N 0 000060500 960 6 OWOOOOO“O“Oâ€OOâ€O“OOOâ€W“9 Q “0.00.000...6.â€...OOOOOOOâ€OAOI 64 0040. r ‘09.- MAPLE COMMUNITY HALL O §Wedneséay, 0d. 27th 7)..00.0600003000069000090.000QOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Os‘ MOOOOOOO¢“â€â€OMC NOOOWOOOOOOOOQOâ€. F. L. LOWRIE, R.O. AUSTIN'S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Oct. 27th Eyes Examined, Giasses Fitted 10 A ny Quantity and the Second and fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON 0|'1‘I(,AL REPAin BROKEN LENSES REPLAC! l) THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, October 21. 1948 Coffee Shop open 7.45 am. to 12 midnight Dining Room open daily 12 noon to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. EYESILHT SPECIALIST All proceeds for Sports Bowl Bleachers Bettie’s Coffee Shop 2 Yonge St. PAINTER â€"â€" DE CORATOR Note New Phone No. - - 438w Prescripunns far Glasses Fined Fur Appumlment Phone Richmond Hill 33 TURKEY SUPPER AUTUMN DANCE CARS PAINTED â€"â€" $20 AND UP CLARENCE LEES ORCHESTRA. WESTON IN VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT EXPERT BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Sundays 12 noon {0’12 midnight POULTRY WANTED Adults $1.25; Children under 12 years 50c P. M. TONNER LASKAY UNITED CHURCH JARL BLACK'S ORCHESTRA “RICHVALE AUTO BODY Norolda Poultry R. R. 2 â€" SCARBORO JUNCTION Phone AGINCOURT 2-481. 01' write to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22nd GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP WILL BE AT SUPPER SERVED 5 to 8 p.m CLEAN AND FINE WORK Ernie Evans, Floor Manager UN DER AUSI’ICES MJLA. Sponsored by the W.M.S STOP 20A YONGE ST. Phone Thornhill 212r12 RICHMOND HILL ADMISSION 50c m. to 1 mm In Richmond Hill Good Prices oov 1 The young ladies’ guild of Thorn- hill United Church met at the home of Mrs. Maw. Thornbank road, last Thursday evening. An excellent at- tendance enfoyed Miss Geraldine Wesley's accornt of her trip to the coast through the north part of the U.S.A. and down to Hollvwood with a group of school teachers. Plans were made for a bazaar, apron sale, home cooking and afternoon tea, nlanned for the middle of Novem- ber. ' Late Mrs. E. C. Langstalf R090 Marv Sharpe, wife of the late Edwin C. Langstaï¬', died at the home of her son in Toronto on Sat- urday, October 16th. Mrs. Lang‘svtaff was born in England. but had lived for many years in Thornhill before moving: with her husband to Ux- bridge. She was noted for her beau~ tiful voice, and was an active mem- ber of Trinity Anglican church. Her husband. a member nf one of the district’s olde<t families. died some years ergo. The late Mrs. Lan‘gstaï¬' i: survived hytwo sons. Garland of Toronto and Ceoro-e of Indian Mea- dows. B.C. Rev. S.A.R. Wood con- Ilrcterl the frneval service. in Trin- ity church. and interment took .placc in the adjoining cemetery Monday afternoon. Sponsored by Thornhill Women’s Institute, Buttonville W. I. are pre- senting a play in Lowrence Memorâ€" ial Hall on Wednesday, October 27. The play is entitled “Secret Society of Cabbageville†is in old-time cos- tume and holds a laugh a minute. These ladies have presented their play several times throughout the surrounding districts, and it has been a complete success. One of the cast. Mrs. J. Robinson, a member of Trin- ity Anglican church, is very well known in this district. You won’t want to miss this outstandingmplay. Rav. F. E. and Mrs. Kent attend- M the ï¬ff‘eth anniversary sunner of Thornton United Church