Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Jan 1949, p. 8

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:- LIBERAL. {11111111111111 Hill, 'l‘liursduy. 1111111111121 2111 1910 ' ML 09.00009‘690090$0QOOOOQOQOOOOGGOMO QOOOO¢OOQOOGO® 3 Q: 111111111 1111111 1119 home they occupied . F L LOWRIE it 1) 3 1 11150115868 1m ortaiit Matters i v ‘ ‘ ’ ° ° .1: ll 1505511111 1.11 11113.- new home 1111 11111111, ‘ r x 1 1 r 1 ) V'\ H" o 1‘”. i i“ by F g 'l:.11 111.4111; 111. 11.1 ('111111..ti1111 1’13- 111 1:.\1111 1111i\ 1111 1111' Sills “1 “1111131 311. £11111 311‘. “11"1'11 “1 lt’l'mli“ “I'LL BE AT 3 111111 '111'1\i‘si:.p 111' 12111211211. 111111 at 1.11- 1.1111111 :.1111 (old 511113.20 1:1“111‘ 1 Line 11:11 a t‘alit'oinia type 1.1tiiif-'al11\\‘ ‘1 “ " 1"“ ) YI‘ "‘ 1V 9 111'1-1111 1'11;111.1111:s .1; .\lil[1‘.1‘ 11:. _\1111_11 11.111-11 \11111' advised that .‘111‘. 111â€"1 111-1111111.] 1111 1.1111111 st 111 the coincr 6 ‘ 1 1 . ‘J‘I [N b ‘1 ‘9 .111111L111 17. 13111. 211 1 1111111311 111-.111. '1‘11'1\:1s.1.p 1’1211‘1111Y12: (Jill-\‘Llltdnt, 11! 13111111111111 1111. ‘W V J O h g ‘11: 111.11111111-zs 1\1-11- pl‘esefit. 11:.11 121111s1111-11-11 the amending 111' 111‘ t'ozigiatnlatioiis to _\11. and .\ll‘\. an. 3 ‘ liir 17111111111111: poisons1111111-2111-11l‘câ€" law 1715!; 1-1 11101-11111 11111111 lulsiiit‘flfi .1. ('11::11111 111' 3101312111 AVL‘H "11 th". ' , . . . and the Second and Fourth Wednesda) g 1 1m. (-‘,myl. [1111115 t‘::}11111.\l11‘(l alone- 11111 31111128 1111-111 of another daughter 1111 '111es- Oil/Sftlll(/lllg Qua/[Ill . [)41/“70115 Fl‘uvl/r Ul- Cilt'li [11011111 9 1111.1 I'm] 4111.1 1 :111111» ;\j;"111 5111-11 montage 111 lots 1:1 1‘1 -1-1 111- day, Jaii‘uaiy 11th. I V ) ‘ ' 2 1‘ ‘ 11 i 1 1 s‘ 11 i1 pl‘ire pitli'il‘SH“ 111 1511‘ 111151 (0111'U>>‘1“11- 111 Last llini‘sdiiy 1-\eniiig. the \111ing 1‘ ' ‘ " ‘ .11‘1 .-L'\11‘ 111.11...\.H 1 ‘1 - V v I ‘ ‘ I i ‘ > I ‘ . ‘ [RUM gum Ah“. '0 1mm, xoox g l 1111 11 1‘11 1111 1 nices'ion 11,1111 111’ the 1'111'111'12111111 111 11W 410- 1.adies (1111111 111 ll1111iihill 111111-11 - 1, H 1‘11; 1 11 . - 11 1 b V > V > ‘ ' ‘ ' I. >__ _ 3 E 2 “.1. H1- xhin-pp. (1111.11,: 11].. 111mm \‘t‘lulllt'111 1n 1111s21rea'. the 111151111111 “1 (111111-11 met at the home 111 .\11s. A. :QO........9...°...°°.Qo¢°¢ea¢°e°@”°°.oo........Oâ€".3 3 y I 1 1 : MHHHA (“MIMI dirwuwi 1m. “(.1111 roads. the nature 111 1111121111 l1usjiiitt’lss Anstey. .111111'1111211111' Illicsinectâ€" : z ' ' “111 ‘ " - ' ' 2' - ‘1 : ‘Vu'. "-s- '. ‘. 11'1- X (11"1‘1t‘Al. REPAIRS BR01\E.\ 1.1‘..\1\Lh 1’11‘41)lu\( 13]) Q .\.ii1111:1111-111l1»nt 111 111‘1161‘1 1111‘ .L'ldwl 111111 “1‘1 1" t‘t‘l’l‘fl“ ”“ 1‘ 1“. 11H “ltd U‘Ll 11.1 1‘ ‘ * y 1‘ l o . 9 A 9 .,,c.1..1 pd WI...» 1;“. 1111.11.11 to >Il‘zill 111111111111. 111' business that may less. president. teatured t.1’.1\. 11111- g z : Preficriptmns for (“asses killed 2 11 aide-11.1 i.',1..,,,(...,. “f 11“. pupa“. 