Have those worn summer lubricants changed for the correct winter weight. MODERN POWER GREASING POWER WINCH TOWING ANY TIME ANYWHERE Hare your Spark Plugs cleaned and tested for ,easy winter starting; COLONIAL SERVICE STATION Stop 22 Yonge St.. Richvale Phone Thornhill 203 IMPERIAL ESSO PRODUCTS Cities Service Garage GENERAL MOTORS PARTS Also Expert Repairing Done on All General Motors Cars and Trucks. See us for Tires, Mufflers, Tail Pipes, Exhaust Pipes and Accessories CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS MEL. MALTBY Phone 12 Richmond Hill l Maple Creek Lodge Corner Elgin Mills Side Road & Bathurst i l . WEEKLY’ DANCE ; EVERY ‘ FRIDAY Commencing at 8.15 p.111. Modern and Old Tme Dancing Admission 75c each Here is a new kind of tireâ€"especially de- signed and built for our kind of winters! Its tread is double-thick and elected. It grips hard in soft goingâ€"zips through snow, slush ' and mud, where others slip, spin, bog down. A pair on your rear wheels saves you the risks of faulty traction. The nuisance of being stalled. The expense of being towed. FREE SERVICE You need WINTER-CLEATS for snow, slush} mud. We'll store your present rear tires and switch them back when the time comes. ‘5 UNPLOWED SIDE STREETS â€"-can't bog you down with Winter-Cleats. SLUSHY, ICY GUTTERS â€" Wu pull away easily with inter-Cleats. GENERAL Yonge Street 0000000000000000000000 00 INCLINED DRIVEWAYSâ€" sure traction is provided by Winterâ€"Cleats. COONEY’S GAEAEE "lfl‘i' . .: ~' J u . Weekly News Bridget From The Emirate Eommanity | i 'l. -' ‘ 'l '-i i. tl‘ilt‘\ voioleilt Leis lll'lti tiw 'V'v't'i‘ltiesviajt' 'i‘iu'h‘ .“ V D 1‘ w , h. . ;\ “huh... n Litlllll. tlm li'vt‘ll‘t'ltrt‘ l\i\l.L’k‘l‘. l .c.e , . A.†v ;‘ ‘v.\,.i w :e till llv “UL-I" tor some hots {Hi irtit iii 1‘. i, «in: tlt'iii e .lt‘ ‘2‘“ it. MURPHY (1“ Int pumh‘ilmh‘ ‘n iiimitiziiu.) ‘Iiiiiv .3 mi ‘-\< L“l-l t,,,\ or any Lylollp. Those in this [2' i ii. ins‘ ::l of an ago truce o1 ezttr cot}. \tilf ire eou-irlei'eil .t'or mem- s _‘i-|i w _‘.t‘2:!~» tor the tiniy‘s“-.i>~ii.in l_\ their inotlers u‘ettiiiu' Hi! i ho \ ‘tll? 1p. 'iic rt'i\'\ll‘iilt'li \\lll'. Mr». Williams ot~ Lari-4'- ) 3.11 “git: 1e toel e. Thei stair. Thoinlail telephone exchange. in o" uliich {tits cu» pack ('1' a neutwsity the membership must NH Wm,“ 1],â€le oo‘i.y oflle l.ep: small at lil‘él so as to train govt o; alt†group. This inwirance; i»o‘..~ a~ leaders and ill.\tl to set, up ,-.i. lad lid}. in in euht to ‘ toe Lit up on a firm foundation, t.'.e. he; i: new ssai). t i strict-1 \‘i'htii tl: s is a iaet then otlu is \\ill i, \\l‘.‘ to that age (luali‘lle- a‘miluil into the organization litii "‘hi- intleo» It" the cubs usth ch \‘Jll be in a position to give an; ‘weel; ‘.\lll he llt\ younger; maximum stitiee to “Hit welfare. tithe HRH-TIN. “HOPER ,\Nl) Rlil‘ISUR tl'ttlflllllc‘tl llll‘lll llrizc l) than: oi" tin t_'etii.e.l lhcn‘iwniir tttlltl do the in!» adeqtiaie._\'. l‘li- l’t‘nllltlltl: and to llt- t‘ti’lct'iC‘tl iii the l>ttiltllliu ot' \lllét:lUl thei more. intuit“ that till.\lllt‘.\.\ concerns like. 'lle at». l.t\\ assessinen >_\.\lL‘lll :olvwated llt>l>illliCU In" built Till ft. from tl‘c the as hem;r too complicated and redun- inu' merit than one assessor. The «or.- .tcnt: of houses were not important. be [H said. only their square feet, regard to the discontinuation of the North Yonge lla lway, he considticil ,the people should hare been u‘iwn it say. £1> he tl!t(lt‘i.\'tlllltl.