in Thorn- ton on Molflav even¢n¢ The ponulation of Thornhill was increased by three during this 'nast wee‘r with Hw birth: of baby sons +0 Mr. and Mrs. E. Westcott. Hen» "‘Wson AWL. Ia<t Satvrdav. and'tn Mr, am! Mrs. R. ann and Mr. and VHS. V. Javkson, Morgan Ave. on Monday. [Fongratulations to the ‘W‘nd parents. : tm‘ed WW1 snpnial ï¬wzir 1w H19 "“nh'. “m Wi‘lnwflale M216 nuartotte. “1's HeTM “111‘1'9‘ rnnh'alfn. and Vorman Tightfoot. baritone. A 11931"- wa °"ndnv, Ontolwr 24th, Thorn- M‘l Unian Church “‘11 celehwte it»c 06th annivprsary wflh an'iaI SP“ "i099 A" 11 a m "we? minister wil‘ “0 RP". \V 17‘ \K’ilsnn. M A.. of Lr-m “' invitatirm is extended to the com- munitv to help celebrate this anniv- ers'r‘ry. Th9 9““i"9“=arv suinr will be held in the United (‘hurch hero on T‘msâ€" ’"V. Ochher 29th, under the auspices of the Woman’s Association. Sunner Tho S‘eu'm‘d: nf' Tlmrnhill Un‘fed "huroh have set the ï¬nannial 0“"""- ‘ive at $1000. proceeds to be applied L0 Hm relil‘lnp‘ of the mm'fqae'e. R'Waar and Home Chnlrimr Swlp "odor the ausnives of He Wm“- e“’< Assnnia’rion 9nd Fortnifers Club of T‘mi‘nliill Presbvtavian ("hmmlx a “We?†and home cooking sale will be held in the Snndav School mm“ “1" “We c‘ruroh on Saturday. October 30th. Fancy work. nillow cae'm. sun‘an 2W1 M‘~l"s devoted to handkerchiefs and "him-v1 will feature the bazaar section. 9nd in the home cooking department. Fhi‘isfmas cakes will be an outstan- Iiin‘n- item. Thernhill Horticultural Sncie‘v At the Ooto‘ner meeting 0“ Thorn- I~"ll Horticultural Societv, held in Lawrence Memorial Hall last Wed» newlav evening. second and third prizes for snecial cla<ses were m1")- «MM fr- the resnective winners by M‘s: Winniï¬â€˜ed Simpson and Mr. Hinchley. It wa: agreed at an 021' l‘er directors’ meeting" that since those nrizes were to be hule thev slmhld ‘be given out at the October meet‘ntz in order thaf the winners 111:7â€1 get them nlanted. Annual nrize giving evenino' will be held ir the Hall early in Novem": Welcomed by the president, Mr. E. Kohler members and friends were treated to an amazing display of seasonal arrangements by Mrs. Ruth Banks. Using late fall flowers, au- tumn leaves, pumpkinst vegetables and frrits. as well as the necessarv ï¬gurines,~ Mrs. Banks demonstrated arrangements to mark every holiday and outstanding current event from Thanksgiving straight through to Christmas. and "the outstanding fea- ture was the small cost involved. Mr. Kohler also demonstrated the color- lllg' of weeds and leaves and produc~ ed charming table and mantle ar- rangements suitable for Christmas as well as door decorations. Speak- in': on the care and planting of bulbs and the forcing of same, the president imparted a lot of useful information to his listeners. He also spoke on the dividing- of perennials and the cleaning up of gardens. which shor-ld be done now. <h-nssino' the importance of burning: all deed growth, in order to eliminâ€" ate nests. Thornhill District Lions Club The Thornhill District Lions Club took in seven new members at the regular meeting on Monday'evenin'zl Ther are Alex McClumnha, Joe Lamâ€" nhier. Ralph Edwards, Dr. Geo. Thompson. Frank Nicholson. Harrv Tflk. Harold Harley. Rev. S.A.R Wood. renoried to the cth that no work will be done before freeze-uh on the swimming; pool being donated to the community by one of its res- idents. The architect is arr-angina to call for tenders and complete the plans so that work will start on the $50,011 . m'oject as early