Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1949, p. 5

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‘ ~ ‘ "7* ~ """""7‘ "VT/«’W‘Tâ€"i“ ."f‘l "117 1111 '11" “11‘511 V. v .1 :..: f} “WWWWVW"“’"‘“°“‘W*’°“'W Sorta! and Personal 1 ENUAhMENl Ubnlllb , H H ; 1111. 1.11 1.1..11.. 1 11.1. 111. 1. .1. .1 -11 11.11 . 1111 ‘ 1 \‘1'Iri'1‘ - .\: ‘1'111‘.1 1'1111 , .. I *1 f , a” . . ' HHWIVH WU ‘ The engnu‘enu of is announced o! BLITNI‘Z'I'T Ail 1111211111111. .15 “3-1.1 ; :\‘..\1H>LH._L;‘ ‘anwklm ‘11113131‘1114‘1 ' QM wowoooowouowooooo g; atom 1 2. r. 1 r 1 “i l' l“ I 11“” \‘IH' m 8“ Mum-VS l ‘1“ (‘iiiwiili'y‘ Ii \\ '111‘11‘1‘ liltll." vi; 111.111. 1’11‘111‘ 31 1.11‘11‘111-ii. iv“ K i I i . 9 i 1 ‘O 1 1 1 z. 31 111:1»: WW“ g’3-1‘11.111'“s1f.‘.11“ 1111,1114 @1111 1117511111 .117...“ 3-11117 Li 11141111 [.1 \\‘.....1. \1’1*t>1,\'11\11»:,\"r_ icon lIli\I\’l.\'t. 1 g i L o ' 1' V l """ [21.111111111VS1uvt' 111' 111111111141. 11111. 1.11.211, 151111111 111' 11.11; 1:11pm.~ “11.1 ll.\'i'\l11<| Hi .\11 ii' \I. 1111 \R11 ‘ t - z W’ J 1111- .11:‘.1‘1'121~_"e “111 lillx't‘ lHH‘t‘ 111 111‘ 1111- 1:11e 'l‘hoinas oi liliuiiiylne. 1111‘ _ H ‘ ff: j _ V . 1“ e V ‘ v ‘ Y Q \11 11 111 .111 111111111 or tlie bride Saiiii'dii)‘. MINT“ 11112111111 was 111-111 1111111 \\1ie'i1‘ llll‘. .\l.\l 11:11 oi Tl‘t‘l.\llllwl:|_l‘ ‘ {as l z ' 5 \ 1 .1 was Lift -Ii. a: 11.1111 o'clock. and '1’11.\'1111“s l‘Llilt'lll‘. 11411111. 111111â€" “1’ 111“ 111111“ lI'lll Ml (in-\lh l~'-~~ O ’ . “‘1 i,,'.; 511...“. ..1' 3111 111111 Mix fvfff ' ‘ . 1111111! 11:11 1111 VTm-miziy at :1 11.111 ' 11:11“?- 115111i't;-'3*i-1=1)iilr«|nipin: â€"-â€"»â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- 3 , 1 111.1111. ‘l’Nl'l I‘ll) ('llll Rt II[_I:\ l‘.1.‘\ll.;\(- 11111-11111111: liicnmond llil. 1'1711114- «1'11" -| brill-CHE illnilfldlljill‘lmtl {Kili‘fw 1 NE\V FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES 1;. 1 g1;- 11-1 iie’e 1e ‘. 1' ~ '1). "1 - ‘ ~ - ~ ‘ i i . "‘5‘ . 1,111.]. 111111111iiinudiiiyci. 111‘ 1111: 1'11111111 L 1.1.1‘ H r ‘ > y : Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces . Tl“ *‘v ll”; "~91 1” SHOWN?" .H“. 1 11111111 will take the {norm of a pot [,I RBIH'K A .\1 her I'k‘\lil('1‘1'1*. .»\u.‘â€" I; 1\ ‘l ill-I MA 1‘1 till 111 an appliru- : â€" J! “HUI I’H‘Ml? 5511"",1“’l'ill'mml (.“nf .Ll|i\ supper on Monday. March 7th ora, 'I‘liiii'sday. l‘L'l iiiziijv 31. 131111. 1 “U “I_ “IV 1 “‘l“‘l'{ltl“ll ‘11 Ill“ 19“}? 7‘ " 1' “"1".” ll‘f‘wml “\VNHH' at I 11.111. 