Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Dec 1948, p. 4

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CLASIFIED ADS in these columns are charged at the rate of 7 cents per line, with a minimum charge of 35c for any one advertisement. This i; ‘the cash rate. When ads are sent by mail remittance should accompany gopy. When telephonedy remittance should follow promptly; if not paid within two weeks there will be an extra charge of ten cents for billing. For use of box number, the charge is 10 cents. Co-operation of adver- tisers using these columns will be appreciated. The Liberal. mediate possession. ‘Hot water heat- ing, modern kitchen and bathroom. laundry tub, double garage, chicken coop, lot 75' x 280’ on Yonge St. at Langstafl". $3500 down. Phone Thornhill 12432. c1w25 LIFETIME all ‘metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum 01' steel baked en- amel finish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. c12w23 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone annj Thornbill 168 SPIQCIALS .clearing; .at cost while they last: Hand-knitted cardigans, pullovers, sleeveless sweaters, after- ski sox, hand woven bag‘s. LaGrove Gifts and Handicrafts, Thornhill 102. BUINGALOW. Clapboard, 87300.. Im- QRNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply '1‘. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 FARMALL‘TRACTO‘R AND PLOW. 2-fu1‘1'ow rubber mounted 1946 model. Price $850 complete; also a few used cars“ Can be seen at Fleetwood Service, King City. clw25 IRISH SETTER DOGS, 18 months male, registered â€" also puppies champion stock by Sir Michael of Devon. Reasonable. Phone Thornhill 12432. c1w25 éhape. Apply evéning‘s, Mrs. Bart- lett, south of Victoria Square. “‘1w25 1940 CHEVROLET COACH, in A] condition, new tires; radio and heat- er. Privately owned. Phone Maple 311‘13. c1w25 8-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE dark oak, square table, long style buffet; also vanity dresser. Willow- dale 2808, 299 Drurie Ave.. Newton- brook. c1w25 5 ROCK PULLETS, 5 months 01 pply John Allen, Regent St., Elgi Mills. \ *1w25 GEESE AND DUCKS for Xmas and New Years. We take orders. Mrs. Donald, Elgin Mills, Maple 4‘91‘22. ‘CHIVLD’S BIKE, two wheel sidewalk bike. Call after 4 p.m. or Saturday and Sunday; Mrs. C. Green, Essex Ave. 7 *1w25 HAIRDWOOD cut intd stove wood. All body wood. 1 bicycle in good condition. Apply Sam ‘Mashintel', lot 31, con. 2, R. R. 2, Maple. *1w25 MAN’S SKJATES, size 10, in_ A1 RACER BICYCLE and ladies‘ pleas- ure skates, size 7, both like new; muskl‘at coat, size 16. Phone Rich- mond Hill 441'32. c1w25 COLLIE PUPS, born heelers, 1 pedi- greed Ayrshire bull calf. Phone Stoufi‘ville 64105, Mervyn Summer- feldt. c3w24 POWER cement mixer, 11/2 h.p. en- gine on trucks. Phone Willowdale 8423. *1w25 mug order. Richmond Hill 1948 ES‘S‘OTANE‘ STOVE, used 7 weeks. Will sacrifice .f01' $135.00. Phone Maple 1131'14. C1w25 OAK DINING ROOM SUITE, 9 pc. .2; condition; also combination radio and electrical record player. Nearly new. Phone 22 Thm-nliill. *1w25 FOWL, ’75 New Hampshire Laying Pullevts, bargain. Willowdale 869-2. P. Smith, 111 Centre Ave., Newton- brook. *1w25 193$) CHAMPION STUDEBAKER Sedan, completer overhauled $900. Phone 37212 Richmond Hill. 20tt'c EOAL AND WOOD RANGE, “Mo- dem,” excellent condition. Apply Box 12 Liberal. c1w25 1929 2 SE'CON‘D CALF COWS, due to freshen right away. G. Stone, 1086 Sheppard Ave., E. Lansing, phone Willowdale 913.. Two TON TRUCK; HALF TON TsRU'C‘K, both 'in good condition. Phone Maple 691'13. *1w25 If; PIGS, 10 weeks old. Apply W. Morrison, phone Richmond H111 1621‘2. *1w25 ATTRACTIVE Ivory Mantle Can be bought on easy terms. COAL SPACE HEATER [Richmond-Hill 7T. 1948 CHEVROLET, one ton new. Write Box 357 Richmo fij'RD SEDAN, super de luxe 1941, in good running order. Phone Maple 241‘21. clw24 NINE CHICKENS, about one year old. Essex and Rock, $20.00. clw25 FU'R COAT, gray mouton, size 12 phone Richmond Hill 36-1113. c1w25 LOAM, rich dark sandy loam Reid, Thornhill, phone 77M. 4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, December 16. 