t}. 104‘.) 8 THE LIBERAL. tichmond llill. Thursday, Feb. r‘fllflllflfllflfllnlllflfllj t HAS. ROYNTUN NE“- , , :1 . . . ‘. HR . V v ) ,r 1 ) PRESIDENT .\I.\RI\H.\.\I I [9' I ‘4 II" At tllc ailiitlal lilf-ctinfg. the ll illum- \'(.[l.ri|mr\ Sill-4|‘iun lli‘," tvll'lccl ~ and liil'cc‘ll‘ii‘.\ \\(’l«’ L‘IL‘CI‘ - «‘l for litlil Markham Pall lloard: “5 "(NIX Dull-- THUR-VHHAIJ I'lt‘7ltlx‘llI. (has. lloyntoii; 1st \‘icc- Plionc Tboi'nliill 2.30 ,IH'JHIUII‘.‘ l'iilil (.‘raiiain: ‘_’ii:l \'lLL‘-i lilt"illt‘l‘.l. I.llij,»l Ttli lIL'l, scciciary. imlflmnamwï¬m&agfllafln liov II. Mosh; ti‘cilsurci, ll. .\'. Sol» 0 asooeooooooeoeooooooooeoo ‘iU' ' _ Thc (Iiicctois for Markham \illnu’c t), I}. IIL‘I.\l“\', John TOI‘l'illlL‘K‘, Earl .‘ , (liahum. In. l.. .\. lirown. M. llus- scll‘: Maikllain Township_ W. l.. ('lark. .I. ll. Lanthici', .l. (i. Lunau. W. \\'ai'rincr. J. Iâ€. BIRDS 3.31m (has. Iloopcr. J. llzlgg; Pickering. \\'altcr Milnc. John n "l" “Mk3 pmdumm‘ 3"" Scot i; Sca l'lIOI o, Alcx Davidson. “P‘°‘"“"""’°’"‘""°Y “the Miniay Macklin. (; n. Litilc, l.. A. trouble. 70 remove the large' roundworms and cecal worms ef- Kcnncdy; \I'hItchui'ch, Lloyd 'J'urnli, Ind Logan; North York. (it-o. \\'. Ilcn- ficiently, use Dr Salsbury's . . WOEMIXintherm-lsh. Give for: 13'; assocultc directors. (has licc- orzdoys_wormin9:s floneleusily sor. \'. St‘tlil'e'd'lt'h'. Nick Schoiitcn, undewnomimny' poultry “ts R. ll. lli'i. :gcr. II. M. Warrincr. WORMIXreadin.it'segsycomix, lycn. licacon, Waltcr Rccsor, Dalton too. Asklnr WORMIX.today. Riiinncy. \Vin Timbers. Harry Pais- ley, Mauricc Hamill, A. M. ('ampbcll. Earl lliiylcs. Auditors, .l. ('. Burns, Max Rccsor. 0090-9990999099990000999009 I Vaughan Township Regular Council Meeting To be held in COl’NCII. CHAMBERS, MAPLE MUNICIPAL OFFICE Monday, February 7 Better Baby Chicks HILLVIEW FARM H. .I. HILL Phone Stouffville 61320 at 1 Wm- (iormley, Ont. J. M. McDONALI). Clerk 000C 00990990900099.9909909 90099090099090999900000009 -‘,'v k; . i'..:l “flaw-- ' 'i. S REAL ESTATE .m'“ w. H ' I ’1i’ l l 0090000000000090000000009000000000909909099900090000 Vellore Junior Farmers Present “ A Pair at Country Kids †Vellore Community Hall FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11th 8.00 O'CLOCK PM. ADMISSION: Adults 50c; Children 35c 090900999999-09009‘909'25 90990909900990.090999999999999 7:? § § : § § . 0999009990909909909099 ' 30090099060999450 999999009009999900990900999999009009 EL. LOWRIE, R.O. EYESIGIâ€"IT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Feb. 9th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON Eyes Examinei, Glasses Fitted OPTICAL REPAIIyS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 09099090000999900099900009099999690090909090999909 l I A 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 0 E 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 9 9 0 9 g 3 0 z 9 3 0 9 l CARSI‘EAD I ' , HEA'IIN ‘ HOT AIR FURNACES AND AIR CONDITIONING All types of sheet metal work. Free Estimates â€" Prompt Service 31 Yonge St. Richmond Hill ._.