i ' ANNOUNCING THE OPENING g FRIDAY, MARCH, 11th I Rice’s Flower; Shep 2 RICHMOND HILL 3 O WOWOOOOOMâ€00000“00990006006600.0006699600: SMOOâ€WMOWOOMOOWOWOWQOM000000699 (‘ONTRIBUTIONS MAY BE LEFT AT THE TOWNSHIP OFFICE IN MAPLE OR WITH THE SECRETARY- TREASURER. MRS. G. L. MCGIIJ‘IVRAY. WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO. “9990609004 § : § § 3 0 “6.0.6606. owomomo 99.000006060990096...“OQOOOOOOO“OMOO 009â€. Of Interest to all Farmers, Their Families, and Their Neighbors :MNOOOOOOMMOOOOOMOOOOOQMQOGWWOâ€OO¢: Bomwuooouooooooowooowoowooooooououooooooob RICHMOND HILL FARMERS’ SUPPLY PHONE 139 If you are unable to attend in the afternoon we are also holding “Open House†at the Showroom in the evening. We want you to feel free to look over our stock of new and used farm equipment and home appliances at any time. PROMPT DELIVERY A This invitation is extended to any or all members of your family who may be interested. Would you also please remind your neighbor in case he has not seen this an- nouncement. In celebration of this event the Massey-Harris C0. show Moving Pictures in the new “Richmond†Theatre 1.30 p.m. Tests have proven faster growth on less feed at 8 weeks ‘ of age. CUT FLOWERS RICHMOND HILL We are pleased to announce the opening of our New Showroom on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, on Due to decreased export and increased factory production we are now able to make prompt delivery on Ford & Monarch Sale PHONE 174 Harold Wo Mormon TUESDAY, March 15, 1949 The 1949 FORD 8 MONARQH forfree Sfrengf/rened tiny/7 V/ ' 3:71:33 Bid tcgford Fee ds: Tor YES WE HAVE IT â€" SOMETHING NEW Blatchford’s Chick Starter Krumbles Red Cross Drive For Funds om: mm (MC/(’5 ,REAR OF TELEPHONE OFFICE. CENTRE ST. LITTLE BROTHERS OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF Refreshments SOME FORD MODELS MONARCH ‘ SEDANS VAUGHAN TUWNSHlP BRANCH Flowers For All Occasions AND PHONE 490. WE DELIVER FEED Lucky Draws s 63: Service RICHMOND HILL POT PLANTS RICHMOND HILL T bran to wi l l The Women's Auxiliary of Veter- ans celebrated their 17th anniver- sary on Tuesday, March lst. Guests included the following: Mrs. J. P. Wilson, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. Dews- bury, Mrs. Allison, Mrs. Patton, Mrs. Middleton and others. Several new members were noticed whom we are glad to welcome. The afternoon opened with a few contests, prize winners being Mrs. C. Unger, Mrs. Walbridge,‘Mrs. Jefferson, Mrs. P. Andrews. Tea was served by Mrs. J. Butler and Mrs. G. Masters. The regular meeting: of the Evenâ€" ing: Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held Tuesday evenin, March 15th, at the home of Vlrs. T. A. Weaver, 6 Hunt Ave., at 8 p.m. sharp. All members and la- dies of the conggegation are cordial- Ly invited to be present. Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt entertained on Saturday at a trousseau tea in hon- our of her daughter, Jean, bride- elect of this week. Pouring: tea in the afternoon was Mrs. Robert Mac- Dougall, great-aunt of the bride-elect and in the evening, Mrs. E. New'ham both of Toronto. ‘Other assistants were: Misses Barbara and Geraldine Burnell, Peggy Reid, Mary Burgan. Patricia Weinert. Mrs. N. Jenkinson and Mrs. George Fenwick. Ladies of Richmond Hill and dis- trict please mark March 25 as an impértant day on your calendar. The W. A. of the Presbyterian church are givng a luncheon and have secured Miss Edna J‘aques, noted poetess and lecturer as their guest speaker. Watch next week‘s Liberal for more details. Miss. Margaret Ireland snent last week with her sister, Mrs. Murray at Those interested? in attending the annual Public School Oratorical Conâ€" test please reserve Tuesday evemng. March 22nd. There will be another announcement later. ley Company Last week's prize winners