‘ooooooooooooeooooooogégpo WOOOOOWOOQ‘OOOQOOOOOO ?O9900.000M9000OOOOOONWOOONOOOWOOOWOt O09000006000669000WOWOMOMNOOOOMOOOMOO 00¢MOOW“MOOOWWMMWâ€W WHAT DO YOU WANT? WARNING: If you are a selï¬sh, greedy, gréisping’, human hog, l’hen don't vote for me; I would be ashamed to represent you. NOTE CAREFULLY: If you are a man or a woman who works. no matter where or how. who is willing to live and let live, andwho 011'y wants a square deal. then let me serve you. I KNOW HOW. MAKE BEEMER YOUR OWN COUNCILLOR I need your support: you need my services. WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS? All men and women, boys and girls have the right to live. All have the right to live in a house. WHO has any right to prevent them from building a house they can afford? NOBODY HAS. WHAT shall we do with those who try? KICK THEM OUT. I am continually dealing with the Government, with Boards, with Commissions, with Councils, with Lawyers and with the Public. 1 have a thorough understanding of Commercial Law. My business experience protects youn interests. ‘ deEI-I-IIIIIIHI-'.-.Diln-qu-on----â€"--. My satisï¬ed clients demand my services, knowing they will get prompt, efficient, honorable, courteous Service, without fear or favor. I‘. G. KICFFER, Maple W. J. BUCHANAN, Downsvxew : President - Secretary I 52 mfllllllfllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WHY AM I RUNNING FOR COUNCILLOR? ECAUSE â€" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Decembe1 President Ontario Co-operative Union Subject: “Co-operative Health, Life and Automobile Insurance.†YORK COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Board Room, Newmarket FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 1.30 p.m. SPEAKER MR. RALPH STAPLES, Toronto ANNUAL MEETING DIRECTORS’ MEETING 1 0 :30 THANK YOU I ELIAS A. W. BEEMER A vote fro BEEMER is a vote for YOURSELF. Your interests and mine are exactly the same. If you can’t buy property, I can’t sell it to you. If I make it possible, you can- buy it. I have been ï¬ghting for your interests for years. When I ï¬ght for you, Iï¬ght for myself. When you'support me, you support yourself. BECAUSE â€" JOHN g HOSTRAWSER i Continue Good Administration BOYNTON WELDRICK Reeve for 1949 Good Service Deserves Promotion Reeve for Vote to Elect Vote to Elect Electors of ' Vaughan Township Electors of Vaughan Township 1949 1948 And that’s where Captain Boldw‘i; and his keeper found llln’l,£uddled 1p in the wheelbarrow, looking less like a trespasser with every breath. The Captain felt duty-bound to assert his position and arrest the interloper - after all, his wife’s sister was a mar- quis. So he had little Mr. Pickwick, still asleep wheeled down to the vill- age and installed in the pound. some degree of trouble,†reflected Mr. Pickwick hours later, little gueSsing that Fate’s evil eye was still ï¬xed on him. .At that moment he received a nasty letter from the lawyers Dodson and Fog-g, stating that they had been insrtucted by Mrs. Martha Bardell (Mr. Pickwick-’s landlady) to comâ€" mence action against him for a breach of promise of marriage, for which the plaintiff placed her damages at ï¬f- teen hundred pounds. Early that morning, when Mr. Wat‘ (He had suggested a bit of shooting and a cold lunch on One Tree Hill. everyone lcapt at the chance for frisking' about in the bracing air amt absorbing some of the famous Wal‘dh punch. Even Mr. Pickwick, lame at he was with a sudden attack of rheu- matism, went along, trundled in a wheelbarrow powered by Sam Weller As they sat exhausted but» happily eating, not one of the party ‘37. I thought to the fact that they were trespassing on the land of that ï¬erce little military man, Captain Boldwig. Ml. Pickwick twinkled \merrily, com- fortably awash with punch, and Mr. Winkle was even emboldened to sug- gest more shooting. As they were leaving, Mr. Pickwick’s gentle snorts attracted their attention and they de- cided to let him sleep awhile. “We seem destined to enter no man’s house without involving him in - '1 “It’s a conspiracy, a base conspmr acy, fumed Mr. Pickwick, bouncing Going home to Manor Farm, in the reassuring company of his host, Mr. Vand1& faï¬hfu] SanL and the other Pickwicrkians, Mr. Pickwick learned the reason for his sharneful