\ W; . . . . \ ,,\ . c... _ l THORNHILL FURRIERS 1 Green Lane, Thornhill Using No. 1 quality skins only. following are some of g the coats currcntlji' made on our premises. fl Made to the latest styles the garments below are put 1 down in ordcr of their demand and popularity. PERSIAN LAMB PAW (‘.»\NAI)IAN EASTERN MUSKRA'I‘ RACKS ,, RUSSIAN PERSIAN LAMB i (‘IIINESE GREY Kll). RUSSIAN SQIYIRREI. SHOR'I‘IES CANAI)I.~\N BEAVER (‘.\N.-\I)IAI\" MINK “'9 do not h:li.illc any ialiblt pi‘milicts or o‘lhcr por- l'urs. CHRIS ADAM REITER Tcleplionc 'l'hornh ill .‘ITRIZ Irllill‘lP ritt who is retiring from leadership of thc choir attcr about 14 ycars HI faithful Also to Mrs. Roy ('lt‘gg. who rlsigncd as organist, was scri ice. picscntcd a stcrling silver dressing table sct. Thc cvening closed with a bountiful lunch of delicious pali- cakcs and Maplc syrup. Thc pan- cakes wci'c made by Mr. Ncufeld of John‘s Coffee Shop. Officers Elected at St. Stephen‘s The annual Inccting of St. Stopliâ€" cn's church was held Friday, January 25‘. Rcy. I). t'. H Michell in The following ot'I'iceis were “'85 chaigc. elected: Vestiy clerk. Mrs. H. Bryâ€" an; Rcctor's Warden. Mr. II. Bryan; I’coplc's Warden, Mi. Wills Macâ€" lachlan. Although only 2} months in this charge Rev. Michell gave an interâ€" esting report of the year'swork, Tlic lay, delegate to the Synod Mr. \\‘.lls Maclaclilan. It was decided to continue the support of Andle Mail‘- tin, an Indian boy at Shingwauk Inâ€" dian Resend School at Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Bryair the treasurer. gave 21 favourable report of the year's work showing a balance on hand. The service of St. Stephen's Church was conducted on Sunday evâ€" Lning by Mr. Cample of Toronto, as Rev. D. C. H. Michell attended a special service at his former parish in Olillia. The regular monthly meeting of Maple \V. I. will be held at the Villa Wednesday. I‘c'-rtiai'_\' St, at 8:15 p.m. The topic. Agriculture and Canadian is . Industries will be taken by Mrs. \Vm. Oir. This will'he in the form of movies and will be very interesting. Roll Call. cxchange of valentines. An interesting program is being arran- ged. The attendance drive of last month got off to a good start. there being- an attendance of 35 at the January meeting. The Captains of this drive are Mrs} Arnold Rumble and Mrs. Harry Stevenson. The team of Mis. Rumble being ahead. So let‘s give our captains every sup- port. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton of _ DEPARTMENT OF. HEALTH TOWNSHIP 0]“ NORTH YORK Two’s A Crowd Before I heard the doctors tell The dangers of a kiss, I had considered kissing you The nearest thing to bliss. But now I know biology And sit and sigh and moan. Six million mad bacteria â€" And I thought we were alone! .CARI. E. Hill. M.D., M.O.H. M fllflfllfllllllllllllll H. C. TAYLOR Building Contractor Specializing in Carpentry, Plumbing, 0 Plastciing and General Repairs Old Country Tradesman fl Apply to ~â€" PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Phone 86 Richmond Hill Who’s ’ Afraid 01' Fuel Shortages ‘7 No‘ ihc man who burns hard coal and orders his till-up now! Famous leading Anthracite ‘l‘iarfcnuolicil With Tiny llul Spots JONES COAL CO. Phone 188. Richmond Hill ' TIIORNIIILL Midand last week and as individuals '.',,,, ' , . s, . : v' 0. . tiict, Inn... in Maplc and IIIVIIIF: mm “mum lamps‘ (,(mmlntulatlmw Maple, hope and Iadgclcy churchcs .L“ 5km Nels Findlay. “UL-“(iv H. a9 his (‘hm'ï¬es- MOVl’Ig I†B““"""“’†l'zltici‘son. sccond John (lrant and from here, then to Pctcrboro whcrc [cad 'lcd Sillais. as his cliaro‘cs. Al'ctr leaving, he Slim“th 0t “"115 lltlt‘l‘-St:h0â€1 v D . . Ilockc). Sr. (.‘roup. Jail. .II Iicld charges In Queonsvillc, Uno l, W L ,1. 1, Park, Coldwatcr and Bcavcrton. [lungsmï¬' ;; U H i; then in Pctcriborougli whch death Thornhill 1 1) 2 f .I I. H L. lhornlca- (iciinan ‘ulicnvale took plat'O. Mrs. George Kerr “1m .1 3i 2 o 1 i 1 2 Pasle away at her home in T05- Lullc‘tiltl ’H 1 ‘1' 1 I‘m, January iilv Ml‘S- (i001'2‘0 Kcl’ll icsults last wcelc are as lollows: ' ' - 'i - 7- ) The sympathy of the Village is ex- lliuillhlll l) â€"* l»1(h\alltl ll v . ihorniea .4 m Loncort ; tum“! to Mid [\Ul dml. D0 Dim (oncord ti â€"â€" 'Ihornnill U (Mis. Rowen) in the loss of a loving ,‘(Ulgswn r) I‘m-“Uta U wifc and mothcr. New 'lrustee Elected to Public Russ‘EI Kirby School Board Mr. II. t. iogers of Thornbank At his home 78 Soudan Ave.‘ Torâ€" llu. was unanimously elected Trustee onto on Saturday, January it, Russel at a niectliig called oy tllc Douro «,l Kiln. beloved husband of Dorothy lltlstees oi 'l‘hol-nhlll Public School l’lowcr. l'kltlit'i"()1' Mrs. H. Leslie and ano held lil llly.‘ scliool on Monday brother of Haiold KII'lH‘ K.C. and ““Clli‘lg- January 'JJSL- APPWXUH' v . ' .ltcl;. ..il iaccpayers were present. Mrs. \era Tudhopcy died suddenly. MK “ng replaces Mt Ronald He was the son of the late Jim and May Kirby. Burial in Maple Ceme- tci'y. Monday. January it]. 'Valentine Tea A valcnitne tea will be held in the 1. cnn who resigned owing to the tact. LLHI. llc has purchased property outâ€" snlc the district and \\III or moxing ....111 a couple 01 months Mr. I’clin was Llictll'lllail (iI Lilc .ooaiu. .\li‘. HOWELL. school inspector, was Presbyterian Sunday school room on picscnt at the meeting to outline Saturday, February 13’ from 3 to 5 HIL‘ Ucparcincnt ot Educations ‘ ~ ' ‘ - l wlln lcgard to the hulldii‘.