50060000009( 9064! 006000609000000600000000000000000005 RICHYALE STOP 2(1. 0 9900609600000030000000 CARS PAINTED â€" $20 AND UP IXPERT BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS (ARS' CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED (. UA R.»‘.‘.\l'l‘EI<ID WORK MANSHIP Phone Thornhill 212i‘12 C b 909¢00000000¢ 0000000000000000000000000000000000†AUTO BODY YONGIi ST. 00000000000000000000 )0 EXTENSIVE AU I l‘V'IODERN NEARLY NEW POWER FARM CTION SALE OF MACHINERY, DAIRY EQUIPMENT, 300 TON HAY AND FURNITURE- Thc Property of . HUBER F R A N K D MW 12. (“ONt‘ESfllON 4. T NORTH YORK TOWNSHIP '1 Mile North of 'i\"ilson Ave. on Keele St. at Downsview. 5 Miles South of N0. 7 High\ 'ay' THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1949 FARM IMPLEMEN'I‘S 1 New Holland Pickâ€"up Hay Baler, complete with \Y..\'t‘~11>‘111 air-cooled Y-l motor used on this iarni only one season ] .Iohn Bean Quick Ilay Maker 7 ft. Power Mower. complete with 2 cylinders to crack hay stems. Used only one year; 1 M-‘H No. 11 Side Rake, near new 1 Meyers Field Bale Loader for use with L‘itlltl' wagon or truck loadâ€" ing. Used only one season. 11.3 (i. S. Senior I Masseyâ€"llai'ris » T\\iii Power CLPlow Tractor, near ly new, on rubber, complete with PTO, starter. lignts and puliey. This tractor is in exctptionally good condition. ' lilulky All Steel Bale Elevator for elevating baled hay, straw, loose grain and silage. Complete with 2-1 elevator and ext'cnsions "up to -lt'u‘ft., near iii-w and in good conâ€" dition, _ l‘l'iiC Mower, (3 ft. cut. good with tractor and horse hitch Cockshutt Binder, 7 it. new with tractor hitch Ford Dump 'i'ruck. 1:141. 712 ft. x 12 ft.. Anthony body with box for cut. near H "go «He .. " gravel and racks for cattle. with . 4 ft. extension for hauling~ hay. .‘ New motor last fall by Little Bros.. .‘ in Weston. Excellent shape. 1 Farm “aeon on steel wheels, near new ‘ 115 Ft. Hay Rack 1 New 1 HP. Electric Motor ,1 “Gilson†Standard S Can Milk ’h Cooler with agitator (electric) 1 "Magnetic" DeLaval Milking: Ma- _' chine, 2 stainless steel units g0 ". with milking" machine, 11 stall . cocks, sanitary tank, vacuum con- "t’rol'ler, 2 drain valves. brushes. around 100 ft. of piping and wiring 2 More Units of “Magnetic†DeLa- " Val ‘Milker to be sold separately, 1 stainless. 1 other. Steel Feed Chute Beatty Litter Carrier, bucket and car, very good shape 1 Beatty Milk Carrier, coniplt‘te with car 1 3 HP. Electric Motor 5 Bales of Baler Twinei .1 Beatty Hay Fork Car. large size, near new About 300 Ft. of Draw Rope, good 1 Ilay Fork, new 1 200 Gal. Steel Water Trough 1 Extension Ladder Quantity of Lumber 1 Set 4 Sec. Drag Harrows, with 2, :l and 4 sec. drag bars I One-Man Cross Cut Saw 1 Stone Boat 5 Hot Bed Sash . Number of Steel Fence Posts Number of New 11 Quart Covers. green color 150 Ft. Draw Rope l 1 1 Basket Number of Drive Belts 1 Large Tarpaulin Quantity of Fly Spray 1 Steel Oil Drum with tap 1 Wooden Water Barrel Number of Cedar Fence Posts Number of Cattle Feeding Troughs 1 Hay Stock Feeder on skids 1 Wash Tub 1 Milk Plunger 1: Barrel of Molasses 2 Iron Kettles l Pile of Manure 1 Pile of Lumiber Quantity of Oak Lumber .1 tlcod Logging Chains 1 Hay Knife Number of Wagon Tongues 1 Show (.‘ow Covers 1 Show Calf Covers 1 Double Solution Rack .for Milking, Machine 1 Milk Scale 1 New bull Chain 4 Cow Chains 3 Cow Halters 2 Dog' Kennels l tear, 2 Front Steel Wheels for row crop Oliver Cockshutt Tracâ€" tor No. (30 1 (Liod Barn Stairway 1705s. Shovels, Hoe and «ther small articles. Mostly all implements in this sale are nearly new, mostly all used only one year on this farm. They are good and in good condition. 