in the spring- as nossible. At, the invitation of Rev. E. Kent a special liions' service will he held in Thornhil] United Church on Sun- daV. October 3lst. The Health and Welfare comnm- tee. throth its chairman. Bart Edâ€" Wards. hive. made all plans for 1 dance to be held in Lawrence Mam inq Unit/vi Church. and at 7 n.m.. ’9". A. W. Jones. B.A.A of Willow- 'a‘P Unile Church will he gueslL “0""nr. “nth SPl"'l"e§ will 1m fna- m‘ed WW1 snpnial munit- lw fhe ’lay Presented Here on Oct. 27th! Thornhill District News a “sting ildren. 6-5c for adults and 4 “‘nm R r‘m. “4th tick is arranging complete the start on ï¬le in the spring- 35:: for orial Hall on Wadnesday, Nov. 17th. Elmer McCauley of Toronto will pro- vide the music, and there will be a floor show and many extras. A var- ied program has been planned for the annual Hailowe’en party, also to be held in Lawrence Memorial Hall. Donations, so cheerfully given and received with so much appreciation in the past, are again being solicited to assist with the party and they may be left at the Bank, Thornhill Hardâ€" ware, Thornhill Groceteria and the Thornhill Meat Market. Dr. Healey Willan of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, was the speaker of the ev- ening. Reminiseing on musical ev- ents, he stressed the universality of music and its place‘ in society. The W. A. and W.M.S. 0f Thorn- hil] Presbyterian church met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Hen- ry Harper. Bayview Ave. Final Plans were drawn up for the bazaar. There was a very good turnout, and Mrs. Harper was aSSiStEd by Mrs. Porter at the tea table,» Doncaster Ladies’ Club Doncaster Ladies‘ Club held its October meeting at the home of Mrs. C. G. Russell on October 5. All arrangements were made for the ba- zaar, and a letter of appreciation was read by the secretary, Mrs. Gar- nett, from the family in England to whom a box of food was sent. An- other parcel‘is being planned. Reg- istered deeds for the land purchased by the Culb were produced by the secretary, and tickets for the lucky draw on the quilt to be drawn for at the November meeting, were distrib- uted. The bazaar held recently in the United church Sunday School room was opened by Rev. E. E. Kent who wished the club every success in 2ts worthwhile efforts to establish a community club house for the Don- caster district. The W.A. of Thornhill United ehurch met at the home of Mrs. S. Dean for its October meeting. The president, Mrs. Morton, presided, and Mrs. Wesley took the devotional. Plans were made for a anniversary supper to be held later in the month. be held in Law Donatlons, so 1 received Wlth w in the past, are Cowap. 172 Kent St., London; 2nd Billy Foran. Schomberg; 3rd C.'G. Wiles, 3575 Eg‘lington Avie. W., Tow onto; 4th Richard Belsenich. 30 Harâ€". riet St.,'Wel-land: 5th. Rose Carmiâ€"' chael. 122 State St.. Welland. 'The irarwing of winning tickets was made by Reeve Vern Grifl'en. AThe social evening held in Law- "ence Memorial Hall last Fridav un- der. the auspices of St. Luke‘s Church was well attended. The prize winners at euchre were: Messrs. W. J. Hopper. A. O’Malley and GP. Kav- anaugh, Mrs. J. W. Roberts, Joyce Sopher and Mrs. James Spencer. Music for the dance was supplied by Ken R0se and his‘orchestra. Trinity Church Notes Canon J. W. MacDonald of Toron- to. a former rector of the parish. preached at the Harvest Festival in Tlinity Anglican Church onThursday evening, September 30th. and after- wards renewed acquaintances with