Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Feb 1949, p. 4

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4 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday. Feb. 3. 1949 Classified Sale 8; Want Rsvrl‘ifiwl‘dvi' lines or less. 3:3 (‘t‘lits for first insertion llllll :3 cent: In cmh \iihscqtli'pt ins-‘1' five lines 7 cents pt-r I Ads line extra ezieli inyrtion. ll' [harem Telephone Richmund Hill 1'. ‘." ’ 1’ it. [w amino? ,Ii vl.~ I‘ it. i, - w: FOR SALE PET MEAT, delivered to your door. Phono Richmond Hill filth-12. "ZwIll MANs Int'vi'uc. (non. scarcely used. Phone Maple STr'll. (-Iw32 BREAKFAST SUITE. (3 pieces, bar- gain. Apply Liberal, Box 77. clwilz Phone ’1' lw‘” Fla VIOLIN in good condition. Thornhill x3. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 108. tt'c-Iti 1031 CHEVROLET COACH, A1 con- dition, completely winterized. Phone thr'll Maple. *2w31 .NEW SKI swnfiun. sized ii, hand knit, never been worn. Apply 164 Spruce Ave., Richvale. elthZ BALEID WHEAT STRAW. Amin U. E. Hadwin, phone 00111 Maple. ply Thornhill 54 W. R. Dean. tfc30r i I w 3 ‘2 (QUEBEC HEATER, medium size very reasonable. Phone Richmond Hill 437W. Mr. Hill 4613. c3w30 Middleton, Richmond BALED TIMOTIIIY HAY, also Cow hay. .Richrnond Hill 4Tr'21 N. Bro- die. *3w30 MAPLE HAR DWOOID, limb‘ and body mixed ,cut and delivered. Phone Stoufi'villo 381w]. Gormley Block Co. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 108. tfc46 ’EXICEPTIONALLY GOOD USED CARS, from 1037 to 1040. For in< tforrnation phone Donald Giffen, Ma- ple 741‘23. Clw3‘2 TEN TON ALFALEA HAY baled, also a few ton of wheat straw baled. Apply L. J. Glass, lot 6. con. 6, King. Telephone 36116. *1w32 CO‘AIL AND WOOD RANGE, 6 plate “Findlay” complete with warming" closet and reservoir. Apply Liberal Ofi‘ice. *1w32 193-1 CHEVROLET, reasonable, fair shape mechanically, good tires, win- terized. Phone Richmond Hill 32L]. *2w32 BARN 40’ x 70', good condition, steell roof, and chicken house. Apply G. A.l Grierson, R. R. 1 Maple or phone Maple 122. SINGLE BAIRREL SH‘OTGUNTperu . . . . . feet condition, used one hunting sea- 621'4. ,i son, price $20. Phone Maple ' clw32, STOREY AND HALF cement block home. 4 bedrooms. large living room and kitchen, lane-e recreation room, .water available. Apply S. “Tomlin- son. phone 3314. *2w31 ITADIES’ ALL LEATHER RED JAIC‘KIET, ladie’s 'black untrimmed coat, sizes 16â€"18; airman’s overcoat and other articles, reasonable. Apply Stop 22A Richmond Hill or phone 34413. elw32 BRIAY has started chicks. Also cockerels and pullets. Available now, ‘ or book for future delivery. Remem- ber good markets are caught with early chicks. Save time through Fred Wise, Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill, 350131. HOUSE. Richvale, six rooms, storey and half, all hardwood floors, 2 years old, electric stove, one half ac- re, garden and fruit trees, well, gar- age attached. Immediate possession. Apply 47 Edgar Ave., 1081‘12 Thorn- hill. *3w31 WHETHER you keep large or small flocks, it