1948 Classified Sale 85 Want Ads RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 35 cents for first inger tion am) 25 cents 101' each subsequent insertion. O'vel five lines x? cents per line extra each ms ertion. If charged to account nine cents per hue Telephone‘Richmond Hill 9. CHEVROLET SEDAN, in run- order. Apply 15 Hunt Avg, FOR SALE me ton truck Richmond Hill. *1w24 clwz Radio 311W. tfc46 L. W. tfc42 Phone c1w25 1w25 1w25 Nominations will be held for the position of Trustee by the Separate Schol Board of Richmond Hill from noon until 1:00 p.m., December 20th. 1948. in the Hall of St. Mary's Cath- olic Church, Richmond Hill. HARRY E. PALMER NEW BLANKETS for Old Woollens! You can use old woollen socks, unâ€" derwear, blankets, scarfs, sweaters etc., as part payment for new, high- est quality Blankets, Auto Rugs, Ski Cloth, etc. A new. All-Wool, full- size blanket can be obtained for a: low as $33.00 with 12 lbs. of old woollens as part payment. Write today to Dept. 47', Midland Mills, Midland, Ontario, and ask for free price list. AGENT for Mofl'at 'and Essotane Gas Ranges, J. A. Rose, Maple. Phone 34J. tfc15 CUSTOM grit grinding, rapid new method, service at your barn for your convenience, corn on the cob, grain and alfalfa hay. Metro Sudeyko, phone Stoufi‘ville 62520. c7w21 large assortment of~sizes 110W hand. Wednesday or Saturday 0' appointment. Phone ‘2 Thornhill MILK SHtIPPfERS â€" note special price on Calf Startina for one week. It. pays, it saVes. It’s cheaper than milk feeding. JEFF JACKSON, CALF FEEDERS LOOKâ€"Save mon- ey. Most important raise better cal- ves with Purina Calf Startina. RADIOS repaired, prompt pick-up and delivery; electrical contracting. J. Read, phone Richmond Hill 3461- 12. 4:6le ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering‘,.â€" cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc CUSTOM ploughing. Harry Burns phcre King 2114. WELLS dug 01‘ cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work done, rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap- ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 971-23 5‘: tf chg. 52 ‘SNOW'PLOUGHIKNG: Fred Taylor 74 ‘Richmond St., Richmond Phone 463 COMPARE these prices: Soft slabs. $13.00; hard slabs, $17.01); h-NR limbs, $18.00; body hardwood 3215'. All wood bone dry, cut to desired length. Fred Taylor. 74 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. Phone 463. tfc25 Bring your shoes I will repair Done with patience And the best of care Shoe laces and polish sold. Also get your ’winter supply of potatoes here. A Pearson, Shoe Repair, Richâ€" mond 812., Maple. c4w22 WE ARE AGENTS for Kitchener Big-4 Chicks. They are fine chicks. It’s doubtful if you can buy any close records tell of their livability and layability. If you are interested in good returns on your poultry in- vestment â€" buy Big-4. It’s none too soon to be thinking of that 1949 order. Contact us: Wesley Clark, R. R. 2, Gormley. NOW CARRYING a fairly complete line of hardwood and softwood lum- ber, rough and dressed. Reasonable prices, prompt delivery. Fred Taylor 74 Richmond ,St., Richmond ‘Hill. Phone 463. tfc‘25 TREE FELLING, woodcutting, un- safe limbs removed; hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed: buildings moved and raised. Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. Phone 463. tfc25 SKIS, 7 ft., with excellent harness, good condition, used slightly. will 9"" roomnable. Apply phone Stouff- ville 67516/ *1w25 Thornhill 177 BEATTY washing machines cle. Phone Thornhil] 177. Thornhill 168 WOOD, dry hardwoud, $17.50 per cord, delivered; custom chain sawing Phone 228 Richmond Hill. tfc24 LINEN SU'IT, new, mustard coloured size 42 hip, $10.00. Phone Thm'nhill 192r14. *1w25 PEDESTAL BASINS. Phone Thorn- hill 177. c1w25 FOUR NEW SUMP PUMP-S UIRL‘S' COAT, SUI'DS, DRESSES sizes 14, 16. Box FOR REAL ESTATF REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Commercial and Domestic All Makes King P.0. Phone 2616 King GORDON CHALK 46 JOHN ST.. THORNHILL Phone Thornhill 250 MISCELLANEOUS Veterinary Surgeon NOTICE glam: chhanrre. a of sizes 110W 6'11 or .Sagm‘daynqr by 49IR21. *1w25 phone Fenn, tfc46 25 cy clw2 c2w25 Phone c1w25 hfc25 OOOO”.”OOOOCOOOOMOOOON POULTRY, any quantity, best price. Will call immediately quest. Phane King 35114, A. IMMEDIATELY for waiting clients suburban homes, farms, country es- tates, licensed hotels, and business of all types. David McLean, real estate and business broker. Thornhill 0f- fice, Yonge St., phone 12 or evenihgs Mr. Overbury, phone 48w. tfc18 All -are invited to attend the Christmas program being presented in the United Missionary Church this Sunday evening by the children amJ young people. There will be special duets, a mixed quartette and a num- ber by the young people’s group Rev. Barley will bring a short mess age. 73451675356. Phohe Maple 7014 write Mr. A. Whaley, Conco1‘d.. clV BUSH LOT, heavy, close to Richmond Hill, with 91- without property. com- n.._.l rm... blété or selective lor, 74 Richmond 4G3. HOUSEKEEPER for modern home adult family, all convenience. steady employment, good remuneration and working conditions. Apply Box 91 NOOOWONWOOMOOOOO CARPENTRY TRANSPORTATION The Libéral Ofi‘ice SINGLE ROOM, Thornhxll to Aurora near Yonge St. Floor area approx- imately 150 to 160 square feet, with- out meals. Write_ 157 Glen Foxes? Professor and Mrs. E. Smith Peggy and her children were enter- tained at dinner Last Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. G. Barrett. Toronto 12, Ont THREE unfurnished rooms, for young couple with small baby. T. T. 'C. employee. Apply Richmond Hill. phone 322W. "‘2w24 FOR Lu;~ V‘.v.- r“ semi-bungalow Richméhd Hill‘ R.' H. 'Kan‘e, Realtor, Richmond Hill c2w23 {'OUNG FEMAL-gQAT, p‘art B. Cuber for several days last week in Fordwich. Several of the new homes in our community are now showing signs of completion. In the past two weeks Mr. and Mrs. C. Doner and also Mr: and Mrs. F. Harvey have moved into their new homes. Very soon Mr and Mrs. John Sider, Mr. and Mrs Norm. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Philips expect to occupy their new homes. We are pleased that Mr. John Smith will soon be permitted to leave the hospital: Mr. and Mrs. R. Brillinger and EL don and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Steck- ley and Eldon of Victoria Square visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs SKATES, plain, size 4, white size 3 figure, sizes 2 and 4. Jefi" Jackson Skate Exchange. Phone Thornhi‘ll A2; We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Wm. Bruce has been on the sick list for several weeks and we wish her a spéedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones and Joyce of.Dixon Hill visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sider. I A 1A,, :.. Luc ll\r||l\. u Mrs. Pelli‘nénevntré-i'tairned the ladies of St. John’s W.A. in her home last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Alex Bond of Toronto spent last week-end in the home of his mother. -- A1 WOMAN WANTS WORK. One or two days cleaning, eta, each week. Phone 312M. clw25 EHILD’S' HIGIH CHAIR with tray, in good condition. Phone 39'0‘W after 6- evonings. Richmond Hill. clw25 \Last Friday afternoon Mrs. Chas. Hoover visited with Mrs. A. Gooding and also Mrs. E. Jones. Mrs. J. Cherry of Barrie visited Mrs. E. Jones on Friday; also Mr: and Mrs. W. Steckley and Grant of Barrie called at the Brillinger home and had supper with Mrs. J. Steckâ€" ley and Clara. nu. . u..