’ l -A 3 FURROW TRACTOR PLOW. Call Garaire- Phone 233. Hill 4613.. Mr. Middleton, Richmond c3w30‘ *1w30 FORD M’ODE‘L A, 1929, good condiâ€" tion, motb'r recently overhauled. 5 4 GEESE, 2 ganders, 1 electric mo- g'ood tires, sealed beam headlights. tor, 11/2 h.p. Phone Maple 671‘4-1. 2-w3 0 CREAM SEéPiARATOR, aii attacl: nicnts, ï¬rst class condition. Best offer. 1Phone Thornhill 471‘13. *2w30 CHESTERFIELD SUITiE, three pieces. Phone Richmond Hill 391W.‘ clw30 BAILED TIIMOTIHY II‘AY, also Cow hay. Richmond Hill 47121 N. Bro- d i c. 3.“.130 WOOD, dry hardwood, $17.50 per cord. delivered; custom chain sawing. Phone Richmond Hill 228, Jack Leary, Gormley. tfc24 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, pieces, green, excellent condition. Cof’fee table, walnut. Phone Richmond Hill 13-1W or call 31 Church St." c1wBO 12 YOUNG PIGS, 60 to 70 lbs. Apâ€" ply John Cruickshank, R. R1 2, Gormley. ’ c1w30 KI’I‘CHEN RANGE, ï¬tted with doub- le oil burner, good baker and will heat 2 or 3 rooms. Maple 641'21. c1w30 n O MAPLE H‘A-‘RDVV'OIOID, limb and body mixed ,cut and delivered. Phone iStoufi‘viIle 381wl. Gormley Block C0. c4w30 IN'CUiB‘ATOIR, Bnndy all electric Mammoth will hatch 8,000 chicks. First class condition. Best offer. Phone Thornhill ~17r13. ‘i‘2w30 ._..\¢â€"__. _. MOWFIFLAT E’LEC'IlRIC STOVE, 4- . burner lower oven, 2 years old, in excellent Condition, like new. 3175. Miss Lougheed, Jefferson’s. Phone 11961-2. c1w30 TVV'O S’I‘OVES, one white enamel coal and‘ wood range, and one white enamel electric rangette, in good condition. ’Price reasonable. Phone Mrs. Appleton King 50r14. c1‘w30 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire Screens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked en- amel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket, Ont. c12w23 GET THE MOST out of your flocks with Bray Chicks â€"â€" ordered n0w. Get production for better markets. Brooder here will quote prices. Cat- alogue ready. Hatches twice weekâ€" 1y. Fred Wise, Bray Brooder. Rich.- niond Hill. “ALWIAYIS THE BIG-4 CHICKS" says customer W. R. Taylor, Wrox- eter, Ont. Once a customer, nearly always a customer. They come back because they know Big-4 Chicks are about the best they can buy. Cana- dian Approved, backed by a breeding program on our own farms. We‘re agents here. Ask us for prices, save time and worry. Wesley Clark, R. R. 2, Gorinley. SUNSHINE CHICKS FOR 1949. Big husky, proved money maker chicks from fast growing“, high producing, blood tested breeders. Barred Rocks, ‘Wnite Rocks. New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, Red Rock Hy- brids, Rock Red Hybrids, Cornish Red Hybrids. 1BR & WI. Hybrids, English White Leghorns. Mixed as ,hatched 15c; pullets 28c, Cox 6c. 0r- der yours today. Sunshine Hatchery, Chathain, Ont. tfc‘28 CLASIFIEI) ADS in these columns are charged :it the mic Of 7 cents per line. with a minimum charge of 35c for any one advertisement. This Is the cash rate. When ads are sent by mail remittance should accompany copy. Wbcu telephoned remittance should follow promptly; if not paid Within two weeks there will be an extra charge of ten cents for billing. For use of box number, the charge is 10 cents. Co-operation of adver- tisers using these columns will be appreciated. The Liberal. ‘good condition. sell reasonable. Maple 6214. INTERNATIONAL TRUCK, used. K3 model, one to two ton load. Ex- tras: heater and defroster, spare tire, helper springs, stake body. Ap- ply