Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1949, p. 7

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iii. llilN. ions ST. LAURENT, LEADER OF THE LIBERAL PARTY AND PRIME MINISTER OF .CANADA WILL BROADCAST TO THE NATION THURSDAY, March 3rd, l949 C.B.C. Trans-Canada Network vâ€"ATâ€" 3 Evening 7:30'TO . Monday Evening â€"â€" Old Timers Skating 10:00 P.M. ; Ages 16 to 60 C. C. MABLEY Eastern Network 7.45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time RICHMOND HILL ARENA ‘Every Monday; Wednesday and Saturday Chairman Arena Commission How's Your .. Windshield Wiper? rough weather ahead! Does yoiir.old wiper still clean effi- ciently â€" w it h o u t leaving smudge: and smears? It not. why not trade it in on a brand new Trico â€" and enjoy sate I’ISIOI’I. TRICOfWIPERS EXCHANGE PRICE 4.65, T" 7.20 $3 WIPE“ BLADES . . . . . . .15 to .49 WIPER ARMS .09 to “'II’ER HOSE. Ft. .. .03 and .07 IVIPER LINKAGE AND SI'I‘I’IJES at CTC “Save Safely" prices 1/ u 33-Pc. zz Square Drive SOCKET SET Here's a popular general pur- pose set oi sockets and neces» sary handlesâ€"ideal for the garage mechanic or branchâ€" niaii, Heat treated. selected lteel that will Rive long suin- MCISSIIBIES Popular New Driving Necessity SLUSH MATS Just the right size to fit in pain in front or rear. They keep fed dryâ€"up off slush. snow and water. Heavy "waffle-weave" holds the dirt and protects car floors from Easy to remove and shake In rich, brown, red, taupe. 1 .69 “9331‘. clean. black. mat-coon and green, Each STEERING WHEEL COVER â€" Warm. soft Mohair. Can‘t slip .44 THERMOSTATS -â€" F o :- many popular cars and trucks. From . . . . 1.15 OVERNIGHT ENGINE HEATERâ€"Ensures quick starting in coldest Easy to in~ 4.55 weather. stall Plug-in type for Chrysler built cars . . . . . . . 5.19 Screw-in engine block tyne tor G-M cars 4.98 BATTERY BOOSTER â€" Keeps your battery load- ed with Dower. Lets you enjoy instant a c t i o n starting at all times, and you can charge the hat- tery while it is in the Cal". 25-cycle , . . . . . . 10.95 60-cycle . . . . . . . 10.45 s L E E T REMOVE]! -â€"- Quickly removes ice and sleet from windshield. Can‘t scratch the glass. All-plastic . . . . . . . . .15 WINDSHIELD DE- FROSTERâ€"Glass shield with 4 heating wires. Prevents the formation of frost. Melts sleet 2.98 PREVENTS FROZEN GAS-LINES T h e r e'l need to out up with the annoying de- lay: of frozen zas lines. car- buretors. 'etc. MOTO â€" MAS- T E R G A S- FLOW elimin- ates 1 r o z e n k n s I i n a troubles. 0n- tilling lasts all winter no LICENSE ’PLATE SUPPLIES LICENSE PLATE FRAME â€" S m a r t chrome plated tubular brass . .. 1.98 LICENSE PLATE BRACKETâ€"Univer- sal typeâ€"Fits tightly to bumper or gravel skirt . .54 LICENSE PLATE AND LAMP’B‘RACKET -â€"(Less lamp) .. . .54 l COMBINATION STOP AND 'I‘AIL~ LAMP ‘ â€"All chrome . 1.69 LICENSE PLATE FASTENERSâ€"Lame l acorn tyne. each Modernistlc type. pair . .. . .OG' . . . . . . . . . .23 factory service Universal iornt. valve grinder. Speeder handle. etc, included In hblt‘ DOV CFC I"(~‘:\- 8 I |i re Value. complete :\:i~PIE('E SOCKET SETâ€"In useful metal tool box Rich mond Hill, Ont. or. (3. Hill, Prop ' ; Leonard J. given King City District News 'l'eachers‘ Institute A: liverslcy school Thuiwiay :ifâ€" tci'iioon. February liitli. Kritg 'l'oun- ship 'l‘c;iclicr<' .-\<\‘ilt'lililiill mci lll convention to hear Kcith Ali'lliiilâ€" zild. director for l‘iililt‘tlilillltti fluid- ancc for the Province of ilntuiio. Direction in thi: line is apparent in execution of daily progrniii in socâ€" ial studies. in the t‘lt‘nlt‘llt‘.ll)' school. (iuidance in discipline, guidance it'- ward choice of the future vocation are not time-table ingredients hiil mzittcis of wise and kindly judgment on the part of the teacher. Mi. Mc- Donald pointed out. Perennial Corner “Crocus are hiavcly in bloom zit Walter Monkman's~ at Strange. and tulips are pushing their way through the ground at Mrs. T. L. Williams. all and along with other in February. signs of. spring, it must surely be “just around the corner." Play on March iih at 'I‘cston Shortly after March comes in “like a lamb," King Women‘s Institute will present their play “Ilis \‘i'omcnfolk" with its thouglit-provoking and mys» terious episodes at Tcston Ilnitod church. under the auspices of Tcston W. A. Eat