Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Dec 1948, p. 6

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{‘31 LACKBURN’S§S git TO EVERYONE I A MERRY CHRISTMAS ' '5, A .. .. h ,_ -v,‘_..m v; , , .. .. fiamw nfinzfiifiu‘ #6721385” bOOOOOOOQOGOOO60009000606000OOOOOQOOQOOOOOOOOOOOQ000 29000096900090.00000“0”OOONOOOOOOOO”MO“OOOOOOQ 3 Auto Wreckers 6 : Richmond Hill l‘hone 5‘6 3 00 u90¢00000096000000ooooonoooooo QOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO mammame J A Glad Yuleti e .J. i In: “L .V uz. m a: CHRISTMAS 1948 i 99.09600 -IOOOMOOOOW“MOO“MOMOWWW1 WINDSHIELDS AND DOOR GLASS INSTALLED - PARKS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. z. D. RAMER 8 SON Blackburn’s Appliances 81 Sales 0 E N a N c NOBLETON COMMUNITY ARENA THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursd They can offer for Immediate Delivery Wednesday, Jan. 5, 1949 'l‘hm'nhill Yonge Street To Everyone. May the bells ring in not only a glad Xmas day, but a New (Ihirstmas offers us all an opportunity to say things to our friends that perhaps should be said more often, but custom and a busy world cause us all to wait until this time of the year when we consider the past and think seriously about those with whom we are associated. This brief message is all too inadequate to express our appreciation for your consideration and under- standing. Extend their best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year year crammed with happy days. REFRIGERATORS, RANGES, Washers and Radios SAFETY GLASS ANSWELL APPLIANCES EXCELLENT PROGRAMME WESTINGHOUSE GRAND See Posters Later Phone 161 Thornhill Decembel 1948 b.9900... MAEâ€"1516f hޤ “ and happier housing in 1949. -~ The annual Sunday School enter- tainment was held on Thursday in the Church. Beginners classes, in- cluding the children of the church nursery department, were guests at 3.30 in the afternoon, and at 7.30 in the evening the balance of the Sunday School enjoyed the annual visit of Santa Claus. ' Lions Club Holds Christmas Party Thornhill District Lions Club turn. ed itS regular meeting on Monday night into a Christmas party for members, their wives and children at Lawrence Memorial 'Hall. The pro- 2‘1‘am, planned by the Boys and Girls Committee under Rev. Ed Kent, in- cluded films and the singing of Christmas carols. Santa Claus dis- tributed gifts to each child, and the wives of the Lions were given hya- cinth plants through the generosity of C. Geo. McCullough and his green- house men, Ernie Kohler and Mike Marsbergen. B. Pocklington was master of ceremonies and the even- in;r closed with refreshments being served. C.G.I.T. Meet For Christmas Treat The C.G.I.T. Christmas Party was held last Saturdav afternoon in the United Church Hall. Patsy Hunter and Lois Forsythe were the two lucky prize winners in the games depart- ment. Carols, plays, refreshments and presents from the tree provided a happy afternoon. Brownies Observe Christmas The first Brownie pack of Thorn- hilliheld a party for their mothers ‘n Thursday, December 16th. in the new hut where thev now meet. Five new brownies, Katherine Carruthers Martha McNeiIl, Sandra Edwards Sunday School classes have been withdrawn for next Sunday morning. However there will be the usual Jun- ior Wirshippeds League and Nursery Department at 11 am. The Sacra- ment o_f Baptism will also be observed at that time. At 7 p.111. there will be a special service featuring carols, and music by the choir. {heirvmothers 'at a Christmas party in the Church Hall on Monday after- noon. Twenty members weye pregent Annual Ratepayers' Meeting At the annual ratepayers’ meeting to be held in Thornhill Public School on Wednesday evening, December 29 at 8 p.m., the question of an addition to the school will b decided and the annual report by the chairman of the board will be given. A good attend- ance is expected. Thornhill United Church Notes The annual Christmas white gift service was observed in the United Church last Sunday morning); at 11 pm, There was a good response and the gifts have been sent to the Fred Victor Mission. The Mission Band. under leader- ship of Miss Florence Clubine, assist- ed by Mrs. G. Russell, entertained Doncasler Ladies Club Doncaster Ladies Club held their Christmas party at the home of Mrs R. Mottershaw, Clarke Ave., last Tuesday evening. There were carok contests and ganies arranged by Ddrs Loverock, Airs. Peacock and Bars Russell. Prizes were won by Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Law and Mrs. Russell. Chfishnas gfits were exchanged and everyone had a good time. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Law on Tuesday ev‘ening, Jan- uary 4th. Man . Thornhill District News Real Estate & Business Broker - Thornhill Office, Phone 12 Evenings Mr. Ovel'bury 48W The down payment is only 10'. and the terms are easy, sprmd over a period up to two years. Do You Need a Bathroom or Hot Water Heating System? We can install complete units with guaranteed work under a time payment plan. DAVID McLEAN Richmond Hill Plumbing & Healing Do you know that some of the lovely fur coats and scarfs in downtown show windows were styled and produced by us in our modern fur shop right in your own neighborhood? Thornhill Furriers GREEN LA NE, THORNHILL Yonge Street CHRIS. ADAM REITER l'hunc Richmond Hill 29(5W Telephone 'l'hornhill 371'2 United Church Sunday School Christmas party will be held Thurs- day, December 23rd, with the beginâ€" ners at 3.310 in the afternoon, and the balance of the Sunday School in the evening. In addition to films, there will be two short plays put on by members of the C.G.I.T. under the able leadership of Mrs. A. Martinâ€" dale. S 'l“ Friday, Eve) light Sunday Home for Christmas from Bible (‘ollege at Fort Erie is Bruce. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van'derbent. 'l‘hornhill United ChUrch Notes Susan Margaret, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker Lord, Thqrnhill. was baptized by Rev. E. E. Kent in the United Church last Sun- day morning. Christmas Day Christmas Day Sunday 9 am. Sunday, December 26th â€" Mormng Prayer, 10 am. Friday. December 31% â€" “Watch Night” Service, 11.30 p.m. A very efficient Brown Owl, Mrs. J. Sanderson, assisted by the Tawny Owls, served cocoa and cookies. Fat Collection Will you please save all Christmas waste fat, strain into a clean can (not }ar) and have it ready for your 10- cal Cub Pack when thev call early in the New Year? Many residents have been enquiring as to when this next collection would be made, and Cubmaster Mrs. Tom Jackson has promised to have the Cubs call soon after New Year’s, lst Thornhill Cub Pack held its Christmas party on Tuesday after- noon. Between twenty-five and thir- y boys sang carols in front of Derry Giles’ home before holding their par- v in the Scout house in Thornhill Park. Nancy Lee Shortt, Patsy Collin§, were enrolled in an interesting ceremony There were typical Brownie games and singing of Christmas carols be- fore each Brownie presented her moâ€" ther with a package from the Christ- mas tree containing tiles which had been decorated by the Brownies them- selves. ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN C'HURCH KING I can do a kindly deed, I can help someone in need, I can sow a fruitful seed â€"â€" Lord, show me how. I czm feed a hungry heart, I can give a better start, I can fill a nobler part â€" Lord, show me how. DAILY PRAYER I can do some good today, I can serve along life’s way I can something; helpful say Lord, show me how. can can can can can can JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH OAK RIDGES m right a human wrong, In help to make one strong, m cheer by smile or Song â€"â€" Lord, show me how. m aid one in distress, m make a burden less,“ ‘n spread more happiness â€"-â€" Lord, show me how. STEVEN‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH. MAPLZ December 24th (Christmas â€" Holy Communion (Candle- sel-vice), 10 pm. December 26th â€" Evening Prayer, 7 pm. P.0. Box 119 10:30 a.m’. December 26th ~< Prayer, 1121b a.m Holy Communion Holy Communion ~ Morning We consider that this is a refin- able request, but as “somewhere else” to steal from may conceivably be one of the neighbouring Townships, \vc would suggest to anyone wishing to brighten the Yuletide Season by a stolen Christmas tree, that the best and biggest ones grow at the North Pole. IL isn't far to Bethlehem town! It's anywhere that Christ comes down ‘ And finds in people‘s friendly face A welcome and abiding place. The road to Bethlehem runs right through To homes of folks like me and you! NOTICE l‘lease Do Not Steal Will the people who usually steal their Christmas trees in the Town- ship of Whitchurch, please buy them this year, or steal them somewhere else. and grated rind and pour slowly over sifl’ly beaten egg whites, stirring unâ€" til] well blended. Fold in drained raspberries. Yield: six servings. This may be served with custard sauce or the fruit juice (2 cup) left from the fruit, thickened