Thornhill 54 W. R. Dean. tfc30 IiNTElRNiA’IlIrONAL TRIUICKi, new, K1B3 Model, one to two ton load. Ex- tras: heater and defroster, spare tire. helper springs and nobby tires on rear. Apply Thornhill 54. W. R. Dean. tfc30 CHESTERFIELD, needs slip cover, $30.00; dark oak buffet $30.00; chest of drawers, painted, 315.00; and two oil paintings in gilt frames. All in good condition. Phone Thornhill 95 M. 1w3‘0 Aipply A. Mitchell. clw-‘ZO BIU'NGIAL‘OW, Markham Township, Richmond Hill, $3,000 down, four room, bathroom, heated sun room, lot 52’ x 210’. Landscaped; stream through property, hot water heat- ing; electric pump, soft water cis3 tern. Some extras. Full price $5200. Possession two months. Box 32 Li- beral, Richmond Hill. *IWSO MAHOGANY DINING ROOM TAB- LE, with extra leaves, full sized, Duncan Phytfe style in ï¬rst class condition; 1 kitchen coal and wood annex with length of stove pipe, white porcelain; pair of boys brown 'winter breeks, size 8. in good condiâ€" tion. Apply 4 Centre St. W., Rich- mond Hill anytime Saturday. “WELL SATISFIED with your chicks â€" as lovely 3 looking flock as any- one could wish for†says customer Mrs. J. McIntosh of Allenford, Ont., of Big-4 Chicks. It pays to start right. Good chicks are no more trouble than average stock. Order your Big-4 Chicks now. Ask us for prices. Canadian Approved, backed by a breeding program on our own farms. Wesley Clark R. R. 2, Gorm- ley. WANTED 3 OR MORE ROOMS, about $65.00, for couple, no children. Phone Ma- ple 531'2. *2w29 TEA=M FARM SLEIGHS, 1 set, in Apply Box 31, Lib- *2iw29 eral. WOMAN, to clean office daily at Steele’s and Yonge St. Call Zone 8-501. c1w30 ROOM AND BOARD for single lady, centrally located in Richmond Hill. Apply Box 87 Liberal. *2w30 CARETAKiER for St. Mary’s An- «glicanChurch. Apply at the Warden's 11 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. clw3‘0 FARM HELP, single, uipiped dairy farm Phone Maple 741-14. Farms, Edgeley. for well-eq- near Toronto. Findlay Dairy ‘3‘1w30 CAPABLE woman would like pos- ition as baby sitter, afternoons and evenings. Phone Richmond Hill 88. e1w30 POULTRY, any quantity, best market price. Will call immediately on re- quest. VPhone King 35r14, A. Magee. c12w29 POU‘LTIRY, any quantity, best mar- ket price. Will call immediately on request. Phone King 35114. A. Magee. *l2w29 BUSH LOT, heavy, close to Richmond Hill, with or without property, coni- pletc or selective cutting. Fred Tayâ€" lor. 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill 463. ' 25tfc IS THERE a landlord in Richmond Hill who would be willing to rent his house to a family of four. \Vill- ing to pay a fair rental. We are quiet. We are happy. Why not meet us! Apply Box 41 Liberal. c2w30 Teacher: What do we mean by plural 7 Bobby: The same thing, only more of it. i , plies, 60 Hayter St., El. 1380?». *I‘nvfï¬ ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDykc, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. ttc DREISSMAKING, select your own fabric and pattern and have your dress made to your individual meas. urement. Joan I’clleitiici', Maple 72 1'21- ('l “'30 EXPERIE.1CED BOOKKEEPER nvâ€" ailable 1 or 2 days weekly. Mon-. 11in statements, ledger posting. inâ€" come tax returns, business systems installed. Phone 21001. WELLS dug or cleaned out, septic tanks installed. cement work done. rockery stone, sand and gravel. Ap~ ply R. Hicks, phone Maple x712 or G. Croutch, phone Thornhill 0712.