11e snppoitcd 11y i111111e1liate1y adiomâ€" 1i11n pictures in technicolor. shown by z : ' ' ‘ --' H U A“ i ," . .... H1 .1 ‘-1.. i1 . 1 A. , 1 1)». : 1.1m. Appomlmem Phone Richmond “1” 3,) :2 “Am, “,1 Huimww‘ ‘111: l11111>~>. 11.1 1111111111 1111111111 [hi .\i1, 111111111 111111111s11n 111 the £1.11 : _ In _ . a“ o H] 1- 11 ' H \ H ,H 111 liyâ€"law 111- picparcd to permit 1111‘ .\1x1 meeting will he held on 111111.» Q : ‘ 1.1’1 IL" 11 ‘1.\' '1 t’ ‘ L't â€"‘ - V V 009.90QOOOOOOOOO0100009090060969960090990909096006069 ’ 'l 11 I .] t\|\111 (. J11” ‘ “whim: “I. u Lm_l\,m, and ( 01d SIM; (my. 111-111-imry 111th. : r ‘ . fl \' ‘- - 1 (1 1 E '1. r '1 - > - 1 1 1 ‘- ‘ ' __ __________. “flu ,'\, I. . W1 ._ \ I“ It ‘21::1- l’lant 1111 the pi‘olit‘l‘tx 111 111105â€" lhornhill DistrK‘t Lions (‘.ul) : IJa‘VrCnL-e Blenlol la] lhOI nhlll : '1 7mm, M Hi 1 i IUHHMNP HM“ ( an id “1‘ n k 1; 111111. “The proposed swimming' pool for O z 1 / ,7 ‘ 11"”1 :l‘lsvllh, Mild” “as Mind in NIL ('1111111-111111‘s Salaries â€"7 t'onsidei'zlâ€" TlltH'lllllll Park will be discussed at z _ on _ . t ‘4 . I11:11111111 asking that the“it‘l‘lu‘l‘li‘sâ€" 111111 was given to 1->till1il>'hllli-" 10- a meeting 111' the ratepayers of the z z I J 111111 111‘ 1111‘1'1'1151‘11 1"”1” bf'l' 1“ ‘ mum-111111111 111 1111 [mill to councillors \'lll'¢lf-’.'C to he held on January 25th," 9 g ‘ . ,. . . 1 ' , .1. .,,-. » 1 11- _ y r I r ‘ 1 pci 512.1 .1111. 1111 111.1151 I111. “it"m’fr 1'111- seryices 11111'1112‘ 111411. Alter L'oii- 1: was announced 11y President F0111 : Y, O ‘ N {in} “111‘ in. HUM” “film. M'Huléu >i11ei'1111-1‘ 1118 1112111011 UNIV” UNIH‘USS- Jackson, at the regular meeting- of z : “"‘”' 1"" “1””“1‘4 1" S "’”' " "1' 1 - ' -' 11 11111111112 111 111411 1111- ’1‘111'111‘11 01-11-11 11111~ cm 111 O . . . O . .-.1. - ,. '.- 111111 11. 11.15 1111111111 “’ Ll“ “l’m'm‘ ll” 5 ‘ i . H l' ” ,f ‘ I” b ‘ , o Luchl'e at 8 1.111. â€"â€" Dancing.r 1111111 1) 1.111. W’ka’ll'n 1-‘1- “1“ in. the .qmc ~14 my 111151.11 Heme \londay night lhe pool lai‘n'eh o J . . 1 ‘1 11 ' .11- I‘ (I i l . . - ' . N, ‘ ‘, ‘P‘ K. _ .r ' M M‘ “Jimmy ’Himii‘i M . \ $1123.00 and Deputy lteeye and 1.01111 .1111- donation oi (.ordon Leitcn oi . In Aid of fhornhln Bantam HOCkeV club 111111 ’1itiiei'1or11 and carried: “That .1, g .0“, .” hp ( 1 [I X l .L l. , I 0 3 v ‘ ' 1111111's .,'7'1.'1 . “'1 1 e' ens .s ’11. .1-1 cicioi ‘aims, is 1111 y one pr - ‘ V . 1 1 ' ' 1- . . 11-111-1 - < 4; -1_ _ _ ‘ . ‘ _ _ . 3 w ‘ w 1 w VYV .los1pl1 51111111 111 111-{171dH21Tl 1111.d busing»: 1H!” U“mule the muiiieipap M.” helm: planned and My. Lent], : 15 z . .. , ' 1 " _- ; i ii _ . ., . m‘“ ’1 ml [WWW l l 111.1- 11‘1111‘1' It “111 102111 to Tliol'nhlll haV- .0009ooooooouoomwoooooooo6000090vovuvvvoooooomoo giounds at a Salary~ 111' 3411.110 per I’vlmflmont m. Highways _i Ad_ mg. mm m. the finest recreatime WK 06900900000000 00000990694)OOOOOOOOOOOQOOONOQO”O”O y‘t‘r'lfius "QT-51' {W “Hill “‘1‘” 0“th \‘isinp; that the expenditure of $1,272. centres in Canada. The plan is to : Q types of sheet metal ‘Vorkj 1111111 1111' 111111 15 011011011- 1‘1'*""‘l“‘l 1‘“: us- 1111111 payment for the new road build the [111111 this year and add anâ€" : z ’ \\]'”l"‘\-'\' “W “ugh” “NW a up!