1111- (AXUC‘thlVC will >11pply Agnes Thom. wife of the late \Viilâ€" snip 111 \';1iie'l12111 1111‘ approval 111 in : 11:11.11 '_1n 1. 'IHN‘I' “'l-l 1’" 1‘1“’H“'" 2111. near course. The special si‘ieukâ€" i;1:11 l,'. l.lllil1<1t’l{. and dear mother ~‘-" “1‘ NW1"?- 1’fih‘ inhmliwi: “Mu . ‘ ‘” "‘ ““WMl 1‘11"" ms will be .\ll'>. llavid Hill and Mir. 411' Miss Mary 11.1111111111'1Li311s‘ 1‘. IC. JH‘letlliinllivi 111113112“: 1:151:11); tollplaicp i * W "'4 ti. Iiwin. All ladies are cordlu y, 311s. uncau. . til-111:1. I‘t‘r’il‘w‘ i may ’ 1: ' .s 1 . 3â€". I.hmond Hm Tele on (. é .\ business 111111 111-\otional 111e1-1i112' invited. and Mrs. A. .-\.Vl‘.de11. llii'limi nd »3- W4 rind I‘llllm‘ l'll’:t (finit't‘ffltfll : R c ‘ ph e 5 J . 1' >13 _\l:11‘\"‘ ;\11,‘1111'111 \\'..-\. \\'i:1 i.ii{_ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- 11111 :11111 lllll'tllll 1‘... .\111‘111':1. ‘1 til“ 1"I\\”'\Vhll‘ “1 dillg 1411‘ «L‘ '9........mng.0.......o............”..m....”> 1:111) «‘11 ll‘th‘rLl‘ '. Marrh h. at 2:?11) ROY S( 'Ill'T .\SS()('I.\'|‘1'O.\' â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€" ‘ ‘ “1111;11:11‘11 by 13‘) -la\\ ‘llldll rerV 111.111: ‘ . . .. . 11.111. in 1111- l’ul'is’ll llall. l.ue>ls 111 TO MEET MARCH llth ROGERS ~ .\t the home oi )Irs. l‘. i It)”. I‘ll“? 1‘ EUR llvl‘.:\ltll\;(- 'lr-V Richmond HI” Farmer .21. f-lary's 111:1 be a newly lornit‘d The 1st Richmond Ilill Group. Boy Tomlinson, (Iarden :\\\'.. Lang“ ) ill-’3‘ “Ni-Whit) .311 \“lldl. ‘ ‘ . - . . '. . . . 11111.11 i-‘i‘ 1111* “LA. 1'1'11111 lil1‘11\'illt‘. Scouts Assut‘liiililn will hold its An- statf. \Vt'dheh‘dll)’. 1‘1‘111'11211'5' 2:1. l’llAlfil' l‘l"‘]'L'll.'V QRPMHL‘ TUCSdJN' Q9”6.96”¢°”.”.o”9.....m”...”..w......”._ bulimmfi 1m Dd”) MOMS 1111211 Meeting on March 11th. Ill-411. 151111. 19211111)‘ Rowers. 'Ihe tuneral klll‘llvlfl‘ (1431.01 Mflll‘l'lll. 'A- ll)- llllll'v : . I I . _ ‘ H H H I . ‘ V H . ”_ _ V V . - H l M 1‘ g ml “an 4n “.2” lwm Hum \Vl'ig'hi 31111 'l‘uylor's 11 lie 1(1111'11 ten 11c 11c{ 1111,11) '01'1“ r A 1”“ IHW {’1 “inuhiul‘d 8 A10_ o1. .[hiiyrihghif] l\“\i:(n:ii‘1\11‘\lUlllultitInfiiclil iiitli‘lllliiiilll'l'llllll. M m M] 1 Funeral Home. Ila-11111111111 Hill, on “Wm; 41‘? 1170 iilfil'dje‘ (‘liklmlmlfivlll : g . ~)» _ 1 fr»): |,'L, 'H'M 1‘ r ‘ f‘1 rch will he Ail mothers and fathers of Scouts Saturday. ll“i‘l3““ll0“.t ['Ulltllllk‘fi‘. 1}] 1110 (1W Q, I‘l'\'\('\' 16' “1 ‘HH " ‘1‘ 1“] “M! [mth (liutl , >10 .nd (“1 . .11.. im-itmi to “tend .1. _,_,__. ‘1 101111.111. 