks. This paper will be published in this paper at a future date): An old map of Maple marked out in streets, also the names of streets of which some never had heard. ,Ancient photos were also shown. An educational paper on the growing, manufacture and uses of cotton, was given by Mrs. Lloyd Pal- mer. The making: of fancy sand- wiches was demonstrated by Mrs. Norman Payne. These were sampled by all and proved very delicious. Greetings were brought from the District by District President, Mrs. John Snider of Thistletown and Dis- trict Secretaryâ€"Treasurer, Mrs. Ed Harris of Maple. ‘ The church r Wednesday nttcnville H *cslded. The 'ay. the Trut Ml ' Members of M.W.I. attended the-l lecture given by Mrs. Clarence Hayâ€" s of Georgetown on “Aids to effec- tiye speaking.†The ladies found this interesting and instructive. Mrs. Arnold Rumble wishes to thank the people who helped with the preparation of the History of Maple read at the WI. meeting last week, and which will appear in a fu- ture issue of The Liberal. Messrs. Albert and Jim Rumble motored with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Messrs. Albert and Jim Rumble motored with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rumble and Ray to the Internation- al Plowing Match last week at Lind- say. The seventy-eighth anniversary of the Manle United Church will be held on Sunday, October 24th. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Guest speaker, Rev. A. L. Griffith, B.A. of Grimsb-y. Music by the Church choir in the morning and bV the St. Clair Ave. United Church Men’s choir in the evâ€" ening. You can always tell a country girl from a city girl if there’s a good wind; a country girl grabs he): skirt, a city girl, her hat: 142s. late of the Village of Richmond Hill deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Alice Charles. late of the Village of Richmond Hill. who (lied on or about the 21st dav of June, 1948, are hereby notiï¬ed to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned personal represent~ atives oi' the said deceased, on 01' before the 1‘5th day of November. 1948. Immediately after the said date the said personal regresentative will distribute the assets of'tha said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dafpd at Richmond Hill this 7th flaw of chnber. 1948. CHARLES. Executors. bv their So}- ir-itor. Joseph Rabmowitch. 410 Yong‘e Street, Box 176. Richmond Hill. Ont. HARRY CHARLES and WILLIAM Phone 252J BUTTONVILLE agricufltural interest in IN THE ESTATE of Alice Char Bl Native to Creditors AND OTHERS E. J. HINSON . ; avgam†\V‘ Englirh g2 one, on th Mission for scribed the the life 0‘ ; and ban and the ' Mrs. Patterson and ’Mrs. A. Stephenson‘: again†was much enjo Englirh gave the study one, on the story of the Iission for the past 56 cribed the farm homes he life of the people, and house equipment and the part religion lives. The sixty ' of this province of tly Buddhists. What fa' The v Truth Mrs. Interior & Exterior RICHMOND HILL Hal MAPLE M Decorator the Life nee million of China faith our hen they mi] We Box 268 the plays 'ears. farm their York “000900000 OOOOWQâ€OOONOOQOOâ€QOOOOO OOMOMM O M99 099woooqoooowououooo3§Q09moomm» N0... . - 000600000 “000. 0â€â€œâ€œ4‘ “M609 OWM“MM © TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD. )I Young lady as general office assistant. One exper- ienced in dictaphone, invoicing and payroll prefei‘yed. Knowledge of bookkeeping an asset. Permanent position to right party. Apply in person ter heaters and space heaters in the show rooms. Easy terms can be arranged. Call and see them at Now is Ccmiflete oil change (FREE) for your old battery on the purchase of one of our WILLARD or FIRESTONE INSURANCE 12 Wellington St. “a. Toronto Petrolane Bottled Gas Distributors of Bottled Gas YONGE ST. THORNHILL PHON D‘STR‘CT HLKDI‘LK l K.’ DU 1 l, REPKBENI‘ATIVE 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R @ REDï¬E £5 EUCHRE Petrelane Corporation Ltd. We have all the popular makes of gas ranges, hot wa- for Silver Tea Servi Under the auspices of the Women’s lnsm PROCEEDS FOR “HALL FOR ALL" WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24th STOP HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM . BATTERIES GEO. P. DOWE CO. LIMITED the time to replace your battery for winter months. WANTED For high economical milk production we recommend:â€" MASTER CALF STARTER GROWER MASTER DRY & FRESHENING FEED GAINMAKER 24% DAIRY CONCEN TRATE gamma HERBERT R: BUTT 22A YONGE ST. â€" RICHVALE, ONT. M cM U LLEN MOTORS YOUR TEXACO DEALER LUNCH PROVIDED DEEENIM In The batteries. donate the Women’s Institute Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 Eaton Co. Ltd PHONE 170-J Admission 500 REPRBEN'I‘ATIVE Richmond Hill