“ maintainer would be approved for other feature in 111511. gradually . , 9 Free EStinlates __ Pronlpt Service mm mum illiwlmlui “l‘l'mlifllinoms £1mi subsidy in 111421 and the balance of 11111111111: 11]) the recreational centre. s z 1, . , “mile 1‘} 11mm“ dust “(lime ouch 311.1111!) would he subsidized in 1111.1 The pool will not cost the ratepay_ : ‘ Yonge RIChmond 'llCUIIlli‘" _ . l and accepted as part 111' expenditure eis of the village one penny. and its 3 y z 1' Remit. W (‘Llllnml “we adwsed inder the Road Appropriation By- administiation will he the respon- O o ._ ligyf/H: __\ \ I, ‘ ‘ W I p Y. .. ._ p _ - \ that three families 112111. heen- added law. SHIN”), m. the Limls club. In making 0 E s s s H o P z . _- . I 7 r0." “Hmnlllmimvm {Hind “Silswncj'i Veiloi-e School Section ~~ Albert. the donation of $210,000 towards the i z 1‘ hi&“"Â¥i "x”' i ‘ ' ,(‘l‘tumstimwl pm mnmf‘v‘ 'H _ vac]. Riitlierl'oid advised that the Ti'usâ€" cost 111' the pool, Mr. [.eitcli stipu- ‘ O i - I I (12.15“)le.mn_ll_lw(l]t0 .tho ( ()llljjllff‘m‘l t1-1s 111' Yellow School Section intim- lated it must he built tirst, other re- . ' z 11 I 21'” “law ltfljll‘l'llbt13:1]In‘lnf))\:_ltll):”j' ‘ ated that they wished a rig‘lit-ot-way 1-11-2ition2il projects. possihly a rink. . 3 L 1011 .\_” _"l‘fl"°1 1" ml" ‘ ltd." across Township pi11,”i'ty from the 111 tollow 111 other years. : z 1, " Shle “1 Hill?! l“.ll€il “(mm w (11M- old school site to the property 10- The Lions (‘lu-b will hold a special 0 z i gm 1“ file (My "I lmlmllu‘ . cently purchased. No action taken. Farmers Night at LawrenCe Mem- . [I . ASSWMW. 1 111v1ew111 1113111113“ ('losiiie' Sideroads â€"v» Reeve Hos- orial 112111 on January 28th. This : 1 PM}. t” ll“ dlrvlllswfll 1” Tm. Villa'ng tiawsei' outlined what representation has become 2m anuual event on the ) _ O i1'.">> 0' 1 “ ()\' S 11. ' " 2| 1 - 1 1_ ' V . ll :Jliiclf“; JELLIHIUW (131$: data“, the (111111.:11‘1nade to the Department 11111): calendar and arrangrements : X onge Street, Thornhlll Phone § 1 ,H .. ‘A r ) I .4” ' ‘ j. 111 Highways to keep open \aiious .111. 111111;.) made by a committte head- . . L 1...”. this llldiLtCl 111 i11111e1lt11al‘11c1 highwass Prnmmod to he closed be_ m] 1)). Alf- Baqg. : I z i "l “$111111.” 1'1 1 .11 i 11......” (in. ““W‘ “1' “W T 0101110 Barrie 111111111211. Ratepayers Meeting o000.00oooooooooooooooooeow«Moéooooooooooocoooooo ‘. ' ° . Z "V 7‘ ll“ 77* I. - Furthtr consideration in this matter The regular monthly meeting: of . . . "' ' " "" “" , - ll L'i'tHl trial this “Hitler 1'13 C(lllSldered “.35. left until a late]. (late. the Vinagc “Ustees “.1” be held in ‘ ‘1 " "’ ' ’ ‘ "' ‘ " ' " , J. , , . . i V .” -', 'U a“ _ I ' .. I. , . 