\ that the rates \'.ill be ultimately raised or the buses run He complain- that the year had been much too high and that the snow plonu'hina‘ not must at a deficit. ed expenses for had been adequately supervised. The cl! gave short addresses. the ('oun- .lli'. litilit‘l" llac suggested that for lllu hard times ahead a thrifty himself be other nominees for Scotchman such as chosen to administer the funds. Mr. Albert Reesor. placed himself in the position of a middle man. Whereas he felt some of the cOsts incurred by the council public (‘H RISTM AS RAFFLE handsome (wt) inch base sink Kitchens Limited will he on display this Thursday at the regular monthly meeting oi" the East Vaughan Rate- payers Association in Richyale Public School. It. is to be the ï¬rst prize in a raffle the proceeds of which Will be used to further the work being car- ried on in the various youth organiz- ations namely: The First Richvale ii 5%.: a This cabinet, donated by Modern Planned Community Boy Scout Troop, Mrs. Underhill‘s Tuesday Night Girls Group. The Richvalc Rangers and the (‘ub Pack. This money shall be divided proportionately so Ina: each may derive a representative beneï¬t. The second and third prizes will be Mr. and Mrs. A. Forson and John of" Rinewoed had dinner Sunday eyeliâ€" ' in}: with Mr. and Mrs. R. Boynton. Miss C. lieise of Richmond Hill is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. C. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins. .‘dr. and Mrs. D. Pickering. Kenneth. Neil and Carolyn had din- ner Friday with Mr. and Mrs. R. lioynten. A special service will he held in the Church on Sunday evening, Dec. 5th. at 7.30 pm. Musical numbers will be rendered by the \Villowdale Male Qnai zette. Mr. Don-rid Saunders- ivoy soprano. wilt provide musical selections. Ladies please provide sandwiches or cookies. mutation. This is your Plan to attend. The Dominican Republic makes up twoâ€"thirds of the island of Santa Doiiiinu'o. Columbus named the land Hispaniola when he discovered it in 19-12. i>â€" DEPENBABLE TIRE SERWIE UNIMPROVED ROADS â€" Winter»Cleats are made to GRIP in mud and mire. Richvale an electric kettle and a toaster. The tickets have already been distributed and most of the boys and girls of the above groups have them for sale. ‘May we point out that the success of the entire community. to be held on Monday, December ‘20. The East Vaughan Ratepayers Association wishes to thank Mr. Phelps of Mill Road for his generosâ€" ity in presenting them with enough culvert tile to complete the entrance to the community hall site. May we remind you of the talking.r pictures to be presented on the even- ing' of Friday. December 17th, in the “00000000000000000009 Riehrale School Basement under the auspices of the SchoOl Board. TUTORIA SQUARE aluunnnunm PIANO TUNING and Repairing S. HOFFMAN ' Formerly of Gerrard lleintzman Cstimatcs '- Phone Liberal Office, Tel. 9'. Rii-hnrond Hill Work Guaranteed H Free BBEEEEHEHIHBIIII 17. SAND â€" GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE Loam - Fill L. \V. REID r THORNHILI. Centre St. Phone 2-17 99090090009000000000000090 Real Estate Wanted Houses. lt'arms, Country Estates Experienced Valuators No Sale â€" No Charge We are selling them DAVID MCLEAN Real Estate & Business Broker Thornhill Office, Phone 12 Evenings Mr. Over-bury 48W, WOMOOOwOWONOWO I, l l ' Note New Phone t E i % the above draw is to the interest 02. The draw P. M. TONNER CLEAN AND FINE WORK PAINTER % DECORATOR RICHMOND HILL had lisï¬n extravagant. he yet consid- ered tat many of the statements been extravagant. He questioned the advisability of the Planning Advis- ory Board. 