4 THE LIBERAL. Richmond 0 0.: glassitied Sale 85 Want Ads liATESâ€"â€"Five lines or less, 35 cents for first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over five lines 5 cents per FOR SALE PONTIAC Sedan, good conii- l‘honc Stoufl'ville ($4001). clwld l‘nfll tion. LARGE IIEATER. coal or wood. phone Stout‘l‘ville 67300. ‘ c2w18 LOA {\I. rich dark sandy loam. L. W. Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. tfc42 METAL BED. 5’, size, springs and mattress. good condition. alumst new. Apply it»; (i'. Libeial Office. ’3'1w18 (32 GA L. Hot \Vater Tank, with jack- et heater complete. Phone 49W Rich- mond Hill. c1w18 CHOICE BUILDING LOT, corner Elmwood and Ruggles. ï¬ve per foot. Phone Richmond Hill 446. D. M. Medâ€" calt'. *3w17 ’36 TERRAPIANE Coach in good running condition. Best cash offer. Apply 27 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w18 GENUINE ARAB Costume, suitable for masquerade or play. Price 310 David McLean Antiques, Thornhill. .clw18 MAN'S BICYCLE in good condition, balloon tiles; also 22 rifle. Don Ieid, Langstaï¬â€œ, Thornhill 1921‘1-2. *2w18 b‘ltZCLARY kitchen wood grates. Apply Victoria Square, phone Stouf’fville 66105. *2w18 .._____g_â€"_..._____ TRUCK, \Federal, 1036, panel body, In excellent condition throughout. good tires. Apply Richmond Hill 9 or evenings Richmond Hill 255. range. coal and Harold Heise, LADY’S muskrat coat, size 16, very reasonable; also excellent pair lady’s skates and boots size 7, 85. Phone Richmond Hill 441‘32. c1w18 SAND, gravel, stone, ï¬ll, loam, cin- ders, manure. Prompt delivery. Apâ€" ply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill, or phone 315W. SIth ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- irg. Apply' T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 ICE-BOX, Ace, white enamel; Rang- ette, National. with oven control; ki- tchen table with enamel top; chests of drawers; desk; electric iron and ironing board. Apply David Askew, IBurwood Farm, phone Maple 39.1. c1w18 JYOD‘PHURSï¬size 36 and-boots. med~ ium, slightly used; play pen and pad, good condition; fox fencing, welded steel, four feet high, forty-ï¬ve feet long 2" x 4" openings, second. very reasonable. Phone F. W. Morrow, 315J. *1w18 $225.00 GURNEY Electric Combin- ation Range, in new condition. Save yot‘rself $175.00 on this modern range. 4-burner ele ad \ .9 ,u .. Nmeliii g * ' ' . " ply Mrs. A. W. Lawrie, Phone 29, Maple, Ont. *1w18 NEW BLANKFTS from old wooll- ens. Turn in all your old woollens. and get brand new, all-wool or,pure wool blankets. in newest colours. at substantial savings. Custom made, direct from mill to you. Ask for catalogue today. Dept. 47, Midland Mills, Midland, Ontario. ___.__.._ .__._ FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill 108. tfc46 NEW LOIV PRICES for ï¬rewood, soft slabs 811.00; hardwood slabs $16.00; hardwood limbs $17.00; hard- - wood blocks and ï¬replace logs $20.00 cord. Free delivery, all wood is bone dry and cut to 12 inch lengths. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Rich- mo‘id Hill. or phone 315W. 9th CLASIFIED ADS in these columns are charged at the rate of 7 cents per line, with a minimum charge of 35c for any one advertisement. ’â€" is the cash rate. When ads are sent by mail remittance should accompany copy. W'hen telephoned, remittance should follow promptly; if not paid within two weeks there will be an extra charge of ten cents for billing. For use of box number, the charge 10 cents. Co-operation of adver- l l is tisers using these columns will be appreciated. The Liberal. TRUCK FOR SALE 1936 Federal Panel Body Price $350.00 '_ â€" Apply â€" LIBERAL OFFICE Tel. 0. Richmond Hill, Ont. 25. 