Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1949, p. 4

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.â€" 4 TH}. LIBERAL. Classified Sale Rwiil‘i’mnd Ilill. inirsduy. Atul‘t‘li ii. item & IVant Ads R:\'I‘l‘i.\‘~-l'i\e lines or less. :1, five lines 7 cents pc I ,. leleplioiie Richmond ll' 4 irist‘i'iion iii~.-i ill s”. (well for eXi i'Li ‘Ulll ‘ llllo ililll lll‘ll. I.» «('llis ll' c mice ,,, iii ll. (li‘ri' iinc. ii I' eavli stllisi‘lltly‘ll’i lllsr‘l'llrili, ii in aim-uni lllilr- t't‘lll.‘ lll‘l‘ FOR SALE ORGAN in good condition. tunul. Phone 81M Maple. clwfili ONE ROOM RA NGETTE stove in good order. Phone Ring Iii'lii. clwilli SEED DRILL. disc. Phone \\'. Windas, Maple 00H Peter Hamilton, l7'i 'iwiiS FOR REAL ESTATE Thornhill 105’. phone I‘li’llll tic-ii â€"â€"â€"_‘-______â€"â€"‘ . Her-1 horses. Apply CARROTS for y S vey Mashenter, R. R. :1, Ring. Phone tl'ciii Ring 3113. i ) WHITE PEKIN DUCKS and Drakes. Apply 1). H. Storms. St.. at end of lane. Stop 21 Yonge ’Zwiii‘i' _.__â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 25 PIGS, 0 weeks old; 1 Yorkshire hog, 6 months. old. Phone Maple 281'1‘2. chCHi ___________â€".â€"._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- PUPPIES, black and white collie, (3 weeks old. Phone Maple illrdz.’ Gus: tav Dahl. "ilwilb __________â€"â€"â€"â€" S‘T'OVE, coal and wood, excellent condition, white enamel, utility draw- er. Phone Thornhill 170. clw36 GUARANTEED new and used Singer sewing machines. Write Box 200, Newmiarkct. or phone Newmarket l075. ' "ZwIlB FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn. Thornhill 168. tfc46 BUDGIES: (30 young birds. mixed colours and sex; cheap TUI‘.(]LIICI{ sale. Apply Zox 10:; The Liberal. c] w 3 (i __________._â€"_ 7 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Apply D. Da- vidson, Duifcrin St. between Shep- pard and Finches. Phone Willow: dale 2264. “1w-‘Jo HARTMAN TRUNK, waldrobe, steamer, in perfect condition, $35.00. Apply Dr. Wm. Duncan, Yonge St.. Elgin Mills *lwdo UPRIGKHT PIANO, Newcombe, excel- lent tone, best offer. Evenings R. Beatty, 156 Spruce Ave., Richvalc(g *Iwi} ___________â€"_â€"_â€"â€" WINDOW FRAMES, sash. storm sash, door, door frames, made. to order. George Allen, Elgin Mills. ‘1‘4w36 1941 MERCURY SEDAN, radio, heater, good tires, excellent condiâ€" tion, $1050.00. Phone Richmond Hill 480W. c2w36 __________â€"â€" ALL PARTS except body of 1930 Chevrolet in good co dition. Apply T. Jarrett Markhanr d., Stop 24B. *1w30 SOLID WALNUT DINING ROOM Sute .McLagan make table, six chairs and bufi'et in excellent con-ISL, Thornhill, Phone 28W. dition $75.00. Phone Maple lOrIZ. c1w36 1949 JOHNSON Outboard Motors 2%: and 5 hp. in stock. Orders taken for spring delivery. Will store free of charge until wanted. Bond Lake Garage. Phone King 43111. A LIMITED SUPPLY NEPTUNE 3.3 hp Outboard Motors. Slightly used; good condition; reasonable. Bond Lake Garage, phone King 431'11. tfs‘Jil ________’____â€"â€" LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked en- amel finish any colour of tapes, tree estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West, Newmarket. Ont. cl‘lw‘23 ABOUT 15 TONS Alfalfa and Timo- thy hay, baled; about 25 tons red clover and timothy hay, baled; about 1.5 tons oat straw, baled. Apply to D. H. Storms, Stop 21 Yonge St._. Langstafi‘, at end of lane. *2an ______.__â€"__â€"â€"-â€" .ISN'TiIT HIGH TIME to think about your chicks? Bray Chicks. Get them growing to catch the good egg and meat markets. Don’t tag along when prices have dropped. Get pi'icevllst and list'tof daily specials. Fred VI ise, Bray ,Broder, Richmond Hill. ________.