000.0â€.MOO...“OOONMOOOâ€OMOOOOâ€WWW Saturday 2 p.111. # Wood carving Alfred Perry; Metal and Jewellery Work, Nancy and John Pocock: Needle Point and Design, Thor Hanâ€" sen; Play Scul’pture, Betty Madsen Tuesday Evening 7 pm. â€" Wood :MOONNOMOOOO O. OOOâ€.â€Oâ€Oâ€OOOOâ€WM‘ Carving, Alfred Perry; Leather Work, Annette Grafton; Public Speaking, 0. R. Stalter; Weaving Betty Médsen. 'Saturd Tuesday g City-wide coâ€"operatvie and Exclusive Connections g cowoooooooowoooow000990000â€ooouoowooogooo The John A. Madsen Communityjolk School UNIONVILLE February 26 to March 2E 909â€Oâ€OO“OOOOOOQO0906960N99060¢900999000m09â€: Like the two former schools last winter, the course is open to all over 16 years of age. A special invitation is extended to neighbouring com- munities who would like to send a group. The following; activities will be available: Phone-01‘ write your application to Jghn A. Madsen, Unionville 34W or 34J Maple,’ Ontario Phone 89W Howard Knight Mrs. Shepherd Proprietor Hostess “090.00%â€0000990â€... MAPLE VILLA is open all week, all year. MAPLE VILLA is just a nice drive on good pavement . .. . lllllEflfllIlIllflllIll MAPLE VILLA caters to Banquets, Wedding; Receptions and Private Parties. MOOWOOOOOOOWNOOOOOâ€O Fee $5; Married Couples 88 HOW T0 MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY MAPLE VILLA Crafts, Recreation, Lecture Yes! Dine at Pl RICHMOND HILL MINOR BANTAM TUESDAY, March lst PLAYOFF GAMES SATURDAY, February zo Under auspices of GIRL GUIDE ASSOCIATION OF RICHMOND HILL H PARIS AUTO SUPPLY H. C. TAYLOR Phone 8( Old Country Richmond Hill Oï¬ice MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD Telephone 455W and evenings 455.] NIELS AE. ANDERSEN zm Three-Act Comedy by ‘ Toronto Theatre Club IN THE HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM 1y from from 7 6 t0 7 p.m. and 7 t0 8 p.m. Admission Price â€" Your Interest ilding‘ SELLING YOUR HOME? YOUR REAL ESTATE TOO Discussion HOURS: Needs Foresight and Planning Do it when you can not when you must. HOCKEY Apply to 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. p.m. to 10.30 p.m Contractor arpentry, Plumbin General Tradesman Jmond Hill ERNEST RIDOUT ADMISSION 50 Cents Repairs AT 8.30 P.M. We have waiting clients some as far distant as the Bahamas. that will walk, ride or fly to see your property if it meets their require- ments. List your property today for immediate action and quick sale. All interested citizens who still in- tend to give a donation to the Lib- “ary fund. are asked to do so during the ensuing week, as a statement of receipts and exnenditures is being‘ arepared for publication. Exnensefl Have not yet been met in 'full, so send alone" your donation and get vour new Library out of the red! Member of the Ontario Association ' of Real Estate Boards QQOOOOOOOOOMOWOOOOOOOOO Mrs. J. Parker of Piehvn‘e enter- ained for a shower for Miss Bar- 'iara Fisher, a bride of this month. 85 she entered the living room which vas tastefully decorated in pink 1nd white, the bride-to-be was seated w the ï¬replace and was presented with a basket laden with gifts which ahe opened ably assisted by June Tesney After several contests were mjoyed by all and the evening was "roue‘ht to a close by refreshments The bride to be Wes the recinient of nany beautiful and useful gifts. cooomowwwommm The‘new Library Room will be of- ‘icially opened. Friday evening, Feb- ‘uary 25th at 8 p.m. and will remain men until 10 p.111. The Librarv Roadrd cordially invites you to at- Len . Last Thursday, February 17th, was Ladies’ Night