1111' the IICLH'IIIU‘ of all . ‘ held 'l'ues1ay, . :11'1-1 h 1. at ‘_:-1 u 1> < ‘ V‘ ‘T 3 .. . . . .1 .t- ,8 1 1. . .St , - S 3" r . For ([lllcli results 11‘)‘ liltllt‘li- 11.111. .-\11 inlerestine' program has Well as all those who‘hzne so l\ln(ll.\ (ARI) ()l-.|ll.\.\l\.\- ’11::‘(lhlwmil‘1ill ,1::llllilkiilti.tlrrpfl t M m z z . _ . . ittc‘n arranu'ed. All membeis and 11)” 111011115 01 “I‘lllu‘lm” mld Mrs. Russell llllllllllu't‘l' Hindi“ l” DX'I‘IT‘D 'lt To-1 th:' "91] l' ‘ . A U R U R I h : 1011115” 32% Dilll‘y Meal mled 11”“. x. at H“. (.011.,.l....,.ntim) a“, to], .estine- in badge work, those who have thank her many [runds and nelfl'h- ‘1- 1.1.1 ‘. \ 1')H “11:11 h w ‘ ("1) O . > . Milli". ilwitul. -‘ h 11111111111 with donations of money and mu”. rm. their at“, “I. kimlm‘“ “I 1 1111.113“: .1,” SI.\I\.I1.DFRq0 V . § “ll-h your 0“" gram“ ' ____ mom. and everyone else who would [he mm. (,1- hm- .mmuulml T111111 - - ’~ ‘7‘ ‘ : RIONDAY TO FRIDAY SALT Q, HOLIDAYS : ' ~. . - 1,. , s 1. _ )0 interested in hearing a progress yams, fimwm and (.nmliriw (111mm Li 1 . . Q _ w r _ 4 and >:.:(l‘111!l Veileinnl: y]\‘.)1.s“li‘11,(lltlllltl (£13510 report and future plans. I WHYHIDSWMK, at the private paw...” . BOX OfTICE ODQDS 6.41) BOX Office .Opens 5.45 n ' i ' ii'lli' i 'tzul (I'liuich ‘ltr the 0mm“ for the “mm”? your “'1” Pavilion in the Toronto General 2 Free Parking Sat. Matinee 1.30 hatcmord S (“If MM] Starter 111111; 111’ 111i(.1111iilyii-< T ~\ weaver 115“ “0 010W“- Ht-‘l'lli‘l were «lovely ill‘l’l't‘t‘lifil'd‘ W 1XNTED ’ â€"â€"â€"â€" ' ' l . ‘ ‘ ‘, \, ‘1 ' ‘. ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘ 0111-31; A 4 ' __ V â€" W,“â€" § Friday, 533353.331) 221351311 4’ 5 z . ' f. t ‘ Iv '. . 2. Y - 1 ms at ’01er 0 CARI) or'i‘HANiv's . JOHNNY WEI M . 1 ‘ DA JOYCE 1. 2s \\ >111 lea 'e . ’Ine clas. mtets l‘ 1 "Gym!" . __ U . .N _ .3 V, . NEIIIHlIU' inniinine'kat 11) o'clock New , Thoma}: $1.81“ Iiigni'éj1i.]]1;ii1i Ml“ and Mrs“ Gmidlm (11110” ‘Wifih fiRueptrmht tfm Submit“ “1” ‘ - I , 1 is z - :1 4 1. “mar-V . ’ i v. a ' - ‘\ t t’ 1 nk th man' frienr': an rc â€" 0 1001 1’ 03511“ 9“ “15135 10 I‘m" 0 d d .mm 111. iit \\(lL0mL follow oi the Royal (1(‘0;.1§l‘£1}%l}illl(l‘:lld§(\1. 21(t)ivg: 1m {ylrlayells‘b h0x081\0f (fruit “man”, able to moot public and z i a t e .1 s O .. v u v '5 ¢.. ,‘1‘ ix” .,--. ...'._ . - 1' r- I" ’ T1... Women‘s 1118111111.. 11-111 moot b333fifl‘yls‘Nadya)?