- ' St. West, Newmarket, Ont. 4 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday, January 6. 1949 ’z‘ :â€"â€" .OJI ‘ l l .â€"-â€"- â€"â€"r__._____â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘ IATESâ€"Five lines or less, 35 cents for first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over l‘ five lines 7 cents per line extra each ins ertion. Il' charged to account nine (‘ellls per l'c '1 Telephone Richmond Hill 51. ll FOR SALE SEDAN. 10318 OLDSMOBILE Orig- inal owner. Apply Maple :Hw. *lw281 Wliume “1mmâ€. FOR REAL ES'I‘A'I‘E phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tic-i6 1930 CHAMPION STUDEBAKER Sedan, completer overhauled Phone 37212 Richmond Hill. Billie PIANO, Mason ,& Rischv excellent condition. Apply 6 Centre St. E†Richmond Hill. *1w2h‘ 'COLLIE I’ U P, pedigreed, sable and tri-coloured. Phone {ichmond Hill 308 M. l “'28 l 3000. Phone 178.]. l l WANTED 3 (ZR It FULL or ball days work by Phone that]. TRANSPORTATION to Toronto, leaving- Elgin Mills around H230 a.m. ele’h‘ 10 OR 12 TONS HAY, preferably clover. Apply Samuel Mashintcr. R. It. 2, Maple. *lwfla' ' MAN TO CLEAN WELL. Apply M: l I Mark- '5‘1w'_’t~‘ Bayview Ave., Phone 4615. Dowlc, near ham. TO BUY: 20-50 acres with reasonably 1925) FORD SPORT COUPE, lieatci'.lgood buildings, at fair price. Apply defroster, new battery, in good shape.’ Box 75. Phone Richmond Hill 308M. *1w28 USED surge units, all guaranteed. Apply H. Elliott & Son, 160 King: St.,' Weston, phone 1015.]. *1w28 COAL AND WOODvRANGE, all on. amely almost new. Apply Lester Brown, King 2 ‘ 22. c1w‘38 CUTTER, in good condition, complete with tongue and shaft. mond Hill 155. PLYMOUTH COUPE, good heater. fan, completely Richmond Hill 447W. c1w28 11136 condition, winterized. 1041 GREEN CHEVROLET. Pick up with racks in good condition. Apply Chas. Phillips, 114 Yonge St., or phone 197M after 6 p.m. *1w2b‘ ‘HYBRID PULLETS, soon be laying. Phone Mrs. Montgomeryy 3141‘23 May Ave., Richmond Hill, Stop 24A. c1w28 TWO RESIDENTIAL LOTS, corner Hall and Wright Sts., opposite High School. Mrs. A. Robertson, Box 323, /Baysville. *2w2‘7 ’WOOD, dry hardwood, $17.50 per cord, delivered; custom chain sawing Phone Richmond Hill 228, Jack Leary, Gormley. tfc24 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire Screens, fire sets and acetylene Weld- ing.‘ Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill 168. tfc46 ONE PEN of light Sussex yearling hens; one pen of Black Minorca hens; three young geese; two Pekin ducks; several pair of Bantams. Phone Map- . ‘e 181‘4 after 5 p.m. *1w28 .IFETIME all metal Venetian .linds, aluminum or steel baked en- amel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 406. 40 Ontario c12w23 “REAL GOOD LUCK â€" was proud of them†says customer Mrs. Wm. Tucker, Sheffield, Ont., of Bigâ€"4 Chicks. Place your order here and save time and worry. Canadian Apâ€" proved, backed by a breeding pro- gram on our own farms. We don’t think you can do better. Get your order in soon. Ask us for prices. Wesley Clarke, R. R. 2, Gormley. SUNSHINE CHICKS FOR 1949. Big husky, proved money maker chicks from fast growing, high producing, blood tested breeders. Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, Red Rock Hy- brids, Rock Red Hybrids, Cornish Red IH-ybrids. 'BR & VI"L Hybrids, English White Leghorns, Mixed as hatched 15c; pullets 28c, Cox (SC. Or- der yours today. Sunshine Hatchery, 'Chatham, Ont. tfc28 CLASIFIED ADS in these columns are charged at the rate of 7 cents per line, with a minimum charge of 35c for any one advertisement. This is the cash rate. When ads are sent by mail remittance should accompany copy. When telephoned, remittance should follow promptly; if not paid within two weeks there will be ah extra charge of ten cents for billing. For use of box number, the charge is 10 cents. Co-operation of adver- tisers using these columns will be appreciated. The Liberal. FOUND FOX I-IOUN‘D. Owner may have. same by proving property and payâ€" ing expenses to T. Barnard. Bayview and No. 7 Highway. *tiw27 OWOâ€OOâ€Â§O 990900â€... MAPLE TINSMITH & PLUMBING SUPPLY Gurney Gas Ranges for Essotane Furnaces â€"â€" Air COnditioning Pressure Systems, L. HOUSE Telephone Maple 102 Residence 621‘32 «ooowwoowouooouoooo i: leT POULTRY, any quantity, best market price. Will call immediately on re- quest. Phone King 351‘14, A. Mazee. ‘10w18 BUSH LOT, heavy, close to Richmond Hill, with or without property, coinâ€" plete or selective cutting. Fred Tay- lor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill 463. 