121111 \\lltll 1111 111ad ippi piiati 11 we (mmml admmnml t0 meet at \Mtona Ha” fueSday evening, Jam the t‘ouiieil Chambers in Maple on uary 25th, at 8 p.111. The meeting Monday the Tth day of Feliruai'y. will he thiown open to a discussion , , _ ‘ 111451, at, 1 o‘clock p.111. “1" the S\\'iliimin;:‘ pool to he built in nit-r oi the \anj-rhan lownship Reâ€" Llw'pm.k Electric Wiring and Repairs BLAQKBURN’S APPLIANCES a SALES 111-law is discussed. Recreational t‘onimitti'e, 'l‘hornliill Richard 11. Neil. Secretaryâ€"Treas- is '1 [1 “ SISTER SUSIE SWINGS 1T ,” 11111111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111) r11- filCHVAle 11111-11111 in .1111 111‘ Doncaster ‘ duested that )11'. \\. A. Cameron of Ladies. (.lub : A 3_Act I)lay t'onimiitee s11 pr11\'i1l1d 11y liy-law 1 . Thornliill he 111111111 to the committee . 1 .. 1 1 1 l '1 . ' . 1T. . .- '. ~ .11â€" - . . . 1 . - . . . . . 11 would appear tllt‘ .\'0U1h 1’10' ‘1’“ L 31011159” and Ml's- ('- _, - Jholnhlll 161' 31.911113 19011 Rldlmond H11] 9‘4‘] “"‘l M" ‘,\“l 1mg“) “(imaged .t'h“ 11121111 in the Richyale district is now Diake sponsored a canine at the ‘ \Vill be lil'esgntod 1W '1 ML» . 7 7 _>_ / 7 NW ‘ ‘NN Jimmie" ‘01 1.1.1“ U“). ‘fplefigmatl‘w well under way. Unless some unf1r- home of Mrs. Drake last Friday evâ€" ‘ t ' * ' ‘ l‘wn‘ _t'w ilifimmp (“lmwlj Th5 se1n circumstance should stand in enine' to raise funds for the Don- 1' 7 V 1 7 (111111111 considered the tiziictions ()1 A I , , , . . . , ., . . .. L. ‘ ,9 -] L, \ . [- .OOQQOOOOQOOQ0909OOQGGOOQO9009090000OOOOOOOOOOOOOQGG t, _ (. 1‘ mph. 4 l, I . .’.-d ,d _.U “119 “ <13 “9 ma.‘ llledlxt ‘1 H313 EUL- L‘lMLl 11014-5 L U . lst piize win. . O _ . r.” “ ‘ ‘1)“ (“ll 1””) L _ “‘11 cesst‘ul future to the lienefit of the 11ers w'ere Mr. 11. )Iizen and Mrs. ‘ A. '1 ’f dug" I ‘1‘? ‘_’~"J"‘]‘ i l)“;"°””l-‘ 1-111111ninity in this enterprise. “ale. 801111.1' prize \\'inneis were ' Under the auspices of the Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid .’ ‘ 11..ss11 .1111 11.1111111111111-1 tiat tie 1‘“: “Wk a meeting hetwecn the Mm. (v. M. 3101,1501, and Mrs. Hag. Us E ,_ .. - .. .- . w. . i an. 1 fl continue with the organization and. [L‘Hlelb 0t,the \dHOUb DIUUPS “.m‘ w \ of 'l‘hpmifin '1. Sb, initiation 111‘ a sue-nested pron-1211111110 111‘“ ~“"1"’”1’S “0mm”th “‘35 hem ‘Vlth H '. I ‘ 'e. ’1 end“ (‘ouiicil ‘ilipim‘ch‘of elll'dl'1:11111- the“ the Object of allocating the SUm 01' . (IfUWh HUlds Elections . II I m ' i ‘ I - mum}. Whit}, was raised in the very llie W A. and W. M. S. of Thorii- - t . 111111111111-e as and when wairanted. hill bresbvterian Church held the“. , S successful rafi'le during the Christ- 1': 1':-* >.11 m s .