†b‘ the ( HIS Llub. 5mm . I 5~ '\ , ' OI a school or tnc south end oi Ill‘illllllll to acconilliooatc the child- icii in that area; Mr. Deacon, archiâ€" ., c, llIUlIIL.‘(I cut ()ovlous costs in willpallson to an addition to 'I‘nornâ€" OPEN LE'I‘TER TO THE CITIZENS OI“ MAPLE Dear Citizens: I have been informed by the newly , . . gaxe a resume oi the program as formed Will “tam agency 01 RICh‘ .ald oown oy tiic anrd oi IrusLexu. lecomnlcnded the school in the mond Hill, composed of Mr. R. Kane cniz. ’l he new school will be and L. H. (Doc) Clement, that great interest has becn shown by clients in .y iIO south , , _ .n ate C(ISI \\ ill be bl-U,(JoU. property and houses in the Village of (“cummg 1,, a “plume “(out Maple. ‘1 clycy, in ï¬ve ycar's time Lucie no no 35)..) children going to school Unfoi'tinately, no progress has i 1 Schools In the (llSL‘I'lCt, not taking been made in the sale of propcrty. Owners of property, that could be _,,c,.e.asey 0,. m other subdinded are unknown to the above .. posslolc increase In mentioned ieal estate agency. I “CW “011185 are bum- suggest that people desiring to sell . .Ob'wa†.. . , . . . Harriet Alice .VUule. wite ot lvc‘x‘. land to interested clients, get In \J _ A ' n. Noble, died suddenly at St. tOUch with the Richmond Hill Agen- games licctmy, calcuun East, on words, population as cy. I believe that Ml; Clement and Wednesday, January zdtn. .ilis. Noo- Mr. Kane would handle this matter ‘6 ““u man-V Illmms “1 thls dlsulct where she nad lived tor a numoer‘ to the satisfaction of all concerned. ‘- I believe also, that a town plan- ’cor at Trinity Ailgllcan coulcll. out: ning committee should be organized voiili ‘4 keen interest in church af- to look after this new venture, which “4115! all†was a 1.1“: men““‘:"'.“‘ P†wonlens Association. Surviying he- would greatly beneï¬t our village. We “(its her Ineed more taxpayers, as our Village “unall'l T. of Willowdale, Rev. C. can stand many new improvements. DZ. Sault Ste. Marie, and Henry I“. The cost. of these improvements can vi. U-A‘Lt- (’Le‘pn' 1‘ lâ€"‘““‘ " ' Church, . ' V H only be met by encouraging industry n?“ m ,St‘ StephenS . llornb), on Saturday “Helm/l... ll.†and housing. ‘ I interment took place in the adjoin- ] am confident that With the help husoana ale lnl‘ce sills, I my; cemetery. of the Vaughan Township Council “ _ La": w‘ll'il“! “(i111 and the influential citizens of the D); 1111:“) Elector Izemh’ rioi‘ielhAve' . . ( cas er let sun eniy a ns onie \‘illa re w i - ' ' - ‘ _ l= v L “mld 500†buml up 0L†last \yconcsuay morning, January Village to modern Lip-toâ€"date stan- _,,m_ in his; 39th year 311', Keith located in [his community less than a yca_I ago, and was building a home daids, which would benefit everyone. i The village trustees are anxious to I . . on rowel Aw. "I " ' ‘ - do what they can in this