Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1949, p. 8

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S TIIE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thursday. .‘darclr ltr. lttltt . .v‘s .9100000000000.0“000000”m¢«wmm00 TINSMITH EAVES'I‘ROIIIIIIINU ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PL‘ASI‘. l-‘I'RN \(‘IZS Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces PAUL DOBOIS Richmond Hill 0‘ ‘..0...-Q‘-F o- 0009‘ 4- 94 30000000 00‘s.. 'I‘elcphone 3-.I v-an.‘y¢5-“"fi".¢ tower: 00:). Euchre 8 fiance Wednesday, March 16th 8.00 P. .\I. SALE OF HOME BAKING Afternoon Tea with Teacup Read'ng 3 to 5 p.m. VETERAN’S HALL, Steele’s Ave. MARTIN’S ORCHESTRA Sponsored by the Doric-aster Ladies' Club ADMISSION 50c LUCKY DRAW { ‘5' I ‘7. .V, ., .7777 ,cv A , r 77 "r 7’ Green Lane, ThornhilI Usingr No. 1 quality skins only. followingr are sonic of the coats currently made on our premises. Made to the latest styles the garments below are, put down in order of their demand and popularity. PERSIAN LAMB PAW CANADIAN EASTERN MUSKRAT BACKS RUSSIAN PERSIAN LAMB CHINESE GREY KID. RUSSIAN SQUIRREL SIIORTIES CANADIAN BEAVER CANADIAN MINK We do not handle any rabbit products or other per- ishable furs. CHRIS ADAM REITER ‘ Telephone Thornhill 37R2 r l .\| Mt tornrrruoit} Swimming lo Be In Operation This Summer I \‘t'rzr \ w ..‘. 4.1 t .\.t-. :r r - i...rl_' r'r r1.‘.rro!l t‘r skt II 'r r‘ rated n 'Irrwrrrrrrll l‘; he n . til en ‘r' T. \\. It“ I r " ‘ e i\':. ~ It. I rrl‘ ir' II' I \l‘_ s lr lr tr“ t. r .l r ' to Sinner Iv Son of I‘. .s ll..itlllecl ttr lltt‘n.‘ 'Ill t'rrs n. rth o: wimn'r'g I".~ltllt‘ al. tie ct rrstruzs'mr. 'rr rl qulv lii‘tior. or“ .r'rris I . rr. .‘r' wrr'trzot t'tr Inc \It‘t‘i has .rop h-r. .Ilr rti‘s Ili:\t' li-i't‘ >lr:l'rt' Iv" lit irrrira' tor tirr tilt Ln; mp yll t S‘tt‘t' [it"t 'lzs l:.1\r' 'Irtt‘. )Ilt'llitrt‘tI .-1T the hathlrousw and the pml itsell. lire likx'lk‘illi’rlliti t«‘.‘TI-x est :I- .t's I"e pr'irrc't will iigrrno, hall of which Las heen , try IitltIHll I.I'ttrir Irl I,:'.t.'ircltri't I:r.1rr~. A dri\e for funds to raise ll? ealv ..rrc \\lll he undertaken try the Thornhrll Ilistrict Lions ('lnh at a date to he annotzrri‘cl later. Teams of canvassers will cover the district. and .2 is lrcped the rrroney \\ill he raised within :1 week. Itonatrov - will lie Ile'lrretalrle try in lrr-enre ' :rs chartahle donations. recognized or the Federal (hwernmcrrt. Lions Club to Sponsor Pubdc SpIak- inc- ('ontcst ’I'hornlrill District Lions (‘luh 15' sponsoring hoys and girls t'rom tne sm-«nrdary s hool nnhlu- sr‘real int: c. nte.~t at the Canadian National I‘lx- lri', tiorr next/Fall. Several entries already have heen received. and time wishing to take part streuld tiic errâ€" IITIIITIWItilII'I‘Y with Ilarold lich- lin. chairman of the lidrrcatio'i Cornv nrittce of the Li ins (‘l'rh T'rr or test is open to high school st udtr'.t' tries ‘vith prizes totalling S201] for ‘lrc first five. Preliminary I'Irrrit‘st*- ‘will he held locally. and the Lions (lull has arranged to hold its eon‘vst rt the lx'irhnr rrd Hill High School. I'I’inâ€" ncrs ot' the local contest will ad- vance to finals for Zone 15. eons \- tirr'r trt‘ l'l Ilium: t‘lrrlm in "i’\ l _ triet. Each student will give a pre- l‘f'l'td speech arrl then speak :‘V- tornporancet‘sly on a stilriet't selict» ed. W. I. To Meet on SI. Patrick's Day Thornhrll Women's Institute will hold its regular monthly mceting in the Sunday school hall of Thornlrill Iin IttI Church on Thursday at'r“ - neen. March 17. at 2.15 pm. .