'â€" LEGAL Jos. Rabinou'itch, BA. MEDICAL EAlil'ilS'l'l‘llx'. Filldt lTUIi trillii'c lll'iiirs NOTARY PUBLIC Livâ€"lo a.m.. 13*: tk oâ€"â€"c Successor to IL. L’. Jordan and by appointment OiTit‘t‘ lliitll's‘ 777 liaily lit in .3 I),i‘ii, .\l.\I’l.l‘: ' Evenings -4 ’l‘ucsday. Thursday and Fridays, >4 In It) And by Appointment it! Yonge S1,. Richmond Phone Richmond Hill MORTU AGE LOANS .\ llRANOlil) Cook & Gibson Barristers, Solicitors. etc. Wm. Cook. K. C. Ralph B. Gibson. K.C. J. J\. (libson Toronto ()fl‘icc: 1'12 Federal Bldg. S3 Richmond St. West Hill " “ND " 2211 HOL'RS: p.m.: (Tl’lVlt'l'I ‘.I<l la.ni.: 1-,": appointment only. 122 Yonge Street Telephone loo Richmond Hill, Thursday t'orenoon Dr. I). Hou‘e __ Maple, 'lhursday 'afternoop (-mml. St. 1.3. Hiphmund “i1: Money to loan at (urrcnt hate “Wâ€: A...†mm; 3“; PM; on». vim. . Holidays and Sundays: ) . . fl1a0(;r€!/0r (£3 “Illson. Emergencies and appointments only .-\LEXANI)ER )‘lacGREGOR. ice. ’l‘vlovhnnv 2‘1 Richmond Hill ALBERT J. \Vll.SON, M.A. BA R RIST E RS (SH Confederation Lite Building ELgin BUZZ†Toronto . ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~,â€" Adelmo M eleccz Walter S. Jenklns From the Toronto Conservatory of / Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public MUSIC Will accept _"‘ number 0f Impll“ Residence - - TS Poyntz Ave. Lansing, Ont. Willowdale 308 Room (36. 18 Toronto St., Toronto Phone AI). 5877-84) Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries N. L. MATHEWS, K.C. K. M'. R. STIVER, B.A. B. E. Lyons B. A. JOSEPH VALE NEWMAR‘KET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. iPhone 126 Phone 120 M acN aughtonv & M acN aughton Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. Alex M. MacNaughton iMcKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street, Toronto, Ontario T. C. Newman BARRISTER SOLICITOiR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON {)3 Yongc Street Immediatly North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto OtTice~18 Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Stuart P. Parker Barrister information phone Mrs. 108 Yonge Street; F o r P'AI A N O ‘ Dramatic Art “HO-MEWOOD HALL" Thornhill, Ont. A ccountants Accountants ~â€" Auditors A. S. Farmer 26 Years Experience ing Townships a Specialty Address: Gorinley P.O. Notary Public Richmond Hill .‘lEiSJ 36 Centre St. W. LANG, MlCliENER. DAY & CRANSTON 50 Kingr St. \\'.. Toronto Waverley 2931 DENTAL Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST YTONG-E AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE 70 RICHMOND HILL I Dr. P. R. MacFarlane DENTIST Closed Wednesday all day GAS EXTRACTION â€" X-RAY Phone Woodbridge 172 Dr. M. J. Quigley AUCTIONEERS a specialty. VETERINARY Veterinarian Dr. J. Sheppard VETERINARY DENTIS'I‘ Centre St. TV. Richmond Hill FORMERLY 0F THORNHILL Office phone 360W Res. 36‘0J Announces that his office is now located -at the City Limits, North Toronto, directly opposite the Term- inal, over Liggett's Drug Store. Phone Office: HYland 9300 » Wright & Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBUTLAN‘CE SERVICE Richmond Hill, Telephone 15 Branch Offices at THO-RNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Slaughter Houses emergency service Thornhill 1971‘5 ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE' STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Bathroom Cabinets, and Garden Trellis. Repaired Aub. Nichols Phone Richmond Hill 58J Miss Alice Mecredy Miss Sylvia Mecredy Suite 404 â€" 2329 Yonge St. TORONTO â€" ELGIN 3810 AUCTIONEERS Telephone Stouf’t‘ville 7312 Official and Accredited (5 