pays to get good basic stock. That’s what Big-4 Chicks come from. Canada Approved, backed by a breeding program on the Hat- chery's farm. Yes, compare prices â€"â€" but compare quality. Save time, let agent order. Wesley Clark, R. R. 2, Gormley. SUNSHINE CHICKS FOR 1940. Big husky, proved money maker chicks from fast growing, high producing, I’ilood tested breeders. Barred Rocks, Wnite Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, Red Roek Hy- brids, Rock Red Hybrids, Cor-rush Red Hybrids. BR & WL Hybrids, English White ch'lrorns, Mixed as hatched 15c: pullets 28c, Cox Gc. Or- der yours today. Sunshine Hatchery, Chatham, Ont. tfcflS CLASSIFIED ADS in these columns are charged at the rate of 7 cents per line. with a minimum charge of 35c for any one advertisement. This is the cash rate. When ads are sent by mail remittance should accompany copy. When telephoned, remittance should follow promptly; if not paid ‘Jfltllill two weeks there will be an extra charge of ten cents for billing. For use of box number. the charge 10 cents. Co-Operation of adver- tiser‘s using these columns will be aovreciated. The Liberal. i< c1w32 Itichvale. 3 FURROW TRACTOR PLOW. CaTl LTFETIMF. . on rear. . | (“mm Dean. lgin Mills. Phone Lom. 5080. lSTATIUNAIlT BALI‘III. girml t‘orpl}- irion, l't‘llSldIlellt‘. Apply phone Stunti- l “ill” 41‘“ “1' Write l'-”- W 4“ sxowrrIMniixhz Iii-tn CTN-yin l wail : TI lilclririwinl SL, iii‘lll‘Il-‘liil ll:.l. lâ€"â€"_â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" lillblfl‘ lliil. lil'i'iii CRIB. all steel large size with matâ€" P , ’ "I i i C i i b v ‘ iv lit -. I ‘ i‘. tress. very good condition. $13.00,, "Rilll‘l lilll ('I\H‘\1(' I)“ I‘ll” \\ m H APPLY ZR Yorrfl‘e St or phone lich- ‘IHW“_”“"‘, ‘ llll -\ "'m "‘\‘ mom Hill H.) (yawn, dale 2.ili.\.\\. II. lIiir'tlt‘lllfillll” l’.".\’_c~ l I . _r -i HOT “'ATER RADIATOR‘ gnnihmhi AIII‘IN i' tor Motlut and lassoiam .' . . . n - . .. , Gas lane‘cs, .I. A. nose, Maple. 18 sections, also 1 pipe and somt , ‘, Phone 311.]. Her» fittings. Phone Riclnnond Hill 327W. , clwf‘ii EATONIA VACUUM CLEANER with all attachments. one year old 833.00; Airway Vacuum Cleaner with attachmcnts $17.00. Phone Thornhill SJ. clwiifl INTERL‘JATIONAL TRUCK, used. K3 model, one to two ton load. Exâ€"‘ tras: heater and defroster, spare tire, helper springs, stake body. Ap- *RNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doge, fire meens, fire sets and acetylene weld- r-g. Apply T. Elliott, Oak Avenue, th3 all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked en- amel finish any colour of tapes. free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarkct, Ont. 012w23 INTERNATIONAL TRIUICKl. new, RIBS Model, one to two ton load. Ex- tras: heater and defroster, spare tire. helper springs and nobby tires Apply Thornhill 54. W. R. tchO WANTED W-OODEN'SILO: Apply John Cruickâ€" shank, R. R. 2 Gormley or phone Unionville 30J4. *1w32 PAIR MEN’S SKATES, size 10 or 101/2. Phone 258W Richmond Hill. c1w32 CAIRETAKER for St. Mary's