Oysters on March rith and llih There will be no reason to complain for not having finished up the winter season on plenty of good oysters. At King, Friday, March 4, Lake Marie and King Athletic Association are ‘ sponsoring an oyster supper in the United church basement. from (i to f 8 o'clock, followed by a dance to Leo Paxton's orchestra in McDonald and Wells’ Hall. At Laskay hall Friday. . March ll, Laskay Old Boys' Assoc. will sponsor an oyster supper in the interests of the association followed by a dance. Sally Lloyd and Her Musical Mates playing. L. .I. Glass Honored A large representation of Laskay United church congregation held a surprise party and presentation on Wednesday. Feb, in, at the home of Glass, who has recently up the office of secretary- treasurcr. a position he has held with the church for the past IT years. Due to indisposition in health, Mr. Class found these duties somewhat heavy. » He is now showing signs of improve- ment and is able to attend (hurcli icgularly. The office has been filled by Mr. Louis Mai-wood, who spoke sincerely of the devoted service and efficiency displayed by Mr. Glass dur- ing his term of office. A “Lifetime” pen and pencil set was presented by Mr. William Bryson on behalf of the members of the church. Taken by surprise. Mr. Glass expressed his ap- preciation of the gift stating he had fully enjoyed the work as secretary- tieasurer, being greatly assisted by other oflicials and the congregation at all times. Refreshments were served to conclude an evening of fellowship. Mrs. Eric Ahrahmn of King was given a si‘rprise birthday party by thirty friends from her home town of Weston and Toronto and a few from King, held at. her home Saturday cvâ€" ening. Feb. 10. Euchre took up a large part of the evening followed by refreshments. Mrs. L. Diceinan of Yorktoii. $215K. has been visiting her sister. Mrs. lobâ€" ' ert Farrcn, and her son at Ottawa. Mrs. Diceman formerly of Vaughan township has spent some time be- tween Ottawa and King and is reâ€" turning to Yorkton after a very plea- sant stay. l‘rthyterial Reports Mrs. Leonard Shropshire and Mrs. R. Farren gave very enlightening: and detailed accounts of the annual meeting of Toronto W.M.S. Presbyâ€" tciial held in Toronto recently, and were heard by members of Ever-sley Presbyterian Society at the Febru- ary meeting held at the home of Mis. J. Phillips. Mrs. F. Curtis presided. Mrs. J. L. Grew took a chapter or the study book dealing with China for members of All Saints W.A., held week. Mrs. Grew also gave accormts of the missionary work done by Rev. Mr. Flint among the Eskimo people in the far north. Mr. Flint's ac- count fo the customs and habits and reception of Christian belief forms very interesting reading. A number of friends offered blood to the Western hOspital blood bank in aid of Miss Jessie Monkman there for treatment, who has recently required blood transfusions. The party made the donations on Sunday. Miss Monkman has improved under the transfusions. Mrs. A. J. Gordon has arrived home from hospital at Toronto and is con- valescing with great satisfaction af- ter surgical operation by Dr. Marian Kerr, Women’s College Hospital. Master Ronald Parker and sister, Carolyn, are spending this week with their aunt, Miss Florcnce Folliott at Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Folliott and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Laing were one tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Campbell, fifth line, to a sumptuous chicken supper, on Satâ€" urday, February Iii, followed by a Theatre party at Aurora. Seven years ago, Feb. 19, the Folliotts mo- ved from their farm home sold to Aubrey Campbell. The Folliotls came to King- and the Campbell's moved from the Campbell homestead. King sideroad, to the him where Mrs. Folliott came as a bride and where the family were all born. The two families like to recall these incidents by holding an informal social getâ€" together. Waltcr Hainibly‘s the driveway at Fred dived into the property Monday morning. It there for the day while commuted to DeHavilland. were still on, said John when King City Motors pulled it back into position. Little damage was caused to the vehicle but the cabin took a little beating after the car had struck the corner of the house car, parked on Dent's nose- cabin