with 1; teaspoons cornstarch. The following notice appeared in last; week’s issue of the Stoufl'ville Tribunez" The home economists of the Con- sumer Section, Dominion Department of Agriculture, have developed some other uses for frozen fruits in the holiday menu. They nope you will like them and that they will add to your enjoyment of “fresh fruit” at Christmas. Soak the remaining 1 teaspoon of gelatine in the remaining 2 table- spoons of cold water and dissolve over hot water. W'hip cream, add gel‘ atine, sugar and vanilla and mix well. Spread as topping over berry mixture in refrigerator tray. Return to refrigerator and continue freezing until firm, about 1 to 2 hours. Gar- nish with a few whole berries. Yield: 3 teaspoons gelatine 4 tablespoons cold water ‘/2 cup whipping cream 1/1. cup sugar 1/5.: teaspoon vanilla Thaw strawberries, press through a sieve (reserving a few whole ones for garnishing). Add remaining juice from berries to make up 11%; cups. Add sugar or corn syrup. Soak 2 teaspoons of gelatine in 2 tablespoons cold water and dissolve over hot water. Add to the berry mixture, pour into refrigerator tray and partially freeze. All Santa Claus magic is not nec- essarily found in Christmas stock- ings or under the Christmas tree. Children and adults alike get a big thrill out of finding new and edible treats set before them at Christmas time along with all the traditional feast-time favourites. This year, let us try to preserve the Christmas spirit in our meals throughout the whole of the holiday season. Let us give our families a real treat by ser- ving more frozen fruits to add freshness and glamour to the dessert course. Of course nothing is a bigger no- velty than to be able to enjoy fresh fruits such as strawberries, rasp- berries and cherries out of season. These can be served simply as fresh fruits, as a garnish to dress up a plainer dessert or with plain cake or biscuit dough as shortcake. No mat- ter how you serve them, you will be sure that they will be acceptably re- ceived. six servmgs Cherry Sauce 11/2 cups frozen sour red cherries ’ cup cherry .juice ‘A cup sugar '3 teaspoon cinnamon Few drops almond extract 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon water Fresh Fruit For Festive Season By Consumer Section Marketing Service Dominion Department of Agriculture Santa Claus Mousse 16 02). pkg. irozen strawberries (syrup pack) tablespoons sugar or white corn syrup PLEASE DO NOT STEAL BETHLEHEM IS NEAR F'i ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL . 5% .. “g NEW WINTER SPORTS CENTRE § AT THORNHILL ,. :5! a: Sincem Greetings *E ...Q‘ p n Wfirfir 'k A ‘6 fl? 5‘ TICKETS $2.00 ‘ . For tickets call Florence Reeves, Woodbridge 49R11 = g. A CHRISTMAS WISH ‘3: (OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOMOOO0.66066000OQOONOQOOOOOOOOO‘): GQWQMQMQQQWQQ94>”OWQQQQOQQQQQQQNQNOQQMQOO Sig North York Young Progressive Conservatives Egg; A90O90”O“.OM90”O”MWOOOONOOOQOG§WWW 9000OQOMQO”Q09000OOQO”OOOO¢OOOOOO”OOOOOOOOOOONO Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted BY AUTHORITY OF A RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE BOXING DAY; Monday, Dec. The New Uplands Golf and Country Club is now nearing completion and offers its facilities to all winter sports lovers. There are splendid ski trails winding in the bush to satisfy advanced skiers as well as beginners; a new skating rink for pleasure skaters as well as for hockey practice groups, toboggan slide, and so on. F .L. LOWRIE,R.O. and the Second and rourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON PENN REAL ESTATE? OPTICAL REI’AiHS BROKEN LENSES REP Prescrlpmms for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hm 83 EYESILHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, J an. 12th CHRISTMAS DANCE PICKERING COLLEGE, NEWMARKE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29 as May we assure all our clients of our continued efiorts to assist them ' throughout the coming year. We wish them a very jolly Xmas and a glad New Year. To thank our many patrons for business in the past year, and to look forward to a continuance of Olll' HAROLD MORTSON Massey-Harris and Beatty Dealer Refreshments served a civic holiday, in the Township of Markham. Proclamation EVERYBODY WELCOME TOWNSHIP COUNCIL, Service is our motto. PHONE THORNHILL 168 I HEREBY PROCLAIM pleasant association V. W. GRIFFIN, Rec BROKEN LENSES REPLACED in the new Club House. eve, 3-3:: a?

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