ii gooeyâ€;wevvwvaewossWe“o“not,woeweowweeweeai 1.) 4:. ' 5 ac ‘ -e S lj-Lj'iyhiigxmk hit ELLE; I th pimp-d†1;. it i. ii. .. liar...“ l». i:‘ l. i ° - l ‘ TIC A SUCl ION . W l l W r ‘_â€"â€"*_w" 3 8‘ S z 1 . l '1‘“ : _ i ..i i. ‘ll' 'é_ ‘ it'll v_~ goooooooooooooeooooo0e00¢tooooooeocoooooooooooooooo: 9 The allllll‘l ni *etille‘ ol' Lak‘ M-irie and King: Athletic 9 â€"â€"â€"Oâ€"â€" 3 \\__i i. ' wits .l _. ' s s. o i. . . ,1 _‘l ‘ - , t ‘ ‘ . .. o H... (i... “4...... t... no - ‘ ‘ .. . ._ . l ‘0 OFHCEAL OPENING ° : Assocnition will be held on Thursday evening. JUNUIU‘Y â€"â€~ g “1" “ 1 ‘. . l ‘1‘ ‘1 i V I l I" “"1 H H†H' k H w l l l _l 2 A ' 2 . » - v- ~ -. * ~ .. . All abundant <Ul'l' .\' “1 \l‘i1'5;.:iig'. s to s an. “Alf-1“" -"ll‘- Wt.» :il'l-glmoi; .l:trl an J“ ii i“ 5 v a i - . -- ~- -4- lsin i . .. is. - v 3 (It 8 p'm' m km†All Tllullll “(11] tm “GENO†Ht Ufllcu l d : L-lL’ilI'. oxliilaiatiii: water nor-d I‘lowliielt l‘.l"ct Ullicors :.[.t ' i i i t \ n it St ’ :2 z ‘ tsansactien ot' c'ener't iusiness. O . v -- _ . i‘ Tu. . . ..1 iii- ti' o l' l ml - v i ' 0 9 J “ L V , ‘,_ V ‘ H O tliltiug'lt niailis lll hilt: \litl‘t. dill ‘ tlt .il.n.i.i . M _ m \. a . t .W M“ t N: whhim 1., 7.... Molt [ml 0 ‘ . . ,‘ . ) V , 6 " l 2 J' F- “AI‘RI'NGION‘ bet-"lreas' : most dwellings are now toiliiei‘it'dl Vaughan l‘l.w.\niti.'s .\.~sm'. was 11ml NEW} Ham“ ii) tin “hm. ' z ( ll!:\l\ 2 3 GEORGE AGAR. PI‘CS. 3 with the supply round just north u ,i; liu' Sttrday Tit'lliwl iiH'll ol‘ 'l'--slen‘ (m Ninthâ€... [limhlm 1.. iii... Skimâ€... g FRIDAX' 0th 3 06600000669000.0609660600.900009006000900“009000609 the town on the llr. ’iarrie tarin. l'i.ilcil chilled. l‘levlous to ~lie meetâ€"i 5| “Wm; H“. 1,,lltt'a‘iâ€: unï¬t-org . ~ ‘ . 00 ll‘h‘mipson and llil'\\'liill>. :\“'"‘l‘~lv iii: -'l bundllrl \" hilil illiil “1311’†St‘lllnl' i.;i-. Tl"lt'i.i‘l. .\lis, l’.ilnici: as- 3 “’19. at «‘ lull. 3 - a ..o...°.°°aâ€Â°"°°““°°°°ooo°°°°°oo“°..ooooooo’0..o 9 Lflirt-ltd out the contract made will: piovidci: 1‘†“A 1‘51"†\\--\v- “1‘5 ‘ rtint. _\lrs. «1.311;; ill'w'ltllv-liilli‘ tea- 9 [H HON. (:luUlH-lt H. “(H ( l‘.l l 9 . o . - r . t' . - ,. t , 9 . . z _“ ‘1: ’ 0 them M. “mu. township eounoil to pelvwiw attentinc. _'\ll‘.'| ‘ illlliit;l . ‘hH: My {ghhhihm idlcvlmh _\11-‘ _\_ 9 Minis“... Of Highways : . i : lHStilll \\'ill('l'\"“1'k5 “Slum mlwlunu Sl'Lill{"l$ “'M“ law“. I" ll‘ l"NHllL‘l‘â€"l .letlllil.:>; Vl‘llilll ll'lltill'l'_ l“.tlll;l ('l‘l'wâ€" : .1“ I. i. .‘l i _ 1.1:“; .1 ~ . ‘- n i'w l‘ phil H ‘ I t. V I, O : s "I '1': 2"". ii‘i' 3 lot" domestic and tire protection ser- ow ol' King (llltl llce\e .l. llostizlwsi'l" W. “h. “vb-duh. Hwy“ [lt-yiitiii; 2 M "l “ ll“ "‘ “‘ ““““ l" “I k -~ .‘h ml i\.i .lnt. <l.l.ll-i ; : ~ - - ‘ .' . ' y .. . I All ' T v ‘V . - \ v's .‘ . 3 ‘ Y lARY 21 ° ""8- ""““°“’ “"“1- W“ “mgâ€? ""“‘ " ‘i‘l‘ï¬'lii‘l‘ “"3‘ "“""‘l““..