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday. December 130, Itt'lSl Dr. R. .4. Bigford pm. Phone 3.; Dr. Jas. R. Langstaff Dr. Geo. A. Thompson IiiS p,ni. Sundays and Holidays by Richmond Hill Dr. J. P. Wilson in PIANO, ORGAN and THEORY )Iylks Phone Richmond Hill 102r13 Marguerite Boyle Elccution. Public Sieakin ', 3. Phone 89w W. Ernest Lansdown 8; Co. York County. Uxhridge and Picker- Farni Stock and Furniture Sales Solicitor Ken & Clarke Prentice Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House Furniture. Real Estate Sales With Dr. s. W. Armitag‘e, Maple Small and Large Animals Dr. A. J. MacKinnon SURGEON SANITARY CONTRACTOR " Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants, Pumped Out and Repaired Out of town day or night Phone Willowdale Zone 8288 WOODWORKING WindOWs and Door Frames Window Screens, Storm Sash Cupboard Doors, Berry Crates, Rose Lawn Mowers Sharpened and SHERBROOKE (Subject to change) E. J' Robertsâ€"Radial Stationâ€"Phone 177 hold 2 At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O., phone Aginceurt 52w3 Markham P.O., phone Markham 206 No sale too big or too small INSURANCE R. H. Kane REA l. E s'rA Tr: iNsi'nAxi'iC 'I'clepiiwnt Ill Ricki alfl lilii MNSI'RANCE or ALL KINDS llll‘l'L"l c of tire piop4i‘ty I'\\'ll(’l‘> should revicn their ill\l‘lllllt’(‘ policies. and due to the incl-cased cost ot' materials would be well advised to inci‘care the amounts of insurance. .Xlw) car owners who think it will never happen to them are caught some time or other with- out protection. The cost is a minor amount to what ii \\'lll cost if an ac- :ident happens. Consult A. G. Savage INSI'RANCE AGENT Richmond Hill Telephone 118 hazards \\'i1h Il.c m I J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC. CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire. Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill. Ont. Telephone 87 mm». MWWOOW WOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMO“O MOWOOMWW Roy V. Bick Life, Fire. Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto AD. 0311 16 Centre St. West Phone 55 Richmond Hill weooooouomuwmum SAND â€" GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE GENERAL HAULAGE Orval Jones Lang‘stalf Phone Thornhill 217r21 Reverse Charges “MOOWWQ OOWOOOOWNW O OOWOWMâ€OMOM LA N G D O N ’ S COACH LINES Daily Service to Aurora from King, Nobleton. Schomberg Saturday Night King to Aurora 9. Coaches for all Occasions Telephone King 56 oooooooooouonmouwo J. Albert Hewitt A ROH I TE C T Mem. R.A.I.C. Highland Lane, Richmond Ilill Telephone Richmond Hill 3-12J i t g ‘ OOOOOOMNOOWQO ’: t § § i i Forth Electric ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PHONE SCHOMBERG (it) Farm 8; House Wiring oomooowwouommo 00600“6m06 O 3 O O 3 O O O O 69 “MMOOMWOOOO†CARPEN TRY Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Alterations, Etc. Interior Trim B. MOUNTJOY LA NG~STA FF Phone Thornhill 21514 Helen Simpson Lyiiett J. F. Lynett Phone Richmond Hill 1341‘31 â€Â¢â€Q.q.mmggw.. i i l.21>l Tuesday e\ ciiing' [alike group of Junior Farmers troni oi't ihtir Public Speaking and Am- in i atcur Ztillt' 'l t‘Hlllt‘SiS. iinination contests had (lcclarcd Myrâ€" ia ('oulson of IllQ L'nionville Club the public speaking winner and Margar- lintcrtainment intrics Previous county c l- et \Vatsen's “Yelloi'c Troupcrs" comâ€" posml of Duncan Watson, Wood- hridgc. Mason Fletcher, \\'oo(lbridgc and lien Maidmcnt, Woodbridgc, thc Amateur l‘lntertainment winners. In the zone competitions these enâ€" trants competed against North Siniâ€" cUt'. South Sinicoc, Peel. Dull‘crin. Grey. Kroc: and Wellington. Mr. Stan Stecn. District