WWâ€OOWOMWOMO“â€OOOMOOWM 6 g PERKINS FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT § 6 . . 3 Phone 217W RIChmOud H1“, Ont. 3 0“0â€â€â€œ0W00600;..“0m0000600900 .9006...“ 7) Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Nov. 3 Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 In these times of ever increasing prices, it will pay you to take advantage of this sale and purchase your require- ments at a big saving in price. Remember that Rexall lines are fully guaranteed to give satisfaction when purchased at these 1c Sales. as well as any other. time. Purchase one item at regular price and you receive one of the same item for 1c more. This is our way of advertising. ASK FOR SALE BILL AT DRUG STORE SCOTCHMER’S REXALL DRUG STORE Tomenson, Saunders, Smith & Garfat, Ltd. 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 254 102 Yonge St. Owing to power restrictions we are not able to check street lights during daylight hours. Vb We therefore request your co-operation inlnotifying the Richmond Hill office of street lights which are not the Ric] lighting Dining Room open daily 12 noon to 2 p.m. and 5 pm. to 8 pm. Rexall One Cent Sale _AT__ SCOTCHMER’S DRUG STORE Coffee Shop open 7.45 am. to 12 midnight International Harvester Tractors. Farm Machines and Twine. Goodyear and Firestone Tires. C.I.L. Paints and Chemicals. ‘Bolens & Cunningham Garden Tractors Beatty & Fairbanks-Meme Pumps & Home Appliances Battle’s CoFFee Shop Wellington St. E., Toronto Notice to Residents of Richmond Hill and Thornhill PAINTER â€" DECORATOR Note New Phone No. - - 438w “If it’s for the Farm m We sell it†HERBERT R. Hydro-Electric Power Commission Sundays 12 noon to 12 midnight P. M. TUNNEB HYDRO PHONE 71, RICHMOND HILL CLEAN AND FINE WORK District Representative RICHMOND HILL J. ROY. Superintendent DEPENDABLE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phone AD. 0467 The W.M.S. of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church will meet on Thursday, November 4th, at 3 p.m at the home of Mrs. Morley, Yonge Munic Miss Janet Morland, sister or E. J. Hinson, arrived by plane day after spending two year Scotland with her sisters. Street Jr. spent two weeks in Huntsvule and Mrs. Gabriel the guests of Mr. 25th wed on the occasion of their The November meeting ening Auxiliary of the I Church will be held at t Miss Lucy Yerex, Yonge day evening, November 4. of articles for the bazaar Mrs. Osmund Wright leaves next week for an extended trip to the West Coast visiting relatives and friends en route and will §p€lld some time with her brother in Us An- geles, California. A Social Evening was given by Dr. Taylor’s Sunday Morning Bible Class of the United Church at the home of Miss Stong, Centre St. W., on October 2lst. Miss Janet Pringle from Tor- onto gave an interesting talk on her trip the past year to the British Isles and the continent, stressing the cour- age of the British people in their present difficult time. ceived The evening group of the Women’s Association of the Richmond Hill Un- ited Church will hold) its regular meeting at 8 13.111. Monday, Novem- ber 1st. Miss M. Sanderson will speak on occupational therapy. This is shower night for the bazaar, so bring; your articles to be displayed. Members and friends are urged t9 attend. The St. Mary’s Catholic Church eu- chre under the convenorship of Mrs. Walter Paxton will be held on Friâ€" day evening, October 29. Fowl will be given for prizes. This eucln‘e is the beginning of a series of euchres for which a prize will be given at the end of the season for the highest score. The Richmond Hill Lions’ Club have decided to sponsor a canvass of .our village for funds to assist the Salvation Army in the splendid work they are doing. The Club are plan- ning to have a house to house can- vass for this worthy purpose on Monday, November 8th. Be preparâ€" ed to help a very worthy cause. will h The regular meeting of the W.C. T.U. will be held in the Sunday School Room of the United Church on Tuesday afternoon, November 2, 1948, at three o’clock. ‘ This is a children’s meeting â€"- the prizes will he presented to the winners in the Public School County Temperance Contest. Mothers are particularly invited to attend â€"â€" a good program will be provided. e'd it Si'ï¬ida‘SI‘ 'Tea"in"non'01"'oI tne'UL- ï¬cial visitors and their ladies who at, tended the 75th anniversary service. They had as their guests the members for North York riding, the Warden of York County and the Reeves of the adjoining municipalities along with their ladies, also the local clergy, council and ex-reeves accompanied by their wives. 