Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1949, p. 4

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'4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thursday. March 10, 1949 RATESâ€"-Five five less, cents lines or lines 7 per 52:3 cents for lirst line extra each insertion. ll' Telephone Richmond Hill 1). Classified Sale & Want Ads] l insOrtion and 27» cents for each subsequent inscrtioii, charged to account iiiiie cents per FOR SALE HALL MIRROR, 51"x3»l". I‘honc Richmond Hill 1:;41'12. clwil'i' RANGETTE, l\’[cClary, near new. Apply Mrs. A. Morison. I‘nouc Richmond Hill 451'14. “'2w2ii >5 ELECTRIC I’hone Richmond Hill 245. 194s MERCURY pick-up Truck, good Stoutfville ' ’“lwiiT CLOVER HAY, 10 tons; 000 bushels of mixed grain, barley and oats. Ap- ’“ZwIIT shape; LII 1511.00, phone (E1103. ply Phone Maple 15. HAY, mixed. Apply Lenard Hough- ton, Lake Wilcox, phone Richmond 'Hill 2r13 clw37 VACUUM CLEANER, der; child's toddle cart. Richmond Hill (33M. iCHILD’S COT. steel, with sides an'l mattress, good as new. Apply 28 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. CIWi‘iI small Apply phone clw37 FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, tfc46 Thornhill 168. CARROTS for horses. King: 3113. tfc33 WIND M I LL with tank and pump, good running order. W. A. 'Poulton, R. R. 1 Maple at Teston. ~c1w37 .___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" G-ELDINIG, 3 years, broken, Belgium and Clydesdale. W. A. Poulton, R. R. 1 Maple at Teston. clwiiT WATER PUMP, 20:) gallons per hr. Runs with I H.P. motbr. Phone Richmond Hill 470W. *1w37 C‘OLLIE PUP, born heelers. M. Summerfelt. Phone Stoufi'ville 64105. c2w37 RUBIBER TIRED WAGON, in good condition. Charles Shropshire, phone Maple 871'24. c1w37 MAJESTIC RADIO, 7 tube; also kit- chen cabinet. Phone Richmond Hill 317J. c1w37 1 .PEN OF BANTAMS, eight pallets and 1 coekerel, laying. Phone Maple 18r4 after 6 p.m. ' *1w37 9 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Frank Sthmidt, Steele’s Ave. E., phone Zone 8228. c1w37 SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR; wagon; walking plough. Phone Map- le 541'4. tfc37 SLEN'DOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks’ supply 81; 12 weeks $5. at Austin’s Drug Store. FOR REAL ESTATE, phone Fenn, Thornhill 168. tfc46 WINDOW FRAMES sash, storm sash, door, door"friames, made to LIGHT FIXTURES, suitable for shop, sacrifice $5.00 each. *lwfl? cylin- Apply Har- vey Mashenter, R. R. 3, King. Phone loom) PIANO illail. State l MacNaughton, phone TIM. UPRIGIIT KITCHEN CUPBOARD, 4 doors, :2 drawers. made with 112" pine. W. A. Poulton. Maple R. R. I. at Teston. clwf‘iT for Maple (‘oiicert price \\‘aiiteil. ll. I). Set. Maple. Ont, ABOUT 100 PULLETS, New Hampâ€" II. .I. I’dttimd. Richmond Iliii *lwIlT sliii‘es, 7 weeks old. Oxford St., phone 4IIIJ. In iir. JOHNSON OUTBOARD no- :TOR, in good condition. Telephone Hariy Price, lichinond lIlll loll. clwiiT THIS YEAR’S HAMPSHIRE X ROCKS, pullets, good layers. Apply ply Mrs. G. Montgomery. May A\‘e., Stop 24A, evenings or Sunday. Phone Richmond Hill III-1123. c1w37 DINING ROOM SUITE, 8 pieces, walnut, square dining; table with built-in leaves. $100.00. 26 Edgar Ave., Richvale, phone Thornhill 21914 . c1 wt}? 