“ a"hemt attack aims} 11111111131111 \(‘itqlim ‘lmttts‘nlttéjilgh take charge of small office hand- 3 Showing Friday 1:55. 9:08. Last complete show 9:00 1159 Yonge Si. P110110 “)9 m Tll‘llrl"iii!l-?h Mill‘fll)10‘ i” lilo NH" Al'ter.a few years with the R.\‘er- ' U..H.\1\(.gl (EMS: m a “U 1 MW.“ lint: diversified interests. Must he 9 SUPERMAN PART 1 and LAUREL AN‘D HARny. 3‘11)“ h“ ‘ mi“ 3‘ i-‘im ll'm' ‘0 ;on Press )lethodist publishing i i I) an accurate typist shorthand nc"' § 1 2'2 “111* l'th- (1"o-ti1n . ., ~ ‘. 1 1 Vâ€"‘J‘Vfl ‘V‘i‘ - I ‘ 11-11..“111111.1:11 101:2: hew51:12.1.”.1111: 311.311: we Monday, Tuesday â€"- March 7, 8 Mrs. C. 12. Little. ri‘ho Roll Call 11:11:52}; in (Ihmwc of all Mom blip, tandt lhli's£1.liiclizii'1lt I'Zdtmumtls V0 5 *lwfi : RAY MHI AND . ANN TODD :1 “Ilid You Know" about Richmon -, ‘. - < - 1” d A. rm w1s1 o a {o 1].»;- oppor uni y i ‘ ' - 11 A A 1A ‘ '- IIill. Your “White Elephants" for fifthganglia?L“1: 311111311121] thank all 111111 so kindly reineinlmrml GERALDINE FITZGERALD 11"“ “11“ “"‘ylw l”“‘E“~“l‘F t” .thi". meet" "‘hina and. Tibet. Upon his return he Hle 5“” I’m" “'hll“ , m h‘lsp‘lul O _- In __ ine‘. .\ cordial imitation 1s extt‘nd- Quivers-ed the world to visit menibirs from hm hmfkn 103- (“"4th Plum) : ml to every woman in Richmond Hill if UM. Newman t'alnilv in “Hams and {lowers did much to brighten 111s “ . 211111 \‘i1-i11i1v to 11111-1111 the Women's i,’ 13.. A ‘ ' days while there. and attei-warzis z r o , i~ ' I 1 ' mu." “557 . -. .- . .1 while convalescinr“ at. home. 1'l\\3i11 _ , 1 ll'ht‘tl'u' Surviving aie his widow. St. hf} _:_ _ Adult Entertainment 1211??" iii)“11311-517110 iiiiiini'aeriigotwii 1‘ “WWW” ’1 ’ Feature at 7 16 9 19 Last complete show 9.00 0.0”.”09999009015000MOO.969°”0000“0090909”m9% ' daughters. Barbara 1.1. and lung. “011MB 7 In [09:11”): l];(;)]][)lll\; 01“ a I z .c , . , . ‘ . Bruce \Vitheispoon' two grandchild- dear wi e am motier. .ouisc . 9 . ~. . ‘ v . . 1 11 vho new 1111.11 1:11». 1 9 Wednesday Thursday â€"â€" March 9 10 O 1e11, the liiotheis. V1. R. Plcuman omme. \ 1 ,. i __ , ‘, z 9 E E. i H N G E g i anl Charles F. Plewman. both 01 ruary 10. 111451. . H ‘ 3 v v ‘ a o B R Toi‘onte; A. E. Plewman, Richmond "llut love and memory ever clllifl‘S. . DENNIS OREEFE MARIE NICDONALD : § Hill; Harold Plowman. Hamilton; A-Sadly missed by hushand.d.1‘0n O u o o , ,, z z and George Plewman. North Bay; I'Iomme and children. Iwilti : s ' * ~ 1 '.s 1 zliel Plew- ~â€" -'â€"~â€"~~ ‘- . and tuo sisters. :Ylli l\Ii IV MPWIORI “I : Sh J t 807 O m E A X H 9 man and Mrs. l\orman Anderson. H . 