Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jan 1949, p. 4

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4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond U ‘Il-uu-nunn HR Hill. Thursday, January 15}. 1949 lassif R.‘\TFI.\lil‘l-!\'l‘ lines or less, tire lines T cents 'Ilelcplione Richmond Hill ied Sale .‘:3 cents per line first (‘th‘ll lllll‘ QXITN in<cr1 ion. 11' charger ll FOR SALE QUEBET: HEA'l‘lCl-t, small size, goo, ‘I‘honc 115w. condition. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 1px. rte-us 1020 FORD SPORT ('OlfPE. heater. defroster, new battery. in good shape} Phone Richmond Hill 305M. *3w2b‘ STOVE, QUEBEC type heater, used one season, S1250. Thelcphone ’l‘hornhill 122W. cleiiI STOVE: coal and wood, cream and i green enamel, excellent condition. 2 Phone Thornhill 21514. c1w20‘ LADIE.’ GOLF CLUBS, but in good condition. Fitch, Arnold St. used set Apply Mrs. i l “'20 1041 GREEN CHEVROLET. Pick up with racks in good condition. Apply Chas. Phillips, 114 Yongc St., or phone 10th after 6 p.m. c2w28 iOllL SPACE HEATER, folding ‘baby pram. kitchen table and four chairs, high chair and play pen. Ap- ply 240r13 King. c1w20‘ LADIES’ ‘C'OON COAT, excellent condition, size 14-16, $50.00. Mrs. George Walker, 24:; Redpatli. Ave., Toronto 12, Mob. 01013. *1w‘20 FARM: 100 acres, Lot 34, 2nd Con. Vaughan, 4'. miles Richmond Hill. Good buildings and dairy stable. Phone Richmond Hill 247. c2w28 SKJATES: 1 pair boys’ skates in perfect condition, size 7. Cheap. Apply 30 Wright St.. Rich- niond Hill or phone 81W. *1w20 hockey W'OOD, dry hardwood, $17.50 per cord, delivered; custom chain sawing. Phone Richmond Hill 228, Jack Leary, Gormley. tfc24 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS. stair hand rails, fire doge, fire screens, fire sets and acetylene weldâ€" ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 Fâ€"OR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhil] 168. tfc46 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked en- amel finish any colour of tapes. free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. SUNSHINE CHICKS FOR 1949. Big husky, proved money maker chicks from fast growing, high producing. lolood tested breeders. Barred Rocks, \Vhite Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, Red brids, Rock Red Hybrids, Red iHiybi-ids. 1BR & WL Hybrids, English White Leghorns, Mixed as hatched 15c; pullets 28c, Cox SC. Or» dei' yours today. Chatham, Ont. c12w23 Rock Hy- Cornish Sunshine Hatchery. tfc28 CLASIFIED ADS in these columns are‘charged at the rate of 7 Cents per line, with a minimum charge of 35c for any one advertisement. This is the cash rate. . When ads are sent by mail remittance should accompany copy. When telephoned, remittance should follow promptly; if not paid within two weeks there will be an extra charge of ten cents for billing. For use of box number, the charge is 10 cents. Co-operation of adver- tisers using these columns will be appreciated. The Liberal. FOUND FOX HOUND.- Owner may have. same by proving property and payâ€" ing expenses to T. Barnard, Bayview and No. 7 Highway. *3w27 “0009900900660 WW MAPLE TINSMITH & PLUMBING SUPPLY Gurney Gas Ranges for Essotané ~ Furnaces â€"â€" Air Conditioning Pressure Systems L. HOUSE Telephone Maple 102 Residence 621‘32 ooueooouowwooooum» clw'Z'Jl insertion and '13 cents hr each subsequent in~ertion. ' ()Yrr brie. in lo ziuiuiit nine «oil's pci , Elfin l JIULSTEIN CATTLE, pure bi'ul and 3 grade, tumble, ’ «twin Apply Stewart tichniond l'lill 471412. 