Angli- can Church. Apply at the Warden's 11 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. tit-732 WORK BY THE DAY, rate SIOU plus carfare. Phone Mrs. Miller. Garden Ave., Thornhill 47131. *1w32 POULTRY, any quantity. best market price. Will call immediately on re- quest. Phone King 35114, A. Magee. c12w20 POULTRY. any quantity, best marâ€" crwgg kct price. Will call immediately on request. Phone King 35114. A. )Iaajee. *12w‘29 BUSH LOT. heavy, close to Richmond Hill. with or without property, com- plete or selective cutting. Fred Tay- lor. 771 Richmond St., Richmond Hill 4153. 25tfc FARM. near Richmond Hill, about 30-60 acres, with house and buildings. Aply Peter Lubberden. General De- livery or phone 341W. *2w31 MIIDtDLE AGED “’OMAN requires work on farm or in country town as housekeeper or for general help. Ap- ply the Liberal Ofi‘ice. "2w32 HOUISEKEEPER for three adults. All city conveniences. Radio in bed- rom, liberal time off. References required. Apply P. 0. BOX 36. Richâ€" mond Hill. *2w31 D'ICvTIA-PHO‘NE OPERATOR, one experienced in general office routine for full or part time work. Apply in person to Geo. P. Dowe & C0. Lt(l., Stop 22A, Yonge St., Riehvale. clw32 TRANSFORTAT-IION from Sunny- side at 4.30 p.m. or Bloor and Yonge at 5.00 p.m. to Stop 23 Yonge St. Please write c'o Box 3 The Liberal. c1w32 CAPABLE WOMAN of neat appear- ance, between 30-85 years, to takt full charge of restaurant evening's Uniform size 36. Apply Riehmom Hill Cafe phone 223W. c1w32 HOUSE OR APARTMENT to rent by refrigeration mechanic with Un- iversal Refrigeration with wife and family of 3, vicinity Lansing to El- e1w31 CLIERK-TY'PIST for Richmond Hill office. must be single. Apply in own handwriting stating age, experience, present occupation and employer to Box 100, Liberal. c1w32 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished apartment or small house by responsible business man and his wife. Phone Toronto Ra. STII. In Peru on the west coast of South America there is not a drop of rain- fall for six months at a stretch, Jan- uary through June. Artifiieial irriâ€" gation keeps flowers in blossom year around. \I l PAPER HANGING ANI) PAINTING First work. rules. free vl‘honc Rollinson. Richmond All lM. tl'r l2' and reasonable .\ . class estimate. llill lrLF M:rcll(tf\\.\l.ll. painting paper hanging: Sample looks. estimates. Phone .1313. R. R. l. th‘hâ€" mond Hill. 1' rec -I\\3l‘_' taken for privati- URUERS will be dressmakingr after 7:30 p.m. in the evening. Phone lichmond Ilill $231? rIfl. *2‘.\v?l0 ALL KINDS FURNITCRE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. VanDyke, 223 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. p tit EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER ; ailablc ] days weekly. Monâ€" thly statements, ledger posting. come tax returns, business systems installed. I‘hone B-tth. 01' :3 in WELLS dug or cleaned out. septic tanks installed. cement work done. rockcry stone, sand and crawl. .»