ELECTREC WIRING £2 REPAIRS RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP GILSON HOT AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS “is name may be George Wilson, Patrick O‘Reilly or Emile Legault. He may be a farmer, a lawyer, a carpenter, a real estate agent, a banker, a teacher or one of our own employees. His wife or mother might be a shareholder. He and about 5,000 olher Canadians from all walks of life are the owners of Dominion Textile Company Limited. Last year, among them, [hey did 357.833395; worm of business. That was the company’s total income for the year. Let’s simplify it and say each Average Shareholder (lid $11,567.67 worth of business. That was the money he took in. Now let’s look at what he spent to get that money. Here it is, roughly calculated, for the average shareholder. DOMINION TEXTILE CQMPAHY LIMITED MANUFACTURERS 0F From Ihe 82 YONGE â€" PHONE 296W Raw materials (principally raw couon) . . . . . . . 'Smrchea. chemicals, dyes. packing cases. other supplies gmd operating expenses such as re- pairs, fuel, power, light, pensions, insurance and other such items o . . . . . . A . . . . . . . e . . . A . Amount paid to employeea~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Taxes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Money re-inyeswd to keep the business in a Money reinvested to keep me Dusmcss m stable condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N or proï¬t receivedbe Mr. Average Shareholder (on which he pays personal taxes :00) . . . . . . lle nlovcd up. Ile learned a lot about banJ about Canada, about people. He is still clinlbing, still learning a job ’which is not mastered in a day . . . or a year. He has learned, for instance, that in makng loans, a bank manager must satisfy hinlself that the borrower would Inerit your confidence if you were lending your own nloney. At the sanle tilne he welcomes opportunities to put money to work. Loans are part of his business, and an ilnporlant source of revenue. They help people get along, help build a prosperous, progressive nation. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK E star led Contrast his freedom of iudgment with conditions in lands where freedom is deniedâ€"; where every bank is a political tool, every banker a State official! State monopoly of banking, proposed by Socialists here, would open your banking transactions to political intrusion. 3;; not Ihe lop as a junior. He moved around. He learned a lot about banking, PRODUCYS $5,730.85 $2,184.68 $2,628.16 5 457.01 8 178.01 s 388.96 work. Loans The anniversary services held last Sunday were very ï¬ne. Rev. A. Atton of Toronto preached two very im-: pressive sermons. The Willowdale. Male Quartette accompanied by Mrs. Davies at the organ were outstand- ing. The minister, Rev. E. Curry also assisted in making the services such a success. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leek, Gormley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek and family on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Atton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. Wellman. / Mrs. Baker, Toronto, Dr. H. and Mrs. Hill, Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. V. Stephenson and family, New Lowell, and Mr. L. Graham were Sunday guests of the Smiths. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bagigs, Newton- brook and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lee, Langstaï¬', spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee and family. Mr. and Mrs. Glebe of Hanover, parents of Mr. E. Glebe, were guests of th Glebes here on Sunday. Miss Emma Barker, Toronto spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. parents of Mr. E. of th Glebes here vv cAuuu-n. Mrs. Phil: R. Tear], Haileybul‘y and her daughter, Miss Frances Teare, Toronto were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith recently. Our community was well repre- sented at the International Plowing Match held at Lindsay last week.. Remember the Yong People’s meeting on Friday night. Mrs. M. MacTaggart. president, would like all who can, to be present. A good programme has been arranged. Mo- ving pictures taken this year of a trip to the Paciï¬c Coast will be shown. Don Brodie is in charge of the meeting. Pliny-es, teacher at Du‘ï¬lin School was the week end guest of Mrs. Cummer Lee. Mr. Don Cook celebrated his‘birth- dav last Saturday night by enter- tain’ing a number of his young friends at his home. Helib Smith had dinâ€" ner last Tuesday night with M13. and Mrs. MacTaggart. ’ IIIIIEIIIIEIIIIIIIII SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Willowdale, Zone 8-288 (Toronto Subscribers Dial ‘Operatorâ€â€"-Message Charge) W. J. ALDRIDGE SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS H‘EADFORD “\‘f Bromfs Corners Church Bazaar Wednesday, November 24th, in But tonville Hall. Capacity crowds, hoth morning and evening, ï¬lled Brown’s Corners Church to overflowing on the occas- ion of their anniversary services 011 Sunday, October 24th. Rev. T.W.F.