1 All Steel Driving Shed 25’ x 50‘ 1 Duro Water Pressure Pump, com- plete with motor and tank FURNITURE 2 Chesterï¬elds, very good 1 Wooden bed, modern style maple, springs and mattress Several Chairs 4 Lawn Chairs Number of Lawn Seats 1 Guerney Modern Combination Range, 4 electric element burners. electric oven, coal and wood, etc. Number of Pots, Pans. and other useful kitchen articles 1 Butter Churn, new, 1 gal. size 1 Gramophone 1 Mop Wringer, nearly new Number of Linoleums 1 Pair of Child‘s Skis 1 Pair of Child's Ski Shoes. size 6 ‘ 1 Pair of Child‘s Hockey Skates. size 6 shoes HAY AND STRA‘V A number of bushels of Alfalfa Seed Approx. 60 Ton of Good Mixed Hay. cut. mOstly alfalfa Approx. 40 Tons Loose Hay, ï¬t for baling About 30 Tons Baled Oat Straw About 20 Tons First Class Baled Hay About 1.5 Ton Second Cut Alfalfa Baled Hay, ï¬rst class About 60 Ton of Baled Alfalfa, ï¬rst class Hay . 40 Tons of Red Clover and Alfalfa Hay, mixed, ï¬rst class. baled Approx. 25 Ft. Red Clover and A1- falfa Silage 111111181‘0115 1 Electric Light Fixture . Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1 p.1n. Farming Discontinued. Land Subdivided Ken. & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. Markham P.O., phone Markham 206; Milliken P.O., phone Agincourt 52w3. _.,..u,vy,mu.-.. ._ when considaring your donation, remember the! Ihis yea: lho Canadian Red Cross needs 5 Mil- lion Dollarsâ€"40% more than the previous appeal. King City District News Mrs. (ireen Heads Ladies' 1.eL"ion .\U\llI:ll'} A Ladies†Aiixi.i:ii'y in King lit.‘.‘ .- No. 121.‘.('ziiiziili:iii Legion '.\:i~ iii ized on Febit'ai'y ‘_’.\ ‘.\1iii [one \'~ . iiiander H. A. Phelps. liichnionil lli.‘. Mrs. E. Tilbie and Mbs ll Lora. secretary and treasurer i’t‘slwi'ltv ;. to the Ontario Provincial t‘oiiiiirizi.‘. in charge. Mis, 'lilbie stinki- oi‘ [lit duties of iiienibeis to the ‘ ion bianch, llit‘il' oppoiiiiniiv :1 render loyal support and inspirazioii. These officials t‘iiliilllilli:(".l the l’H'Jl eï¬'ort to organize pointincr to tho success of other similar a‘i'oiips elseâ€" where. Mrs. Tilbie and conducted election of otl‘icers followâ€" ed by installation. Fil'ieeii iiieinberr; were initiated, wtih expectation of increased inrnibeisliip. Iladg'es wer- presented and regulations governing" legion policies and objects were (lir- trihuted. Mrs. Arthur (il'c't'n was appointed president: Mrs. Clarke ï¬rst vice pres; Mrs. (leore'e lillines second vice pres.: Mrs Arthur Flett. secretary; Mrs. .I. A. Oe‘ilvy, treas- . _V , itit' 1 1t.7 zissislniil. urer; Mrs. 11. Cunningham. color bearer; cxeciztive, Mrs. M. Astles. Mrs; Jack Walker, Mrs. E. [lice and Mrs. D, Paton; Committee heads- are to be chosen. Public Meeting: to Hear Charles K. Bantock, March 17th A provisional committee establish- ed to organize for a proposed Chamâ€" ber of Commerce for King: Yillae‘e. announces a public meeting: in Mc- Donald and \Vell‘s hall. on Thursday. March 17, at 8 p.1n. Mr. Charles K. 'Bantock of the Ontario office of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, will be the special speaker. Mr. Ban- tock has had extensive experience in organizing throughout the province of Ontario and is well versed in the problems in relation to public reli- tion within the coiiimnnfly. The speaker's subfect is “Building- Your Community.