:MOOOMONWNOMQOOOOOWNO09.0009909600990: 2'... 0â€â€â€œMMO“OOâ€OOOMWOMOOWâ€OOY i Q l i 100?? Wool, rayon satin binding, warm, fleecy, lovely in the color range of Rose, Blue, Green, Gold Only $9.95 Iii-FINE.-IIIIIIIIEHEIIEIIMIIHIFIR FARMS 50 acres anywhere within 30 miles of Toronto, 6 to 8 room house $10,000. cash. THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW â€" Small 4-room house with basement, 4 to 5 rooms with or without conveniences, 1 acre or up. 6 to 7 Room older home, conveniences $9,000. 6 Room house in Thornhill or Richmond Hill $7500 PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO YOUR STORM SASH REQUIREMENTS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FREE ESTIMATES. UNIONVILLE WOOD PRODUCIS PHONE UNIONVILLE 128W THE LIBEI 18 Elizabeth St Irish Thread Lace and Linen Table Runners, per- fect gifts W001 for Winter! Gloves 81.39; Mitts $1.10 TOMENSDN. SAUNDERS, SMITH. & GARFAT Funeral Designs ._ wedding. Bouquets our Specialty ‘ ,_Mixed Bouquth b r. . City and Suburban Dellvery Order early to avoid disappointment F‘Kowers wired anywhere in Canada and USA. ‘ Phone Richmond Hill 3441*2 Lace for Luxury! AGAIN The Women’s Store For Pretty Things 117 YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL FENN REAL ESTATE 50â€"100 aercs, good buildings $8,000. 5-50 Acres. must be good, $15,000 to $20,000. General Hardware, etc., up to $15,000 Frame house to remodel $8,000 cash. 2 Family dwelling, up to $16,000. 5â€"6 Room bungalow on 1 acre, $8,000 cash. Modern 6-room bungalow with land $14,000. Wellington St STORM JSASH RICH VALE FLORIST For your Family Christmas Dinner Needed Now For Anxious Clients Wishing To Buy In The District Dinner will be served from Noon until 7.30 p.m LOOK 2 LOOK 2 ' These People Are Ready To Buy “HOLLIE5†INSURANGE MAPLE VILLA SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO PHONE NOW! HERBERT R. BUTT Reservations Are Advisable IS THIS YOUR HOUSE? $1.50 Blue Mountain Blankets District Representative THORNHILL 168 RICHMOND HILL Phone Maple 89W DEPENDABLE mon Cl Maple, Ontario Toronto STORES SERVICE LIMITED Thursday, December 2, 194 Pink, White, all sizes Good Quality 7 to 14 $5.95» Girls’ Tunics Panties 59c to $1.29 Phone AD. 0467 Telephone WWW...†WMWOOWW How can we prevent war? Only by the honest pursuit of a policy of negotiation without appeasement. We can avoid the possibility of appeasement by backing our policy by the greatest military strength we can muster. The strongest nation or group of nations will not be the victims of agression by any realistic power, since the resulting war would not pay off in victory. This is a self evident fact apparent to all, even fanatic totalitarianists. How strong must we be to achieve the essential preponder- ance of strength on our side? _We must provide the maximum strength of armed forces backed by industrial potential. That maximum will be ï¬xed by our own determination to provide it and by a judicious balance betWeen military and civilian needs. We require both guns and butter. We can and will nave both. How long must We support our arme might? Until all possibility of open conflict has disappeared. , ‘is may be meas- lured in years, even decades. Th9 settlement qf the Berlin dis- 1pute may ease the tension but will not eliminaté it. Other crises will arise, the resolving of which will require cool heads and ï¬rmness. This ebb and flow of tension will continue as long as there is conflict between the two ideologies, one ruthless, unscrupâ€" ulous and unethical, the other tolerant to a dangerous degree, and by precept. bound to play the game by its own fair minded rules. This extended period of internationel tension requires long term planning for military preparedness. Our planning and strength must not be permitted to fluctuate with the pe'a‘ks and hollows in the curve of international relations, anymore than we can permit variations in our determination