» l l l l Illllv (cmoicry pill in 2' all plot holders in King City hold on Saturday. January 22nd. 1049. Illlllllfll inch no u at 2 o‘clock In lifne' Masonic Hall for election of ofl‘iccrs " and transaction IE' f-“t‘llt ral business. ,. . LAIYRENCE SCOTT. Pres. J. S. WALKINGTON. Sec-Twas. OFFICIAL OPENING NOBLETON COMMUNITY RINK FRIDAY. jANUARY 2 lst 1.0-1.0. at 8 p.m. IIY HON. GEORGE H. DOUCET'I‘ Minister of Highways The link will be dedicated for beneï¬t, of Children and Community HOCKEY~â€"St. Michael’s vs. Marlboro’s Barrel Jumping â€" Matched Speed Skating Race (Ontario Indoor and Outdoor Champions) Admissionzâ€"Adults $1.00; Children 50c Tickets on Sale in Advance “99999999999999999999999999999“9 B. W. MILLER Wholesale and Retail Florist Cut Flowers Bedding Plants Delivery Anywhere in North York I ma GROW OUR OWN Maple, Out. My Floral Designs \. Vâ€"zâ€"w W l l l l l t l 9R Telephone 2 TIRE eAII SELL You A Arm - YOUR OLD BAX‘EK‘ GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARSâ€"This pow- erful 45-plate, 105-amp. capacity MOR-POW- ER Super-Service Bat- tery is ruggedly built to deliver full power a n d performance. Equal to higher priced brands selling up to. $20.50. Fits 75% of all popular cars (Includ- ing $3.00 for your old 10.85 battery) THE STRONGEST BATTERY GUARANTEE EVER WRITTEN Every Mar-Power Battery 15 unconditionally guaranteed for 2 Yearsâ€"OR MORE! Regardless of the cause of failure or rea- son for return. battery shall be replaced or your money refunded. at your option. You are protected against Fire. Frost and Accidental damage. You pay only for the ‘ service rendered. .00 FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY REGARDLESS OF CONDITION rhe lead content of your old battery is vitally required in the battery building industry There’s a Mar-Power Battery for every Car and Truckâ€"at Prices that Save up to 45% PRICE LIST: GE?†Tyne Pkgl’es Ampere Factory Exflilaï¬n You Battery Capacity List Price Save T-M Nâ€"14 Heavy Duty . 3'9 101 $l7.25 $10.20 $7.05 T-M Nâ€"15 Super Service 45 105 20.50 10.85 9.65 I-M N-23 Super Service. 45 120 23.70 11.85 11.85 I-H N-49 Armor Glass 5I 135 30.45 15.80 14.65 Z-L N-24 Super Service. 45 110 20.50 10.95 9.55 Z-L N-25 Super Service SI 120 23.70 12.40 11.30 2-L N.5’I Armor Glass . 5I 120 27.10 14.05 13.05 2-E N-31 Super Service. 45 125 24.90 12.75 12.15 Z-E N-32 Super Service 51 135 28.35 14.05 14.30 Z-E N-33 Armor GIass 5I 135 31.75 16.25 15.50 Z-M N-27 Super Service 51 135 28.25 13.45 14.80 Z-M N-52 Armor Glass . 51 135 33.95 14.75 19.20 Zâ€"FH N-38 Super Service 45 120 24.45 12.05 12.40 2-FH N-35 Super Service 51 152 28.75 14.30 14.45 Zâ€"FH N-53 Armor Glass ST 152 33.95 15.55 18.40 APPLICATIONâ€"Herd: how to choose your battery: t from TO FIT: a..§.°.l°§‘..lfï¬l‘l To FIT: ' a..§2:°§..nb.. Ellil 3 . ‘. . . 3i? 313mm? 133:; ‘ . i : aura .: 1.2:" rename-air 4, . - ; - - .. .. De sun. 'm Pontiac. ' V48 . 2E [louse I . . . I)! or 1“ . . or III ill-l STEEL 222:: or I" Studebaker. IM or 13 Ford. ‘lt ~'iS , . . . . . L‘FII wuiys IM or IHJ <57 YC‘lGE St. Richmond Hill, Ont. \ , PHONE 101 ' audacity CEMETERY†9.9009996960990909990060999909999999099999999999900: 999999999999999999999999999999999 Lurruus l(‘()l',\'(‘lLl-OR MARLEY ()I‘TLINES ARENA I‘ULH‘Y Editor. The Liberal Ileai‘ Sir: I was interested to read in youi last issue a letter from a {ichmond Hill citizen expressing certain vic\\~ regarding the operation of the Ilich< mond Hill arena. I appreciate very much the inter- who est of this citizen and others discuss the matter. As a of council I appreciate and helpful criticism and always, am ready and glad to receive suggestion: how we can improve the operation of the arena or any other phase ot municipal business. As chairman of the mission there are some facts regardâ€" ing the arena and its operation which