early was parked the owner lriikcs Armstrong porch and the cement wall of the garage. Winners of Laskay euchre spon- sored by the W.l. on Feb. Ih'. were Mrs. R. Murdock, Mrs. Alfred (iill- ham and Mrs. J. Smith. In the men‘s siction, Norman D. MacMurchy. .Iiiii Marwood and Neil Gray. Mrs. Marâ€" shall McMuichv won the ladies' travâ€" elling prize. March 4th is the next date. King W.l. euchre and bridge. held Feb. 17, was very successful with 12 tables on hand, convened by Mrs. Len Robb. For lack of present de- tails we say it was a successful ev- ening and another such event will be held on Thursday. March 10. in at the home of Mrs. H. Edwards last ‘ l'hc Alllsi’lllc lltlil. l Mrs Mary Stocks and Mrs.- Mun Adams Aurora \Wi‘c guests i5 All‘.\ Fi'cihi llcnl and All>> Siiiilm linolrngs ic<1ii-t~ti\'cl_\‘ dining :ln» wick r-nd. after taking part in tin- lvi'.\;iii:~ pri-vicw Lil Airloi'zi Friday llig'ld. they .‘lll came to Kin: attend- ing ihc Lake Maii'ic dullcc ln-rc, i'c- lilzil'lillf: until Sunday. World Day of Prayer “The Lord Is 'l‘li)‘ Ki't‘lit'i'." is the thumb for the annual observance of tlu- World llay of Prayer being held at King Ilniicd ('hui'cli at 3.5m p.m.. Friday. March .1. for the four dcn- ominziiions l'nitcd. Presbyterian, An- glican and Baptist. ilmlvi‘ tlic lcadei‘» >llill of the Presbyterian group. Mrs. W. F.. Smallcy will give the atldres< on the Significance of the World Day Andrew‘s- I’ros- lii' of Prayer. At St. l‘_\'lt‘l'lilll church iii Strange, the wo- men of that church will meet with Laskay linitcd church societies. and Rev. M. It. .lcnkinson will speak. ’ All womcn in these communities are requested to attcnd the prayer service. .\tlvinsonJIarwood Nllpliflls Al the mansc of the United (‘hurch at King on Saturday evening. Fobâ€" iiiary 36;. the marriage of Frances Marwood. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mawood of Tcston to ('ecil Ross Atkinson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Atkinson of SCbOmberg. was solcinnized by Rev. M. R. .lcnkinson. The bride’s sister, Miss Hazcl Mar- wood and Scott ('ylarkson were the attendants. The couple will live at Milton. Ontario. Under the auspices of Teston Un- itcd \\‘.A.. King Women's institute will present their play “His Women Folk" at Teston church. Crowds at Play King Masonic Hall was filled to cap- acin on two successive nights last week as interested audiences attend- ed a comedy play pi'esentd by mem- hers of King Women's Institute. en- titlid “Ills Women Folk." which will be presented at several other points this month. Wednesday. March 10. under the ausiiccs of inskay United Y.P.U. Veliore Junior Farmers' club will present a play called. “A (‘ouplc of Country Kids," held in Laskay Hall. Laskay W.l. will meet. at. the home of Mrs. Lawric Boys, at 2.30 pm. on Tuesday, March 8. Mrs. Norman Ethcridgc will convene a program based on antiques and the roll call will be named with “Articles used by my Grandmother." Old days nevâ€" ci' come again, because they would get in the way of the new. is the moâ€" tto to be cxplained by Mrs. Pearson Snieltzcr. Antiques will be on‘ dis- play in charge of Mrs. lutlici‘idgc. Mrs. Ham will convene the lunch. King“ At King, at 5.15 March 8. I of W.l. program will be in charge I Mrs. George Arniltage, citizenship convcncr and roll call is the name or work of a prominent Canadian Woman. Mrs. R. Burns, Mrs. H. Hol- linshead. Mrs. H. Folliott, Mrs. If. Armstrong, Mrs D. M. Rflrfi and Mrs. A. Campbell are the lunch committee. Mr. Clarence Arlow. Nobleton disâ€" trict has been ill with pneumonia at his home. west King sidcroad, but is now out of danger and improving. Laskay Old boys’ Association will sponsor an oyster supper and dance in the hall Friday, March ll. Supper starts at 5.330 p.m. ‘Sally Lloyd‘s orchestra will provide music for the dance which follows the supper. It will be a full evening, an. excellent supper and plenty of wholesome fun. This event is known for its past sucâ€" cess. Births On February 15!, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Richards of King 1 at York County hospital, Newmai-ket. At York County hospital. Newmar- ket, February 24, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter of King. Mr. 1and Mrs. James Cairns of King are how proud grandparents. 