15 TONS BALED WlHIEAT STRAW; about 40 tons mixed bay delivered in large or small quantities anywhere in the district. M. Acreinan, phone Richmond Hill 47v12. *Iw37 ANTIQUES: two very rare imported verandab chairs in excellent condi- tion. Not known to have duplicate in city. Apply 34 Bracondale Hill Rd., Toronto. c1w37 WRNAMENTAL PORCH RAILS, stair hand rails, fire doze, fire sc.eens, fire sets and acetylene weld- mg. Apply '1‘. Elliott, Oak Avenue, Richvale. tfc35 MODERN BARN. wood truss con- struction, 80’ x 35’, steel roof in perâ€" fect condition. Apply Nancy Lake Farm, R. R. 2, King. Entrance on 7th Con. road. Phone 4112. *2w36 GARIAGE AND SERVICE STA- TION; also tine cabins suitable fon housekeeping the year ’1'ound. Same owner for over 20 years. Sell- ing because of illness. Apply to E. H Mactaggart, Kleinburg. *2w37 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked en- amel finish any colour of tapes. free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario tfc32 St. West, Newmarket, Ont. BRAY CHICK‘S now to catch the better markets later â€" order soon. Pullets, cockerels, mixed â€" dayolds, started, prompt shipment. You can't do better why wait. Agent Fred Wise, Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill. TILTING SAW TABLE, 2’ x 4’. sturdy construction. equipped with fence and graduated slide for mitre work, nor arbor or motor. Price $15.00. Apply Steven Elliott, op- pdsite Endean Nurseries. Elgin Mills. phone Richmond Hill 4301314. c1w37 clwiii ' MISCELLANEOUS Ul’l'Il lllll' :lll IilLllUllliIi'llc llll‘('ll;llllc’ to sizirt in biis.iicss. Ap: ply Box Till. Aurora. er;y\:;, SNOWPLOUGHING: l‘rcd Taylor 74 Richmond St.. licbinond llill. Phone ton. ht'c25 S_I\'()\\'Pl.()U(;IIIN(I a Lance and driveways. Apply Phone Willow- dale 25lI8.W. II. (iomlei'haiu. ': liwflS ELECTRICAL WIRING: Iloiised‘urin and all elictrical alterations also all makes of washing machines serviced Ycrex Electric. tl'ctli‘. _______.___._â€"___ PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING First class work. reasonable rates, free estimate. Phone A. Rollinson. Richmond Hill 414M. tl'cil‘l ALF MacDON’ALI), painting and paper hanging. Sample books, free estimates. Phone 4515, R. R. 1, Rich- mond Hill. ‘hlwilo ORDERS will be taken for private dressmaking after 7:30 p.m. in the evening. Phone Richmond Hill 3551 r13. ‘»1\\'.'IT DON‘T WAIT until your shoes are too far gone. We can do 21 iietti r job if you bring- them to us early. We also make shoes to order. George Laba. Thornhill. phone 263. tfc EX‘C‘H‘ANIG‘E OR OEFER â€" Green L‘urvex precision man’s wrist watch for pocket watch. Apply 3;”) Edgar Avenue, Richvale, phone Thornhili 22014. #1on FOR COMFORTABLE SHOES, try Walkâ€"Rite Shoe Store at Thornhill. We sell men's dress shoes and work- ing boots also children's shoes. Geo. Laba, Thornhill 203. tfc IF YOU WANT TO DRINK and can â€" that's your business. If you want to stop and can‘t r that‘s our bus- iness. Alcoholics Anonymous. Ap- ply Box 300. The Liberal. (“21'in ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. VanDykc, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc Bring your shoes I will repair Done with patience And the best of care. Shoe laces and polish sold. Also get your winter supply of potatoes here. A Pearson, Shoe Repair, Rich- mond St., Maple. ’15w33 WANTED CARPENTERS, state exeprience and MAPLE Tizc Missiin Band met for Illill' i'i-giilar meeting at the home of Is» l.l'l‘lk‘. Ilt‘m \‘lct'fllltfltlclli. l\:l- llli‘lll‘m »lIllilI‘i‘l] \\;1_s‘ ill lllt' L‘l1tlll. lie dc\oi.i»i:;i. was taken ‘vy .i'..ii» Ly'i \\zlisoii. writ. iznc :i pray! r, .2Ii.l l'tucy .Iii\.il‘ i.