4'1 . 1 ownlg a _L, o . . both of Toronto. JON uS 7 In lovmtz memory of Pet- I P1 . er Jones who died. l”elnuarv ‘37. â€" US â€"â€" 3 . ' V " 7' litl J \‘ I ‘ho . o O L 1 V H K" . ARVS AVLKAN 121.19. and Lliza 1c 1 oan \\ u , ,, ‘ Tele bone 3 8 6W % rewster s 1 - Ions ‘ O The Rev. W. F. Wrixon, (luring,r the ) 10 1"“ R > ‘1‘ ( . I n_ . 1 I ‘ ' § 9 9 service on Sunday last, gave the con- "Ht 5th] “‘5‘ ‘m’dm filed“ . 3 Starring DENNIS O KEEFE. HELEN WALKER . - r of WASHERS g z . 0 Q4 H S ‘ 0 t d b t r nection wth the Lenten Season. Q11 . f "x 1 “‘ ' V ~ _, A. our eerce pera e y e e .. .- 0. .. Rut . .11] Â¥Loy1ngly 1e111emb11111 by sons / . > § § Silendkdl‘onni‘TlidnLZrd}: 131212231" Slim and damhtms- clwim 4 Year Guarantee 3 Friday, Saturday â€" March 11, 12 O day evenings there. will be guest spea â€", “ 0 \V ALLACE BEERY in : 9 \. ‘.\. . g - 1. D 1 IN MEMORIAM . / : JACKLBRHJJNGE“ annnmaamnraamm*Mmmwwim . up § “ - . 1, ° 9 ' k , ‘i - ’ ' ' i i - lurns, infant son 01‘ Harry and o A ector “Ill hold a Confilmation H ' . V} Mil r I. ‘ , . O l 3137 YONGE ST RICHMOND HILL Class for adults only, when all 2111â€" \101“ Bum” “ m Paw“ ‘mdl Immedlate DCIIVCry 9 O . : hercnts are invited to join the class YOZlJi‘JVZlIlO’Ial:ztlz‘liveet little flower _ 9 pLUS SUPERMAN N0. 2 ' ‘ .- . ‘ v , . a ‘ ‘ 1 2 ' . S _ . :moowuwoowoeoooeoooooooqcoewowuooomuono 55111 11109112111001: (SiiiileV 1118 Faded an: 111-0111; so 50:111. A” Par IS Auto § Showing Friday at 7.44, 9.44 - H ~ .. :x‘." 1.. ' _ ‘1 t ' i '01]. (ear . en, . .. E11313? Ett\ciliibbn:f2tifltiilhi (1111313? iii: “21min 1°.- 3.. this 11:11:11 1011 Richmimd PM Phone 96 I fl»«no»«woowwwwwowmwoMouwouwmww ("1‘ _-.).. i\-- ‘ ~ . ' , - .1 . .‘ . . . .. . . bloomed. :OOOOOOOOO00000000600000600.0906f00099vaWOOWOO: tor \\1Il (Oiidutt fa pl‘iyci‘sciyirewzli‘pldl L Ever remenflm.ed by Mommy give a course 0 a111esses on c . . .1. ’ z 3 Holy Spirit... ThiS meeting. is Open and Daddy. Ernie, Doreen andcliivgc O z to all who are interested. The Lenten ' ” . ' Season will close with a service on â€"f‘â€"â€"â€" : 3 Good rx-idav morning- with “The . 1N MEMORWI ' 0 6 Story of the Cross" read and sung. EVEL‘ N_ In loving" memory of a “PFFIAI . , . _ ‘ .9 6 11105110“ Speaker on Sump“. Muir dear wife and mother, Lillian Ev- bmipR A Tins c z z in}: next. March 6, will he the Rev. “'110 passed away March 4th. a . ‘ O ..1).Pt : .B.A..B.D., 'itti' VL- 1 I . (if (.