“““‘5â€z immm swim. iwn iridium: 3 HOlelï¬ wbt. Michael s is. Marlboro“: 3 Q 14 , St : traded for by village commissioners Rev. M. 1-1. .ltnkinson ol l\lll'_1" iino “vi-hull“ M]: [iuxmhl hummus; . P I I _ ‘1 t I l g l \‘l‘ i ) . I V I . .,._A..,‘ i‘.i .1. , 3 hchonald and Wrens, : m imwh (.Unn(-L-t]ng plpt's to lititlso_ gm... :1 lllilsitlllll. .itlthtss lots-til on [Hulh‘lr' Margin“ “hymn; udhhlhh 2 illlt umpilk a ( ict peu Ming 1‘ ice. : O ‘ -' ’ 9 holds aild business places. The era the spirit ol’ the litrlner, lIl wbiih he Mm). (-hnflhwmh Mï¬hhhum “ht†. h ‘ l[lilllll'Wi‘llliltHll' and tltltdoor champions) : : LEO PAXTONS ORCHESTRA 3 is now past where \i-ell users need til-god his audience to practice. the MIN (i_ hymn}: Immwmnw Shh.†: ‘_\‘]ml>._\vmn:_‘.\(lultS hiltâ€: (hlhiren 5â€â€œ . : Spotlb‘t‘il‘t‘d bV Lake Marie and King Athletic Association : haul pails of water by hand. many spirit of clieel‘il‘HW-‘X ill“ Silll'nuԠMis. \\'. .leiinintrs: llitllllsl. Shirley : Tickets on Sale in Advanci- : g Proceeds for King Memorial Hall Fund 3 of whom wot-o irIit-ointnitihttl tot (nail .mtlotlii .Iiiilliithhhllni HHh‘Iiih hi 1 HA“), amnion. Ruth BUH‘WI “in†:oooooooooo0990000oooooooooooooooooooo0900000000009: . ~ i ;-< ’; 2 i ' ‘21â€" torton l‘i' it‘ .‘4' ' 'd ' ‘- “ _\‘hil-liy Hun“ owl-pinn- oe- or. K it. i ,ns _ i , i. ‘ T o yeaisby lul ot ice-quilt \l it w I _ V. V NHL L. _ ‘ I V H 3 LUN( H (DUNILR 5‘ EUAL FEATLRE : tel. “mph. A). mm, Wm m, mâ€... “MIN m. (M 1]... with... 1,.†Mm WNW“; 1151mm. Hum.†“an :090¢00009000060»oooovooooooeooo09000990009000.9009. .0.00.0990.0°.060099.0â€.â€OOWOOOOO“.0â€â€000000060 and more were forced to abandon Tlie lillil plowing match will be mm. 3 . § ,__, \ â€"-â€"- ..:,;'â€"‘â€"_‘_- .. -. -... ._,‘--.__-. (1.10.1 out Wells, and for many water held iii Kins: l(l\\'ll>'ll1li this lilll- “l†shunnini i-npoi-i. .ii' the past veal†: . .ll ' i i a W ‘7‘ it was at liremiuni. for most of 1hr llL‘Ol’s N’lk‘t‘lt‘d- 1’215i lll"“"le'll' Um“ were u‘iven li_\' the secretary and 6 J ' 3 ‘ li‘ year. New homes have been l‘Ulll d0" 0"". Maid"? lâ€'*‘~““l"“lv (.h‘llm†treasuier and we hope that the coliiâ€" : z ’ ll hereon the strength of Suitable water Black. Kettleby‘: tli‘st, vice president. hm. “hâ€, will he HWtu ï¬lllwisst-UI' : t : l . v ' u t ': al- \lbel'l l'llltllerl'olil, \Vt‘llol'e; second W if . , , ‘ . _ _ . V. 3/ supply. and the induccmnnt is . _ V H __ V _ . . . The Hum-“ll meetiï¬g 0t all l)10t homers 1“ Kmlâ€"T (lty iomly proving: a good investment. vice president, H. In. Ross. l\lll,‘I. who z The Wonlen '9 f0, P, Thlngs : Cemeterv will be held on Saturdav. Januarv 22nd, 1949. ll The water pressure is very high; it retired from the secrctarysliip alter V“ 777 z . . E - I - - - '~ -‘ - - I l tastes veinv sziti-sfm'tOI'BH and is =15 several years minim?!