1945 Hill. Thursday. October line extra each m5 ertion. It' charg< Telephone Richmond Hill 9. May clwlo' HALF ACRE land. Apply 25 Ave., Stop 24A Yonge St. GARAGE to rent in "Richmond Hill. IPhone 256. c1w18 CUSTOM ploughing. phone King 2114. Harry BurnS. l [’29 ESSEX coupe, fair condition. Apâ€" ply 28 Benson Ave. lichmond Hill. *lwlR BOY’S OVERCOAT, size 8 yEai‘s. [nearly new; 1 divanette bed. Phone Maple 571'14. chle 1 100 LEGHORN- ROCK Pullets, black horse gelding 7 years old. Apply Harry Burns, phone King 2114. clwlS 1934 PONTIAC CAR, in good run- ning condition 3250. Phone Maple 781'2. c1w18 RASPBERRY CANES, order now for fall planting. J. Manley, 23 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. ctf BOY’S OVE’RCOAT, brown,_ boy's sport coat, brown check, size 15. Phone 146. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 1939 CRTsâ€"MPION Studebaker Sedan, completely overhauled $900. Phone 37212, Richmond Hill. *1w18 iUP‘PER and lower kitchen cupboard doors, good condition, painted white, hardware included 815. Phone Thorn- hill 179. clw18 QUANTITY of choice quality fac- tory made apple butter. Apply H. Heise,,Victoria Square, phone Stouf‘fâ€" ville 66105. *1w18 1939 CADILLAC Sedan, black, heatâ€" ter, slip covers. 63,000 miles, in good condition. good tires, radio. Apply Gildale Farm, Carrville Rd., phone Maple 641‘23. c1w18 $225 â€" PLYMOUTH Convertible Coupe or Frontenac Sedan. Both have sealed beams, heaters, good tires and repainted. Phone Union- ville 59W2 noon or night. >“lwltl SKIN SUFFERERS! Thousands coast to coast have beneï¬tted from Kleerex’s quick healing of Eczema, Psoriasis, Itch, Pimples, etc. Why not you? “Kleerex†medium, strong. Two sides 590, $1.09. Scotchmer's Drug Store. 10 TON AL‘FALFA HAY, baled, 816 at train, 318 delivered; good team young mares, cheap; about 500 ft. No. 1 oak lumber, dry, 1 inch boards. De LaSalle Farm, phone Aurora 90. ' c1w18 TRAILER, luggage, all welded steel, .body 4’ x 6’. reinforced springs, 6.00 x 16 wheels ï¬t Dodge cars, safety chains and combination hitch, draw bar. Reasonable for quick sale. Ap- ply 7 Roseview Ave.,; Richmond Hill or phone 265w. c1w18 KITCHEN table and chairs, kitchen cabinet, s-teel extension couch with v or wood range, office desk, solid oak, 60x34. 7 drawers, 2 pair good skis, wash boiler and large tub, hall rack and mirror. Hospital residence Conâ€" cord, Tel. Thornhill 66. c1w18 M-cCLARY Electric Stove, modern, four burner, annex coal or wood, white and black enamel, excellent condition, ‘Beatty electric washing machine, white enamel, good condi- tion; oa‘k writing desk; settee, ma- hogany ï¬nish; 1 pump, new; 1 elecâ€" tric heater; 1 lawn moker; 1 wheel- barrow; 6 oak chairs; 1 walnut chair; 1 walnut bed table. Phone .331w. Richmond Hill. *1w18 _MISCELLANEOUS~ BE WITH THE CROWD in Bolton Casino, dancing each Saturday night until Xmas eve. *3w16 AGENT for Moï¬at and Essotane Gas Ranges, J. A. Rose, Maple. Phone 34J. tfc15 GARDENS plowed and worked. Man- ure delivered. C. L. Knappett phone Richmond Hill 451-25. ctfw13 CLERK, girl, fOr grocery store. Apâ€" ply in person Pearson & Sons, Car- load Groceteria, Yonge St., Richmond Hill. c1w18 PIANO