‘liriitelChiirdh Woodlii'irlg‘c.lul\‘lii. Through UPS and ‘10““5‘ through : 3 . , : [Paterson was a chaplain in the Air ,, Storms an‘vl f‘alm She.t.‘)lle‘l 1 V H Y‘q : : Force during; palt of the last war. “ 1th "‘ Sgflgiieguifiniil’lllt am a IxRAFI FR n i 3 OF 3 [iNITED CHURCH Radiating sunshipe and kindness to ' V m‘ c 1,1b, c , Q , . . all 5119 met . Tin o ’ i 0 Re\. C. Brethen. B. A. Minister Hm. earthly jammy Cmicd. She now o o o o , o o o o o . , : R ’ . : q Sl A\1X\\1fl\'lfi“i(‘dei.g9“) abides with the Master in that fairer " ° “‘“r‘m‘em 0 t e “’r S "I’D" .13nd- s'rOHELEv's HEINA 9 O 10 3-111. -â€"- Slmday SChOOl . â€" Sadly missed and always rcâ€" z 11 a.m. â€" Coménunion and Reception mcmbcrcd by husband and family. Honey 20 oz. 6 0 1 e c u 13 OZ- . . erwce . *IwBS [1m] Tin 1 Rt]. 0 n O T p.111. â€" Evening Worship m . o o o 3 bUT FLOWERS POT PLANTS 3 â€"_ ALI. SAINTS ANGLIC'AN CHURCH V . 1 0 ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH King.v0nt. GREEN GIANT TIDE IN â€" DIRT 0LT Q . 9 Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th.. R.D. Rev. D. C'. Michell, Rector . 2 FlOwel‘S For occaSlon’s 3 Rector 10 am. â€" Morning- Worship Fancy 20 oz. - Pk . - Q Sunday, March 61h, Lent . Holy Communion first Sunday of Quality Tin c l e . o o o o o a. z : 10 3.111. â€" Sunday School and Bible every month. â€" ' i Q REAR 0F TELEPHONE OFFICE. CENTRE ST. 9 Class I 7:30 pm. Ash Wednesday. March 2 r V v _ . 9 II a.m. â€" Holy Communion. Subject â€" Short Evening Lenten Service. NEW LOW PRICE BL LIL QL ICK ‘ 3 Y z for Lent â€" “The Lord’s Prayer." â€" . RICHMOND HILL . PHONE 490. WE DELIVER . 3.310 11.231711de 'Conifirmatioln Class ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH ' 1 ‘h- c 0 » e a 8 lbs o \ . uncon'rme inv1tet. Oak Ridges Pkfll ' 3 : 7Pll-m-lâ€" 13'9"}??? ‘Sfl'VIife-P Guest (Yonge Street & Jefferson) ‘ ' ° ° ' . .0OWONOOWOMNOOOOOOOOOWOOOOQWOOOQOOWOMOOO”. “me 1913 9 - ~ atEI'Son, Rev. D. (l. MichelL Rec“)? ‘ ' BgA~ 13-0-1 Christ Church, qud- 11:15 a.m. â€" Morning Worship AYLMER MLMER vbr1dg‘e, former Air Force Chaplain. Holy Communion fourth Sunday of . o '\ ’_<:V,_w_v_““_”“â€"" * rwwfi-“Wm/rf" ‘ \ i AVA Wednesdays at 3 pm â€"Lenten Prayâ€" every month, 28 oz. _ 20 oz. 1 g“ ‘ * i s p i C ‘ "” """ ’ " ’R“ ’ “ " I ei‘,Sc1'Vice,.suli_iect “The Holy Spir- â€"â€"â€"-v- Tins c - s o o o 9 Ti“ it. All 1nVIted. ST. STEPHENS ANGLIC'AN ‘ ° . ' ‘ 1 ~â€" ( URCH . 1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple HABITANT AMERICAN BEALTY 1 1 Rev. 5. w. Hirtle. B.A., Minister g “DO-m. â€" Evfini‘ry IWOI'lShlP-M h 0 28 oz . 