\ll\i‘!'c'1lll llll‘ >L‘l’l}illl:l‘_ .\ >ii1‘\ “iw lurid" was lt‘zlil iiy (‘zii- ic lliI\\lli‘)', :lllll Mrs. llowniai: rcâ€" »IL‘\\L‘Il 1i c:,;ip‘ici from tin. study on (l: on, ’l'bi- cl: ldicti lc:.iii» l‘ll lo sin: of .lcsii~ l.o\‘cs Me. In I lion-ta histcss si-ivcil .L ili‘iiity llllli‘ll. \li_ \‘iil'is .\lil\'lill’lliilll \\‘ill lie the (his; \lll‘Itlyl'l' 1ll.«l he will spciik oii \i'tili.-i:i! lcspii'atioii. llo an iiii» tliorty on this subject, and um die you \\lll gain \\oi'iliwlilo iii- 'oiiiiulioii. So br- s,ure to be prosonb The topic on Social Welfare \\Ill be given by Mrs. ;\_ It), Siiidvi. and Hip 'l.ll call will be answered by Houseâ€" «’ll'illllllfl' llints. lion't forget 1hr- .good used clotliâ€" iIIg lHl' lclicl' \\l‘ll\, to be brought to .li;s inciting. Also help your (‘iipâ€" l:iii.s to bring- in big; attendance. llie i-oiiiniittec in ('hiH'fâ€"W‘ l5 Alli". l4- i’aliner. Mis. McCrlloiigli, Mrs. Payne and Mrs. .l. Tumble, Aiiiic Six. consisting of Ann Laurie. Maple. Nancy Scott, Margaret Hill- iard. Isobel Scott, Elizabeth Mac- Donald and Elsie Farthing ol' \Vood» ri'lgc. won the shield with a total il' NI. marks in the 31 yours and un- tin-l iiilil. ilii‘ \crsc 'l‘lic 1s sLili‘ dcr group at the Kiwanis Festival. Thursday. March II, in Eaton And.â€" toririn the Qiicii Anne Singers won the shield in an IN years and under group. The two selections chosen were “Orpheus with his fiilte" and “Gypsies”. Maple girls in this group were Joanne and Katherine John- son and Ann Laurie. Congratula- tions are extended to the singers. The teacher. Mr. Bruin, Mus, B. of Maple School and the pupils who sang at the Kiwanis Festival are t0 be i-cngi'uliilated in winning; 2nd in school choirs for one or two room schools. The Triple Trio also won tiist place Ill their group. Mr. Bruin was their condizctor. ('ongratiilations to Mr. and Mrs. Aicliioald who are the proud par» cuts of a yoing son, Vernon Shane. born March 1st,, 8 lbs. 12 oz. Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Shore and family of Mount Forest visited Over the week end with the latter's fa- ther, Mr. W. J. Johnson, Sr. Mrs. Fletcher is now the teacher in the senior room at the Public Schocl. We hope. she enjoys living in this community. LANGSTAFF Hobby (‘raft ('la-Sses The Hobby Craft classes sponsored by the Langstaf’f Home and School Association will commence Friday. March 4th, at 7.30 p.m., In the Lang- staif Public School. The organiza- tion meeting has been held and pmâ€" verl very successful. There was an attendance of 3:} interested persons. Mrs. Williams and Mr. Miller who reprcsentcd the Community Planning Board for the Board of Education Ofâ€" fered many suggestions and their services for future assistance. It was decided that clay modellinE. wood carving, rug making and smock- ing would be undertaken for the first classes. All adults and children over 12 who are sincerely interested in taking advantage of the opportunity of learning these hobbies. are corâ€" dially invited to come to the first ‘ VICTORIA SQUARE I Miss Ella Rutclifi' and Mr. A. .