1 Mrs. T. L. Williams is visiting at i the home of her brother, Mr. Duncan Sinclair of Lindsay. Rural Chamber of Commerce Some of the busineSS men of King: City have been discussing the or- ganization to take an interest in the development of the district. A dele- gation composed of Robert McLeod. Clarke Archibald and Arthur Green were guests Feiiuai'y 22 at a ban- ‘quet presented y Aurora Board of Trade in Trinity Hall. The speaker was Charles Bantock of the Field Service Department. Canadian Chamâ€" ber of Commerce. The delegation was given valuable knowledge about the benefits of a rural chamber of commerce and offers of help to or- ganize a King City Chamber were received. A preliminary meeting held this week arranged an open meet- ing to be held in King March 17th. when Mr. Bantock has promised to 'be present. Golden Wedding Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jenner of King celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on February llth, at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Fred Green, Lippincoit street, Toronto, when 35 friends gathered at a recep- tion and dinner party to congratul- ate the couple who were married in Ci'oydon, England, in 1890. Mr. Jenâ€" ner is 73 and his wife is 72. They came to Montreal in 1905, living tllt‘l't for about five years, where Mr. Jenner was employed by the G.T.R. for four years. He worked for the Farmers Dairy for El-i years and fifteen years ago the couple moved to King district. Since 1903 Mrs. Jenner has made two trips to Eng- land to visit her mother. Of seven children four are living, Mrs, Alfred Jones, Mrs. Fred (iretn. Mrs. Jas. Barnes. all of Toonto, and Percy Jenner of King. An adopted son, John Jenner resides with tbim. There are 13 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Jen- ner are now living retired after an active industrious life. They are good citizens and Mrs. Jenner was a great favourite among thOes who daily commuted by bus to Toronto where she was employed in cleaning plant industry. up until a year or so ago. The couple received many gifts and congrati lations from a large num- ber of fricnds. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Walker were guests at the wedding of Miss Ina Palmer to Dr. Jack Shepherd, both of Maplc. held on Saturday in thc L'nited church. On Friday. March 4. Leiskav W.l. ciiclire will be held in Laskay liaii. On Monday, Feb. 28th. Mr. H. Ii. Ncwsome of King passed away at Newmarkct hospital. A highly res- pected resident. Mi'. Newsome had suffered acutely for several years. BRADFORD Thci‘c will he illl‘SliIll‘tll'i' >liilk‘\ at Illt' Silliilziy Si'liliol ~t‘l'\'ik'i‘ i.c.\‘i .Vtili- diiy. uni we hope for a good :iliono- illli'i‘. _\t‘l‘tlll:ln»BlInlIlsI(‘i' Following Ll dull loi'cnooii. ihc \lll‘» slimlit‘ biiliiniiily on iiic illit‘l'noiiil of Saturday. l-chruaiy li'. foi thi- mai'iizigc at I; lit'llli'K of Lorraine pannisicr. daughter of Mrs. Wm. Allilli.‘ and the lain Frank Bannis- ter. in Moiray Avrcmzin. only son of Mr. and Alix llarold Aci-cnizin oi Cormlc). in the lovely church of St. Michacl and All Angels. Rm. H. It. liowiicn orl'icizitcd. Thc bridc looked lovely in :i gown of whitc slippci satin cut in torso fashion. buttoned down the entire back of tho tight - , ending in a full skirt of Mom g with :i .‘ilg'lli train. Long tight sleeves carrcd out the niotii. and with it she wore the groom's gift of a tiny pearl-set pin of two hearts and a necklace of pearls. Iler long filmy veil was crowned with :1 halo headdress trimmed with seed pearls. She carried pink carnations. (liven in man-age by her brotherâ€"inâ€" law. Mr. Fred Scholes. the bride was attended by her Si>I€l'. Mrs. Fred Scholos as matron of honor. wearing .i pale blue floor length drcs.