Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Oct 1948, p. 6

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« 6 THE l.ll3l'ill.‘.l.. lilclillml‘ul illll. 'l‘llul'slluy. ()L‘tllllt‘l' Z75. l‘lâ€"i? 7 .r ,7 If} . . T ‘fd “x \V. ‘ “QOJ‘O OAKING .los. Rahmozcztch, BA. 6,, p ’ .You“;,hl“,filffl:? Windows and Door Frames B.3ii'lill:'l‘l.ii. SliLll'lTUl’. ‘ ' " “3:1, .I ‘ H HARLEHELGW x. Window Strei'nS. Storm Sash ‘ “WU” })Li’i‘l‘-_ I 9"“, ML,” . i I k V r ‘ )mll: dll'm‘llll'ls.‘ Bathroom (‘ahmi'isx (‘uplioard ()1_r_*\ii~lcl(iU\-§_” ill; “,',]']“ild‘i“j m and by uppomtmcrzf V l xiv-c m inc (.ll.(llt'i‘li : 7‘ "N ’ "‘ "' ' 'KC (“HIS-‘7 “1:57- ‘I v ‘) i' 'l ‘ â€" Pb ne ' -V'il';ll -. ".i. :id:'~.~> lll!‘ lll(‘l' :u‘: ’ Duorh. BE”) (hihfi'. "058' Eycninusi'l‘uialloy, Thursday and ‘lAPLE 0 \ i,,,:;‘:,,,\.,,,:;m,l 1:: “1,3,1 “my my and harden 'lrclhs. imply-s. s it) in ‘â€"‘â€"_"‘_') y r 4 _ {I ,m . 3, mm“ W” “mum,” Lawn “lowers tnglrpcned and And by Appointment ‘ 9r. Jag. IL. La:2y8~.a. I I”, “1.x {,vllkim and mm”, Repaired 40}VE‘OIIQ(’I lil(ilii[l}ciylll(l7ll)lll _ AND __ . T Wm" “Him gummy m The humc . J one {lcimom l. ‘.L". ~ _ . . . H'- 431 i M13 P” Snider. AUB. NICHOLS MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED 01. Geo. pl. Thompson T,“ I.“ ,.lm(1r;llmm W [ML P] R” ll l H-" â€" OFFICE HULK?” q Ilu-iz' .\llili,‘(‘l'r;ll'\' >1 l‘\'lC'v‘.< on ione 1c ImOl'H l 13-1r31 » - w. 9-11 a.m.; 1-3 p.m.: 6-. p.m. whim. _\~,,,.,m,,(,r 14m m pm, mm I _â€" (1005 6% thson Sunday's mid “Miami by llll': im‘l (‘V‘K‘llllllr‘ Further details ('1 Barristers, Solicxtors, etc. appointment only _. KIMâ€"Iv s -â€" Ral‘YimB GCQIIE’ KiCIIC 22 Yonge Strth Rushmond B“ My and All‘. Clcilnnd Thompson p . ,1 son, . . Telephone 100 .;,.1,; ,1 . -. _ l. 1931, . 1 I ' '..c1..i.n<( .1 li\\ IllOlll.‘ on may J. Cline“, . ' .’\‘Plllll‘_". it ill-lug the occasion of oronto Office on Bldg p] ,H.‘ “mm “MW w Anniwrmw GENERAL HAULAGE 8:3 uwmmmd St. wefsrl Dr. J. P. l 8011 ‘s‘iipll'iy (iqi‘lmi: lTlh li‘du-chy V chhmund 11:11. Thursday orenuon ‘ . ,H q _ j ., I. . m, _ , . a. t Maple. Thursday afternoon ‘em‘i" 11“] I ‘ 81313411311“! lnilcd Church held th‘ll' :\‘l‘lll‘l\'Ol’â€"' J Money to loan at. Current Rate 11”"3“ 3“ l <‘-“-; â€"‘ ' mi}: sciyicc with Luv, l. J. Block 0. hu'mllli‘ 2”“! 5”“de \<‘\\'il‘ll‘I“H~\l\' In charge in the morn- Iungxtzwf Cmcru'cncics and appointments only. ~,,,‘,. “SSE-CL“! M. Mrs. KO,.,._T,,_\.1,H.. , .. Phone 'l‘hornhill 21.7.21 Macéregor 5': iii/153011 Reverse Charges Telephone :4 |~Iiclimoz.d Hill ALEXANDER MacGREGOR, KC. ._ \ hint. and in the oveninu‘. Rev. Mr. l’il'i‘lilt‘ll ol' llil’hmond Hill was the . mum. _ ALBERT J. WILSON, M.A. , 'IVA ‘, \‘iL'Illx'Cl'. His daughter. Miss Bctty BARRISTERS [\il'sl(“\§l TY‘inliu-n and Mrs. Kerr-Tiwlor lll‘0-' ,â€" 614 Confederation Life Building who; lliv mum; Both services were M argueriic Boyle Toronto Elocution, Public Speaking, Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HA LL" 'lhornhill. Ont. .WmMOOOOMOMWO LANGDON’si COACH LINES Daily Service to Aurora from King, Nobleton, Schomberg § Saturday Night King to Aurora Coaches for all- Occasions “ Telephone King 56 000 0000' 59.9000909000900‘,‘ VETERINARTIW Official and AcOredited Veterinarian Dr. J. Sheppard With Dr. S. W. Armitage, Maplo Small‘ and . Large Animals Life, .Firc, Automobile, etc. ' Roy V. Bick INSURANCE - AD. 0311 16 Centre St. West Phone 55 Richmond Hill 00.000600 $9.0.”