4 1111; LIBERAL. Richmond I'illl. insure... Mart-n 1.. 11142) ‘1 ILIIII’I‘.I{AI\L52\ ILLIt i _â€"â€_â€""7/‘ fl" " T ' ’â€" 7’" "N '7‘ 7 N 7777 Uiin‘ï¬i 7m" tin I'ilil\IlI\' t-;:r‘IIlIlLl'. \i:ii ii ‘I . . .L ‘ I f'iieids :ind llt‘lL’liIiillUI'S 2:1»L1l'llii . I} 'l‘enipeiant-i-y:i.c school Iii 'iuliii‘ a e i Iii“ Iliu‘uer tiraiiuni \\in :i .r:v~~ lki llll‘lli\ Jenner prior to ili‘l lliill‘I i Huge in .\II. Lawrence Siiziiu w RATESalfive lilies or less. $1.â€. cents for first insertion uni 2.3 i'ellls‘ l'i r each subsequent inscriiun. H‘Ci‘l‘ I 'tieiii.ie_\'.Ioi. 11511.1] 111. \Iaui Text-l}. five lines T cents per line extra each ill‘t’l'tlt'll. ll‘ charged to account nine tents pcr iinc I and IiisIciiiI grits- weiI'e Ill‘lI't'i\“ll lil 'I‘cleiltna Richmond Ilil’ ‘J. 9 i' . “‘“H‘ "‘i' i‘illl‘l‘wk‘i 111‘“ “WNWâ€- ; I! i i la a..i=..~i. we wish these ,\"UIIL" were ' every siimtss and happiness l'ni tin- ' J (‘OMIIINA'I‘IUN electric and oil Hi I ‘ MIMI†I . SAIJ ihuiner stove. with ".2 oyens. excelhnt \IIIIIIt-IIIIIL:\IIII' inil rnadeIlIisItI ISIiIiquIinv I ,, II _ I I I I v. I I , ~I V I I II _I _ HI . c wm was \ iIu ‘2'. iii' . . - . . . iummdtimi' iiilliil‘ncimtl iilth-iirtihymfuf WILL MID“ (“H'hl‘f'x ‘IMIA' nil] llli‘l'I as usual this Sunday- at 3 IEIANGILVKTP‘I‘ “1 Digit?“ L'Un'htmn'igitl1:1,ngnï¬andï¬rrt no“ "‘0' C1;\..l;;. Phone lichniond Hill 1111.]. lwil.S ILmI 'I‘IH. “yumâ€..- eoitu‘icuzitinn ;.[. - c ea . .- ))y :'r :1 \mg. 'lwi's‘ . ’ L’ â€"- " _ ., u.- . . .,-. P .e. n... v -â€"â€"-â€"â€"p H ) ) â€", , ,, ,, , , . . (-_\R1)IQN'I‘I«ZIIS. state evcprience and -‘ \IJIII H iII lureL “willâ€! fwd†QUEBEC HEATER 810.00 phone. XOL‘XG “Oils FEIX (0“~ “05113 “$100 CQWUIMI Mm“, “(IX “I Tl“. I'IIIIIII‘kltlI‘I’l I \eryI muIrnI t ll‘\lilllfil\lI'lll . I . 2 q, I I 498]“th l.ack 103(61): Set of “.3198, 1000 nt II ‘ S ' ‘ - I “I: II\' lic cIimi' :iui sou iy . is. . v- “wmhm 1 41 )1 (1“ )7 i lbs. t‘f‘iiacity. Apbly C. Marlow, 1st [“hu‘ll’ . Li“ -A (11â€â€œ4 .“ï¬l‘vlic t'er ll lzlrc'er aittnd~ 1052 DODGE, sedan. $250.00 or best farm north of Markham Rd. on Bay~ “0m. t].,I,,.II\.I,(,,.mti,,,,I Aim},- yhrc-I iIIII‘Vt' this Sunday I I Ofl-CI" Phone Maple “"15‘ "lwlmvvlew' 71w?“ Maude t'onstable co .'\lli.\tllll ll|,isl?,I\_ Iilciilii’ohiiill'l'lilIIIIIIEIILIIIIIIIIX“lilimfiilij iii‘ - . . , . _ . .. .s s .s . . -l Alliston. (int. '_\'»'-»’ . , -\ I > i ‘ m ‘ 1 WHITE SILBAI‘OS seed potatoes,,l<.,\( HANG'E OR OI'I'ERL‘Lruen' m‘ Wediiesnaj.’ ailernoon, March 1:. 1,; while they last. 81.50 ptl' bag: Phone ('urvex precision man's wrist watch ELDERLY MAN {or Initilti‘y and the home of Mrs. Ii'ziclwn. Tm. WiiimWIflle WW3- (‘1W38 1:" W‘l‘gfef “IatChI APIFII-I‘I' small l'ruit farm. no lie:lI\'.\' bulk; III‘III‘.“ I of ('anudiaiIiI Industiies and ' . vc., iciva e. pione ornii Li. I_\ , ,IV 1;,“ 3], The Liberal . ‘r'iwi‘m .A e'ricu ture were a 1 y presented by HEAVY WOIRIxIMarc, sound. PhD“? r4. "lwï¬itf H ‘ I II Mrs. ('. Ilciishaw. From the wide I‘hornhiII 1:1.1, (.eo. Spring, Stop IljiIâ€"I I I I V I I ;; T0 4 ROOMS for mother and _ mug-0 Hr “m. “mutual, indlhltlypx A, Yong-e St. "3\v.-It>'I IAGI‘ANTIIOII? h'ItéfI‘fltSCNC‘ï¬V Electi'ich‘ who.“ boys. S4IIIIIpcr month, phIIon: 53),. ppm“. Hâ€. interesting. Supp.