exper- iencc: \But ‘hefore long the redoubtable Sam Weller descanded on the pound and covered up Mr. Pickwick’s em- barassrment with loud Cockney threats for the assembled mob. And to make matters worse, hoodâ€" lums were collecting around me pound, bawling' insults at poor Mr. Pickwick‘s dejected little ï¬gure shut up inside. “For shame, Guv’ner, ’erefs somethin to keep [on com- pany!" cried one, as a large and smelly egg broke over Mr. P.ckwick’s chubby features. Many's the time Ml‘. Pickwick had passed the village pound near Ding- ley Dell and felt sorry for the as- sortment of livestock languishing there in the mud. But sorry was no word for his feelings the day he woke up from a. comfortable snooze â€"â€" m- duced by quarts of cold punch â€" to ï¬nd himself prone on a wheelbarrow in the pound, rubbing elbows with stray cats, returning the insolent starts of many dogs, and striking up a nodding acquaintance with some disreputable-looking geese. Mr. Pickwick Sub-Division 1â€"Thornhill Polls open from 12 o’clock noon to 8 pm. POLLING PLACES For further Information, apply to the Township OITice, ELECTION DAY, DEC. 6 . M. MCDONALD, Returning Officer Of The Rad.o aughan Township 6â€"Purpleville . . . . . . . . . . . Stump's House 7â€"Elders Mills ,, Jas. Hamilton’s House 8â€"â€"â€"Kleinburg’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. I. Hall Qâ€"Nashville . . . . . . Omar Devin’s House 10â€"Teston . . . . . . . . . . Roy Wilson’s House 11â€"â€"Elgin Mills . . . . Mathew Paton's House 12â€"Richvale . . . . . . . . . . W. Baker's House 13â€"Vellore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Township Hall 3â€"Edgeley .. 4â€"Maple 5â€"Pine Grove 2â€"Patterson ELECTORS Maple up and down on the sofa. But while he kept, insisting that the whole af- fair was simply ridiculous, he c0ul<l-‘ n’t help remembering that Mr. Win- kle and Mr. Tupman had once come upon Mrs. Bardell reclining; in his arms. while he soothed her _an- guished tears away.†And when he saw that Winkle 11nd Tupman could- n’t help remembering, too, he felt very shaky 'indeed, and determined to go right round to see Dodson and Flogg without further ado.‘ If you‘re on hand when the Pick- wick Club meets this week, Monday, December Gth, you’ll hear more about Mr. Pickwick‘s hunting- ex- perienccs -â€" in the ï¬eld of rabbits and grouse, and love. Broadcas/t time is 8.0-0 p.111. on Dominion. White elephants Lucky Draw (9 prizes) Afternnon Tea Tea Cup Reading Apology goes a long Christmas Cake Shortbread Home-made Bread and Rolls Pies, Cakes and Cookies African Violets, Cacti, Plants Flower Pots Used Clothing, when, women and Aprons Lmldl'en’s Blouses Mitts " mys’ Sox, Men‘s Sox Felt Beanies and Belts Blidge Table Cover Luncheon Cloths .Pillow Case§ (Hand Embro'dered $2) Baby’s ClotTaes (layettes) Men’s Felt Slippers, Girls’ Slippers Perfume Wash Cloths Little Girls’ Nightgowns Towels Doll Clothes Candy Books and Toys Needle Cases, etc Under auspices Thornhill Women‘s - Institute SATURDAY, DECEMBER Alth 3 pm. Bazaar ‘Ml'. John Allan who has been] teaching grades 4 and 5 in the pub- Kic school here will be leaving at the Christmas holidays to ï¬ll the posit- on he acceped as teacher in the ul- tra-modern public school recently completed at Weston. Mr. Allan has ‘;een highly successful in teaching here, and very popular with the pu- nils, and it is with real regret that the community learned of his resig- nation Mr. and Mrs. A Martindale spent the week end at‘ ~ayuga, Ont., vis- iting with Mr. Martindale's parents Teacher ‘A_ccepts Position at Weston Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. B. Ross, Steele’s Ave., on Thursday afternoon, December 9th. For transportation, meet at Griffin’s sore at Steele’s Ave. Mrs. Geo. Stokes of Winnipeg vis- iteo mm unends at Locust ,Lawn last Sunday. Mrs; Stokes, who lived on Yonge St. in rhornhill some yea_rs ago, came to Toronto to attend the funeral of her broï¬her, Mr. Roy Ker- foot. Miss F. Clubine and Mrs. Wells also attended the funeral. The Woman’s Auxiliary of Trinity Anglican Church met at the home of Mrs. Price last Thursday afternoon to pack a bale for the West and two parcels for needy people in England. LAWRENCE MEMORIAL HALL STOP 17, TgORNguLAL THORNHILL Don Head Farm Office SALE Children’s Table Home Baking doesn’t’ \‘come easy but way. childnn Cornish’s Store Township Hall in Masonic Hall Masonic Hall Edgeley Hall 06090090996909900999000990 9.6m4 Thorixhill Phone 11 Real Estate & Business Broker Evenings Mr. Overhw-y 48W OOQOMQMOOWâ€ONOOâ€N Inter-locking Concrete 00900099999990†960990009 40 0 § Selling Homes Is E 3 3 ? 