- -.__ _ \The Stouffville-Gormley male quartette assisted in services at St Catharines mission last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Shupe spent several days over last week-end in Kitchener and New Dundee. Miss Marilyn Barley was a visitor of Miss Carol Mansbridge of Rich- mond Hill on Sunday. anu with. u. gnu.“ Mr. J. Stevens spent Sunday 'in the home of Mr. and Mrs‘. O. Hei_se. J. Sider had Mon- day evening supper in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bayrett.‘ ‘JPERAiTVORS on blouses; also girls to‘ learn. Apply Mayfair Mfg. C0,, Richmond Hill. 13th KITCASH for small cottage, Rich- mond Hill 01' Vicinity. Apply Box 50 Liberal. *1w25 all El‘écuk.‘Ffi'éh‘eriiEfidefd Him 340.]. *1w25 .moq fiumaom Kitchen cupboards a specialty Alterations, Etc. Interior Trim EGLE ROOM, Thprnhill to Aurora B. MOUNTJOY FASH punyhasegbungalow 01' 77-1. Phone Thornhill 2151'4 GORMLEY WANTED LANGSTAFF LOST LON C‘oncord' to oquoxoll AumfioAlumop éiiitihngréd Tay» St, Richmond Hi] 25th Over on 1‘9- Magee. ‘l‘Owl? Persian )1‘4 01‘ c1w25 c1w2l5 c1w25 arket 2W25 SEVENTH ACCLAMATION FOR NORTH YORK REEVE George H. Mitchell has been re- elected by acclamation as Reeve of North York Township for the 7th consecutive time. Deputy-reeves In- gram and Deacon with councillor I“. W. Bartrem also received acclama- tions. Ward 3 Deputy-I‘eeve Boylen won in a contest with F. J. McMah- The Young People have decided to attend a Christmas pageant to be held in Carlton Street Baptist Church on Sunday evening, December 19th. Cars will be leaving the corner at approximately 6.45 pm. Those wish' ing to attend kindly be ready at that time. OOO””QOWOO”O”OO”OO‘ MARKHAM BREEDER. VICE-PRES. GUERNSEY GROUP Congratulations to D. G. McAllis- ter, Richmond Hill, who has been el- ected first vice-president of the Can- adian Guernsey Breeders’ Associa- tion. The Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs A Boy Scout Troop thh four pat- rols to date and'a Wolf Pack with three sections are- now meeting each Monday night at eight o'clock in the Victoria Square S. S. Room. ANGLICAN MEN‘S CLUB The Men’s Club of St. Mary's Ang- i’ican Church were hosts on Monday evening: to the Men’s Club of both the Presbyterian and United churches. The meeting was addressed by the well known Bacteriologist, Dr. Geo. Stanley of Toronto. Dr. Stanley, who was introduced by Alf. McLatchy, was for inany years connected with the Research Insti- tute of Ottawa and now operates his own laboratories, specializing in the field of conservation. The Brdwnie Pack invites 1 mothers and members of the I Association to see their Chl‘is1 Basket which will be on displa: their regular meeting on Decex 18, 2:30 p.m. in the Presbyte Sunday School, before being d ered. During the course of a most interâ€" esting address in which the effect of bacteria upon our daily life both in peace and war was discussed, D1 Stanley held the complete attention of his audience, and at the conclu- sion of his remarks very kindly agreed to answer the many ques- tions put to him by his lisbeners. Altogether it was one of the most interesting evenings the club has had this season. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Boynton had iinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. Jonh- son on Sunday evening. Choir practice will be held on Sat- eray evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Perkins. All meim- veils are requested to be present. Last Monday night forty-four boys were present, an increase of eight over the week previous. Also pres- ent were several adults, who looked on. All parents are welcome at am‘ ltime to be present at meetings and o observe what goes on. The meetings are held in Victoria Square Sunday School room because it is a‘ central place of meeting for the whole circuit and district, inas- much as boys are coming from Gorm- ley, Headford, Browns’ Corners and the territory in between, and may Vet come from even greater distances. Monday night was selected as the night of meeting. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brown of Rich- nond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mortson‘ Wayne and Bruce visited with N11“ 'nd Mrs. R. E. Perkins on Sunday :vening. Misé C. Heise visited on Wednesâ€" {3y with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. San- .erson and -Mabel. WOOMMMMONM The district is fortunate in finding well-qualified leadership in the im- mediate neighbourhood â€" some of whom are newcomers to the Town- ship. The leaders include, Mr. Mc- Kendry of New Gormley, member of Fairlawn U. C. and active on the Of- ficial Board for over ten years, Scout Leader for districts; Mr. John Brown lust out from England in June and formerly very active in Boy Scout work in London, England. John at- tends Browns’ Corners U. C. and is working for' Mr. and Mrs. Black â€" also recent arrivals in Browns’ Cor- ners; Mrs. Jim Hood, Anglican and past-master in the art of giving leadership to growing boys through the medium of the Wolf Cubs organ- ization. Her work has been out- standingly successful for over eight years ahd she has.taken three cour- ses in this direction. CHRISTMAS DANCE In aid of Doric-aster Community Hall Admission 500 §a§a§a§a§a§a§a§a§a§fia§a§z VICTORIA SQUARE MODERN AND OLD TYME Wednesday, Dec. 22nd The Staff of this Department thank the Citizens for their co- ‘operation during 1948 and wish ‘ to all ‘DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK LAWRENCE MEMORIAL HALL, THORNHILL CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.0.H.3 Happy New Year A Merry Xmas Euchre 8 pm. sharp Dancing 9 pm. GUIDE NOTES â€"andaâ€" n Décein Presbyter being de the: iV‘ OO“MMOOOOOOOOO“O°OOO ONOOOOOOOOWOOOOOWMO § Property Sold OOWOOWMN“ OOOQOQMOOOWOOOOQOOONOO Inter-locking Concrete WOONOO“OOOOOOM Club Meetings, Dances Phone 8015 01‘ 8068 Willowdale WWO”OQMWOOOOO Painting & Decorating Block Immediate or Spring Delivery. Elgin SL. Thornhill 3 Phone Thornhill 109M 3 OMOOOOOOOQOQOOOOOOOO“ : OOOWMWO””OO 0 BUILDING g CONTRACTOR 2 LESLIE SARGEANT Phone Richmond Hill 414M We héve waiting clients. Some with cash, for suburban homes, farms, country estates and var- ious types of businesses. MARKETERIA SIRLOIN STEAK .. 1b. 670. Fancy Peas 2 Corm Syrup 1333-250 STOK LEY‘S HONEY POD Evenings Mn. Overbury 48W BEEHIVE and EDWARDSBI'RG Fruit Pudding . 32 Edgar Ave., Richvale MIXED NUTS WEINERS Real Estate & Business Broker Thomfiin Office, Phone 12 SHERIFF’S Hall Suitable For DAVID MCLEAN CHRISTMAS CANDY ‘ SPECIAL SELECTION 0f GRAP EFRUIT - APPLES - ORANGES DOMESTIC SPANISH ONIONS F911 RENT Phone Thornhill 2201‘5 A. ROLLINSON Grates and Chimneys PHONE 77 PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED PHONE .77 Ve Feature DAILY DELIVERY in the VILLAGE 0r Receptions First Class Work V. Bestard A Specialty HILLCREST MARKETERIA MEAT DEPARTMENT FEATURES anable WEEK-END SPECIALS flute 123 YONGE ST. QUALITY F'CIDDS . lb. 450. BOLOGNA PURE PORK SAUSAGE .. lb. 45c. MAPLE LEAF COTTAGE ROLLS 11). 69c. 2 Box. for 35 Cents Your Friendly Village Store 20 oz TINS TIN 39c \xTomalo Juice 2 23c ORANGES 5 Lb. tin NORTH YONGE YOUTH FOR CHRIST Size 344 Navels 590 35c (‘AROL SING THE SEXTETTE THE STAFF INSTRUMENTALS SURPRISES YOUTH SPEAKS TO YOUTH SATURDAY. DECEMBER 18th, at 7:45 pm. LAWRENCE MEMORIAL HALL, THORNHILL Stop 17, Yonge St1‘e& Free Parking Courtesy Thornhill Golf 01le QAROL TIME Nibiel Corn . 2 DEL M AIZ Fruit Cocktail GLENWOOD FANCY QUALITY ROUND STEAK .. lb. 65c SALLY ANN POPCORN it TIN 20 oz TINS 14 oz 1b.. 390. 35c 350 Fifi

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