“ Hr angel 5130 0‘30 3110 ’35 ant-1'95 3“ 1.18.] Richmond l i . 103‘ plastic. .\ irodern discovery 1‘ t4 (J .. )v . . , , II . . ,.Il.1slt 1:)ng (INSA- III\L(I\I. 11- ton jtdhm' EleIctIric Pails; (rossley Shelvadm I v I I I has “you,†mum] Inâ€,va me “Sm. SI 000 I If I \I l ‘ l ‘ ‘ Is)"; I- 0' Wat 0 9'. 1110110 -I 3.110" Refrï¬zerators and Hinnian Milkers. T0 RENT T1Ih“ RITER for l0 and “5 Wmâ€, mm aw unlimitm In “1115- "1“"18iJ. A. Rose. Mable. phone 34.]. tfc38 days to reliable local Party. l’henc ‘l iribcr entitled Revolution on the i_____â€"_____â€"_____â€" .I - s, , .I-Ix “ ‘ I 12 ROCK PULLETSI laying Apply I'KNAMENTAL PORCH RAILSI Richmond Hill le. (In sI pump IyIpc-I “(.mhflw thymus]me JOhn Aiken- Refi'ent_St., Elgin IMIHS- stair hand rails, fire doge, fire WANTED: 2 men for factory. \\'(m(l- iIhflthIanIiaaina'I profit?“ and lm'i'i‘ém‘“ Phone R‘Chm‘m‘l 111“ 134F41~ :‘l‘Vi‘iS sueens, fire sets and acetylene weld- working- experience preferred. Ainib' ( “110,1†‘3“ .‘II-‘j’ilil‘um‘lif M" I†FOR REAL FSTATF‘ phone Penn “’3‘ AW†T; Em‘m- 0““ Avem‘ei "9“" 1“ (“M St“ R“"““"““ H‘â€' lid-1UIiiéffli.iiimilmnriu‘0 (ftmliimf .‘ . “ “ I Richvale. tfc35 WWW“ ‘ " ' 5‘. U" T“. ("To .0" Thornhrl: 11,8, tfc4b _ I d. papers winch were interesting. i ' ’ -. (‘ARACE ANiD SEPVICE STA- EXPERIENCED OPERATORS on informatch and very well chosen, 1936 BUI‘CI.‘ SBdfl'h h-L’ht mOdel' TION' Ialso tine cabins‘ suitable for Children's Wear. Lansing. Phone in the motto “Sow 200i] St‘l‘fl-S'Iflll‘l Ea“ef“11i’ drwenï¬nn" ownef' Emil-V housekeepingr the yearli’round. Same Willowdale 886E). Eveninc‘s Willow- I'Pall hal’llim-SS" MI‘S- M. Bei'non "0 Hum Ave" Rlchmond “In†'lw'm owner, for over .20 years. Sell- dale 716. cZwZ-IT stressed the nIIccél for DUNN-"I I†SO\\' . ~ . . R . . ,. . in because of illness. A )IV to E. â€"“â€"‘â€"â€"’"“- W‘“ ‘00“ 0 PINI’GI’RY‘PO. IODPSIY. ZIORSPS' ‘11â€0 10 I)?" “0‘91 Hgyla.tao.o.a.t 1'] in], ~(rpf ' =i:2w:}7 SINGLE MAN to look after orchard and brotherly love in the minds of seed. Applv J. A. Bakei, Maple R. C we- 1 i ‘9 “’o- . .~. 1. V]. I \I l - , . RI 2 phone-GKI‘MI “WI.†on shale basis. Apps . l. A. i - tielr children. The IHIII (all, A BLONDE CO‘CKER'SPANIEh PUI‘ PIES, 0 weeks old, thoroughbreds phone Thornhill 1081'6. c1w38 CABIN TRAILER, equipped. P’hone 1241-31. RANGETTE. McClary, near Apply Mrs. A. Mortson. Richmond Hill 481'14. CLOVER HAY, 10'tons; 900 bushels of mixed grain, barley and oats. Apâ€" dply Phone Maple 15. *2w37 COLLIE PUP. born heelers. M. Summerfelt. Phone Stouf’fyille 64105. c2wIIT SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR; wagon; walking- ploug‘h. Phone Mai)- le 54r4. tfc37 FOR REAL ESTATE, phOne Fenn, sleeps 4. Richmond Hill new. I’none *2ng Tliornhill 108. tfc46 WINDOW FRAMES, sash, storm sash, door, door frames, made to Oi'derancOI-g-e Allen, Elgin Mills. *4w36 50 TONS GOOD TIMOTHY HAY. $18.00 per ton. John Snider, Victor- ia Square, phone Stouffville 65208. *‘IwS‘S BRiOIOID‘ER, coal, Jamesway; also fountain trouo'h all sizes, used 1 yr. only Apply’Coate, phone Richmond Hiiii 461'24. c1w38 fully clwflR 1947 MERCURY Sedan, radio, Soutli-, wind heater, 23000 miles, perfect 1 cos hig‘h. LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked en- amel ï¬nish any colour of tapes, free estimates and installations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St. West. Newmarket, Ont. tfc3‘2 LUGGAGIE TRAILER. 