9 Our Business G960¢M¢¢® #0604?) eaeewooooo Many thanks to my friends for nominating me as candidate in the coming: election of Vaughan Towin/ ship Council, 1949. I regret I am unable to stand this year, however May I solicit your influence and vote for Mr. Elias Beemer. ' Block .Jmmcdiate 0r Spring Deliver) V. Bastard 300960900060009000$90900¢0 JENNY’g ï¬ress mwp Company Limited Whereas the Head Office of the Company is now located at Premises No. 6 Church Street in the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario. And whereas it has been deemed expedient that the location of ‘the same should he changed to Richvale in the Township of Vaughan in the County of York in the said Province' 1f Ontario THEREFORE be it enacted by the Directors of Geo. P. Do-we Company Limited as a By-Law of the said Company as follows: That the Head Office of Geo. P.Dowe Company Lime ited be and the same is hereby chang- cd from No. 6 Church Street in the City of Toronto in the County of York to Richvale in the Township of Vaughan in the County of York and Province of Ontario. Passed this 26th day of July, 1948 GEO. P. D‘OWE. President E. WIHYNOT, Secretary WE hereby certify that the fore- going is a triie copy of By-Law No. 7 of Geo. P. Dowe Company Limited passed at a meeting of the Directors of the Company held on the 26th day of July, 1948 and unanimously con- ï¬rmed at a meeting of the Share- holders of the Cnmpany held on the With day of July, 1948 at which all the Shareholders of the Company were nelsonally present. DATED this 9th day of November Specializing in Ladies’ and Children’s Wear Yonge St. 1948 “0040900009090900096049060 BY LA W NO He forgot about trains at grade crossings. 51x g‘ymnasmms Immanufacturers of antiseptics. nesday DE11\RTMENT 0F HE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH )f ay He got at 10 -\ch night. The funeral esday. He othbru: The dc year. DAVID McLEAN He brushed _v with a r Phone CARL E CEO. P. D'OWE. President E. WHYNOT, Secretary temp esh alist CYRIL (CY) BAKER nchr Edy; PHONE US NOW uck VISIT Almost Perfect Th ornhill 22015 DOWE COMI’AN Y LIMITED m but never more than HILL, KI.D., M.O.H Ave., Richvalc 11 ill of Geo. P. Dowe sul'Vlved by 125 health institutes, and numerous health food and diet with plenty mmed teeth twic aliy advert Thornhill II him ~\ L'l‘H Y 0 RE Wed leep QOQOOWOOOOOONO¢OOOOO¢OO¢000000600600006.090600900‘ 200â€000Q~MO0W0â€WMâ€W 2060mm... Q‘OOOOOQOWNOOQOOQOONOGOOQOOOOOOOOOOMMQOW QWWOOOOOQQOOWOQNNWOMOOOWO0OWGMM 00MOO¢96M0®0©09$0$006 OQOQQQQQO¢-¢0¢0¢OOQQOQOQ0000: “OQOOMOOQOOOOOOO0960450900¢â€O¢OQOQMOâ€0WO0â€â€˜ 200%000000609¢6W0090000OOOOOOOQOOMNOOQNOOONNW ï¬cMW€¢O®GOQO¢0NOOOOW®Q9900M 9 00909900690009â€. We have room for more pupils, especially for 10 years and up. Join now and be in 3 § time for the Spring Recital. § 9 00 90090900000660000990600006900066060900.00006000000 DOOOOOOOOQ 06¢O§OOO00000090009960.0906000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOâ€OQ ELECTORS OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP ELECTORS OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP Saturday morning classes, cemmencing December 4th, will now be held in the new Audimrium of the Public School. Election Day, Monday, December 6th Your VQ‘tQ and influence respectfully solicited to RE-ELE‘CT and scarfs in downtown show windows were styled and produced by us in our modern fur shop Do you know that some of the lovely fur coats CARL SHAW VOTE TO ELECT _ Albert Rutherford COUNCILLOR FOR 1949 Three Year’s Service on Council Themhiiï¬ Furriers MARY GREEN Salami 0% Dancing GREEN LANE, THORNHELL COUNCILLOR FOR 1949 right in your own neighborhood? CHRIS. ADAM REITER Telephone Thornhill 37r2 An Experienced Muni‘cipal Administrator Councillor for 1949 Counciilor for 1949 3 JAS. H. g RQBSON g Three Year’s Service on Council BERT PHELPS Vote to Re-elec Vote to Elec Electors 0f Vaughan Township Electors 0f Vaughan Township