4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday, December ‘2. 1948 glassifgd Sale Ads l RATESâ€"Five lines or less, five lines 7 cents per line extra each Hl>eriion. It" (11112." ‘ Telephone Richmond Hill 0. 'o__.. FOR SALE LOAM, rich dal'k sandy loam. L. w 3.3 cents for first insertion and '15 cents for 91111 l l QUEBEC HEATER. in good conili» ' (no. White. Elgin inn... ‘1w22 ilnll. FOR REAL ESTATE phone Fenn, Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. tfc42 Thornhill MR. “my, BOYS’ ownedâ€, brown, sized-‘3 ff DEEP: 2.0m, ,.,,,,,,,,,._. ,.,,,,,,,,’,},7 mm ne‘Y- PH“) 57"“ Pll‘m“ )‘l's'h' good tircs, phone aple 2-1141. eleI; mond Hill 146. -. n. . . . n . . LAYING PULLETS. large Hrce'l “Ex 5 ('L'Mf Skin‘s “Zeni (2xâ€" Phonc Richmond Hill 2C0. cl“??- ccllent condition, 5.3.00. A. .l. 121- ______._._. â€" liott, Markham Rd. :BSW. c1w:3 '24 FORD \‘s Coach, motor good 1 ORGAN in piano ease. real good, . , \I, I, 98.3 condition. Mi's. Wilfred chfer, phone] Phom’ ‘ m L " l ‘ ('le-"S‘ Maple 6:11'24. ,.__ .___, ____ COAL HEATER, 10 n. fii'epot, goo. l running order. heater and good tires "'1w23 EOY'S Tweed Overcoat, size M yrs.. like new, $10.00. 52 Centre St. W ‘ c1w23 condition. Apply 22 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill. :"1w2‘311936 (‘HEV_ DeLuxo Coach, heater . . . . l i" t "zed. Tcrm: if desired ' PAIR of girls‘ white tube skates IRKUY‘XLYQSIE' \ #1,.523 and boots, size (3. St., Richmond Hill. Apply 10 Lucas ":1w23 PAIR Girl‘s Tube Skates and boots size 6, good condition, cheap. Phone BUDGY BIRDS, cobalt and prnvder . . â€" 1 .03 blue or lime green. Phone 381J. Rmhmond H1“ 100' C “', Mr. Matts, Rchmond Hill. HwZS BLACK AND IVORY (.0211 1-21,,g0‘113 ~hâ€"W . v . _ , good condition, reasonable; aso iot ggnogttgslggngteiitntgd “ aihei‘le" 2111;: water radiator. Apply Mrs. T. Hayes‘ g ' ‘ No. 7 Highway, Concord. clw2?) ectric, phone 242 Richmond Hill. c1w23 PAIR girls" skates and boots, white. warmly lined, fur tops; scout suit, size 12. Richmond Hill. ONE WOODEN COT, also boys’ Apply phone 41 c1w23 18 x 36, $2; coal oil lantein 81; coal oil hcater 85; baby bunting bag, blue 33. Orvis, Thornhill 14142. Mrs. H. c1w23 11.941. CHEVROLET DcLuxe Sedan, in tip top condition, has just been 81204). Richmond Hill. C UiRNE Y overhauled I‘hone 40M. cook stove, white with *1w23 black trim, good oven. Pair of goose down pillows, Richmond Hill. 1939 CHAMPION Sedan. completely overhauled Phone 37212 Richmond Hill. Sedan n cw. A p pl y STUDEBAKER ’33 OHEV. Master in 416W. 1w23 $900. 20tlc good running order and also 1 man’s bi- cycle. Apply R. Thompson, R. R. 2 Weston, Maple 461-32. COAL & WOODâ€"Stove “Vlerit’ c1w‘23 v cream and‘green good condition; 30 gal. fuel oil drum; 5 sacks cement Phone Thornhill 2151‘4. TWO wicker chairs, c1w23 removable spring seats suitable for sunroom or bedroom, 37 each. Office. ~ ONE MAN’S dark winter Size 40, good- condition. Apply overcoat One pair man’s rubber boots, size 10. 433W Richmond Hill. 1 McLAIRY Range complete coal or wood ing closet in good condition. Apply Liberal 1w23 hon! 1w23 with reservoir and warm- 7 C. S. Stong, Maple 4611‘}, Maple R. R. 1. c1w23 ‘ T'UCK, Federal,'1936, panel body, 4 excellent condition SAND, .gravel, stone, ï¬ll, loam, cin- ders, manure. Prompt delivery. Ap- ply Fred Taylor. 