I would like to draw to the attention of the ratepayers. The arena was built by the mun~ 211131121 ('0 111- icipality of Richmond Hill in 1:12? and since its erection it has been operated by the municipality being in the special charge of the Parks and Buildings Committee. It: has been my privilege to be chairman of the Parks and Buildings Committee for the past two years, and I can speak for present council and state that the making of money ing arena policy. I think it is fair to say that the abject of this and of previous years have the rink render as much as possible recrea~ is to the district. and at the same time pay operating expenses and upkeep so that its operation will not be a burden on the taxpayers of lich- mond Hill. Last season was a proï¬table one and revenue exceeded operating exâ€" penses by some $1500, but then too Inore than $2200 was spent on reâ€" pairs and improvements. Thus far this has been a poor sea- son and the arena has not been used extensively for one reason and one reason only that the weatherman has not provided enough cold weather. This year the following- organized groups have free use of the arena for the periods specified: Richmond Hill Public school every Thursday 3 to 4.30 p.m. and Friday from 12 noon to 5 p.m. Richmond Hill High school every Thursday from 4 to 5.30 p.m. Figure Skaters every Saturday from 8.30 to 10.30 and practice per- iods Monday and Wednesday from 4 to 5 p.m. I Boys’ Bantam Hockey every Tues: day and Friday 6 to 8 p.m. Every organized group which has applied for use of the arena has been accommodated and there still is time available if any other groups want the ice and make application for it. The rink is open for general skatâ€" ing every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday night. After being assur- ed no local organized hockey required the ice it was rented to Toronto or- ganizations for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights and Saturday af- ternoon. I wish to emphasize, Mr. Editor, that your council is most anxious to operate the arena in accordance‘with the wishes .of the people. It is a job which during the winter months makes serious demands on the time of the arena chairman. I am pleas- ed to give this time but in return I think should be entitled to the co- operation and sympathetic under- standing of the citizens and groups desiring to use the rink. A little more spirit of patience and coâ€" operation would make te task of trying to run the rink s a public service just a little lass burdensome. The arena is a real asset to Rich- mond Hill and surrounding district. If we didn’t have one we’d be crying about the need for such a recreation- al centre. Now we have it, let’s make the most possible use of it. To such an objective I can/asmre your readers the present council will give its whole hearted co-operation and support. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, and assuring your last week’s correspon- dent and all other citizens that we welcome suggestions and help at any time. Yours sincerely, Cecil C. Mabley, Chairman Arena Committee REGARDING RECREATION To the Editor. Dear Sir: 'In your issue of last week, a letter from an anonymous writer appealed for support in obtaining more facil- ities for recreation in Richinonde-Iill. I think this is a legitimate appeal and it seems to me unfortunate that the writer chooses to remain anonyâ€" mous. Leaving aside the best use of our facilities, I would like to re- mind the writer and all your readers, that the recently created Commun- ity Hall Board is at this moment working on plans for the immediate erection of a new Community Hall which will provide a real addition to recreational facilities in our village. I wish to emphasize that, from the beginning this hall has been en- visioned as a unit in a complete community centre, and that in addi- tion to providing a desirable meetâ€" ing place for all organized groups in the community, it can be used for FROM have taken the trouble to sec me and member constructive is not the ï¬rst concern in determinâ€" tion accommodation to the people of Tin such games as tubb- badmin- cic. It equipped With a modern lut- l dances and ion, volley ball. tennis. \‘ill be I chcn. and will be available for bann iitlcis and dinners of all kinds. The above are the mininï¬â€˜pi l'acil-§ all our needs. they are a beginning.’ their provision is under way. and we may yet be able to include more. initial project. for the support the already undertaken. step at a time arrive at a seem this not cry even in Let us but rather. let us all moon, and. we have completing one shall that OLII‘ we ultimately goal may almost beyond reach. 110 \\' Paul E. Angle. ('haii‘man Richmond Hill ('ommuniiy Hall Board SALI'TE TO I’L'BLIC SI’IRI'I‘ED YOI'NG MEN (.‘IYING l YOI'TII LEADERSHIP To the Editor. ' Dear Sir: Just a few lines of appreciation for the good work that is being done for the small boys of Richmond Hill by four of our most public spirited young men. namely: Mr. H. J. Mills, Mr. T. Saul, Mr. E. Barrow Mid Mr. D. Mills If it. was not for the earnest en- deavours of these young men the boys which make up our four small boys hockey teams would possibly be the nucleus of another Gang. These young men have spared no time or effort to help these boys to really take an interest in hockey. They have organized the boys, collec- ted funds, and often dug deep them- selves to get the required money for sweaters, sticks and other equipment. I think the public of Richmond Hill should be very generous and help these boys to have a real healthy en- joyment of sport. I also think a great big “Thank you" should be ex- tended to the four young men res- ponsible for this endeavour as they have gone the whole way alone, with no help from any local organization. Yours truly" Signed: Credit Where (‘redit Is Due SI‘GGES S ARTIFICIAL FOR RICHMOND HILL Editor. The Liberal Sir: I was interested to read the letter in your last issue about the arena. Whatever we may criticize about the management the fact remains the big need is artiï¬cial icc. This winter is a good example. If you haven‘t the weather to make ice you simply can't carry on winter sports. Richmond Hill is ideally situated for an artiï¬cial ice arena and I think it should be a paying propOs- ition for the town as well as a great boon to sport. ' Collingwood recently opened their arena with artiï¬cial ice with an ice surface the size of Maple Leaf Gar- dens at a cost I understand of about 830,000. We can talk till the end of time but we will never have successful winter sports until we have artiï¬cial Ice. ICE ARENA Winter ‘Sport Fan DISLIIIE ANNEXATION SI'GGESTION The Editor, The Liberal, Richmond Hill, Out. In reference to the suggestion in the January 13 issue of “The Liber- al" of the proposed annexation of the Rumble Ave. subdivision to the Village of Richmond Hill, i am auth- orized by the members of the Rum- ble Ave. Ratepayers' Assn. to state that we will ï¬ght this move to the last ditch. We have no desire to share any part of the heavy tax burden now experienced by the Village, amt which may be expected for many years to come. The Vill- age has absolutely no advantages to ofl’er us to join them. Yours sincerely, E. Graham, Sec._Treas., Rumble Ave. Rat'epayers‘ Assn. I Citizens of Richmond Hill: On behalf of The Salvation Army I wish to acknowledge receipt of Five itics which are alloady iiS>lll'i‘ll. anill \‘.hilc tncy will probably not supply laski KING (.‘i’l‘Y Whit ney 'l'ennanl {row n i Suddenly at his i ‘liit‘ ‘n K r-n \Yhitntv 'l‘erz'uini lilowr, So, Mo; .\ll>. Eliza. Xi-s‘utt [Illssml .l\\zl.