TUNING and repairing. S. Hoffman, formerly of Gerhard Heintzâ€" man, work guaranteed, free estim- ates. Phone 9 Liberal Office, Rich- mond Hill. ‘ c2w18 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work done. rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R; Hicks, phone Maple 87r2 or G. (‘routch, phone Thornhill 971'23 tf chg. 52 TREE FELLING, unsafe limbs re- moved. Wood cutting. Hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed. Small buildings moved and raised. Anpr Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St. Richmond Hill. 9th _,.____ -d to account nine cei‘is [icy ;:._-, l \VANTED l r l l l .o y; i , l l l l my ~ TIIRICE IIICN fwi' part. Phone 208 Richmond llill. WARDROBE TRI'NK, suitcase, in condition. 331W Richmond Hill. Lru‘y] l'l‘nily PAIR of boy's hockey skates ai..I I’bone Richmond (‘lw1\‘ boots, size 12‘, or 1. Hill 151. also girls OPERATORS on blouses: to learn. Apply Mayfair )lt'c'. ("o_, Richmond Hill. IfIth' UNFURNISHED ROOM with grill privileges. by young business Q‘il‘l. Best referenccs. Liberal Office. HOUSE or apartment by young marw ried couple in Richmond Hill or vic- inity. Good references. Apply Box :3 The Liberal OiTice. ‘inIS POULTRY. any quantity. best markct price. Will call immediately on re- quest. Phone King: 225114, A. Magoo. *10wlS cilwl T o RELIABLE and capable young man as helper for light clean factory Apply Grainger Adan-at- Lini. clwld l l ' work. ited, Stop 9, Yonge Street. IMMEDIATELY for waiting clients. suburban homes, farms, country cs- tates, licensed hotels, and business of all types. David McLean. real estate and business broker. Thornhill Of- ï¬ce. Yonge St.. phone 1‘: or evenian tl'cln Mr. Overbury. phone 48w. TEACHER WANTED Edgcley School, S. S. No. ghan requires an experienced, capâ€" able teacher immediately. This school is situated 10 miles out of Toronto. A liberal be paid to a competent teacher. Apply to Garnet O. Keffer, RR. 1. Maple, phone Map- le 70131. 8 Ya uâ€" salary will WANTED Board for .1 horse and colt. Reply to Gr. 19‘2‘2. Toronto, between H a.m. to 6 p.m. *le t4 TO RENT ACCOMMODATION with breakfast or any other meals if required. Pony Crest Lodge. Elgin Mills. Phone Richmond Hill 178.]. c1w18 LOST ON THURSDAY, October '21, black terrier named Nigger between Lanâ€" sing and Bradford. Phone W'illow- dale 2784. Reward. c1w1S rc " "†in a bitter quarrel, when the woman motioned her husband to the window and pointed down the road. Two horses straining on either side Of a long, sturdy tongue were drawing a wagon loaded with wood up the hill. “Why can’t we pull together like that?†she demanded. “Well,†rejoined the husband, with a wink, “if we had only one tongue between us we could!†I PUBLIC NOTICE COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL The Court of Revision for the Ville age of Richmond Hill will hold its First Sitting for the current year on MONDAY NOVEMBER 1. 1948, for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals against the assessment of the said village. The Court will sit in the Council Chamber on the above (late at 7.30 o’clock p.m., and all whom it may concern are reouested to govern themselves accordingly. RUSSELL LYNETT, (‘Ierk Richmond Hill, Oct. 21. 10-18. ‘00....