~' 1' _ . - 1111 A e l 11\ 1 debuting 1111 mus season. The unanimous decis_ annual meeting at the home of Mrs. ‘ 1 y _ v .2 . that the money be (“shim b. Finday, Centre St.. last Thursday ' AT 8 11.111. 1 ~11 .. . ' ‘ ~ .1' . r- . .1 talc and suggesting that a ortioii 10“ “ lb _ . 1 . . 1 ~ . $100,000 countiy house 01 111006111 design (111 i acie r 1 P “ted to earl, group on a pm. caplta atteinon. Rex. b. Hn-tie conducted he treated with a hard surface. t‘ouncil directed tiiat this matter be l1let'erre1l until a later date when all niembeis 111' t‘onncil world have an opportunity to inspect the same. estate near Richmond Hill, attractively decorated with limed oak panelling in dining room. large living room. sunâ€" 1'00m,_ cosy den, ultra modern kitchen downstairs; 5 bed- iooms. 3 fully tiled bathrooms upstairs; attached garage, basis. This means that for each the election of officers, which l‘esul- ‘ ADULTS 35c (‘HILDREN 25c member of each group that group ted in the following: President, Mrs. ~ will receive three dollars and twenty H‘ Hall’s"; "lCe-Dl'esment. Mrs. S. wmx The aggregate received by Findlay; recording secretary, Mrs. F. the groups will be sufficient to pur- Porter; COl'l'Seponding SUCH. Miss 1L. " Lg. .__~_._ \_~_.\,A_. *7. _.Wc_‘#\,_ ‘, MAW“ .A‘ _________ 6. «v C1 O 0 O 0 O O O 0 O O 3 ¢ 11111111111111 to Spruce Avenue at Rich- 6 6 O O 6 O O O O O O 0 O 6 O O 0 O O 0 O O 0 O O O O 0 O O O O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O and stables; oil heated. Half cash. T‘ “"1911” mm“ E" ("’“dlth’” "1 .. . . ~ . 1:1.1-111‘15- t‘e-s - ~ ii~ ‘ dumps in t1.e Township of Vaughan (714“ thL mummy e‘lmpment =0 a..~.t. it I dfiuéh A, lb. \.\' Eldmm’ ‘ 6 was considered 11111 in View 11' the they may be able to Ofler the buys 31515 an neaburu’ MISS Hazel 1 : undesirable nature 1111' the (lum) e'ich and girls a “ivelSit‘V of recreation and “ 615-1]. At the €10.86 0f the w' A‘ z D o 6 1e-1r the Council directed 1‘11111121'13 training. I” a“ there is now a mtal “leetiilgl, g1”. “- Mlzen, pileb‘ident 0f 1‘ ‘r o - ‘ - r I) ’ » ~ , , - J ,. . . .0. tie '..1. .took over 1111's S Find- ’ ' ‘ 0 a E c o and the new“, {H} t) ‘ul I th) (11 nintty-iiinc boys and gills 1e5â€" N . 1 .t . ‘ . s l 3 : Depar‘menc 111‘ 111 '11:\‘aisd\\‘iili reL “lewd as members 0f the groups. 11:“ gave a reading on “Chum”. and ii (Jreen Lane, Thornhlll t ‘ g '.V‘ ' ‘1‘)“ .r ‘. :3. - ‘111.'1 (,..,), ‘ , 2.. ’1 V. . . . i : Real Estate and BUSIHCSS BrOker : L'aid to purchasing property to pro- L1H!“ night “101ml” t: lllddy m' a): “illiltleinhifhkm‘: tdll‘ on mlbblon' 11 Using N0. 1 quality skins only, follownig are 501110 01 1 ,1 , 1 . y )y , ' . ctisive ias a cass ta 'ill )art in - '1. 