†W‘VW- *lm'l‘ The vellt n» 81'. w. l. meetin: was 9 Hollies announces a 10’. sale on all woollen garments for : at 2‘ OCIOCk m lung lwasomc Hall for Gleam“ Of Office“ i clear as could be found anywhere. Walkine'ton. lvlllfl‘. is the new sec- hrhl M [hp hmm. hi" the. Alox Hish- : Fwd“, and qwturdwv only. . ‘ I ' ' v~ -' -\ ' i'u-t ‘. “ ‘. t'â€" and transaction of general busmess. ‘i and some say there is a very small my and Andiew Md lute. \\ee(llâ€"l-‘ it), with a verv {mall attendance. : § . percentage of limo content. Soaps remains treasurer. HH“. “hm, India... YOU unwed .1 : Included in thls helpful saying. are: . LAWRENCE SCOTT, Pres. appear to dissolve comparatively Birthday Party Wicmlhl hwmhm‘ The thhh. “.35. z z I l .. ‘ v Tom Noble son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘ - '\r.;, ., “H 1;. {C(mgmhle R Y 1 O . . ALKIN TON, Seeâ€"Treas. l «(ml-\- . . . ' .. . will “we - i\- '9‘ ~ ‘ 6 F0 0 ER ShT J S W G so far so good, but what about he l‘. (. Noble of hing celebrated his gm“ H Vâ€). mt‘ whim: pap“. h†t1“. : ‘ ' : wiva'w‘" 'WUV‘M VVVWâ€" V“_ ‘ hazard of ï¬res. While the supply 15th birthday. ï¬nd in honor 0f the mum, ml“, gm“. What you want is z - : , _ _ ' _ , “ ' 7 _ " I ‘ . ,. ‘ .7 would greatly facilitate unv ï¬l't‘ Wf‘aï¬i‘m hlï¬ym‘MWl' “'35 ll‘WU‘SS t" “(.1105 hut 1., no “mix to do without . z ' fighting; equipment called in here ti-iendg on Fliursday evening. Jam 1\. hmwrln “mm W.“ the rhwhme : . "\ it would appear reasonable accord- uary tith. Present were Audrey t) thh m†will “Shmmhihg. I have : i i t in;r to suggestions by several citi- Brown, Joan Bice. .lini Patton, hay hm.an during: the past .Ve'dll" 311'5- O . ' zens. that Killg‘ village he equipped Campbell and her mother, Mrs, Ar- R‘ Peomlk WWW ‘m Time Saving in z z _ with several hundred feet of hose. chic Campbell. aunt of Master Tom. lhe hump was mmh enhwm. MH- : O for emergncy use‘ for it does take A variety of games were among» the Pew], (vmih g,th u hahel. (m plea‘h . t ' ‘ some time for either Aurora or Malile evening‘s enjoyment followed by daili- hm. rm. pmw; it is “WWWâ€. that : l B I 3 ï¬re brigade to reach the village. It ty refreshments and favors. ’lhe hm“, mm.†in with and CWWOHC‘S : \ . ' . would be a well advised precaution prettily decorated birthday cake con- heart A mum)“ nWhh Am 1.. was : . aml is something f‘“ CPnsl‘lemtim‘ mlm‘d surprises am] 200‘] milk conducted by Mrs. D. Jarrett. O 3 ‘Vholesale and Florist h were village commissioners disposed clialms. I Tom is takiner tutor I. Thh “Emmy.†Hogarth _mveting. : V : (I, m ask for pubhc Opium†Aurora liigzh sChtltll and ls' inteiostei will ho he“ in the “(.mmqal Hull 3 . . . l . . - _ . ' . ' . ' . . . ’l Flog-3] Designs Cut Flowers Beddlng; Plants \ Masonic Officers Installed in liocliey and skating. His bilthday next mhnth With Mrs. J_ Brownie.“ : : . . 