“wmmmowooowumomowowww'â€; QMWOOOOOOOOONOOMHOOOOOOQQOOOOOOONOO¢OM Richmond Hill Telephone 5-J 3 a 9 “9009009099.u00¢»ooooooooooooooooooooooowooumh O, I V mmmmoowooooooowoownoooooowo¢oooo903 sQWWOOOOMMWWWONOO¢QOOOO®®¢ 09000000005 .MWW Wm 600006000006†0 WOâ€â€0â€Oâ€W¢OOO¢OOOOOOW¢®0O¢¢00090000 WOOMOOOOQOOOOOOO00600009900.6000000900000009? Distributors of Bottled G YONGE ST. THOR‘NHILL Free Flush Job With Every Oil Change SLOW BATTERY CHARGING AND RENTALS Special: 13 plate batteries $12:95; 15 plate batteries $15.95 We have all the popular makes of 9W6 CO0NEY’3 GARAGE Yonge Street Richvalc \ TIRE SLUSHY, ICY GUTTERS â€"- you pull away easily with Winter-Cleats. Petrolane Bottied Gas; Funeral Designs â€" Wedding Bouquets Our Mixed Bouquets City and Suburban Delivery Order early to avoid disappointment Flowers wired anywhere in Canada and I FOR Potrolane Corporation Ltd. THE Easy terms can be arranged. Call and see them at FREE SERVICE You need WINTER-CLEATS for snow, slush, mud. We'll store your present rear tires and switch them backi when the time comes. LANGSTAFF SERViCE STATION heaters and space heaters in THE ATHER’S BAD BUT THE NEWS IS GOOD! RICH VALE FLORIST TOWING EAVESTROUGIH NG ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES TIN SMETH Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces CORNER N0. 7 AND NO. 11 HIGHWAY Under New Management PAUL DUBOIS BRUCE GAMBLE, Mgr. Phone Richmond Hill 3441'2 Phone Thornhill 161‘2 UNPLOWED SIDE STREETS â€"can’t beg you down with Winter-Cleats. LUBRICATION our show rooms. as ranges, hot water 'J'as PHONE 251 sure traction is provided by Wintex-Cleats. INCLINED DRIVEWAYSâ€" Specialty §LESLIE SARGEANT Painting & Decorating First Class Work Reasonable Rates The many friends of Mrs. G. Alli- son, the mother of Mr. Geo. Allison of Oak avenue were very much sad~ dened to learn of her demise last week. Mrs. Allison as one of the ear- lier residents of the Richvale com- munity was well known to many and it is with a deep sense of loss to know that an era of grace and cour- tesy has claimed one of its own. Mrs. Allison is resting in Richm‘ogd Hill cemetery. last Thursday evening. Plans were discussed regarding the year’s activ- ities and it was agreed a concentrated effort would be made to complete the community hall “before next winter. The building; committee intimated they were already in the market for material so that it will be on hand in order to get an early start before next spring. The entertainment committee an- nounced the ï¬rst of this year’s ac- tivities. It is to be a euchre to be held in the school baSement, Thurs- day evening, January 20th, at 8:30 p.111. Everyone is welcome, so come one, come all. The third reading was made of a motion to extend the boundaries of the association in an easterly direcâ€" tion so that the residents in Markham township in the Yonge St. vicinity township in the Yonge St. vicinity nay become members. May we remind the district that the monthly meeting on the ï¬rst Thursday in March will be the nomin- ation and election of the 1949 exec- utive of the Ratepayers’ Association. Much was accomplished in the past year, however this year even more must 'be done â€" there must be no halt to the progress "being made â€" be present at that meeting and make sure your choice is nominatfld for a chance to run in this year’s executive elections. Elgin SL, Thornhill Phone Thornhill 109M/ omomonommm D s b r Phone Richmond Hill 414M 1e East Vaughan Ratepayers As- ation held their ï¬rst meeting of new year in the school basement A. ROLLINSON Grates and Chimneys BUILDING CONTRACTOR UNIMPROVED ROADSâ€" Winter-Cleats are made to GRIP in mud and mixe. RICHVALE A Specialty committee an- this year’s ac- a euchrc to be O 8 QOWOMWWM QONOOOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOO†Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office, Tel. 9', Richmond Hill IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII HARRY E. PALMER IIIIIHIIFIIIIIHI III-IEIIIIHIIIIIIL Working with a streamlined“ tech: nical crew and with specially built portable equipment that was easy to move and pack, Director Hathaway and cast went on location in Wash- ington, Boston, Salem, Brookline, Portsmouth, Quebec and adjoining French Canadian towns, and returned with scenes that might well have