for the Richmond Hill United Church Choir. They were :uests at the Fairlawn Theatre. The main feature of the program was the ï¬re winners of a musical competi- tion sponsored by the theatre. All the children played compOSitions written by Mr. M‘elecci. After the show Mr. and Mrs. Melecci enter- The local association of Guides and Brownies is presenting a play at the High School Gymnasum on Saturday, February 26th. The play is a' three-act comedy “Happy Days†gu'cduced by the Toronto Theatre Club and promises an evening of good entertainment. All proceeds from the play will go towards new equiipment and to the Guide Camping un . The members of the Women’s Tnv titute are requested to attend the pening of the New Library to-morâ€" ow (Friday) night. They are also eminded to start collecting their White Elephants†for the sale. Fhese may be brought to the next meeting 01' left with Mrs. W. Sayers mined the choir at their home and a .vcnderful time was haid by all. The 1 \fterm ‘ne Uni o’clocL Phone Office Thornhill 12 Evenings Mr. Overbury, Thornhill 48w tended the wk, at the v the world M DAVID McLEAN 1' C HOUSES WANTED nooh Auxiliary of nited Church will ‘oom Thursday, Neil Malloy day, March W . M W. Myll‘ Iiday the ‘ular REALTOR 3n Band meet on McLucchy, who has 19; in California, has races at Santa Anita dos Angeles Turf Club winter racing centre. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL nthly meeting of thr p.m tl' Church St 1, at 3 pm the WTM.S. of be held in th( March 3rd, at rida n th Presbyterian be home of the United day, Febru- the Sunday â€" Sadly rï¬issei by Haughters, Sa- die and Myra; son, Robert and daugh- granddaughters and» grandsons; Sunday 10 a.m 11 a.m mom. Lent. '7 13.111. from IN MEMORIAM MIIDDLETON 4 In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmo- ther, Sebbie Middleton, who passed away February 22, 1947. ' 0ft we think of you, dear mother, And our hearts are ï¬lled with pain Oh this earth would be a heaven Could we hear your voice again. Two years ‘have swiftly passed away But still we don’t forget, For in the hearts that loved you bes‘ Your memory lingers yet. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. \Vrixon. L.Th., R.D. Rector Sunday. February 27, Quinquagesima 10 a.m. â€" Sunday Schoul 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. “More about the Value of ' Rev. S. \V. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, February 27, 1949 10 am. 'â€" The Sabbath School. [1 am. â€" Public Worship. Sermon Subject “The Witness of the ‘ Governor.†Induction of newly elected elder. The Girl Guides and the Brownies will attend this Service. Majore Main with the famed com- dy team of Abbott and Costello an oming to the popular Richmom Fheatre this Friday and Saturday. f you want a good laugh, don’t mis.‘ :his attraction. There will be th< isual Saturday matinee at 2 p.m. ind then continuous show from ï¬w “Flock. Many are availinv them- selves of the opportunity of seeing :he early show on Saturday and av- >idving the possible waiting at late showings. “April Showers†is an- ther tOp-ranking attraction for Mon lay and Tuesday, February 28th ant March 1st. ' 7 ;L6V'iï¬gly 1'é111e111‘be1‘éd By his wife and sons, JamesV Harold and Stanley LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Albert Jones, Minister Sunday, February 27th Wed.. Mar. 2, 8 p.m.â€"P1'a_ver Meeting Fri, Mar. 4â€"Yqung People’s Society IN MEMORIAM “BURNS â€"â€" In loving memory of 2 dear husband and father, Dth (:eorg‘e Burns, who passed away February 22nd. 1946. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, {emembrance keeps him near. Sunshine fades and shadows fall But sweet remembrancé outlasts all Rev. C. B. Brethen, B. A. Minister Sunday, February 27, 1949 10 am. â€" Sunday School (Nursery, Primary and Intermediate) and Adult Bible Class. 11 am. â€" Baptismal Service and WALKER â€" To M1‘.' and Mrs. Shel- do-n Walker, a daughter on Feb- ruary 17th, at York County Hos- pital, Newmarket. 2nd, completed her nurses’ training :ourse at Toronto General Hospital :efcre joining the staff of Torontc ‘eneral where she intends to spec- alize in obstretrical and surgical 0])- rating room nursing". she wrll Spend vacation with her sister, Mrs. Will lam Moore at Youngstown, Ohio. Congratulations are extended t( .VIiss Helen Ransom, daughter of Mr .nd Mrs. Stanley Ransom of Rich- nond Hill, who on TuesdayLFebxtugn‘y The Women’s Auxiliary of Veter- ms‘ regular meeting will be held in ,he Mun.cipal Hall, Tuesday, March st, at 2 pm. Please note change If time and place. Mr. Richard Edmunds Jr. who suf- fered a badly fractured leg in a ski- ng‘ accident at the Summit some veeks ago, returned to his home from .ospital this week. He is making; avorable progress but will be con- lned to his bed for some time yet. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKechnie of “obourg were visitors at the home f Mr. Harry Moyle. The March meeting; of the Even- ng‘ Auxiliary of the Presijyterian hurch will he held git the home of 'Iiss Katherine Ball. Arnold Street Thursday evening, March 3, 8 p.111. Sunday Afternoon Bible Classes for all. Send our children to Sun- day School to-day and we’ll stop the youth gangs of tomorrow. The Bible says; “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.†â€" Prov. 22:6 SPEAKER: Dr. S. F. Sommacal Toronto 8:15 P.M. AFTER CHURCH SONG-FEST Come and enjoy this surprise time of old fashioned hymns and tes- timonies. GOSPEL SERVICES p.111. â€"â€" Evening Prayer. Scouts from Richvale, Richmond Hill and Orange Home will attend. Flags for Richvale Troop will be dedi- cated. Gold Medallist Donald Saunders will sing. Scout Mothers Committees and all interested in Scouting are invited to attend. music \by the choir. a.m. â€"â€" Baptismal Service and Morning Worshlp. . p.m. -â€" Evening Worship. Spec1al PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7 :00 PM. EVANGELISTIC HOUR Held in the Masonic Hall Richmond Hill 3:00 PM. UNITED CHURCH Everyone welcome. BIRTH : red Birchell, Richvale, won distinc- .ion in the art of speech and drama at the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto, when she received First nass honours in her 5th Grade Ex- amination, February 15th. ‘ Lucille, pupil of Miss Beth flockâ€" erbie, radio artst, has already won [our prizes from the London College I Music, in a similar course of study J‘or the bth Grade examnation shc :ompet'ed in an age group Irom H) L1 0. She is a ‘busy little girl who is ucky enough to ï¬nd recreation in her u't. Saturday, the children’s day t)lay, ï¬nds Lucille off to Lorne Green’s Academy of Radio Arts. Mr. Harry Forster and family wish .to express their deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the many rela- tives, neighbours and friends for their kindness, messages of sym- pathy and beautiful floral tributes extended during the recent bereave- ment in t'he death of a loving wife and mother. ‘ *1w35 OOOOOOWOOWOâ€OOOâ€OOOOQ LEON ARI) H. C'LEM ENT Well known Richmond Hill citize‘ who announces that he has entered the Real Estate ï¬eld and is associated with R. H. Kane, wellâ€"known