1made by Mr. Hooper in criticism had TESTON Friday evening, December 3rd, at Mitt pm. moving pictures will be given by the Canada Bread Company at Tcston United Church. Other attractive features will he offered. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Admission: children, free; adults 25c lliiflflllllllllllflll DANCE ‘Every SatIIrday Night ARMY, NAVY & AIRPORT CLUB ABITIBI & YONGE (Steele’s Corners) IIIIIHIIIIIEIIII 00000000000900000000000000 Houses Wanted Immediately For Waiting Clients DAVID McLEAN Real Estate & Business Broker Thornhill Office, Phone 12 Evenings Mr. Over-bury 48W 00000 00000000000000000 WWWOMOOOO IIHEQEIEIIIIEEH A LDRIDGE , SANITARY cONTRAcrons Septic tanks, Disposal Plants, Slaughter Houses Pumped Out and Repaired Out of town day or night emergency service Phone Willowdale Zone 8288, Thprnhill 19716 E. J HINSON Interior & Exterior I Decorator . RICHMOND HILL Phone '252J Box 268 No. - - 438w mmxmm 90000000000000000000000000009OO000000000M¢000009¢ ‘7‘ SPECIAL Richmond 00009 006609 ’?0900090090000690000000000000 “0000000000 000 000000000000 WHITE WALL. TIRES 600 x16 PARlS AUTO SUPPLY LT l). l $19.95 Hill, Ont. 0000000000000000000000000000006000000000 Till: LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. 'l‘hursday. December 2, 0000 RADIO EAEES and SERVICE Prompt Pick-up and Delivery 17 Benson Ave. Phone 311W Richmond Hill 4 000000000000000000 PERKINS FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT International Harvester Tractors. Farm Machines and Twme. Goodyear and Firestone Tires. C.I.L. Paints and Chemicals. Bolens & Cunningham Garden Tractors Beatty & Fairbanks-Morse Pumps & Home Appliances “If it’s for the Farm ~â€" We sell it†Phone 21-W Richmoud Hill, Ont. . wwoomooow 000WO0W0090“00“00NO00â€0 | x We have for immediate delivery 8†and 10†concreteblocks. These blocks are square and true, and are steam-cured for hardness. 'rite or Phone GORMLEY, ONT. PHONEI STOUFFVILLE ‘381W1 PONY CREST LODGE GOOD FOOD Ireakfast, Luncheons, Dinners and Suppers Snack Bar With Dancing Floor Overnight or longer Accommodations Weddings and Parties Catered For PHONE RICHMOND HILL 178J Gormley Block Co." i 1948 I 509900090004’OOOOOOOWCOMMOWOWWW g CARS PAINTED â€" $20 AND UP 3 g ierR" tinny AND FENDER REPAIRS 3 CARS (ALLED roR AND DELIVERED 0 E otttiiAN'rEED \t’oRknANsnn) 0 0 W41 "V ‘ g Iii‘; IIV ALE AUTO BODY g s'ror 3M yoxur: st“. 3‘: Phone ’l‘liornhill :2i2r12 : A 90 t000000¢99009a0M0“¢0090MNW000000000: 090000099OOQOOOOO00000000000000000000000000900000000 § § _...__ \..',-.. c: - w- AND RESERVE YOUR TABLE F O S A L E NEW MACHINES l Farmall “Cub†Tractor 2 Rubber Tired Tractor Manure Spreaders 1 Horse Manure Spreader on Rubber 1 Set Sloop Sleighs 1 Snow l’lon"to ï¬t any tractor . «Zeatty and Fairbanks-Morse Pressure Pumps Water Bowls Litter Carriers in stock for immediate installation 2 Fairbanksâ€"Morse Hammer Mills Norge Electric Stoves, Washing Machines and Radios Stewart and Oster Electric Clippers Bolens and Waterloo Garden Tractors Goodyear and Firestone Studded Tires for snow and mud We are equipped to do all types of changeover jobs from steel to rubber. Drop in and see us if you are think- ing 01' a change-over. USED MACHINES Rogers Manure Loader and Snow Plow â€"Furrmr Masseyâ€"Harris Tractor Plow 5 Ft. Mcâ€"D. Harrow Plow 1 1 2 1 FLOYD R. PERKINS PHONE 21W. RICHMOND HILL