been shot in London, the French town For the principal feminine role, the studio was fortunate in having Anna- bella on its contract list. The blonde and talented star was ideally suited for the role of the ‘French woman who comes to America when her country is invaded, and attempts to go back as a secret agent. Richrd Conte, who scored a smash success in “Somewhere in the Nig‘ht,’ is said to have his most ambitious role in this ï¬lm, while up-and-coming young Frank Latimore plays is ï¬rst heavy dramatic role. 158 Settings Filmed On Location The story’s action, laid largely in London and the countryside of France required 158 settings as backgrounds, only four less than “Wilson†whicl‘i was an all-time high. To achieve the semiâ€"documentary newsirama authenticity that gives the picture its realistic impact de Rochemont and Hathaway decided that it‘must be made entirely away from the studio and that this country’s eastern cities and the towns and villages of French Canada would provide the ï¬nished pioduct with a truly on-the-scene flavour. And with that decision, they embarked on one of the most difficult undertakings in movie an- nals. :1 rml‘.l‘! When exciting story stars J. When Twentieth Century- Fox’s exciting, action-packegl adventure story “13 Rue Madeleine," which stars James Cagney, comes to the screen of the Richmond Theatre, Rich- mond Hill, next Monday and Tues- day, local moviegoers will be treated to a double helping of the revolution- ary and excitingly realistic screen technique ï¬rst introduced in the same studio‘s sensational “House on 92nd Street.†Producer Louis de Roche- mont and Director Henry Hathaway, who were responsible for the latter ï¬lm, are 'said to have invested “13 Rue Madeleine" with even greater thrills and action-packed entertain- ment. With Annabella, Richard Conte and Frank Latimore in featured roles, the picture unfolds one of the most as- tounding adventures ever screened â€" a taut and suspenseful story of es- pionage behind enemy lines, a. saga of daring and of exploits against fearful odds unlike anything ever be- fore ï¬lmed. 13 Rue Madeleine Is James Cagney Heads Cast The picture marks the ï¬rst time that James Cagney has accepted an outside ofl‘er since he and his bro- ther set up their own producing com- pany several years ago. Negotia- tions for Cagney’s services were con- eluded after he read the exciting screnplay by John Monks, Jr., and Sy Bartlett, and had received an offer to play the top role. We have a cash buyer for a 100 acre farm in Vaughan or Markham-with a houée I ses10n require Evenings Mr. Overbury 48w and good barn. Spring pos- Real Estate and Business Veterinary Surgeon 46 JOHN S'l‘., THORNHILL Phone Thornhill 250 Thornhill (Dfl'ice Phone DAVID McLEAN COMING TO THE RICHMOND' NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY PIANO TUNING and Repairing , FARM WANTED S. Hoffman Broker w M: Drama 0f Adventure rReplied John: “The exorbitant pro- ï¬ts, Miss.†A deb ankle and tried on a that its price “What makes tant?†neglect to do, anything which involves our children in unnecessary penalties or to deprive them of beneï¬ts which are theirs by right, ' Respectfully submitted, By a taxpayer and citizen of Rich- mnod Hill, who knows that the maj- ority of taxpayers in Richmond Hill have ideas and thoughts better than any contained in this letter, and would like to take action. I should like to hear from other taxpayers on the subject, because: Without prejudice, and due respect to the present councillor in charge of recreational activities, who sincerer tries to be fair; it is obvious that as a community with only One recreâ€" ational centre for our teen-age youngsters and public school child- ren, we have all, by consent and fail- ure to speak up, made the present council feel conscious that it is their duty to sell that one and only recrea- tional centre to outsiders _So that they can make money for the taxâ€" payers. ' Whether we like to believe it 01- not, our life is a great entail. It beâ€" longs as much to our children and those who come after us as it does to us â€" and we, the citizens of Rich- mond Hill have no right to do 01‘ Richmond Hill who frankly speaking are in despair and frusiration because they know someth can be done to bring recreation and sports activitles back to where they were, and should be. ', ‘ nan-<- ' Please speak up, represent your Views and ideas. Isn’t it dishearten- ing to hear this reply from our youngsters to this friendly talk, “What are you doing to-day â€"?