ID Thni‘si‘av, TOMEIISON, SAUNI-ERS, SMITH, & GARFAT I l l LIMITED | l I I l l2 W'cllington St. E. Toronto Phone AD. 0467 DEPENDABLE HNSRTRANCE l SERVICE HERBERT R. BUTT District Representative 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone ZS-R VII) McLEAN SE an .' .z.- . . L- I STOR PROMPT ATTENTION ‘xi‘v’EN TO YOUR STORM . SASH REQUIREMENTS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. < FREE ESTIMATES. l UNIUNVILLE wooo PRODUCTS PHONE UNION VILLE 128W l â€"â€"__._ memooomoooooomoooooooewoewooooomw GUsTAV DAHL BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR PREPARE FOR YOUR SPRING BUILDING NOW WE CAN SUPPLY MATERIALS ESTIMATES GIVEN ~ Telephone Maple 31r32 OOOOOOONOOOOO00600000000000OOOOQOOâ€OO¢DOOO QQOAAOâ€. CARSTEAD I I HEATING ? HOT AIR FURNACES AND AIR CONDITIONING All types of sheet metal work. » Free Estimates â€" Prompt Service 31 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Do You Need a Bathroom or a HotWaIer Heating System ? We can install complete units with guaranteed work under a time payment plan. The down payment is only 105“? and the terms are easy, spread over a period up to two years. Richmond Hill Plumbing & Healing Phone Richmond Hill 296W 82 Yonge Street P.O. Box 119 MMMMMMMMMMMMMM 1 MASTER CHICK STARTER The entire livelihood of your chicks for the ï¬rst few weeks. must come from the chick starter bag. So make sure of feeding a starter that does the job and does it RIGHT. Many successful poultrymen have proven that the job is done RIGHT when you feed MASTER CHICK STARTER umuM+ | I lgzsaasssss 33:33:333A Au cusses or PuUll’l‘lv mm uvt SI’OC'.‘ . rust sunmr. It, " ANIMALSbOUGS t :9; 7 o 7 Jilin: M M M Ito gigl P110119 54, VI e deln er ‘ 3137335343 M M M M M :.'.l mus-n7 hunt-.5 uMITm :. I l I It part of England. too. Canadian plowmen participated in the West England Champion Plow. ing Match. Our lads plowed a good land and I am very proud of them. But before Isay any more about “THE LII} ERAL†An Indeiendent Weekly â€"' Established Subscription Rate, 83.00 pei )ezii: In if " I )lcnibtr t'anallzin Weekly N\"\“<liti'~.'~ J. III. SMITH. MIT. l’un‘ things about us. is about one A SHORTâ€"SlGll'l‘EI) HA Ill'l‘ To get into the way of searching for the flaws. swing the Imperfections and not seeing the beauty. in the world of lilt'll and of the most fooliin and r-Ii-ll‘lâ€" sighted habits any man can form. It is quite unfair to the world of lllt n and things in the first place. and thcn the man who does that sort or thing t‘tllitllltltuisly becomes a misanthrope. than which there is nothing very much more trying in this sorely-tried and \vcaijving world. If you wish to keep a sane mind and a wholesonn- kind ot soul, do not get into the habit of looking too much for spots anyâ€" where. You will not anticipate it or wish it, of course. but just as sure as the sun is in the sky. the habit will react upon your- self in many dircl'ul ways and \\'III darken life and kill Joy and warp and twist character as few other habits you might indulgt could possibly do. To flatter yourself that you are very clever to be able to pick out the flaws that others cannot see. and thus t‘lit‘OlII‘tlfJ‘t‘ yourâ€" self in the exercise, is to play the fool with life in a lamentable way. sider that the community’s lot a hard day's wot‘k. orga ing gets under way at 8.30. your timetable. reason being that the meeting Editor’s Note: This is the second of a series of weekly stories which Elliott Moses, a director of the Onâ€" tario Plowmen’s Association. is writ- ing about the visit of Canada‘s Chain- pion plowmen to the British Isles. Cornwall has been included in the Canadian Plowmen‘s itinerary for the ï¬rst time this year and we are par- ticularly glad to be able to visit this For the ï¬rst time Cornwall and the Cornish match, let me tell you what has happened since my last letter. On Board the R.M.S. Caronia First, I would like to tell you about our ship which was making Its ï¬rst return trip across the Atlantio The largest liner (34,183 tons) built anywhere since the end of the war the