\p» ply R. Hicks. phone Maple 871".) or (5, Croutch, phone Thornhill 07122“. tf Chg. 52 FARMERS: We can now supply and install your stch stable equipment. water bowls. litter carriers, pnmpine' systems, deep and shallow well pumps. For free estimates phone Maple 60111. F. Constable. iiflwill COMPARE these prices: Soft slah< $13.00; hard slabs, Sinou; hard limbs, SINIIO; body hardwood Sil.’ All \\‘\3(itl bone dry, cut to desire!] length. Frcd Taylor. 74 I'tichmnz‘rl St” Richmond Hill. I‘hone 40:1. ti'c27i NOIV CARRYING a fairly complete line of hardwood and softwood ltllllâ€"I ber‘. roue‘h and dressed. Reasonable prices, prompt delivery. Fred ’I‘aylor 74 Richmond _St., Iichmond Ilill. Phone 463. TREEâ€"FELLING, woodcutting, un- safe limbs removed: hydro and :lothesline poles sold and installed: building's moved and raised. Fred Taylor. 74 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. Phone 403. tit-35 SHOE REPAIRS. harn‘esg repairs. get it repair-rd now and be ready for Spring work. Don‘t put it otF too long. A Pearson. Maple Shoe Reâ€" pair. “‘JIwZ‘J SERVICE: When you need help in any phase or" ponltry-raisinu'. Consult We're glad to he of service in whatever way we can. and we have a good many years of (xllt‘l'IClIt‘C in poultry atl'airs. Just call Stoutl'villc' 151.320 Ilillvicw Farm, Gor'mlcy, Ont. *2wfil1 US. THIS MAY SUIT YOU. $1700.00 cash, balance $3000.00 at $40.00 per month. SMALL BUSINESS OPPOR~ TUNITY, store, gardening, dwelling, 1/: block west of Yonge Street. ‘2 acre choice land. House easily tinâ€" ished and converted into residence suitable for 2 families. Grmvinfz, thriving community. Elgin Mills, ‘3 mile ncrth of Richmond Hill. 16 mile regular ‘bL‘s service to central Tor-l onto. Early possession can be ar- ranged. Ernest Ridout, Jtcaltor, $4 Yonge St., Tel. «155, :352J evening's. clwil‘l TO RENT TWIO LA R GE U NF'U RN I SH ED ROOMS for lie-ht housekeeping. Apâ€" ily Box 15 The Liberal. clwil'll I‘HREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS )Il Yonge St. Young business couple -_)rei'errcd. Apply Box 77 )NLY. Liberal . t-Iw'il2l r‘WtO ROOMS‘ in basement of a new home. No objections to one child 5 Jr 6 years old. Phone 43112:) Richâ€" ncnd Hill. elm}: FURNISHED FLAT; 2 rooms andl )athroom, all conveniences, also gar-l Age suitable for business or middle aged couple, at Langstatl‘. Apply Box 00, The Liberal. clwfjfl TESTON Sunday last Mrs. Gladys Kerr of Toronto called on Mr. and Mts. Geo. Kerr, also Mr. and Mrs. .Ioscph Snell and Shirley of Weston visited their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Ber-r Ireland and had an enjoyable after- noon. The community of Tcston are very sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. George Kerr. iS;\\'lN(I HER STRENGTH "Why didn't you slap him when he first kissed you?" “I was conserving- my energy for; his next move.” U v “Arum , , ‘_ ‘ II'IISCELLA NEOIIS ti'cZB‘ ' 'circlc will LETTED , FRQM Ivoak cor‘xTv ('OI'VCIL i goneoooowouooowouowoouwoeomwwuomwooo " “"‘ ‘ i ‘l'l'()l\'1‘\lF\"l‘\“ Irllu LIE“: t” ILI , y; y, my,“ l.