V OOOOOOQOO0000999000OOWOOOâ€OONONOO“OOOâ€NM :omwoweowwooomoomow 00099000 90006006900099 ‘l U E I In! _, ELIZABETH TAYLOR f! .!' mssm § AMPI‘E TIME ADMISSION FOR SKATING A IVTE-R T H E SHOW 50's; (';I [LUREN 25c 6 Elizabeth" St., Richmond Hi1], phone 148 f fooomooooooooooooemmoaeoewwooooo ooooweoww STROMBERG-CARLSON â€" RADIOS AND COMBINATIONS Supplied and Guaranteed EASY MONDAY TO THURSDAY - JAN. 24-25-26-27 YOU HAVEN’T LIVED UNTIL YOU’VE SEEN IT! MARKHAM For Ala Year Enjoyment FRIDAY-SATURDAY â€"â€" JAN. 21-22 nd other Sk TR MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL WEDNESDAY, January 26 HILARIOl SKATING CARNIVAI At Markham Arena WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Sponsored by Markham-Unionville Lions Bull Fight, Comic Dancin EUCHRE 4 ROLLICKING DAYS! OIL BURNING SPACE HEATERS Sponsored by L.O.L. N0. 2368 by FERGUSON its by members of University Sk; ICYCLE RACES for boys and girls FEE-WEE HOCKEY Skit by members of Lions Club M.H.S. Girls’ Trumpet Band BRING YOUR SKATES 8:00 P. M. WlhllAM FAST MOVING LAST DAY. THURS. JAN. 20 MARGARET O'BRIEN “16th Ave. Angel†Clï¬RENBEWS c Dancing University Skating Club EDMUND GWENN ZASU PITTS ARY 26th IRENE Tickets 35c EXCITING Mrs. Lorne C. Lee, Aurora presiâ€" dent of the Ontario Women’s Liber- al Assoc. will be heard in a broad- cast from Ottawa over GBL next Monday evening at 10:30 p.111. Lorne B.rGoodfellow, Reeve of King Twp., was elected Warden of Yonk County at the opening- session Tuesday. The popular King Twp» Reeve was unopposed. MRS. LEE 0F AURORA BROADCAST SPEAKER MIN ERVA’S BEAUTY SHOPPE KING TWP. REEVE Phone 310, Richmond Hill WHIT'I‘EN â€" Suddenly at her home, “Helendale†Elgin Mills, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1949, Hazel Del Trent, widow of William J. W‘hittenv, dear mother of Helen, Mrs. C. Crawford. waves are your assurance of hair beauty â€" they leave your hair soft, silky, really easy to manage. En- trust your hair to our skill- ed operators' hands and you’ll always be beautifully groomed, MUISSON, P. R. â€" On Sunday morn- ing, January 16, 1949, P. R. Mus- son of Elgin Mills, Ibeloved hus- band of Florence Thompson, in his 55th year, dear father of Melville, Norman, Verna and Lorne. The funeral service was held from Wright and Taylor’s funeral home on Wednesday and interment folâ€" lowed in Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. The smartness of your coif’fure makes your new clothes look right, your old clothes look new. Our radio waves are VOUI' assurance BIGLEY â€" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Big- ley, nee Florence Al’len, Richvale, are happy to announce the birth of their .son, on January 17, at Mrs. Healey’s nursing home, Elgin Mills. Both doing well. ALLIN‘SON â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Allmson, a daughter. January 18th, at the Athley Nur- sing Home, Mill Road. The annual congregational meeting of the Richmond Hill United Church will be held in the Sunday School Room, Tuesday evening, January 25, at 6:30 p.m., for the purpose of. hearing reports of the va-i'iOUS or< ganization-s for the past ye‘a-‘r. Din- her will be served by the evening, group of the Woman’s Association. Shirley and Mrs. Heeley have re- turncd home after spending three weks with Peggy Forest and Doug- las Snell in Vancouver. They had a’ lovely trip. The regular monthly meeting of the St. Andrew’s Men's Club will be held Thursday, January 27th, at 6:30 p.m. in the basement of the Presby- terian Church. I ' ‘ The work meeting of St. Mary’s Anglican W.A. will take place on Tuesday next, January 25th at 2:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. nell, 23 Centre St. W., on Friday, January 21, at 2:30 pJn. To those who share in the work and others interested a coridal invitation is ex- tended. The annual meeting of St. Mary’s Anglican Church Altar Guild will be held at the home of Mrs. W. S. Pock- nell. 23 Centre St. W., on Friday, Minnie Ground, Prop Give You Lasting Our Radio Waves Social and Personal Beauty DEATHS BIRTHS ELECTED \VARDEN “There-fore if any man be in Christ he is a NEW creature; old thimgs are passed away; behold all things are 'become NEW.