____â€"â€"â€"â€" $8.0‘0 VIOLIN, bow and case includ- ed; also mandolin and case in good condition, reasonably priced, Roman styled arched rib. 820.00. Will in- clude mouth organ holder; brand new heavy army great coat, sky blue, civvy buttons $5.00; skates, size 8, men’s tubes, 32.50. (am. urgently needed. iAlJply 5:} Centre St., Thiornhill. or phone 230,] after 7 p.m. c1 wfiii “I RECOMMEND THEM" says cus- tomer Mrs. John Carnochan, Brussels, of her Big-4 Chicks. Once a custom- er, usually always one. We suggest it’s high time to order yours. The Dept. of Agriculture says “Hatch . early for profit". Canada Approved, backed by a breeding program on I-Iatchery’s own farms. Get price list. order now. Wesley Clark. R. r\__ 2, Gormley. 1_T GROWS HAIR! YIYAX 7~ the amazing new discovery of the Vivax Co grows hair and checks dandruff. Results will amaze you. You can't lose. This sensational new discovery re-grows your hair and checks dan- drufl' or money promptly refunded with no questions asked. Recomâ€" mended for men and women. Com- plete treatment 35 pcstpaid. (C.O.D.‘s postage extra). Medical Products. (Dept.~105), Station B. Montreal. Que. OOOOOOQOOOOOOOOQ 0000009000 THORNHHJ. TREE EXPERTS Do your trees and shrubs need pruningr for spring? If so. why not give us a ring. A. Goodchild Thornhill. Phone 1‘er tfc33. struction. Xll' x 215', steel roof in perâ€" fect condition. Apply Nancy Lake l'lll ll-l;l,'l:.\‘l§ll ELECTRlK ltivly and black. good eoiiiliimn: are ll’rcniicr \‘atuuin cleaner, rem lini- .lristlg’ziill. l;lilll‘.l’ \\'il:i,'».ril;ile .\.i‘.l'_’. clw‘lli Siith'. i MISCELLANEOUS DIGGING. (lltlt‘l' can 1). ciiiiclile “ell l'lione I\lllf_',' ’coizxicii LOTS, rouge imii (Winn-ii l . . llii iitagvs. to‘-\ll water. hall acre, e"â€" lwill'i s._\'<,iwi>i.oi'oiiixo; i‘i-cii Tuyiiii- .ieileiii suii'oiiiiiliiic's. new garage ‘ ‘ r I that run Id be occupied, illim. 1']: we TI Richmond St.. licliinoiid Hill. Lyrdliiirst .1000, lurid Phone ltiii. lilc35 .\l.â€"\§'SI~IY-IIARR1S RAKE. sine de- SNOWI‘LOITGIIING -~ Lance and li'.ci_\'. also :;â€"(li'uni steel land roll- (ll-gypwuyc. Apply Phone Willow- "'5' ’4‘?“ “‘1‘!” Al‘l’l-V ll' "1“"1‘" iiiiii- gsiisw. n. Goodei‘hzini.. ‘izwzs liaison, (iniinlcy. Ont. Phone Siout‘f- \ille 013103. lwiili V)RNAMl‘jNTAL PORCH RAILS. lstair hand rails, fire (loge, fire sueens, fire sets and acetylene weld- ing. Apply 'J'. Elliott. Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 Mâ€"ODERN BARN. wood on... om- R. 2. King. Phone 4112. Farm. R. Entrance on 7th Con. road. iflwilb' BARN .‘Hi' x 00’ to be moved; Mâ€"H Bll) Sleigh; Mâ€"II Wagon; Hay Fork; Sling Chain; McCorniick-Dcering mower; incubator ($00 egg capacity. Rozak Richmnd Hill ‘Apply Gee. 312W. TABLE day bed: boiler and chine. Lane. *' I \v fl 0 RANCNETTE lawn-mower; attachments; AND OVEN; hot water shower bed hand No. l and springs; Apply washing niaâ€" Observatory *iwtin TWO ELECTRIC CHICK Brooders. cover 500 chickens, only used once, in good order; also some feed and water troughs. Apply Wilbert Cole, Oxford St.. Richmond Hill 300W. DELUXE clwfh‘i IEIIT SUPER FORD SE- DAN. blue. white rims. slip covers. I‘restone, heater, defroster. excell~ ent condition, well cared for one owner since new. Priced reason- ably. Plume Stouf‘fvillc ($720? after (i p.m. *lwrll'i FOR SALE OR TRADE on stock: 34 International truck. 