1040 Pontiac sedan, good conlitiin. Apply Tliornhill 215122. clw2£i THREE INCUBATORS, electric, also i one Janicsway broodei', 500 egg cap- acity. reasonable. Maple (32111 after 6 pm. c1w20 T 1 DR E Ea RiO O‘M E I) A PART M E N T, ‘available immediately, toilet, running water, centrally located. Phone :18” Richmond Hill. clw20 TWO \VHEEL TRAILER, size 4‘ x 7', in good condition. Price $35.00, 1949 license. Apply after 6 p.m. Phone Maple G214. *1w20 FORD, Model A 1020, good condition! motor recently overhauled, 5 good tires, sealed beam headlights. Sell reasonable. Apply after 6 p.m. Phone Maple 621:4. *1w29 ORDER B-RAY CHICKS â€" again a through local Brooder. Get 1040 catalogue and price list. Early chicks produce A-Largc eggs for high suin- mcr and fall prices. Fred Wise, Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill. 33000.00 C'AJSHLMarkhani Rd., Rich- niond Hill, new 1;. storey " house. 9 bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath- room, hardwood, hot air heating, large lot. Price $7400.00. 'David McLean, Real Estate and Business Broker, Thornhill Office, phone 12. Evenings Mr. Ovcrbury 48W. c1w29 BUNGALOW, Markham Twp., 33,000 down, four rooms, bathroom, heated sun room, lot 52’ x 210’. Landscaped; stream through property. hot water heating; electric pump, soft water MISCELLANEOUS SNI)WI’I.UI'(§III NH: Fred Taylor T-l Richmond $1.. Richmond Hill. I’litine 403i. lil'i'35 SNOWPLOL’GIHNG Lance and driveways. Apply Phone Willow- dale 23nh‘.W. ll. (inodei‘hniir. lflwiu AGENT t'or Motl'at and Essoiane Gas Ranges, J. A. Rose, Maple. Phone .‘l-tJ. ll'c15 DIABETICS ~7 Write for your sug- ailess chocolate bars, candies, jams biscuits, etc. Diabetic Foods & Sup- plies, 00 Haytei' St., El. 0803. i'ilwfld KINDS FURNITURE upholstcring, cabinet carving. Estimates given. VanDykc, Hunt Ave, Hill. ALL repairs. wood N. S Richmona tf( work, an 0:) WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed. cement work done. rockery stone, sand and gravel. Apr ply R. Hicks, phone Maple 8712 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill liTr‘zft tf chg. 52 COMPARE these prices: Soft slabs 5313.00; hard slabs, SILUU; hard limbs, $18.00; body hardwood 82L" All wood bone dry, cut to desired length. Fred Taylor. 74 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. Phone 46:1. tfcflfi NOW CARRYINT a fairly complete line of hardwood and softwood lum- ber. rough and dressed. Reasonable prices, prompt delivery. Fred Taylor 74 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. Phone 40:}. tit-25 TREE FELLING, woodcutting. no safe limbs removed; hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed: buildings moved and raised. Fred Taylor. 7-1 Richmond St. Iichmond Hill. Phone 46:}. tch’Ti iSIIiOE REPAIRS. harness repairs, cistern. Some extras. Full price get it repaired m“, and in. mad). fm. $5200.00.‘ Posse-551011 two months. Spring work Don‘t put it Off mo Box 32 Liberal, Richmond Hill. *1w29 long. A pemmny Mame Simo no- MAPLE SPOOL BED, 3‘ size with mattress, $40.00; modern double bed excellent springs and spring filled with attractive open head board, no foot, complete with spring and mat- tress $40.00. Both these beds in ex- cellent condition, priced for quick sale. McLean Antiques, Thornhill. c1w29 “WELL SATISFIED with your chicks â€"- as lovely 3 looking flock as any- one could wish for” says customer Mrs. J. McIntosh of Allenford, Ont.,~ of Bigâ€"4 Chicks. It pays to start right. Good chicks are no more trouble than average stock. Order your Big-4 Chicks now. Ask us for prices. Canadian Approved, backed by a breeding program on our own farms. Wesley Clark R. R. 2, G01-in- lev. WANTED TWO MEN at once for wood working- shop. Apply in person, 19 Centre St. E. *1w29 3 OR MORE ROOMS, about $65.00, for couple, no children. Phone Ma- ple 531'2. "5‘2w29 TEAiM FARM SLEIGHS, 1 set, in good condition. Apply Box 31, Lib- eral. *2iiv29 EXPERIENCED woman wants pos- ition as housekeeper where child 4; welcome. Replies to Richvale, Ont., Box 103. *1w29 TRANSPORTATION to Toronto, leaving Elgin Mills around 8:30 am. Phone 178J. c1w2_8 POULTRY, any quantity, best market price. Will ca'll immediately on re- quest. Phone King 351‘14, A. Magee. c12w29 POULTRY, any quantity, best mar- ket price. Will call immediater on request. Phone King 35114. A. Magee. >"12w29 BUSH LOT, heavy, close to Richmond Hill, with or without property, com- plete or selective cutting. Fred Tay- lor. 