realtor Active for many years in the live- stock business, Mr. Clement is wide- y known throughout the County of ork. He will deal in farms, resi- lential property and ‘i_n fact_anything. Friday of next week, March 4th the Y.P.S. are’co go down to the home of Mrs. Wm. Stevenson at Newton- ‘brook where they will have the usual devotional period after which a time of games, music aiid a social evening in general will be held. Cars will meet at the church at 7.30 p.111. or the bus will be met at Newton‘brook for those who go by bus. Further notice next week. At the women’s feIIOWShip next week, March 3rd, at 2 pm, which is to be held at. the home of Mrs. Dowâ€" ney, Garden Ave., Mrs. S. Rogers (nee Annecia Zelka) of Toronto Miss- ion is expected to speak. This may be the last opportunity to hear Mrs Rogers, as she expects to move away shortly. We are always assured of a good message. The ladies of the Thornhill church have very kindly invited the women of Langstaff church to join with them in their World Day of Prayer service on March 4th. 'The meeting is to be held at 2.30 13.111. in me Unitec Church and is in charge of Mrs. Kent Next Sunday evening, February 2? Rev. A. Jones plans to have a special service for Young People. Special music by N.Y.Y.F.C. sextette. 3 7 p.m. 8:30 p.m ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH To assist in the Township Of- ï¬ce, Maple. Temporary employ- ment only. mum†RICHVALE GIRL WINS HONORS At the Y.P.S. service on Friday :vening, February 25th, Mr. Cundie )f Richvale is to be the speaker. Rev {ones and daughter, Mary Jean, will 3e bringing special music. This meeting is in charge of Mr. Jack Corner. CARD 0F THANKS Lorne Boyle wishes to thank the person who found his wallet and so kindly returned it. c1vx35 Oak Ridges (Yongc Street & Jefferson) Rev. D. C. Michell, Rector 11:15 a.m. â€" Mornlng Worship Holy Communion fourth Sunday of every month. NEW UNITED CHURCH AT ARMOUR HEIGHTS The Inauguration Service of the fongregation of Armour Heights United Church, Toronto, will be held in the Duke of York School Tuesday evening, March 1, at 8 p.111. The service will be conducted by Rev. C. B. Brethen, chairman of Toronto Centre Presbytery. This new Un- ted Church congregation (have al- ready procured the site and expect ‘to turn the sod†for their new :hurch in the near future. A little 10-year-old girl, Lucille 3irchell, daughter ofA Mr. and Mrs. ALL SAINTS ANGLIOAN CHURCH King,_0nt. Rev. D. C. Michel], Rector 10 a.m. -â€" Morning Worship Holy Communion ï¬rst Sunday of wery month. 7:30 pm. Ash Wednesday, March 2 â€" Short Evening Lenten Service. The women’s fellowship prayer group meet this week at 8 pm. at he home of Mrs. Dori Marrith Rich- mond St. Mrs. Wm. Layzelle is to be ;he‘ speaker. 1 the real estate line. He invites ny interested in property sale or 'xchange to contact him at Rich‘ nond Hill. ST. STEPHEN‘S ANGLIC'AN CHURCH Maple um. â€" Evening Worship. 3 pm. Ash Wednesday. March 2 â€" Short Evening Lenten Service WANTED LAN GSTAFF CARD 0F THANKS TYPIST NORTH The 1‘ earned a reven L16 ST. MARY’S CHOIR BANOI'F'I‘ On Wednesday evening of last week, the members of the Choir of ,t. Mary‘s Anglican Church, Rich- nond hill to the number or twenty ield their banquet in the Parish Hall [he hot supper was elUOyed 0y a1 .md the Rector took the opportunity 0 thank Mrs. Harding and the memâ€" Wers of the choir for their loyal ser- vice in this most important part of the work of the Church. After sup- )er the'choir attended “The Rich- nond†with tickets purchased from 'he Men‘s Club,. and all voted it ï¬i very happy evening. reater nes shc ared to Receptionist for Richmond Hill office, pleasant enthusiastic perâ€" sonality, able 'to meet public and take charge of small office hand- ling diversiï¬ed interests. Must be an accurate typist, shorthand necâ€" essary. Apply The Liberal Box Immediate Delivery Paris Auto Supply ltd. $169.50 up WASHERS a spe Richmond Hill Phone 86 DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE SHERRIFF’ LUSHI'S Tissues . .’