21. tons. stake body. new seal beam lights, running good: also '20 Studebaker, 5 passen- ger coupe. running good: 2 truck tires 825x20. good as new. N. Dolson. Headford. Telephone Stoufl‘villc 040015. ': I win, WANTED GIRL to assist with house and office work. Can sleep in. A'pply Box 17 The Liberal. *b'wfll WILLING TO BAiBY SIT any night. Young woman. fond of children. Phone Thornhill lilflrl-I. c1w30 GIRL OR WOMAN for housework, sleep in or full out. Yonge c1w3ti time FOP. AL LCASI’I. small Richmond Hill or vicinity. A. State, Iichmond Hill 25-1. FANCY PIE'CED Q'UILTS in cotton piints. wedding ring, fan or other nice pattern. Apply Box 115 The Liberal. *IwIIG WANTED AT ONCE, two men. MList cottage in Phone l w 3 ll have experience in wood plant. Apply in person. St. E. *IwSG TTC WORKER AND FAMILY want 4 looms or cottage by end of March. Mr. James Barber. Elgin Mills P.O. Phone 241J. “waio CHILDREN TO BOARD. Will take 2 between 3 and 4 years 35.00 a week each. Hill 395J. TRANSPORTATION wanted from downtown Toronto to Langstafl’ P. O. evening‘s. Apply Box 300 Liberâ€" al. . “ZZwfiiG of age at Apply Richmond c2w36 GIRL or woman to help with houseâ€" work, live in, two small children. iapply Mrs. W. Moriai'ity. Cari-ville THREE ROOM FLAT for business couple and 13 year old boy. quret. Apply Box 44 The c2w$l3 very Liberal. *2w35 POULTRY, any quantity, best mar- ket price. Will call immediately on request. Phone King 35114. A. Magee. *1‘2w29 MARRIED MAN for farm work: must be experienced and capable of handling cows. Apply M. Fraquhar- son, Gormley, Ont. Phone Stout-I'â€" ville 60103. *lw3li HOUSEKEEPE R wishes position in heme in Richmond Hill or vicinity where two quiet. ladies coqu rent rooms. II rite llox 180, Harrie. Ont 4 w3 3 STENOGRAPHIC WORK desired at home, 8 years experience, work done speedily and accurately. Will pick up and deliver if desired. Maple. 101'14 c 3 w 3 .‘1’. Phone BUSH LOT, heavy, close to Richmond Hill, with or without property. com- plete or selective cutting. Fred Tayâ€" lor. 7â€"1 Richmond St.. lichniond Hill 465}. 25tt‘c OPPORTUNITY for cheerful com- panion. good cook. small comfortable home. Good living, light housekeepâ€" me (two adults). Apply Box 37] the Liberal. HOUSES IN RICHMOND HILL and Thornhill. 5. 6 and 8 room. We have a large waiting clientele as well as many enouiiies for all ltiOtls‘L‘S daily. David McLean. or. ciwflt'i types of Realâ€" tl'cilii OOOOOOOOQOOOQOMOONO¢OOOO WANTED Girl for operating small and medium sized punch press. Experience pre« ferred but not neccsasry. Apply in person. Georce P. Dowc C0,. Stop 22A Yonge St. i v.00 000.000.0000...00000.. .9... ELECTRICAL WIRING: lIousc,farm and all electrical alterations also all makes of washingr machines serviced Yeicx Electric. lfcilil ____'__.____._.__ PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING First work. reasonable rates, free Phone A. Iollinson, Iichmond tfc-‘l'Z class estimate. Ilill 414M. 31.19 MacDONALD. and paper hanging. Sample books, free estimates. Phone 4515, R. R. 1, Richâ€" l'lill. *4willi painting mond ORDERS will be taken for private dressmaking after 7:30 p.m. in the Phone Richmond Hill 2259 ‘4w37 evening. r13. rOR COMFORTABLE SHOES. ti'y Walk-Rite Shoe Store at Thornhill. We sell men's dress shoes and work- ing: boots also children‘s shoes. Geo. Laba. Thornhill 203. tic IF YOU WANT TO DRINK and can -â€" that's your business. lf you wan' to stop and can't â€" that‘s our bus- iness. Alcoholics Anonymous. Ap ply Box 300. The Liberal. c‘lSwCH EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. av- ailable 1 o 2 days weekly. Monthly statements. ledger posting, incomr tax returns. business systems install- ed. Phone 240M, L. E. Watson, Ox- ford St., Richmond Hill. iniwtlil ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood Estimates given. N. 8. Hunt Ave., Richmond tfc carving. \7anDyk0. Hill. no no COMPARE these prices: Soft slabs 913.00; hard slabs, Slim); hard limbs, $18.00; body hardwood Sil.’ All wood bone dry, cut to desired length. Fred Taylor. 74 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. Phone 463. tfc‘ZS ______________.