Caronia is also one of the most beautiful and modern. It has eVei'y convenience that you can ï¬nd in a moden hotel and while I must con- fess we found the exterior which was painted in four shades of green some- what startling, we were told that this colour scheme ing sun glare. The bedrooms are equipped with bath, telephone, electric heater clothes closets and a ventilation sysâ€" tem. There are 13 air-conditioned public rooms where the ship's passâ€" engers can lounge in complete com- fort. Other conveniences are a theat- re, chapel, five-piece orchestra, gym. nasium, and a complete hospital with a doctor and nurses in attendance. We were given permission to visit the lower part of the ship and were amazed at the massive amount of steel. consisting of all types of ma- chinnrv necessarv to operate the lin- er. We expected to see a huge en- gine and drive shafts but we did not expect to see the whole TOO-foot length of the ship filled with machinâ€" ery. After six days at sea. we decided that we are still men of the land â€" everything considered thoue‘h. we were not such bad sailors. The first r’::' not of New York. Rhys Bacher and Alvin Mark didn‘t anocar for lunch but by the next day they were back on their feet and “feed.†Rob Timbers took everything in his stride and acted as though ocean voyau'cs were nothing new for him. Rut Wilâ€" lim‘t McFaddin gained the admiration of the group by not missing a men‘ and ordering a double helpian ol' everythino' on the menu. Journey to London 'When we landed at Southampton ;‘ strange" immediately approached us asking if we were the Canadian nlI‘W- men. Shortlv afterwards. three othm n~en ~ a representative of the f' N R. the A haloâ€"American Oil Comuanv and a photographer came up to us and asked the same oucstions. \Vr were naturally surprised to ho s'it‘t ‘rl ."s Canadians among hundreds of the": disembarking from the Carin in. We are still wondering- how they know who we were. The ioIII'ncv from Southampton tv I ondon gave us our first bit of trav†‘v rail in England, The trains i' England are quite different from ours is eflfective in reduc- CANI PLOWMEN ABROA by ELLIOT MOSES * Director :PLOW‘MEN'S ASSOCIATIO . w TIME. GENTLEMEN â€"â€" PLEASE In any progressive Community it is only natural that there should be an ever-growing number of organizations and societies. This is not a matter for critICsm but for congratulation. as there is much to be accomplished in these growing communities which cannot be done through an official council or government chamber but only by voluntary effort of thOsc residents who con- as a whole can be improved by combined effort and organization. But there is a limit to what any person is able to stand after That's right â€" this is a plea for shorter as- sociation and community meetings in the interests of both the nizations and the members concerned. Look at'it this way; you arrive home somewhat played out any time between 6 or 7 p.m. or sometimes later, to be reminded that ONE of your own societies meets sharp at 8 p.m. that it won't start on time you roll along about 8.17) and the meet- There are many things to be aired and discussed, but not enough and of not such importance that the meeting cannot be concluded by 10.30 p.m. at the latest! So. Mr. Chairman. with the best interests of your organiza- tion at heart. please keep control of your meeting and stick to The next time Mr. Talkalong gets off the sub- ject. pound the gavel. that‘s what it's there for! If members could be reasonably sure that the regular meet- ing of the association would be terminated between 10 and 10.30 p.m.. we feel sure. that the attendance would increase. the main Realizing would be more interesting: the same as any news story with all the “tiller†taken out. . Which reminds us. editorials should not be, too long either. â€" Lakeshore News ONTARIO For one thing, the engine and the coaches are much smaller. The coaches have a passage along one SICIF' with the seating accommodation run. ning crosswise rather than length- wise. Train travel in England Is exceptionally