Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1949, p. 2

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V,“ “.“OOOOOOOOOéMQOOOQQ 1‘60. OOOOOOOOOOQOQOO “.000: 29900609906090. 9000OOOOOOOOOOOOOMOOONWOOWQ The down payment is only-101T? and the terms are easy, spread over a period up to two years. Do You Need a Bathroom or a Hot Water Heaiiog System ? We can install complete units with guaranteed work under a time payment plan. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO YOUR STORM SASH REQUIREMENTS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FREE ESTIMATES. UNIONVILLE WOOD PRODUCTS Richmond Hill Plumbing & Heating 8 Elizabeth St TUMENSDN, SAUNDERS, SMHH, '& MAPLE COMMUNITY I{ALL FRIDAY, MARCH 25th, 1949 MANY VALUABLE PRIZES _ At _ Monte Carie Niigm Old Tyme & Modern Dance BU‘TTONVILLE HALL FRIDAY, March 11th 8:30 RM. Be a Millionaire for one night for 50c Admission Ag "' MMMMMm §IMMMMM “mm summits mmu Phone Richmond Hill 296W 82 Yonge Street PO. 1 MILLIONAIRES NIGHT Sponsored by Maple Lions Club INSMRANGE Elm.“ POUUIV FARM LIVE STOCK f U R B E ARI N G ANIMALS A DCGS Master Feeding Program BEGINNING WITH ALEC FLETCHER. FLOOR MANAGER nu cu§szs or HERBERT R. BUTT Martin’s 5-piece Orchestra PHONE UNIONVILIE 128W REFRESHMENT BOOTH District Representative RICHMOND HILL K4101 ADMISSION 500 DEPENDABLE SERVICE LIMITED ltO PO. Box 119 Ph on Telephone 25-R GARFAT AD. 0467 10. 194 SATURDAY, MAR. 19â€"Anction sale of farm stock, dairy cattle, imple- ments, hay. grain, roots, furniture, eh. on lot 1. con. 8 Markham Twp., m‘operty of Bert Coxworth. Sale at 1 p.111. Terms cash. No reserve, Yarn} sold. Ken and- Clarke Prentice, FRIDAY, MAR. 18â€"Auction sale of farm implements and machinery, furniture, etc. on lot 7. Con. 3 Mark- ham Twp., Leechwood Farm, property belonging to B. R. Leech. Sale at 1 mm. Terms cash. No reserve. barn burned and m‘opi'ietor quitting. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers, THURS" MARCH‘ 17 â€" Important and extensive Auction Sale of almos‘ new modern farm machinery. tools dairy equipment, approx. 200 to 300 .tons of first class hay and oat straw etc., on lot 12, con. 4, North York Twp. at Downsview. Property of F. D. Hubert. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve as proprietor quit- ting and farm being sub-divided. On Keele Street 14 mile north of Wilson Ave. and 5 miles south of No. 7 High- way. Anyone needing farm equip- ment should attend this sale as most- ly all equipment is nearly new. Sale includes New Holland pick-up hay haler, M-H tractor, side rake, John Bean (quick haymaker) mower, bale field loader. Bale elevator milking" machine; furniture, including; com- bination electric range. chesterfields. etc Watch for posters. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. I p.111. ’1‘ farm sold. auctioneers WED, MAR-CH 16 â€" Important Auc- tion sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., on lot 6, con. 2 Vau- ghan Twp., on No.‘ 7 Highway, 1% miles west of Thornhill. Property beâ€" longing: to L. H. Hicks. Sale at 1 p. 111. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneei's. TUES., MARCH 15, 1949 â€" Auction Sale of Goodison threshing machine farm stock, implements, hay, grain etc., on lot 11, con. 6, Pickering Twp. on No. 7 Highway at Greenwood. Property of Oscar Raine. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve, pl‘Op- rietor quitting farming. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. 1 plm. Terms césh auctloneer. WED., MARCH 16 â€" Farm Stock and implements, Holstein cattle, Wal- lace 12-20 Tractor on steel, hay and grain, furniture, at lot 4, con. 2, Et- obicoke Twp. 1 mile west of Wood- bridge, .1. south of N0. 7 Highway and .1. east of N0. 27 highway. The property of Henry Burnett. Sale at 1 p.111. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, FRI; MARCH 11, 1949 â€" Important Extensive Auction Sale of Farm Stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. including near new IHC Tractor, new spreader on rubber, new fertilizer sower, herd of high class Registered and Grade Dairy Holstein Cattle; on lot 3, con. 9, Markham Tw ., 11.3 miles south of Stoufi’ville. lipi'operty belonging to Joe Olszevski. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. No re- serve farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., MARCH 12 â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, power ma- chinery, hay, grain, etc., the property of Walter Proctor, Lot 100. Con. 1, Yonge St., East Gwillimbury. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 sharp. No re- serve as farm has been sold. L. S. Mount, clerk, F. N. Smith, auctioneer, phone Newmarket 187J c3w35 At the Ross farm where Ayrshire cattle are bred in large numbers, we were shown a herd of 130 milking cows and young stock, totalling“ in all 303 head. The stables, as in other places we inspected, are adjoiningr the house and are kept as clean and neat as the house itself. These staâ€" bles were the most modern of any we saw, with plenty of light and ventilation. The milking is done by machine. bottled on the farm and then taken to the city in the farm’s own trucks. Mr. Ross keeps the large herd main- ly for milk production and very few head are sold for breeding purposes. Livestock We are very favorably impressed with the general standard of agri- culture in Britain. However, it must .be admitted that ‘both in Eng- land and Scotland the farms we have visited are the best in each district and perhaps not entirely typical. One of tile first stops on our route was a ZOO-acre truck gardening farm. The seasons here are ahead of ours and we noticed lettuce and some other vegetables beginning to peep throtigh the soil. At least 25 varieties of vegetation are grown on this farm, which during- the war years provided_ the government with 11., 3H Edinburgh: Our tour of the Scot- n farms' around Elinburgh has been a of the mest profitable experienâ€" of our trip so far. We have had 'eral days m this al‘ea before pm» din}: to Glasgow and then to Ire- Canadian Plowmen Abroad; avorably impresse_d SALE REGISTERS and sta- any and Salmon was first canned commer- cially in North America by Tristam Halliday in 1839 on the Bay of Fun- dy near St. John, N. B. W’E‘D-y MA‘R‘CIH 30 â€" Fam stock and implements, IH.C. tractor, blacksmith tools and furniture at lot 30, con. 2, Pickering. } mile south of Cherry- wood. the property of Miss Edith Roach. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. TUES., MARCH 29 â€" Holstein cat- tle, pig's. farm implements, and poul- try, at 101; 27, con. 10, Markham, at Mongolia. the property of Chas. Brown. No reserve as farm is sold. Lloyd Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer. auctioneer. iture and garden equipment at lot 8, con. 6. Markham, 1.1- miies north of Unionville, the property of E. J. Hobbs. Terms, cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. No reserve as farm is s’fld. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. SAT., MARCH 26 ’â€" Auction Sale of entire house of high class furniture, household efi‘ects, garden tools ,etc. Property of Russell, Davidson in the village of Cherrywood. Terms, cash: No reserve. Property sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers: SAT., MARCH 26 FRI., MARCH 25 ‘- Auction Sale of springers, Holstein heifers, farm stock, implements, furniture, etc. on lot 31, con. 4, King T'wp., property of Mr. Muth. Sale at 1 p.111. Terms, cash, No reserve: farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. of farm stock, implements, hay, and grain, furniture, potatoes, corn in the sheaf, etc., on lot 27 concession 2 Pickering: Twp., near Chel‘rywood. Property belonging to Reg. Somer- ville. Sale at 1 p.111. Terms, cash. No reserve, farm‘isold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WED, MARCH 23 â€" 23 Head Jer- sey cattle and vaccinated heifers, farm implements, pigs, furniture at lot 2’7, con. 8, Markham, 'tne property of A. C. Barkey. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. L Turner, clerk. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. TUESDAY, MARCH 24 â€"â€" 51 Head of Reg. and Grade Jersey Cattle, horses, Case tractor, model ‘8’, new in 1948, full line of implements, hay and grain, furniture, at lots 18 and 19, con. 2, King twp., 1i miles west of Aurora, and 3. mile south. Prop- erty of Alvin Ridley. Terms, cash. No reserve as farm is sold. Leslie Harper, and Ed. Reddick, clerks. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. THURS, MARCH 2:1 â€" Auction Sale TUES., MARCH 22 â€"- Auction sale of near new Ford Ferguson tractor with mower, plow, cultivator, jack bumper, etc., farm stock, implements. hay and grain, furniture etc. on lot 25, concession 6, Markham Twp., north of Unionville, property of F. Haslett. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms, cash. No reserve, farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. 2, con. 8, Whitchurch twp. north of Ringwood, property 'of Delos Graham. Sale at 1 p.111. Terms, cash. No re- serve as farm is sold. Lloyd Turner, clerk. A S Farmer, auctioneer. Visit to a 2,000 acre Farm Possibly the most interesting farm on our journey of the Edinburgh ar- ea was the 2,00‘0-ac1’e St. Cuthhert's Co-operative Society farm. A herd of 150 Ayrshire milking cows are kept on the farm and the milk is handled in a most scientific manner. The milking room or parâ€" lour as it is called, consists of indiv- idual stalls for each cow. While the milking machine is in operation, the cow receivos her ration of grain or commercial feed. The milk is weigh- ed and then sent to the Cooler and bottling machine after which it is ready for the market. In addition to the milking); cqws. 350 feeding cattle are kept to supply the company’s meat shops. Most of the feed for the 'cattle is grown on the farm. There are also 1.000 ref!- istercd pigs. 150 of which are 'breed- in}: sows of the large Chester White breed. The Society has a world-wide market for all pigs bred for breed- ing purposes. The cattle and pigs are housed in the most modern and elaborately fin- ished building. In addition to our tour of Scottish farms we also visited many places of historical interest but space does not permit me to tell you about them now. In my next letter, which will be written from Ireland. I'll describe our sight-seeing tours of two famous Scottish cities â€" Elinburgh and Glasâ€" 20w. SAT., March 19 â€" Cattle, horses, farm implements, John Deere Trac- tor, model BR, new, pig‘s, hay & grain, poultry, .and furniture, at lot Mr. MaeGillivr-ay, one of the most noted shorthorn breeders of Scot- and, is a great believer in fresh air. Overhead ventilators in the stables provide a plentiful supply for the an- mals without causing a draught... Many of the best cattle on the farms we inspected were being- pre~ pared for the great Perth-Aberdeen Xngus sale. It was a treat to see :hese well-fed animals some of which vere so fat they were barely able to navigate. voung bulls making; up t where they 5 Rhys later ( and: 3ve1 arov ma] ndustr ;evera1 VIcGilli The raising and breedin one of the most 'ies in Scotland. stock farms, inclut ivl'ay Farm at Eas Household Furâ€" ing of cattle st important We visited udi'ng the F. tast Lothian. 6 {99900000990900.0069 960909000690006009999”0996099060Q60.69099090060090.30090000 HARRY E. PALMER Veterinary Surgeon 46 JOHN ST., THORNHILL lenu Thornhill 250 III-ll-IFIIIIIIIEIBI Deceased. . Creditors of Frances Atkinson, late )f the‘ Village of Richmond Hill, in .he County of York, Widow, who died at New Gormley Post Office in the said County of York, on or about the 29th day of November 1948, are re- quested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned Adminis- trator on or before the 26th day of March 1945), after which date her es- tate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto and the Ad- ministrator will not be liable for an); slaims of which he has not then re- ceived notice. Dated at Toronto, Ont., February 14th, 1949. William D. T. Atkinson, 586 Drive- way, Ottawa, Ont., Administrator, 1)} Malone, Malone and Montgomery ‘55 Bay St. Toronto, Ont., his Sol- And take notice that after such last mentioned date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice, and that the said execâ€" utors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim no. tice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. REYCRAFT AND MacDONALD, 45 Richmond Street West, Toronto 1. Ontario Solicitors for Wesley Clark and George Barker, the Executors of the said Estate. Dated at Toronto, this 15th day of February, AD. 1949. c3'w35 In the matter of the Estate of Fred. erick A. Clark, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, i'n the Connty of York, Retired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustees Act, R. 8.0., 1937, Chapter 165, that all cred- itors and others having claims or de- mands against the estate of the said Frederick A. Clark, who died on or about the 8th day of-February, 1949. are required, on or before the 15th day of March, 1949, to send by post. prepaid, or deliver to the undersign- ed, solicitors for the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addressas and descriptions the full particulars, in writing, of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts, and the nature of the security. if any, held by them. IN THE MATTER of the Estate WILBUR HALL SKEELE, late the City of Glendale, in the State California, Esquire, deceased â€" ALL PERSONS having any claim a 'ainst the late Wilbur Hall Skecle w 0 died on or about the 15th day of September 1946 or against his estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of March 1949 af- ter which date the assets of the Es- tate will be distributed, having- re- gard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. DATED at the City of Toronto this 14th day of February 1949 by WILLIAM COOK & GIBSON, 912 FEDERAL BUILDING, Toronto 1 Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix In the Estate of Helen Louise Van- derveer. Deceased. All persons having claims againgt the Estate of Helen Louise Vander- veer, late of the Township of King In the County of York, Doctor of med- icine, deceased, who died on 01- about the 11th day of November, 1948, are hereby notified to send the particul- ars of same to the undersigned on or before the let day of March, 10-19 after which date the assets of the es- tate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the ex- ecutor shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto this l-lth (lay of February, AD. 1949. Creditors )1’ the‘ Vill: .he County it New Go said County 29th day 01 guested to :laims to t citors Notice to Creditors N otice to Creditors AND OTHERS the Estate of Frances Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors woou00099999“.ooooowooooifiowoooo@oooowoooooowooooo booooooooodbooowu; editors of Franc e‘ Village of R ounty of York, ew Gormley Pc County of York. day of Noveml' ed to send par A. A. SHUYLER AND OTHERS Executor. 320 Bay Street, Toronto When You Have Your Vehicle Serviced By Our Efficient Mechanics. OAK RIDGES HOWARD F. JACKMAN COMPLETE MOTORING ENJOYMENT IS YOUR PLEASURE BOND LAKE GARAGE Frances Atkinson CARS CALLED FOR AND Richmond Hill C3 w ‘0‘3000000 W69009609.000WOOOONGOGQOOOOOOOQOOOOOO099.00.”. “GOOMOMOQ b. OM6000“W0 ”“¢66”09” 3 Phone 311W ;OOOOM“OOO“OOOOOOOOO060®OGOOOMOOOOOOMOOOOOOOOQ‘ 9.09009.0000°00000000000096‘9090669969000960.99090909 9900000000.0000000WOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”; RADEG SALES magi §ERVICE Funeral Designs; â€" Wedding Bouquets Our Specialty Mixed Bouquets City and Suburban Delivery count' smth cocKSHmw-mwm TRACTGR @WNERS RICH VALE FLORIST Order early to avoid disappointment Flowers wired anywhere in Czinada and ‘ULS.A Now as always parts and service are available for alLOliver tractors in On‘sario including those sold‘by the Cockshutt Plow Company. _ All Goodison-Oliver dealers are equipped to serve you. Why not drop in at the nearest Goodison-Oliver dealer today and- see how they are ready to help you. x In u'txtern provinces, Contact any Oliver Branch - , ' __0R__ Thornhill Prompt Pick-up and Delivery TELEPHONE KING 431'11 ml ,ROBSON’S GARAGE Phone Richmond Hill 3441‘ TELEPHONE 102 MAPLE JOHN TAYLOR Ont 17 Benson Ave. J. R. MARROW 39% Aurora \V 1 Richmond Hill ph m nswer to your Phone 1911' ‘OOOW |. camp embar- >000

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