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill 463. 25th SQUIRRELS DISLIKE IT Power and telephone men have found an answer to the problem of squirrels that nibble away at cables. They coat the cables liberally with asphalt and sand. The squirrels find the mixture unpalatable. ERNIE l J. Carl Saigeon Agency ‘ MAPLE, ONTARIO BROCK Telephone Maple 1 l l tittiittfl All insurance mat the usual prompt attention and service. ters will receive _____.____________._____________________â€"_______._____._ pair. ‘1th LOST GREY KITTEN. Friday. Child‘s Pet, answers to Fritz. Phone Richmond Hill 291. *2w28 .EINTER PUP, brown and white. vicinity of Maple, seven months old. .Apply Bill Paulton. Maple R. R. 1. c2w20 TO RENT ACCOMMODATION withx board. Pony Crest Lodge, Elgin Mills 178.}. ciw27 LOVELY ROOM, furnished, in new home, suitable for 1 or 2 business people. Phone 1061'2‘3. clwflb‘ FIRSTâ€"AID FACTS Small cuts and bruises, if unattend- ed, may become infected and cause serious illness. Minor wounds are only unimportant when they are dis- infected and properly bandaged imâ€" mediately, A firstâ€"aid kit to deal with such injuries should be in every home and in every Office and factory. Tree: A solid thing that stands in one place for 50 years and then sudâ€" denly jumps in front of a woman dri- ver. David McLean offers EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS ‘ OPPORTUNITY Race Track Restaurant Service Station Cabins Combined as one enterprise, the first of its kind in the Toronto ar- Strategically located within of Toronto on No. 7 Main building includes .ea. 10 miles Highway. large‘modern well equipped res- taurant, service station and spaâ€" cious 6 room apartment on upper floor. An attractive cabin site with several cabins almost. com- pleted is included in the property. The race track a half mile well tiled and graded closed circuit track is well equipped with guard rails and fences that permit it to be one of the few fully insured tracks of its kind. It underwent . a very successful season in 1045‘ with the introduction of auto raâ€" cing and a lease has been given capital outlay required and has a wide potential scope for develop- nieiit. $20,000 cash payment reâ€" quired only. Full price with very the 1040 season favourable return. for providing a I This enterprise is capable of a highly attractive return on the reasonable terms 580000.00. DAVID McLEAN Real Estate & Business Broker Thornhill Office Phone 12 Evenings Mr. Overbury 48w MAPLE l’iesbytei'inn W. home of Mrs. J, \\‘c«inesdul\', ii l‘ Ll oL‘l‘iL‘C Ill. iiik‘ l'li“i4it'lll. si. 31‘ M. January Aiiiiieti's S. ll'it‘l a: hil'lil‘ilill‘l iih. ll} :lic oi. i‘r- \‘lt't‘»;lit‘>lii<i‘l. Ali‘s} .l. Al. Ale- lii‘ildld lil'k“ltl\'ll. After liic devotional period, can- illit'lltl by His. \', Ui'i' and Mrs. ll. Abcn. :l --hoit business mcclin;r i'olâ€" ll‘\\(‘»'l. Mrs. (I ll. Bowman gave a very interesting tall. to start the begin- ning o:' ihe year. The meeting closed null. prayer by Rev. C. ll. Bowman. A social tone was enjoyed while the hostess :L‘li't‘li lunch. Death Sympathy is extended to the funiâ€" ily of His. i‘hns. l-Iadlow. who pass- ed away at his home lll Maple, \\'cd.. 31b. Funeral was ill‘lil at the Jcirett Funei‘n'l Chapel. Janaary Nth. lntcrniciil Prospect ,t‘cmetcry. January service Mr. ll:nllow and his son, Fred, at time opt-rated the green house and market garden on Richmond St. The sympathy ol‘ the community is extended to the family of the late .