; PHONE â€" THORNHILL 256W : EnluIIll-nIllanInn-Innunllllnllllllllll Genera} Repairs Texaco Products 5 Body and Fender Work our Speciality : TELEPHONE 74-M ERE'L ROOFING “III-BEHI-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII’A Ell-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIII-IIIIIIIl-lll “"’ “M†noon BELLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 8-Way Lamps. 100-200-300 watt .62 ELECTRIC BUZZER I . I . . . i _ . . .- BLUE DAYLIGHT LAMPS. from 25 BELL &BUZZER. combinatlon watts In all sizes to 300 Watts. ROUGH SERVICE LAMps. TRANSFORMERâ€"To operate hell or 50 watt: . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . , .30 . buzzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97â€"YCNGE ST. Richmond Hill. OM. 6 Elizabeth St, Richmond Hill, phone 148 150 Watt. clear 100 Watt. frosted LA1 ON ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES MOTO-MASTER "Super"ANTl-FREEZE It‘s the “tops†[or comfort and good looks. Oversize modelâ€"fits all cars. Extra capa- city to take cure of all heating, defrosting and Iootâ€"warmlng require- ments. Smart harmonizinz finish. CTC Super Value . ‘ ELECTRIC MOTORS IRONS LAMPS OIL BURNERS RADIOS UNIVERSAfl. CAR HEATER 14-4 YONGE STREET STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE Just phone and we will pick up your car and make delivery after service. M0 MEMOREES C. RIDDELL Service and Repairs HEATER FITTINGS & REPAIR. PARTSâ€"At "save safely" uric". DON’T DELAY ANOTHER DAYâ€"GET ANTI-FREEZE NOW SUPPLIED and GUARANTEED McMullen Motors INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating PHONE 404 CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, mom: MHSTGR We Specialize in re-roofing, rough w‘eather ahead! Does your old wiper sun clean em- clently -â€" w H h o u t leaving smudges and smears? If not. why,noc trade it In on a brand new Trlco â€" and enjoy sate vision. ' TRICO WIPERS 4.65 ‘° 7.20 by FERGUSON EXCHANGE PRICE How’s Your Windshield .. Wing? -__ RADIATOR WINTER. FRONTS â€" Speed "warm< ups" . . . n . V 7 . . . . . ... ‘ . . 2.25 86 2.40 STEERING WHEEL COVER. â€" 8 cosy Mohair. takes chm of! the steering wheel .. ‘ .44 CLEAR VISION FROST SHIELD SETSâ€"A “must.†for winter motorists. Set contains sufficient material to keep windshield and all windows and door: tree from steaming and frost. Complete . . . . . . . . .39 The surest safe-guard exams: “freeze-ups." Moto. Master "Super" Anti-Freeze gives sate. low-cost pro- tectionâ€"for all-Winter drxving. And It aliows your car heater to operate at a comfortable temperature. Processed to inhibit rust. corrosion and to retard evaporation. DEFROSTER KITSâ€"Keep windshield clear .. 3.69 THERMOSTATSâ€"For most cars and truck: . . 1.15 ELECTRIC DEFROSTING FANâ€"Clan-on 5.95 ANTI-FREEZE TESTERâ€"Accurate. easily read .59 BATTERY BOOSTER â€" Keeps battery fully charged . . . . . , , . . . . . . ‘ . . . . 10.95 OVERNIGHT ENGINE HEATER â€" Universal, elec- .12 INCLUDING Richmond Hill, Onl. . 15 .23 .62 other mode]: Door Chimes Say "Welcome" TUBULAR TWIN CRIME â€" Double chime for front door and single for back door. Length 41" . . . . . VACUUM WASHING mm BLADES... .Is'to .49 mm: ARMS .. .09 to 1.05 mrm HOSE, n. . .03 a .01 WIPER LINKAGE AND SUPPLIES RANGETTES RECORD PLAYERS TOASTERS ACUUM CLEANERS vxSHING MACHINES RICHMOND HILL 84!? WM’IM DRIVING . P. C. Hill, Prop 1.89 ' 3.49 . . . . ‘ . . . . . .65 . . . . . . . . . . '63 xblnauon Universal: ’eléc- . . . . . . . . 4.55 Speed "warm< THEREFORE be it enacted by the Directors of Electrical Accessory (‘0- mpany of Toronto Limited as a By- Law of the said Company as follows: That the Head Office of Electrical Accessory Company of Toronto Lim- ited be and the same is hereby chan- ged from No. 6 Church Street in the City of Toronto in the County of York tot Richvale in the Township of Vaughan in the County of York and Province of Ontario. Passed this 26th day of July. 1948. GEO. P. DOWE. President E. WHYNOT, Secretary » W‘E hereby certify that the fore- going is a true copy of By-Law No. 6 of Electrical Accessory Company of Toronto Lmited passed at a meet- ing of the Directors of the Company held on the 26th day of July. 1948. and unanimously conï¬rmed at a meet- ing of the Shareholders of the Com- pany held on the 26th day r," July, 1948, at which all the Shareholders of the Company were personally" present. ’ DATED this 9th day of November. 