1 A V H I , _ ‘ ‘ . § THO‘RNHILL OFFICE, Phone 12 g 11d? d ill-mill). ‘11] Plow”) “Ht muawm acthities desio‘ned to teatiili Irespon. The next meeting of the Women‘s ‘1 the am“ cullently mane on oul plemlbeb' .1 pt.,1c 11:};1w-ays. _ H '5‘. . ‘ H . . “I. . ' . ’1 1 i Y . _ . N , . , : Evenings Mr. Overbury 48“, : lmdufliw Hmmms ‘ “midwâ€" wam, and mlzenshml Eventually :Essocmtloil 111 liinity _-\ng‘lican Made to the latest styles the garments .below are put 9 ' .' atioii \'1'a\' whiyen to the 111'tiiir ot- the parents will he called up to lend Lhm'Ch ‘Vlll be held at the home of '1 (lOWH In order 0f their Gemand 311d popumrltY- 090099600009600».oooooooooooooooocoooooo99660.99000 H mm. “Wife” Meawm .1 :6]: u a hand fl we how they “.0111, refuse 1111's. B1111. Thursday, January 27111, ' 1 pERSIAN IAMB pAW -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" -~;-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" I“ . 1 ‘ .1 1‘ s ‘ A- _ v _ _ . . .67, ,, . J .......................°.00.......°°....O”Ooo.e..‘m “aged m recent Years. (,mmcil m_ their support tor it is this very work at. -’..;0 11.111. “.111 members please ‘, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ v__ . s‘11'~11-'1 the t‘lerl' to 1111111111 from which gives a community its stahilit)’. Ul'l'lg ‘lmlatwné 101‘ Dal’cels for Bl'i- CANADIAN EASTERN MUSKRAT BACKS ‘. _ ..t 1. . , 1 A ' I v H tain‘ “-i'.l .' J .. , 1. H . z the “11le Lit-e Blanch 0f the “(wait l)oiit target the euchre this 111111's- meemwnu “'11 1N Packed at this :1 RUSSIAN PERSIAN LAMB 3 “mi if 11'5"“? iii! Hm“ With H" 1:111an n1ilt'iutli1wltdiistTilaiidhaiiieltiiif 7 -~~~ -- (‘HINESE GREY KID, RUSSIAN SQUIRREL SHORTIES . pan 11 He 11111111}; of pens from J ‘H ‘ ' j‘ \1 1 w I ‘ 1 1 Which pheasant lioults may he re- W‘XC'S‘ A‘5‘5”’~'lat10”.5 e'ltel'talllmem W CANADIAN BEAVER ,WSUL t't'lnlllltlit‘t‘ this year and the proâ€" CANADIAN R’IINK . - . 1 . . At St..]l ‘s. 11-'~- - 1. i- ‘ ‘ . EGG PRODUCTION POOR? 'l‘horiiliill Sidewalk ~ The Clerk ceeds will .211 into the building: tund. Kidd” ()lt’llsllngllfllz‘l” £11117”:th 111 y ' r ‘ Try Ur. Salsbury's AVl-TAB tonic-appetwer for layers not 11‘.) outlined the contract in connection 1‘3\"=1'.\'0”e is invited â€"â€" the time is b *1 L M1 dnudiy Jti, a. Vie (10 not handle any I'abblt UFOdUCL" 01‘ Other pel' stained glass window '- ' ' l ‘ ' t ' ~ was unveiled ‘ I“Table tum- and dedicated iii memory 01 Mrs. Ida May ('liatterley, wife of Mr. John Chatterley, and donated by the hus- ‘ H , _ band and family. It will be recalled jelephone lhornhl“ 31122 that the late Mrs. ('hatterly was for to par! ('on.ains 12 ingredients. Helps restore appetite, stimuâ€" tilates sluggish digesthe processes. Supplies needed minerals. Dr. Salsbury'S .-\\'1-TAB is a convenient tlock-ti-eatiiient g Just mix in mash and treat for 111 days Use it regularly â€" watch liens respond! “1:11 the pudding- Uf the Sidewalk at $2310 p.111., the place Richvale School. 