old friends. The. following Sunday the service was conducted hyvthe rec- tor, Rev. S.A.R. Wood. ’who read a special message from the Bishop who "I‘Ahe winners of prizes at the anâ€" nval draw in aid of St. Luke’s Church were as follows: lst P.3J7. The congregation of Trinity Church held a pleasant,“get-together†in the form of a hot supper in the Law- rence Memorial Hall on Friday even- ing, October 8. Guests of honor were the Rural Dean. Rev. W‘ F. Wrixon. and Mrs. Wrixon of Rich- mond Hill, and Miss Nellie Lewis of Toronto. After supper Miss Lewis took charge of the evening‘s enter- tainment and there was not one 132‘â€" e'ing moment. Under her capable direction young, and not so young. ieined in a series of hilarious games. Mr. Harvey Shepherd kindly played accompaniments. Miss Lewis has mafle a hobby of this pleasureâ€"giving work for sixteen years. She has trav- elled about organizing narties and entertainments for A.Y.P.A. and other groups of young! people. and during the war for Service men and women. From experience gained in this way she has written two poriular books about games and entertain- ments. 3 > tion 1 music Considerable work was done this summer in Trinitv Church Cemeterv. It was sprayed with weed killer and '1 portion was re-graded and seeded. Taet Saturday men of the congrega- tion held a bee to do some ï¬nal tidy Im iobs. Quite a lot was accomp- lished before rain interrupted the af- ternoon session.‘ The regular Carrville church ser- vice will be withdrawn next Sunday due to anniversary services at Thornhill. Sundav School will be held as usual at 2.30 p.m. ittl 66000000000060.609000000 W060 WWW.†LESLIE SARGEANT English Bricklayer Phone Thornhill 109M I. D. RAMER &. SON, Emma m We Eievator Grates and Chimneys lst returned from the L ‘ence in London, Englal Church had been bea ted by the Altar Guild, v attended T‘hanksgivir and the Choir, under th‘ f Mr. W. Howard sang Elg‘in SL, Thornhill IA Specialty (‘ARRVILLE ion of Trinity Church “get-together†in the supper in the Law- Hall on Friday evenâ€" Guests » of honor land. The eautifully d. for the the d 0* special t- y Church 1'" in the the Law- lay even- of honor I. V“ F. of Rich- Lewis nf 55 Lewis :‘s enter- one la‘r- - capable 0 young. 15 games. _v plaved ewis has ‘re-giving %OOOOâ€MMWâ€MQ: R] V La mbetl' rec 591‘ \ Paï¬wWWaW â€"â€"â€"We spray with V. Purina Insect Oil for germs and mites. “’ 70% â€"We spray Purina Weed Killer ' on pastuzes, fence rows. grain ï¬eids. 1' T’ ‘ -â€"We kin flies in barns or on ‘ livestock with Purina D.D.T Spray. iNlNETY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY noâ€...M‘tunooomooowoooonooooo09.99.0000“99 60" Adults 650; Children 35c fl . REV. E. E. KENT. B. '[h.. D. Th.. Minister , . . . mmoooomoeooomoowuwowoomomooowo 1 9 0999€ GUEST PREACHERS 11 a.m. â€" Rev. W. E. Wilson. M.A.. Lansing United Ch'ul-ch 7 pm. â€" Rev. A. W. Jones, B.A.. Willowdale United Church SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR Willowdale Male Quértette L Mrs. Helen Burks, Contralto ANNIVERSARY SUPPER. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26th Auspices W.A i} 11V I; 3‘] . 61’.“ EL 1\ ;{‘ 9"! § Order now while they are still avvailable ALL PURPOSE FUEL For Furnaces, Fireplaces, Stoves, etc. JONES COAL CO. MADE WITH GOOD FAMOUS READING HARD COAL THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Telephone 188, Richmond Hill Made‘with Pennsylvania Anthracite YOU ARE INVITED TO TH SUNDAY. OCTOBER Supper served from 6 pm 11h