“WOOO ’ ‘ Watkins Products V A full line of well known house- ‘ , hold necessities in stock Also hog and stock minerals de- ‘ livered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. EVentuallyl Why not now? For‘ deliv€ry call ERNIE DURIE Richvale P.O. I â€"â€"-â€"L-.-' Phone Maple 64M ateâ€"â€" J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER 1' GENERAL INSURANCE . ' (Fire, A' mobile, Etc.) ‘ Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 ;=_.__.__.____._.â€"_‘ Accountants ‘W. Ernest Lansdown & Co. Accountants â€"â€" Auditors Suite 404 â€"â€" 229 Yonge St. TORONTO â€" ELGIN 3810 Phone 89W ' ¢ 0 i ' Lyons & Vale ELgin 5029 W alter S. Jenkins Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Rusidenm --- 18 Poy‘ntz Ave. Lansing. Cut. Room 66 I8 ['oronto,St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8-9 Mathews, S fiver, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries N. L. MATHEWS, K.C. K. M. R. STIVER, BA. (On Active Service) B. E. LYONS. B.A. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES IOU Main St. Phone 126 6 Botsford St. MacNaughton Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron Macnaughton, K.C., Alex. M. Macnau hton McKinnon Buildi g 19 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario [(en'& Clarke Prentice r v 1‘. (.1. Newman BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street .mmodiately North of Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Officeâ€"IR Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 DENTAL ~11». W. J. Mason DENTIST AND A RNOLD STREET PHONE 7k) RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO TE: P. R. MacFarlane DENTIST Closed Wednesday all day GAS EXTRACTION X-RAY Phone Woodbridge 172 Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST FORMERLY 0F THORNHILL | tunounces )cated at the City i'ONGE ._.â€"_._._._.,_ Limits, Willowdzile 308 9'0! information phin Phone 120 MacNaughton & Masonic Hall that his office is now ~ ~ North Richmond Hill A (101 mo Mclccci ‘rom the Toronto Conservatory Vof Husic will accept a number 0. pupi‘ls in PIANO. ORGAN and THEORY Mrs. Mylks 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58.1 Miss Alice Mccrcdy Miss Sylvia Mccredy . P I A N 0 Phone Richmond Hill 102213 A. S. Farmer ‘ ‘26 Years Experience fork County, Uxbridgc and Picker. ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales a Specialty Telephone Stouffyille 7312 Addressstormlcy PC. 0 AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario. Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture, Rcul l‘irlfltr‘ Sales a specialty. At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Millikcn P.O., phone AginCmirt 52w3 Markham I’.O.. phone Markham 206 No sale too big or too small INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS With the increase of fire hazards, property owners should review thci. insurance policies, and due to the increased cost of materials would be well advised to increase the amounts of insurance. Also car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some time or other with out protection. The cost is a minor amoupt to what it will cost if an accident happens. Consult v A. G. SAVAGE INSURANCE AGENT _ Telephone 118 foronto, directly opposite the Term- â€"â€" inal, over Liggctt’s Drug Store. Phone Office? HLland 9300 _ WrTzlht &. Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Offices at I‘H‘ORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge 81:. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynott J. F. Lynett or. A. J. Mac-Kinmif ‘ VETERINARY SURGEON Sentre St. W. Richmond Hill Office phone 360W Res. 360J "E."