\ T Trims Irn. . LL,” i .‘J i. .1 lb r-vr» _\. A_ your; oil, "FIGHTING FATHER If . '< i. 'l - l, v.‘ .i'. , l . win. “rt:- eluted York l'onntji‘l ])lvNNE~ Mi. ir "‘ ‘ ““ 1“" "i ll”. 5"” MILK , l Slilllillt“ l".\T tl‘IlIIllCN , . l i- I,» lb \. lmll‘: liihnt-z‘ j lnm .‘. k \\ I \. ,1 ,. \x my“ l‘Ll‘lri‘l lin'nu- lui [xi Ii,lsi\i“‘l \i l \‘ i ‘H Ti ,m‘i ' -â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" __ .t w iiiipr- on. .. .1 -,\l Lil how I- mci l.o.\nt:tw i'r “cw: n“: v , ,u l ‘ l v ‘ E ‘ " W , . 2 l l,l1rlr-!\l:tl.l t‘ in II. it ‘i‘ ‘.'.t t it i: r-i. ntj.’ lt'lltt"t Lia», Lii l CR: Ti 6 3 *1 CV, c) . ‘l‘l . .l‘.:i‘r‘.- is n" 1-f .i.» n :lwt il<ll'tllis .\i.l Stw‘lt'l}, Slimming! . . , Looting? . . Loving! ‘ 11 1" “ ‘ ‘lli'n‘g to . .1 ;:.v,..i1i~,1.-.1 {pumps 11, 11....1 .l.\\II{S t'r!.\lt; LYNX RARI JOHNNIE JOHNSTON ii; , ,iiiyi, ill 7 . . 1‘ '. in " \‘I lcn as re -‘ I'\ L' s n; :1 lie 1:" tl..:‘l l'r llw- ' H1 1‘ ‘\ \Hi ' l, H N" V S i’ y 9‘ I,” , Ml. m‘ 1‘, “limp, .. , rw‘illilllth' i'ir .r lilltw-Ak‘ilti tirrn in Ii .n n,_. l.l:lll l..~ i~ par: l‘\\‘|’.«‘ll“:l‘i ‘ u 'l‘vi'oixt.» :1:l York l'l.lllllll'.f"‘l _ (in tl‘r «Him l‘illil'i‘llu_ ~\. 1 \‘l. li'lu‘ livllb “‘“H “W” A“ .iiin l. lbrve l-‘.i;.ti;ir:iincrnl'19m. STEMART I?R\Vl.\ t.I.I:.\l).\ FARRELL «urn |‘ wi“ tr is p11 no it Iran 1" , I“, V,“ I, )1 l, ,I, . I i in ,. flu “I,” HM, NH,“ :\ hm} “W i H ti . i...\ t--. tilti Ii» Illr inntlrr “ T, 4‘ fl; 7 Y“ .vrriigr' Month. .. r'l lH' liib U'll‘ _li‘i* "i. “ ""‘i'l‘fl‘ll' I‘llm‘ I tllJllll nip-g tiii- tinn» .il'ri 1:\lll‘- that llr'}il:l'\-lir‘c'\(‘ .l. Spillt'iti‘ oi~ Nun» l‘al‘NI Rm“ .ilt' t. on a-d b, luv tllll'i'i‘dii “1W” .i;:r!‘l{i'[ Illlll R M“ John IIvtrawser ) P“ and \l»'.illl 411.511... \\ in n the r\r‘1l* . \~,,,,U.h_m “in, :Ihwuwl I“ 1.0%,“ (Eh: â€" l & or is 1. .il :ud he cunnot have ice. ', f i “ ‘ ' I L ’ ‘ . K, , U. _1, ,., v . , .y w l ~ pooppi “p.m. H_m mum M“, .llilllfiltft‘lllt‘lll ot the munry House In,“ Skalq‘lliQ'xl“ i“1U“hIMI‘Hl DOVLFVY ..i}5 as to why tllt'lt‘ isn‘t lt't' nnd oi llel'uc’o. Reeve A. ll. Evans ol' ‘ I H i f in # H ‘ I \aznt‘s ilrl‘ in..ttet' \‘i’lh hem. l‘iV‘L; Ncnnrniltct. wa* elc'tcd to the York 66 ‘ 7 ‘9 A SOUTHERN YANKEE :vivrruuj tni- lil,lrllt‘. llc has one nrzrn ,_ '_ i ‘ ‘ ,' , 'I‘ICCIIINICULOII SHORT AND CARTOON ,H \WIK mm mm “,1” H “1., “my. tt‘r‘\t‘ \\. Morgan ot Leasrdc. and _ _ 11p... nun-“or .prlytihas Il‘lnlirllvlrllnllllt‘l, l);};riijvt;lri':-y<| Litre Bait-r were electâ€" ‘Vednes' & Thursday __ Februarv 9 & r.‘ 'ri-ar..rn ss re :1 'e :i 1 2st _- I ~ 2 : ; .'. '. z 2' ' '- , s . . .. _ ? tni' LilinnlJlL'l, r‘lc heating: the snpcr'- “a,” l»,.,1:.l “Iii,i,l.1_np\:. This 2.111.113] Its the (onredy Hit oi ’lhrs or any other Season vision oi \\llt‘|l terms and others alt i will. ‘HH ‘ ‘ I 0 “Cl- ' . ' ‘ to no III the ice and lo conic ol't. m‘mll “lll- “"1" “lulwl l‘.\' 11991311121110“ llc \virks all night flooding a good to the loyal \Vintcr Fair loard. R. i.