____ NOW CARRYING a fairly complete ine of hardwood and softwood lumâ€" ber, rough and dressed. Reasonable prices. prompt delivery. Fred Taylor 74 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. Phone 463. tfc25 TREE FELLING, woodcuttiug, un- safe limbs removed; hydro and clothesline poles sold and installed: buildings moved and raised. Fred Taylor. T-I Richmond St.. Richmond Hill. Phone 463. tfc25 PRUNING, grafting, spraying. Have your trees well looked after this year, whether you have one tree or one hundred. I am equipped to take care of them. All work expertly 45125. Fruit trees are valuable. Spray to get better crops. tfcilfi Bring your shoes I will repair Done with patience And the best of care. Shoe laces and polish sold. Also get your winter supply of potatoes here. A Pearson, Shoe Repair, Rich- mond St.. Maple. *5w33 TO RENT BEAUTIFUL FULL ROOM ARTMENT, water supplied. Box 102. FURNISHED FLAT: 2 rooms and bathroom, all conveniences, suitable f business or middle aged couple with garage, Langstai‘f. Apply Box S‘thc AP- heated, hot and cold Apply The Liberal, clwflG 00 Liberal. RE‘NTTFREE _ three miles east of Thornhill, small horse furnished or surroundings. unfurnished, beautiful vegetable garden, opportunity for handy~ man to make extra money, :cuple with car preferred, n0 objec- tion to one child, school very close. housework and Apply The c1w36 for some References. lU4. In icti rn gardening. Liberal. Box BOY SCOUT NEWS The monthly meeting of the Scout and Cub Mothers‘ Auxiliary will be heldton Thursday evening, March 10, in the Municipal Hall at 7.30. This will be a "Guest Night” and each member is asked to bring an interested friend. Mrs. W. Thorn, Senior Lady Officer of the Toronto St. John Ambulance Brigade will .:peak on “First Aid in the Home.” m HOUSES WANTED We have a large number of waiting clients. some with all cash. Get the full current market price by listing with established valuators. David McLean, Realtor Member of the Ontario Associa- tion of Real Estate Boards Phone: Ofl'icc. Thornhill 12 Mr. hill Evenings. Overbury, l S W Thom.- v _k. (T done accordingr to latest government 1,)“811313 and chemical manufacturer’s data. ‘ m 1“ Phone C. L. Knappett. Richmond Hill .2 ram Vi. EDDINtiéS PATERN )N-FISH IIR In Richmond Hill l'niied iiiii’ri'li. .ili Sziloirlit). l'ii‘lil'ilary flliill. I’l:il"»ii|;t 'll'f'rc l ‘ l. ilauelitci if Mi. Lilitl ,ilis. lilo‘i' l">llr'l. liiclivub'. iii-cunn- il,e l:| ib- of A.rx;iiiilei' l'uln i‘siill. sin; ol .\l.. zii'il Mrs, tieeigw Putin-sir. l‘ric' lillillil lllll. Rev. (, liii‘illi'll o:- lik‘iZlIL‘il and the soloist st .\ll\s llil» ila ’Iillllll‘li. ‘ l‘Wc blob: :‘ven in |ii:li'l’l:|:’v' by her father was dresw l lll 'oiii‘c. i\llll\' and cilirii-il u (risiaile bouquet of it‘ll :iiid \\liiic l'l'.\\.\. The brides» maids were :\ll\s' .lu- o l‘ooney, llisle \alc. and Miss Ilelcii I‘IlY\L"\‘UIi. sister of tire gi'zioiii. They \\'vi'i' dressed in blue and pink gowns :lllil curried olii lzisliioned nos-(guys of s‘ivevt peas. George I‘ulcisoii, lil'illilr‘l of [lo fâ€"i'l'lilil was lwsi man and the ushers were .lohn Guthrie and Bill Paterson. A ieeeption was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lambert. Richâ€" vale, where the bride's mother re- .‘eived in gin-j; figured crepe assisted by th groom's mother. drcssrd in wine crepe, lirtli wearing“ viii-sages of red and white roses. Mid show- eis of coiil‘cili. the bride and u‘roon‘ left on a short honeymoon. the lll'ltlt tiavelling in Hunter's Green coat and matching ilt‘t'k‘>.\‘(ii‘l(‘.\'. WELIM.\N-S.