‘G. Andrews of Toron- Rev. T.W.F.G. Andrews of Tol‘onm to was the morning speaker and his‘ subject “God and Man Working; Toâ€" gether†was a vital message at this time of world tension. “0 Come let us Worship†was sung by the choir with Mrs. A. Ste- phenson taking the soprano solo ’and obligate, was beautifully rendered. “Break Forth into Joy†was the secâ€" ond anthem and the solo by Mr, Ed- win Bruce, “Gently Lord, oh Greatâ€" ly Lead Us†were especially enjoyed. At the evening“ sel'Vice, Rev. Norâ€" man Rowan took as his text “God is a Spirit.†His message was an inspiring one. The anthem “King- of Live’_’ had the solo part taken by Mr. Edwin Bruce. “Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul†Was the second an- them and Mrs. A. Stephenson sang the beautiful solo “Building for Et- ernity.†The choir with Mrs. S. English at the piano and under her leadership, and with Miss Dorothy Hood as 01'- ganist are deserving of the highest ‘praise not only for their ï¬ne music for Anniversary Suhday Services, but also for their faithful and deâ€" voted services throughout the entire The decorations were beautiful and the choir assisted by members of the congregation were responsible. We were pleased to ‘have with us many newcomers to whom we say “Come again†and many old friends back for this épecial occasion, year Davidson Mission Band meets in Brown’s Corners United Church on Saturday afternoon when the guest speaker will be Miss Geraldine Wes- ley of Thornhill. Parents are esâ€" pecially invited to attend. Hallow- gramme In The Estate of Richard Joseph BARRETT All persons having claims against the Estate of Richard Joseph Bar- rett, late of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, Civil Servant, who died on or about the 4th day of August, 1948, are hereby notiï¬ed to send to the undersigned Personal Representative of t c. said deceased on or before the wt 'day of Novem- ber, 1948, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representa- tive will distribute the assets of the said decea ed having reward only to the claims of which it shall then have notice. I _ If you want to know a woman's bad points, praise her to another. “Vij‘éyt'ed at Torontb, this 18th day of October, 1948. ZIMMERMAN, BLACKWELL & HAYWOOD 50 King Street West, Toronto Solicitors for Vera J. Barrett, Ad- ministratrix STUART P. PARKER Barrister écially invited to attend. Hallow en will be remembered in the pro FOR INDIVIDUALS on FAMILIES Hospital, nurse, lnCdiC'ul and surgical plans Beneï¬ts payable from one day lifetime Notice to Creditors BUTTONVILLE Notary Public Richmond Hill 39m 36 Centre St. W. LANG, MICHENER. DAY & CRANSTON 50 Kim; St. W., Toronto Waverley 2931 LOW COST PROTECTION Centre St. HARVEY COATHUP SAND â€"â€" GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE DISTRICT REI’RESEN’I‘A’I‘IV 1‘ INCOME PROTECTION L. W. REID THORNHIIL (Hmfï¬ï¬‚ï¬qugmf L‘ASSiOQlATlON‘f Loam - Fill AND OTHERS UNIONVILLE Phone 7 7M Solicitor a Mr. and Mrs. F Fergus were Sunda Church 2 very well C. E. Fockler is conï¬ned house with ’ï¬u and hope soon be around,_again. Sunday visitors in Maple Mrs. H. C. Bailey, Dr. M2 Bailey, Miss Ruby Byam, all onto, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Beatty mley. ness of Miss Joan Pryor. who is in hospital in Toronto. We hope Joan will be speedily retrrned Jto health. The regular monthly \meeting‘ 01‘ the W.M.S. of Maple United Church was held in the Sunday School room on W‘ednesday, October 2‘0Y at 2.30 p.1n. This was a special meeting andtflevery member was asked to bring a friend. Mrs. Fockler Qpen- ed the meeting with a Scripture Reading: and the Lord's Prayer. Con-i tributions of used clothing were re- quested for another bale to be sent to Europe. It was reported that during the year there had been donâ€" ated by Mrs. W. Woods 'seventyâ€" three baskets of flowers from her garden for the