'l‘lioi'nliill with regard to work done A hW‘dOW” is “valued for the and payments made. Council direcâ€" “6‘” future 1” the basement 0f dear 1911 that no further payments be old RS. Kichvale. Yessir, a good made in Connection therewith mm] old toot-stomping, swing your gal, JE'DI’R‘OPELLED CHICKS You'll think you have 'em when you use Dr. Salsbury's KENâ€"Oâ€" L\il'. Ellacott appeared 111-fore the “filing: or Course the“: “'1” be . . . . .. i » SAL as 21 growth-stimulant. These chicks really get up and grow Hump”. round dancing to allow the patrons m‘u'l“ le‘urb' fl'l'aldent Chm'Ch Worker, with 1 tN-t .S-L‘L in illLll‘ diet. It's an easy to use drinking water Health .11. m ,. J “V ‘ . A .U WU] OH. We are informed the enthusiastic-an interests 01' St. John’s toooqmgqoogoowooooooopoQQQOOOOOOOOQOOOOO000000”. medic ne 7â€" 111st drop " tablets 111 each oallon oi water Use it b H “K R‘th (’L‘Ul’ml . . Vt A 111 which she w" 1 .11"... f . 0 “Wm fmm “‘10 glam of Flu) Chicks “Yes. 1s ~ ~ [ht “pump,” 01- a Health Unit and late may be l1‘ehruary 5th, which is mint: {ears SILE U as iJIifLsi1l,ait .01 3 " '~ -Q" ‘ a V “11‘ "1' " z ' I ‘ '1 ' ' 1A 1 11' 111.1 uttit {1 ' 1 . -‘ .. 1 Saturday, however, more about it ‘ , j ' “‘15 d 1 9 0113' m- V 111..\ 0 . L at 1 lilgltljthde-{e is ilso 1fittt111 toi piutnt 11,. 1 a 1111 111 the \a11111.s inuiiiciâ€" 1spiration to her fellow workers and 12litia“ l - .1 - . next week. 1t will be under the ,- l i L\ 111 tie piopo.1d unit noitli oi ‘ 1 rectors. 11ie let-tel" Rev. D. C. 11. Michell was in charge of the service and Rev. G. 1. B. Johnson of Rich- mond Hill was special preacher. l‘lll‘l’me- Steele's Avenue in the (founty 111' “‘51)le "f the Ratepayersv al'l'ange' \'1;1-i;_ The Rpm-L. and impufl._Reeve inents: being- by the entertainment WORMS DON’T TEL]. ' ‘ . ' I . ‘ . . . ‘ .. 1 . . .\o llilL>11111 and 111211 woiins 111 poultiy 1111111 1111ad12ist “we Lined“, m mummy, this matte, omniittte. their pi'tsence. Usually symptoms of worm infection are very 111- Case Traetors O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 6 g 0 O 9 O 6 O O z the spread of cecal cocciti s.s in the flock. Keep it handy for this 0 O O O O O O O O O O O b O 0 O 6 0 9 O O O O O O Q Q 4‘099‘9 99000199001960000090600090696060. 90.006600609909999000OOOOOOOOOOQQOO0‘ 3 O . O o O Q 0 . O O O . 9 . O . O . O , w .. . . . . '1 11 - ‘ . ‘ 1. 1 . 1’111' 21 while last week the citizens . . definite. no it you have the least suspicion 111 worms 111 your dock “1m” ‘11 H“ (“Um-1 (UU'l‘ll- . . . Mr. Paymond B t 1: - -. . 1 O . why not Dla)’ sate? L'se Dr. S;11s11111'.\"s \VORMIX. a convenient 13111015 Hallway ('1'08511111' 7* ('lk‘l'li ’1 bpmce Avenue were Specumtmg home 1111111111111.- ' ~11” 1&1”!le 3 : flock tl'eutnltnl f111-_ large rounlworins and cecal worms. ‘ advised 11111 21 letter had 111-en for- i” t" “'h“ “as “muff t" Start 3‘ mUSh' T I. L W . a, bu“ “.1 Opeldtlon. at O ‘ . . - . . ‘ _It’sczis}_" Ito'gire‘vlh'. Salsln‘rys \\UR.\11.