to resist aggression. in a recent broadcast, Mr. St. Laurent said he regarded nat- ional defence expenditure in the same light as ï¬re insurance, to be kept up at all times. Perhaps a more appropriate analogy Would be “life insuranceâ€. Not only are our oWn national, moral, spiritual and animal lives at stake, but what we achieve now, may well provide a competence of security for the generations to come, which form our national family and dependants. MQOOOOOâ€â€MWOOMOO WWOOWWOO Will there be war? Who knows? It is clear that even the highest authorities in the Westein world cannot answer that question. The answer if there be one, is ocked in the conï¬nes of the Kremlin. Certainly none of the democracies will be guilty of any aggressive act, consequently there will be war only if Russia and her satellites pursue the Communist expansion policy beyond the bOundaries which we of the West consider to be es- sential for the preservation of that way of life which we have chosen and are prepared to defend. 00090 06990060.0006096609099090999009099000609000000? Richmond Hill Telephone 5-J 6 2 “0.. mm.» “OOOWOOMOOOOOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOOOvOaï¬i In All Price Classes We have a large number of waiting clients for houses in the district WHEN DISCUSSING FORD (English Made) CARS & TRUCKS We Oï¬'er ANGLIA TUDORS . . . . $1500.00 delivered THAMES HALF TON PANEL TRUCKS, Evenings Mr. Overbury 48W Real Estate & Business Broker Thornhill Office, Phone 12 DAVID McLEAN IS THE WORD MOST OFTEN HEARD Houses Wanted An Independent Weekly â€"- Establish! Subscription Rate, $2.00 per year; To the Uni Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers 4 J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher 2 Arnold St. Richmond Hill Taxi UP D TRY OUR PICK AN DELIVERY SERVICE. LITTLE BROTHERS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ___0n._._ EAVESTROUGHING; ROOFING ECONOMY NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces TIN SMETH SECURE PEACE 33 Miles to the gallon of Gas R. E. B. Haughton PAUL DUBOIS “TI-{E LIBERAL TELEPHONE 300 Richmond Hill BY PREP All persons having claims against the Estate of Michael Witty, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Esquire, decea‘sed, who died on or about the 10th day of Sepl‘embei', 1948, are requested to ï¬le the same on or before the 4th day of December, 1948, with C. G. FRENCH, 512 Temple Bldg., Toron- to, Solicitor for Melvin Witty and Bertrand Witty, Executors. DATED at Toronto this 5th day of November, 1948. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS $1593.00 delivered Established 1878 ) the United States $2.50 Ex-Servicemen AREDNESS TEMPERAN CEVILLE Sealed Tenders for above will be reâ€" ceived by the undersigned until 12 NIOON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1948, for, construction of a one-room and [basement addition, and miscell- aneous alterations to, a Public School, Dufferin Street, just North of High- way No. 7, Ontario: ' Plans, Speciï¬cations, and Tender Forms outlining bid bond, and per- formance bond requirements may be obtained from the architect, R. A. Fisher, 5’1? B1001" St. West, Toronto. Lowest: or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. L. T. Redman, Chairman, Board of. Public School Trustees, S. S. No. 7, Vaughan Township, Concord, Ontario. _ For Addition and Alterations -To School Church on December 12 at 7 rum. The Maole Women’s Institute will meet at ‘the home of Mrs. Arnold Rumble on December 8, at 8.15 p.111. There is a very interesting pro- gram planned. Miss Fockler ,will give a'demonstration on Christmas table decorations. also Miss J. Bar- raclough with Christmas gift wran- ninq. Carols and solo will also he included in this evening’s entertain- ment. Please remember your Roll Call gift for the Sick Children’s Hos- pital. It will make their hristmas a little brighter. Try to attend. Everybody Welcome Prize