church and Sunday School. It was also reported that the W.M.S. calendar was available. The guest soloist was Miss“ Routley .who rendered beautifully Schubert’s Serenade and God hath not promised. The roll was answered with a [thought on Thanksgiving which was also the theme of the Devotional giv- en by Mrs. F. S. Rumble. The mem- bers took part by repeating the general Thanksgiving prayer. The guest speaker was, Mrs. Chopin of Victoria Square‘who gave a very in- teresting talk on her work among the Indians of Island Lake. Dainty refreshments were served by the laâ€" dies at the close of the meeting. ‘le an Sunday, October Blst. At 11 am. the speaker will be Rev. W. C. Johnston, Professor at Emmanuel College and there will be special muâ€" sic by Eleanor Ogilvie 211d Don Jar- 1ett 6f High Park United Church. In the evening, Rev. Johnston will speak and» music will be by the ladies oc- tette, Stouï¬'ville Factory expeyience necessary. I â€"â€" Apply â€"â€" JOHN, A. MADSEN MFG. CO. Unionville n We are VICTORIA SQUARE We are sorry 55 of Miss Jc B. J. CARRUTHEKS Lot. 10, C011. 3, North York End Farm West of Dufferin Street on the South Side of Wilson Ave. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1948 C A’l‘TL E - 'f’UUL'lRY' & FEED & SEED 30 Light Sussex Hens 1 Stack of Good Stxav’v 10 bushels of Seed Nobarb Barley 2 Peeks Timothy Seed, 3 Peaks Al- falfa Seed, 2 lbs. Dutch Clove: Seed, mixed w - / 1 Fat Young Cow 1 Jersey Cow, milkin FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 Massey-Harris Standard Tractor, No. 81, on rubber, complete with starter. This tractor is in excep- tionally good condition and looks just like new 1 lHiC Disc Plow, good . 1 Oliver 2-Furrow Tractor Plow, go\l Vessot Grinder, 11 iinch plate 1 M-H Binder, 6 ft. M-H Mower, 5 ft., good M-H Dump Rake, 10 ft. Mâ€"H Tedder M~H Hoe Drill MH Cultivator Steel Land Roller 1 Set Harrows 1 Hay Wagon 1 Hay Rack 1 Steel Wheel Farm Truck, 6 inch tires 1 Sleigh Box 1 Road Wagon 1 Cutter Annversary services will be ndaxn October Blst. At 11 1 Hot Water Furnace. Pease Number of piles of Scrap Iron Forks, Shovels, Chains, Whiï¬â€™letrees neckyokes and a lot of other 211 ticles not mentioned. Terms: Cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 pm. SKILLED WOODWORKER MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES 1 Water Tank. 1 DeLaval Cream Separator 1 Set Scales, 1000 lbs. 2 Bl'ooder Stoves. 500 chick size 10 Steel Stanchions, 2 and 3 inch 1 Fanning Mill 1 Pump J: '250 Feet of Snow Fence M. H. TRACI‘OR ON RUBBER FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS ' Property of KEN & CLARKE PRENTIQE, ALE Markham P.O Milliken P.O.. BUILDINGS : Frame Barn 116x30 ft., with metal roof Frame Stable, 60x35 ft., with metal roof Frame Blooder House 16x12 HARNESS ‘ Set Heavy Brass Mounted Harness Set Single Harness ' Maple "f 'Pl'e: AUCTION SALE WANTED U attende niversary‘ services attended MAPLE rry P.O., phone Markham 206 0.. phone Agincourt 52w3 Ed Kyle, Clerk ted Ch to learn 11‘ J 1‘ :Ul that ncluded he will 01'1‘ th e i 3 inch Pump Jack 1161‘1 were the held THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursd WNY CREST LODGE Phone 12 GENERAL MOTORS PARTS Also Expert Repairing Done on All General Motors Cars and Trucks. See us for Tires, Mufflers, Tail Pipes, Exhaust Pipes and Accessories Order now While they are still avvailable Snack Bar and Dancing Till Midnight COME WITH YOUR FRIENDS & DANCE IT STANDS FOR UCKV’CA WHEREVER YOU SEE IT AU. PURPOSE FUEL ities Service Garage THE BELL TELEPHONE For Furnaces, Fireplaces, Stoves, etc. Weddings and Parties Catered-For WNES COAL CO. CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS MADE WITH GOOD FAMOUS READING HARD COAL Telephone 188, Richmond Hill COURTEOUS and efficient service at our switch- boards, in our business ofï¬ces and in your home ~ that’s the kind of service we’re doing our best to provide. More and better telephones have doubled the scope and increased the value of your telephone service. Yet, up to now, despite rising costs; there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 years ago. No matter where you travel, you’ll ï¬nd no wmtm telenhone value: no better service at No matter where you greater telephone value the same low cost. MEL. MALTBY Made with Pennsylvania Anthracite PHONE RICHMOND HILL 178J AND RESERVE YOUR TABLE Breakfast, Luncheons, Dinners and Suppers GOOD FOOD 56949765 Richmond Hill COMPANY OF CANADA Octooer 28 1948