\. lust mix 111 mash. “app-(i 1,, 11],. BM” “f Twnslmrt 11111111 farm on their‘ fair boulevard. [$201111 hoblnl“ some tlme : heed 1311118, Hammermllls, DISC HarrOWS E Lea 1“ gm“ 1 5 “NAN ‘ ('11niniissi11nei's s -~ i 1. . 1 Visions of mushroom soup. steak with. . “H “lb m‘lb' he '5 reported do- 6 1 t h r j ‘ y u 11.- t at tliL m..- 1,” - lY '"1 - i ' v. . , - « cm . 1 11. 1121-1 F “13 “9 and Village and All . , . : BI 1 “1111.41.11 1,1 \duflimn “CH. M the UI,_ niusliioom. and all tliL otici 1e 11a q . . . y W 9 q . r l . . ,t Q: S . . I -1 1 r 1 v 1 1111,, [1.1 . . i. . - 1.10.; ,.f wistmnomi. tench“. h.“ ,e,,_‘ ‘ 3'11“ 111011115 “'Ilr be pleased to see 6 1. pl "13; Foot 1 dl 10“ h L DI ed( erb O BARRED R0th_ “\BR“)§ ....11. .1a 211111.11.11h to the railway * " ' E‘A‘ ‘ 1 h ‘ “ 1 111m a11outae'ain in due time . i : 101- QUALITY â€" 111111211 mm .1; “11:: 11.11.11: 1â€" ~17 ' § : q . , . . . . ’, 1‘1111112111111111 - t 1 " r _- 2" .11.". "s on y * t . 1 . V FTC" “9111131131 A” ()lidflis' bend 101' price L181 Am“ 111' \“1111111-111 tl'i1m'l'oiin’liillwmdnll '111nmi1‘1ee of the communitv li'ill 0": It “UL”an hum 50 mm." to heâ€" : z ‘ 5 V _' 1 1 _ u '“M‘ "V ‘ i ‘ l l' a“ _ f t .h - C0111“ angl'N- GXL‘Gllt that for some 1 1 g 11 ' on V1111 \OLH‘ P111‘ti\ 1*eed 1’et men 1111: c. 1'.- 1 .. .- , . 1 -11 11 1 -- ~ - '1 ~ I ‘ ‘ O . - -- - . , ' . 1 ' ’ LU. le \Ul l l} .\ “ V . ‘ k‘ ‘1 . ‘ \ 1l it \ 1111- 1.12lll.l‘lit(l 11111111 the iailwa) ll“ “j- th‘. "Hefbdl-l (Mlm' _blllfl’)11'eu>t‘n, anger makes Km”. mouth 9 SpeC]ahLe ]n 0V0] hallllng the (,‘lSQ LIHC. : (A\ ALIER [1114131)5 11;;1p 1,-1.5. NHL x“ mm.” taken. .1iz1t1 rial with which to winterize 1111C.“.“1.k faster than “my mind 0 . Best Quality at 1.(l\\'1§R PRICES. Ma’l‘llm“ 'l““"1‘511111 k Requesting 11‘1"" “ml 1"’°tl“¥5 as *1 l’l'UtWtiO” â€"â€"â€" z 3 z /. {1‘ ‘ / . . ‘ W 1111- ’13 wnsiiip “1‘ Vaughn” [H SUDDUH against 1111- fI-Oy~ 7 “.th frost} ‘llu------.-'-..'.-.a : ‘ I . : Mecaithy Milling to. 111.1. 111-1... ,.;.....,.;. ,....,.,L,.,U,,S 0,, 1111111 11m- 11 b.1111»C .11111111. 11119 1.1111 HARRY In p4LMER 2 w E N N B 1% 0 S. 3 4. I 1111.\ :11 111 :‘5, 0.1111551”), 1_ N0 Mm,“ 1111 the 111111 1â€" nevertheless winter 1' ‘ o : : 12111-1111. 1s11't 11\‘el' yet and 21 pile of preVL’n-l Veterinary surng 2 z . School I)111111n111115 ,,_ Th. 1y”, 0" 111111 is worth many dollars of cure. O 3) - v. ; PHONE s’l‘t)td’l’\'1|.l.E 11171211 _ ii. .1. 1111.1.” “(inqnmw M “1m; {W flour“. 111 .111HN sit. '1‘1»ioit.\'1111.1. 3 1 110116 141 UNIOHHHC 3 : “ORMLEY‘ ONT. 1 PM” at (.HHWM was Hummer“! by V hither: \ioii'l'l‘e an met-Lit] Iiiiilislanee. I'IlUlle 'l‘hlil‘lllllll 250 : : 9 1 V .y. ‘. .. ' V, H " . ' ‘. ex 1111c a'e you 1111 eave . 0 éeooeo«we11¢oeooooeooooooeooecoooooeeoooooe«nowow» 1 H" “’“1‘1' H“ (“"l‘ “‘5 (“Yetta Wu at home. [Ill-BIFIIIIIIIIID! 0*’0”””“°’°9¢””5"9'9”’°°’°‘W’°’°”””°”’0“ n

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