7 it More than 100 brothers of the Ma- gifts were @021th ill’plé‘mated and Mrs. l.. McNeil. Mrs. 1’. Oliver and Q . ~. v v 7 ‘ I ‘ A _ . V ,_i ‘ I ' . ‘. V Dell‘er.‘ An.‘“hele In North york some Order were present to witness congratulations from many tiiends Mâ€. my (hmvmn m marge. rho : . I l. ‘ \VE GRO‘V OUR ()‘V'N l: installation of officers of Robertson were received by him. {UH (null W hmlg you]. ï¬rst photo . z ‘ I , lodge. AF. 8: A.M.. No. 292. held in Athletic .\ssoeiatI0n To llold Annual The mhm. is “Make new friends but 3 : ‘ ‘ Masonic Hall. Installmfz’ M“;â€" Moie‘ing keei the old."Another feature is to ’ o n Tele hon 2 King A . . . . . . i - _ 9 Maple, O ’t' p e l ter was W. Bro. Frank Elliott ol 0n "lliursday owning“. Jaiiilall' 3â€. lip mm. from the National Film 3 3 , ,flwwawafl Newwvcfl i \Velling‘ton lodge, Toronto. fatlierâ€"iii- at x o'clock. Lake Mime 21ml hint“ “am-.1. A: it“. Cltigo (,i‘ the meeting 9 z I A‘kkfl â€" S ‘ \7 law of Marvin Hunter. the new rul- Athletic .>\ssociation will hold thcil .1 Shmhtuons hint-h was set-coil both 3 a! : WE in}; master of Robertson lodge, Asâ€" annual meeting: in King Memorial mo“ and “mm,†M. the hâ€;th and z z :23". ‘ sisting in ceremonial rites were past Hall for election ot officers and transâ€" ummittw' ‘l . A†woollen mittens, DUIL . an“ Present graml lmlEC Offifl‘l'ï¬ â€˜cmd action of business. This is all im‘ The \X‘llore ()lii l'loys met last 3 : past masters of the. lodge. N. F. portant meeting and has. special llli Mummy night When plans were made : OVEN, Snow suits‘ and : JOhnson ‘Aurora‘ Dlstnct DeDUt‘v tere‘qt fora“ members' “mg†All“! for their annual Euchre and Dance. 0 3 Grand Master for Toronto district is piesident and Jack \\ alkingtnn the Wm“. rm. further notice. 3 rom erg . “C†was mm of the Quests “'h“ 1'Cll- "“""‘lall‘"l"93“‘1'915 The officers for the coming year 3 p ‘ 9 \ resented Richmond Hill, Am‘m'av ‘l-I- wily are President, Bob Julian; 1st Vicei : l Schomberg‘, Bolton. Vaughan and “His Women I‘olk" a threeâ€"act Alex Mtyflt; Sendai-y. Jack \v'iip , a >0 I, close to 15 Toronto lodges. A sumâ€" ('Onlé‘tl.“ ltlï¬l' lit’ll‘iQ' ‘s’nadod by 3 “mt iams and treasurer, Bob McNeil. : . _ ' ptuous turkev banquet was served by from King Women's Institute 0'1 Feli- â€" : Cmb “zed blankets : l ' ‘ l ‘ " r. ‘ ' 4 ‘ , Theldeal way to carry skls. New. improved the ladies, and V. W. BI‘O. D_. M. Pilaf-V 24 11""3 355 “1 kmL" 312507719 -'fl-lllfllfllnfl.'fl..ll Q . desxrgirr‘iniiruitlg igpogfr $15.33;. Ross, who has acted as caretaker of ‘Hall may VGI'Y “‘0†CXC't“ llllel'C-‘t- H C z . § . gécihéflagfpspoéï¬d 3:31:19†Witl‘la‘ge King Masonic Hall for some time was as the thought al‘lses “who is the - . z “ strong straps. 4 wesented with an electric tea kettle. gentleman in question?" Nine ladies Buildino. Contrqctm. . I . ( Super value . . . . . . . . . . . I l s . 