“. tf Chg. 5‘2 COMPARE these prices: Soft slabs 9113.00; hard slabs, Slum; hard limbs. $18.00; body hardwood 3‘21," All wood bone dry, cut to desired length. Fred Taylor. 74 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. Phone 463. tchS NOW CARRYING a fairly complete line of hardwood and softwood lumâ€" ber, rough and dressed. Reasonable prices, prompt delivery. Fred Taylor 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. Phone 463. tfc25 TREE FELLING, woodcutting, un» safe limbs removed; hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed: buildings moved and raised. Fred Taylor. 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. Phone 463. tfc‘ZS ‘SVHIO‘E REPAIRS. harness repairs, get it repaired now and be ready for Spring work. Don't put it off too long. A Pearson, Maple Shoe Re- pair. *4w20 TO RENT THIREE ROOMED APARTMENT, available immediately, toilet. running water, centrally located. Phone 381.] Richmond Hill. Saturdays only. <22“in FOUND BROWN COCKER SiPANIEL, female at Bayview and Gamble sidcroad, about 1 year old. Owner may have same by identiï¬cation and paying for ad. Aipply W.A. Burnie, Box 253 Richmond Hill. Phone 223J. *le0 I GUILD GOSSIP By Glad McLatchy Yes, Yuletide was stilling yodelling at the Guild last week, with polished faces like fatal appl’es benevolently fuming the atmosphere with that Sweet Mystery bubble bath odor, the bigger the bubbles the sweeter the mystery bubble. i .A piece of headgear, floating in the breeze, looked as if it was mix- ed up in the rainbow before gravity took it from Santa as he sped through space. Peekâ€"a-boo skirts fused with buttons and bows, and the lavenderl l blues turned green with envy as the chummy little sweaters looked dilly dilly on Santa’s thought they looked dilly doubt. But one thing is sure evei‘ybOdy too, no was in the same frame of mind ah. I: out Santa and that is something when everybody thinks the same way. And to think it was Scrivvy’s birthâ€" day too, what a co-incidence, cake with candles? which she blew out in one gust of wind, dent's always have an extra load tucked away somewhere, they have to, for an emergency like this one. But when that mighty arm wielded the mallet. the yodelling ceased and business took over and there was in) monkey business about it either. It was quite a meeting. Like a jack in the box, up popped Cicely. then ‘Glad, thcn Ros rose to the occasion. with heaps of help from Helen and nods from Norah, it was one exclting night, and the foundation was laid for a stimulating season for 1040. So, be smtcd on the 25th, for a tflp to Jasper, and other places of interest. just leave it to Harold. of course presiâ€" I-Ie: Give me a kiss. She: My lips are chapped. He: Well one more chap hurt them. won‘t Farm Wanted . II sweater-girls, he I out and support those that are trying" to overcome it then they can cr.li_ cisc to their heart's content. Last Friday there was a double header with the Leafs trimming ('hiCHQ'O 5’ 10 0 and the Leafs carried the whole play. It takcs a few games to straighten the teams out and get them organized so that they are much the same strcngth. The Leafs have :i real good team and have given ('hicago Van Dykc who played an outstanding game for the Leafs. Ilc will bring (‘hicago up in strength to much the same as the rest; of the teams. The two goalies played :in excellent. game and Jimmie Pollard and Van Dykc were the big goal fl‘t‘l- tors. The second game betwccn Bo:- ton and Canadians was a much