â€"\r.- cos of Stoiiil‘ullc lizid Sunday dinner with M2. and Mis. lint. Sandeiscii illzl Miss Main-l Sanderson. ('oiigidiiilutioiis to Mr. and \\:o lii'tllm on the illl'l'vill of si'll. Mr. and Mrs. lloy l‘\l~ll ol' 'l‘rufi'» gar \is‘tcd with Mr. and Mrs. ll. l'ii-kciinu’ and family Sunday. Miss .ilziigirct Buddy of Toronto spci‘t the ocek L‘ll\l with Rev. :iiid .\lis. E. A. I iii'iey and Loretta. Mr. :lllil Mis, Wm. Wilson of Scar- boio ljlull's bail Sunday cvciiing din» iiir \\lIlI Mi. :lllil Mis. llolpli Illiin- It'll. Mr. and Mls, Gordon Wayne and liriice. had dinner on Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. l‘Iliiicr Leek and Albi rt of Iletidford. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pickering. Kenneth. Neil and Carolyn, had din- ner Sunday with Mrs. J. I.iin:iii of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. G Mortson. Wayne and lil'lt‘t‘ had dinner with Mr. and \lis. II. E. Perkins. ("oral and Miss " lloise on Sunday. .\lis. tlicii Morison. EEGâ€"E} EY The Edgeley Women's Institute met at the home of Mis. Nelson t‘eclar last 'l‘htusday afternoon and iicld a very splendid meeting. The roll call was "My favorite flower~ and the program “Agriculture and Canadian Industries" was under the lirection of Mrs. Raymond Stewart. [his program consisted of two pa- peis, namely “Science Remakes the farm" taken very ably by Miss Ella. Whitmore and “Birds, the Agâ€" riculturists’ Best Friend" consisted of the descriptions of different types of birds. taken by Mrs. Greenlea and Mrs. N. Peelar. Their papers were fine and illustrated by pictures of the birds described. The meeting closed by the serving of a dainty lunch. There has been an appeal through the various Institutes tor good clean used clothing by the Unitar- ian Service Committee of Canada. Anyone having clothing of the above description will you kindly bring it to the April meeting; or failing that. send it. We are pleased to report Mr. Wm. Dalziel's complete recovery after having been ill for the past week. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Stong on Sunday to visit Mrs Mortson who has been quite ill again were Mr. Gordon Mortson and Wayne and Bruce of Victoria Square. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Millan, Mr. II: W. Mortson of Richmond Hill; and Mr. and Mrs. Clclland Thompson and family of Emery. ' Don’t forget the Farm Forum which will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keffer next Mon- day night. Mrs. Catherine Banks spent last Sunday at the home of her nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Banks. Miss Helen Dalziel is spending a few weeks in Toronto assisting in the nursing of Mrs. Frank Wilson who is quite seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have purchased the litâ€" tle cottage on Jane St., just south of Steele‘s Avenue and have lived there for several summers. We wish Mrs. Wilson a speedy rccovedy. J 99000 9000 0909999909909900 6 ST. PATRICK’S DANCE NG and REPAIRSI GILSON 1101‘ AIR FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS l i lELECIRlC Win l RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOP s2 YONGE _ PHONE 290W l x z § § 3 z z § § 0 § § 0 GUSTAV DAHL BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR PREPARE FOR YOUR SPRING BUILDING Now we (‘AN SUPPLY MATERIALS ESTIMATES GIVEN Telephone Maple 31r32 009999009090000909900990099990900999999999999000990 9999000009099999999090999999909999099990999999999: YOUNG ADULTS GROUP Presents VARIETY snow MUSIC AND DRAMA AT 8 RM. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH MONDAY, MARCH 14th SUNDAY SCHOOL ADMISSION 35 CENTS Proceeds For Church Building Fund 00999900909909? l .9009900900090090000000 3 “9999900999990009909999990 “9090990900090000009099990900090999 §09000090 % i g g 3 i § é % 9999999999999999900090999999999999999999099999999990 Richmond Hill High School oPEN NIGHT ' FRIDAY, March 18th 8:15 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all citizens interest~ ed in the Richmond Hill High School to visit the school on the evening of Friday. March 18th. Guests are asked to be in the gymnasium by 8.15. Thei'e".i.'ill be a brief programme at the, conclusion of which you Will be at liberty to visit the displays in the rooms and lialls. ' "~}“0009909909999099909990900909999 \_ I There. will be demonstrations of: Music Classes; Phys-- ical Training Classes; Visual Education Aids; Science and Agricultural Experiments; Art Work; Projects in History. 99000€€ 00909000000090990000 00000000000999900900099909 order. George Allen, Elgin Itgillgsd FORDSON TRACTOR with snow Efbgeiqfxpem‘d' Apply 1"“ class 0,, the “1,0,... day‘fTimre “.m be English. Languages, Health, Guidance. Mathematics, etc. \\‘i 010w, 13nd Plow, Cultivator‘ ham-0‘“, ‘ ' a small fee to help de ray expenses. 7 _ Tea will be serve] in v . . . 1941 MERCURY SFDAN radio hay mower, power take-off; BIaCK- WILLING TO BABY SIT any night. Mrs. Carter 0f Gait is Spending; ‘ ICTORIA SQUARE 40 10 1- i ( one Of the Cldbmooms fl cm 9'00 heater good“ tireg egce‘llen't com“: smith Forge and Anvil; Electric Oat Young woman, fond of children. a few days with her son, Berti “I CORIMUNITY HALL L ' 0' ‘ tion $30-50 00 Ph‘o‘ne ‘Richmond Hill Roller; Beatty Electric Pump; Power Phone Thornhill 1021'14. c1wilT , Church St.‘ She is also S-l‘lieatvfifflml- - - 60 V36 Lawn “lower; 1 Purebred Jersey ‘ V y . ‘ mothcr of little Lynda Mane lysnlghts, W“..MOW09W”WOW ' “ Cow; 3 Saddle Horses, Telephone 'IRU‘NIM memum SIZE. Slumble 100" Young People’s will meet this week -, , MODERN SIX PLATE RANGE, coal Harry price, Richmohd Hip 163. overseas travel. Phone Thornhg‘lal 8‘4; as usual in the church. Friday even- Nor P Hi 0.. of h t .O.MQWWW.MMOMQW.. and wood, porcelain from, like new. Clwg; '.wdi ing at 8 p.m. The meetrng is in m J“ Ila. S C es ra , DoorS Open 6.30 charge of Miss Spencely and is of A sacrifice. iPhone Thornhill 21’1r5. Refreshment Booth EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and ,... “BIRDS WELL MEATER and need- . . special interest, as Rev. and Mrs. I i i ' I elm“ ed little finishing” writes a customer Tl'p‘b‘t' Permnent- L‘ttle 131115,: Douglas Percy are to be there. to Modem and Olde Tyme Music I. l; I ’X , TWO COMPLETE SHOWS MAN'S BICYCLE7 24-22 frame; good of Bur-4 Chicks. From Canada Ap- kwhmond Hlll- _ C1“ 0‘ bring- the message and special music. ’ ' i " . NIGHTLY ___. 