5 oz 1 1 Sunday. March 6th, 1949 ‘0‘ P'm- S .e‘m’s‘a‘fi 3"“. - 2 . ' ' j 10 a.m. â€"- The Sabbath School. â€" Short Evenmg Lenten Sin-“ca o o Tms c o o o o ’1‘“ c 1 ' 1 1 Due to decreased export and increased 1 S 1 . . 1 1 or men Subject: The Witness of ~ ' Herod. 1 factory production we are now able to make 1 I . k “ 4' J GOSPEL S IN ’I‘I-IIE MATTER of the Estate JELL-O , . ». P izs. c .V ‘ of REUBEN HENRY KEFFER, late . .. . . . r . irompt delivery on of the Village of Maple, in the Coun- ty of York, Retired, deceased â€"â€" ALL PERSONS having any claim against the late Reuben Henry Ken‘- er who (lied 011 or about the 11th day of February, 1949. Or against his es- tate are required to send particulars of their claim to tilie undersigned on . I . 01 before the 20h day of March (LASSES 1949 after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been reâ€" ceived. DATED at the City of Toronto. this :’5th day of February 1941’ by WILLIAM COOK &J GIBSON. 91? Federal Building". Toronto 1. Ontarâ€" io. Solicitors for the Executors. (Swill; Held in the Masonic Hall Richmond Hill ‘ 3:00 PM. SUNDAY SCHOOL Parents. Christian workers or ministers are invited to come in and take note of the sound Chrisâ€" tian trainingr given by capable inâ€" structors to the children of this district. N0. 1 GRADE ONTARIO Tomatoes . . . 29c Potatoes . . . FRESH PACKED NO. 1 FLORIDA NO. 1 Salad Mix . . 27c Celery Stalks 5. HEAD LETTUCE . . 2 SELECTED RIPE 15 lb. at Peck Cello Pkg. MONARCH SEDANS AND I 5 sour. roan MODELS .35c 15c 118's Each ‘7 WE INVITE YoUR INSPECTION- {'1 L or . 1 . The fid49 1? . FORD £3 MONARQH " We cspecally desire to reach boys and girls who are not Won't FRESH ('RISI’ going to Sunday School. you help us? 7:00 RM. EVANGEIJSTIC HOUR Speaker: Mr. Weir, Sherwood, 0111- Special Soloist: Miss Cherry TWl-rs‘tâ€"er. from Jamaica. \Vist Indies ‘- 8:15 RM. AFTER (‘Ill'RCH SONG-FEST Come along and enjoy this old- H. C. TAYLOR Buildng Contractor Specializing. in Carpentry, Plumbing, " LITTLE BROTHERS 1 Ford 1% Monarch Sales 6% Service RICHMOND HILL Notice to Creditors ’~ Plastering and General Repairs "' 1 Old Country Tradesman â€" Apply to â€"- PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Phone 86 Richmond Hill fashioned time of singing your favourite hymns and choruses. Everyone welcome. PHONE 171 11 a.m. â€"â€" Public Worship. â€"_â€"~

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