1948 QOWOWNO¢WOONOOOMWMWWO W060â€0OOOOQOOOOOM“â€OOOOOâ€ONW And whereas it has been deemed expedient that the location of the same should be changed to Richvale in the Township of Vaughan in the County of York in the said Pl‘evince of Ontario ELECTRICAL ACCESSORY COMPANY OF TORON'I‘O‘ LIMITED - BY-LAW NO. 6 of Electrical Acces- sory Company of Toronto Limited Whereas the Head Office of the Company now is located at Premises No. 6 Church Street in the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario. DAVID HILL & Co. Ltd. The regular December meet- ing of the municipal council will be held Tuesday, Decem- ber 7th, at the Township Of- ï¬ces, Maple, owing to the municipal elections being held Monday. MAPLE CREEK LODGE New Year’s Party FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31st A LIMITED NUMBER OF RESERVATIONS FOR NEW YEAR’S EVE GEO. P. DOWE. President E. WTHYNOT, Secretary TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk BLACKBURN’S APPLIANCE & SALES RICHMOND HILL WESTINGHOUSE POLYPHONIC RADIOS Old Tyme Dancing FUN AND MUSIC YOU WILL LIKE Make Your Reservations Early Thornhill Phone 161 $10.00 per couple DRESS OPTIONAL I King City District NeWs Representing Rainy River. Kenora and part of ThunderBav districts of northern Ontario, Mrs. Herbert Roo- ney of Atikokan attended the con- clave of Provincial Women’s Insti- tute heads held at the Royal York last week.- While ‘here for the four- rlav session she visited her mother Mrs. Frank Wilkins of Oak Ridges and sister, Mrs. Clarke Archibald at King during- the week end before her return home on Sunday. In charge of their leader, Mrs. R Walker, several members of All Saints Girls’ Auxiliary attended a special g‘irls’ service held at St. Si- mon’s Anglican church, Toronto, on Sunday evening. November 28. Bridegroom Dies Joseph L. Fletcher, 25, prominent farmer of Binbrook,~near Hamilton, died on Saturday, November 27, in qaskatchewan for a hurï¬ber of years‘. Mrs. Marjorie Archibald Breedon liws at Swift Current. Robert Moody, William Crane and Clarence Wood are Schomberg' vill- age commissioners for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Archibald were called to Webb, Saskatchewan, about two weeks ago, to attend their son. Carl Archibald, who was suddenly faken seriously ill and removed to hospital. A letter to his brother. r‘larke at King, states Carl is out of danger and making progress toward recovery. A farmer, he has been in Trustees for King village were not contested at Nominations, Nov- ember 26. Remaining in office are: W. Carson. Crawford Wells and Ross Walker. Of special interest to many here is the death of Donald McCallum of Grand Forks, British Columbia, on November 3rd. He was a native of King Township, .born and brought up on the west part of Lot 5 in the ï¬fth concession on the farm now occupied by Leslie Glass. Early in the cen- tury Mr. MoCallum gave up farming and went west. ï¬nallingxsettling‘ in Grand Forks, B.-C., where he was a schessful business personality. For the past few years he had lived ire- tired. Surviving are his wife, the former Margaret McGillivray of Bruce. Ont.; two sons. two daughters and three grandchildren, all living in British Columbia. Mr. and'Mrs. Fred Dent, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H’ambly attended the horse show at the Royal Winter Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs‘ bra‘red birthdays week. reimited on Sunday. Mr. James D. Gray, Ottawa, atâ€" tended the funeral Of Mr. George Sinclair Gray who was buried in King Cemetery last Week. .Toronto and District Hunt Club included Victor Cull. Hugh ROSS, Harold Hollinshead and Murray Douglas; others from Toronto and Victoria Square completed the group, who shot 5 deer while taking in the annual hunt in Northern Ontario. NOTICE â€" News items should reach correspondent by noon of each Monday; Several days in advance of Monday is even better. Hydro cuts affect all, and we endeavour to meet the situation to best advantage. Thanks for helping._ Miss Gloria Campbell has success- fully come through surgery for an- pendicitis. She was a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, TQl‘gnto. occasions during the Week end. They had H‘avelled by all“ for the diamond wedding anniversary iof Mr. and Mrs. 