bettor game and more evenly matched with Boston having the slight crluc ovcl‘ Canadians. I will bc putting in a much moi'c detailed account of things next “lick, so i'ntil then, please try to do your part of things before you critir‘sa- those that arc doing: their bcsi'. We can still use any donations no matter how large or small if you feel like obliging. On behalf of the Other coaches and myself I would like to thank thosc that have gone out of their way to help us out and or: us- off to a good start. My Oiin wiin is that the rest of you will drop in to the Arena any Tuesday or Frilay inin six to eight and see for you]- self just what's going on. SO .vbzit about it‘.’ shâ€... WHEN HORSES NEIGHS MINGLEI) WITH (‘OU NOI LLORS' "N A YS" Invited to speak to the members of Markham Township Council at their inaugural meeting, Mr. J. E. Smith, M.‘P. for North York, recalled that in Markham township 23 years ‘ae-o, the council assembled in a hall directly over the hotel horse sheds in Union- when he first attended meetings ville. That brought to the memory nays of the councillors. Record has it that on one occasion two horses became quarrelsome and steady stream of squealing to the great anâ€" noyance of the then Reefs Jonathan Nigh, who requested thqï¬ some one go down stairs and remove the oppOs- Stouffville Tribune persisted in keeping up a ition. LWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I We have a cash buyer for a = 100 acre farm with good barn I and house in Vaughan or Mark- E ham. Spring possession required. DAVID McLEAN I ' Real Estate & Business Broker Thornhill Office Phone 12 I Evenings Mr. ()verhury 48W Who’s ' Afraid Of Fuel Shortages 7 Not the man who burns hard coal and orders his fill-up now! Famous Reading Anthracite Trademarde With Tiny Rid Spots JONES COAL CO. Phone 188, Richmond Hill of another reporter who listened to Mr. Smith that too often the neighs of the horses just below the councillors' feet with only a board floor between became confused with the yeas and '- I‘ll-IIIIIIIIIIIII sistancc to the chursh. “I can do all things through Christ which strcnw- thcncth me,“ was the text the Rector suggested to the W.A. as a motto for their new year. The following officers were installed and took their places at the table: Hon. President. Mrs. W. I“. Wrixon; President, Mrs .I). M. Aledcalf'; 1st vice-pres, Mrs. Chatterley, 3nd vice-pres.. Mrs. R. S. Mason; rec. scc., Mrs. J. )I. Rob- scc., Miss E. Stewart; ticzisurcr. Mrs. (1. li. Bye; Living )Icssagc. Mrs. W. Hall: Dorcas, )Ii's. \Y. 1“. Carter; Study Book, Mrs. G. LB. Johnson; {cctor's nominees to executive. Mrs. R. I). Little, Mrs. P. C. Hill. A very busy. profitable and enjoyable afternoon was brought to a close with thc serving of rofrcsh- incnts iiison; cor \\'()()I)BRII)GE (‘LERK STARTING imi YEAR Congratulations to (‘lcrk Ed. W. Brown of Woodbiide'e who is serving his 44th year as clerk of the municiâ€" pality. Councillor ('ccil Shannon entering his 11th year as a member of municipal council, Reeve W. R. Scott is in his fourth year as Reeve and his tenth as a member of counâ€" cil. R. (I. Henderson, Henry Hill- mid and Fred I). Armstrongr arc the other members of council. is JAMES POLLARI) CHAIRMAN OF I’I'BLIC SCHOOL BOARI) At a meeting:r of the Public School Board held at the Public School. Thursday. January 13th, James Pol- lard was reâ€"clected chairman. 4 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thursday. January 20. 