Director for Peel and Dull‘erin directed the even- ing and was assistd by other juniors particularly (leorge Faris from South Simcoe and Phyllis Black from Peel who kept the group well entertained during the song. The judges included two ladies and one gentle- man, Mrs. Dorothy Bowman from Newmarket Dramatic Director at the summer Junior Farmer Camp acted as one official and made a splendid commentary. sing Competing against stif’f competi tion Myrna Coulson led the Public Speaking Entrants with her approp- riate and well delivered address on “Youth and Its Responsibilities.†The judges' commented on this address for its sincerity assize and mOde of delivery. Other camper juniors will recall Myrna's oratorical ability when she delivered the address at the camp church service. Later she was pop- ularly elected as the “Spirit of Camp" for her ï¬ne contributions to that life. Myrna will now enter the ï¬nals in competition with other zone winners at the Federation of Agriculture Ali- nual Meeting in the King Edward Hotel on January 5. At this comâ€" petition in addition to the ‘l‘egular address the contestants will he called upon to deliver a three-minute imâ€" promptu speech. In second place at Camilla was Jean Black from the Bolton Junior Farmers in Peel Coun- ty speaking on the same subject fol- lowed by Francis Boyle the Bruce County entry, speaking on “Well Diggers.†“The Simcoaires" a lot of junior farmers from South Simcoe County captured first lion« ours in the entertainment contest for their renditions of songs which in the judges’ opinion had not only rhythm and harmony but a distinct finish and polish to their work. In second place was a pantomime play and party staged by the Ripley g'roup 'from Bruce county and in third place was the “Vellore Troupers†from the Vellore Club in York County. The double quar- 09mm...qu E. J. J‘IINSON Interior & Exterior Decorator RICHMOND HILL Phone 2’2J Box 268 OOOOOOOâ€MO¢OO¢â€WO†«unmwowwowmu 9 g Happy New Year 0 and happier housing in 1.949. C DAVID McLEAN Real Estate & Business Broker Thornhill Office, Phone 12 Evenings Mr. Ovcrbury 48W § WW mmuoowouo O the Yolk ('ouniy drove to (‘amilla to supâ€" Zone Speaking Crown T0 Myrna Conlsen 0f Unionville :i l'CIH't’SL‘ll‘! .lhdu‘cs enjoy \i‘i notch lllt \ai-- iety of ciitciiu‘. ni.:i‘ iii the York group and appruiutul their rhythm but admitted tic renditions were somewhat still. The Trixie Junior Farmers from Pcel had a very enter- tainine‘ tunil.>ling act, EDGELEY The annual meeting of the l‘idgt'lky ('omniunity Hall will be held in the Hall on the evening of January tith at X o'clock for the purpose of electâ€" ing one and the transaction of other important business. Everyâ€" one interested (and that should mean all who at one time or another wish to rent the hall) come out on Thursâ€" day evening, January (ith, and elect your man. Women's Institute trustee The Edgelcy \Tomcn's Institute meeting will be held Thursday atâ€" ternoon, January tith at the home of Mrs. Frank Loekc. at 2 p.ni. Roll Call is a quilt block and the inceing is under the direction of Mrs. Ed Phillips. Historical Research is the subject of the meeting. S‘OCial Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dalziel were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mai-land and sons, Tony and Chris of Green Valley Farm, Kleinburg, and formerly of This was Mr. and first Christmas in Surrey, England. Mrs. Mai-land's Canada. Christmas guests at the home of Mrs. A. Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs. Kerr-Taylor of \Vestt‘ord and former- ly of Sligo, Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price and sons of Mackville, Mr. and Mrs. Clclland Thompson and sons, Emery, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong. Mrs. Elliot and Miss Evelyn MeTague of Toronâ€" to, were guests of Mi'. and Mrs. C. S. Stong on Christmas day. Farm Forum Kindly remember the Farm Farum is to be held on- January 6th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr. The subject for discussion will be “A Cushion for Disaster.†Everybody welcome. LIVELY CIIRONKCLE OI“ CANADA New book “Harvest Triumphant" Tells Story of 100 Year Company Harvest Triumphant â€" the story of Masseyâ€"Harris by Merrill Denison. McClelland and Stewart $3.50. “Unaccustomed as we are,†says William Arthur Deacon, Literary Ed- itor of The Globe and Mail, “to indus- trial history, it must come as a sur- prise that the most important histor- ical narrative published in Canada this year is the story of Massey- Jiarris. Still more surprising is the fact we have here no mere vault of success in dollars, nor only informa- tion about the mechanical improve- ment of machines, but soeial histor.V of an engrossing nature." The story written by the facile and .l'orcoful writer, Merrill Denison, au- thor of Klondike Mike and other books is the story of Canada's growth and development, the opening up and settlement of the West, and the prob- and cons of the ubiquitous tariff ques- tion. In terms that are intelligible and interesting to the general reader, the author traces the influence of agri- cultural mechanization on the world's economy. As a footnote to Canadian history his a new and illuminating picture of Canada’s social and economic dev- elopment, hitherto a largely neglect- ed ï¬eld, that will prove of absorbing interest to the general reader. The book is highlighted by sets of illus- trations based on authentic historical prints and records. . . RICHVALE' FLORIST o . - . Funeral Dcsngns â€" Wedding Bouquets Our Specialty g i 0 3 “.0â€. 09...â€... com «9†Mixed Bouquets City and Suburban Delivery Order early to avoid disappointment Flowers wired anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. Phone Richmond Hill 3441‘2 OONWWONâ€OO“QWWOOOOOOMWâ€O customers a very 102 Yonge Street ‘IV“V-ti-Ai-I -('-|i-Ir-l -li-t -T-U-(i-U-U-U-(> ! ! l ! l ! ! Wish to take this opportunity to wish all our prosperous ! ! ! l ! ! I ‘I|-‘T-ll-AI-I>.U-Il-U-U-II.0-ll-ll-lI-U-U-l)-tl-l I-o-i I-u-lI-U-u-! BETTLE’S Coffee Shop 8 Dining Room and successful New Year. DINING-ROOM OPEN ALL DAY NEW YEAR'S DAY Richmond Hill .iI-Ii-nl--'-"-i-iI-"a"ui‘QI'-ll-i‘EI'-l‘Gt’-ll-tl-\'QU-|‘,U-U-|'-t"E l “00.00000MOOOOOOâ€OONNOOOOO00000.0â€...WOâ€: WE OFFER OUR CONGRATULATIONS â€"- TO â€" The Richmond Theatre SEATING EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY CANADIAN THEATRE CHAIR 80., LTD. 40 ST. PATRICK STREET TORONTO, ONTARIO 99090960ooooooooouommmoooooo 0600960â€. i E ’3 z z i i g zâ€â€œWOMâ€â€OOOQOOâ€OOOOO000090,.009090†; i i i 2 i % With Every Wish For Succ’ess to The Richmond THEATRE Richmond Hill, Ontario D. M. Smith & Co. HEATING CONTRACTORS 932 College St. Toronto, Ontario OOOOOOOâ€NOOOâ€N«WO§WO< 9.0â€.â€0WOWOOMWOOOMNWONOMMM ’ . OQOOWWWWONOâ€WWNOO OOWOWOONNQW4 i i 3 3 z § § t z g i $000090.omoooouoooomwnooounomooommo Congratulations and Best Wishes i. Richmond /Wowa( W, MM "timeout Richmond Hill’s Fine New Amusement Centre. Decorating by Charles Davies DECORATOR Auro '21 Ontario : i 3 2 § § § § § : § § : § 6 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O X 0 O O 3 i O 2 g 3 O O 3 2 O O O O O O O O O O 2 O O O 6 § 2 O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O "QOQQOQQQC6QOQOQOQOO00009000QOOOQOQOQâ€OOOOOâ€OOâ€O é