1) ’3 ‘ O ‘ ' ' O on behalf of the local order. are chal‘actei'> 0f the play: MIS- J. - q .1. i . Car) tr. Plumb. . Gloves. pullovers. cardigans. snuggies and every hat and , , Officers for 1949 are; \Yor. Master, Norris, the mammy cook; Mrs. Gor- ‘ pen“ ‘2 no m l9“ 3' m" : _ z ‘ \I-irvin Hunter' senior warden, M. don Wells, the grandmother; .\lrs. _l“. Plasteran- aml General Repaire- : bag In _\tock. . Bermm; .lUmOT warden, Ray Jen' Dem, Fl“? “Mlle†M†H‘ “mom Old Country Tradesman 0 Help yourself to save. Hollies is preparing for Spring. 0 flows. chaplain, George Hately; the maiden aunt; Mrs. C. Stewart and 2 z . s i . , M . i. r: ~ - H q'~ â€" Applv to â€" . treasurer, Wilbert Buins, secletaty, ML. Stanley Huntei, his .isteis, _ . . . W . n. ‘ V. 9 on Fred BOYS; senior (ieacon‘ Harry Mls. A. 12. Lows, his second wife . pARIS AUTO SUPPLY . Yonb» Street Phone 458W : McBride; junior deacon, Roy Bowen; Mrs. Harry (‘unning'l‘iamy a borrow- Ph H R... l H.“ 3. : senior steward. Arwood Cairns; .ll'. ing‘ neighbour; Doris Hollinshead, the mm M) lmmom l ’°“m°““0..990N9“.0°“0“..°9°9999000¢90‘09990 _ Steward, Clayton Beynon; tyler, CllaS- (amoral mald- Dll'QCtlon is being dnno Il-‘iaaillilli-lnll iâ€"w ‘_-""‘ Hateâ€; organist, Ivan Specht; and by Miss M. Jarvis. assisted by Mrs. - director of ceremonies, Aubrey J. A. E. Jarvis. Downright intrigue Ilflllllllllllillflflfl maximal: SKIS and ABBESSDRIES the E J HINSON For Christmas festivities, Mrs. G. Mr. and Mrs. George Armitage and . ._ ' Save Safely on the Finest Equipment H. Stone entertained her daughters. (laughter, Mlâ€- aml MI'S- (1001199 Bin" Interior & EXtenor MASTERCRtAl-‘T Sifusâ€"Falslhioned bg MASTERCRAFT SKI BOOTSâ€"For Mrs. Tom Proctor and husband, Mrs. was Mid 1"“le haVe 3†DIOVt‘tl into Decorator M t C t '0 we -s n9 l'd . . -‘ ) , h A,‘ , v- P . w:osdserâ€"ivrilhsiril§ximilaui2r Temggs'gipS. :ï¬ilngc%rh15fl.tlgn:?d Ftlurile clggttvhglrslnusilci Grace Whitney and daughter Frances the†11L“ homeh} Imam“ 0†I‘m-4 Elm Grove Oak Ridges . throughout . . 5.49 to 1535 s , . . . a.k _itonev sideroad west. Tiey were moved by ~ .‘Y 3m“ 1"" MAPLE ' ' ~ ~ ' - ‘ 5-45 CHALET SKI HARNESSâ€"Give. mm 0f blm‘ale' he} glandbon’ J c S (.h ‘i ‘t I ‘ x _t . . V H l erte DOME Top MAPLE I . . _ . . I _ 785 control. Easy-on-and-off. For novice his wife and daughter, Aurora, and ./ 11> “Id-- : 5 Wet name “Out )9 . ' and expert. . ~ . ,1 ., ‘ t f . Hm . .t- f h, 021k Ridges 01‘ DOME TOP HICKORY 1435 Junior . . . . . . . . . _ . . _19 to 235 Jack’s mother, Mrs. Loma Stone. “mum-J†“1 11> Set 1071 0 t L _ ' \ um T m, i Senior ------------------- 1.95 tel-om and his Sister, Miss Marjorie village. Richmond Hill Box 268 STEEL‘ o â€"- ‘ ' ’ . . . . . .. i . . .» v 1...... T0,. Mam. ...... 143,5 :3'15555'5'6éiéé'j-foï¬gfeg-ff: Stone, Toronto. Dmmg that time Mi. and M15. (.miloii Patton. Mi. Inn-null-IIIIIIIII , Ilnme Ton Hickory . . . . , 21.75 of waxes. caps. mitts. goggles. etc. ' M13 “whith was vocal Soloist at the and Mrs. Russell l{£l\\‘llll}.