‘Tio. Stt tts will he ofl'icial Dusters. Au» riculttne and Canadian Industries \\lil he the tt‘pic ol this mectlng urrde.‘ the corrverrorship of Mrs (ieo. Rey- nolds. and roll call will he an I.\'â€" changc of packets of seeds. .\lrs. tieo, Magyas will be confined to tied for some time hecause of a heart condition. and it is the (Icsire at her marry friends in the district that her recovery will he quick and complete. Mrs. H. Law and Mrs. .I. II. Angel are giving a euclrre at the irozve of .Irs. H. Miren on the :llrt‘r o». Marth. proceeds to Ire arml ‘d to ‘t-e find.\ of the Doncaster Ladies Club Earl Hail: Prescnting Operetta (lil‘rert ck" Sullivan's operetta “I'aâ€" titrrce" is Irerng presented by stridâ€" Hits of Earl IIarg Collegiate Ins‘r- trite in the school's, gymnasium con. mcncirrg \\"er'ncsday, March ltlth and tIl>II'i\I who wish to compete in tlrer l Thornhill District News I'trnl ‘ 1...: I 'tr1_ r.;es'ti-.: ‘.‘.. .‘rrrr' .l‘ ‘t.r.« _\Il'.\. II. III‘slrrlr 'l. .~.zr_‘. -r..hat"~rv \ ‘ilt‘t'ti: orcry is \\‘mrm. t'rr: .\n 1» Ir s lie ?.‘I ..I' Ilemler'son .\xe. ‘ rrr.rler‘.'irrt an "ltl‘lilii‘d. ill I It»‘tt'“l t..rr_ II-I-crrtl;. and airy.â€" t‘ri Il|tlllt' to orrvalesce on Motion}. .r'rn: my . 5. v.»' _\I1. and .\l ‘ [\cnncth ('iuhrrre. [Iot‘rt'zhll‘l] on tr.c r. . 'r. trnrr naught“ r.“ t::e .\ .: .‘ ".!l‘.L t 'oront‘ til-'er'ai Ilttrr rr ' o.r It . March-1th. t'orrgratuizr.iorrs are also extender t» \Ir. ar.-l .\Irs_ l“, Walker of l...lian .‘Itr. on tin lrrr‘tlr of their daughtcr morning. )Itti'vh 1st. tirst .\II. and Mrs. Arthur . Tr I-sday : 'rri‘ lr‘l I for I'Ioehotlram. In It. I. rim... r,. Valentine has opened a itlli'll 'l‘lrorrrlrrll :llt't'l' lid- Shop. Phone 1367 “it” I’F. RA NC E V IL LE The \\'..\. :r.l \\'..\I.F. held their regrlar rrrcetirrg on Thurs-din atteru uard's Ilutelrer in. he rr-rr\ 3.1. at the home or" Mrs. A. I’olliott. Mr. Moddlc exA _v.zIIlr<-<i II|\' t.~.Is'l..Ii.' rtt -I.Irll It lr.rra which Is indeed a topic of eur- l-rr.’ i' ter‘e-t A l>\'t'l\ solo In His: Mildred It‘ollrott was very much aps ulcerated. Marry Irsetur and altrm ire articles were receiyed and this .s a good lntIIt'kltltrlI tor the tall ha- /.aar. A delicious lunch \\as servui ry the Ircstess. Mrs. A. I"ollrott_ We \ere pleased to welcome severnr eucsts and we hope that they will Lt‘t‘l with us each month. r Tuesday evening. Felrruary 23. the \\.I. sponsored another s'rccesst‘ull t‘.r('lll'(‘ at the sehoel. Fifteen tahles played euelrre and enjoyed the social hour which t'ollowe I. .\Irs. .l. (.ourd won lrrst prize for the I: .\Irs.l Ilell second prize and Mrs. Ii. I’hilâ€" ‘ ‘Ips the cor..-Inat:orr, .\lr. Itowarri I t lark \\.rn tirst prize for the ner .I. tiould the second and Boh Ash thei consolation. .nrs. (ICI‘LIIIY dourer .I .ll the prizes and we do appreciate. irer generosity. Tickets were sold on a pair of hand knitted mane and donated hy \irs. Emmerson Batcman. The sum of ten Iiel'ars was veali'fl‘v' and t“‘s money will be used to send an 0V€1'- I s‘t'zts parcel through CARE. Our sin-r ce.Ist thanks to .rtl'S. Ilr's k'nd gesture. socks Tutu III-III .ul' 'I be next euchre will he Tuesday evening. March S, and everyone. rs .n\ rted to attend. These euchres have hecorne very popular and have greatly assisted the Institute to carry on their many \vor'thwnrle endeavours. r ;l_sir OATI‘TRTIfoâ€"us Blenders vrl- the 1st Oak Ridges lMy Sv-on‘s t' ill stage a pageant at - St. John's Church. ()ak Ridges, on t‘l’tI'tY. March lltlr at N p.m. The ‘ event will include a demonstration‘ of Scrut haugts. with explarrations‘ s to how they are carried. The troop, which has heen in existence tor two years. is directed hy Fred Lynn as Scottmaster, with Peter, Ilughey as assistant. Admission In the pageant is free and ret'res'nnentr will he served duringr the evening. CARRVILLE i RICIIVALE INA“ riil I.I\A\I 7. its ‘\.ltti.trlr.t. “3 II2i7.'ll.t_'.t : s Last} \‘a .I~'r l r r r r r r r r r ‘..