heavy due, we are told to the rationing of gasoline. The or- dinary motoris is allowed only 36 gallons of gasoline per year and so must. of necessity, fall back on rail transportation. When we reached Waterloo Station we took a taxi to our hotel, driving on the “wrong†side of the street. We noticed that English drivers blow their horns only in case of emergency and to avoid danger. To do otherâ€" wise is considered rude and ungontles manly. This is one English custom we wish were more prevalent in Canâ€" ada and the United States. We didn’t have time to do much that ï¬rst (lay in London but the next day (Sunday) we were very busy In- deed. Mr. Stapleford, of Ontaric House, was on the job at 0:30 a.m. to take us on a walking tour of the city and to give us particulars about our itinerary. Later. Major Armstrong also of Ontario House, invited us to his house for lunch. It made our party feel very much at home to be welcomed by officials of our own province and we hope to learn more about Ontario House when we return to London after the plowing matches One of the most amusing sights in London is to watch the soap box or- ators in Hyde Park. They gather every day, and particularly on Sun» day, to express their views in no un- certain language about all the imâ€" portant questions of the day. OfT To (‘ornwall After a day of sightâ€"seeing in Lon- don we left by train for Newquay Cornwall. The long train ride from London to Newquay (250 miles) was somewhat of a surprise to our party for we were under the impression that England was very small. Now we learn that the British Isles are the third largest islands in the world. Cornwall, the south-westcrmost county of England is a very beautiful part of the country. The weather is mild and pleasant the year round From my window I can see the well- kept hcdged farms. I can also see another unusual sight for n"- r the tide coming in by degrees t'IoIn I‘II‘ . .‘ Atlantic ocean into a tiny lltlut. I‘ is fascinating to watch it roll' IL' ant to know that in a matter of i3 ho r the water will be 15 or 20 feet higher The West England I’lmving Match Our reason for our visit to (‘ornâ€" wall was, of course, to take part in the West England Plowing Match and to visit the (‘ornish farms. There were tit} (ntiies in all classes and the plowing was the most uniform l havc ever seen. The farmers here evident» ly leave their ï¬eld to grass for many I\ars and the ground becomes mattetI with a fine kind of grass covering. It was most interesting to see the many types of plows used in the Match. (litr plows looked like for )ILt'lIL‘Is among-st th-in .iust as \\c do among the people. At first I didn't see how our boys could hope to come very high up on 1110 winning list due to the different plows but despite my Icubts, we had two winners. Alvin Mark “To Wood l’I'lZ“ in ('ltiss Nov m Kai ll't. .\‘lt' t\L‘l|‘t IIII'II Iiils 3““ i. \* l :._\ “ho t-anw to» I'm» l,i\' . ~1lli\\' tot» t'ariaoian ponimn .\ I: lltll‘. The Assn i:."oII t‘iidict-E >l‘ txitois «div-llzllf \ltI\\!l 't-.‘ .I an illllii'.ll‘i I‘ll'ill to t'anadian numb}. WI- ‘.\i‘lt" It‘ll" tl c lai‘c'rs: It‘t'l ipfs 'i. l‘ ‘Lit'ltlliirll‘\ lusting. 'l‘lzis \2325 you sonn- idea of _iI:t ln-\\ prti :1 >lll' t zinadiaiz plowiutn .it- II'II be The Association‘s :iI litiin II! It dance was ln'ld in the pvt-nan: nl' Mutt-h. ;\[\l‘l'wxllllzllt‘ly .loo Imopm s:iI donn to a linnei xvhlrh. llt‘\llllt‘ strict iiitionii'u'. was very Ilt‘.l-ll'll'l'he gut-st speaker was our own ('nlv Incl III liorzsoii. the .\2'|It'lllilll'fil Commissioner I'rom Canada IIUIlsi‘ Ilob Timbers was Envitt-d to piopmc ‘1 toast to the judge and we wciw Illl vei'v pl't iid of his fine poi'ftu'niaiiuu. As manager of the ('anadian team I was asked to rcspond to the toast to the plowmcn and this gave me an opportunity to siy something about our ('anadian plo‘winu~ matches. It i: II.IL’I'0>III‘._‘.