\ t‘.l â€" Ilj. Saturday morning; January having sul‘l'cicd an attack oi Irtli- ziu'u’rzivatcd <I citza. whit": rlliluii. Ilia-cased was Milli :21 lickâ€" |li< w. Hiizuiio, son of the late John N. lirown and Mrs. Brown \Ibo is Mrs. Nesintt. In 11101 the moved to Toronto and six yrars :II-ro Whitney and llt)l.family mother came to during the employed by and his lying war ycais ho had lleHavilland Aircraft. The loss is most keenly felt by his motlnr_ who has had rather been frail health and relied upon her son for assistance in their home. Ills passing~ was a great shock for Illi‘ mothey at six o'clock in the morning. who found her son kind and thought» ful in all his acts. never failing to attend to her needs. A sister. Mrs. N. Mct'utcheon of South Pasadena. ('alif.. and a brother, Wilfred in Tor- onto. Funeral wvas held King I'nited (‘hurch. and burial Rev. M. R. King was the officiating minister. Mrs. Nesâ€" bitt has the sympathy and condolence of her many friends at King, Supper and Pictures On Thursday, January :20th. a pot- luck supper will be given for the members of All Saints' Anglican W. A. at 0:30 p.m. when talent money for the year will be brought in and placed in the WA. treasury. After- ward the public are invited to attend a ï¬ne set of slides based on the “Arcâ€" tic" shown and explained by a great missionary, Rev. M. S. Flint, who spent four years in the Arctic region and later was chaplain in the RAJ". First \\'..\. Meet Mrs. Roy Bowen, new president of Eversley W.A. presided at the ï¬rst meeting of the New Year held at Mrs. (icllatly's January 5th. Readings were given by Jessie (lcllatly and Mrs. Bowen and Mrs. H. ('airns con- ducth a contest. Mrs. Arthur Male took a bundle of clothing made by the \\'.A., to Tamblyn's Toronto for ship- ment to England. ('ontents were: 10 pairs of pyjamas, 2 sweaters. 2 pairs baby mitts and .‘l pairs bootees. They were made by the ladies in less than three months, plans have been made to order more wool for knitting. also survive. service from made in King cemetery. Jenkiuson of and High School Notes At a recent meeting of the EXECU- tive of the Literary Society at Rlcn~ mond Hill High School it was de<irled that the school should undertake the erection of a ï¬tting memorial tr the former students from the loo-II high school who died overseas in \Vorld Wars I and II. This memorial 's to be in the form of a bronze plaque to be erected in the main hall of the school. The school board started the fund by granting a splendid donation towards it. Letters are being sent out to ex_students who might that they should contribute to this undertaking. The students are work- ing now to complete the campaign for funds by various school activities. fe3l A 9 9 9 9 9 § 9 9 9 i 9 9 9 9 9 9 Property Sold \Ye have waiting clients. Some with cash for suburban homes, farms, country estates and var- ious types of Iiusinesses. DAVID McLEAN Real Estate & Business Broker Tlicrnhill Office, Phone 12 Evenings Mr. Overbury 48W 9999999999999999999999 999999999999 99999999999 3 9 9 3 9 9 g 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O H. C. TAYLOR Building Contractor Specializing in Carpentry, Plumbing, Plastering and General Repairs Old Country Tradesman â€" Apply to â€"« PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Phone 80 Richmond Hill Hundred and Eighty-four Dollars and III-I'fl-IIIIIIIIIIII twenty cents ($584.20) being the pro- ceeds l‘eï¬liltinll‘ from a general “‘0‘ Ill-IIIIIIIIIHIIIIII vass made by the Lions Clubs of Rich- mond Hill. I am instructed to express grate- ful appreciation for the generous res- ponse of the Citizens of the Commun- ity, and also the thanks of the Organ- ization for the diligent efforts of the Lions Club in making this possible. May God bless you every one, Yours sincerely. WILLIS PE‘DILAR, Major 99999999999999999999999999 IJILIRCI