1949 , nuniioxn 1111.1. fiiiivon , .1.\'.\'i"_v1. Mentixo _ H _ v , :-:~.;:.â€": â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_*â€"â€"-â€".._â€" â€"_;___ ‘ I; \N‘ptng “(M 1" FY “1 SI. \l.\I(\ .\ \.\Ci.i(,\.\1\\..\.. -' " l A _ i 'l :c :initnui :liL‘L‘IlllL†oi Si. .\ :iry s . . V V i (liy Wick )lills‘) Anglican (‘hi‘i'ci \Vnniai‘fs Aiixiiizil'N N a la 1 l d S l Rollo-(1 (yo so into last week's two ‘50-" i101"- IH til“ PMâ€h 111‘“ ilillt‘r‘d‘W a \ Ll'ilfllt‘s‘. :tllil ién- icain slilll(ll!ll‘s. l ‘ ‘1‘ “Hi “wk mm was onc oi‘ 19c 3:112» l '.\1 old likc to bring out two liiillll< wt and must \lll‘t't\\illl :ll‘llllill .ncci- ° 0 e RATESiFivc lines- or less. :15 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 25 cents (or each Slll)>t‘{lllk‘lli insertion, Hyw mm m“, Wm “Wm†,H Hm. at ILQM 311.. \' t,,;,1;,.,i_,._\r WW.“in live lines 7 cents per line extra each insertion. Il’ charged to account ninc H'llls per iinv. 1 “Wm†WP 1.1m“, Hm mp“. .m. .,';inil thi- lii‘l'lirl' tool; illi’ «Iiiciiiiiu'4‘1k'â€" . . . . ' 1 " " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,. w a V 'V v N w r s 1 quflmnt thhm‘md HI†I.’ lg considerable number \\|io tliinl; 11:11 \“Ih‘llill l‘XK’I'C-N‘>> HI" l"‘|""t»‘ I“! :le IL\k .in' 11mins :iic Sbonsorcd l».\' tho . lllk‘ Several oli'ici-i's showed .1 consid- ' iiiic llllitllll «l' \\ l’l' hnc ll'l'll†Q, e'lker' [{py [)9ter Devnek " '4‘ '-",\.\ .. ,til,‘;4 r |I\ll 1.1- . . ’. I‘“ O OIL BURNER STOVIS, one Licns. ll.l. . not inn and up i» I . ' '1] I At r'l I, ! mm t 1.) ¢ e . er " ‘cook and one Quebec. Apply 80 Mon ii2llt‘ we have not, had any 4lillltlilillls 1“ M41 “i 1 i“ U ‘1 "‘fUI’ »‘ ‘* ‘s V 3 3 I h t V ‘ V v _ V_ t ‘ ‘7 . . '25,,“ Ave†Dancaster. phone 3431-14_ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ {Wm mm†1,“, “U do kw.“- th,†,1,,,-,, the largest on record. lhc ioizil nci 5h†{‘1' H‘li‘St‘lliililH’. \. l‘. i . \\ 01 ill \ l>lOll ((llllt‘l'l‘llCt‘ FORD SEDAN, 1938, good condithIL' (1th SN0\VPL(,LVGPHN(;I ‘13],(Id Taylor mg thv (“my-“l M. my “Elï¬n†UNIV will “Wm,†\\.H\ 0H,]. “WV†hun‘hml JUL > .Phone Rlcmnoml HI“ 3641-12 ngo| , 1 ‘ . f;i,0nliuli;liym{ M" “(hmmm lit .‘Jivinf.r us a hand, Then lliL‘l't‘ :111-y l;iis. )Ii‘s. t'haitcrlcy thankful the Sing._80ngz Sextettez QUEBEC HEATER and cook Stove‘l ngOEHLFR yed ChiSteiï¬e (I‘vgllélgi’ ._..' V I v ‘ V V some who sccin to be worrying" their “Illt‘t‘l's :llltl nit-niln-rs for their loyal ‘ ' 20:. as new Alppl‘, 36 Hum Avon t' “39 Pietev “me an:- glegnld _ ’ SRO“ I’LOIMIIINI. Lance illid [Hunk oï¬' “boot [he rem-min.†i'. ,- \lllllil'li and for the grcni amount of qt‘ltT' ()ui77' - i V A ' I . moo-00‘ two piece ('leStel- e Sune‘ dl'iVOW‘le -\lil‘il\' Phone Willow- * i. ' - -« '~ \o 'l' - "l il'sl Al ll" 10‘ the \cui. ’r ‘ “ ' i ‘ " ' , - . thc chiloii-n in the town. .l.l.s 1!. \ Ix AlUiml L 1U 11111.“ . FOR REAL ESTATE phone Fenn,i green» $651K)- Phone Rldlmoml HԠdale ZSUSAV. ll. (,it)0(l£‘l'lllllll.. liwitx’ “mo Hwy 1,â€. innqrpc-twl I will nonii “10 Then culled upon the {cc-tor to ’V . ' - 4 ‘ . .1“) ' ‘ i. N" ‘ .". ) I ‘ l. >) y y W liminhill 108. tfc4b 46113. c1“..0 AFFVT fur “UH!†‘md FWUMHO out .|ll\l what rhoâ€. 15. ,m. Sphuwle install tht Lil.) oiiiuis. “Ll-OIL do- DIn‘. GARDENE’RS LOOK! Romtmel' for OLDSMOBILE, 41 De Luxe, two AFN“ MW,“ 0 I x [10.9 \hple cci thi- :ii'cnn every week lllll’lllL" tho in! “’1 MY- “l‘lxml 52W} ho WWW“ t?“ , ‘ I‘. u ., -! '- « - \ ‘ v e s ' . . . 1.