\\t ilii rr ll\I\l a \lre ‘. met-(.11: t1 w r. c s.l. ml rcisczrrerr‘. on .\.r nil throat} '_.\t The .rrcetflr“ Us IIII i m ore \\lrr‘llrt‘: itI’it.r .7 \Il \l'ttcl-r we made to Lie Ilkrluli’ mitt :\;l‘rtrl.lrl‘.t. I’ltt\lllt'l or (tor * r. to: a grant through the Alan». ll;1.r\ .\\‘~.>,li_\' Hi. lire it t ol ‘ re \\.is prev ..cco:rr;rar:.trl lig,‘ .\lr. _\Ii.lcr or he I'errartrnen: o‘f I‘itrtlr'ltlltrll. .-\'.so 'lt\;‘l.l were Ilt'l‘lliA-III‘IWC .‘~Ir. .\II~ \iur.lrjy and t r Irnc'rllor Iitllrs‘ttll or tire Vaughan Township t'ozrrvrl. The ‘IrliliLlllttl\ lllILrititlI lll order to get iris: .‘rzlml .rrtmwrarthn regarning 1.hc l'l‘Itlrltlll or the township's resporr srlr‘lrty rxr ‘Ihc matter of conrvniroi‘, rurllings and pr'oper'lits as they air ticipatc the future will see more of .lrcse prolects instigated in the \'al- pooulated areas of the country- sidc. .\Ir. Alchlurchy informed those rrcselit they \\oIIlIl get fullest ('0- rl‘t'llttitrll in their venture. Speaking t'or Qtzcen's Park, Mr. Lasth outlined the procedure to be .aken to apply for the grant pointing out the land and huilrrrng must In: Ioerit'd to tl-e township to assure that it would he a community centre I’Lr at least twenty years. The hoard it" rnrnagernent would consist oi" two Ilt'mlrers of the township council and live menrhers ot' the community pre» :‘eralrly memhers of organizations Irat l'.a.l participated in the building of the hall or those groups that ld make use of its facilities. .\lr. rrtls r.\liller told the gathering the help. Irotlr tinancial and instructive that could hc had from the Department or" lutiucation through a community plan such as was anticipated in Rich- vzrle. Ile illustrated his remarks with nrotion pictures. A motion was I made to the effect, that the township council he asked to pass a try-law accentIng the property and that an- plication he made to Queen's Park Ior the grant. This was passed on» an mouslr' and the Association's sec- rotary. .\lr. Zryd was instructed to proceed with arrangements. Last Thursday at their regular mentth mreting the I‘Iast’ Vaughan {ate-payers Association held the air- rrual election ot' ofi'i'ers and execu- tivcs who will rule the destiny ot" the organization during the current year. It was unanimously voted that the entire executive remain in 'rfl'ieo with the exception of .\Ir. E. Lambert, the treasurer, who upon his own sugges- ‘tion relinquished his post to Mr. C. Nunn. while he took .\II'. Nunn's post on the hoard of executives. The special meeting of Monday reg rdin;r the hall was discussed and it was moved that the various groups lot the commrnity select mernhers to ‘attend a meeting where a decision shall he made as to the names to he ‘suirrr‘ttv-d to the townshio coun'dl for appointment to the hoard of manage- ment of the community centre It and when the Department of Agriculture approves of the proposal. The date of this meeting has not yet been deâ€" rrrled upon. however it will he in the Richvale school and the groups will the notified ot’ the date. The hoys and girls of Richvale have their recreational groups and last nponth the ladies inaugurated a \\'o- man's Association. This Monday the tinale cam: when the men of the '<-nrnrnnity took a night oft' and 9"â€" thu'ed in the s:hool basement for - ti ill.)