†11 Cor. 5:17. 7 :00 PM. EVANGELISTIC HOUR SPEAKERS: Various students from various places, now attending Emmaus Bible Schol, Toronto. 8:15 P.M. SONG FELLOWSHIP “And He hath put a NEW song in my mouth even praise unto our God.†Psa. 40:3 ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th.. R.D. Rector Sunday, January 23rd, Epiphany 3 10 am. â€" Sunday School. Junior Bible Class. 111 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer. 7 p.m. â€" Evening Prayer. All are invited to worship with us. 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship and Baptismal Service 7 p.111. â€" Evening Worship. Master Bobby Jones, boy soprano, soloist, will assist the choir. All are Welcome. Tuesday, January 25th 6:30 pm. â€" Annual Congregational Meeting. Supper served by the Evening Group of the Women’s Association. 3 :00 RM. Sunday School Classes Let us continue in the New Year by going- to church and bringing in ‘the children, thus Christ will save our 'next generation from sin and unbelief. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister Sunday, January 23, 1949 10 am. â€" Nursery, Primary, Inter- mediate, Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 am. â€" Morning- VVm'Shin and RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, January 23. 1949 1'0 a.m. -â€" The Sabbath Schonl. 11 a.m. â€" Public Worship. Everybody welcome. IN MEMORIAM LUNAU â€" In loving memory of Our dear parents, our father, William Archibald Lunau, who passed away January 19, 1941, our mother, Alice G. Lunau who passed away Octo- ber 4, 1942. ‘ Death doth hide, but not divide, . Thou art but on Christ’s other side. Thou art with Christ and Christ with ~ us, In Him united we all shall be. â€" Sadly missed by Elwood. Rena. Beatl‘ice and Eva. *1w30 GOSPEL SERVICES CARI) 0F THANKS Mr. R. H. Kane wishes to take this opportunity on behalf of himself and his son, Melvin, to thank their many friends and neighbours for their kindness during Melvin's recent i11â€" nes. *1w30 I’ A PER COLLECTION The ’Boy Scouts and Cuibs will ag- ain visit you to relieve you of any papers, cardboard, magazines, scrap metal, rags. It will he an all-day canvass, this Saturday is the day. It would help greatly if you would have the papers ready when the boys call. As mentioned at the time of our previous drive, the proceeds from the sale of these collections are used for Scout and Cub work. Thanks for your c0-operation. The junior game was very close and no player was really outstandâ€" ing with the exception of Bull of Aurora who tried hard to win and helped ,his team greatly by scoring 10 of their 15 points. The next game in which Richmond Hill will participate will be at New- market next Tuesday. The seniors were helped on their way to victory :by Jim Reycraft, our lanky centre star, who scored 15 of 27 points. By Keith Teetzel The opening game of the basketâ€" rball season was played at the local gym last Monday. Richmond Hill emerged victorious in both junior and senior games. The same was 27-18 in the senior game and 17-15 in the junior game. The senior lineâ€"up was as follows: Sandy Neal, captain; Jim R‘eycraft, [Peter Tobias, W'illis Stephenson, Murray Stevenson. Bruce Laver and Si] Stefl'an. Don Bellamy was out of this game with a sore ankle‘ and Marvin F‘oote took his place on the junior player agreement. According- to this agreement a junior may play one game for the senior team and still be clasesd as a junior. The junior line-up was as follows: Dave Graham, Marvin Foote, Gore Burbidge, Bruce Murchison, Clarence Kozak, Scott Latimer, Ralph Smith, Art Gaud’ie-r, Lennox Wilson and Keith Teetzel, Capt. Sport Slants Held in the Masonic Hall Richmond Hill Real Estate & Business Broker Thm'nhill Mice, Phone 12 : Evenings Mr. Overbury 48W i MWQWOWW On