11‘ x 4'; kit- chcn range, almost new with shelf and reservoir; Showcase, good conâ€" dition,~heig'ht 40", width 26"; glad- ioli llulbs, orders taken. Phone Thorn- hill 7‘21‘6. *1w38 5‘0 ACRES dark loam, eight acres hardwood bush, thirty-ï¬ve under culâ€" tivation, suitable for gardening, hy- dro available. Close to new high- Montgomcry, phone .1450 Port Credit. Household Hint. brought forth many CEW?†useful and helpful suggestions. A r , I I delicious lunch was served by the POULTRY. any quanIiiilv he“ ma" hostess and lunch committee. ket price. Will call immediately on on Tread“, evening Mm“, gzI request. Phone King 35114. A. the WoInicn‘s Institute are sponsorâ€" =:=1-3w29 mu 2‘I ram-e to be held at 'I‘emperâ€" Magee' aneeville School. Sally Lloyd and _-._____...__.._________.___ TRANSPORTATION to Leasidc or Iglinton Ave. and return. leaving" Richmond Hill 8 a.m. Leaving Leaâ€" sidc 5.15 pm. Phone Richmond Hill her orchestra will provide the music and W. Jennings will be floor mun- ac'er. These dances have proved vcrv popular in the past and we are 390.1 .1ng i00k in}: forward to another en ioyâ€" - ‘ able evenuisr. Everyone is invited to EXPERIENCED FARMER. married attend. Come and bring: your for Registered Holstein Herd, RD. friends. I P. House in Woodbridge area and On Tuesday evening, March 8. » .I . 1 - ~ I . electricity provided. Apply Box 25. fourteen tables of euclire were play» yabsnifeï¬ineveblllgilel mlldmgq‘i The Liberal. elwIIS erIlIIat III1(‘IS(‘I1(\I{IIIIIIII(IIII(;II‘ the sponsorâ€" . , . _____â€".â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" s ip o tie e ï¬rst rizes. “KLEEREX†clears Lip skin ailments ELDERLY COUPLE accusmmod I†donated by Mrs. Jarrett, wertr3 won _ EczemaI ItchI pimPIeSI psoriasisI farmIlife, wae'e $75.00 monthly. plus in. MRI RI phmins mu] Mk III I_\,,_ etc. quickly. effectively. Have bet- dwelling and use {If land NO‘ ‘ “prim†890000 miles \i'ere won h.\‘ tel. complexion Two strengths _ Hgy.Inear \onge St. Must be total Mrs, W, Jennings and My. {, Jen- medium strong. Two sizes. 50c, absullllers' N0. heavy Chm“- APPILV nines with the consolation prizes 81.09. Scotchmer‘s Drug Store, BOX 53~ Th0 Liberah 01““18 :OIIIL" to Miss Heather Graham and â€" ~ ~ â€"â€" lIr. Pitc B *I . ' t-,' ' SPRING IS ROUND the corner â€" primes}donafddmh; li/II‘Thfl‘ndl’I‘Ilï¬jliniï¬ get your chicks of? your mind and in- ' Gillham. were won bv Mrs. W. Nich- Ito i'qurIpIeI‘Ins: signing t0 patch the 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. Apply 015 and Mr. R. Folliott. Freeze-out )etItei maiyets. iay has immediate AI IrelandI Maple RI RI II phone lIl'lZes “.0,~,.I“...n I“. Mk III Andm. deliver) dasolds. started: pullets. Mame 37,.ng 'i'2w38 son. Mrs. I. Hare. Mr. Don (“balk cockerels, mixed. Agent Fred Wise. Bray Brooder, Richmond Hill 359121. DON‘T GUIESS â€" be sure ~ about the quality of your chicks. Maybe you can get cheaper chicks than Kitâ€" chener Bigâ€"4, we don't know. We do know it’s hard to equal them. Early hatched pellets