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill, or phone 315W. 9th ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. stair hand rails, fire (loge, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue. Richvale. ' throughout. tfc35 1 PAIR ladies ï¬gure skates, size 0 white $10.00; 1 pair ladies hockey skates, size 9, white, like new $6.00. Apply Thornhill 1051'22. c1w23 GARAGE 18 ft x 10 ft. 7 ft. eaves. Apply Pony Crest Lodge Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 178J. clw‘23 to ONE FORD Ferguson Tractor on rubber with plough, perfect condi- tim. Apply W. J. Cosgrove, 431'22 be converted into go-cart, reasonable Apply Liberal Office. ‘i‘lw23 15 HEAVY BREED Coekerels, price 82.25 each. One tractor with good 600x16 tires and tubes complete and ready to go with license and trailer hitch, priced reasonable. Apply 138 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. s"lw23 YOU can make money by collecting club orders for new blankets made from old woollens. Brand new, all wool or pure wool, full size blankets. in newest colours. Direct from mill to you. Write for catalogue today. Midland Mills, Dept. 47, Midland. On- tario. NEW LOW PRICES for ï¬rewood, soft slabs 911.00; hardwood slabs $16.00; hardwood li‘mbs 817.00; hard- wood blocks and ï¬replace logs $20.00 cord. Free delivery, all wood is bone dry and cut to 12 inch lengths. Apply Fred Taylor, 7.1 Richmond St.. Rich- nrond Hill, or phone 315W. 9th $5200 North'Richmond Hill, just 4 doors from Yonge St. Immaculate 5room bungalow, full basement, com- pletely decorated. This home is in excellent condition. located on 1/2 acv re. Beautifully surrounded by hedge. frame bungalow, water installed. 1% blocks from Yonge St. possession. Ronald Fenn Phone Thornhill 168. Immediate Real Es- c1w22 tate. LOST BLACK Cocker Spaniel, female, douâ€" ble harness, from vicinity of Public School, November Richmond Hill. Phone 171 *1w22 4th. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. LIFETIME LADIES' PURSE between School Auditorium and ï¬rst bunga- low south of village. Finder please phone Richmond Hill 382W. *1w23 BETWEEN High School and Craig- ie’s Store. ladies gold wrist watch black band, valued as keep Finder please phone Maple c1w23 tfc46 Public all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked en- amel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations: Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. c12w23 IRISH SETTEst, male and female. 16 months old, also puppies, 2 mos. old, champion stock, registered, rea-, sonable; also Cocker Spaniel, maic. 4; mos. old, registered. Stop 20 Yonge t., r32. IMMEDIATE possession, $7300 and bffers, 4-room clapboard bungalow, hot water heatng, modern kitchen and bath, laundry tubs, double gar- lOt 75x280. phone 124182, with sake. 24r21. Reward. WALLET, brown leather, contain- ing large sum of money and person- al‘belongings, between Krane’s Cof- fee Shop and Stop 24 Yonge St. Ur- gently needed. Reward. please phone 144 Richmond Hill. Langstaf'f, phone Thornhill 124 clwzfu' 7* 1w‘23 rage and chicken coop. Stop 20 Yonge St., Thornhill. CLASIFIED ADS in these columns are charged at the rate of 7 cents per line, with a minimum charge of R2 . ('1w23 DOLL‘S CARRIAGE. maroon leath- er. tcp slightly damaged. rest or Lo- (ly in good condition, carriage may A SUM OF MONEY, Saturday. Ap- ply Norm's Shoe Repair. *1w‘2‘2 l . . god tireSJiA Iy Richmond Hill 9 Imlnedlate p055.9551°n' . or evenings Rigï¬mond Him 255. Stop 9 \Vi‘llowdale. Tidy Sroom TO RENT 35c for any one advertisement. This 2000 Square feet storage space is the cash rate_ When ads are sent Richmond Hill Central. Phone 381] by mail remittance should accompany RIChmond H‘n' copy. When telephoned, remittance KITCHENETTE and bed sitting room, suitable for one or two adults in Richmond Hill. Apply Box 25. Liberal Office. c1w23 REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Commercial and Domestic All Makes King P.0- Phone 26r5 King GORDON CHALK ~' OOOWMâ€OO BUILDING r CONTRACTOR Grates and Chimneys should follow promptly; if not paid within two weeks there will be an extra charge of ten cents for billing. For use of box number, the charge is 10 cents. Co-operation of adver- ' tisers using these columns will be appreciated. The Liberal. TRUCK FOR SALE 1936 Federal Panel Body Price $350.00 â€"â€" Apply â€"â€" MMNMOOONONW A Specialty LIBERAL OFFICE LESLIE SARGEANT Elgin St., Thornhill Phone Thornhill 109M ooooooooowooooooouoooo Tel. .0. Richmond Hill. Ont. : ! z i . a 1 I .____o i subsequent insertion. Over ' line. to account nine cents per __ 1. 7 r WANTED SMALL coal heater. I‘lltini‘ 'Iiiornâ€" hill 217112. tlw21 GOOD I'SEI) PIANO, suitable for use by Women's Institute. I’i‘iinii' lllTW Richmond Hill, .‘1-.\:3:‘, 'IPERATORS on blouses; also girls lo learn. Apply Mayfair Mfg. m. l‘ichmond Hill. 13th _______.â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" THREE or four unfurnished rooni< with conveniences. Richmond Hill or vicinity. Phone .I. Paquctte. Rich- mond Ilill 2142. cleI‘. PARTY wants to rent an unheated garage, preferably in central Richâ€" mond Hill. Phone Richmond Hill 406W. i i\ 2‘. TEN PULLETS. giTod laying strain in exchange for 'ten hens and cash. ABRAM. Richmond Hill 451'121, Bay» view at Elgin Mills. 11w?» ROARDERS WANTED _ Room mull board with conveniences for gentle- man in Richmond Hill. Phone 33031 c1w23 FOR CASH purchaser. bungalow or semiâ€"bungalow in Richmond Hill. R. H. Kane, Realtor, Richmond Hill " c'ZwZIl POULTRY, any quantity, best market price. Will call immediately on re- quest. Phone King’35r14, A. Maa‘cc. ‘IOWIS IMMEDIATELY for waiting clients. suburban homes, farms, country cs- tatcs, licensed hotels, and business of all types. David McLean. real estate and business broker. Thornhill Oi"- ï¬cc, Yongc St., phone 12 or evenings Mr. Ovcrbui'y. phone 49w. tit-IS MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM ploughing. ph:re King 21'14. Harry Burns, CALF FEEDERS LOOK!save monâ€" ey. Most important raise better cal- ves with Purina Calf Startina. RADIOS repaired, prompt pickâ€"up and delivery; electrical contracting. J. Read, phone Richmond Hill illlir 12. c6w21 ANYONE interested in a Masseyâ€" Harris Pny Tractor complete with 10 inch bottom plow and cultivator. Apply Box 20 The Liberal. *‘1w23 AGENI‘ for Moffat and Essotane Gas Ranges, J. A. Rose, Maple. Phone 34J. tfc15 JEFF JACKSON'S Skate Exchange. Bring your skates to me Wednesday and Saturday afternoons after 3. i‘hone Thornhill 2. c3w22 MILK SHiIPPfERS note special price on Calf Startina for one week. It pays. it saves. It’s cheaper than milk feeding. CUSTOM grit grinding, rapid new method, service at your barn for your convenience. corn on the cob. grain and alfalfa hay. Metro Sudeyko. phone Stoufl’ville 62520. c7w21 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, woodl carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc _â€"__â€"l_.â€"_â€"_â€". WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement. work done, rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 87r2 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 97r23 tf chg. 52 TREE FELLING. unsafe limbs re-5 moved. Wood cutting. Hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed. Small buildings moved and raised. Apply Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. 