- :0“00000000000009000003000000060000000900000000600”, fwrvludmg. Saturday. Mum] 1m: “penny-anml 5mm. pnwr Q . 9 Phi-outs are to ho used to support Th) \\. )m )n.‘ A“ _ Vi. t.” I. (. H; tennis. A lrridge game occupied others 9 : school activities. vino 1mg” 1‘“: jd‘ "Kill; It “xi”; .I_‘llm.1 ‘ v wile some of the more strenouus . . A “MU-0 “WI dim“) “I?” 1”, INN Inee'ing thlmholmIf t'nilrl'soliohir leaned tm‘u‘lr(1.atm°tlt (’H‘Ioavm'~ "\‘H z 0 in Lawrence Memerial llall on Thais» Button" (All Ifigh “(my \Vl‘1)';_'\va< ‘ in all the evening was a success and z A ,1 f . d. d : day. March 17. the euchre cemmcrr» ’f‘mnH'! 13m. \Ia‘1_(.h"]6th‘ illtpti‘nn a't I an Invrltatron rs Vherchy lelxtefirlgg to V , , ,. . L3.1).: at 8 “m. and the dun“. at o p ‘ 1 M ' ‘ ' r ‘ '" the tatrers ot the. nergr rm” oo_ to 3 ‘al a e 01 1mme late 8 1‘ er) 0 In. Proceeds will he in aid of the the LhUMh' lcome Monday evenings # the trnrc. :- v ‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ ‘ V v V ‘ Thernhill Bantam I‘Ioekev ("will lflzl'r. . 3 AND 9 LINE FARM I‘EN(Ifn (IIK BEN {\IVI) “()(I Q Special attractions will he the lucky 0 7 D 7 r 1' Y s. "‘ ‘ "‘ ¢ draw on a refrigerator hv either Fill IN CASE YOURE o - : “IRL H‘ MLDI"‘“ AND “L” 1 “ RIGHTS : Ezinicki or Howie Meeker. who are INTERESTED N0th€ t0 CI'EdltOl'S ' , , . , V “ m. ‘ , Ixnr-tlt t 'r ‘I's t: tln ' 'rsmâ€" _,_74 : (HAIN LINII “IRE ANI) (.RLLN scuou. (.ARDEN : .gfififn‘gf ; ‘59; 151’1300‘1‘.“Hm... I h .t] M th 1 1c TH]. “WWII-the ,.s....t...,r . . . , . . c . . . ,. , ’ . n a ous‘ \\'l 1. r rornrs ‘ .‘ ‘ -‘ .‘ , ., ti-‘ . : MENU; “n” GA’IlEb '10 MAT( 11_ 2 lady and tree reI’res'rnreptn .s ., m In a hm”: with :; hitm.0:)ms \\ILLIAM ARMSTRONG Dc .\t.r\4.\. : : {he-dads rp “theNl‘ht‘trrlyiill' I;:ll‘.tr:n‘:; In a house with 1 bathroom late of the VillageofIRichmond'IIill. O BARB \VIRE 0 {fiviswcill' 1211:2413.“ J ‘m'v‘mh 'f In a house with 0 bathroom and '1“.th (01ml) “I 3011M ll'd‘tltt‘t, H- z 7 AND 8 FT. TIE RAIL S’I‘EEI.‘POS'I‘S. E man in BerlinT‘rf‘nrin"iii Io‘r‘r.ii..Ԥ3r W "I’m "‘illgliwi 1 tit‘iiiL(i.TI:IrsoNS having um- . I - . ~ ‘ ‘ i ‘ rind Saturday in Richmond II‘l‘. It ir " “"9 m 3 p051 m” 0 mm" ragainst the late William Armstronfi’l . 12’ LL lb F1 . FARDI (‘ATED' : because the hot s are entering the ' these. Imw'. ; Dunc; II who died on or about the 13th 3 COMP} ETE STOCK 01: (El) AR pogTig AV” 0 I\'.ng Clancy scrics that this drive It r \\ ” haw mollll'tt‘s 101' entiltess lday of Deccmher 10315) or against his . 1 r A A k s A ‘ 0 fmG has lwcn [)I'Q-glrrized' and l,\- swamps. waste land. farms ano ‘Fstate are rec uired to send rart‘c~ . V r‘ N s ) N C . . ‘ - - l I I 0 LLOIHEb LINE IOLEb G attend rig ths Irish Ball You will horses in all Dr'lt‘t‘ Chm-“Ci ulars of their claim to the undcrsIgH- 0 0 net mr'y benefit yourself hut your at.» f r 1 t ed on or before the 28th day of z : cal hockey team. . March. 1940. after which date the as- . o ‘ The Woman's .i‘.ssoI-iation met in Town and (‘Ountrv Realtor lsets of the Estate will be distributed. 0 “e S'rn‘ay Qchrol hall last Tlrursâ€" I l I . ' ‘ . ‘ lhaving regard only to those claims : 0 ""V :rt't"‘.'noo". Devetrorrs were con- NW?” 1” ‘tho ‘(I‘mfwl‘t‘ A530“ rot' which notice shall then have been . _ ¢ ducted I“. MISS S‘ Baxtm.