< with flower bandcau and short \‘cil. Her ‘iridcsmaids. in similarly fashioned dresses, were Mrs. Jimmie Ewart. her sister, wearing mauve and Miss Edna llarrop in pale pink. Their headdresses were of the same mater- ial as their dresses. They all car- ried mixed bouquets. Miss Gail Ann Scholes made a charming flower girl in long frilly pink taffeta trimmed with lace and carrying a multiâ€"colorâ€" ed nosegay. Miss Mollie McClelland. wearing a pink floor lengitb dress and matching hat rendered two beau- tiful solos. singing "When Song is Sweet" before the ceremony and “lie- :ausc" during the signing of the re- gister. The bride's mother wore mauve crepe, with a corsage of pink carnations. while the groom's mother wore a flowered grey dress. also with carnation corsagc. The best Donald Beaton of Mabon, and the Ewart and pink man was Nova Scotia, Mr. Jimmie Folliot. A reception followed at the home if the bride. The happy couple left later by car to tour the States and live on the were Howard ushers Mr. return will groom‘s home farm near tichinond Hill. The bride travelled in a tail- ored suit of teal blue with pink blouse and matching beret. Home and School Association The regular meeting of the Head- ford for February family night school. on the evening of February I. A good crowd gathered to see tht‘ moving pictures which were greatly enjoyed. After the pictures, the fish pond provided prizes and amusement for the children. The white elephant table also proved to be very popular and the home baking disappeared as if by magic. Tea and refreshments were served and a very enjoyable evâ€" ening drew to a close. in their Home and School Association took the form and bazaar. of a at the _ v... a . A , DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE OOOOOMOOONNOOOONOOOOO ELECTRICAL WIRING House. farm and all electrical all makes alterations, also washing machines serviced. Yerex Electric Phone 2-12 Richmond Hill OOOWOOQOO”OWO”MOOOO WOODWORKING Windows and Door Frames Window Screens, Storm Sash Bathroom Cabinets, Cupboard Doors, Berry Crates. Rose and Garden Trellis. Lawn MowersSharpened and Repaired Aub. Nichols Phone Richmond Hill 1341'31 ooooooouoomouoomoooo of i l l Lilli LIBERAL, IiLL'lllilullLi lliii, liiiri'~«i;cr. Marco .;, loin , _ . lici'i‘liv observe the llighway Trail'ic Act rcspcciing 2i rcduciioii in Truck owners and (‘Ilt'l‘t‘i‘viil‘< .‘ll'i‘ I'i'iilli'\'.t‘ii to the carrying capacity of iriicks to one half load liciwccn March 1st and May Isl each year. Our OiTicL‘i’s have becn insirucicd to that those rcgnlations are respccicd in ilic 'l‘ownship of Markham. CHAS. HOOVER. Clerk Township of‘Mzil‘khtim. Si‘t‘ I’nionville. Ontario. Dated at L'nionvillc. March 1st. 1949 0900000909“069-000..OO00000OOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOQOOOO CONCRETE BLOCKS 8 inch 21c Delivered 10inch 24c Delivered WINTER PRICES ‘SAVE MONEY ON YOUR BLOCKS Order now for summer delivery at guar- anteed winter prices above. No deposit required. RICHMOND BUILDING MATERIALS THORNHILL 21'2r1-2 CANADIAN CEMENT SUPPLIED REASONABLE WIT'H ORDERS O90.00000060000609000000096000000OO00O'O‘OC“OOOO”OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOMQOOOO“... i O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 9 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 g O 0 g 0 O O O OOM”OOONOOOOOONONOWO$00.600900900690000... y Exes =7.» . ki ; l . w A N 'r E D i ‘ RICHMOND HILL OR MAPLE DISTRICT Acreage 5 to 10 or more for development. J l Also farm 100 to 200 acres on Markham Rd. or Yonge St. ii i( CLIENTS WAITING, SOME WITH ALL CASH. ERNEST RIDOUT, Realtor i} ll NIELS AE. ANDERSEN 84 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Tel. 455W: Evenings 455J SELLING YOUR HOME?. YOUR REAL ESTATE TOO Needs Foresight and Planning Do it when you can not when you must. ERNEST RIDOUT Richmond Hill Office MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD Telephone 455W and Evenings 455.] NIELS AE. ANDERSEN City-wide co-operative and Exclusive Connections “OOOQOOOOOONOO”NOMONOOM 0.0600600060000000 .9 OOOOWOOOO“OO“OOOOOO OOO“”¢O”O¢OO‘QOCO“0Q 999990900moo09ooe009090uocoo09099oooooooooooooooooooooooe 09.000090006006090” “06.090090000000000090900 ‘0 z z z z z 9 z x z 3 i t : O E z z z : g O z 3 : g : 3 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. ‘ INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPLETE COVERAGE IN REAL ESTATE ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE CONSULT US HERE OR AT ANY OF OCR TORONTO OFFICES. MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO 0006600000000000000009000000O.60000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LIMITED FOR BUYER AND SELLER ALIKE. A SERVICE OF TRUST AND CONFIDENCE. (‘ORDIALLY YOURS. NIELS AE. ANDERSEN Si YONGE ST.. 455.] _ 13.3w 0.. 006000.00.0690.000000000090606.00000000000000000000000.009” O OOOOO'O

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