9tfc Bring your shoes I will repair ’ Done with patience And the best of care. . Shoe laces and polish sold. Also get your winter supply of potatoes here. A Pearson, Shoe Repair, Rich~ mond St., Maple. c4w22 DANCE I Dance to the Music of Bob Mc- Garvcy and his Richvale Revellers SaturdaypDecember 10 at 8.30, Map- le Hall. Old Time and Modern Danâ€" cing. Girl Guide Notes i'zii‘i m-eni l'wr (i‘r’. “ruin (Whilâ€" h. ital; .i‘ :i.is iiiiililly I<|H1I plow ui Iiidg‘vs on 'I‘niiisilny. Xiv‘x'ein -ci SAM. [,nrzil li‘u‘t'Il‘wi Al. 'I Ill‘ Ozik llnlu-tu r\\'\v‘i"-£\"â€ll (1.]: iiiiideS. llli‘llllu‘l s 1.1‘ the with (Rinipuii; In t3 i the and 1;,“ (illulu neie ill home Guide Iii nwniv l’zu-k lilCll‘ ll‘mlllt‘l» and lyi leaders and lll>ll‘lt"t Commissioners i'i'oni Thniiihill. Richmond Hill. Aurora and Newmarlzei, The Area ('liiiiiiiis~ sinner. Mrs. 11. ll. Howilen, was guest in" honour and outstanding tiuidei‘ ll'illIlCl'r .d‘ the Province were SO ill L‘ also preseni.‘ Thornhill \\';i.s represented by Local member, .loyee the Association Henley. Lieutenant and Ann Snn:ler-’ sun. Tawny Owl. Richmond Hill was represented by Miss Izzaid, District Commissioner, Agatha Markey, Brown Owl, and Catherine Smith. Lieutenant. Aurora was represented by Miss Betty Cody. Disrict Captain. Mary Annan, Captain. Mrs. Henton, Brown Owl, Mrs. Holder, Tawny Owl. Newmni'kct was represented Mrs. Boudrcau. District Commission. er. and Mrs. (iiant Delano, Lieuten- ant. In each district where thcre is a (Zirl Guide Company or Brownie Pack, there is a Local Association for the Girl Guides. This is representative women in the district who are ntcrested in Guiding. It is the duty of this Association, headed by the District Commissioner, to ï¬nd suitable leaders, to recommend them fir appointment. and to obtain for them further training when necess- ary. Al>o the Local Association ar- ranges for suitable piecing places for Companies, and in every possible way gives its inoial support and encour- agement to all Guiding in the district. The guests of the evening were re- ceivcd by District Commissioner, Mrs. D. R. Gunn and Mrs. Peter Hughcy, Captain, and Mis. W. Hudson, irown Owl. Mrs. H. R. Howdcn, introduced by Mrs. (lunn, spoke on Preï¬ciency Bad- ges. Stressing the importance of high standaids in tests, it was point- ed out that by wearing one of these badges the Guide marked as a person able to give efficient service to others in the particular ï¬eld rep- resented. Mis. Howden presented class badges to Patrol Leader Helen Teravain. Second Marilyn Comfort, and to Jean Tcravain. Marion Dion has also qualiï¬ed for this test but through an unfortunate misunder- standing bcr badge was not Presen- ted. Mrs. by is second Peter Hugliey received her Warrant pin as Captainnand Mrs. W. _ Hudson, her Warrant pin :15 Brown Owl. The ï¬rst two Brownies in the pack to earn their Golden Bars were in- vested in a special ceremony includâ€" ing the whole pack. This was con- ducted by Miss Attwood, Provincial Brownie trainer, and Mrs. Hudson. Miss Echlin, Provincial Camp Trainer spoke on camping, giving an outline of the hgih standards main- tained in all Guide Camps. There is strict supervision of all water sports, and rigid controls of drinking water and milk and for everyone an oppor- tunity to learn show to be comfortable though camping. A delicious buffet supper was ser- ved. All arraiig‘ements’for the sup- per were made by eight Guides who were trying for their hostess badge. Seventy guests sat down to supper and real credit is due to these girls who did their share to make the cv- ening a success. After suipper every one joined in a camp ï¬re circle and, under the dir- ection of Miss Mary Willett and Miss Echlin, enjoyed half an hour of songs and games and stories. Special guests of the evening not already mentioned, were Scoutmaster F. Lynn, and Principal and Mrs. J. 