. Toilet Soap . 2 17c Asstd. Soups 12 N0. 1 YELLOW M A P LE LEA F Head Lettuce Z CALIFORNIA Golden Corn . . Ground Fresh FRESH CRISP KLEENEX AYLMER TOP OF THE MORNING Cooking Onions 5 19c AYLMER CHOICE Coffee 4 Year Guarantee 'l'he differenee was made t4,;>‘00 in increased operating , even though passenger increased by $17,638. Reeve H. Mitchell said. He said 1 mileage and the operation ecial York Mills bus mean costs. The Bathui‘st bus awed a $15,772 proï¬t com- $8,590 last year. WANTED CONNOR 53c Jellies and Desserts . 10c luce Z 27c I Grapelruit 3355 5 25c ()RANGES , , 35c ast year 11 learne( *1w34 \V a T16 W'ves. mothers and sisters of service men Eire requested to attend. The observance of the World’s Day of Prayer, Friday, March 4, will be held in King; United Church at 2:30 '11 the afternoon under the leadership )f the Presbyterian ladies. Organization 01 mm of the Ontar mand, Canadian I in McDonald and day. F‘ébruary 2 THE LIBERAL. Richmnd 'Please remember the church ser- lice, Sunday night at the Anglican :hurch. We are to meet in the base- ment of the church at 6:45 p.m. 20 oz. Tin 10 oz Tins fMâ€.¢ONONNWO§WNM90â€ONWW£Q¢ SUPERMAN PART 1 and LAUREL AND HARDY g Showing Friday 7:55, 9:58. Last complete show 9:00 i c3owqooomoume-aeooooggoooouoooowwoooooywm BOY SCOYTS ATTENTION! Friday 7 :52, 9 :54 Monday, Tuesday â€" February 28, March 1 YVONNE DE CARLO. DAN DURYEA AND JEFFREY LYNN Colour by Technicolour Showing at 7:45-9:50. Last Co Wednesday, Thursday ~ March 2, 3 DAVID NIVEN, RAYMOND MASSEY, ROGER LIVESEY Showing 7 :26, 9 :28 MONDAY TO FRIDAY Tarzan and the Mermaids’ KING CITY Box Office Opens 6.45 Free Parking Friday, Saturday â€" March 4, 5 JOHNNY WEISMULLER AND! BRENDA JOYCE Royal Theatre AURORA 35c 99c Friday, Saturday â€" February 25, ~26 WALT DISNEY‘S “ Stairway to Heaven 19c Including your favourites Clock Cleaners â€" 3 Little Pigs -â€" Alpine Climbers Little Hiawatha ' nd Wel'ls Ha 28th, at 8 and sisters 0 ted to attend . 9:54. Saturday 6.42, 8:44. 10:46. PLUS DISNEY FUN FESTIVAL \REGUMR I4 02. cA/v/e...w1m 29 PURCHASE on cA/vs C AT REGULAR PRICE Matinee Saturday at 2:00 p.m. “ Black Bart †Pink Salmon CLOVER LEAF Tomato Catsup Wax Beans . 2 LACHINE CUT AYLMER CROWN or BEE HIVE Corn Syrup TEN DER NO. 1 Carrots . . . FLORIDA NO. 1 Colour by Technicolour “ Bambi †In Technicolour 1‘hu1 lies or strawberries this spring: Proï¬ts run up to $1,000 per acre Without any obligation to custom- er. our berry expert when in your locality will call on you and ad- vise varieties m‘ost suitable for your location, proper cultivation marketing, prices, etc. 2-09} dis- count on orders for half acre or more. Stock is in short supply Write immediately if interested All stock guaranteed. Delivered C.O.D. SCOTT’S NURSERY C0. '- r.0. Box 785. LONDON, .Ont. FARMERS. ATTENTION inte mmer a] Last Complete Show 9:00 Last Complete Show 9:00 Box Office Opens 5.45 Sat. Matinee 1.30 SAT (2 HOLIDAYS 11 11 oz. Btl. 20 oz. Tins 1 lb‘ Tin Tin \VnEI 2 1b. CHOCOLATE lbs. Chipits ett 1'e( wh 49c 27c 210 17c 13c out rasp‘ ulc )m- our ad- for