\WYER In :1 double ring ceremony on Sat- uruay afternoon at two o'clock in Glebe United Church. Ottawa, Mis. iarbara Jean Sawyer, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sawyer. Ottawa. occame the bride of Mr. Stewart Warren Wellman, son of Mr. and Mrs J. W. Wellman. Omemee. Rev. J. 1’. C. Fraser performed the (‘Gl‘tlilolly and Mr. D. M. Westing- ton played the wedding music. Spring flowers decorated the church. Given in marriage by her father. the bride was attended by her sister. Mrs. G. G. McIntosh, as matron-ot- iionor. Mr. Deane M. Wellman. bioâ€" .llt‘l‘ of the bridegroom. was best man and the ushers were Mr. Sawyer, brother of the .vir. G. Grant Mclntosh. .:i\\' of the bride. The bride. wore a silverâ€"brocaded lace afieinoon dress with a matching}: hat and mittens. She carried a casâ€" cade bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. Following (1 reception held at the home of Mr. and ‘Mrs. G. Grant Mcâ€" Intosh, the couple left on a trip to the Laiiientians. Mrs. Wellinan tra- velled in a navy blue wool suit and coat with matching~ accessories. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wellmaii will take up residence in Goose Bay, Labrador, Among the outâ€"ofâ€"town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wellnian, Mr. Charles Wellinaii, Miss Doris Mct‘airell. Mr. Deane Wellinan and Mr. Biuce \Vellman, all of Omcmee. Ont. and Miss Marion Worsley Lindsay. Grant L. bride. and brother-in- of SHEI‘P.\RI)-P.\LMER In Maple Unittd Church Saturday evening, February 26th. the marriage took place of Ina Evelyn Palmer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Palmer to Doctor John Thomas Shep- pard. son of Mr. Howard Sheppard and the late Mrs. Sheppard. Rev. C. E. Fockler officiated in a setting of tall white candles and while snapâ€" dragon. with Mrs. F. W. Routley at the organ and Mrs. Robert Cross, sister of the groom as soloist. Given in marriage by her father the bride was gowned in blush slipper satin styled with sweetheart neckline. The full skirt extending into a circular train, fell from the basque bodice of shirred insets. Her matching halo held the finger-tip veil of bouvardia. Miss Ruth Lewis was her cousin’s maid of honor wearing a period ngn of American Beauty satin. matchingr hat and mitts and carried a cascade bouquet of talisman roses. Howard W. Sheppard. brother of the groom was best man. Lloyd Palmer, bro- ther of the bride. and Donald Shepâ€" pard, brother of the groom. were ushers. After the reception at Maple Villa the bridal couple left for a mo- tor trip to New York City. The bride travelled in a navy gabardine suit with matching accessories and cam» 90 blue top coat trimmed with plat- ina fox. Her corsage was of pink carnations. On their return they wil, reside in Maple. OBITUARY MRS. REBECCA MANNAH Mrs. Rebecca Mannah passed away at the home of her son-iiiâ€"law, E. J. Fleury, 1â€"1 Brooklyn Ave., Toronto, on Monday, February 21, 19-15), in her 88th year. Mrs. Maniiah. whose maiden name was Rebecca Frisby, is the last of a family of nine children and was the daughter of the late Thomas Frisby and Jane Newlove. She was born at Victoria Square in the log house by the creek, where the yellow roses still bloom in the summer. Clare Sanderson now occupies the farm. She was a sister of the late George, Thomas and Richard Frisby who spent all their lives at Victoria Square. She married Mr. Chas. Mannah and most of their married life was spent in the States. He died in 1020 and Mrs. Mannah came to Toronto to live with her daughter. The funeral was held on Wednes- day. February 23, from the funeral parlors of McDougall and Brown on Danforth Ave., and she was laid to rest in St. John’s Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Caiid, Cobb. Elder, Percy Cooper, Clcavcr Frisby and Richard Frisby. Her only daughter, Mrs. Clai-ah Fleuiy, passed away in October 1045. and her only son. Ernest Mannah passed away from a throat condition 24 hours after his mother in the same Cemetery on Friday, Ii‘ebi'u'di'y 35. 