'Martin. :Mr. Martin is Scoutmaster of the Maple Troop. DANCE Dance in McDonald and Wells Hall on Friday, December 3rd. Sponsor- ed by Lake Marie and King Athletic Association. Proceeds for King Memorial Hall fund. WOO...†OOOWâ€MNOOOMOWOOOMO“0â€W you an opportunity with many items of Richmond Hill 3 3 3 i § § i § l i i For 22 consecutive years we have given See our windows for Ist, Davies Dry Goods of winning one of six- valuable prizes with every 500†purchase. 2nd prizes merchandise suit- able for Christmas and New Year gifts. Make your selections early and we will as heretofore lay aside until needed. DAVIES DRY GOODS Phone 119 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONMOOOMOOOOO060M090 composed of. sullen-llslansilalul HARRY E. PALMER Veterinary Surgeon i TIIORNIIIIL 330 Phone Thornhill ;IIEIEIEW!IEIEBEIBE Painting 8; Decorating Work Rates First Class leasonable A. ROLLINSON Phone Richmond Hill 414M IEIHEIIIIIIHEIEHI . BUSH-IRE â€"â€" in â€"- 'ictoria Square Community Hall Wed. Dec. 8th ISponsored by Jr. Women‘s Inst. Ladies please provide Admission 25c IIIIHHIIIIIIIHMIE OONOOOOOQOQOOOOOMMM Property Sold We have waiting clients. Some with cash, for suburban homes. farms, country estates and var- ious types of businesses. DAVID McLEAN Real Estate & Business' Broker Thornhill Office, Phone 12 Evenings Mr. Ovei'bury 48W TAXES The Third instalment of the current year's Taxes is due on NOVEMBER 15th Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be imposed after DECEMBER 5th Richmond Hill Nov. 3, 1948. RUSSELL LYNETT. Treasurer M900“. 60â€...â€9900096006090 : 066666066000†1 leII-o - - - - 3 ARABIAN STEED Fancy Dates - CLARK’S Pork & Beans 2 1/2 lb. pkg. . . . . . . . can Chopped Suet, lb. . . . Round Steak, 1b. . .. CHOICE OF LAMB, We Feature .1 HIIICREST Society Dog Food - - Kraft Velveeta Cheese CHEESEMAS SHOPPING â€"â€" AT _. BEATHWAITES Buy Her A McLARY ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Buy Her A McLARY PROPANE GAS RANGE Buy Her A SUNBEAM MIXMASTER F. Y. W. BridhEEte Hardware RALPH W. PARIS. Manager PHONE 18 WE DELIVER 99999990999099.9990»09.009909900009909»oowuowuoooo 3,3 : one...â€09¢06060960000900009000090000000000“00060000» “- » -' Doors open 7.00 p.m. nightly SHO‘V STARTS 7.30 p.m' Saturday continuous from 7 p.m. MARKHAM Sat. Matinee at. 2 p.m. FRIDAY & SATURDAY â€" DECEMBER 3rd and 4th NEW FALL POLICY JOHN WAYNE VERA RA LSTON â€"â€"inâ€" “ DAKOTA †on the same programme JAMES ELLISON ANNE G‘VYNNE EDWARD EVERETTE .HORTON __ in __ “ The Ghost Goes Wild†MONDAY & TUESDAY â€" DECEMBER 6th & 7th TYRONE POWER . ALICE FAYE AL JOLSON _ in _ Rose of Washington Square I i 1 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY -â€" DECEMBER 8th & 9th MARK STEVENS RICHARD WIDMARK â€" in â€" The Street With No Name’ ,¢...--...>w... n\- 123 YONGE STREET QUALITY FOOD WEEK-END SPECIALS 25c Eddy’s Matches 3 27c CHOICE RED PITTED 23c Cherries - - 29c’ 27c Mother Jackson's 23c - 2 27c Lynn Valley Peas . . . . . . . 30c 200z.tins..........2f0r23c CHOICE BANANAS, GRAPES, APPLES GRAPEFRUIT ISTMAS CANDY MEAT DEPARTMENT FEATURES . . . . . . . 35c Kraft Cheese, lb. . . . . . . . . 48c . . . . . . . 65c P0rkCh0ps,lb.............57c VEAL, PORK, BEEF, CURED AND COOKED MEATS PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED Daily Delivery Service in the Village HILLCREST MARKETERIA “Your Friendly Village Store†CARLOAD 4L « 7