and cockerels can be, marketed with demand keen and'pri- Canada Approved, backed condition, $1650, phone Thornhill 105. b)‘ a hl'eeding program on HatChel‘y’S own farms. Order now for proï¬ts ~ _ late, ag‘ent â€" Wesley Clak. R. R. 2, clwfi ALF-ALFA, Clover .and Timothy hay, baled, excellent quality. Ton lors and over delivered. Apply Jim Jack- son, phone Maple 641-2‘4. c1w38 W 1929 DODGE SEDAN; also Ford Mo- del A parts for sale. Apply Lane'- stafl“ Service Station. phone Thorn- hill 161'2. c1w38 1 FORDSON TRACTOR with Fer- guson snow plow, land plow. cultiva- tor and power take-off, harrows; anviIl; electric oat roller; Beatty el- ectric pump; power lawn mower; saws; 1 9 hp Johnson outboard mo- tor; 3 saddle horses; purebred Jerâ€" sey cow. Harry Price, phone Richâ€" mond Hill 163. c1w3$ WMNOOOWMO†_Mrs. Langford .I)ixon Box 39, King. Ont. TEACHER 0F PIANO Associated with Hambourcr Conservatory Toronto Phone Ra. 2341 99000909099099099009999090 90990000009009099999900099 ELECTRICAL WIRING ESTIMATES FREE j. W. A. B’URNIE ‘Phone Richmond Hill 223 ' 9090090990oc 90099900900999 PIANO TUNING and Repairing S. HOPEâ€"man Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work Guaranteed â€"~ Free Estimates Phone Liberal Office, Tel. 0, Hill Richmond I . l l " LN SLL REL EST Gormley. MISCELLANEOUS WELL DIGGING, concrete well cribs. Order early, phone King 8416. *4w38 OPPORTUNITY for an automobile mechanic to start in business. Ap- ply Box 720, Aurora. c3w37 SNOWPLOUGHING: Fred Taylor 74 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. Phone 463. hfc25 SNOWPLOUGHING â€"â€" Lanes and driveways. Apply Phone Willow- dale 2508.W. H. Gooderham.. *12w28 ELECTRICAL WIRING: House,farm and all electrical alterations also all makes of washing; machines serviced. Yerex Electric. tfc33 ALF MacDONALD, painting and paper hanging. Sample books, free estimates. Phone 4515, R. R. 1, Rich- mond Hill. *4w36 â€"_â€".¢Lâ€"â€"_â€"â€"â€" ORDERS will be taken for private dressmaking after 7:30 p.m. in the evening. Phone Richmond Hill 359 r13. “'4w37 IF YOU WANT TO D-RINK and can _ that’s your business. If you want to stop and can’t â€" that's our busâ€" iness. Alcoholics Anonymous. Ap- ply Box 300, The Liberal. *ZSWOJ WALK-RITE SHOE STORE, Thorn- hill, for comfortable shoes. We set men’s dress shoes and working boots: also children’s shoes. Geo. Laba Tliornhill 263. tfc35 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs upholstering‘, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. S. V'anDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc START NOW! This is the time for you to have that room redecorated why not have it done by an expeiu ienced worknran who will give you free estimates and who has sample books for your convenience. Reason- able rates. Harry Forster. Victoria Square, phone Stoutfville (37516. “1w38 TE t 2 z 2 2 § z s i 3 z 9 z § § A Olde Tyme and Modern Dance BUTTONVILLE COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, MARCH 25 9 0 0 0 9 9 9 3 0 : MILLER’S ORCHESTRA ’ FLETCHER. Floor Manager § ADMISSION 50c ‘ i Auspices. Mountain Ash Nursery School 00.009000000000090000.000.00.0900000.0“00009000099O “OOOOWOOOOOOO O†,the evening. and Mrs. 11'. Nichols. and