'James A. KnowleS, Aurora, parents of Mr. A. E. Knowles, and held last (Saturday. Miss Jean McDonald of Toronto also spent the Week enu Wh 1. m L' mower. ‘1 he McDonald family Ml Native 0f iY ne King Passes Wesley Kee cele- one day apart last McD MI nowle 0.00969090.009009000000000 0000000900009099900000... O Gurney Gas Ranges for Essotane Furnaces -â€" Air Conditioning Pressure Systems FOR INDIVIDUALS 0R FAMILIES Hospital, nurse, medic“ and surgical plans Beneï¬ts payable from one day to a lifetime MAPLE TINSMITH& PLUMBING SUPPLY Selling Your Home? CALL US 'Blue Cross Notice :Mrs. John Norris}, Blue Cross group leader at King', points out that applications to this hospitalizai‘on «Ian and also for dependents reach- ing the age of 18, this year must be handed in to\ her no later than Wed- nesday, December 15th. mwouwomommm» Mr. and Mrs. Ross Folliott of Strange are’ happy in the birth of their son, George Edward F'olliott, which occurred on Saturdav, Nov- ember 13, at York County hospital. The little chap weighed six hounds 13 ounqu at time of brth and is do- The funeral was held from Trinity United church. interment in Trinity cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson of King, who marâ€" ried the couple, assisted with the service. Many friends of the dis- trict were present. The tragic and early passin’g of the young man has aroused widespread sympathy for his bride and his family. They were not yet fully established in their home. The shock and loss to wife of de- ceased is indeed unspeakable. 13 ounces ing well. Mr. Fletcher was not thought to have been seriously hurt at ï¬rst and had attended a farm group meeting shortly afterward, developing! signs of grave illness. Two operations had been performed. It was said when necessary drugs ran out in Hamilton hisxolder brother, Stephen raced‘to Toronto and back in two hours on Friday, but too late to save the young man’s life. Deceased was a member of one of the district’s oldest and most prominent families. His father is Reeve Hiram Fletcher, prominent in milk producers organizations, and last year represented them in Eur- ope conferences. Surviving are his bride, his parents, an older brother, Stephen of Eastbourne Ave., Hamil- ton, and his younger brother, Don- ald at media] school of the Univer- sity of Western Ontario, London. HARVEY CUATHUP Laskay; United Chul' were occupying the represen‘fling the fa of the Fletcher fam “penning up“ with Ostrex. Contalns tonic [or weak. rundown feeling due solely to body's lack of iron which many men and women cull "old." Try Osttex Tonic T blets for pep. younger reeling. thls very day. Ne “get acquainted" size only 50c. For one at all drug stores everywhere. “Old at 40,50,601?†ixqusunqs nrepepvy‘ag 70. TFY DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE UNIONVILLE Low co ST PROTECTION arm. Mr. Fletcher Box 100 MAPLE Phone 100 Experienced Valuators ti) as- sist youxin getting the full cur- rent Market Price. Andrew E. Snider Prompt Personal Attention Real Estate & Business Broker Thornhill Office, Phone 12 Evenings Mr. Overbury 48'W' :- Mapl, You’re Crazy DAVID McLEAN Life, Fire, Automobile & Casualty Telephone Maple 102 Residence 62r32 INCOME PROTECTION ‘HEALTil/iï¬ï¬cfciDENTF L‘ASSDGlATlON’f General Insurance L. HOUSE remony held in the hurch. The couple the Fletcher farm: fourth generation amin on the same THE LIBERAI 2! F.L. LOWRIE, 12.0. OPTICAL REPAiRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 Tickets may be procured at the Department of Agriculture, Dress Optional Peel County Junior Farmers’ Third Annual Do You Need 3 Bathroom or a Hot Water Heating System? The down payment is only 10% and the terms are easy, spread over a period up to two years. We can install complete units with guaranteed work undena time payment plan. J. Carl Saigeon Agency MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K Installations, Alterations, Wiring And Repairs We service Radios, Washing Machines, Motors, Refrigerators and All Electrical Appliances. Richmond Hill Plumbing & Heating and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month “ AT HOME ’9 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Dec. 8th Maple, Ont. L110 [[10 DCCUHG anu I'UUI‘H] weanesuay of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON ‘ yes Examined, Glasses Fitted ’ Floral Designs CASA LOMA, TORONTO Thursday, Dec. 52nd FL 0 WEAR fl ELECTRICAL WIRING Your GENERAL ELECTRIC Store All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. 82 Yonge Street Wholesale and Retail Florist Johnny Perkins’ Orchestra B. W. MILLER esigns Cut Flowers Bedding Plants Delivery Anywhere in North York Phone Richmond Hill 296W YEREX ELECTRIC chm WE GROW OUR OWN Telephone Maple 11 Phone 242 Newmarket 9 :00 P.M. 11, Thursday, Decembel Admission $2.00 per couple P.O. Box 119 Telephone 2 1948