Saturday, January lst, at the home of her parents, Ruth Kathleen Reaman-, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Secord Reaman, Richmond! Hill, be- came the bride of John Austin Tuck at a quiet‘evenintg ceremony. Mr. and 'Mrs. Austin Tuck are livilei in a new home in the village. A marriage of local interest was solemnized'by the Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Rector of St. Mary‘s Church, Rich- mond Hill, on Saturday last, January 15th, when Edythe Dorothy Fyfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F‘yfe of Richvale, Ontario, became the bride of John Byron Sheppard, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard of Richmond Hill. The bride was at- tended by Margaret L Ironside of Brantford, Ontario, and the groom was attended by Donald B. 'Tenny- son of Newtonbrook, Ontario. After the marriage ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard will make their home in Richmond Hill. Immediately following'the core- mony a reception was held at the Granite Club, after which the couple left for a trip to Montreal. kei' performed the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, were a twoâ€"piece gown of gold moire with matching hat and accessories, and green orchid coy- sglg'e. The bride’s only attendant, Mrs. Hugh Yel‘ex, was gowned in grey with matching hat and corsage of rosebuds and vioTets. C01. G. T, Chisholm acted as the g1‘00m’s best man. 10ronto, on Wednesday, January 12, was the scene of a quiet wedding ceremony when Lucy Adelaide, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garï¬eld Yel'ex, Richmond Hill, and Mr. Will‘- iam Dickï¬ of Toronto were united in marriage. Rev. Dr. Stuart Par~ Houses, Farms, Country Estates Experienced Valuators No Sale â€" No Charge We are selling them CALIFORNIA NAVEL St. Andrew’s Presb oronto, on Wednesd as the scene of a n‘emony when I mgllter of Mr. 21m Grapetruit . . 6 27c Red Grapes . 2 27c CALIFORNIA TEXAS SEEDLESS Ginger Bread Mix 290 SPECIAL DAVID MCLEAN Tide SHERRIFF‘S Crisco RINSO, OXYDOL Green Peas . 3 296 Tomatoes . Pure Lard PRIDE OF THE VALLEY BEST FOR BAKING CHOICE QUALITY SUN FANCY; JOY Ql'ALI’I‘Y SWIFT'S OR MAPLE LEAF Real Estate Wanted SHEPI’.\RD_FYFE WEDDINGS REA M .-\N-TU(‘I\' DICK [Eâ€" Y EREX AYLMER KERNEL Presbyterian C} C O R N IRNEI. . o . ORANGES . . . TOMATO JUICE $1.99 Pk ’2.“ Ctn. Tin C‘tn. 28 oz. STARRING WALLACE BEERY. JANE POWELL, ELIZABETH TAYLOR, CARMEN MIRANDA XAVIER CITGAT AND HIS ORCHESTRA Feature at: 7.14, 9.21 Saturday: 6.00, 8.00, 10.16 a Last Complete Show: 9.07. Saturday: 10.00. Nâ€WN“Nâ€WMOQ¢060WO“O MOOOO‘ Mm†Royélm T heatre mmoowmwmowowo WWâ€MMO :96.00â€.“OOMOOOOOOMOQQWWMWâ€OMOâ€M THE 3 Days â€" Mon., Tues., Wed., Jan. 24-25-27; FRED McMURRAY GEORGE BRENT AVA GARDNER VIRGINIA MAYO “Singapore†P“"‘“ Out ofthe Blue†Matinee at 2 pm. “To the Ends of the Earth†DICK POWELL â€" SIGNE HASSO Feature: 7.16, 9.21. Last Sponsored by Lake 37c 470 21c 30c MONDAY TO FRIDAY Box Office Opens 6.45 Free Parking SATURDAY ONLY _ JANUARY 22nd “ Blondie’s Anniversary †3 Days â€" Thur., Fri., Sat., Jan. 27-28-29 Showing: 7.06, 9.56 2 DAYS â€" THUR., FRI., JAN.§0-21 IBERAL, Richmond Hi PENNY SINGLETON â€" ARTHUR LAKE i LOl‘ed by Lake Marie and King Athletic Association Proceeds for King Memorial Hall Fund LUNCH COUNTER â€" SPECIAL FEATURE “A Date with Judy" FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 st McDonald and Wells’ Hall, King LEO PAXTON’S ORCHESTRA “Rose of Santa Rosa†Apples . . Potatoes SPYS OR MCINTOSH N0. 1 ONTARIO Tomato Soup 3 Cocoa 27c Pitled Dales . Grapefruit Juice LIBBY'S NEILSON’S Eggs UNSWEETENED Beans . . . NEW CROP GRADE A LARGE LIBBY‘S DEEP BROWNED AURORA Color By Technicolor â€"- Starring â€" Plus Evening Show Starts 6.00 p.m Size I‘nul Box Office Openrsï¬i5j4'v5 Sat. Matinee 1.30 §AT Q HOLIDAYS Showing at 8.25 H oz ins DUZ An) mumï¬m 10 1b. Bag 1 (107.. (‘m. Tins Tin 6 Qt Bskt 20 16 oz. Tins 10 oz 'l‘i n 48 oz Last Show 9.05 43c 35c 11' 27c 736 296 396 Zlc 27c 55c 35c ill