‘:..:.j. iizu‘hts 2s well as in theydn): ll. Mattir‘cgor and Dr. Unsworth llllltl‘ :‘lllll Itlll‘llrlt‘ e\'tlj’lizil‘it;"'11llill; llibfl» lines were appointed representatives m U) . 1112' ' 7. si t i i ,. , ‘ l which he has ti) clear of snow and H“ “W l‘ “min Last General “0th- t'lind ;I:s will. I know that a great 4“ lit‘ill‘d- litany ol you don't Sli‘}? and consider just how many are looking al'ti-r tl’e arena and as to how the ice is {loudâ€" DAVID McLI‘IAN SELLS cd. rain, but I think that. it' you do you will agree with me that thesi 1.},~\ 3.” ‘1‘ 0 two men have n great deal on their ‘ " L LTIAVI 1‘ The comedy slmuldirs. Mr. .Mzrliley also has lri< own work to be done. ’I his week, in fact tonight at the Municipal Hull. Mr. Mancy is (allure of flue yeargf' MB‘HON PICTURE MAG. 0’0 96¢ 609600090NNOOW0 a public meeting: “Illl i'uu‘ar‘rls to . . " artificial ice, so why not come out yourselves and express your view points on the sublch which to my n.iu.| is the biggest thing tho \illafle ml Ins brought t'p anthwill need the ("oâ€" upcr‘zrtiun Hi» all its citizens. - I’ml'ore closing I would like to say that we all one Mr. Mablcy a vote ot' thanks it r the work he is doiuu‘ tor the village and t'or' the interest that he has taken in everythier- that Victor. Columbia. Decca. Capitol. MGM. Mercury Labels § : § i i 2 § Bing Crosby he has done. q. 1 “I” GUY Lombardo __ “9"” lljl“l‘l ‘ ““' .10 Stafford Frankie Carle / 1 1 . ’ LANGSTAI‘ 1‘ Stan Kenton (inests l'rom Coboui': new web ‘aUghn “Ionroe " " ’ ‘4‘; ' i I H l . r. ' s. ‘ ..\ ) ~ - v ‘ r!" P! l an n1 - a Dunno“ "Ewan" toned at Lanestanl Rapist Hindi 19“? Como \Y RAINIFR‘iEaUlbtt?..“:'::..:'.7..:”.:.,.;:°‘HENRY BLANKF Frankie Laine Evelyn Knight Sammy Kaye Dinah Shore At Your Nearest Record Centre YEREX ELECTRIC last Sunday morning by Rev. Allerl Jones on behalf of the lil nnmbcrs and present. Two of the yonnu‘ lz.llies sang a duct. Mr. Jones announccd that at Wed- St. Valentine’s Day, February 14th Say it to your Valentine with books of ROXY THEATRE GIFT TICKETS “A Valentine Packet with many hours of lasting remembrance” Now on sale at Theatre Box Office owoomomouowoowwoeoeowwoomomoooomo l'i iends ncsday night's prayer meeting. each one present was expected to take a tivc minute recess in which to write to IICI'il Foster, at present studying in a Bible College in Dallas. Tcxns. Foster was supply Lane-staff last summer. \t'eather permitting: a sleigh riding party will be held at McLean's farm at Elein Mills, for the juniors in the afternoon and seniors in the even- inc: The next regular meeting of the Langstatf Home and School Assoc- iation will be held in the Publicl School. Tuesday, February Stll, at S g09.099°00....9NOOOOOOOOOOOWWO....9”.OOO.9WO”””..9 nowooooooooooorowooeooooeooeooooooooe ow e e 2 M e c c ooeca > o o.oooooomoooooomooowmooooowwmuowmuou booooooooooooooooooeooooooowoooooooeooooooo oooooeeooo‘oooove 0 § 0 O 9 0 g '9 E O O 6 9 O Q 0 o O 0 O 0 0 0 9 ‘9 4; 0 0 9 4) 0 0 ¢ 9 9 9 Q 0 O 6 0 .Ir. pastor at , omoooooooooooqooeooooo p.m. The'club will celebrate its, Ilrd Still-“Iii? i217:."