‘ amxmd raarron ot HCIIIUI‘JSLHIC wards Yeah-ed : 3 "v Iris Geo. Ilr‘ssell. Mrs. Burke Ihornhrll ()t’tlce Phone 12 ‘ DATED at_tl‘-e City of Toronto, . 3 r v. s” , _v I .71 v _ . r . . s ne- Lost Chard.“ During - W. . . ... ltlth 4th day of March. 10-12). by WIL- : 2 LLI/JABLIH SI. I HCNE 20).]. RICHMOND HILL 9 The l)“. “6‘ “hymn. the ‘mrmmge Income... )I'r. (portal), ‘ LIAM COOK & GIBSON, 91.2 Fem o . : . . 'Ihornlnll LW r _ . . . z . co“. m tt“e rerer ed the purchase (if l eIal Burldmg. Toronto 1,0ntar10. Solâ€" 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ooooaa»Mus carpet for the hall staircase of the l'citors tor the Cxecutors. .000000000000000000000000000m00000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000”00000000000000000000 OTHER COVERINGS IN PROPORTION Here’s What We Do Platforms completer rehuilt New filling added Cushions rebuilt Fine selection of fabric 10 Day delivery service Free pickâ€"up and delivery ()Id covering removed Frames repaired, hraced. rcpolished 1‘ \I'ehbing reset. replaced Free Estimates Vv'e ‘arry a complete line of New Chesterfield Suites Our Representatiye will call at Your_Home with samples day or evening. PHONE 747M Occasional Chairs. $50.00 Reward to any one who can bring us a chesterfield we can not make look like new. 161 MAIN ST., NEWh/IARKE’I‘ 00000000000000000000006000000000000¢000000$0000000000060000000000000009Q9¢ Q.QQQQGOQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.§QQ.QQOQQOQOQ.O.©Q.QQOQ9"“...QQQQQQ E A I3-I’iece Chesterfield Suite] S . a n d 0 000000000“ 000000000000000000000000000000000006000000000000000000000000 It Help The 000000000000900 0096‘000900000000000009000000200000000 GARDEN TRACTORS RIDE OR \VALK PRICED FROM $190.00 I‘P BLAC KBURN’S THORNHILL 101 RICHMOND HILL 371.] 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BF AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Wednesday, Mar. 25th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A..\I. TO 12.00 NOON Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 000 00000 00000000000000000000000000’ .00000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 o 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 3 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 u ST. PATRICK'S DAY . 0N DECCA RECORDS 00¢ ASK FOR OUR LIST CF IRISH SONGS B Nti CROSBY YEREX ELECTRIC 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 00000000000000000000000000000000‘0 3 000000000004 I00 LB 31a [6 (05rd- ngloleumzlk' Iepla‘cez'zge-nts ‘ Batch/drifter}; limited Erbnlo ‘ I”. ‘1 I. Ii RICHMOND HILL FARMERS’ SUPPLY PHONE 139 RICHMOND HILL . . . Saves You Fuel Saves You Money! Think of days when you turned on the furnace draft. forgot it, and had to add more fuel . . . wasted money! Think of fall and spring when the furnace went out. Had to be relit. And you shook half-bumch coal through with ashes . . . Muster/money! \\“ith a Thermostat you avoid this . . . because it gives you automatic temptarature control. all the time. just the degree you want. A Thermostat is easily installed and pays for itself usually. the first year. From then on it goes on saving you money. year after year. 9.1.49 3'01! pdi‘fI/r I1 Thermostat (II/ytt'd)! f/JI‘II Hwy/ed f/zc/ . you mfg/J! as u'c/I [ia'z‘c r/l/c.’ (.‘m/i/I/ctc details 0)] rap/CAI. JONES COAL CO. 'I‘I‘IIJCI’IIUNI‘I INS inclining.“ “UL .000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000 ‘A

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