â€" H. KANE REAL ESTATE a INSURANCE Telephone 411 Richmond Hill CHICAGO ROUND TRIP TAX INCLUDED NEW YORK .. As ix_, is...“ N .. ‘ l :i R.A.COLES i . l -. Bricklaying 8; Block Work i 1 Expert Workmanship l " OAK AVE. â€" RICIIVAI.3 For Appointment l[ I’lione Richmond Hill 9 l l ALLEN ’S ‘ “l ; Washer Repairs I } FOR DEPENDABLE i REPAIRS & SERVICE ‘ TO ALL MAKES Phone Willowdale 25:39 i (Subject to change) .I‘ Roberls~Radial Stationâ€"Phone 177 I much culioyl'd. Mr. Lloyd Kcan n1" Guclph and Mr. ind Mrs. llcni'y Macdmiald of Jetâ€" I'm-rim were «rues-ts of Mrs, Chas. Snider and Mr. and Mrs. Gco.‘Snider Icn the Sunday of the Anniversary Services- hold in the Presbyterian Church at Maple. Visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stungr and Mrs. Mortson on Sunday wci'c Mr, and Mrs. Herâ€" man Mm‘tson. Misses Joy and Marâ€" c'niet. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mottson and little sons of Victoria Sflum‘e. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Snider of Maple. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson of Richmond Hill. Owingr to Rcv. Mr. Focklcr just re- covc'l'im! from the flu. church service on Suman was cancelled in Edaeley United Church. . ‘Mr. and Mrs. Alf Toppcr. little Mary and Freddie. had téa with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Broadbclt on Sat» mday evening: and on Sunday even- ing Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong‘ had tea with them. Mrs. Jessie Boyington is with hci' niccc. Miss Helen Dalziel. GORMLEY Mrs. M. Hui: had dinner last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mill- cn. Mrs. \Vm. llcise this wcck with her daughter, Luella, near TillSOnliIll‘fI. , Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Winger, Vor- nic and Larry have been spending two wccks in the Gooding‘ home. Roy. and Mrs. Carl Lehman and family spout last week end in the home of Roy. and Mrs. Barley. M1". and Mrs. Lehman will leave in two months for missionary work in India. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bennett had supâ€" pM' Sunday cycning- in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennctt. Miss Vera Brilling‘er of Richmond Hill spent last week end in her home hcrc. The sale of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sider last Friday proved to be quite a suc- .ccss. A large crowd attended. lVII'. and Mrs. Sider are moving this week to their rooms in the home of Mrs. E. Jones. The Sider home has been purchased by Major and Mrs.Bird 0f Toronto. Miss Myrtle Sidcr spent last Thursday Joncs. is visiting of Stoufi'ville with Mrs. E. “'INTER VENTILATION This month many people will check their furnaces in preparation for the winter months. They should al- so ensure that ventilating equipment and humidity control mechanisms are operating at peak proficiency. Ade- quate fresh air and anpl'oper degree of humidity are necessary during the winter to maintain health and to guard against respiratory diseases. SALE REGISTERS SAT, OCT. 30 _ Auction Sale of brick house and household effects be- longing to the estate ‘of the late Wm. N. Muincs, to be sold on the premises known as NO. 2 Concession Street, Ncwmai'ket; sale at 1 p.111. Terms cash for chattels. F. N. Smith, aucâ€" tioncer. SAT. NOV. 6 â€" Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain. Furniture. etc., on lot 26, con. 7. Vaughan Twp. Property of VVIL- BERT \VITHERSPOON. Sale