104.0. oflioous On Thursday evening, March 10th. a (omniunity Dinner and Social will be held in the Parish Hall of St. John's Church (Oak Ridges). An illtt’l‘C‘Stlnf: programme has been ar- ranged. including the showing of a film in Technicolor (by Mr. Win. G. Mitchell). featuring Algonquin Park scenery and wild life. This is the first time the film has been shown; and as the photography and colouring are of a high order, it should be well worth seeing. There will be a musical program also in which several artists will take part: and the whole promises an enjoyable evening. The dinner will lie at (3:30. the film at 8. For further particulars see ad- vertisement. ii l l Guild Gossip (Ii) Glad McLéltchy) lill L" w hen ‘lili‘ 'Tis’ .‘letl. irrt \'.lieii the lo‘v‘c dun biic. i: sho‘ do bite. and 'he 'l'lri bug.r ililll bitr. ‘1 sho do too. a bigger bite. niebbee. llui leav- c;- the iiisigiiiiicani biiu‘ Here) in is ll (‘\t‘lll sillii‘ Ill- illil'lllullr'y \\L' all'r' Elvii‘ chielly \‘illll'l'l‘llr‘il wiili ilic :iii- iiiw of ibe 'i'lu hue. Not lieiiiu' s:it'.siied with >lilp]llllL" our l‘lizllllllllL‘. salad maker on the tliirety snufi'ine' out our and dreams of ~ii§ier salads. .vl ile «iii friend inst snitt'eo in Mill- .uie, 11 made a non-stop Iliglit to Maple and ;_"Zl\'\ our friend Rev. Wal» are an unful \\:il‘.op. fur no reason ::ll. and then. llild ihe audacity to nitc your Gossipci'. 11 was while in this state of pliysâ€" ‘IN 27.. '. liillt'x cal and mental aggravation, that iieilioiiglit. how often had we read. eeii and heard about extci minators .i' visible llllfil'r that destroy the beanâ€" v of the garden. but where. oh \‘llt‘l‘k'. is that exterminator for that iesky invisible 'llii bug, that des- ioys the beauty of the human being. o say nothing of the (lt‘>ll‘i1eilUn to L lovely disposition. One of these days, maybe, we will war of the brilliance of the medical nind. as the medim moves his 'spees little farther to the tip of his nose. nd fumbles a little more with that .iysti-rious chin lu'/.'/,. called beard. ‘hilc he knits a couple of stitches in .is brow, or scratches with the i'ows‘ feet at the corner of his eyes, nd then. with an ironical wrinkle, alled sll‘lllt‘. the whole world will .(now that, he has "It" the ‘Flu Bug Exterminator. Hugs or no moves on to a wonderful climax, a Fashion Show, and what could be more appropriate when the Easter bunnies are late in bouncing this year which means that the Easter boniiets will be more blooming than sycr. so that while the squirrels are gathering nuts in May, we will lie at .he Fashion Show. Changing my tactics to reverse the ’ilu bug’s antics. I won't tell you what we are doing next Tuesday, but you had better be out. or you'll be sorr-y. bugs, Guild business \NGLICAN WOMAN'S AUXILIARY ORGANIZED AT RICHVALE On Wednesday of last week a large number of ladies of Richvale met at .he home of Mrs. C. Lord for the purpose of organizing a branch of the Anglican W.A. The Rev. W. F. W'rixon took the devotional exercises: and addressed the gathering on the .tinis and obJects or the W.A. Fol- .UWlllfJ,‘ the address a resolution was iassed askingr the Rector to organize .hose present into the Branch of the W.A. The officers were elected as ollows: Hon. president, Mrs. A. W. dailey; president, Mrs. C Lord; vice president, Mrs. G. Allison; secretary Mrs, H. White; treasurer, Mrs. R. Paul; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. H. Ince; visiting committee. Mrs J. Donaldâ€" son, Mrs. F. Hill, Mrs. N. McDum- matt, Mrs. H. Webb. A second