†This meeting: will prove interesting and infoimatiw to the entire community within the vili- age and surroundingr district. The development of King: as a rural com- munity centre, the proportion of its usefulness to the farming- industry. how it meets the essential necds of its citizens. why it merits expansion and greater services. are anan the things to be learned from Mr. lanâ€" tock. Persons chosen for the acting committee will be voted upon March 17. Bob McLeod will be temporary chairman of the public meeting. Athletic Association Hosts to Crowd iCapacity crowds patronized the oy- ster supper and dance sponsored by Lake Marie and King Athletic Assocâ€" iation on March 4th. Food ï¬t for a king pleased those who crowded the United church basement for supper of oysters and salad plates. The dance held in McDonald and Wells' hall was also well attended. The Athletic Association was well pleased with the entire event and the Woniâ€" en's Institute who prepared the supâ€" per were congratulated on organiza- tion of a well planned meal and ser- vice. H. H. Newsome Inlerred at King A resident of King- foi' the past five years, Mr. Henry H. Newsome passâ€" ‘iv‘ .. off i- Monday. 1’19 i‘ii.ii'y 2‘. at i l 1:... lllvwi “ .\e.\.iizirl».i" . \ .«‘1 l" ‘..-i,llt"'ll ii. L-i! a f ‘. tl;i_w 1,, I .i]1.lll :icillwni {lt'h‘ll "ii , c .m. New» ill‘ii‘ had ‘H'tll 21‘: ll .' I-il Li i-ri, in ‘ j.iiii\ .11 l.. mt‘ ‘i i ".ii ii!;i ‘t.l {1 .m“ 31",“; r i i , lli l.l_i. V.‘ 1i-siii'rti-i‘ i i 1 it‘illlJlll‘l} Jillil maili- :ii;ii:_, 1 W s ‘iiiiiu‘: ill" lli“3..iuiiiis iiiid l .,11:il> All.xk"~‘\'\lllli-'\\:1\;l:Ilt'llle ~i l l\‘: Baptist i-l.iiici Jillil was i w .;.r 'itieiidaiii of km: l'iiitui i .111 i :id‘. i‘. l'iil'b‘ 1’. .ss. llin'misin .\:i- lit-ll: Iii' grails ago :i'. Ililllli‘lii' » ~1Illl. 1 i'lliilll.. commie in Canada vi? yi:i.s new to settle :11 l\'w\.\' “burl. ft in him. Lâ€) [We yiare lll' was t'ilr lthi_l‘ti \\jlii (illlziirl's iixpilxs. :11111‘ 131 ‘_’-l ytais was a trusted i-iiiployct- ii‘.' the (it), Il:iii'_\', ltll' \\\'l:li‘li he \\‘:i‘ iillr' oi' the cailiest di-ivirs. lie was :.ii oiiaiiial member of Borih-ii's (lolr ciiiiiiecail lli(ii‘liiii~tl Hi. St .Alltll’ti'iv‘s Stit‘li‘l). Teioiiio and while in Toronto was a iiieinbei- the Anglican faith. In ltiill his \iil'c the former Louise Ann I'lâ€" [H'I' piissnl away, and l' ter he mar- iied Dorothy Ae‘iies .loliiiston who survives hiiii. Also Sill‘VlVintl' is :i son. Herbert Neu‘soiiie. a daughtei Bernice Newsonic. both of Toronto. and a Slt'DASOD, William (i. Taylor- oa' Windsor. The iunei'al >(‘1'\‘|i'e was Ilield from the late residence on Well-- iiesdziy and was conducted by Rev. W. E. Smalls-y, assisted by Rev. M. R. .lenkinson. There were many floral tributes from neighbours. ihuich friends and many others. In- ‘ termeiit was made in King~ ceinetci'v. Evci'sley \V. A. will sponsor a pot- luck supptr at the school house on Thursday. March thh. commencini.r at seven o‘clock. Afterward cmkin- ole will be played. Everyone is in- vited to attend and enjoy the social St. Patrick‘s time. Eversley \\'.‘M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. R Farren on March 10 Readeis Owinc: to the sudden death of the correspondent's neigh- bour, Arthur Wellesley. at the moni- ent of writing", remaining copy will be carried over for another week. Mr. Wellesley passed away shortly after non. March 7. sufferine‘ a fatal atâ€" tack of i'oronai‘v thrombosis in (li‘een's (lei‘erai Store in King: E. .I. HINSON , Interior & Exterior Decorator Elm Grove Oak Ridges or Phone Thornhill 212r12 Ill-IIIIIIIIIIIIIII. dciici'est choir and was ‘ \\lll1 the l.tl.t).l‘. tor Jill years. He] was :i l'oi lilt i' secretary of the Bro. Proï¬table DirCoT More Essential Now Than Ever Due to year: of cultivation and growing o‘f crops the soil becomes depleted of many necessary minerals, etc, consequently many grams do .115 \V not contain adequate nutritive value. This is one reason for the need of supplementary feeds to make a pm- perly balanced ration for dairy cows. You can't get milk without feed. The more a cow will eat the more milk you will get. But the feed must be properly balanced and contain the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals as well as proteins and car- bohydrales. To make more money, keep only well bred cows and iced them In the limit with Blalcliford’s Dairy Meal which is very palatable, contains abundant quantities of all the essen‘ tial vitamins, minerals and is (he most economical Iced you can buy. For Sale by RICHMOND HILL FARMERS’ PHONE 10 SUPPLY RICHMOND IIILL yaw; 3“.