\ll.\'. Alfred Ash, who passed away at her home in King on Tuesday, Jan- uury 41h. Mr. and Mrs. Ash and Myitlc lived this community a number of years, before moving to King. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wells dined at, Maple Villa Sunday evening, on which day Mrs. Wells celebrated her biithday. NRC in The Villa was also honored with the [il('.<('llt'(‘ of His Honour Mayor Mct'ulliim and party of Toronto, at dinner, January nth. Mrs. \‘ic Orr entertained 15 of WIilllClles friends, on the occasion of the lzittcr's birthday, January 51h. Record Price For ('alf Mr. (has. Levack of Laskay sold a veal wit. 7 weeks old for Slilc per lo. on Wednesday. January 51h. Reâ€" ceived in all S7100, the highest price received on record in this vicinity for a veal calf. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Ilarry Jennings is in bed ill and hope she "Nib-(’5 a speedly recovery. A joint annual meeting of St. Anâ€" di'cw‘s Presbyterian Church, Maple. and St. Paul‘s of Vaughan, will be held in St. Andrew‘s Church on Monâ€" duy evening, January 17. Supper ,will be served at 7 o'clock sharp. Dr. and Mrs. Ray Bigford are fly- in},r to the Bahamas for a three week vacation. They leave on Thursday, January tilt. There passed away at her home in Cookstown Mrs. Robert Park, mother of Wilford Park of Maple. Sympathy is extended to the beraeved family. Mrs. Campbell and wee daughter, lIelen, are visiting at the home of David Couper and Agnes. If you have something to sell, a classified “ad'y in The Liberal will do the selling job for you at a very moâ€" dest cost. - FIGI'RE SKATING CLASSES Figure skating- classes will com- imnce at Richmond Hill arena next Saturday morning, weather permit- ting. Who’s ' Afraid Of Fuel Shortages 7 Not the man who burns hard coal and orders his fill-up now! Famous Reading Anthracite Ti'adeniai'ked With Tiny Red Spots JONES COAL CO- Phone 188, Richmond Hill DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Kno'w The Truth Know the truth and it shall make you free! Free of illness. Free to live a longer, happier life. Knowledge is power in the con- stant figlit.agaiiist disease. You personally need to know the basic facts about keeping well. What foods are necessary for an ade- quate diet at different ages ‘.’ What health habits should you cultivate to insure strong mental and phys- ical health? .What heult habits lead to chronic illness? How can you avoid exposure to disease? Why should you seek early diagâ€" nosis at the hands of a competent physician if you suspect anything is wrong? Your community, also, needs to know the truth about health and disease. What is a real menace to health in the community, and what only :i ‘3 What local health measures fliould enforced to protect individual health in the community ‘3 nuisance is bi.‘ CARL E. HILL. M.D.. M.O.H. I‘X'ITFD (‘HI'RCH \IFN'S CLI'R Ai: outstanding meeting is schedâ€" uled to be held on Monday. January thh. 1041'~ zit 13::;o p.m. sharp in the cf the ['nitvd Church. has been fortunate seâ€" le\'. .\lct'lc:iry renowned auditorium The curing the club l” H‘ lay This man, cues; gpcnlwi'. i'oi' ll‘i‘ veal and energy be displayed lilialf of the Centre AM On Community campaigning \\'oode’i'ccii silâ€" uziicd Hi the heart of :in underprivilâ€" eged goriloli of Toronto, is well woi:h Ii that energetic responsible for the slaying behind the iziising of money and building of this centre. reputed to be the best in America. Anyone interested in welâ€" work should attend. Further good news is that a full course roast beef supper with all the extras the good ladies of the church provide will be served. Don't forget accommodate late coniâ€" ers who cannot arrive sharp :it 0:30. hcai ing. lu‘urs repeating lill.