25tfc Apply Ric'h- FEMALE HELP: Female cashier for 01“"35' retail store about ten miles from THE AL HARVEY SHOW takes its Richmond Hill. any, references and 7220 Aurora, Ont. State experience if age. PO. Box c2w27 IMMEDIATELY for waitingr clients. suburban homes, farms, country es- tates. licensed hotels, and business of all types. David McLean, real estate and business broker. Thornhill Of- ï¬ce, Yonge St., phone 12 or evenings Mr. Overbury, phone 48w. tfc18 GIRL_wants housework by day or week. Apply Agnes Bryson, Wood- bridge R. R. 2, Phone Maple 661'5. 1 wt} 8 4 OR 5 PAISSENGERS to Toronto, leaving Richmond Hill 5:45 a.1n. to King and Sherbourne Sts.; leaving Toronto 5:30â€"5:45 p.m. Phone Char- ley Sinclair 309J evening's. c1w‘28 MISCELLANEOUS SNOW'PLOUGHIN‘G: 74 Richmond St., Phone 463. Fred Taylor Richmond Hill. hfc25 Lanes Phone Willow- *12w‘28 S'NOWPLOUGHING driveways. Apply dale 2508.W. H. Gooderham.. AGENT for Moffat and Essotane Gas Ranges, J. A. Rose, Maple. Phone 34J. ‘ tfc15 _________.._.â€"â€"- CUSTOM grit grinding, rapid new method, service at your barn for your convenience, corn on the cob, grain and alfalfa hay. Metro Sudeyko. phone Stoufl‘ville 62520. c7w21 DIABETI‘CS â€"â€" Write for your sug- arless chocolate bars, candies. jams, biscuits. etc. Diabetic Foods & Sup- plies, 60 Hayter St., El. 6805. *3w28 ORDERS will be taken for private dressmakingr after 7:30 p.m. in the evening". Phone Richmond Hill 350 r13. c1w28 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood rarving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed, cement work done, rockery stone, sand and gravel. Apâ€" ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 871'2 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 971'23 tf chg. 52 COMPARE these prices: Soft slabs "1:13:00; hard slabs, $17.00; hard limbs, $18.00; body hardwood $21 " All wood bone dry, cut to desired length. Fred Taylor. 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. Phone 463. tfc‘25 NOW CARRYING a fairly complete line of hardwood and softwood lum- ber, rough and dressed. Reasonable prices, prompt delivery. Fred Taylor 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill Phone 463. tfc25 TREEâ€"FELLING, woodcutting, un- safe limbs removed; hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed: buildings moved and raised. Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. Phone 463. tfc25 LOST ROUGH HAIRED IBLACK DOG, ,arg'e with brown markings, white on zlicst. Phone Markham 831-3. c2w27 GREY KITTEN. Friday. Child’s Pet, answers to Fritz. Phone Richmond Hill 291. ’1‘2w28 FRONT BUMPER: with license plate 6446 attached, complete with spot light. Finder kindly phone Harold Burn. Maple 541'2. clw‘i’8 BLACK COCKER SPANIEL, male, from new residence at 25 ROOsevelt Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Parker. Apply Liberal, Box 25. .c1w28 l’I'T WIRES L'NDERGROL'ND London. Ont., began putting its 0v. crhead street wires underground 26 years ago and in that time has spent $350,000 in carrying; out this work. C\'(‘llillg‘$_ Polly ('l‘t's‘i Lodge. I‘liu'ili Mills ITNI. and the holiday session with Mr. Damon. ____ > a. TO RENT ACCOMMllliATlllN wi'h bit-Lil. CI\Y37 LOVELY ROOM. l'urnishwl. in new brine, suitable for 1 mi 2 business lieolile. I'hlilie lfll‘yi'j'l. l-lwï¬n name from the chap in the picture. lAl and his pals cavort between 7:00 and 7:15 every Tuesday