at 1 pm. Terms: Cash. No reserve as proprietor has sold‘ the farm. Ken and Clarke I’rcnticc, auctioneers. SAT. NOV. ti Auction Sale 01' household furniture, implements, etc., on lot 21. con. 2, Pickering Twp., property of J. M. Blackwell. Sale at 1;:m p.m Terms csah, no reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. MON.. NOV. 8 Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, M-I'I tractor on rubber, property of B. J. Carruâ€" lhci-s, lot 10, con. 3, North York. 2nd I‘lrm west of Dufl‘erin St, on south side of Wilson Avc. Tci'ms cash, no I" sci-v0, salc at 1 pm. Ken & Clarke Prentice, uuct. ‘ \l'lfl‘.. NOV.’ 17 â€" Auction Salc of 210 llmd i'cg‘islci'ed Holstein Cattle. l'nri'i stuck. implements. cit. on lot 3.1. mil. 7 Kim: Twp, 1 mile soum u“ I‘ottziu‘cville, pl'opcrty of Arnold lioyc. Sale at 1:250. Terms cash, no I‘Gr('l'\‘C. Kcn & Clarke Prentice, \LH‘llOllCC‘I'S. Turns. Nov. 12 â€"'.\uculm Sale of HE‘W Farmzill (ll‘Ii') tractor (in rul). l'l‘l‘. new .»\l‘.isâ€"(‘h:ilmci-s tractor, row «mp, m'uun'c loader. cultivators, etc., l'ni‘m stock. implements. dairy cattle, cu. on lmt 22'. con. (3 Pickering Twp., property of Robt. \Vright. Terms cash. no i‘cscrvc. farm sold. Ken ck Clio-kc Prentice, auctioneers. Visiting” V 1 NV 1 1 LANGSI‘AP P The annual parents night of Ll.c KIal’f Public School was held on .Uclw‘wi' l3 from .\ to lr on; la l7 in \. 'l Inc pun-uh :n‘l intrinsic] 17‘21-1- ~ xml'c snows «i' the Scl'm il li‘itll'll. thi \‘Izii‘?~ null lhc ll«m~ and School :\>‘â€" soci'ition. T!“ l l. '.\'(’l't‘ able it! inspect ilh' m i p.21: \ 1k 71ml liu‘lil‘ of the school. so. i‘ \Mrl'li of tho kill‘lHllr‘ p'lp'l» :l l “1“ tho oppoi'» unity to talk \\.7ll inc ik‘ill‘llL‘l'S. :\l \‘JHV thci'c was :1 demonstration of hlc <chool‘s slidc film projector followcd by presentation of pixels TM a poster «most. sponsored by the Home and School AssOl-inlion. by Miss Fitchcif. 'l former toachci' ol' the school. After this Mr. Chas. Howitl, Public School Inspector. spoke to the assembled «group about malici's ol‘ llllllOl'iilllt‘C ‘ici'toinina‘ to the school such as the probability of expansion During thi i'cmainder of the evening l‘Oil‘t‘sl’lâ€" mcnls were sci'ynl b" the Home and School n‘H‘l’illiCl‘S and l'f’Cl‘l'i‘lCtl musu was played through the courtesy of Blackbrrns. The next cxecuvivc meeting: of the Lnngstafl’ Home & School Associa- tion will be Monday, October 5th, at S p.m. OAK RIDGES Coming; Events Oak Ridges Home and School As- SOcintion monthly meeting will he held on Tuesday. November 2, at 8 p.m. sharp. Interesting: program, includ- ing Dr. Crawford Rose as guest spea- ker. All Visitors and members wcl- come. Refreshments. c1w18 DANCE Come to the dance at Buttonvillc Hall. Friday, October 29, Modern and Old Time dancing, Miller’s Orchestra, Alex Fletcher caller-off. Admission 50c. c1w18 AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS. HAY, GRAIN, FURNITURE, ETC‘. The Property of WILBERT WITHERSI’OON Lot 26, Con. 7, Vaughan Twp. 2 Miles East of Kleinburg SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1948 HORSES 1 Black Horse, 10 yrs. 1 Black Mare, 8 years Above team are well matched and quiet in all harness. CATTLE I Holstein Cow, call" at side I Holstein Cow, calf at side I Holstein Cow, due Nov. 1 1 Holstein Heifer, duc end of Dec. V.C. 1 Black Cow, due in Dec. 1 Jersey Cow, due Dec. 1 Holstein Cow, pure bred, milking 1 Holstein Heifer, calf at side 4 Holstein Heifers, due Jan. V.C. 1 Holstein Heifer, bred 3 months VC. 1 Holstein Heifer, open 13 Yearling Heifers PIGS 10 Figs, 3 months old POULTRY Approx. 