new veii- - . .DL‘th “a: dttlwu t I. _ . V LCII to coionary thrombosis. In ml- UH. 11 .VUU have any Sliggeb‘tlom dition to his wife, the former Ada on this matter. we are willing to take them up with the citizens of Maple at your leisure. So let us have your ‘ ideas on this subject as soon as pos- siblc. :‘ilcClure, lie is suvn'ed by one dangli- ze, Jean (Mrs. [5. Shaw). one sisur, Mrs. Margaret McDonald of Owen bound ano one brother, Uzivid Keith of Chesley. Puncral services were ‘.lelll at the Trull Funeral Home and interment took place in Prospect Cemetery. The annual meeting of Thornhill Horticultural Society will be hold on \\ednesduy evening, February 16th, Ill Thornhill United Church Sunday school hall at 8 pm. Guest, speaker ~.vill be Mr. A. Bunker of the Ontario rield Naturalist Association who will show colored moving picturcs of birds and flowers. Included will bc Yours tiuly, M. Ii. Millery Chairman of Village Trustees: OBITUARY LATE FRED SCHELKE li‘i'cd Sclielke, veteran horse train- cr, owner and sportsman of Gormlcy, \iicd in St. Michael's Hospital last Highway. Piday. Associated With horse racing- “*“"**â€""â€"â€"-‘ the [arc “41-. Scheme was wjdejy' THE FIRST MOVIE THEATRE Known in recent years as the breeder, H _ owner and trainer of the famed , lhe “Ht Sheppmwny whose String Ut- impresp in the world was a converted slioc lvc victories brought many honors to 5wâ€: located on Broadway New the blue with white sash silks of the york" It was called the Kinetuswlw dorm“), Stable. Parlour and was opened on April 1‘1. Scliclkc was born at Bi'ooksburgd1894‘ The Sim-C was lined With Indiana. and while quite young asd “1.0mm A" Ellison." Much)st muâ€" sociatcd himself with horse racing“. . dunes Which Penniqu one P0150†“L livcntually trained fl 1' the late Capt. a time to View the mdum through :1 P. M. Walker. a job which brought‘ I‘Lel‘lmlv‘ The“) ï¬mt malle “in him t†“.(mdbino fur the ï¬rst tmw.‘ for about tit'tccn seconds each and motion picture theatre [Altk’l'v Schelke traincd for J. K. L.l Shall-“d “(’thlng' “WW than a “‘2‘â€. ,I‘,>S‘ IL Glimmer of Chicagm for >IIL‘QZIIILâ€. a giil dancing and Annic whom be conditioned Chicago, ,\.hi,,hl(lakl(>y' ï¬ring a gun. Thomas Loni- lic considered the fastest horse no'll'dl'd “115 “It†I‘l"'l)l'l0t"l' Of this “1'51 L‘\'('I' handled. Later be trained for them“) and he didn‘t inten'] 1‘) “W 1““) 1L (7.. Hatch and for “onâ€, opcn up until the following Monday. unis and R. w. it. (lowie. | “1‘†“MW†“Mitts suthomi IiLitsiilc Humidâ€: ml, his widow. Lh0 {up his store fioiit and hc nccdcd moncy linr Mabel Costello‘ and a daughter‘l for dinner, so he opened up ahead of “My. yunmal services were held time and took in 3130 the first night. I Monday at It) o‘clock in St. Cecilia’s. Th“ “10ml†l Roman Catholic church. [Still'tt'tl' picture industry