Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jan 1949, p. 8

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Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 000090600060000000¢OOO¢OM“60.060060000060000...O O 000009900091 0 O O O O 0 6 O 0 0 9 O 9 0'90000NOOO”.””””«OOOQO”OOO”Q00000900000009? I] after New Year's or not. You know I feel aâ€"kind-aâ€"doggy 3 HeHO Gang 3 I sweater, fleece lined boot, or maybe the family needs shoes R. J. “ ” Craigie REFRIGERATORS,‘RANGES, WASHERS 1 ' AND RADIOS Friday and Saturday. No, it’s not a lot â€" 20 cents on the dollar â€" but 'it might give you a chance to buy that ski myself. Must be the weather (‘VC (and how) I had was All types of sheet metal work. Free Estimates â€" Prompt Service 31 Yonge St. Richmond Hill l‘hornhill 161: Nights 150J “'11)” TH] and :carf Do you know that some of the lovely fu! coats Well I don't know if you all have had time to recuper However, let's get back to business Looking forward to seeing you Friday and Saturday I’.S.~â€"-Y0u know I got stuck in a snowbank New Year‘s BLACKBURN’S APPLIANCES £3 SALES Immediate elvery WESTINGHOUSE tylcd and m having a 20 per cent discount sale of everything Thinnhill Furriers CA 881’ EA D HEATING I had forgotten to take that shovel with me GREEN LANE, THORNHELL . HOT AIR FURNACES AND AIR CONDITIONING Easy Terms if Desired- Electric Wiring and Repairs IBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursd the broom right in your own neighborhood CHRIS. AQAM REITER. produced l i‘eleplwnc 'l‘hurnhiil 371‘ 111 F.L. LOWRIE, R.O. and the Second and Fourth Wednesday ' of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Jan. 26th downtown show Windows were EYESIGHT SPECIALIST brother I us hgour modern fur shop (I threw the darned thing “'35 WILL BE AT in there Richmond Hill 374J 01' something anuary (well) All 1949 ces, which infiltrate into the com- munity. Politicians might differ with this view." [lament Bldgs. last Friday afternoon. Extra chairs provided failed to seat the group representing the opposition and many were forced to stand arâ€" ound the room, at the door and out in the corridor. Thl'eefawyers pres- ent were representing property own- ers in the district. Feeling ran a little high at times. Thornhill is a notoriously dry com- munity, and while sympathy for the residents of Jackes Ave. was express- ed by all opposing delegates when told or the shortage of water there, many ratepayers in Thornhill who have carried water anywhere from “Merchants generally agree race track has adverse effect upon busin- ess. Many local wage earners who would otherwise be good credit risks lose credit standing at races. Many undesirable chalacters follow the ra- Thcrnhill W. I. To Meet Thornhill Women’s Institute will hold its next regular meeting- at the home of Mrs. Jamieson, Yonge St, next Thursday afternoon. January 20. A speedy recovexy to Miss Ball of Proctor Ave. who has been ill with pneumonia, and whose condition ré- mains unchanged. A resident of this community for fifteen years, the late Miss Bail was in her 81nd year. She was a member of Westminster Church in Toronto. Funeral services were conducted from her home on Tuesday afternoon” and interment took place in Mount theasant Cemetery. ’l‘hornhiil United (,‘nurch Notes On Sunday morning last, the Un- ited church was filled to capacity, and one of the largest communion services yet was observed. Eight new members were received, six by letter and two on professioh of faith. Last Sunday morning, the Sunday School obServed Promotion day. Forâ€" ty-eight diplomas of merit were aw- arded to scholars 'who had attended 60% or more of the sessions. Profic- iency prizes were awarded as follows: senior department, lst, Archie Kent; 2nd, Audrey Thompson; 3rd, Clifford Garnett. Two marks are given for attendance, one for memory work and one fa'r church attendance. ~ In the junior department, lst, Joy- ue Blake; 2nd Donald Kent; 3rd (tie) Lois Davidson, Leslie Davidson. Promotions were held, and three new teacher:~ were welcomed to the stall, making:r a total of eleven. They were: Mls. Jeiome, Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Shulvel'. Married Couples Group The married couples group have arranged for a social evening to take the fcrm of a toboggan party next I‘vcsday. Members are to meet in the church at 8 p.111. Young Ladies Guild The Young Ladies’ Guild will meet on Thursday evening of this week at. the home of Mrs. Anstey at 8 p.m. The W. A. met in the Sunday Propomd Race Track Causes Furore A deputation of ratepayers from Thomhlll opposing the proposed race- mask on Yonge St., appeared at the Municipal Board meeting in the Par- The annual meeting of Thornhill Library Association will be held at the home of Misses Welsh, Centre St., Monday evening, January 17th, at S p . m Next Sunday morning at 11 a.m., Miss Beltha Cassidy, returned miss- iOnary of the American Adventist Church, will speak on China of to- day. Late Henrietta Bail After a prolonged illness, Miss Hemietta Bail died at her home on Proctor Ave. on Saturday Jan. lst. Surviving are one sister, at pres- ent ill, and one brother, William, and to these two remaining members of the lamily, sincere sympathy is ex- uneed. Another sister predeceased Miss Bail just a year ago. JNITED STATES COMMUNITY SPEAKS FROM EXPERIENCE AND WARNS AUAINSI A RACE TRACK â€"- RULING BY MUNICIPAL BOARD AWAI’IED WITH INTEREST Thornhill District NéWS The Women’s Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. J. Michell, Lansing. on Tuesday evening. The study book “West of Gorges” was taken by Miss A. qule, who read a synopsis prepared by Mrs. Otto James on the first three chapters, and‘ by Mrs. J. Michell and her daughter, Patricia, on Chapter 4, which was quite interesting. Annual reports were received from the Miss- ion Band, the Baby Band, Treasurer and other ofiiceis of the organization. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H. Burke, Thornbank Rd. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. Grigsby of Elgin St., on the birth of their daughter, Rosemary Susan, on Thursday, January 6th. (,'.G.l.'l‘. Holds Elections On Monday evening, January 3rd, the local group of C.G.I.T. under the leadership . of Mrs. A. _ Martindale held elections for 1949.. Following were elected: President, Virginla Jones; viceapresident, Lois Forsythe; secretary, Louise Broderick; treasur- er, Shirley Galbraith. The girls are planning a skating party for next Monday evening, January 17th. Earl Haig Home and School Assoc- iation to Hold Career Night Parents of all students of Earl Haig Collegiate are invited to attend Career Night, sponsored by the Home and School Association, in co-opera- tion with the Guidance Department. This splendid opportunity was ex- tended last year for the first time for all parents as well as students of third, fourth and fifth forms, and proved very popular and most help- ful in choosing future careers. school room on Thursday afternoon last week with a fair attendance. Mls. Wesley was in charge of de- votions. Arrangements were made for the refreshments to be served at the annual meeting on the 28th of January- and Parsonage Commit- tee su‘omitted a report on improve- ments to the parsonage which was approved by the meetmg. Annual reports were received. Mrs. Wells was appointed supply secretary, and arrangements were made for the annual bale. Ten occupations and professions have been selected, and speakevs, well qualified and outstanding in his THE ROBERT SIMPSON COMPANY LIMITED Announcing . a . OPEN MONDAY -- SATURDAY 9 - 5.30 :25 Y onge Street Next Day Delivery Convenience Catalogue or Store Merchandise Thrifty Prices Convenient Terms Exchanges, Refunds SID’IPSON’S GUARANTEE: Satisfaction or Money Re funded. Save Time ~ a Save Money the mailing list to receive our next catalogues just phone 01' call in at the Order Office for your copy doooooomouoooooooo 0000‘ or 11er~ow11 field, have been obtained. Everyone willk have the opportunity of hearing two of the speakers. As- sembly in the gymnasium will be at 8 p.m. sharp. Doncaster Ladies‘ Club Meeting at the home of Mrs. Law on Tuesday evening, January 4th, Doncaster Ladies‘ Club held their first meeting of the new year. Mrs. Pea- cock read an item dealing with this New Year. After hte business had been transacted, discussion centred on an afternoon tea and sale of homecoo‘king, to be held some after- noon in March, with a euchre and dance scheduled for the evening of the same day. An added attraction will be a lucky draw on a pair of Hudson Bay blankets. Sympathy was extended'ifiiss Bafil and Mr. Bail in the loss of their sister, Miss Henriet- ta Bail. Birthday greeting-s were ex- tended to Mrs. Drake, Mrs. Westcott and Mrs. Russell and the meeting closed with a social half hour. Next meeting cock’s home on Women's Institute Notes In a recent letter from the.presi- dent of the Federated Women’s ln- stitutes of Ontario, Mrs. J. R. Fut- clier, writes that -a committee ap- poined by the Provincial Board in session are busy planning for the Ofi’icer’s Conference at Guelph the first week in May. Because of the cost of transportation, the confer. ence will be‘limited this year to pres- idents and secretaries of areas and districts, although Branch presidents and secretaries who care to attend at their own expense will be welcomed. NOOOMOOMWOOOQOOOO: i Property Sold § .04 DAVID MCLEAN In July, a holiday for Insitute members will be given at Guelph and Mrs. Futcher has asked that a car- load come from each Institute. A summary of the reports brought in by the Board Directors showed that the majority of our Ontario membership is in favour of the raise in Institute fees from 25c to 50c. ieg‘ We have waiting clients. Some with cash for suburban homes, farms, country estates and var- ious types of businesses. gular 1urchases from Simpsc Real Estate & Business Broker ‘ Thornhill Office, Phone 12 Evenings Mr. Overbury 48W Located in the Richmond Theatre Building How to get a Simpson’s Catalogue SHOP AT SIMIK’SON'S ORDER OFFICE will be at Mrs. Pea- Proctor Ave. Just phone 01‘ Visit the Order Office Shop from Simpson's catalogues 01‘ store advertisements over 35,000 items of quality merchandise to choose from. Simpson's Monthly Payment Plan available on orders 01' $15.00 and over Place your order before 12:00 Noon and delivery will be made NEXT DAY right to your door. Exchanges and refunds made promptly because Simpson’s Guar- antee “Satisfaction or Money Refunded". and enjoy these advantages 40w catalogue prices and outstanding values ORDER OFFICE in Richmond Hill current catalogues autonmticqlbr punt‘ you on §DANCE and EUCHRE 6. V 000 0O6000060000000090600WOOWNM“0.9000” >000.00000000000000900.0009...00000000090000.00090002 A DULTS “ SISTER SUSIE SWINGS IT” WEDNESDAY (CLOSING: 9 - 12 NOON Under the auspices of the Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid you would like a current catalogue, Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill FRIDAY, JANUARY let CONCERT HALL, MAPLE FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY let Euchre at 8 p.m. â€" Dancing from 9 p.m. In aid of Thornhill Bantam Hockey Club 35c FRED MARTIN’S ORCH ESTRA Telephones 461 and 462 VELLORE W. I. Will be presented by A 3-Act Play AT 8 p.m 0n In CHILDREN 25c

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