were don- LOVELY ROOM with board: suitable nterl by Mrs. Gellatelv. Our sincere for 2 business men. Apply Box 3’15. thanks to all those who kindly don- The Liberal. ‘1w38 ated the many prizes. Don't foreet that a (lance will replace the euchre on March 22. GO RMLEY (Too late for last week) APARTMENT, 3 rooms, suitable for couple. Apply phone Richmond Hill FOUND BLACK SHOE, girl's. between Richâ€" mond Hill north limits and Elg‘in , 0111‘ ï¬rst Item of news this week Mills. Owner may have same by L? 5‘ “3†3119031 0719- Congratula- paying for advertisement. Apply tmns to Mr. andIMi-s. Jack Leary on Liberal Oï¬iceI the birth of twin boys last Friday morning in .Brierbush Hospital, OPEN NIGHT IN RICHMOND HILL On Mondaysirlaroh 2’8th, at S p.m., in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill Women’s Institute will hold an open night, to the town and surrounding community. The programme to be presented will be of great interest to both men and women, so ladies be sure to bring hubby along: It will Stouï¬â€™villc, brothers for little Mary Jane. Miss Beulah Heise spent last Thur- say visiting- with Mrs. J. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heise spent last 'week-end in the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. Winger Of St. Ann’s. A Mrs. R. Millen entertained a num- Outline the processing and storing- of ber of ladies last Thursday at a foods in the present day locker plant. quilting". . A full night of free and educational entertainment is in store for all. Keep this date in mind as big; surprises are in store for you at the close of Refreshments will be We are sorry to hear of the misfor- tune Of Mr. John Sider. While at carpenter work with M. C. Stccklcy, he fell, breaking his left arm and a rib. He was taken to Newmarket Hospital, but we are glad to learn he has been able to return home. Mrs. Paul Heise and baby son of Forwich spent several days re- cently with Mrs. Frank Bennett. ,, Mrs. C. Winger, Mrs. RUssell Heise, Mrs. F. Bennett, Mrs. Walt. I-Iill, Mrs. Harold Heise and Mrs. Vanderâ€" bent were all entertained at a quiltâ€" ing in E. Klinck’s home last Wednesday. . Last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. H. Benâ€" nett, Murray and Mrs. Haie', attendâ€" ed the funeral of Donald Lambert, age 17, of Brooklin. Donald was in. stantly killed when hit by a rolling log" at his work at South River. served. EUCHRE ANDr DANCE A euchre and dance will be spon- sored by Langstaff Athletic Club in the Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornâ€" hill, on Wednesday, March 23rd, at 8 p.m. Bob McGarvey and his Rich- vale Revellers. Lucky door prize. Tickets 50c. In aid of the Kid's Playâ€" ground. *1w38 EXPRESSES THANKS Mr. Percy Ingles, Richmoan Hill R. R. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ingles and family, Rockwood R. R. 1, wish to express their thanks and apprecia- tion to the many friends of Rich- mond Hill and district who were so kind in sending donations of money, clothing and pieces of furniture at the time of their recent ï¬re. A PREVIEW OF NEW BOOKS The following is a list of a few of the popular new books which may be found on the shelves of the New Library at its official opening, Fri- __._._.. __ day, February 25th. IN . ‘New Books For Adults I - Mary Wakeï¬eld, Mazo de LaRoche- High Towers, Thomas C‘Ostain; An- other Claudia, R. Franken; Flush, V Woolf; Summer Under Sail. E. How- ard; How to Build a Record Library Paul Appleder; This Was My Choice Igor Gouzenko; Late Have I Loved Thee, Ethel Mannin; I Love My Docâ€" *1w3 IONES â€"â€" In lovingr memory of my dear husband. Robert Jones, who passed away March 17. The one I love has gone to rest, His fond true heart is still The hand that always helped me Now lies Iin death's Icold chill. tor, Evelyn Barkins; Surreptitious Sadly missed by wife and family. Entry, W. dc Vere George; The ("hild is Right, .I. Hemmine'; She BEATTY â€" In fond and loving memory of a dear sister and aunt. Irene (Peggy) Beatty who passed away, March 18th. 111-44. Her memory to us is a keepsake, With which we will never part, Though God has her in His keepin We have her in our hearts. ï¬Ever remembered by Frank. Elâ€" sic and Billie. Skated Into Our Hearts, Cay Moore; Aniong' the Absent, IV'Iannine- Coles; Candle for St. Jude, Ruiscr Godden; No Highway, Nevil Shiite; Iridie Steen, Ann Crone; Black Ivory, Norâ€" man (‘ollins; Behind the Curtain Philip Gibbs; Yonder Shining- Night Marion Keith; (‘ross Winds, Cheavcrs; Golden Hawk, Frank Yuky; Red Fox ‘3‘1wfih‘ I‘. G. I). Roberts; Wisdom of the Wilderness, C. G. I). Roberts; Home From the Cold Wars. L. Roberts: Little W'hite House, E. Goudu'e; Young Miss Bur-sey. A. H. Stewait: Mark of the Leopard, A. (I. Stevens; (‘ry the Beloved County, A. Paton: MASIIINTE I â€" In memory of Pearl Mashinter who died March 13. 1940. Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her I days, Shannon's \Vay. A, J, Cronin; Peony Snicere and kind in heart and mind Pearl Buck; Aging Nymph. A. .I. What a beautiful memory she left Elliott: Lonely. Paul Gallico; Mala- I behind, bar Farm. L. Broniï¬cld; T<.»-morrmv â€"Sadly missed by her sisters and Will Ie Better, I'lettv Smith: The brothers chflg IGIreat IIls‘isherman. Lloyd Douglas- >7~e~ 'eft U)Cl\'. A, T, Hobart; Paradise TURNER _ In loving- memory of Alley. J. B. Sheridan: Damsel Deb- Ilnele W'ill who passed away 011112010. M. Walsh: Womt‘n Without March 16. 19.15. \Ioney. ('. Barring-ton; Tammy out of Nothing.r can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Days of sadness still come o‘er llS Tears in silence Often flaw, For memory ever keens you near us. â€" Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by Albert, Daphne. John. Jean- alee, Frank and Edith. lwflR Time. C. R. Summer. IOtlier lists will be published from iime to time. In addition to these there are a great many new editions oi old favourites, both in the juvenile and adult sections, as well as a long list of completely new titles for the children‘s enjoyment. -I (Tim :.'.- “i It TORIA SQUA RE i\\‘l‘I\I (‘1 ...\,d iii‘esi Yei ius‘ T‘wre was a Huge :1' 1“. \\\’\il“. ililli‘t'll. .‘I-izi‘1.\' swung, \lzliih l. in "n- 'IX-ii.pei:iu_e LauriHm-z, "run on: Ii'iillit'l'ulii‘t' l'tllli\‘\I. sin and ,\i.ss Leiei‘u i‘uirey, ten» L'l.‘lilli1;i">\11\ Ltlt‘ exicndwi to l..