- can save his life In a far, northern settlement, a man meets With a serious accident. Were it not for the Red Cross, this, and scores of ,other sick and injured people. would be ' without medical or hospital care. But the 75 Red Cross Outpost Hospitals are-ever ready to serve isolated settlers. Last year over 70,000 patients received treatment through these hospitals. This is part of the work YOUR Red Cross is carrying on. You are asked to help save lives on these lonely frontiers, to provide aSSIStance to crippled veterans. to send relief wherever disaster strikes, the Red Cross Free Blood Service. to extend help humanity everywhere. to support 'l‘ranst'usion to suffering The Red Cross work being carried on in a thousand ways is made possible by you and thousands of other Canadians. (live Red Cross services also include: for CI‘Ipp/cd_Children, Nutrition Services, Home Nursuzg Courses. Swimming and willingly, generously. (live now! Treatment Water Safely, I/Vommi’s VVor/r Actii'ilics, NC. 7M5 l5 Val/.2 WORK â€"- ï¬ll/E / -15>? ‘->>.\'x .J. _._______.â€"__â€"â€"__â€".â€"____.___ 5000000000‘ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 .1 111C ,1 Oliver Stiï¬' Tooth Tractor ('uitivaâ€" AUCTION SALE OF F.\R.\’I IMPLEMEN'I‘S. l.|1-('. TRACTOR. (ASE TRACTOR. ll.\\i. Fl'RNl'Il'RIC, ETC. The iiiopirty of l.. 11. lllt'liS Lot ti. Concession ‘_’. \auuhan T“ p. Noithuest (‘oiiiei' of lzithiii'st St. 11111 No. 7 Highway. 1‘| iiiiles \\es1 of Thoinhill \\'EI)_\'ICSD.\Y, MARCH lti, 19111 HORSES 1 Black eldiiiu'. 1'1~'111L" 4 years. Pc-l‘ t‘lIL‘l’Oll 1 Iron (li'ey Filly, rising I‘. years, Percheron l.\1PLET\1El\"1‘S Farmall A Tractor on rubber. This tractor ' in exceptionally good COIIIllthII. I Row Crop (ultivator mentioned tractor. l ('ase Tractor Model (‘ on steel. complete with pulley. This tractor is in excellent working: condition. 1S iii in above tor, power lift. 1 Case Spring Tooth Dru}: Harrow. 25 teeth 1 (‘ase Manure Spreader. almost new, tractor hitch also horse hitch M»H Binder. 6 ft. cut. tractor hitch M~H Mower, 5 it. cut Deeriiig' Mower, ti it. cut M-ll 11»11oe Drill Coultcr and Scott 12â€"hoe Drill Oliver Corn Cultivator McCormick Corn Binder Oliver Tractor Plow. 2-furr0w Sulky Rasz 1 Steel Land Roller Fleiu'y Cutting Box. 12 inch, comâ€" plete with pulley and pipes and sets of knives. 1 Set of Ensilae'e Silo Distributing Pipes 1 Steel Wheel Truck Wagon. gear 1 Set Sleiuhs ‘2 Flat Hay Racks 1 Set 3»See. Drag Harrows 1 Corn Shellei' 1 Fanning Mill 1 1 1 wigâ€".HflflHgflfl farm Set Stewart Hand Power Clippers Electric Fence Unit Buckeye Electric-Starter 1 Battery Broodet, 600 chick capacity 3 Coal Burning Brooder Stoves, 100 chick size 1 Extension Ladder :1 Rolls Snow Fence 100 Ft. Endless Thresher Belt Quantity of Used Timbers: Quantity of Used Lumber Quantity of Corrugated Iron Quantity of Firewood 1 Barrel Spaye, new Quantity of 4 inch Land Tile Quantity of Loose Hay, Timothy. in the mow. . Forks. Shovels, Hoe, Rakes. Chains and numerous other articles Some piles of Scrap Iron. FURNITURE I 1 Electric Gilson Refrigerator, large 10 cubic feet, nearly new and in good condition Ice Refig'erator. good Barrel Churn, with pulley attached Butter Worker Bedstead and Spings Double Bed, springs and mattress Dresser 1 Large Chest of Drawers Single Bed with springs 'Dining‘ Room Table, extension; 1 ._-...