meet« ng was held on Wednesday of this week when the Rector installed the ifi‘icei's and addresses were given by Mrs. P. R. Soanes representing; the Diocese of Toronto, Mrs. N. Chatter- '.y representing the Deanery of West York and Mrs. D. Medcalf represent- ing St. Mary's Branch of the W.A. Richmond Hill, who are sponsoringr the new branch. It is expected that the Anglican W. A. of Richvale will meet twice a month on Wednesday afternoon. Seventeen were made members at the service of admission A hearty vote of thanks was voted Mr. Wrixon and the speakers for :iving time and addressing the meet» served ing. Refreshments were by Mrs. Lord. MAPLE Mr. and Mrs. Wllis Lahmer of New York State and Mr. and Mrs. R. Sandliam of Niagaraâ€"onâ€"the-Lakc visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kef- fer over the week end. A personal shower was held at the home of Mrs. Arnold Rumble in .ionor of Ina Palmer’s approaching" marriage to John Sheppard, Febâ€" ruary 26. The gifts were very love- .y and. an enjoyable evening was spent by all. Friends of Mr. George Lund will be sorry to learn that he is ill in Jed, having suffered a heart attack recently. We wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Mary Walkington of Toronto, spent the week end with her cousin, Miss Janet Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Allen of Hamilton. Accident Frank Harrow met with a serious iccident, on Thursday. February 24, .t the Concord Floral Co. A large loor came off the track and struck him on the back of the head frac- tuiing‘ his skull. The door as it fell, rested on a tractor, otherwise he would have been crushed. He was rushed to St. Michael’s hospital where he was given plasma and pen« icillin. Then on Friday he was ta- .ren to Private Patient’s at the Tor- )iito General Hospital where an op- eration was performed. He came through the operation splendidly and is doing favorably. All Frank's friends are pulling for him and hope he is soon home and has a speedy re- :overy. Mr. and Mus. Harrow are very ap- peciative and thankful for the help and sympathy from the friends in the community. Boy Scouts The Maple Boy Scouts are holding a Janrboree, in the Masonic Hall on Monday, March 7, at 8 o'clock. Movâ€" ing pictures will be shown and lunch served in boy scout style. This will llt‘ the Annual Meeting with election of :1 Scout Committee. Everyone is invited and anyone interested in boy scout work is urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Toronto vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pal- mer over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer of Erin who were guests at the Sheppard- Pulmer wedding visited over the week end with friends. “CI. Remember the regular meeting of the WI to be held in Maple Villa, Wednesday evening, March 0, at 8.15. We are glad to see the renovation of Maple Concert Hall is coming along fast, and will soon be readv for i‘eâ€"opening, The ball will be greatly improved wth finished. Maple news should reach Mrs. Donald Allen not lritcr than Monday of (ach week. I ,Rchmond Hill in 10 acre blocks \OOWOOOOMOOO“OOOOOOOO :a' on AMI-I HERS' V ‘ 9@9099¢¢¢§»g,¢vv9vv9‘“,va “‘3 .\l \il.l \RY I‘OIHIIJI l 7" ‘ l s‘ (a ‘7‘ )1 1 On 'l‘iiesvlay. belliiixiiy '_“.‘i: 1. l TI‘LI( HAT; Scout .\l..ihers' Aux .iui, o: \.r'o:~ , ia Square held their il‘\l itcii i' ' V 3 Y 7‘ iiieetiie‘ at the home of Mis. t'uriejv‘. i) ERIN“ .\I ';. pie\ii>iis liil’llltlilill‘. llli‘r‘lll :1 :ii'. exiciiiive L‘lill\i\llll\*’ of Alix \\: “c...â€" H ~( ‘ ‘ ‘ P . «i I .s‘ .3}. . llirlL‘. pics dciii; ,\.is. ‘i\. l.~ n! ‘ In “MA . I“ I...I,I. \‘ue»prc.~i.leiii. Ml". N * s. ii l’.~).i. i l.. liczistuvi l|ll1l Alls. .\:i'\‘.