was M l D. .C N ap e t 'l‘ zic ~\lll lic claiicc :liicl cavI-li l â€_‘â€"â€" tat i..i‘~lcncc Memorial Ha... VII’lHlll‘: - e v . r . l ' ‘ H l' ilau’. February 11. unoci Iiit‘ i aiililla. illiciil‘l: H3 Illt‘ Mill)“. I‘HW‘V-h’ \“‘~"‘ 1‘1 the hm)“ “1 Mid “Ill by \of \\'~llri\vyl'ilc yidllv ‘ ‘ ‘ i. - . .. ' _ s, (1' V4 _t.l.t l lbslc \ ‘ l l l. nltcd ( nur.h war- hcld \\ cdiit‘md} AMI 31'†~\"“â€â€œâ€œ “an†U‘Ji U ‘ follows and Rebekah Lilli" *" , . i i ' i . . -c - râ€" . , . '_i _. Ill‘i'llI \\llll a :ood attcnliancc ill the wcck cud. MI, and Mr. Han. A Hwy“. Rpm“, 1†ML _ b,“ ‘zllcni ills. Tiic i'cpoit~ of the (lit: .‘lon \wic niariicsl in TUI'UMU “II 51â€" iiigyi. Tunic. who 1\ Ill :1 ‘ l'uici:t dooaitilicii“ of Ill\' lhurlli liillay. Jana;in itltll. All-‘3 Hillml' l‘iff'lit‘kn'mii1m} Tllmu. \no min i i " ' 'i <‘-v ' '“Ll M-‘il~ 51“ ~ 0 '. ‘ ~“,' Kytcll- \cljy‘ ciicouiauirlz. l..c lllIl-IUlll. ion is a s. lyl ot .\Uiln n ctil (hush ,Wl‘, [hm] mâ€.th “1 1m. lo! ll.'\ll\‘:\ l’tl..\(‘il by ad organization: high. mmw “1- Mâ€, “my Mn“, N. I», ‘HI l'tl‘ \HH “NW†“'3' “llh'll 5Uâ€- M‘dl‘l“ \Wli'i'lilt‘S the 1‘31“ mmll-V Thursday at'ici'noon. wlicn fl llili‘l‘c. ‘ ' / e i- -. v. >.;.' .,.-. . 5w-1†s! l"u was in! Missions and bench lIiIti tncil' community. 101 l‘iiluldlll‘ “sh PMIW‘K.‘ 112' “Hitsâ€. â€" ‘ - ‘ ~ . - J- ' ' ‘niaii. . c.‘ lcc l s i .. ‘. ._ \ u ‘ ., .\ - , ,\,l (OUJCI ,1 nclly \lcl‘A V ‘ ‘: lyiillllccs‘. liic total illlscl i) IlIL Illt tiltlltl. oi MI. Dd (l “I “H, 1". how in In“ hum“ “1 MH- tni'cc clltllt'llc‘~ of thc l'liaiu’c was liopc lic is soon up and alt‘Ullyl dis’Jlllii Lam. lth 'l‘lmy-gduy al'tcinooii. I‘tl A $7 lTli, .\lr. (wupci' l.a.~ had an attack of “H,†11pm. ‘ ‘ .. . ‘ . -. o, - win: 'l‘hc following aic Ilic luldcrs f4! ,insuinonra. , Aty Illelt-L.llll Illt.lltlll_\1 inIILI-kfl _ , ~ . - . l ~ g I‘llt l>k l‘il‘i' ln- Ail-iii» wiliial-ix. In. 1'. w Mr. and Alix i:. ii. Iii-xliuciillm, 5‘1! Liloâ€â€œJilxlimstlfjntï¬â€˜ m khmm i i H - . ~ , v. . , .__, ill-s2_..z -, _. . I‘lolitlcy. .\l. J lvlnnto, born-M. \\- _\udrc_\ .\li.\aughton and Mary («it “up. “null-aycrs crowded 11W WW“ .I. ()li\cr. I. ll. .\lussclinan, J. A. son spcnt thc week end In (:Llclllii- U, may,“ the mush-“(tum ,yi tho llm‘c I“ P. lluinblc, J. llallzlwcll l’. Visiting Dr. and Mrs. Earl .\Ic.\:augh_ proposz swimming I plmlf in tntc - i i ' ~ ‘- ' r ov o l'cci'ca - I’utcnoauuh. ton and Mis. Aristin. laikl and lto SLKhLlUlLtllnh‘If]: H“ l mth P - - iona‘ ccit'cs‘ ' 4 l *- ' ‘ ‘ u . . . . - . - ). . . . _ . “W “(will (it bumdd“ WINS“ “1 RU' IMHId‘L‘e Slams. It will be rclncmbcrcd that Dr. R. A. Rigl'oxd. \\‘in. Ilallawcll. This community was shockcd tll “mum, Lent}, pledged gum)“; 1“. .l. .\'cul'cld, l.. Kcrswcll. .