7 ,md 9 p m pioved stock, backed by a breeding GIRL 0R WOMAN for full time Mr. and Mrs. Percy are home on ‘ ' ' condition; tires good. Apply D. R. McIntosh, Richmond Hill 481‘23. *1w37 JERSIEY COW, 4 years, due to fresh- “990000099099990909999090 m program on Hatchery’s own farms. We doubt you can do better even if you pay more. The Dept. emphasizes furlough from West Africa where they have spent piany years as miss- ionaries for the Sudan Interior Missâ€" housework, sleep in or out. Yonge St.. Thornhill, Phone 28W. clw3ti EXPERIENCED OPERATORS M A R K H A M Matinee Saturday 2.00 p.m. the value of early hatching to get the , ion. Mrs. Percy is an accomplished . fin'fabogt Marlo/P 15th;1{al}sIo gersey gettir ifigaiiketzs. GiContIact us, Wesley Chum-en’s Wear, Lansing. Phoinré musician and will be playingdseiec- Friday & Saturday -‘â€" MarCh & , 9191' “e "1 aY- - 31‘ lnsoni ‘ a1"- . i. . Ol‘m 9y. \.i"l WI . 5 v ' 0"" ‘ -_ ,tionr. An invitation i‘ exten ed to . . I Oak Ridges. $1W37 dIaIIeIOTIIGaIL 8 6). Eyeninbs a“. 5 b BOTH ON THE SAME PROGRAIVI Rev. Albert Jones, pastor of the Langstafl’ Baptist Church. suffered a heart attack in his office Monday and had-to be removed to his home Robert Louis Stevenson brings you his savagely thrilling masterpiece! RHONDA FLEMING TO RENT FURNISHED FLAT: 2 rooms and bathroom, all conveniences, suitable HOUSE AND 2 ACRES or LAND inthe vicinitv of Richmond Hill or Thornhill. Will pay up to $6000 cash, under V.L.A. Phone Richmond HOUSE, 5 0r 6 rooms. About 2 acres of land. V.L.A. Cash $5000â€" 36000. Apply Hunter, 80 Roselawn Houses in Richmond Hill and Thornhill. 5, 6 and 8 rooms. We RORY CALHOUN have a large waiting clientele as Hi11365r4- :le37 [~- business or middle aged couple Ave., telephone Hyland 8050. c1w37 by ambulance. - _ PAUL KELLY '- EBt‘bti‘l-Efe’ Langmflc' Appiygeliix SINGLE MAN t0100k after orchard LANGSTAFF RAFFIST CHURCH we” as many enql‘lr‘es f0" 3“ _In'â€" WW0009900 % 'â€" . -5 0,“ Share bagm APPLY Ml“ L- M' Rev. Albert Jones. Minister types of houses daily. “ 99 .IIIIEIIIIIIIIIIl-II Montgomery, phone 3400 Port Cgedit; Sunday, March 6th . . “WP Wed, Mar. 0, 8 p.m.â€"Prayer Meeting DaVId McLean, â€"â€" Plus â€" TREE EXPERTS Do your trees and shrubs need pruning for spring? If so, why riot give us a ring. . A. Goodchild Thornhill, Phone 1413 no. ommummouoooo pout'rnr ' Any Quantity Phone AGINCOURT 2-481, or write to Norolda Poultry R. R. 2 _â€" SCARBORO JUNCTION I HERBERT YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL TOMENSON. SAUNDERS. SMITH 8; GARFAT LTD. PIANO TUNING and Repairing , S. HEman Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed â€" Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office,. Tel. 9, Richmond Hill WANTED Good Prices R. BUTT YOUNG :MAN wants work with bricklayer. have some experience. For interview write Box 18, The Lib- eral, Richmond Hill, Ont. *IWBT ROOM AND BOARD breakfast and night dinner by busi’iiess man. cen- tral. Apply Box 36, The Liberal. "‘1w37 TT-C WORKER AND FAMILY want 4 rooms or cottage by end of March. Mr. James Barber, Elgin Mills P.O. Phone 241J. *2w36 CHILDREN TO BOARD. Will take 2 between 3 and 4 yEars of age at £800 a week each. Apply Richmond Hill 395J. c2w3 TRANSPORTATION- wanted from downtown Toronto to Langstafl P. O. evenings. Apply Box 300 Liber- al. *2w36 POULTRY, any quantity, best mar- ket price. Will call immediately on request. Phone King 35114. A. Magee. *12w29 BUSH LOT, heavv, close to Richmond Hill. with or without property. coin- plete or selective cutting. Fred Tay- lor. 