{’S, Toronto, MASTEnanFT SK} Pomsâ€"strong 4 95 Christmas evening- service of Kim: “'CW’ 1“ lung 101‘ the l\'<‘el< 811d. 99...,9....¢,,,.¢.00.,.,,. 3:2; aZ‘REEfuï¬â€˜mlm mne' Kmydon To tip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6_95 United church accompanied on the Inaugural .Meetmg‘ Held . From . . . . . . . t . . . . . 1,69to 7.69 BASE WAXING‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _50 Violin hV he). daughter ances‘ with Membeis of King township council Ornamental Iron â€"'_ ' Mrs. Jack Clift at the piano. Mrs. were sworn lnlO Office by Clerk “- G‘ . _ 7 h Whitney and daughter were storm- ROSE at the inaugural meeting ht’l‘l Ilhlde ‘md Ontslde Douh 1‘1115' _____â€"_.‘ V “c Stayed at King' until smite time after at SChOm‘hewu Jamth iil‘d- A“ Gates, grills and lanterns, etc. gig-Avggag . _i sdP'Ek New Year’s. members were present: Reeve L. B. ' xvemino‘ SKATING OUTFIT , VALUE * , . . tern-“son minister of Goodtellow; deputy-reeve N, D. Me- *3 _ Re\. Steuait F b , _ ssvwhadigilriinftmd‘ I f" “‘5‘???†5‘9? Scarboro Blufl“ United church called MUli't‘hY: COLiliClllm'S» W. hehOQ. T. A. £313: ‘tg‘g‘é lslaslgngdugd lheoganiie' on his cousins‘ Mrs Elizabeth Gen-at- illctutclioon and Elton Armstrong: W. “at†$1295 gait}? eugestvrgr £553. " ly and Miss Alice Ferguson last week Slxmt‘n IIVO $106k Valu‘dim'sy 45' 191109 ' ï¬ghettefidgï¬geftngkgrngs- while he visited his brothel-Y M]._ Lin_ viewers and 16 pound keepers were Stop 23 \onge St. d Sizes :th0 8 col“ Fergusony at Newmarket hospL appomted for the township. Good- Rithmond Hi“ 344112 3 tall, who is returning; to Eversley be- fellow illld [(01100 “'91‘9 l'(‘-11l)ll0illteil fore long, his health having imp“)me representatich to Nobleton (‘ommum 00900990690909900.00990696 Mr. Rav McConnell, Toronto. spent ltl' ASSUCl‘dllOH- Al'thlll‘ WE‘HWI‘ZV the week end at the home of his fwd- was ieâ€"named attendance officer aiid .....¢.¢..o...°.....°‘.... . ther, Mr. H. McConnell at Eversley. “'(‘Ctl lll-‘lwt‘tul'; D15 A- I‘l- KAN “(VI 3 ‘ : COCKSHUTT'OUVER TRACTOR MIX T. L. Williams attended a Dr. J. 1.. Urquhart continue as med- : : PARTS & SERVlCE . ,..__ ,7_ï¬___ _. 7 7 _ Show“. given im- the ï¬ancee of Ross lull etilt‘vl's 01 “with; “‘hflC the I've"? : 3 Now as always parts and services are avail- AgLégsgmlt-ggu Sinclair, son of Fapt. and Mrs. Ross I: rhaunnan C'x-(llllclvtl ot the board. 6 9 able for all Oliver tractors in Ontario Everyuï¬ng ‘0', Junior and Senior H Sinclair. Toronto. The event was l~ (- )1†“11‘†“l “ 9“ [\lni‘i‘ “Nd P- z 3 including those sold by the Cockshutt “PROFESSIONAL†HOCKEY GLO\'Eâ€"Wellay:>l:dded held at. the home of Mrs. (J. Sinclair (- Arthur Mmldy' Sthmnhm'g“ are 3 3 Plow CompanY- > . with extra protecting mils on thumb a d w i L . r - . v I . . ‘1 i 2.