Ҥ?ti§1‘2h‘L‘lhwiii‘élli 123 YONGE STREET dale, who is corresponding secretary of York County Home and School ~ Council will represent the Count-ill ' and will conduct. a general open disâ€" cussion. An invitation is extended to l J all persons interested in Home and School to attend the birthday party. A very happy evening was spent QUALITY rooms n WEEK-END srscmts *â€" LIBBY‘S COOKED QI'AKER last Thursday, Janrary 27th, when - the women of Langstafi‘ Baptist . 3 lb- ' 15 02. Church met at the home of Mrs. ° . Pk. ° . Tins C Spencely. The meeting opened in the usual way with devotional exer- I eises. A shower was given to one ot" " the members in honor of her birtln day. A delightful lunch was served by the hostess. This week the meet- inp~ is to be at the home of Mrs. La Riche, Jackes Ave. at '3 pm. Friday evening, January 28th, the the Young People from Newtonbrook their regular weekly meeting, when the Young People from Nwtoenbrook Mission wire entertained. The visitâ€" ing friends put on the program. Pastor Cox ot' Newtonbrook gave a splendid message. Special music was provided by the McNeil Trio. The Y.P.S. this week, February 4, is in charge of Don Marritt and Mrs. Blandin is to be the special speaker. A very cerdial welcome is extended to all at 8 p.m. at the church. Mrs. La Riche's 'tcerr age sewing (‘IIOICE QUALITY KELLOGG'S Tomatoes . . 2 35c Rice Krispies .2 27c FANCY QI'ALITY STRICTLY FRESH Tomato Juice 311? 25c Grade Aliggs i551: .II‘NKET I-MINUTE HUNTERS PARTY ROLL Fridge...... 39c Cheese..... Margene Brand MARGARINE 28 oz. ’1 ms I/ / 2 29c Pk. Nucoa Brand MARGARINE Domestic Grade NORTHERN SPY APPLES be held at her home on ' ' Garden Ave, Thursday, February I}. For eatlng 0r COOklng CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE IMPORTED CELERY .Next Saturday. February 5th, pro- viding the weather is lit, there will he a sleigh ride in the afternoon for the children ol‘ the Sunday School. They are asked to meet at the home of Mr. Murray McLean, Elgin Mills. The sleigh will meet the bus which gets to the Hill at 1.40 p.m. after which they will go for a sleigh ride and back to McLean's for lunch. In the FYI-Hill}: there will a sleigh ride for the older ones, follOWGtI by :1 mcctincr at the McLean homestead 1" r a time of Christian fellowship, at sincwsonc' and lunch. We are glad to report that our Iliâ€" School which is held at Il a.m. cury Sunday 3; growing each week. Iris-t Sunday the attendance was lrlfl. \‘Cc are u‘larl to report that Mrs. (i. liunl-H‘ Who was in East (letrer'nl lr\.*<- FLORIDA ORANGES â€"â€" LOADED WITH JUICE MEAT DEPARTMENT SIRLOIN OR WING 1 1b. 65c YORK BRAND QUICK FROZEN FRESH FILLETS SALMON ROASTS STEAKS he HADDOCK SMOKED FILLETS mam SOLE r We Feature DAILY DELIVERY in the VILLAGE HILLCREST MARKETERIA Phone 77 lile pital for a serious operation is home again. . y. . g “ Your Friendly I lilage Store ’ We hope she will very stron, . regain her usual health and strength. I. I

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