“00000.0.0.909000‘9‘ SLABS Cut in Stove [Lengths Softwood .. $12 cord Hardwood $17 cord R. WILSON PHONE RICHMOND HILL 288M wouooooooooo ‘oooooooooooe REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Commercial and Domestic All Makes King P.0- Phone 2(ir5 King GORDON CHALK farm. Phone Maple 11 n 1. cl A 1‘ WOMAN for housework ':-_\’ Ito .l::\. Apply Liberal Office. ROOM ANT) I'lt‘ARD for two “ion. \\ 11rd!" in !. lu'l‘i l. l â€"_._ l dsny. Apply Box 53, TheI A man and his wife were engaged ' , f I . E F Ty earth irfqi’iif w o .1 ‘U1 rs I131“ ti LII ) p . O l i or an: Baa . c c to at It ab. . S ..t t i ml. l > \W I: i .\ l“ I l ‘i H “|. ‘v v . .11 e ii ll-’. ’ \ or ill I s :1. ii \wnin: ll.l » .tl ‘ ' .Ili\u‘ .' :.i.j .‘1 H. t ‘ s it“ 11- i l t .\ '3 lii>l‘\.l“'\, l’hv_\d I" :7 ' ’ l “‘1 ‘ “ \ ‘ s, ‘: v 51‘ :fl'xl‘m. open limims \ V i ‘ ‘ ’ i 1 s‘ We. lid l“t‘l‘.:‘.l>iil‘.. Sto‘iti'villx 'v‘i “I ’l i H ‘ I“ \ 7'“ ‘ ‘ i‘. " ‘iL‘t‘.. St -1i?I'\ill«-. Ii'actois ' ‘ | UN." i' ‘ ‘ ’ 1 (“3d . :1 -e livim‘l’ winmn; ii'm'toi ' ‘ HR" "l V ‘ l .r:lt\ his; (iimi'u‘e Tim- 1 ""l i," I "Hi "“ "Vi be: Sti utiii‘le. Norman Tyndall. ilil‘ ; ‘ (; H‘i'“ 1‘ ‘uh I " lit ‘vp ml lldi. llow (‘iop trilclul' (3‘1 “$111†Ill" " ‘ - ‘ ‘ *ii’li iv. :1 new and added class. .1: il' ‘1'» Ii r'.\. l'.‘.‘.licl‘iiit‘. t‘n- ’ltul.l_'_1li(‘: Iii township won l'ouith for l'voys un‘lc‘. l ll.e .\oitb York Branch of Ontario littli m" chestnut lgiiliV :12 .\'u in . i} . , ,sdi. m 1d \ :l' g‘l‘: i“ U 1 int dtr. tiled in tractor \il‘l _ . 'llll'lt‘s \‘.':lt‘ 1 class lir boys 1.": years and I“ 'emnn, fornic‘zly 1\ and under walking plow class. and . mun eelitb in the \‘flnlt‘ «‘l;l<\ :11 ['mV I‘lowmon's Association is headed by . (liltllk‘illlt‘ it‘lil \l'lllllll ll» .‘H'lll 1 liiflciifll. T'H‘iie Hamlet (if Ninunf A1- ilicr timber in the s'ii‘inu’ ol' lt'lT. and i will: limo}. [rm-guy)†and “ mth during That season plowed Tl) :‘z’Wsi‘VWHi “10 hmmllali-‘i pregdents and .~.r' land beside assisting nith other “minim Imvmmn 0f KeSWiCk’ paSt farm work. One Qucensvi'lr- man llw'lidvmi A1111“ Slim" 0f Sharon and mid he†(“ï¬rm was. WU, MUM {“Im‘li \Vood. Aurora, vice presidents; II. E. RatclitTe Stoutfyillc. itspectwcly. " . Win Timbers, and treasurer and SK cretary ('ntherine while Vailflban felt tbcy had something to do with the girl's ultimate success. Whichever way it goes. none of it goes to (‘ath- head. She steady. quiet. Ihor'vughly absorbed in her plowinan- rhip and the stuidy dependable type that knows no fatigue at the end oi She is plowâ€" township erinc's is six hours' cempetiion. inQ' a the King and Vaughan match this week. There were seven lads from the 'l‘imbcis families throuin the coun- t‘.’ on hand; Rob Timbers of Stonï¬- ville. second class winner of' the Esso trip to Britain prize for the Interâ€" naional match, won the open tractor class in sod over eight '- ‘l‘lpeiiti's; El‘ nie Evans of Maple, ‘lnd; .Ioe Trann, Soquville, Ilrd. All had been in the money at Lindsay. Eugene Timbeis, 13. lmï¬'s‘ Allllllx’t‘li, trick 1% and under. walking plow class with Howard Timbers, Aurora. Eugene (l1:lll(‘llf10 (‘in IIunt ("lub for h9<l plowed land and GAG DISPENSER â€" Bob Hope, kneaxn affectionately as “Ski-Shoot", whose rapid-ï¬re wit paces the Bob .Ilnpe Show, on Tuesdays at 9 pin m the Transâ€"('anada network. Before he broke into vaudeville with “Fatty†.\l'l)'.?t'l\'l(‘. Hope was successively a in second place. won the Silver by Eglington special as youngest plowman in the match. James, Lee, Si. of ('rcenv . . l I. ‘ ‘. ‘ 1 ’ clH'k’. boxer. purnahst and tap-dan- )an\. special (15 oldest pmwman. (-0»; He made his Broadway debut IIaVe RatclifTe ol' Sirmi’l‘yillc took in tobcrta in 103.