winners were: ladies ï¬rst, Mrs. R. Folliott, second Mrs. McClure and consolation Heather Graham. First prize for the men was won by Mr. R. Jennings, second by Mr. Palmer and consolation by R. Folliott. On December 7. the euchrc will be replaced by the dance. Last Sunday evening, November 28 Temperanceville congregation was fortunate to have as guest speaker Mr. Garth Legge of Toronto. Speak- ing' on behalf of the Ontario Tem- perance Federation. he presented an excellent address on what is one of the most vital issues facing the Christian church today. Garth is in his ï¬nal year at Emmanuel College and will be ordained as a minister of the United Church. We sincerely congratulate him on his choice of a profession and for the splendid worn which he is now doing‘. It was indeed a pleasure to welcome back both ‘Garth and his parents, also to we]- come Mr. Stevenson and Mrs. Bar- nard of Aurora. - Temvperanceville joins the many other Ontario communities which re- port unusual signs of spring. One of our residents was delighted to ï¬nd pussy willows in full .bloom. The svmpathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Josenh FIGS-“her (nee Verna Bl‘yson) on the sudden tragic death of her husband, whom she married in Laskay United Church a brief ten weeks ago. Mr. Fletcher who was 25 years of age, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Niram Fletcher of Bl'imbrook. died of in- ternal iniuries which he received from a kick from a cow, dyan a week later. The Maple -C.G.I.T. are holding their annual Christmas carol service in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian] Church on December 12 at 7 11m. Mr. Percy Wells of Bartnnville Missm Alive and Ellen Page Mr. Randall Page were Sunday itovs with Mrs. Heber Cook. Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer and daughters, Lois and Dorothy and Mr. Edwin Crook all of Kingston were week end visitors with Mrs. Crook and Family. This family get together was in honor of Mrs. Pal- mer’s birthday, November 28th. Remember the annual bazaar of St. Stephen’s Church W.A. in be held in Maple Masonic Hall on Saturday, December 4th, opening at 3 pm. sharp. Afternoon tea will be ser-_ ved and a good asmrtment nf w’m‘ ful articles will be for sale, also ï¬sh nond and sale of Home Baking. Come and enjoy a social afternoon. At All Sants Church, King, on Tuesday, December 7th, at 8 .p.m.. fhe Rev. Mitchell of the Parish will he inducted. All members of St. Stephen’s Church are invited to at» tend. T} 1e f u The I CONCORD, ONTARIO TENDERS ca'ndy MAPLE aft mor ing, December 7 te are sponsoring 01. Sally Lloyd's le the music and 'ill be floor man- », lucky draws and and bring your welcome. , a good crowd evening- of euchra school held under 'omen’s Institute. M1 retary 9 MOâ€. 0600000666909 09069â€OMâ€0â€â€000â€N0 ‘9“. hazame OOC'QOOOOO “0000-9600600 ". MOON wommwwwmé Phone 74M YONGE ST. Xmas Xmas Mince Mince Mince Phone 10 The Elevator Also â€" Stoker and Lykins Valley Clinker- ing Buckwheat Coal, Stove, Pocahontas and Alberta ' . EGG AND NUT SIZES Coleman Lamps Petraiane Corporation Ltd. I. D. gamer £6 Suï¬ A GOOD SUPPLY OF HARD COAL BRIQUETTS MQMuEEen Motors THE BEST SCRANTON COAL YOU CAN BUY Cake. almond icing. suitably decorated Pudding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pies. 9 inch Tarts . . . . . . . . . Tarts, puff paste Several systems have been tested in feed- ing the laying flock to develop the most ef- fective feeding program. For heaVy, con- sistent and economical egg production over a longer period, there is no other system at the present time to equal â€" RED HEAD EGG MASH, a good SCRATCH GRAIN and a supplementary feeding of MASTER LAYING PELLETS at Emiane Bottied Gas Just received a shipment of istributors of Bottled Gas THORNHILL PE ms can be WE HAVE IT IN ALL SIZES COLEMAN LAMPS )1 our show rooms Richmond Hill ranges, hot wa- Richmond Hill see them at PHONE 251