\ man \\'11s being force t'ni'e can \YU EDGELEY The Edgclcy Farm Forum will meet at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jackson. on Monday evening, January 17th. A cordial invitation i,- extended to all interested. The usual pictures will be shown again at Concord school on Monday. .lanuaryfiTth, at 10:30 a.m. Children be sure to be present. The Edgelcy United Church Con- grcgtaional meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. “'esley Atkinson Monday evening, January 17th. A full attendance is urged. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Frank Locke has been quite indis- posed with a bad cold. We wish her a speedy recovery. Also, Mrs. Alf Bagg has not imâ€" proved as her many friends would wish. She is at present staying with her sister, Mrs. Lib. Robb. Congratulations are extended Mr. and Mrs. Hendry, who are proud parents of a little girl. a sister for Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton, Donâ€" aid and Eulaline had New Year din- ner at home of their daughter and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong, on Sunday evening, January 9th. Guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Broadbelt, at dinner on Sun- day cvening, were Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley, Mr. Low and Miss Dorothy Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. David Elliot.t Miss Joan and Master Donald, of Toronto. had tea with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. ‘Stong on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clelland Thompson, Bruce and Alan had dinner on Sun‘â€" day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Price and family, Macville. q AYLMER 4-5 SIEVE Peas . . RED PITTED Cherries . . . AYLMER PIE SPINACH ORANGES ROAST . . . . lb. 55c ’ HILLCREST MARKETERIA 123 rowan STREET QUALITY FOODS WEEK-END SPECIALS . 2 27c Apples . . . . 186 Peanut Butter . RARE OLD CHEESE .. lb. 580 BAKER ~ In loving memory of El- I.\' MFMORIAM l.\' \IEMORIAM (‘OIVPER A In and memory of ii Christina loving icn Jane Baker, who passe-i :i\\':i_'.. mother. January 1.3. luls. dezii' wife (tuner. who passed away January l l % l‘lth 1045. Till nieinoiy hides and life departs. Y‘“ llV“ l.”““"“’ l“ “l” lii‘ill'l‘l .\ii«i while the lies in peaceful sleep lmf‘adly missed by hrsbnnd and lit“; iiieinoiy we shall forever keep. Inini iwi‘.‘ r .llusband and family. om. 0099990QOOQOOMOOQO0006000"”OONOOOOOOONOOOVVVv Layâ€"â€" Doors Open 6:30 p.m. TWO COMPLETE SHOWS NIGIITLY â€" 7 and 9 p.m. Matinee Saturday 2:00 p.m. » MARKHAM FRI., SAT. â€" JAN. 14, 15 Stu ii Mimi iiiiii flflll * with GLENN’ LANGAN REGINALD GARDINER ’ , Directed by , BRUCE HUMBERSTONE " Produced by FRED KOHLMAR M on” Tues, Wed., Thurs. Jan. 17-18 Jan. 19-20 Margaret O’Brien and George Murphy “ TENTH AVENUE _ ANGEL” 4 ROLLICKING DAY‘S STARTING MONDAY, JANUARY 24th You haven’t lived until you’ve seen it! “ LIFE WITH FATHER ” In TECHNICOLOR WILLIAM POWELL â€" IRENE DUNNE ELIZABETH TAYLOR MNQOOOQOOOOOM 0 iii pump Directed by 8. Sylvan Simon Produced by t an , Martin A. Gosch " <§ : g E z z g 3 § : i 2 6 g 0 z : z : g 9 z z z 9 : on‘onoooooooouoooooou 060000060900WOOMOOMWNOWOOOoooomwowowoouoo900090999909090099909 coco § 3 i ; WOMMMO Q DEL MAIZ NO. 3 Niblets . . . Z 4132' 35c 296 Chili Sauce . . . Elie 190 350 GLO-COAT LARGE BOTTLE 95c . FRESH VEGETABLES CELERY HEARTS CHOICE FRUITS GRAPEFRUIT MEAT DEPARTMENT ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE BANANAS APPLES PORK LOIN CHOPS . . .. lb. 57c PURE PORK SAUSAGE PEAMEAL BACON .... lb. 75c ROUND, SIRLOIN, WING, STEAK, lb. 69c Lb. 45c BOLOGNA . . . . lb. 37c We Feature DAILY DELIVERY in the VILLAGE HILLCREST MARKETERIA “ Your Friendly Village Store ” b

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