Movdern and Old Time Maple Concert Hall 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month 9 till 1. To music of SALLY AND HER MUSICAL MATES Cafe Lunch Admission 50c 99999999999999999999999999 E. .I. HINSON Interior & Exterior Decorator Elm Grove Oak Ridges Write Oak Ridges P.O. or Richmond Hill Box 268 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII ooooeoooooooeooooeoooooo99 Ornamental Iron Inside and outside porch rails. Gates. grills and lanterns. etc. \Velding W. PORCH Stop Yonge St. Richmond Hill $144112 too.oooooooooooooooooooooo i) n) _. r) ~th.; .. i. iii-nit VOWâ€"i lill‘. l.llil‘,li;\l.. int-.uwiu l1. t\.\' \l)! \\ I'I O\\ \ll. SUI. 1"llv’ lilll'l \l I'.‘ \\'., .‘t"I.'I‘\l‘I lilill‘l lr.‘.cl:I:II:in...‘ l‘ ow I: \l.it 1 ~ Hind .ll Saint‘s l'zm‘ I. 1wâ€; ll'w \i'lllic'lil lithium. Monrwis oi' inc iczi n w- lllzjvs lillt‘lit‘r of lIil';\'l"\"-.t‘ ..I:: llw i l'l‘llll‘ltk‘l\ nt' Sloul'iwihg u."st ii, l'imwr ll'llli‘llil lil1l\.\ ;II 4.3. .«i‘Lll' lur Icinaizrnzii ]Ili>\\il.;{ llliltl‘. .It l..:d. say. Ont; .\l\in .\I;I,k of illilt'li†and Wilbert Mcl":1.ldin ol' \l1i bum. Il't‘ Salqu ’l‘t‘il clmuipio's. :Ii.i lam liott Most-s Ii!‘ ll\ll\\t’l\‘k‘ll. :I (lil’v‘.‘iiil of the Ontario I’lowmcn's Associa. tion and team manager. MI, Most». is :1 member or the lickiwnic tIil c I“. tl;c Six Nations. The men sailed from New Yolk oi: the month's lint-r "(Iii'oiziau for :I Ill, ilit‘ guests of lmpeiial Oil Salada Tea 1'4). Ltd. new llritish Isles 21> l.ld. As well as par- tour and Tilt ticipating in the plowing matches they will study Ilritish mcthmls ol' agiict'lturc and will vi>it many pla. Les of historical interest. Although the ('anadian farmers have never been abroad. when they visit Northern Ireland they will see old friends made last October at the International Plowing Match at Lind» say. It was the ï¬rst time that, a team from the Britiin Isles had ever plowed in ('antulzi the Irish plowmcn were a attraction of the match. and foa tu rc Auction v‘. lit. ll Slw'lh Ilklilk'l‘ll .ll:I_., 4}::I:I'.. clv. -“ '1'. .. bin: 'l'o'wizshlp. Stilt' lash. .\'o IRl'll tK' ooi‘d llllllll\. loin»; no ,os, l.‘ill1 ‘ft\ It-i; sold, :Inciioi.eci<. It'll! .\' \l'. l- l‘lll. 11'. Audion Sale it ill i\t'lllllil l‘V'iilllIlll't‘. Electric was v~‘>. .\}I]il::l:li'\.\. lizshcs, I'tcn- >‘ \: :Ilw ll‘oid-chI'gIIson Tractor. \\:V. rillllk' l.::t~c \li \. I‘IIIIIIIIIIU‘II. Properties of also Brown, Hogu', lluilzobwb; r. listings. .\1 Puniticc's .\i1ction Rooms, Frank- .lll ll“l‘.<t‘, Main St- Markham. Ont. Snit- ni 1;:Io pm. Cash. Ex- ].istings accepted & (‘larkc Markham J;d\ s. ard others as To! ms: this :.t'Ii-r January 20th. I’I'I‘nticc. i|:| for not Ken A ti«.'lloliL'Ol’s, phone 2013. “9990909999990 99999699999 MAPLE TINSMITH & PLUMBING SUPPLY Gurney (.‘as Ranges for Essotane Furnaces â€" Air Conditioning Pressure Systems L. HOUSE Telephone Maple 102 Residence 62r32 BAKING SALE Auspices of Headford Home and School (‘lub TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY ISI. 3 2 3 g AT THE : HEADFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL g 2 9 1 WHITE ELEPHANT BOOTH. HOME BAKING REFRESHMENTS 99999999999}:09999999909699999099699999999990999990 99999999999999990999999999 9 :99“ 9999999999999990 06099910999999 .1. Carl Saigeon Agency ll/IAPLE, ONTARIO ’ERNIE BROCK Telephone Maple 11 Otttittï¬t All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. p Seer/c: ' CCKSH'I'TOLIE TRACTOR owums Now as always parts andiservice are available for all Oliver tractors in Ontario including those sold by the Cocksbutt Plow Company. All Goodison-Oliver dealers are equipped to serve you. Why not drop in at the nearest Goodison-Oliver dealer today and see how they are ready to help you. I" wetter" provim‘ei, withâ€! (my Oliver Brawl) We†. INDUSTRES UNITED SARNIA TELEPHONE u 102 MAPLE