- sanitation inspectors. , , _ «.1 mm Hockey Clem at ‘ 7:125 gnsd , T01011l0:- Tuesday, Ian. 4 l'lL nit, I (EH11 MM “mum will he “WI 10 3 3 All Goodison-Oliver dealers are equipped sgohwlmlnxutsim luvâ€"For coAuus LEG GL'AI-IDâ€"Large .ste limge “111 raked all“? {{llh.‘ (ltmmi‘li’ Hp] ii“ H U hL'; l W um I h in z z to serve you. Why not drOP in at the " h 1'“ “WM†“0 min“ 4.69 Sires full ism-cm 6- ‘ ' Ja'nuarv 15. an i. rs. 'i iams \\'li ‘ i “ " C " A 50 "His" ,.. . . . .. ' - ' HOCKEY HELMET - 1.79 i .. E. “'95 » -' - i v 1 v ldi use slim chants Rm.- relief atria-i- ° S‘lmo‘lm ““‘h Mdlkh‘m‘ " neareStGOOdlson'Ohve‘ dealer tOday and “PROFESSXONAL†SHIN AND KNEE agilltiraniï¬gjr (:UARD~â€"Thlck let: be a gut-st at lei nepiew s \\C‘( n,. : ‘ -. ‘ . . 3 V ‘ / 2 see how the}, are ready to help you. “"5~â€"“’9“ N‘““‘“- the NH“? 350‘“ ‘1 l ' 6'45 Mr. aiid Mrs. Jack Walsh are spendâ€" this lilim “’lll (‘llilbh‘ tho-*9 l‘eqllll'mfl‘ 9 Rd. RICllmOlld lllll. new ll.i e Inwhe 1p _ I or B I) . pros wear ., . AS"E::L'R.â€"\FT HU‘ “ ‘ i 5._ . . . ,. . ) , . . ‘ . , ‘ 6 r7 rot/manta"; r ' . Others m r I . ~ ‘ > 1 93 mm 1.31m), hfllguccd Agrlgg‘lafgï¬lï¬gmi mg. the “th1. months m kan 83am hclp an oppoituiiity to ~liclp4 them- : Stunw house 3 bedrooms, : a any uer ram In I ' a" WWW! DMCS’ which assists Mr. Walsh who has been Wh't‘s. thUS “121%:er disposition 01' 9 l ‘ k. I. l h H 0 an employee of Baton Hall Farm for “WHEN {01' this PW‘DOSe most suitable : mmtln ltc 10†‘lm "1 1' 3 some years. Mrs. Walsh attended to the speciï¬c need." 3 room. hardwood. hot air 3 . .. .Q i. ' .i ' . Z“ - '- ('ouncil voted 825 Would tllc llOs- - » E‘U‘l†“' A' "‘“tmg 1““ “Ce†. . .. . . 1. it - : heating. large lot. Price 3 being. a fwmel. member of the 333m», pital tor Sick (hllt ten and .\l.i to the . | ¢ 121mm. Salvation Army cause. 3 57100.00. 3 . (‘emctery (ompany Annual Jan. 22 “111109 Success 9 v 0 .4‘ Shareholders in Kingr ("ity Cemet_ Fl'ld‘d)’ “Wing's dance sponsored 3 NICIAEAAN : .- . u ‘ 0- - by the Athletic Association on Jan- 0 s i o tiy will hold the annifll ineetinh fol ‘l H _ V . a I ‘ o RUM] Esta“) and Buï¬mesg o el.ction of ot’t'icerS and general bus- W115 l. “21> 2m “Uihtziiidlng' success. 3 r : . iness at King Masonic Hall. January “ï¬llt'iala *i‘lrl» LC†PHX’EOH'S (ill'l‘hï¬â€˜S‘ O Blit’k‘q' O a V c ’ ’ _ x 7 ' 7 22nd at ‘3 p.m. Lawrence Scott is “a “'1†f‘“ hiin "1M Wheel llel'i'm: : Thmhhm (mite phone 12 z I . r. « 97 YC NGE ST. . president and J. S. Walking-ton. secâ€" malice “111 be done 0“ l‘l'l‘lay- Jan‘ 3 . » 3 Richmond Hill, Ont. _ . ,.etary_tl.easm.el._ The executive and uary 31. in McDonald and Wells Hui: :Evtiiinus Mr. ()verbiiry 48w 9 (lll‘CClOl's [1128 all interested in the Km?- PI'M‘GE'fh 2'0 tmvm'd Kills" 9 2 ' OOOOOO0.000¢OOOOOOOO¢~§6009 business and management of this M“““‘1’h‘lllillllrl'lltl-