\ieti'i who not; the i'illllt‘\I III the ,niermed» :lllrl ieiii'yti :i :il’i'liil 'l u . lzlli' :‘liillp. biti‘ _broom cup. Mr. and Mis. ti, \loiison. Wayne and Iliuee had dinner Sniziiay e\en« .ll‘l wilii Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Suiith .iid dzii L'llii‘l of .\2’illt'illllt. Mr, and Mrs. ll. Ii. Perkins and )Ils‘s‘ 1‘. Noise visited with MI. and Mrs. II. IIHIVIIIHII on Sunday evening: We are suiiy that did to ill health Mr. and Mis. .l. Ilurnhzini have left .nir i-ou1ninniiy. We hope they will ‘ soon improve. Mr. and Mrs. (l. and Bruce ha.l dinner Mei'tsnn. Wayne Mend-1y e\ k nâ€" in;r with Mr. and Mrs. IC. Slicklej. and family. Several from this community atâ€" teudcd the i-onrert given in Massey Ilall. Ti i'oiito Symphony Orchestra and the Toronto .\leni'.elssuhn Choir. The i'll< tire concert was condreted by Sir Er. ncst MacMilluu. (In Sunday evening, (’oral Perkins had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. S, Jmynton and family. We are glad to report that Mr Iondell Klinck is able to be out of the hospital and is improving: SPRING LI'NCHEON Come and bring: your friends to the Spring; Luncheon beingr held in the Sunday School room of the Presbyterian Church, Friday. March ‘25 at l p.m. Edna .Iaqucs. noted poetess and lecturer will be ,u‘uest speaker. Tickets (15c. on snlt‘ from any member of the Women’s Assoc“ iation. Tickets 05c. on sale from any memâ€" ber of the Women's Association. Notice to Creditors IN TIIIE MATTER of the Estate of REUBEN HENRY KEFFER. late of the Village of Maple, in the Coun- ty of York. Retired. deceased * ALL PERSONS having‘ any claim against the late Ieuben Henry Keffâ€" ei who died on or about the tub day of li‘ebruaiy. 1011!. or ae‘ainst his es- tate are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned (n oi before the 20th day of March 1040 after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been re- ceived. DATED at the this 25th dav WILLIAM COOK & GIBSON. 012 Federal Building: Toronto 1, Ontar- io, Solicitors for the Executors. (‘I'wam Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the Estate of WILLIAM ARMSTRONG DUNCAN. late of the Village of Richmond Hill. City of Toronto. in the County of York, Traveller, de- ‘ ceased â€"~ ALL PERSONS having any claim against the late William Armstrong" Duncan who died on or about the liitn day of Deccniber 10.19 or against his Estate are required to send partieu ulars of their claim to the undersign- ed On or before the 28th day of March, 1011). after which date the asâ€" sets of the Estate will be distributed, havingr regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. DATED at the City of Toronto, this 1th day of March. 1040. by WILâ€" LIAM COOK & GIBSON. 012 Fedâ€" eral Building, Toronto 1, Ontario, Sol- icitors for the Executors. m HOUSES WANTED Hill Thoruhill, 5, G and 8 rooms. We Houses in Richmond and have a large waiting clientele as well as many enquiries for all types of houses daily. Dav-id McLean, Realtor Member of the Ontario Associa- tion of Rea; Estate Boards Phone: Office, Thornhill 12 Evenings, Mr. Overbury, Thorn- hill 48W Oâ€OOWOOOOOâ€OOOONOOOO RELIABLE USED CARS ., $1750.00 19-18 118" MERCURY (‘()['PE (5 Passengers) Heater, Radio, Good Value $1425.00 1916 SI'PER DE LLXE TI'DOR â€" heater â€" very nice $1100.00 FORD '1 TON PICKI'P â€"â€" Excellent condition $750.00 FORD DICLI'XE TI'DOR â€"â€" Good (‘ondition UTTLE éiï¬IHERs Ford & Monarch Sales & Service Phone 174 (‘LF I} 1910 1938 Richmond Hill OOOOOONNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO \':iiid<ii 5. III“ on Tuesday. March Sth, by tlIeI of February 1514!! by" l l i l i l wuninizniii {Unix bait .u tui‘ .