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill 463. 25th ELDERLY couple accustomed to farm life, wage $75 monthly, plus rlwelling‘and use of 10 acres. No. 7 Highway near Yonge. Must be to- tal abstainers. No heavy chores. Apply Box 53 Liberal. clw?l'i' 09009909999990099990009090 ELECTRICAL WIRING ESTIMATES FREE W. A. BURNIE Phone Richmond Hill 223.} mmmmmooo Fri. Mar. IIIâ€"Young People's Society GUERNSEY MEN TALK ARTIFICIAL I'NIT Since their annual meeting in Decâ€" ember when the subject was first ap- proached the York-Simcoe Guernsey Club, active only one year, have been continually discussing the feasibility of setting up a Guernsey Stud at the Maple Cattle Breeders' Association barns in Maple where already the other three major dairy breeds are represented. The general concensus of opinion is that the Guernsey Breeders in our district are definitely losing by not having the advantages of this artiâ€" ficial insemination service. The enâ€" tire idca is now a proven one and has, gained just compliments on the effic- iency and soundness of its work. The York-Simcoe Club wish to carry out a successful campaign as a part "I an active and worthwhile programme for their club district. The Maple artificial unit has now been operating,r three years and last year alone inseminated over 15.000 cows. It has grown continuously in size and scope. The new barn and laboratory are located just north of Maple and plans are under way due to the expansion of the unit to erect a second new barn. The Guernsey breeders are anxious to get reserva- tion for bulls of their breed in this bain. To insure this 1000 grade or pure-bred cows must be signed up shortly. The meeting called sharp. Monday, March 15. 1040, in the Municipal Hall, Richmond Hill. will begin with a general talk by G. W. chfer. manager of the Maple Unit. There will be plenty of dis- -ussion time for all those with ques- tions. Agreement forms will be on hand and it is hoped these attend- ing will be prepared to itse them. LOST TARPAI‘I.IN. approx G'x4‘ in Rich- mond Hill. Wed, March 0. Please leave at Liberal Ofi‘it‘e. clwflT for 2 p.m. Realtor Member of the Ontario Associa- tion of RealEstate Boards Phone: Ofl’ice, Thornhill 12 Evenings, Mr. Overbury, Thorn- hill 48W _ 09099999990909909990999999 RELIABLE USED CARS $1425.00 1946 SUPER DE LUXE TUDOR â€" heater â€" very nice $1100.00 1946 FORD V2 TON PICKUP â€" Excellent condition l / Q105“.00 1942 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 1' DOOR SEDAN â€" . nice clean car 1911 PLYMOUTH ri-DOOR SEDAN good condition LITTLE Ellâ€"OTHERS Ford & Monarch Sales & Service Phone 174 Richmond Hill 999990909999009000000000 00 “BLONDIE’S ANNIVERSARY” ,, Witn PENNY SINGLETON,‘ ARTHUR LAKE Latest World Nev '5 4 Great Days â€" Monday to Thursday ’ March 14, 15, 16, 17 The most discussed picture of the year! Nominated for 9 Academy Awards! as MOOREHEAD éggPHEN McNALLY JERRY wig; W P PRODUCED 31 Inc EER’RCENI from ihe sugary o, “w WII‘B" Chill. m I1 In S EGBUiLB [c160 IV N IMGARD‘VON cunt rioavan- "'"Y "'“B if un flu U “990060000099999099999909999999999999099999999999990‘999990099999999090999999999099999909999900999099990090 i E i i t i 3 i g i 3 t z t z § § § 090000009000990900900909909900090999999990009999990

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