evening over CB'C's 'l‘rans_('anada network. A rollicking favorite Canada and Great Britain he took to the stage immediately after the I’irsl Gerat War, Al's specialty is novelty in since song's both new and old. Als pals are Dixie Dean and his Ilnderl'ed Quintet and announcer Dirk Mac- Doug-.11. EDGELEY Well. certainly Old Man Winter di.l his worst to New Year's plans this year. For many, they were shatter- ed for this year. and in other Case‘. Sunday was the day the family oath- cred together. Since this New Year? weather the known for almost one hundred years, not maiiy was worst of us will encounter the same dis‘ appointment again. So let's forget it, eh? Mr. Donald Dalziel and little Miss Anne. spent a couple of days during; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dalziel We regret to report that Mrs All Bagg has been on the Sick list luv some weeks. and still better But we wiin her a speedy and Com- plcte recovery. Mrs. Rage very much missed in the church all social gatherings. She was the ever- reliable pianist. At the Annual School Meeting; last week, Mr. (larnct Ketl'er resigned as trustee. Mr. Kcll'er has been a l'-nth.. l'ul trustee for and could quite conscientiously from the position. Mr. Keli'cr he succeeded by Mr. Eldon li'ierhcller. The trustees for the coming year are Mr. Sid Broadbclt, Mr. Charles Agnew and Mr. Eldon Fierheller. We wish these men a very successful year. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stong‘ entw- tained the following guests on Sun- day instead of New Year'c Day. planned Mr. and Mrs. llciman Mortson and Misses Joy and Margin-x. et, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morl- s-on. Wayne and Bruce, \'iclorl.t Square, Mr. and Mrs. llarold Mort- is not is and several years, rcl ire will 218 5011. Richnmnd Ilill, Mr. and Mr: Walter Bone, Carrvillc. and .\Ir.:. Banks. We regret that Mrs. Annie Morlsoi was conï¬ned to her bed over the hot. iday, owing to sutl‘erinc' t'rom a very severe cold. She is slowly ing. The Farm Forum will he the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. (1. Ref. fer, on Monday, January llith. The subject for the meeting will be “A I'Ct‘O \'C I" held at Matter of Policy." Everybody wel- come. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Broadbelt and Margaret and Doreen had New Year's. dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Broadbelt's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong spent Sunday with Mrs. Stone’s Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton. parents, The defense attorney was examining the witness, a fetching blonde with lovely, big blue eyes. The lawyer leaned forward. “Where were you." “on Monday night-H The blondc smiled sv.'eclly. “.Auto» mobile riding," “And where were you,†the lawyer. “Tuesday night?" "Automobile riding," beautiful blonde. The lawyer leaned still closer, “And what," he murmured. “are you doing tomorrow night 1’" The prosecuting ('I'OSSâ€" he thundered. was her reply. bellowed repeated the attorney leaped from his chair, “Your honor." he protested, “I object!" The prosecuting attorney drew himself Lip in righteous indignation. “Because.†he snappe l, “ I :ls’IU‘II her ï¬rst!" il‘iiaridiradii Taxpayers Will Pay in Two Instalments In 1949 INAI’GLRAL MEETING M AR KH AM TWP. (‘OI'NCI L IIELI) MONDAY AT I'NIONVILLE Alllllxlldlll township lilii‘llitA'l‘l‘s \\;ll pa) ilnir lllll' llev‘. in law instal- .i-‘llis liistiail of one. it was decided 'l'r‘ .z'ullgnrni liik‘eliiitr pl" [be [Hallsllili rounlil h-ld Monday at l'n- pnville. The izew system was piw powd by Iieuvl‘ Vern llrlll'in who pointed Hlll that the two paynpnl >y~lwn would ieducc lown>hip bore wailing and should mean substanliul‘ .iunc's In the ratepayers. line dates new pol dclinilr-iy derided but likely \‘ill be lixiwl in .luin- :ll'll November. lilher ll‘zl illi‘L‘l" concurred in the sue"â€" Lil'slilll‘. and trua>urer Illiover pointed til it of lZZXl'u in the m. ol' change