at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church eu- chre were: Ladies, MrS. DeWSbury. Ev. Watling‘, Mrs. N. Mallov: Men's C Wilkinson, Terry O’Neill. Barney Watson. The next euchré will be on Friday, March 11th, convenor, Mrs. A. Langley. Mrs. R. D. Little was guest spea- ker at the meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church held at the home of Miss Katherine Ball, Thursday evening. In an in- teresting and inimitable manner, she reviewed Cornelia Otis Skinner’s 121- test book “Family Circle†which deals with the life of her parents, their early struggles and later suc- cessors in the theatrical’ world. She left with each ,of her listeners a sin- cere desire to read the book to dis- cover more of the delightful anec- dotes which she had quoted. . The appreciation of the society was ex- pressed by Mrs. Hugh Yerex.. Fur- ther plans for the April meeting at which it is hoped to entertain the ev- ening groups of the Anglican and United churches were left with the executive. M Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kell and son‘ John. from Toronto, have just moved ‘mto their new home on Arnold Cres- cent. Mr. Kell is with the T. Eaton Former resident of Toronto, Wil- liam Dickie, 68, founder of the Dick- ie Construction Co., died Saturday at his Richond H11 home following a heart attack. Born in Scotland, Mr. Dickie went to the United States in 1901 and 11 years later settled in Toronto. He was active in the construction busiâ€" ness until his retirement in 1942 when he moved to Richmond Hill. 'He is survived by his widow, Lucy Yerex Dickie, and a son by a preâ€" vious marriage John L. Divide. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. John Younie, in Scotland. Funeral services were held from the Funeral Chapel of A. W. Miles. Toronto, on Tuesday, March 8th. Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Mr. Dickie was a member of Ionic Lodge, AF and AM; St. Andrew’s Society, Granite Club, Rosedale Golf Club and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. u t Social and Personal Parents, Christian workers or ministers are invited to come in and take note of the sound Chris- tian training given by capable in- structors to the children of this district. We especally desire to reach boys and girls who are not going-t0 Sunday School. Won’t Held in the Masonic Hall Richmond Hill 3 :00 PM. SYNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES going-to SL1 you help us GOSPEL SERVICES Text: Acts 2:38 8:15 P.M. AFTER CHURCH SONG-FEST Come along: and enjoy this old- fashioned time of singing your favourite hymns and choruses. Everyone welcome. 5 Helen Ransom and Mr. Stan- ansom were visitors in Youngs- Ohio, last week. Mrs. William a returned with them. Speaker: Mr LATE WILLIAM DICKIE certainly came in like a lion ith this past week's weather, is as if we might, say “m llke out like a lamb." 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC HOUR thM OBITUARY a) rd Abernethy and child ham were Saturday v1: 1'. and Mrs. Josepu Ul'r Ransom and Mr. Stan Mr. Geo. Selkirk Toronto Ae you still holding Library Books aken out before the Library closed in December? If so get them back beâ€" fore March 12th. After that (late a .ne of 20c will be levied on each book Axlctices will :be sent to borrowers holding overdue books 1 week after due date. Kindly «co-operate on get- ting books back in time. The Kiwanis Music Fes‘fval Assoc- iation of Toronto_colebrating their 3th annual Kiwanis Music Festival .ast week, and many from Richmond Jill and district praticipated in the events. Among the wmnem ml Richmond Hill, were Joyce Perkins, daughter of_ Mr. and‘ Mrs. F. R. Per- Richmond Hill, were Joyce Perkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Per- '(ins. Church St.. who won a 2nd in the Piano Solo event for 