\li~s lbiii‘tzi \\:i‘»i I may I l (QIISON llO'l‘ AIR l’l'RNAt'ES AND OIL lil'RNERS i 1 S2 YONGE â€" PHONE 206W 1 i i . i RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL SHOPI â€"_â€"__._ ___._______._â€"_____â€"â€"___â€"___ ' I ’ Xi ‘ ‘i llello neighbors. Things shouldn't be too rough this month anyway. Spring’s around the corner it and with our little refund that's coming: we should 3‘ It be able to weather the storm. Let her blow- 1" . ‘ I I; i Anyway it's lIl'Lt‘ to be on the receiving end once I _ . . ‘1 in a while and in case you want to go out on the g i . v - u - . l i . Ski Trails this week end. I have a few pairs of ~ 1 I. Ski Boots and Boy's HiTCuts at 32.00. Let’s all ' l.- i go to the Summit. eh! ‘.I ‘ | ‘ l iR .I “ B I) †I' . 0 0 O i , ‘ l ‘ J ,./ _ L _ _ ,4 .- - .__-. . ._. .- 0.00.00»0000090.00.00000000000000000000NWO0.09.. BRILLINGER u-- 1r.1\.3r.1 .-n-. Telephone 386W .4 Hour Service Operated by Meter JACK BRILLINGER RICHMOND HILL ND .9990â€. ONNWOONMMO†37 YONCE ST. .OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOO06909000960600.00 0 0M. m009006009“0.6â€.0â€â€OOOOOOOOOOOOOOWONOOO OOOWOO99960N900909090009â€...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Richmond Hill High School OPEN NIGHT FRIDAY, March 18th 3:15 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all citizens interestâ€" ed in the Richmond Hill High School to visit the school on the evening of Friday, March 18th. Guests aré‘ asked to be in the gymnasium by There will be a brief programme at the conclusion of which you will be at liberty to visit the displays 111 the rooms and lialls. There will be demonstrations of: Music Classes; Phys-- ical T ‘aining Classes; Visual Education Aids; Science and Agricultural Experiments; Art Work; Projects in History. English. Languages, Health, Guidance. Mathematics, etc. Tea will be served in one of the classrooms from 9.00 to 10.15. I 000066999000.099690696060090909.906000000900009 6000Oâ€WWOMO“OOOQOOOOOOOOOO‘DOOOO MWOOMâ€â€â€OOOWWWOWOOWMO O Doors open 6.30 p.m. TWO COMPLETE SHOWS NIGHTLY â€" 7 and 9 p.m. Matinee Saturday 2.00 p.m. Friday & Saturday â€" March 18, 19 Your favorite Comic Strips on the Screen “JIGGS & MAGGIE IN SOCIETY†With JOE YULE, RENIE RIANO â€" Plus â€"â€" “JOE PALOOKA IN THE KNOCKOUT†Starring LEON ERROL and JOE KIRKWOOD Jr. O 3 O 3 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 0 2 9 : g Monday & Tuesday â€"â€" March 21 & 22 3 Britain's Greatest Stars at Then' Best! ‘ 0 : MARGARET LOCKWOOD PATRICIA R00. 9 z â€"â€" In â€"â€" § “JASSY†9 9 O 9 0 9 o 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 9 9 9 9 0 o 0 o 9 3 0 Color by Technicolor (Adult) Wednesday & Thursday â€" March 23, 24 It’s the screen's mOst explosive cast! HUMPIIREY BOGART. EDWARD G. ROBINSON. LAUREN BACALI. â€"â€" In â€" “KEY LARGO†LIONEL BARRYMORE CLAIRE TREVOR Ii