†“Oh nothing. There is nothing to do.†When the plain fact and truth is that there are hundreds of families in Richmond Hill, “the healthiest sub- burb of Toronto,†cannot let fresh air do it all. Let’s help the children to help themselves to sports activities. Richmond Hill has done it before, and will be very proud to do it again. The children need fair guidance and fair play. There is something wrong; and be- lieve me, it is not the children’s fault, it is not altogether the present council’s fault. It is our fault, us taxpayers. We live in the best town in Ontario; a town which produced the world champion Lacrosse team, and 3 years ago we sent our hockey team to the semiâ€"ï¬nals. Men and taxpayers built the arena to ï¬rst serve the children and sports for Richmond Hill. Now‘there is very, very little going on. The opportunity to bring it back is here for all of us to take advan- tage of. Let’s all do it; it is everyâ€" body’s idea and wish that we do so; but don’t let us leave it to one or two citizens to do. Let’s do what we can this winter so that it will be better next winter â€" and still better the winter after. The insistence upon incorporating so much naturalism and realism into- this picture was prompted by the story itself. Some of the real oc- currences used in the picture are far more exciting and daring than any ï¬ction conceived by man. The ï¬lm takes the spectators behind the scenes of ‘the most closely guarded secrets of the Allied intelligence ser- vices during the war and shows the fearlessness of the heroes who risked their lives unsung and unheralded. LOCAL CITIZEN Have we tried to ask the children what they would like to do. Have we surveyed the local requirements for children; or Are we satisï¬ed in Rich- mond Hill, to just continue to hear this reply from our children when we ask them “What are you doing to- day? What; this evening, what to- morrow?†“Oh nothing â€"â€"there is nothing to do here.†(Continued from Page 1) present taxpayers, who I am sure, do not Went to turn a freely given reâ€" creational centre into a municipally owned business. Something has gone wrong. Our town is practically void of organized recreational activities and training in sports. Our children hang around .â€" nothing to do at the Aright times, in the right places; they don’t even have the freedom to show that they may be just as able to enjoy them- selves with the simple activities and sports which we ourselves used to have when we were youngstersu ankled into John-Fredericks’ EXPRESSES VIEWS simple Iittle hat. Told was $75, she asked: the price so exorbi- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday, January 13, 1949 ; I’HONF -â€" THORNHILL 256W : :IIIIIIIIIflflllfllllflllllllllllllllllllll 09». OOOOOOOOOOOO¢ OOOOOOOOOOOOO“OOOMOM“â€W f0.0MOQOOOOOOOOOOOOQWOOOOOMMWOMO “m MMOMNWMO¢OWWOOW 30000 006606000006000OOOOâ€MM6WOMOOOWO; sllIIIIlIII IHIIIIIlflfllllllIlllIIIIIII W. W. A. TRENCH, Set. A 0. D. ROBINSON,» M.F‘.H,, Pres. RES-ROOFING RADIO i SALES and §ERVICE 3 Phone 311W Phone 12 Cities Service Garage MUN HCIPAL HALL RICHMOND HILL Saturflay, January 29. Also Expert Repairing Done on All General Motors Cars and Trucks. See us for Tires, Mufflers, Tail Pipes, Exhaust Pipes and Accessories 2 Arnold St. ANNUAL MEETING Richmond Hill Taxi Richmond Hill Agricultural Society C. RIDDELL CARS PAINTED â€"â€" $20 AND UP LXPERT BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED GENERAL MOTORS PARTS CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS AuroraHigh School Auditorium Dancing 8.15 to 11.45 pm. Prompt Pick-up and Delivery 17 Benson Ave. TRY OUR PICK UP AND ' DELIVERY SERVICE. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT _at_ INSUL BRICK SIDING. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Insulating CEDAR AND ASPHALT SHINGLES, We specialize in re-roofing, RICHVALE AUTO BODY You are cordially invited to attend MEL. MALTBY GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP . E. B. Haughton TELEPHONE 300 STOP 20A YONGE ST. Phone Thornhill 212r12 Will be held in the -\'l‘ Ex-Servicemen Richmond Hill Richmond Hill