1] years and under; also little Miss Berry Ander- son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Beresford Anderson, Centre St., a 2nd in Piano Solo for 7 years an!: under; and the Misses Alice and Syl- via Mercredy won 51 2nd in the Piano Duo. Congratulations are certainly in order to these young- people who have worked hard and long in order to receive such an honour. Master Donald Saunders of Will- Master Donald Saunders of Will- owdale. boy soprano. was the winner of the W. R. Willard scholarship, worth $50.00. In the short space of six iYears the Kiwanis Music Festi- val as become recognized as one of the outstanding musical events of its kind in the world. K IWANIS FESTIVAL WINNERS DEADMAN â€"â€" In loving memory of a dear dad, Walter Deadman, who pas’sed away March 6, 1948. Your last parting; wish We would like to have heard And breathed in your ear Our last parting word. Only those who have lost Are able to tell The pain in the heart At not saying farewell. â€" Ever remembered by daughter Jean and son-in-law Bill. *1w37 ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D. Rector Sunday, March 13th, Lent 2 10 3.111. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer and Ser- mon, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,†second in series on The Lord’s Prayer. 3.30 p.m. â€"â€" Adult Conï¬rmation 3.30 p.111. â€"â€" Adult Conï¬rmation Class 7 p.m. â€" Ev_ening Prayer and Ser- mon by the Rev. W. G. Michell, Rector of All Saints’ Church, King Wednesday, March 16th, 3 pm. Devotions, subject “The Holy Spirit.†All are cordially invited. UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B. A. Minister Sunday. March 13. 1949 10 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Morning; \Vorship. Mr.‘ C.. W. Pugh, M.A.. of Toronto, representing; The Ontario Temperâ€" ance Federation 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Worship. Special music. Holy Communioi ï¬rst SLinday of every month. 7:30 pm. Ash Wednesday, March 2 â€"â€" Short Evening Lenten Service. ALL SAINTS ANGLIC‘AN (‘Hl'RCH King, Ont. Rev. D. C. Michell, Rector 10 a.m. â€" Morning Worship ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Oak Ridges (Yonge Street & Jefferson) Rev. D. C. Michell, Rector 11:15 am. â€" Morning Worship Holy Communibn fourth Sunday of every month. Maple 7 run. -â€" Evening Worship. 8:3‘ pm. Ash Wednesday, March 2 â€" ghort Evening Lenten Service PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister K Sunday, March 13, 1949 10 am. â€"â€" The Sabbath School. 11 a.m. â€" Public Worship, and Ded- ication of Choir Vestments. Everybody welcome ‘ IN THE MATTER of the Estate of REUBEN HENRY KEFFER, late of the Village of Maple, in the Coun- ty of York. Retired, deceased â€" ALL PERSONS having- any claim against the late Reuben Henry Keff- er who died on or about the 9th day of February, 1949, or against his es- tate are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of March 1949 after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been re- ceived. DATED at the City of Toronto‘ this 25th dav of February 1949 bv WILLIAM __C_(_)OK _& GIBSON, 912 ARDWELL â€"â€" and Mrs. Lionel R. Cardwell, Richmond Hill, are happy to announce the birth of a son at York County Hospital, Newâ€" market on Fri<l_2\y, March 4, 1949. A brother for Lionel Bruce. Mother and baby doing Wen- ,, lLAKY â€"â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leary (nee Frisb'y), Gormley, twin sons at the Brlgrbush Hospital, Stoufl’ville on Friday, March 4th, Wliilaln and Eriwaru, brothers for Mary Jane. ’ Fedpral Building, Toronto 1, Ont i0, Solicitors for the Executors. Building Contractor Specializing in Carpentry, Plumbing, Plastering and General Repairs III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII) Notice to Creditors ST. STEPHEN’S