200 yearâ€"old Hens L.S., N.H. Approx. 30 Leghorn chs Approx. 100 Pullets, starting to lay, L.S., NJH. IMPLEMENTS 1 Rain Wagon. good McD Disc Drill, good MCI). Mower, good 1 Hay Rack, 200d 1 Set Sloop Sleighs, good 1 Cutter 1 Gang Plow 1 Walking Plough 1 Scufflei', new 1 Banker Scufflcr 1 Set 4 Section Hai'rows 1 Set 3-Section Harrows 1 Root Pulper ‘2 Galvanized Water Troughs l Fanning Mill I Extension Ladder 36 ft. 1 Step Ladder 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Electric Fencer Stewart Horse lippei's Power Emery Pulley Blocks I Bull Staff Loggingr Chains 3 Steel Barrels 1 Oak Barrel 1 Vise Post Hole Digger Cow Chains 4 Sling; Ropes Draw Rope Ci'osscut Saw Grain Scoop Number Grain Bass 1 Scythe 1 Hay Knife Hoof Trimmers, 2 ins Forks 1 Gasoline Engine, 1/.) hp. Quantity of Scrap Iron HAY & GRAIN About 20 Tons Baled Hay About 20 Tons Loose Hay 300 Bus. or more Erban Oats, suit- able for seed Quantity of Mixed Grain HARNESS 1 Set Crotch Harness I Set Plough Harness 1 Set Sinc‘le Harness 5 Horse Collars Quantity Lumber 1 Brooder Stove FURNITURE Battery Radio Washing Machine 1 Chesterfield Suite, 1 Occasional Chair 1 Congolcufn Rue; 10 x l0 1 Congoleum Rug: 9 x 12 1 Hall Mirror 1 Oak Di'eSser 1 Iron Bed, mattress and springs I Mattress, new‘ ‘2 Hanging Lamps, Oil 1 Drop Leaf Table 1 Toilet Set Quantity Tim-her brown 1 Table 4 Chairs :2 Fr. Goose Feather Pillows ‘2 Bed Spreads :3 Pr. Drapes 1 Robe 1 HammOck Flat Irons Chesterfield Bed and Chair, wine 1 Clay Rug 7 x S 1 Green Rusr 10 x 1‘). 1 Brass Bcd ‘ 1 11cm Bed and Springs 1 Dining- Room Table l Sideboard 1 Cook Stove, cream enamel Prin- cess Put 1 Coal Oil Slovc, Il-bui'nci' New For- t'ection Ouai't Jars Stone Crock Stool Roasting: Pan Copper Boilci' ‘2 \\'ash Stands 1 Trunk Pi Gallon Churn 1 Glass Churn 1 Largo Can Dishes Milk Pails Forks. Shovels, Hoes, Milk Strainer Olhcr articles too numerous to men- tion ' ' Nothing to he removed until settlcd for Sale at 1 um. sharp. Terms: Cash. No l'i‘sC‘l‘Vt‘, cold. Ix’EN & CLARKE PRPINTIl‘FZ Aucl. Markham P.O.. Phone Markham 206 Millikcn P.O.. Phonc Agincoui't 52w3 l‘ld Kyle, Keith Thomas. Clerks fa rm 1 l «wcwooooomowcoconooooowooooooo OOOOMONOOOO .‘i l’IJ. “g E .‘~. ‘l‘l'l‘LL‘lJ “ Swings it ” h lug l'i'lsa lllwl in VELLORE HALL, -â€" Oll â€"- TiliiRSBAl’, Nurembcr, liih AT S l'.M. iii. WOMI‘IN‘S lNS'l‘l'l‘l'l‘lC Adults ' Children 20c “000096043GOOO‘POQCOOGOOGQQQ0690699600000000 9090000 li‘i' Viiidiiiuil 9'! a era)!» OOQOMOOO”OOONMOOOOO”OWO z9009900909999000090000900bétOGOOOO 3? NOW ES THE THME FOR FALL CHANCE OVER Hayc lliosc worn summci' lubricants changed for the correct winter Wciu‘ht. MODERN POWER GREASING POWER WINCH TOWING f‘ ANY TIME ANY‘VH ERE l, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" , Have your Spark Plugs cleaned and tested for easy winter starting 2 Stop ‘22 Yonge St.. Richyulc Phone Thornhill 203 IMPERIAL Es‘so PRODUCTS .JACKSONSS HARDWARE ELECTRIC J and ‘ TRACTORS See the Waterloo Garden Tractor Our sales prove they are the best. ( K C 5, We Will demonstrate on your property. 5, 6024 YONGE sr., NEWTONBROOK ' ‘l Phone Thornhill 24212 01' Willowdalc 568 LLMYMS summon OILSDACE HEATED Attractive walnut li‘rown finish cabinet. in modern de- sign, 39" high, 22'2" wide, lSl‘g" deep. I Price in 19.50 TERMS AVAILABLE PAlllS AU’fil SUPPLY LTD. PHONE RICHMOND HILL Sii ..r_xâ€"._,‘

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