{‘ to us to see how anxious Iliev are here to learn all about opr farmingr methods. and indeed. hon ‘agur they are for any int'oiination about t‘anada. In my next letter I'll tell you about our trip around the farming .listi‘ict of Ncwouay. and the results of anâ€" other plowing“ match at \V'oi'kington County Cumberland. England. SALE REGISTERS SAT., FEB. 19, 19-19 â€" Auction Sale of ' Household Furniture, Electric Washers, Appliances, Dishes. Uten- sils; also Ford-Ferguson Tractor. with some equipment. Properties of Late Mrs. Jarvis, also Brown. Ilogg. lurkcholder, and others as listings. At Prentice's Auction Rooms, Frank- lin House, Main St.. Markham, Out. Sale at 1:30 pm. Terms: Cash. Ex- tra Listings for this .not accepted after January 26th. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers, Markham phone 206. o WEI)†FEB. 2., â€" Auction Sale of household furniture, garden tools and other articles on Church St. in the village of Maple. property of Richard Jarrett. Terms cash. no rcin‘vo Sale at l p.m. sharp. Ken & ('liirke Prentice, Auctioneers. SAT., FEB. 26. 1040 â€" Auction of Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, Roots. etc., on Lot ‘24. ('on. S. Whitchurch Twp.. mile north of AURORA Sideroad, property of .‘It‘. M. Green. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cast; 'aie II'ix, Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Printico. Auctioneers. TUES, MARCH 1, 101.0 â€" Auction Sale of 20 Head of Dairy Cattle near new modern farm implements, trac- tors, threshing machine, Forage Harvester, farm stock, hay, grain, etc.. on lot 13, con. 3, Markham Tn. 1,5; mile north of No. 7 Highway at Dollar. Property of H. J. Caines. Terms cash. no reserve, farm sold. Sale at 12.50 noon sharp. Ken & Clarke Prentice. auctioneers. THURS, MARCH 3 â€" Auction Sale of farm stock and implements, Hol- stein cattle. Fordson tractor, pigs. hay and furniture, at lot I}. con. 3 Whitchurch, just north of Goi-mley property of Albert McMillan. No re- serve. Terms cash. Sale at I o‘- clock. Lloyd Turnei', clerk; A S Farmer. Auctioneer. Inga-r); .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEII H. C. TAYLOR Building Contractor Specializing in Carpentry. Plumbing, Plastering and General Repairs Old Country Tradesman â€"â€" Apply to â€" . PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Phone 86 Richmond Hill ~ to IlIIHiflflIIIIIIIIHIII ogre-o +2 «a... e; .:.-.,v.,.1u;m,-. e a wowvd’ . 9.: ¢¢v¢¢>ww~¢owooe~bo .c-wuooooooooo s. V 2* are 2 a, 3 m v.7» “i, ii, o 2; aw ‘» ems do}. 3 o . . j; .\ .t ‘u: 'm u .‘l.l: st . It .fct is the answer to your 3 0 pair .I In i. to. ,t .13 ;. summer cottage. rillllli : 1: o! w Inti. I In ~ w .‘r In" the discomfort and cinbarâ€" : ‘9 I s l I, . v . ‘ I I l xv, . t" ‘ o 3 i‘Vu rI-t ‘.‘.-\“r':iilt:'t* Wl'lli' or phoneâ€" 3 o ‘I v vw ' 2 JOHN TAXI LOR o :3 Tax 77. 'I‘In‘i‘iiiiill. (Int. I‘hone ItlIrIIZ O '0‘0600066045600O0 5‘& 949‘; 0964949090 0 969.5‘iOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM 960 {94366 sh {/® 9%6‘06‘6" «>90 (34‘ $900 @0906 9MWOOOMOOO¢¢W 9 3 MAIN It's A IIIIRT flittide TRUTH FUR CHRIST " Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill S'I n It 't‘ri’ l7. YONGE ST. onâ€, FEBRUARY nth $.00 I’..‘II. SIITII L‘dl'SIt‘AIdA' IT‘S â€" MISS CA ROI. KNIGHTS Vocal Gold Mcdallist INSTRI'MENTALLY IT'S â€"â€" MR. ALF NELSON â€"â€" MRS. C. LOACH Speaker: CLIFF HICKS Quiz! â€" Staff! - Sing-Song! FREE ADMISSION (‘OME AND ENJOY YOURSELE ' “9.6â€â€00009000000WO6â€â€œOOOOOC Free Parking Courtesy Thornhill Golf Club 0099 00900 OOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOWOOwOOO OOâ€..“OOâ€O£ zW900.969900009009000OOQOOQQQOOGOOOGO as" romantics-oi: ‘ “WM “WNETRS' 9 Now as always parts and servxce are available for: alLOIiver tractors in Ontario including those sold by the Cockshutt Plow Company. All Goodison-Oliver dealers are equipped to serve you. Why not drop in at the nearest Goodison-Oliver dealer today and see how they are ready to help you. I a western province: contact any Oliver Branch .7 Ii, 1 Plymouth Parts Cars ca J. R. MARROW 390J, Aurora Fae é; o Trucks and Accessories DEPENDABLE SERVICE [led for and delivered Telephone King 43rd]. _-. .__. HOWARD F. JACKMAN ‘9‘)†“ichmond Hill An-t-I' one