ANGLIC’AN (HURéH PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Phone 86 Richmond Hill H. C. TAYLOR Old Country Tradesman LIBRARY NOTES All are welcome. IN MEMORIAM BIRTHS â€"â€" Apply to â€" ('Xwiy'h' ‘Ml‘. howard Caines would like ;hank his many friends and neig hours for their kind aSSistance me time of his sale recently._ A1 0 Markham Twp. for removmg ;he snow from property on the d: )f the sale. clw .on of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Vaughan for approval of its [By-law Number 1586, intituled: “By- law Number 158-6; A By-law to place restrictions on Township lots 31, 32, 33. 34 and 36 in the First Concession of the Township of Vaughan†- as amended by By-law number 1630. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the 15th day of March, A. D. 1949. at the hour of ten o’clock in the Fore- noon, at the Board’s Chambers in the Parliament Buildings, in the City of Toronto, for the Hearing of all parties interested in support of or opposing this application. DATED at Toronto this 28th day of February A.D., 1949. EL'CHRE The monthly afternoon ie the ausplces of the L nary of Veterans will be .Iome oï¬ Mrs. G. Fraser, In Tuesday afternoon at All ladies welcome. 'IN THE MATTER of Section 406 f “The Municipal Act†(R.S.0. 1937, Thapter 266), (as 1'e-enac-ted by On- ax‘io Statutes 19-41, Chapter 35‘, Secâ€" iori'n 13), and amendments thereto. mt \l’I’OIN'l‘MEN’l‘ FOR HEARING ONTARIO Ml'NIUH’AL BOARD The 'Receptionist for Richmond Hill ofl'ice, pleasant enthusiastic per- sonality, able to meet public and take charge of small office handâ€" ling diversiï¬ed interests. Must be an accurate typist, shorthand nec- essary. Apply The Liberal Box No. 5 IN THE MATTER of an ,11' 1'1 1“ DAVID McLEAN SELLS REAL ESTATE EX PRESSES TH ANK S DOMESTIC 0N JEWEL Waxed Paper Paslry Flour Cake Mix . . . MONARCH CHOCOLATE Tide.... Tea... Chum . .. 2 FBOD SAVER DIRTS OUT WITH MONARCH Texas Spinach 2 CHATEAU 0R K R A FT Oranges . . DOG FOOD FRESH GREEN RED ROSE FLORIDA JUICE BLACK DIAMOND M4 WANTED M. B. ' SANDERSON, Secretary DANCE 31' U] MARSH SEEDLESS are M CHEESE at m id at Mill Me 1111 applica 1w34 m Orange 8 oz. I’ekoe Pkg. Size 220‘s 11‘ m at GRAPEFRUH 00.000900 00.9600000000000OOOOOOOWOWWOOOO. VOMNMOOOOMOOO®MOOOOOOOOOMOONOWOWOâ€; 9.900990000990009000OOWOOOOOOOO'SWNâ€0.0â€...†11 oz. Tins 3: Showing at 7.44, 9.44 100 ft Roll 3 Plus “SUPERMAN†PART 3 § 5, 4 .900000096090606909090600QOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOMWQ lbs. Doz 24 Hour Serv 37 YONGE ST. Mr. landings Builds His" Dream House Showing†at 7.33 See and hear JOHN MCCORMACK, the great Irish Tenor In 'Technicolour ‘ Showing at 7.36, 9.39 â€" Plus â€" MONDAY TO FRIDAY “ Wings of the Morning†“The Noose Hangs High†Box Office Opens 6.45 Free Parking Wednesday, Thursday â€" March 16, 17 ANNA BELLA. HENRY FONDA. LESLIE BANKS Monday, Tuesday â€"- March 14, 15 ,‘ARY GRA’NT. MYRNA LOY. MELVIN DOUGI, Royal Theatre AURORA WANDERING THROUGH WALES and CARTOON Last complete Show 9.00 pm. 31c 496 356 37c 58c Zlc 29c “ Alias A Gentleman †35c FridayTSEturday â€"â€" March 11, 12 WALLACE BEERY in ‘E‘ A X I --- Teiephone 386W JACK BRILLINGER g' at 7.33, 9.39. Last complete show 9.00 Also ‘MAR‘CH OF TIME’_and CARTOON riday, Saturday â€"â€" March 18, 19 BUD ABBOTT, LOU COSTELLO in PLUS SUPERMAN N0. 2 Showing Friday at 7.44, 9.44 Spaghetti LIBBY‘S OGILVIE'S Vita-B Cereal Velvet Cake Flour 2332' Tomato Juice 3 ROBIN HOOD VELVET Peaches . . . . Salad Dressing FANCY QUALITY MIRACLE WHIP Tomatoes FIRM, RED, RIPE Head Lettuce FRESH CRISP AYLMER CHOIC‘E 109 Size 96‘s Operated by Meter Box Office Opens 5.45 Saturday Matinee 1.45 With Tomato Sauce SAT K: HOLIDAYS Last complete show 9.00. RICHMOND HILL 25c 20 oz.‘ Tin For 16 oz Jar Heads 20 oz. Tins 16 oz l’kg‘. Cello I’kgr 29c 25c 39c 12c 25c 27c 49c 25c 25c JAS