â€). HEALTH ('HEt'K-I'l’ This fall many young- men and WO- men out on their ï¬rst lfullâ€"time jobs. This Ls the time for these young people to have a com- picte medical and dental check-up in order to get†off on the right foot in their A complete intentory of eating practices land health habits is an important followâ€" Brucc Tint-toi- special for most num- ber of points for tractor plowed land. Salada Tea special wont to IIZIl‘l£'\' Timbers of l'nionville and Ernie livâ€" ans cl' )laplc the Ess-i Tractor Specâ€" :ire startingr izil for lest land jointer sod. Other classcs. Harley Timbers ot' Ilnionville, Carl Tin‘ibcrs, Aurora. open jointers. VCilliam II4lder. .\I:‘.nilla. \Vright. Sutton, ,iointers. winners in ITOISE’ plowing" business careers. llai ris larncll 1. p to the mtdical examination./ CORN SYRUP . . . . . . . 21b.tin26c; 51b.tin65c, PEACHES, Fruit Belt Choice Quality . . . . . . . . . . ‘20 oz. tin 21c PANCAKE FLOUR Aunt Jemima, reg. pkg. . . . . . . . . . . 17c PINEAPPLE, Wethey’s Crushed 16 oz. jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33c TOMATO SOUP Stokeley’s, 10 oz. tins . . . . . . . . 4 for 19c PITRITY QUICK COOKING OATS CONDENSED MILK . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51b. pkg. 39c HALLOWEEN DANDY moses insane - eor .conm - maasnmamows 9; EIEEEEEEEEEHEEEEHH2iHIIIIWNEIEIIIIIH.IIIBEIIIHEHHEEINDEEBIIIINBIIIIIIHI RE» W-.. it"c 'n r'euroofing, -‘ sniNGLES, ii SILLJG. l l l l l l “V '\ 1‘0 rn' . 1 t k"51£l 11L Insulating C. RIDDELL PHONES zâ€"TIEORNH 1 LI. 118W JUNCTION 2980 anunmsmnnnnmnaansnxnmnnaamunmnmnnnnll HIJHEEHEZEEEM’MWEWHEEE‘lh-aiï¬iflï¬ifln .1;w:o«=.~;;:r»;,r,.~-_.:.. -; ._ r u POLICY CHANGE! Doors open 7.00 pm. nightly ts‘litHV STARTS 7.30 .Szxtuid'xy continuous from T p.m- p.m. Sat. Matinee at 12 p.m. A M THURSDAY. FRIDAY â€"â€" Ot'TOBIi It 28th. 291h They give love new meaning. new excitement, new thrills 1n M.G.I\I.'s stirring story of a dangerous, romantic journey! CLARK GABLE LANA TURNER â€"Inâ€" “ HOMECOMING †SATURDAY ONLY â€" OCTOBER 30th Feared. by all the roval Lords Loved by all their Ladies . Robin Hood adventures never before ï¬lmed In beautiful Technicolor Alexander Dumas†“ The Prince of Thieves â€._ â€" ADDED FUN â€" _ Stan Laurel 84’ Oliver Hardy“- â€"Inâ€" “ BE BIG †Mon.. Tues. â€" Nov. 1. 2 How is the State of the Wed. Thurs. â€"â€" Nov. 3. 4 What was the strange It‘s gre‘dtl ‘Be' povv'er of Golden Eal._ cause thestate of their rings that could save a marital unlon 1s great. man's life 0,. make him love against his will? RAY MILLAND .‘viARLENE DIETRICH _ In _ ‘Golden Earrings’ SPENCER TRACY KATHARINE .HEPBI’RN VAN JOHNSON â€" In â€"â€" ‘State of the Union 9 Watch For News of “MICKEY†In TECIINICOIDR â€"â€" November Sth-lBth FITTED? DATES 14 oz. pkg. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22c CUT MIXED PEEL Aylmer’s _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 1b. pkg. 19c â€"_ PRUNES . Size 40-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lb. pkg. 24c RICE _ 1 lb. pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c COCOANUT, Dessicated . Unsweetened pk. 17c; sweetened pk. 20c Eagle Brand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tin 25c a JELLY ‘ Ill iii-BEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- Ii s III-Illn- EEEEEEEEEE‘FEH“HWFEEEWHEEHHEESEEEE!BBE ~,. . 1......» .y, ,_