--- i 1 x i" 1 v ‘0 ' . sale, good as new. Phone Richmond tone, torpedo body, motor and Clutch Phone n“ Hull?) coi'i'sc ol the :iliornomis and Tli(‘\' (unsuituln-tt tht incnihtis of (the “. I Ila“ rence Nlemorldl Hall" '1 ho! nhlll Ilill 36(ir‘21. c1w30 like new. Slip covers. 4 new tires, †h “1"†MW “I†“TO M tho (mmmr m'k A. U†Hm†hf“. Shawn]! durmg the . .- v 1 U UH BM H k I , d i heater, built in radio and defrosters. ORDERS will be taken for iH‘iV'JtL‘ but up by the 'l.ions ol' the vill:1::--. 1111* .WHII ")I‘H hile- "X 3'0“; ““ll'k. Stop 11. \ong‘e >1. ‘4 4 A L ‘30" Cutlery 2’00 as . ' - - n 4 . .. . .- . . ' .. “m ' i - 'ri .- l-\'\ 1} . . v elm“- d 1. -t “fits and prayers. touchc otier . _ . h Good condition, $31496, Thornhill dicssmakine .iltti i.->0 p.in. in tn lt_\ i.i ( it li(\\ . . an as s I _ . V _ V “i )A H ( 1 , x. V y )_ , . new‘ price $300†Apply BOX 190' “'1 n l 73-7 -‘ eveninv'. .l’honc {ichniond Hill :‘150 but not loast our hockey lcae‘uc. This. I‘L‘i'l’10 “1 [mililv (hum. Jilinâ€). (INN TIN] I‘Hi‘m‘l‘ (QUINN) In“ “1111†('on Club , . .. _ 4111.). ..\\30 a _ . ‘ ' The Liberal OillCO. “'le0 rm. :73“in ,5 "(.1 Winning. Skating- nightS at the il'llzllll. as wcl. as the :\Oltll and . .. . 1947 Mercury Panel Truck 1/2 to"; new or other «roun- sin-h -1. tin- West of Canada." said the Rocior. 1W." HEVIR .1. r - ~ ’ , . - . _ . . ‘ t rs I '~ , , Om); Cmce 9?;0275’ Shes: Ipunginug 1933 Chevrolet Coach; 1930 Chev- DIABETICS â€" “rite 10)" )â€Ul‘I-‘HQ' ('uhs‘ stoma and Rang-org, [1' tho“. .\Ir. “rixon also thanked the mom- .,71,2,i,1 k' i ' i e “2 7.,0' rolet Coach; Model A Ford motor, ai'less chocolate bars, candies, jams M- NH“ Mm think that our ammo“ 1,0,.S f,,,. t},,.,,. wad}. response t0 calls " 0' C “' [rebuilt complete, Apply Mabley’s biscuits. etc. Diabetic Foods & Sup- an, being. “02.10,,th will only Cmm, within the Innis], and for their 213; OMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN“OOOOOOOOOOONNOOOMONOOO HELLO ll Darned icy last week end . wasn’t it? . I remember the last time ,. . (well I fell). Right in front of “Doc’s†house .. (what a break) . . . Vacationed at the Wel- I It . (long enough) . . . Well I musta looked (good or something) . .. they esley for 11 days NO change of scenery there. didn’t Offer me any discount for cash, .. .. Just the eagle eye . (anyway I got bet- ter). , , Thanks a lot everybody for the wonder- ful response to the sale. It was a great success . . (on both sides of the fence). See you at the week end. a. J. “Bob†camels e<>eoo9.999990â€.enouooooowwooonmou oooonooooomonoooooooowo “ O 909000â€.600000O0.000000000000QOOOOOOOQOON“OOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00066 § § i i i z i HILLCREST MARKETERIA 123 rower. STREET ~~ QUALITY FOODS u iWEEK-END SPECIALS AYIAVIER cuoicn HALVES Peaches . . . LIBBY’S DEEP BROWN Z56 Beans . . 2 20 oz. Tins Tins 20 07.. 351: CORN Brooms EDDY‘S SILEN’I‘ Matches . 3 27c Cheese . . . Kelloggs, 12 oz. pk. . DOMESTIC AND 4 String Each 59c MONARCII BABY ROLL 49c CORN FLAKES} . . . 19c Kellogg’s 8 oz. pk. . . . . .130 APPLES, B. C. DELICIOUS, 125’s 6 for 29c IMPORTED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES FINE ASSORTMENT PLAIN AND FANCY BISCUITS MEAT DEPARTMENT PURE PORK SAUSAGE, 1b. 45c FRESH PORK KIDNEY, lb. 35c ~ MAPLE LEAF SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS LAMB We Feature Lb. 69c CHOICE _ BEEF YORK QUICK FROZEN FRESH FISH ._ â€"â€" PORK DAILY DELIVERY in the VILLAGE HILLCREST MARKETERIA “ Your Friendly Village Store â€