ol' ownerâ€" would si'nplil'y division \‘9 \lli}: if' pliipei‘jv. at the in- nugural meeting which was attended all Deputy-roevc Win 'l‘iinbeis who stepped up from coun» lipeve lilill‘n piesided by mcmbcis. riilur wrl‘picd the deputy's chair for lhc liist time, councillors Harbor and Wicks as councillors r'mm last you] Rae look IlIS seal for the ï¬rst time. At the opening ceremonies Rev. W. S. llull nl' I'nionvillc United Church .slililit‘ bricin and led in prayers. The usual appointments by-lnw was passed naming: W. lâ€. Kincaid a mcn‘fler ol‘ the Board of lleallh lo sl-ive with lccvc (Iritl’in. Dr, C. ll. MaeKay M.O.Il. and Charles Hoover. (‘lnrcnw Widcman was named were returned and councillor loberl i‘lt‘l'b’. sanitary inspc. tor iii an annual -.‘:i‘:ii‘_v ol' sink. and tho reninncialion l'or niembeis ol' I'mard of Health was ill- id at [\‘Sllli poi meeting- plus lravi-IL ine' expenses. The salary of ‘hc Medical ()tfirer of Health was sot at Sl’il‘ll per annuin. R. .l. Allan was reâ€" appointed school attendance oï¬â€™iccr :il a salary of 3‘75 per year and will rcquiied three :‘uring the year to the council. be to make repm 1s Art-hie l’lemming' will carry up as assessment commissioner but the by- law appointing assessors was ros- lt i< likely applications wib for an Mr. No action was l.ii\cn on cindcd. be invited assistant '1» I’lcmminc'. the appointment of a building inlets. tor but it was intimated this was an appointment to be made at some fu- ture meeting. The Reeve intimated that th.‘ ceun cil was considering calling a meetinz': of school board secretaries for a general discussion of educational matters with the view to encouraging all prusible savian in school section budgets. I In a discussion of assessment mat- school trustees and ters which has been a rather live is- sue in township affairs deputy-reeve Timbers said he would like I.) know to_da_v whether or not the council VALI’E FIELD ("ROI‘S ltllh‘ EXCEED 1017 li‘iist estimate of the value of the principal t'l'lips on Canadian farms in 1048 is placed at 81.505 million. Thi_.- figure has only been cxccedul once previously, in 1010 i while val- lies in excess of 81,100 million welc recorded in only two years, 1020 and planinal to go ahead will: :he vain system of a~sc~smciit. L'isl you w :in lion was adopted that lhr Iii-s n- ship adopt lhc card system oi as sessmcnl and that steps be taken llr put the policy into operation. Iil‘IM‘l'i to >Olll(‘ I'cutul'es slur-e exception ol‘ the raid \vstcm a\ he understood it. The (‘riincilbir Rae took lcrve pointed out very clearly that not wmmit particular the motion adopted did the to adopt any raid sy>tcm. In l'acl the counriI has council not never had any intention of adopting" a complicated card system listing- light water I‘ll‘\ and bathrooms as had been intimated by some durng the election campaign. The council simply is makinu‘ an clâ€- lot to gel the assessment on sonn- deTinile system. not the old hit-andâ€" miss guess system which resulted In and plugs. many incl'pialities. “We're not seeking: to raise the, as- scssment†said councillor Harry Bar- btr, “we only are striving to equal- izo it." “The card system simply said the Reeve “that all properties will be measured and classiï¬ed under certain broad classiï¬cations, and all means" information kept on file in the town- / ship oll‘ice. Changes and additions are kept account of as building permits are issued. Some work will be done on it this year. It certainly won't be ï¬nished this year. but we would hope to have it completed by the end of 1030. The assessment this year will be carried out in the same manner as last year. and when the new system is adopted it will be adopted for the whole township at the same time." The next regular meeting ot the township council will he held at Ur.- ionville Monday. January 17th, at .30 p.m. 0000000 OOOâ€09â€WOW Property Sold We have waiting clients. Some with cash for suburban homes, farms, country estates and var- ious types of businesses. DAVID McLEAN Real Estate & Business Broker Thornhill Office. Phone 12 Evenings Mr. Overbury 48W “W 0â€.