'Dr. F. E. and Mrs. Warriner, their daughter, Mrs. Herbert Brittain, and their son, Mr. Robert E. Warriner, all of Winnipeg, Manitoba, motored to Richmond Hill last week and vis- ited at the home of Dr. Warriner’s sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. O. Totton, 10 Elizabeth Street. On Saturday last, Mr. Robert E. Wlarriner was united in marriage to Miss Wilma Louise Pmrdy, daughter of Mrs. Ralph A. Hart, of Otter Crescent, Toronto, in St. James Bond United Church with Rev. J. 'O. Totten, uncle of the groom officiating. Among the guests was Mrs. S. M. Warriner of Stouffville, mother of Dr. Warriner and Mrs. Totton and grandmother of the groom. Dr. and Mrs. Warriner and Mrs. Brittain left for home on Wed- nesday of this week. Listen in to “Young Canada Bible Hour†Sta. 'CHUM 9.30 am“. every Saturday. Subjcc Spealx 7 pm. Evangelistic Services anniVersary Held in the Masonic Hall Women Veterans ,Auxiliary 1d their regular meeting in the pal Hall on Tuesday, Novem- 3.00 p.m. Sunday School Classes at UNDENOMIN ATIONA L GOSPEL SERVICES RICHMOND HILL A ndrew Lewi s ker For Young and 01d n.â€"Song Fellowship Time Everyone Welcome ‘0 sharp â€" Mr. J. B oï¬ Thornhill SOCIAL AND PERSON AL Wntertain- ea m onor of thegf- ‘God‘s Message for Today†sponsor a canvass of funds to assist the in the splendid work Hill Lions’ Club 15523211“ will be re the Presbyterian at the home of 'onge St., Thurs- her 4. A shower and Andrew in Huntsville Mrs. Gabriel of the EV 31‘ of MB. ane Tues- vears in Gillies Mr. and Mrs. S. Carr Rav Scott. of Ol’lllia, v visitors with Mr. and MI Churchwardens and Lay Repre tives to the SynOd and their will be At Home to members a herents of St. Mary’s Churc Monday next, November lst at in the Parish H311. Sunday visitors at the home of Ralph Wideman of Bayview Ave. N., were: Mrs. E1eqr_10r Stewart and laughter, Karen, Mr. Bill and Roney Simpson, all of B'allantrae, also Miss Doris and Neil Conner of Unionville IOY â€"- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Joy, El- gin Mills, wish to announce\ the birth of their daughter, Diann Florence, sister fer Chuckey, born at home at Elgin Mills on October 20, 1948. JORDAN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Jim The second meeting of the Rich- mond Hill United Church Young People's Union will be held on Sunâ€" flay, October 24, immediately followâ€" ing the evening church service. All young people are invited to attend. JORDAN â€"- To Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jordan. Avenue Rd., Richvale, the gift of a lovely daughter, Chrisâ€" tine Beverley, at Newmarket Hos- pital, on October 21, 1948. BORDEAU â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Bor- deau, on October 24, 1948, a dauâ€" ghter, Elizabeth Florence, at Ath- lea Nursing Home, Mill Rd., Rich- mond Hill. MURRAY â€" Glena and Bruce] Mur- ray (nee Seed) are happy to an- nounce the‘birth of their son, Clair Bruce, October 22. 1948, at Mrs. Hoover’s Nursing Home, Maple. RU‘GMAN â€" Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Rug- man wish to announce the gift of a daughter, Patricia Joyce, born October 19, at Mrs. Master's nurs- ing home, Richmond Hill. I‘OiH‘NSON-BALEY â€" On October 2'0, 1948, at St. George's Church, Ot- tawa, Rita Ursula, youngest dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Baley to Kenngth‘ William Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Garden Ave., Langstaï¬â€œ. W.I. BRIDGE AND EUCHRE A‘ very successful Bridge and Eu- chre was held Wednesday night, Oc- tober 27th, under the auspices of the local Women’s Institute in the High School Gymnasium. Fourteen tables of bridge and fourteen tables of Eu- chre were in play. Reeve P. C. Hill made the draw for the beautiful Suâ€" ver Tea Service donated by the T. Eaton Co. Ltd.†the lucky winner being Miss Ma’i‘ion Boynton, R. R. 2 Gormvley. Mrs. A. Uynett, Allan White, Mrs. W. Smith, Stan Ran- som, Mrs. Myrtle Oboe, Mrs. J. Grainger, Lauder Glass, Mrs. W. Homer, Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. A. Patton and Mrs. A. L. Phipps were all winners of Lucky Draw prizes. Prize-winners for bridge: Ladies, 1 Mrs. NormanATodd, 2 Mrs. W. J. Tay- lor, consolation, Mrs. Norman Chat- terley; Men, 1 Percy Hill, 2 J. A. Greene, consolation Harry Charles. For euchre: Ladies ‘1_ Mrs. Norman Cook, Ii“ VQ’iMIcVonso ac. tion, Mrs. G. Patterson; Men, 1 Wil- fred Bone, 2 Geo. Irwin, consolation A. Cruickshanvks. was Prizes were donated by Mrs. J. A. Greene, Mrs. Jerry Smith, Mrs. H. J. Mills, Sr., Reeve P. C. Hill, Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Mr. W. Wagner, Mrs. R Edmunds, Mrs. T. B. Lamb, Mr. A]- an Bales, Mr. J. E. Smith, Mrs. O. L. Wright, Mrs. W. Sayers and Mrs J. Pollard. Sandwiches, cookies and a g‘OOd cup of coffee brought a pleasant ev- ening to a close. The committee, in charge would like to take this opportunity to thank all donors of prizes, all who attended the Bridge and Euchre, all who bought tickets for the Draw, and all those who helped in any way to make such a successful event. From this evening’s entertainment and draw a substantial sum has been realized to 'be used for the “Hall for All.†ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.’l‘h., R.D. Rector Sunday, October 3lst. Trinity 23rd 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 21.111: â€" Morning Prayer and Holy Baptism 7 p.m. â€"- Evening Prayer Monday, November lst 8 pm. â€" Rector’s Reception in Parish Hall. All members and adherents cordially invited. Rev. S. W. Hirtle. B.A.. Minister Sunday, October 3], 1948 10 am. â€"â€" The Sabbath School 10:40 a.m. â€" The Kirk Session 11 a.m. â€" The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Jesus said “Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.†The Rector and Mrs. W. F. W'rix RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister Sunday, October 31. 1948 10 £1.11]. â€" Sunday School 11 am. Baptismal Service and Mom- ing Worship 7 p.111. â€"-â€" Evening Worship RICHMOND HILL PRESBY'I‘ERIAN CHURC‘H BIRTHS All are welcome MARRIED Lay Representa Carroll and MI a, were recen :1 Mrs. E. Rey wive )n To stop momentarily to listen to a room full of females with tongues wagging in perpetual motion, is like attending a symphony of wind in- struments only. At ï¬rst a subtle, if not tantilizing breeze envelopes the air, which gradually reaches bom- bastic proportions and then, the bat- in, (or mallet) with decisive stroke, changes the tempo into a serenity of calm, arid we realize once more that bees don't live in Bedlam, they live in harmony, just like the Guild. GUILD GOSSIP By Glad McLatchy Just like a hive of bees buzzing about their- business, so the members of the Eveni g Guild buzzed in ear- nest about busiï¬ess of immediate and future importance. Business ï¬rst, then pleasure, a maxim old and wise, how foolish not to treasure time which so qui‘Ele “lies, and how he flew, from knee to knee ï¬lmost knocking the caps off when the program called for im- promptu speeches, etc., etc. But it was verv educational to say the least, ea either a good listener or speaker as it befell our duty and we must admit, that we learned a rraet deal from the human treatment of the subjects thus chosen. What with roamine' alone‘ the kev- hoard with Ros (spelled ROSALIND) jeepin’ jivin-g‘ with Jessie and the voun’uns, and ending up on a spend- ing spree with Clara’s millions, was a never to be forgotten night, and worthy of the thanks to three good sports, bv three good sports, Jean, Ruth and Mrs. A. Now be prompted about the next meeting on November 2, same place and time as usual PHOTOS WANTED Many interesting photos have been received to be included in the photo mural at the new Richmond Thatre. If you hav any interesting snaps or photos please send them along soon. Gifted Canadian-born soprano, Evelyn Pasen, who has already made several appearances on the Northern Electric Hour, will re- turn as guest star on Monday evening, November 1. Paul Scherman will lead the Northern Electric concert orchestra in this broadcast originating in Toronto. The program is heard weekly over the CBC Trans-Canada net- work .Sunlight LAYNDRY SOAP BEEHIVE Corn Syrup . HAWE'S Floor Wax CHINESE TYPE SWANSDOWN Cake Flour Rice AYLMER Chicken Haddie BRUNSWICK C'LARK‘S Vegetable Pack 150 Potatoes . $1.49 COOKING t MARSH SEEDLESS Onions . . 336: Grapetruit 5m 25c 2‘31â€; COOKING APPLES ‘izfili 59c FRESH SALAD GRADE Guest Star photos have included in the new Richmond any interesting QI'A LITY CHOICE Haddie 27c] Salmon . . 250 TOMATO SOUP 5 25c . 2 25c QwOOOOOQONOWMOOONOOONNOC OOMâ€.Mâ€OOâ€: Ib Tin ‘WOWOQO 06.06000000000006000696 WOWOO‘OOOOO“; PE AS 2 31c from VOICE svmv Lava MEARS.’ “ THE FULLER BRUSH MAN †NOTE! Early opening hour this engagement only. Friday doors open 6.00, show starts 6.30 Complete show coming anytime Friday eve. Saturday doors open 5.45, show starts 6.00 T'hree complete shows â€"â€" 6.00, 8.00, 10.00 Kiddies Sat. Matinee â€" Don’t Miss It You’ll laugh till it hoits Royal T heatre AURORA 17c 27c LAST 2 DAYS. FRI.. SAT. â€" OCTOBER 29, 30 366 THEE/T Saturday Matinee 00 pm. and 9.00 MON., TUES. â€" NOVEMBER 1, 2 .Shurtening... Peas K RAFT Dinner Tomato Juice SUNRISE CLARK‘S Tomatoes . DOMESTIC CHOICE QUALITY FANCY PINK NO. 1 GRADE TWO SHOWS DAILY l0 p.m. Show starts IEE PARKING Saturda 0 WM 20 oz 48 oz Tin Tins Pkg 28 oz. 2 Tin 210 17c 210