\'. Loud. I‘T Ili‘tll' of thc snddon death of icV. wold this swimming plile coinmcnâ€"I v »r » r _ . . f ,-‘ '~ '- '2 .' lOIL‘i Ili'o'k \\' I'izlllc'V Mis. Hin'tln‘d, Mrs. A. M. l’artlidgc at Pctcibol-ongh oi. (1.11131. lin :lns rllistitnt whitimins 1 LIL†i i i F v- . . . . \\'1 it‘ ic incs rccrca a W > R. l“ Mai-litt. Secretary; M. J. I\lllâ€" January .llst. lulu. Rex. Mi. Pai- {W In 01mm†with the pmviw ncc‘ Troasurcr; ll. llziinscy, Mission tridgc had preached at his cliaigc on though that H“, Swimming. Wm] m. 'l‘icasrrcr. Sunday and took suddenly ill at 1% (Unstructcll ï¬rst, Hampuym-g “we Thc othcr oï¬'iccrs of thc clinicli .i.In. and died at 6 a.in, Death was alssurcd that tthe poiil yvould lllytit. «:(ost »- ' . I i * c-n, iIII( tic )oo s ' iâ€" will bc appointed by tho ()tIicial (Inc to a sti'okc. ()ur sympathy g'Oczs [Ilfll'lllti‘ogi “A†ï¬nal“ \H‘ml’timwd . ‘ 5 (. i ' .1, H . Iioai'd at their tirst mccting. out to Mrs. Partridge also to Mrs. Lucal (“Hing kmk \Hn lmphy During the cytning an illuminach Dr. Paitridgc and son. Roy. Par» Nels Findlay-‘3 rink captured the address was prescntcd to Mrs. Mar- tridgc spent many ycars in this dis~ (ioodcrhain and \\orts trophy at niii ruulic School; and Mr. R. Fenn, .l IL'L.I"IUUIII ptOJQcI’. and [lie approx‘ .nLo consideration any percentage in, minus . years while her husband was rec- . picturcs of the swamp on number 7' 1 Bolt seem. s DANCE RICHVALS PUBLIC SCHOOL FREDAY, Feb. 11th . Admission: _ ,1 l I Box Lunch For Ladies and appetite for Men Sponsored by Richvale Rangers ieeerieian HOUSE WIRING ELECTRICAL REPAIR Apply Townsend’s Garage Phone 63r21 Thornhill a... ~-â€"__._ 99900¢r6009'390‘9006090900994’ ©0960@0‘90009900090900009 iiiiiii’sinss SHOP Sce the gay new colourful prints smartly styled in all Sizer. Blouses and >\'\'C‘<IIOI'S that are new and different. Jenny carries a Camillete line of lingerie and children's wcar. so be sure to drop in. (‘miycniently located on west. side of Yonge St. Just north of N0. 7 traffic light Thornhill Phone 162M 3 o : § . o ’ 3 3 o 0 0 o o . o o o , o ’ 3 o 9 3 z o ’ 3 2 o o 3 § 0 . 3 § , o ° 3 2 0 ° 3 3 9 909909099000930000¢0990009909999 490499 00000009909000 lTâ€" . Immediate WESTINGHOUSE Vi REFRIGERATORS, RANGES,'WASHERS l ‘ l i f ‘ AND RADIOS Easy Ten 8 if Desired i Electric \i’iring and Repairs 3 seamenonnis Anetmueesosnns- 5; l l 'l'hornhill 161: Nights 150.] Richmond Hill 874J / :0099909999000909000¢0 06099000699969 9999909000900000 5" slang-v7 . Imnucmcg - INCA I3" H ' rim;;_ ‘ u‘iflivnd :3 y mi; ruin-r. .tlwxg iii: THORNHILL‘ DISTRICT LIONS lee arniva- TIIORNHILL RINK SATURDAY, Feb. 5 7.30 P. h . Prizes fo ' all ages. Ice Permitting 3 0990009 90990oooooooooooooomoowoooomm 0 9 9 0 0 9 9 0 9 0 0 i 9 9 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 § 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 o 0 0 9 9 9 9 49 9 9 0 0 9 0 soooeweeew99oeoneooeeoooweoseooeoewooeowwoo 0