â€OMWOW Ooooomooooou ONOOOOOOOOOOâ€OMMâ€O 1947. High prices were largely les- ponsible for the enhanced values of production in each of thes': years. The values of current ï¬eld crop production in Canada are in strong“ contrast with these recorded in the 1030's when values (based on depress- ion prices) ranged from $4le million in 1031 to $686 million in 1030. The 1045’ ï¬gure is about 11 per cent above the revised gross for 1047 am some 36‘.) per cent about the low point Zea- ched in 1041. While prices of some of the chief crops have been lower during the cuircnt crop year than in 1047â€"48, generally sharp increases in the 104:4 production of most crops more than oli'set reduced prices, rc- sultiner in the substantial over 1047 in total production. Increases 'in gross value of producâ€" tion over 1047 levels hav: occurred in all provinces except New bran-s- wrk and Prince Edward Island whole the drop in potato seriously affect the total value of production. l‘t'l'tit'tlltll‘ly in the former province. The greatest percentage increases in value of production took DIHKL‘ in Ori- gel-case prices tario, Manitoba and Quebec in that order. excellan 1‘48 grain crop: be. “.r' be chiel' lacmr rawooiisi. to: the improved position in the<c provinâ€" In Alberta and Saskriielrtwan, higher wheat crop values wire nearly COS. oli‘scl by lower prices for other ma- with the of pioduction each [il‘tivllll'e int-leased only one per cent jul‘ L‘i‘ops net l‘esi‘“, Elia. gross value in over the previous year. in .\e\u Sm- lia and Iil‘ilish Columbi. creases ol' tour and live pr wile»,- Ill- :' rent les- weie rceoi'dt! n: pcclivcly in two. n the lw o years. A Swine time in Alaska was being ques- traveller who had once spent tinnitd by a curious friend. “Tell coll up there as they say?" “Well.†said lhe traveller, “lhcv do have very Il’ Ii was there me." be inquired, "is it as; short summers. call coriel'lly, the year I il was on a \\'odno»'da_\'. .(,_ QC A K ER Quick Oats . . WETHEY‘S Plum Jam . . GREEN G AG E Plums . . Tm PHONE 77 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER OLD CANADIAN CHEESE 2 3 0 § § 6 £ § § : § § “HOLLIES†The ll'omcn’s Shop for Pretty Things 117 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL For any ol‘ your needs call “"HOLLIES" 458W 00¢699®0996060¢¢°00¢ 9 ooooooooooooooceeooeoo’ For All Year Eni EASY â€" : FLOOR I’OLISHERS. VACUI'M CLEANERS. l WASHERS ;; OIL-O-MAGIC n, FI'R‘NACE OIL DI'RNERS ivl QUAKER _ 1 I OIL BURNINI; SPACE HEATIERS STROMBERG-CARLSON â€" oymeniti RADIOS AND COMBINATIONS Supplied and Guaranteed ,1 by FERGUSON i: d Hill, ph ne 148 Doors Open 6:30 p.m. TWO COMPLETE SHOWS NIGHTLY â€" 7 and 9 p.m. Matinee Saturday 2:00 p.m. MARKHAM LAST TWO DAYS '1‘hur.. Fri. â€" Jan. 6 8; 7 William Bendix "lae're Trevor Charles Bickford __ In .â€" ‘The Babe Ruth Story’ SAT. ONLY â€"â€" JAN. 3 ROY ROGERS, ’King of the cowboys â€" TRIGGER _ 1n _ ‘The Gay Ranchero7 in Trucolor MONDAY & TUESDAY â€" JANUARY 10 & 11' Your Greatest Entertainment Experience! GREGORY PECK â€" VALLI â€" CHARLES LAUGHTON â€" In â€"â€" “THE PARADINE CASE†) WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY â€" JANUARY 12 & 13 Direct from the ï¬les of the FBI. MARK STEVENS â€"â€" RICHARD WIDMARK LLOYD NOLAN __ In __ “THE STREET WITH-NO NAME†123 YONGE STREET u QUALITY FOODS u WEEK-END SPECIALS LENNOX CHOICE it? 27c Tomatoes . 2 35c 25c Standard Peas 2 it?†19c SOCIETY BRAND 11c Dog Food . . 20 oz. Tin METCALFE PORK AND BEANS 2tins21c BUTTER GRADE N0. 1 ONTARIO CREAMERY Pound 71c AYLMER VEGETABLE SOUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tins 190 Pound 580 MEAT DEPARTMENT ROUND STEAK . . lb. 65c Peameal Back BACON . . lb. 75c SIRLOIN STEAK . . lb. 67c PORK CHOPS . . lb. 596 Phone Orders Accepted PHONE 77‘ .- We Feature DAILY DELIVERY in the VILLAGE HILLCREST MARKETERIA “ Your Friendly Village Store â€