‘,_.._a_._l._‘_. buffet; 6 dining room chairs, fu-l med oak. good condition 1 Console Radio, 9 tube. RCA Victor 1 Cellar Fruit Cupboard Numerous other useful articles Terms cash. No reserve. farm sold. Sale at 1 p.m. D. B. Goulding, Clerk KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Aucts. Markham P.O., phone Markham 208 Milliken P.O.. phone Agincourt 5‘2w3 00000000000000â€0000000000 ELECTRICAL WIRING House, farm and all electrical alterations, all makes washing machines serviced. Yerex Electric Phone 242 Richmond Hill “000000000000000000000000 also of 0000000000000m0000000000 WOODWORKIN G Windows and Door Frames Window Screens, Storm Sash Bathroom Cabinets, Cupboard Doors. Berry Crates, Rose and Garden Trellis. Lawn Mowers Sharpened and Repaired Aub. Nichols Phone Richmond Hill 1341‘31 «cocooooomomumo ‘3 1 THE LIBERAL. Richmond ll.ll. Thursday. March I“. 1‘.I1'.' '1' IIIIIIIIIIIll!!!IIIIIIHEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIO York County Hog Producers' Association ANNUAL MEETING llt‘ llt‘lil ill lllt‘ Agricultural Board Room. Newinarket FRIDAY, MARCH 18th 10:30 A31. Draw l'or door prizes at 111.2111. Free lunch at noon. ELECTION OF '1‘()\\'NS11‘11’ DIRECTORS SPEAKERS: W. P. Watson. Live Stock CUIIIIDI>SIOIICIH W. E. Tummoii. Sec. Ontario Iloe' Prodiicei's‘ Assoc. ALSO REMEMBER York County Bacon Carcass Show and Seed Fair Town Hall. Newmarket. 'l‘uesday. March 22 D. Mt-Cae'ue, Pres. W. .\l. (‘ockburin Sec'tv (lorniley. R. R. 2 Newmarket I I , -. III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIII-IIIIIIHIIII CONCRETE ‘ BLOCKS 8 inch 'Zlc Delivered 10 inch - 24c Delivered WINTER PRICES SAVE MONEY ON YOUR BLOCKS ll. IIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIEIEHI IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIEEE[HIE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Order now for summer delivery at guar- anteed winter prices above. No deposit required. RICHMOND BUILDING MATERIALS THORNHILL 2121‘1-2 CANADIAN CEMENT SUPPLIED REASONABLE WITH ORDERS 000000000000000“00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00000000000000090000 \ n ircA. aA‘â€".â€"7 c 7 r .7 \r\77 .7 .«ï¬ï¬‚ ‘ .0000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 yT'. a . . I' . . ‘ i ‘ W A N T E D RICHMOND HILL OR MAPLE DISTRICT l Acreage 5 to 10 or more for development. Also farm 100 to 200 acres on Markham Rd. or Yongc St. ( i CLIENTS WAITING. SOME WITH ALL CASH. ERNEST RIDOUT, Realtor NIELS AE. ANDERSEN 8â€"1 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill Tel. 45:3W: Evenings 4. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 SELLING YOUR HOME? YOUR REAL ESTATE T00 Needs Foresight and Planning Do it when you can not when you must. ERNEST RIDOUT Richmond Hill Office ’ MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD Telephone 455W and Evenings 455.1 ‘ NIELS AE. ANDERSEN City-wide co-operative and Exclusive Connections 0000000000000m000000 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -. 0 0 0 0 i ( 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000N00000000000“00000â€0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000.‘ I 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000090000000000 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPLETE COVERAGE IN REAL ESTATE ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE FOR BUYER AND SELLER ALIKE. A SERVICE CONSC'LT US HERE OR AT ANY OF OUR TORONTO OFFICES. MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD LIMITED 00000000000000000000000000â€00000000000000000 OF TRUST AND CONFIDENCE. CORDIALLY YOURS. NIELS AE. ANDERSEN si YONGE s'i‘.. 155.1 _ now 00 000000000000000 9 00000000