‘i1l’.'l. sic-l fyo i'etai'y, had been «host-ii 1‘.\ .xtl'i.'i~i~ " t'ii the coming year, _ At this l|lL't‘Ii|l‘_ \ziiiiii1s .miiiiiiiâ€" [‘h,,,,,, Hicpmlmll Hm 32.x)” ltl'.\ weic foinmil. icudy to :i'xe :i~- ‘ \‘slllll'r' '.\Iit'll Sir l't‘tlllt"lL‘-l l‘k' _ Sroiii lk‘iltlt‘l, .\ll. ,\lrl\'ei:ili‘, ill ’5' l..e S 39°®a9°°°sm QOQQOQOOOOOOOO (ub leader. Mis. .lziiiiss flood. l'. \\;is lth‘ltlt'll flint ilu- .\il.\iil:‘.l\ 4. should nice: once :i iiioiiili on the «'999.909‘3V‘9To960900‘999909. ll nitii Tuesday. The speaker. Mrs. J. llooil. Aki-ia. was introduced by the ‘,il'..\'lvll rit. who expressed the pleasure of all pmseizi at having 2i lrudti of >le'll liiu'li czil- WANTED Dry Storage Space llii'r‘ for the “loll. I‘zlt'li. Mrs. ll‘illtl gave a most coiiipi'eheiisne oiilliiie 500‘ upwards on main highway. of l'ub work and the mother's paii ' 2 . ':rl’. l. lll‘li vas S‘l'\t‘:l it s - " ‘ {l§,,,.25{,,.; L l l ‘ ‘ {ichniond Hill or 'lhornhill A most interesting programme is GEO. P. DOWE CO. Phone Richmond Hill 422‘) outlined for the March meeting which will be held March 22nd at the home of Mrs. {eid Brnmwell. All Scout and (‘uli Mothers are invited and ii special invitation is given to those interested in the work to attend. BUTTONVILLE Winners at the recent euchi'c in the Hall were Adam Bgown, Donald McQuay and Gordon Risclirough. For the ladies Mrs. Lloyd Penny carried off top honours, Miss Del Stephen- son the second prize and Mrs. James Penny won the consolation. OMOOOOOOOOOOOO°OM0000MO OOOQNNONGOOOONWOOMOO REL! ABLE USED OAKS $1625.00 , Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, recent arrivals l~ ' , Buttonville community. on the birth 1947 FORD SUPER DE LUKE of a son at Toronto East General. I‘ORDOR SEDAN ‘ small mileage Also to Mr. and Mrs. John luilicr- _ postm- foi'd (Dorothy Brown) on the arrival i ' ' ' ' ' i l ' I ' i . i of z 10‘ ‘ ' ' “l ‘ I - malt (laihhtcr in Toionto List (tn The Community World Day of pip; FORD 1. TON PICRI’P 7â€" Praycr will be held this year at the home of Mrs. Russell Boyington. The day set for this worldâ€"wide event is Friday, March I. Everyone is welâ€" come. Excellent condition $1425.00 1040 SUPER DE LUXE TUDOR â€" heater very nice $100.00 102‘.) CHEVROLET SEDAN â€" tlTTlE FFUIHERS Ford 8; Monarch Sales & Service Richmond Hill Industrial Building Sites in with Yonge St. Frontage. DAVID McLEAN REALTOR Phone: Office. Thornhill 12 Evenings, Mr. Overbui‘y, _ Thornhill 48W Phone 1‘4 OMOOOOMOOOGOONOOOMO POULTRY WANTED ii Any Quantity Good Prices Phone AGINCOURT, or' write to l ,‘ Norolda Poultry SCARBORO JUNCTION i. ll 4 .R.R.2 OOOMMOOOOONMOQOOOOOOOOOOOWOOQOOO9060045000000 YOUNG ADULTS GROUP Presents VARIETY SHOW MUSIC AND DRAMA AT 8 PM. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH MONDAY, MARCH 14th SUND‘AY SCHOOL ADMISSION 35 CENTS Proceeds For Church Building Fund 00¢.O6909006000900”.000099000000660 LAST TIMES THURSDAY. MARCH 3rd RONALD REAGAN SHIRLEY TEMPLE _ 1n _ ‘That Hagen Girl’ Friday & Saturday â€" March 4 & 5 Two great pictures on the Same Program. “THE RETURN OF RIN TIN TIN” Starring RIN TIN TIN III DONALD WOODS MARKHAM BOBBY BLAKE â€" Also â€" “THE FABULOUS JOE” With WALTER ABEL. MARGOT GRAHAM Both Features in Beautiful Color Added: Latest World News Monday & Tuesday _ March 7 & 8 Glorious Romance against a background of thrilling action. GARY COOPER JEAN ARTHUR â€"â€"Inâ€"â€" “THE PLAINSMAN” Plus: Color Cartoon Wednesday & Thursday â€"â€" March 9 & 10 Both Features on Same Program EDDIE (‘ANTOR JOAN DAVIS â€" Iii â€" “IF YOU KNEW SUSIE” â€" Also â€" I “THE BIG PUNCI ” â€"â€" Starring â€" WAYNE NORRIS. LOIS MAXWELL. GORDON MARCIA .0..0.000.00..0....000..

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